ethike · 2 months
it genuinely pains me to do this, but I’m putting this blog on hiatus—but only a semi-hiatus. I specify that because I wanna be able to pop on and off but have no like…pressure to be on if I can’t be. I’ll be around whenever I can, but if I’m not on, I’m busy with class work or exams.
I know I don’t have to give yall a reason, but I want to. I just… I’m crumbling under irl stress and pressure. Classes are beginning to get crazy. I have comprehensive exams, finals, and graduation coming up. It’s a daily fight to stay afloat and…I’m always nearly in tears because of it.
But I love you guys, thanks for being patient. This too shall pass, and I think after next week, I’ll be back full throttle. I just have to get through comps before I feel better, since those are the primary source of my stress at the moment.
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ethike · 2 months
hi guys! so I have some kinda bad news. activity may or may not drop between this weekend and next week due to my adhd meds being on back order, which means I cannot get them. I luckily have a few left of a lower dose, but I don’t know how badly it’ll affect me. Thanks for being patient with me, I’ll be around as much as I can in these trying times!
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ethike · 3 months
hi guys! so I have some kinda bad news. activity may or may not drop between this weekend and next week due to my adhd meds being on back order, which means I cannot get them. I luckily have a few left of a lower dose, but I don’t know how badly it’ll affect me. Thanks for being patient with me, I’ll be around as much as I can in these trying times!
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ethike · 3 months
I will be getting to the rest of the starters I owe soon! I didn’t forget 🫀
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ethike · 3 months
i support women in STEM (Scary experiments, Time loops, Existential dilemmas, Madness)
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ethike · 3 months
“Happy Trans Day of Visibility! ‘Eye’ see you and love you all!”
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ethike · 3 months
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Antique 1920's Rat Perfume Figural Bottle from Germany ebay Diane's Clearinghouse
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ethike · 3 months
"Was there a particular reason for your search, or do you just like to dig?" from Wednesday! @hvbris
@hvbris <3
“Ah, you’ve caught me red-handed! Or should I say green?” Violet was quick to giggle at her own joke, but she gave a shrug to Wednesday’s question. “Perhaps a bit of both! Digging can certainly bring up hidden knowledge, can’t it?” She tilts her head at her own pondering, giving a small smile as her fingers go back to gliding over the spines of the books she’d been perusing. Alongside that, papers were scattered around the woman’s feet. Various piles had been created to sort out the topics of interest, but they seem to have been long abandoned as she’d turned her attention to the shelves for supplemental information.
“There’s this one book I’m looking for… a very old one regarding anatomy. But as you know, my eye doesn’t work like it used to,” she starts, about to request the younger woman’s help, “would you mind being a dear and helping me search for it? I feel like I’m about to lose my seeing eye from searching so much!”
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ethike · 3 months
hope all my organs see sunlight one day. they earned it.
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ethike · 3 months
can’t stop smiling in inappropriate situations
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ethike · 3 months
🏹 BOW AND ARROW — if there's something from your past that you'd give anything to go back in time and redo, what is it?
🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your favorite holiday and why?
In Character Character Development Questions !
“Mm, it’s hard for me to remember much of my past, if I’m honest… but I think I would have tried to make more friends and connections. It sounds childish, but things get really lonely sometimes! I may have had many that I can’t recall, but time goes on, changes happen…people leave.”
“My favorite holiday… I would have to say Halloween, funnily enough. The amount of times I get compliments on my “costume” makes me happy. Oh, and the candy isn’t bad, either!”
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ethike · 3 months
❤️ RED HEART — what is/are your love language(s)? how do you use it/them to communicate your feelings about others?
In Character Character Development Questions !
“Acts of service, I think, would be one of mine. I do love doing things for others, even if it’s just a small favor. I want people to know I’m doing it out of love and not some attempt at manipulation. I also believe that quality time and words of affirmation are ones I have as well! I like making whoever I’m speaking to feel loved and cherished. Doesn’t everyone deserve that? I think using compliments genuinely is a good way I use my love language, as well as trying to make time for them in my busy schedule! I’d hate for someone to feel ignored.”
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ethike · 3 months
✈️ AIRPLANE — have you traveled anywhere that helped you discover something about yourself and/or about the world?
In Character Character Development Questions !
“Ah, I’ve been to many scientific institutions and conventions in my time! They’ve not only increased my knowledge and piqued my interest, but I have discovered much about myself and the world through them. I think, as a whole, people are kind and caring. Many of us wish to benefit humanity and work towards the greater good. Of course, not all methods are as unconventional as mine, but I cannot stop people who wish to do things by the book! I cannot fault them, either, as positive results are coming in from doing so. But…I do wish people would think more outside the box sometimes!”
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ethike · 3 months
@pareidolah liked for a starter !
“No bones about it, you’re pretty neat!”
Violet’s circling the skeleton, much like a vulture would its meal. Thankfully, it has no intention to consume or experiment on the bony man, and instead is just flat out in awe over how he was speaking and moving. “Your animation…how did you achieve it? Surely, you had some kind of help. But either way, this is a phenomenon that no one else in my field has seen! I feel ecstatic!”
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ethike · 3 months
@prcttyinpcnk liked for a starter !
“What a capable young student! You remind me of myself when I was in school. Passionate, hardworking, I could go on and on…,” Violet’s words trail off, cocking her head to get a better look at the girl she was speaking to. She takes note of the student’s materials, nodding sagely.
“I assume that you have more of a musical interest, is that right? Despite our career differences, I do think the pursuit of music is a valid, healthy path to take! The arts are just as important as the sciences, aren’t they?”
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ethike · 3 months
you’re yelling? at ME? the one person who has never done anything wrong ever?????
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ethike · 3 months
@deamours liked for a starter !
A vampire, huh? Violet could barely hold in their excitement. “This is… this is incredible! More humanoid life forms are always accepted in my book. By the way, and pardon my asking, but you must have notable physiological differences from just normal humans. Is this right?”
They’re eyeing Mavis, trying to contain their glee. Sure, she looked normal, but surely there was something on the inside that was different. Not that she was going to cut her up or anything, oh no, that wasn’t her thing.
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