evansencezz · 10 months
starting writing again with a horror series! :3
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evansencezz · 1 year
pls don't interact with smut when you're a minor bro
ermmmmmm…what the flip..people..when they find out..i write my own smut..and im 16 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏 no but seriously like it sounds like a personal issue, like who actually cares 😭
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evansencezz · 1 year
i feel bad for not posting in like a month but rn im working on a tua series so follow me ac @shiveratic bc i might not write on here for a while :33
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evansencezz · 1 year
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Notes: WHOOOOO, venus, venus is dead, obviously, venus doesn’t know shes dead until revealed, venus x erin, yea he doesnt have a last name, stealing, ghost venus, bittersweet, i feel so bad for her, she/they venus, shes a hopeless romantic though, she falls in love with him extremely easily, foggy memory, she doesn’t want to leave, takes place at the damershera house, theft, overal spookyness, slight gore and horror, she cries at one point, I LOVE HERGOD, fluff, love/horror/comedy, good ending?, horror-comedy, Erin is a little shit, hes a little flirt, mainuplation, hes kinda mean at first, secretly hidden sexual tension even though shes a ghost, venus is so cute, i love them so much, good venus ghost, venus sanest arctic monkeys liker, SEX, no im kidding, why are they so horny, VENUS IS ME BRO, the other ghost they meet uses he/they/it.
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The purple haired girl sighed as she made her last lap around the staircase. She couldn’t for the life of her remeber what she was doing here, or why she couldn’t fully control her body. There were glimpses of her other three beloved siblings but they weren’t in this house with her anymore.
She rubbed her eyes with her somewhat warm hand before finishing walking down the stairs. She was about to turn to the left but something stopped her.
“*Crash..* *Crack* *CRASHHHH*” The sound of a window breaking.
Venus immeditally whipped around and darted her eyes around. It sounded like it came from the staircase, in one of the rooms.
Maybe it was someone?! Someone new who acctually wanted to talk to her?! Most of the other people here just blew her off or gave her a pitful look.
She quickly walked up the stairs and peaked around the corner. The room at the end of the hallway had noises coming in from it, and a voice grumbling.
“Ugh, ripped my jacket..whatever..let’s see what..this place has..” The voice sounded male.
They beamed at the sound of it, sure it was muffled. Oh my god, Venus! You don’t even know what this guy looks like, relax!
She walked further down the hallway, getting closer to the door. The shuffling coming from the room halted as he grunted.
“Is someone here? I thought this place was long since..well abadoned..since the acident.” He asked.
It was a good enough time as any for her to make herself known, so she opened the door. They resisted the urge to scream as it swung up slowly and the male flinched violently.
“Oh god- Okay..okay.! You can see me..” He breathed out.
Venus immeditally tensed and gaped at him for a good second. He was attractive, insanely attractive. He had navy hair that could’ve passed as a shade of purple. It stopped right below his lower neck and was messy.
He had pirecings on each ear aswell as one sharper canine tooth hanging out. He had eyes, almost the color of liquid gold. You could tell he was up to no good.
His outfit was consistent of a black tosseled shirt, button up. Two lower buttons were undone though and so was the collar. He also had a large trench, flowy black coat on.
Finally, he was way taller then her, probably standing at about 6’0 or so. They weren’t short, 5’6 but still.
“What do you think your doing walking around a place like this at night?!” He got over his stunned presence and came a little closer.
The other only made a nervous expression as he came closer. His eyes made a quick up and down of her before raising an eyebrow.
“I..What are you doing here..?” She stumbled over her words.
God! It’s not that hard! They’ve probably talked to attractive people before, right?! Right!
“What am I doing here? Didn’t I just ask you that? W-Anyways?..” He made a confused expression before scowling slightly.
Nice try, Venus. This one wasn’t going to let that go.
“Uhm..I’m looking for spirts..to cleanse this area..or building?” It wasn’t a complete lie.
They could actually do that, they didn’t know any evil spirts though. But they had seen other people do it, so why couldn’t they?
“Clensing spirts? You mean like- a medium or something?” He skeptically asked.
The purple haired person only nodded, making him scoff and pinch his nose.
“Great, just great. Here I am, trying to do my job, and do something ‘bad’ while your here, trying to cleanse spirts and do ‘good’.” He sarcastically said.
Venus frowned at this but didn’t say anything at this as he only huffed once more.
“But let me help you out, pretty. There’s no evil spirts here, from what I know. At least, if your one or the ones in my head are finally coming out.” He smiled bitterly.
She really didn’t pay attention to what the rest of that sentence said, just the nickname. Her face heated up and if she was alone, she would probably squeal and kick her feet up and down.
She also didn’t mind her now warm skin, mainly because the warmness was comfortable.
“Oh..I..but didn’t you just.?-!” She started but was cut off.
“Sooooo’..why don’t you go away now and leave me to my work, kay’?” He drawled out before grinning and leaning closer.
The shorter female only stiffened at the closeness. He seemed to notice how she was nervous around him, unfair.
“But..what exactly is your uhm..job..?” She softly asked.
The male only grunted as he leaned back a little. He made a questioning face before huffing out a puff of air.
“Theft. But whose really going to object? The people who lived in this house moved out extremely fast after the accident.” He sighed before tilting his head.
What exactly was this accident he was talking about? She couldn’t even completly remeber where she was, only in a large masion like building..had something happened here??
She failed to miss the odd look he was giving her.
“But- how did you get in? I mean, I had to break a window.” He rather agressivly questioned, shuffling aside a piece of glass with his foot for example from the broken window.
Venus only blinked before giving him an confused look. Sure, the window was properly a safe bet, and the place probably wasn’t unlocked. Espically if it was a expensive place like this..
“I..I can’t remeber..I’ve been here for a while..it’s strange..” They mumbled, looking away.
He only grunted again before changing his posture. They blinked at him before smiling nervously.
“So uhm..did your jacket get ripped..?” They glanced slightly down at the black thing.
Indeed, there was a rather large chunk, or tear in it. He sweat-dropped slightly before grinning.
“Yep. The name’s Erin, by the way. Not like you’ll need it much.” He smoothly introduced himself.
Just as she was about to say her name, he contuined.
“Like I said before, professional theif, criminal, and occasinal lover and charmer.” He winked before laughing slightly.
And indeed, Venus was charmed. Hell, she practically swooned over that introduction. What-GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF.
“Oh right..I-..uhm my name is..Venus..” She said, cringing and face pretty red.
Her natural skin tone may have been a darker color with a couple pale areas due to her african american roots, but she could still blush. It was kind of strange.
A pause of silence covered the duo, her pale and sweaty. Why wasn’t he saying anythin-?!
“HAHAHAHAHA-!!” He burst out into laughter, hunching over and covering his mouth.
The purple haired girl flinched before relizing why he was laughing. She scowled slightly before yelping to her own defense.
“LIKE THE FUCKING PLANET???” He tilted his head towards them from his hunched over position, extremely overjoyed smile on his face.
They pressed their lips together before staying silent, their face seemed to give it away though. Because he immeditally bursted into another round of laughter, making them irk.
“Haaaaa’..that’s great! Had a good laugh there, no?” He snickered before standing up straight again.
The indigo eyed other only had her lips set into a firm line, trying to keep them that way. He snickered one more time at this before rubbing his eyes.
What the hell was this guys problem?! Sure, she had been named after the planet, but so had her sister, Mars! But if they told him that, he would probably lose it.
“More like you did. And..and your name isn’t that much better anyway..” They shrunk back.
He only seemed midly amused at the terrible insult. God, how could she get this guy to stop smiling?!
“Anyways, now that we’ve had our little introduction, you can shove off now and go your way, bye!” He cheerfully said.
She only irked but didn’t say anything else. She turned around and started to walk in the opposite direction, but a hand around her wrist caught her off guard.
It was almost like the heat coming off of it burned her as she whipped around. The male had his eyes narrowed as he looked down aswell.
“Ah.. I get it now..” He mumbled, laughing slightly.
They didn’t like it, they didn’t like how attractive his voice sounded like that. His voice was accentee sure, but now it had a sort of corrupted yet attractive feel to it.
“I was wrong about you..and I dobut you could do anything to stop me or get anyones attention, well besides mine.” He snickered before letting go.
Erin’s eyes flicked across her face in relization. What a surprise, he didn’t expect to met the victim of the accident here..
“So…wanna’ make a deal?~” He tilted his head while coming a little closer.
The dark-skinned person only grimnaced before blinking. This guy was way too shady, and she was expecting someone a touch more..postive.
“Alright..I’ll listen I supose..” She eyed him.
He beamed for a second before putting his hands in his pockets.
“Well, from the looks of it..it looks like you’ve been in sort of a loop in dealing with this place..and I could probably help you with it. But like I said before, I’m a theif, and of course I’ve never stolen from here before..”
She only nodded and watched him. Maybe it was something he had learned, but he speaked with a certian sleaze. Maybe to get his way.
“Then you must know the area, y’know, where all the good stuff is kept, dangerous parts of the house..places where if someone stepped in the wrong place they could uh..get the axe, if you know what I mean.” He lamented.
They only had a slightly confused look on their face as he explained. Why was he acting like they knew this place like the back of their hand? Well, they did, but how would he know that??
There were times they would trip over their own feet and fall through damp pieces of floor. And times were the other residents would threaten them to go away.
“Get the axe?—!” She repeated, head tilted.
“Die, I mean.” He laughed before shrugging.
She tensed slightly at the word which made him turn his head away and huff with a deadpan. He couldn’t do this. Usually, he would have no problem mainuplatining people, but this one..
She was so cute and naive, he couldn’t.
“Ugh! I can’t do this..” He groaned before throwing his head back.
The shorter blinked a few times in concern but didn’t say anything. He seemed geniuley annoyed that he couldn’t do whatever he wanted.
“It’s whatever. Might aswell get this over with.” He muttered towards himself before looking at her.
She raised an eyebrow while he ran a hand across his face.
“Your probably not gonna’ want to hear this, but..” He started.
What? Did Erin know something she didn’t? He made it seem some giant secret-!
“Your a ghost..”
She sweat-dropped ad she repeated what he just said. A ghost? Seriously?! What kind of-
“Yeah, sorry..” He smiled tensly while glancing away.
“But if it’s any lightness on your mind, you actually don’t look THAT dead. I only figured it out because I saw that the light coming from outside, the moonlight showen right through you.” He shrugged.
She was in shock. Her pale yet still tan skin felt much colder now that she wasn’t convinced she was alive. Her eyes were wide as she looked down at her hands.
They were shaking and her eyes flicked with tears. What about Mars?! What about the twins?! What was she going to do??
She sniffled and something filled her throat, pure agony. She whimpered and the male choked before slightly rushing towards her.
Her lips were trembling and he frowned. She looked absoutetly paethetic, but she had been just told she was dead.
“I’m..sorry..” They mumbled, sniffling.
Erin only looked at them, concern. His eyes flicked back and forth as they whiped their nose with their sleeve.
The ghosts once soft features were even softer due to the tears. She couldn’t even fully look at him, but to him, it looked pretty. It looked like her tears were the stars themselfs.
“Oh no..I..” He hesiastated before pulling them closer by their own shoulder.
She tensed and finally looked at him. God, she looked so stupid.
The purple haired man placed an open mouthed frown on his face while he tilted his head away and up. He took a deep breath in and out before speaking.
“Look..ghosts usually need something to keep them in a place, right? Like unfinished bussiness, or a certian memory. Maybe even a object! Look- what I’m trying to say is..let’s change our deal, yeah?” He let go and stepped back, frustradetly trying to explain his point.
Venus Damershera was still in a state of shock. She still didn’t want to beleive she was dead, but she was.
“Change? What are you?-!” She started but was cut off.
“Help me find shiny things while I help you return to where you need to go. We both win, we both get our way.” He spoke.
His voice seemed almost despreate. He came closer and grabbed her left hand. She tensed as they laced their hands together.
“We can win. What do you say?” He whispered.
Her face was warm, everything felt warm. God, he was only holding her hand and yet she wanted to kick her feet and run around like a child.
“I..uhm..yeah..yes..?” She stumbled over her words.
The yellow eyed boy smiled and laughed slightly before moving away. Venus only twitched her lip upwards and grinned.
“Come on then! Show me around!” He smiled and grabbed her cold hand.
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It was even later into the night and they were in a large room. It looked familar to them as they looked around. Sure, they had been here for a while, but some places were still locked and closed off.
But now that they were self-aware they were a ghost, they could trick themself. They could walk through walls, and worst of all was that when they got embrassed, their frame became almost transparent.
Erin had been flirting with them, making off hand comments. Naturally, this embrassed them and he freaked out when they dissapered infront of him.
“Oh! Venus, check out this.” He peaked over his shoulder as he rummuged through something.
She glanced over at him before walking over.
“Hm?” She smiled.
He nudged the thing he had in his hands and brought her attention to it. A picture, more like a painting. The picture was ripped out though, either that or it looked like it had been scribbled on.
The complete frame of it was decdent but the photo was torn and destroyed.
“Looks like someone didn’t like this photo.” He glanced up at the standing girl with a grin on his face.
The patched up other only deadpanned, not amused.
“Here, touch it. See if anything happens.” He passed it to her.
The ghost hesitated before sighing and wrapping their hands around it. After a breif pause of silence, they blinked and looked up.
“Oh wow would you look at that? Nothing happened.” They scoffed before tossing it towards him.
Erin only smiled before setting it down somewhere. He had stolen multiple things, jewerly, paintings, anything worth something really.
“Say Erin, how long have you been doing this for?” The girl who had moved to look around the room more asked.
“Yikes. Getting a little personal there, no?” He mockingly hissed before slinging his bag over his shoulder and standing up.
She only tilted her head down and made a non-visible face. This guy was so annoying.
“Sorry.” She just decided apologizing would clear it better.
He only came closer and peaked at what she was holding. It was a pendent that had a sort of clock or charm on it. It was sliver in color but rusted over a tiny bit.
It also had a rather long length. If they put it on it would probably reach down to their lower chest.
“Nice. You wanna’ put it on?” He spoke before tilting his head.
Venus didn’t respond and only clutched the thing tighter. He glanced down at her white knuckles and squinted his eyes.
“Can..can you help me..?” She let go of the thing and turned towards him slightly.
The purple-nette was embrassed, to say the very least. Imagine being dead but not knowing how to pur a necklace on.
“The loop should be big enough to slide on your neck, no? Do you need help clasping it? I mean, what if it breaks as soon as I do that?” He inquired.
Venus stared at him for a second before jolting and blushing. She only nodded before carefully placing the thing over her head and neck.
Ir rested in between the middle of her breasts and despite it being cold, gave her warmth. Erin stared at it, before relizing where he was techincally lookng at.
“Cute. It suits you.” He simply said.
She only huffed before smiling slightly. The male only made a face towards himself. Sure, he was a flirt by nature. His brother and father’s influence rubbed off on him a little too much.
But he was flirting with a dead girl! He couldn’t just go up to her and kiss her! Wait- cut it out!
“Erin?” He shook his head and scowled before looking towards were she was.
Only to find her holding the door open for him. He shuffled his feet before actually getting his body to move.
“Sorry.” He simply said.
The dead person only flashed a gentle smile before looking down. They were curious about him, to say the very least.
“So, do you have any siblings?” She asked the male.
He seemed to make a face as he glanced away. He cringed before facing her with a nervous smile.
“Yikes. Got any other ice breakers?” He hissed before snickering.
They only frowned deeper while blushing slightly. She looked away before humming.
“Okay, how about lovers?” They snuck a look at the man.
He seemed surprised at the rather bold question before laughing. He seemed geniuley amused at the question.
“Can I phone a friend?” He squinted his yellow eyes at them before turning his head away and laughing again.
“Very funny.” The indigo eyed female scoffed before rolling her eyes.
Erin only snickered before sighing and sticking his hands in his pockets. Her reactions were amusing to say the very least. But half of what he said probably wasn’t even translating because she was quite frankly,
Old as fuck.
“So, how long have you been here for?” He tilted his head again.
She didn’t give a response as a new door apeared infront of her. She tried to open it but of course, it didn’t really matter because her hand went straight through it.
Venus made a face and sweat-dropped before turning to him with a nervous smile on her face.
“Ha, nice.” He grinned, before pulling them aside and trying to open the door himself.
The knob turned but it didn’t open. He huffed before pulling something out of his pocket.
A small pin that he figted with before crouching down slightly and beging to pick the lock. Venus was confused for a minute, couldn’t he just ask her to do what she had been doing for him? Open the door from the inside?
Well it wasn’t like she was going to kick and scream about him, he looked really attractive. His hair shadowed over his now focused and darker eyes.
Silence greeted the pair as he finally heared a click and the door swung open. He blinked before adjusting his posture and the ghost quickly cleared her throat.
He turned to her and raised his eyebrows, a confused expression on his face. They only shook their head before rubbing their eyes.
“What’s the matter?” He asked.
‘Oh my god.’ She tensed before embrassingly scowling.
The problem was that this guy was extremely attractive. Sure, it wasn’t like she hadn’t pinned over a guy before. But it had been forever.
And their older sister had always told them that they were a hopeless romantic. A starcrossed dreamer that believed in fate and wanted to get married.
“You sure? You seem tense.” He flicked his eyes across her face.
Her lip curled and almost fucking trembled at the nervousness she felt. It was so unfair. How could a stupid human make her feel so much?!
Erin was just a stupid tease.
“Alright, c’mon then.” He nudged her before laughing and entering the room.
The long haired other quickly startled and followed after him.
“Woah..check it out..” He marveled at the current room.
It was a room that was simaliar to another bedroom. But this one had a balcony and the moon shined straight through it. The stars were bright through the white curtian that blowed with the wind.
“I believe this was my room..” The blue eyed ghost mummbled.
Yeah, it could’ve been. Most things were still blury for her. But she could atleast rember she lived here and her family did aswell.
“Oh yeah? You think you lived here?” He raised an eyebrow.
Liar. You know exactly what she’s talking about, its fucking Venus Damershera.
“Yeah..You said everyone who ever came in here for work or lived here usually died here, no?” They glanced at him.
Erin had already picked up and few things, before tensing. Near a almost bookshelf looking stand was a a music box with ‘Venus Damershera’ engraved onto it.
He shouldn’t take it, but who knows exactly how they would react if they found out if this was acctually their house. The famous house of the Damershera’s, as it were.
“Yeah but uhm..no one really comes here much anymore from what I know..well, besides the guards..” He shrugged his shoulders.
She blinked before looking away from him. She walked towards the white curtians and pulled them back, before closing her eyes for a second. The moon shined all across the room and the balcony was closed off with a door.
But of course, since she was a ghost, that didn’t really matter. Venus stepped onto the balcony, it was old, rusted white. Part of it was almost tilted in a akward way but she didn’t say anything.
“Do you really like the moon that much, planet?” The purple haired man caught her off guard.
They flinched before irking, he was still inside from the looks of it. Venus had always liked the moon more then the sun. The moon had this sort of angelic feel to it, and it didn’t strain your eyes as much.
“Ah, well it’s better then the sun..” She said.
Erin only grunted but paused as he got a better look at her. Her light purple hair fell onto her back gently and around her face. Her frame was slightly hunched over as she slumped against the smooth yet almost shaky railing of the balcony.
Her vitiligo was as obvious as ever, but he thought it was pretty. Her somewhat dark eyes reclected the stars and moon perfectly. And her white dress gave her a almost angelic feel.
Honestly, if he didn’t know any better, he would have thought they were a human. But they weren’t..
“C’mon, lovely..we should get a move on, no?” He shook his head before grinning at them.
Venus wasn’t fully out of it yet, she was looking down. They hadn’t been out of this building in forever, this was the closetest they could be to being outside. It hurt.
Now, Mars did know a little about spirts, due to herself, but defentily not enough to see them. Plus, why would she or any of her sisters come back here ever again? Face it, she was never going to see them again.
“Venus?” Her head snapped towards the sound of a medium-toned voice.
They had a hopeful look on their face before blinking and it faded. It was only Erin who had called them, not Mars or Reko.
She adjusted her frame to stand straighter before walking off of the balacony and into the room he was in. The dark haired male only tilted his head at her, flicking his eyes back and forth before clearing his throat.
“So, have you ever dated before?” He decided to ask.
The female only tensed slightly at the question. Yes, she had dated before, but none of them really lasted that long. Plus they seemed to only be using them.
“I’ve a had a couple relationships, why?” They truthfully said
“Only repeating what you asked me!” He said.
Venus groaned but didn’t saying anything else. The duo walked into a different hallway again and the said girl yawned.
“Are you seriously tired?” He raised an eyebrow while getting a better look at her.
“Headache.” She sarcastically smiled.
It was true, her head was banging and pounding for some reason. After a breif moment of silence, the girl relized he had stopped walking. She grunted and turned around, looking at him in confusion.
“Give me your hand..” He held out his hand and it looked like she was going to grab hers.
The long haired girl recoild and blinked a couple times.
“Huh?” She blurted, face a little warm.
The yellow eyed male only scoffed slightly before grabbing her hand. She blushed more on insidcent and almost pulled away but didn’t.
“Don’t tell me hand holding is enough to scare you off?” His eyes were trained on their darker hand but he was awfully close.
They were about to respond but more pounding of their head stopped them. Erin sighed before flipping their hand over so the thumb knuckle was facing out and then he started rubbing circles on a area while applying pressure.
Venus blinked a couple times in confusion again before gasping slightly when her head stopped throbing. Sure, it was still faintly there, but it was alot better then nothing.
“Better? I learned this because of my brother, he used to have horrible migraines. So I always did this with him, even though he was the older brother.” He grinned sightly.
The dark yet patched skinnned other only stared at their hands together. A almost..curious look was on their face.
“So you do have siblings.” She said after a beat of silence.
And just as quickly as the feeling of more warmth and touch was there, it left. Venus almost fucking whined at the loss but bit her lip instead.
“Wow, you really are a little shit.” He almost marveled before bursting out into laughter.
She gawked at him, before scowling slightly and shoving him. He stummbled a little, still laughing while bent over.
“Watch it!” They hissed.
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Venus sighed and ran a hand through their hair as they sat on their balcony. The moon was high in the sky, and it was clear.
“Venus?” A familar, deeper voice called.
She immeditally smiled and turned towards the voice, or more like peered over her shoulder. Mars Damershera, her beloved older sister.
“Hey, look who it is! Hey, dear!~” She smiled with her eyes closed.
The dark skinned girl only huffed with a small smile on her face before looking away. Venus was always sweet towards her, obviously. Older sibling to twins, bond, she assumed.
“Hey, Venus. Moon gazing again?” She turned back towards her and stepped onto the balcony, careful.
The younger only grinned slightly with their mouth open. They had almost pefect teeth, only a small tooth gap.
“Oh, but of course. You know how much I love the moon.” They laughed slightly.
The crimson eyed other only gazed at her younger. Venus had always had this..angelic feel to her..people pointed it out sometimes, but not to her face. It was better to just adimire her.
“Don’t you like the moon too, though?” She was brought out of it by said girl adjusting her posture so she could get a better look at her while tilting her head.
“Not as much as you do.” She came a little closer.
The lighter haired female only laughed before patting down on the balcony, closer to her. Mars didn’t usually do what she was told, but if it was with her sister, she could excuse it.
“The recitical is in a month..I’m happy and nervous at the same time.” They contuined to speak.
They also adjusted their legs so that they could kind of crouch and hold them. It was almost like she was tucking in herself.
“I’m probably more nervous then you, Venus.” The taller scoffed before sitting down next to her.
They rested their cheek on one of their knees that was visible because of the white dress they were wearing. Or nightgowen, close enough. Their indigo eyes flicked around Mars face as she cleared her throat.
“I’m deciding to be honest with you, because someone said I should be.” She looked away for a second.
“Reki?” She asked.
The older girl irked before looking away for a second. How did she know? Did Reki tell her? The little brat never could keep her mouth closed.
“Call it selfish, but I’m glad we all get along. Mom and dad are absent most of the time, helping us keep our image.” Venus contuined.
Mars only huffed before relaxing her posture slightly.
“You act older then me, Venus. You’ll get wrinkles, your frowning. And not to mention, your cute dimples will fade away.” She flashed a sarcastic smile.
The other bursted out laughing and Mars somehow laughed to.
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“Pretty?” They were snapped out of it by Erin shaking them slightly.
She flinched before looking at him. He looked slightly concerned but grinned when their eyes focused on him again.
“Hey welcome back to earth, pretty.” He smiled.
The violet haired girl only blushed slightly as she relized how close he was. How..odd..he was.
“Hi.” She blandly answered.
“Not phased anymore?” He sarcastically asked, putting his hands in his pockets.
“Shut up. What do you even-!”
“Mortal.” A unfamilar voice broke them out of their bickering.
Venus made a face and the man made a face back at her in confusion.
“Hello? Can you hear me-…” The voice was contuined but cut itself off by relizing something.
The blue eyed ghost cringed extremely hard and did not want to look around for the speaker. She felt like crying out of frustration and embrassment.
“Venus.” The voice simply spoke.
“Hello..other ghost who I never got the name of..” They breathed out.
The purple haired taller made a face again at her while forcing himself closer and into her vision.
“Another ghost?! Are they your friend?!” He whisper-yelled.
A rather loud laugh was heard and both of them finally turned around.
“EW WHAT.” Erin blurted out, slamming a hand over his mouth afterwards.
However, this made the girl beside him snicker loudly as she placed a hand over her mouth. Their eyes squinted in amusement.
The main reason why the two had such a violent reaction was just that the ghost was..gorey..it had pale brown see through hair and tired white eyes. It’s skin was a faint, cold grey, and there were cuts and blood pouring over it.
The main thing that freaked them out though was the maggots digging in his right lower arm. They dug deeper into the already rotted skin and it was absoutetly disgusting.
“Your so nasty.” Venus blandly said, eyes staring at it with judgement.
“How rude.” The spector blandly said back.
Erin looked inbetween the two of them. Venus actually had a slight scowl on their face and it had a eyebrow raised as it’s ‘eyes’ focused on them.
“No need to be rude. I’m just surprised a mortal is here.” It patronized before looking at him.
The other ghost pulled their bottom lip inbetween their teeth. They hoped he wouldn’t notice the large bag Erin had with him.
“He’s not intrested in staying, creep.” She came to his agrueable rescue by putting herself infront of him.
The taller and creepier ghost only raised an eyebrow higher. What was with this girl? It had seen her before, and she even had tried to talk to it. It wasn’t very intrested in her.
Didn’t she understand the rules? Mortals weren’t allowed to even be inside in the first place! So why-!
“Oh.” It blurted out seeming much more amused.
The purple-nette duo only made a face at each other before looking back at it. It had a wide smile on that made it look, well creepier.
“Why is it looking at us like that?” The tallest of the trio shook them slightly and whispered agressivly.
The shorter only shrugged but paused for a second. Their movements went completly still, before they shakily looked at him.
“Surely not-!” She was cut off by the spirt.
“Your in love with him.” He simply said, eyes focused on the male.
Venus went completly still and tugged her bottom lip inbetween her teeth. Why? Why? Why did she have to be in love with this stupid FUCKING criminal?!
Some would think it was a joke, her falling in love with someone who she just met. But have you ever heard of love at first sight? Yeah, this was that.
“What.” The yellow eyed boy blurted out, eyes flicking towards them.
The brown haired ghost only laughed, throwing their head back.
“Ah, poor you, Venus. Falling for a human, really?” They breathed out.
The yellow eyed male flicked his eyes across her face. She seemed horrifed that he found out, even scared.
“No, no, no! Erin- Don’t listen to them!” She panicked before grabbing him by the shoulders.
Her greyish eyes shakily looked into his confused yellow ones.
‘Why? Do you seriously love me? We just met today..’ He furrowed his eyebrows.
‘Is it because I flirted with you? God- I should’ve never done that. I’m sorry.’ He contuined.
Her lip curled back as her fingers dug into him further.
‘No stop! It’s not your fault! I thought I was alive until now!’ She scowled.
‘I just..I just have a crush on you..it’s not like I’m obessed with you..I can’t..I don’t..’ She looked away finally.
“Boy, why are you here anyway?” The other spirt nodded his head towards the taller.
“Shut up.” Venus hissed at the other before looking back at her crush.
“I’m so sorry..I’m so sorry..” She reapeated, pulling at her hair.
The ladder only flicked his eyes across her agonized expression. He felt bad for them, he really did.
“Why? You know I have to leave, I know your dead. It would never work, pretty.” He broke his voice before smiling weakely.
It wasn’t enough. It wasn’t fair. They sniffled as they began crying again. Something was tugging at their heart.
“I..” He stopped as he relized they were sobbing.
He glanced at the other ghost who was also looking at them. Tears hit the cold floor and it sounded like raindrops. It hurt him physically for him to hear it. He felt horrible.
“Why?! The second I find someone I like- who I’m in love with, their alive! And now- now I’m going to be left here forever! And everyone here hates me!! I have no one!!” Their voice broke as they sobbed.
“Venus-!” He was cut off by them pulling at their hair.
It was hard to watch for him, he caused this. He grabbed their hands before smoothly coming closer and grabbing their face. They gasped as he kissed her.
Her lips were cold, he noted, yet they were smooth. The coldness was quickly folded with something warm inside of him.
Venus’s expression twisted into one of sadness yet more calm then what it was before. As it sounded like she was about to start crying again, he pressed harder.
Crystal tears beaded up in her eyes but she was happy. He quickly pulled away though and whiped off his mouth with his sleeve.
“A gift.” He simply said.
Their knees were weak and she swallowed something in her throat.
“A gift.” She whispered.
She looked more angelic as ever, he noticed, her patchy skin color lighter.
“Alright, mortal. I cannot believe I’m doing this right now, but if you return the things you have stolen, I’ll let you vist Venus once and a while.” The brown haired male spoke up and sighed.
“WHAT?!! YOU KNOW HE HAS THINGS IN HIS BAG?!/ YOU NOTICED?!” Both of them yelled in shock, and he bursted out laughing.
“Of course I did, while you two were making out. So, what will it be?” He snickered before looking at Erin.
The dark haired male sighed before looking at the blue eyed other. Her eyes flicked across his face before towards the bag.
He sighed heavier but tossed the bag towards it. It caught it, almost falling on itself.
“Thank you very much! Have fun, Venus.” It cheerfully said before side-eyeing the woman.
She only huffed before they dissapered into thin air completly with the bag intow. A pause of silence covered the two before they broke it.
“So uhm..your coming to vist then..?” She shuffled her feet while looking away.
“That was the deal I just made, no?” He raised an eyebrow.
“So uhm..about the kiss-!”
“Shut up, Pretty.”
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evansencezz · 1 year
i caved and made a welcome home oc guys ill show them when i have offical online art of them <33
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evansencezz · 2 years
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notes: i know i know, basically non-cannon ships, slight age-gap, lots of queerness, also showing off my new oc updated personalities and pronouns if i did change them
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—Astro x Aether: Middle children
—okay okay just here mw out on this one i swear
-so so they are around the same age, astro being older month wise
—but this is so obvious and cute to me like one day i was just like: “what if astro and aether dated?”
—also i changed aether’s sexuality to be omnisexual but with a prefrence for woman
—and i feel like they’re relationship would just be constant flirting but aether taking it more jokingly while astro being more serious
—and because aether only flirts with people that are more shy then him i feel like astro being extremely blunt and flirty towards almost everyone would make him shy and giggly
—*vine boom sound effect*
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—oh fuck did i just drop faceclaims too yes i did
—yes lee felix has aethers face just shut the fuck up
—people when i mention that aether owns a whole ass casino: 😱😱😱🔥⁉️⁉️🤩🤩🥳🥳🥳😎☹️☹️
—yeah but support the movement of astro x aether for sex
—Hiraeith x Tyler: Annoyed X severe flirt syndrome
—okay i know this isnt really a rarepair i just havent made a post on it yet
—but this AU is so fucking funny and i luv the mafia side of it like hiraeith is so fucking annoyed by his shit and he just blinks cutely
—hiraeith: “after this, i’m done with you!”
—tyler: “no ur not lol”
—but i feel like it would be her bickering half of the time and him just being un-bothered.
—please leave me alone this ship is so stupid
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—oh nooooo i dropped my faceclaims again even though they arent as atturate as aethers and astros
—they are basically complete opposites or married
—tyler is so fucking stupid and touching i hate him
—“what if akari just pulls a one eighty on us and tells us that everything that’s been happening in the main au is in someones head or not real.”- friend
-i would never do that to you guys and i cant just ditch my ocs like that bruh
—“what was the first ship you ever made?”-another friend
-KAI X THERIEAN LETS GO BABYYYYYY (it was akari x jiren)
—“what’s your most hated character?”- follower
-probably a tie between maya or arashi 😱
-justice for maya on my life bro she is my skrunkly meow meow and i luv her soooooo much :33
—“why do i write mainly either romance or depressing shit.”-friend
-because all my ocs are litterally emo and have trauma and i need something to balance that shit out also romance makes me lose my shit because romantic comedy is so fucking funny for no reason luv that stuff
-“hi! i’m new here, just to clarrify, akari the character isn’t ment to be like yourself insert or anything right?-follower
—nope! akari is just the name i’ve been going by for two years now. it’s also not my orginal name so yeah, i have a deadname ☠️
-defentily would own a casino with aether and be a card dealer
-here’s some lines i think she would have;
-“who told you that? actually- no. let me guess, aether? i fucking knew it.”
-“this is all aether’s fault.”
-“well yeah, i was in prison for a while. not more then aether though, and mine was in rapture. i dont think they liked me that much.”
-“what the fuck did you do now?”
-“aether is older by three months..i don’t get too caught up on it. she’s a little stupid but i think she means well..I THINK SHE DOES..”
-“don’t take anything that moron says seriously. half of the absoutetle bullshit that comes out of her mouth makes me want to shove a knife down her throat.”
-“or maybe you just suck? ever thought about that?”
-her zodiac sign is scorpio btw
-like said before, he’s defentily my more morally grey character
-has a restraining order and DUI placed on him, to which he broke both lol
—very friendly and half of the stuff he says he doesn’t mean to be taken in the way it comes out as
-“oh! you met hira’?? what do you think of her? yeah, she’s a little defensive at first but she’s a sweetheart. also, she sticks to a more..moral code then me.
-“hira’s bailed me out like six times at this point.”
-“guys, hiraeith is our sugar mommy what do you mean.”
-“what the fuck do you think it is? vodka and ceral, obviously….ha! no, i’m just fucking with you! HAHAHA!”
-“wha- of course not! i’m not that naive jesus!”
-her zodiac sign is leo btw if it wasn’t obvious
-the one and only the love of my life in the rogue au if u couldn’t tell im having rogue au brainrot
-she’s so funny in the rogue au though god someone help me im being strangeled
—defentily has nerve damage from carpal tunnel and SH
—hands and fingers dig into her collar bones when they are visible ong
—her hair gets all frizzy and her eyes go all big and panicky when something goes out of plan and gets extremely stressed
-has a crush on killian and its so bad bro
—“did you need something? otherwise i’ll- oh..you want me to help you with reading? pfft-how old are you? what are you even- oh! wait-that’s one of my books! give me that!”
—“don’t fucking listen to jin, half of the actual shit that comes of her mouth is stupid.”
—“i wanna eat clean things so bad maybe its because i around constant dirt but my god .”
—“shits fucking wild omg”
-“this guy is just a big fucking asshole, huh?”
—“fuck you and your mother!”
—i luv her so much in this au oh my god
—litterally only cares that she gets paid and keeps the person whose misson she’s carrying out isnt shady
—main member of a rogue band
—likes rain alot but protects the person hiring her from it with an umbrella made out of magic
—her whole left arm up till her bicep has her mark of the arcane which has a vine like pattern and its a faint teal color
-“all that matters is that i’m paid of my job, i dont care if you think my actions are appualing or not.”
—“i prefer to be more of a grey area, not many pepple like me.”
—“what- that’s not funny or cool at all! you-ugh! just on!”
-“godess?? seriously? i don’t think im a godess im just a adventurer..”
—ofc u know i had to mention my skrunkly menow meow :33
—she’s so cool in this au and mother ugh
—how did this become a headcannon and ship thing about rogue au what
—she defentily wasn’t expecting into get into a school uptop and freaked the fuck out when she did
—more relaxed in this au but can be serious when she needs to be
—defentily has been in prison multiple times :3
—avid wine drinker like how is her kidney not dead
-firm believer in chaotic yet influencer drumk akari
—her hair is way more disheleved and curly yet still long in this au she also has blue stripes throughout it
—also has both her eyes in this au but has a scar right below her left eye
-i luv her so much oh my god
—“what, you mean like- uplanders? oh boy..”
-“hang on!” “well obviously, i don’t feel like being dragged down to hell just yet!!”
—“i blame all my problems on astro and they have no problems with it.”
—“whose the delusional one, now?? celeste is my favorite by the way!”
-“i’m not a bad person! i mean, i’ve killed like two people! but that wasn’t my fault!”
-“at this point, i wouldn’t be surprised if astro stole the document from me and said; “just kidding! of course they wouldn’t want you akari! your a downdweller!”
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evansencezz · 2 years
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ヘ(^_^ヘ)—ROMANTICITIZE ME, DIONYSUS—ヘ(^_^ヘ) —Every Ishito x Various—)♡
Notes: yes, baised off of the BTS song, i cant stop listening to them help me, various is greek gods, dionysus, apollo, they are my ocs though or interprataions, very ‘out of character’ greek mythology, loosely based on greek mythology, hints of modern/ 200’s AU, shes a journalist, she works for hades, mortal every, non-royal every, i love her, she doesn’t put up with anyones shit, multi-lengual every ofc, theres some greek, latin, and koeran in here, you rlly thought, drinking, smooking, smooking tabbaco, very rustic hints in here, dancing, ballrooms, i love her so much, they also have touches of BTS members in here, mainly more fluff, in my fluff era, comedy, hades is suposed to have the apperance of jin, all of apollos and artiemis’s are in koeran, hints of sad background, abadonment issues, greek lore, old termoniology, old beliefs, beliefs that woman should please men and only men, no homophobia though, believes that woman are weaker then men, sad love, star-gazing, there’s a kiss at the end, morally grey ending, she spends 7 weeks, one week with each of the gods, Aethena has the looks of Jimin, holy shit, fuckfest, smut everywhere, she fucks all the gods what tje fuck, litterally everything you could think of, insanity, std’s everywhere, jealousy, oh my god, happy valentines day post, give my girl a break holy shit, bow down bitches fr.
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Every held her clipboard tighter to her as she walked down the long spiral staircase. By all logical reasons, she shouldn’t even be here right now. But hey, everything else had failed, so why not?!
“Ah..” She mummbled as she finally got off the final step.
She was in a bleak room and there was a small table sitting in the middle. A man was already sitting down, head held in his hand.
He perked up and his dark, honey eyes clased with her bright orange/amber ones. He placed a somewhat polite grin on his face.
“Ah hello, you must be Every Ishto, correct?” He asked.
His voice was deep, surpursingly deep. It had a slight comforting tone to it too..now for apprence, the male was ceritanely intimadating. Compared to Every, he could probably kill her in seconds.
He had dark, striaght and form fitting hair it also stopped right belpw his earlobe. It also stopped his bangs, shaddowing right above his eyebrows. He had a strong jaw-line and again, dark golden eyes.
His overall physic was toned, tannish. He was wearing a red and black suit with rings and a red pendant necklace. It reminded her of something.
“Miss Ishto??” He snapped his fingers.
The red haired girl jolted before grimnacing in embrassment. She held the clipboard tighter before making a slight bow gesture.
“Yes, that would be me..Mr.Hades..” She answered.
She was about to refer to him by his last name, but then relized, Greek goods didn’t have last names. They just weren’t a thing back then..
He only flashed a breif smile before gesturing towards the seat across from him.
“Please do take a seat.” He said.
The girl only nodded firmly and scampered over and sat down. She still held onto her clipboard though. Now that they were closer, she noticed he was BIG.
He basically had a looming presence even though hs was sat properly. Even from here, she could tell he smelled like oak and embers.
“It’s good to see that you don’t seem that afraid of me..” He breathed, looking away.
She wasn’t afraid of him, despite all common sense. Most mortals would probably freak out if they saw face to face with the god of death and underworld.
“I don’t see a reason to, you don’t look scary.” She blurted.
The girl immeditally grimnaced and slapped a hand over her mouth. He did look scary, frame wise. The books just got the looks part wrong.
He faced her again and eyed her, with a simper expression.
“Really? Why do you say that, now?” He questioned, seeming curious.
The girl only removed her mouth and hestaintely replied.
“Because..uhm..in our books your described as some revengeful spirt..and terrifying..but..you look..human enough to me..” She tried to clarify.
He, thankfully seemed satisfied with this as he smiled again. She never expected someone like this would smile so much.
“So, I’m assuming you know what I’m asking you to do for the job?” He visbly straightened a little.
Every smallely grinned and finally let go of her clipboard. She slid the clipboard closer and let him glance at it.
“Yes, this was the list of gods I was sent to interview? Double check it if you wish.” She shrugged.
Internally, she grimnaced and faceplamed. Was she seriously talking like this to the god of death?!
“Yep, besides me you have six to interview. Want me to give you a quick pitch on their personalities??” He offered.
The red haired girl immeditally nodded, eager. She wanted to know who she was going to be talking to..
“Ah okay well, the first one on your list is Aethena..just a quick warning, he’s not a girl. He prefers to be called Aethen, since he dislikes being refered to as a girl.” He explained.
The girl blinked a few times, that was surprsing..were all of them guys or something??
“As for personality, it’s very dual supported..he can be very agressive. But most of the time, he is very hospitol, just watch your mouth around him.” He warned.
At least that was simaliar to what she had read in books. Yeah, she was a avid reader of greek mythology. She also liked folklore, really anything mythological.
“Alright?” He tried to get her to react.
She only grunted and and watched as he lookex at the second person. Visbly grimnacing, he sighed.
“Ah, Dioynysus..” He breathed, laughing slightly.
Dioynsus, the god of wine and parties. From what Eve had read, he was a very..intresting character. He was said to have a sort of sleazy, yet fancy presence.
He was very casual and flirty for a god because of how much acohol and parties he hosted. Hades looked at her again.
“Dionysus is very..attention seeking. Odds are, he’ll take a intrest in you. All of them probably will, not much I can do about that.” He sighed.
She made a slight confused face and he laughed softly.
“It’s funny, your name is Eve. Or Every..y’know, like Eve from Adam and Eve??” He raised an eyebrow with a smile on his face while gazing at her.
She blinked a few times before making a ‘oh’ expression.
“I’m no godess.” Was all she replied with.
Hades paused for a second before bursting out in laughter. She tried not to flinch before sweat-dropping. Had she had something?
“Hahaha! Ah-your amusing for a mortal!” He said before laughing a little more.
She only smiled her nervously, one of her eyes shrinking slightly. What, by not saying she was the bibcal Eve?
“Anywaysss’, don’t mind him if he offers you a drink, I don’t care. Just try and get him to at least answer a few questions.” He slumped slightly.
She blinked before nodding, there wasn’t much she could say. He glanced at the next name and slumped further. He seemed pretty tired and relaxed.
“Posiedon. Ugh..” He groaned.
“He’s not the best person, right?” She boldly asked.
He perked up at this before staring at her for a few beats, making her nervous. Then, he burst out into laughter again.
“Yeah! He acts like he’s mensturating half of the time..Anyways, he has very bad mood swings. As said, I’m the oldest of us so..” He shrugged.
“He also threatens alot of people, on reflex. So if he does with you, just kind of brush it off, ok?” He grumbled.
She merly bit her lip and nodded. Could she stop noticing how attractive he was?! God, the neckace on his suit glinted and winked at her, so she decided to focus her eyes on that.
Unfourtnately, he seemed to notice as he hummed and grinned.
“Oh, this seems to have caughten your eye. Do you like it?”
“Uhm-Yes it’s very pretty.” She hestiated before answering.
He only hummed and looked down at the clipboard again. He only looked back up at her with a curious glint.
“Hm, Hephestaus, but before we talk about him..I must ask something..” He trailed off.
Every only leaned a tiny bit forward before straightening her posture.
“Yes?” She polteily inquired, edging him on.
“How exactly do you seem to know so much? I know that we have books written on us and stuff like I said before but you seem to know more then the average person.” He explained.
The female only leaned back with a knowing look on her face.
“I was always into greek mythology. But I guess I can’t really call it mythology anymore cause one of the main gods is in front of me.” She grunted.
The male only nodded along with what she was saying.
“Ah, well it’s good to see we’ve still somewhat influenced you guys..” He said.
Silence covered the two of them before he laughed slightly.
“Your not very talktative, are you?” He snickered.
The orange eyed girl only tensed slightly and raised an eyebrow.
“What has this got to do with hepheastus?” She questioned
The god infront of her only snickered before studying her a little more. She had formal fitting clothes, not expensive though. She had said she relized a lot of people wanted the job in her email, and wasn’t overly eager to get it.
She was also very curious, seeming to gravitate towards the listening type.
“Enough about them, you’ll do fine.” He brushed the clipboard back towards her.
She made a horrifed face. He wasn’t going to give her any more information?! But there were like four other gods!!
“Tell me about you..you didn’t say much in your application:” He spoke.
She didn’t mind how eager he was to get to know her.
“Well..I’m 22 and uhm..My full name is Every Ishto..I’m italian and Koeran..and..I grew up in New order.” She explained a little.
He hummed and squinted his eyes. He could defentily hear the tones of Koeran in her voice.
“You have a very..Koeran accent..?” He said.
The girl only flashed a nervous smile and looked down at her lap for a second.
“I actually learned most of my english while learning Italian aswell.” She answered.
Her eye seemed to twitch but Hades was none the wiser. He only raised an eyebrow and nudged his face in question.
“Oh? Well that’s good, Apollo and Atremis are koeran and talk in that language aswell.” He simply said.
She blinksd slowly a few times, now that was also surprisng. She wasn’t expecting apollo or ATREMIS of all people to only speak english.
He sighed and leaned back into his chair, fixing the cuff of his sleeve. She merly watched him.
“I can see your soul..all gods can, obviously. Your soul is really pretty.” He vaguely said, gazing at her upper chest.
She could’ve sworn her heart was speed up and imiedtaited a orange glow. There was a medium speick of black though.
“Of course, it has some corruption. Every person has corruption.” He said.
The female only flustered slightly and looked away. She knew it wasn’t met to be perverted, but still. A male shamelessy looking at her soul, wasn’t that ment to be intamieaite.
“Ah sorry! I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” He apologized.
She only tensed at this and grimnaced.
“No it’s alright, I get it.”
A akward silence covered the two of them before he cleared his throat.
“Your hired, just so you know.” He said.
Every bounced her leg up and down in comfort to hype herself up. She couldn’t just get up and run around while squeeling which is what she wanted to do. A somewhat giddy smile covered her face.
“Thank you so much, sir-!” She started but was cut off.
“Please, just Hades is okay.” He smiled, standing up.
She nodded before clearing her throat and standing up aswell.
“Thank you, Hades. I’m assuming that I’ll get a start date?” She tilted her head while grabbing her clipboard and holding it close to her chest.
The man only chuckled slightly before sticking his hands in his pockets.
“Yes, I will send one of my escorts in a week to take you to the person your interviewings abode…” He answered before moving away from the table.
She smiled and also moved away from it. But she tensed when he reached to grab her hand and shake it. He was extremely warm, strange.
“만나서 반가웠어요, 예쁜 아가씨.” He said before letting go and walking away.
Every was stunned for a good minute or two.
“What the actual fuck.”
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The girl, needless to say was nervous. It was her first day on the job and she was meeting Aethena-sorry Aethen.
“Miss Ishto??” A unfamilar voice knocked on her door.
She peaked through the crack and saw a majestic looking being. They didn’t have a mouth and their skin was entirely white. They also had their eyes closed.
“Yes..? Are you here to be my escort..?” She slowly asked.
The person seemed to smile, even though they didn’t have a mouth. Their eyes raised and squinted.
“Yep, please come..” They softly said.
She opened her door and blinked. A fancy looking brown car was parked on the side of the road.
She gawked when the white colored person simply closed their eyes like they were happy and walked across the busy street.
“Mortals-Besides you cannot see me..” They clarrifed.
She simply nodded stiffly before adjusting the bag she had on her hip. She quickly looked from side to side before having an opening to cross the street. She held a hand up as thanks towards the car who had stopped to let her stop.
Only for the car behind that car to agressivly honk..
She skipped onto the sidewalk and walked over to the side of the car.
“Assholes..” She muttered under her breath.
The escort only smiled again with their eyes and both of them entered the car. She glanced around, nothing seemed special.
“How are we going to get to Aethen??” She questioned.
The person only hummed before pressing a button. All of the sudden, a flash of white flashed before her eyes, blinding her.
“Ack-!” She felt insane turbalance as her body was guled to the back of her seat.
Silence greeted her until..she opened her eyes..
“Miss Ishto?? We have arrived.” The escort said.
She made a sound of confusion before looking around. She was still inside the car, but now she was on a different street.
There was a extremely large looking white palace infront of her. There were gold accents and horse statues right infront of the doors. And a tone of steps leading up to the door.
The girl flinched slightly when ladies in white, silk and dress attire laughed and walked together.
“There’s no need to worry..they don’t bite.” The white colored person waved their hand and the door unlocked and unbuckled Every on its own.
She yelped when her body was gently levitated and placed on the first step of the many leading to the palace. She made a face and glanced behind her, hands clutching onto her thick bag strap, only to see no car or person behind her.
She flinched when some girls and people passing by a gave her an odd glance. Well, she wasn’t wearing simaliar clothes. Or atleast, simaliar clothes to them.
She was wearing a simple form fitting red blouse shirt that had lace around the drop that showed her collar bones. Two buttons were also below that in the middle. The sleeves started right below her shoulders and flared out polietly.
She was also wearing a red, long skirt. Not extremely long, mid-calf. Finally, she had a peral necklace on and black and brown flats.
She made a grimnace before slowly walking up the stairs. It was kind of daunting-to be seeing a god. Of course, Hades was extremely nice to her.
A girl in a group, out of the corner of her eye she could see point at her. Eve only looked down and went quicker.
There was a line of people outside the doors, pretty long. The girl who had pointed at her was now ahead of her.
“Hey, you.” The girl, who had now turned around gave her a quick once over.
“Hello, may I help you?” She tried to poletiely said.
The taller girl scowled and glowered at her further. She was geniuley confused, what? Did she not like humans or anything?
“Why are you, as a mortal, here? I mean, out of all the places and you pick Aethen??” She tried to stress.
Every only glanced at the emptyiness on stage. It was bassicly like a menu.
“I work for hades.” She blurted.
The female seemed to blink a few times before gawking. She completly stopped, making the other halt aswell.
“YOU-A MORTAL WORKS FOR HADES?!” She leaned closer.
Unfourtnately, her outburst caused multiple to look over. They all gasped and a few other females crowded around.
“Hades?! Isn’t he scary?!” One asked.
Every only leaned away and sweat-dropped.
“Uh-? No not uhm..really?” She said.
She flinched when someone ran their hands through her hair. It was a taller girl with brunette and golden eyes.
“Your hair is so pretty! How did you get it this color, mortal?” She adimired.
“Oooo! And look at her eyes!!-~” Another leaned surprisingly close to her face and stared at her orange hues.
She had enough and quickly tore herself away and fit through the crowd. Smiling nervously, she made a waving gesture and said something before running away.
“Thanks! And uhm..my Name’s Every Ishto..!” She said before scampering away.
She sighed as she finally looked at the large door infront of her. She grunted and pushed it open with a good amount of effort in it.
She blinked a few times as she took a few steps inside. There was a garden, past the door, odd layout. She noticed there was a heart shaped bush and multiple more white statues throughout the garden.
She grunted again when someone bumped into her.
“Excuse me.” It was a male.
He had fancy clothes on, and a otherwordly apperance. Sure, everyone here looked angeliec but this guy..
He noticed she was staring at him and he gave her a quick tilt of the head and up and down. He blinked a few times when he relized something..
“Hold on a second- Your a mortal.” He blurted.
Was this suposed to be Aethena-Aethen?? He could’ve fit the bill.
“Are you..?”
He only spared her a somewhat amused look. He came a little closer and she moved further back, to move away from him and the door.
“The greek god, Aethen? Yes, that’s me.” He smiled.
She squinted, wasn’t this a little odd?? She ment, Aethena was suposed to be a woman and almost a femanist. She was the god of justice.
He only squinted back at her and she noticed something..
‘Are those fucking dimples..?’ She gaped, how cute!
“So, how can I help you? It’s very rare a mortal chooses to meet with me, they usually pick eros or aphordite..” He curiously questioned.
Every glanced down towards her bag before tensing. Right! The interview!
“Right, uhm- I’m here for an interview..uhm-with you..I’m with Hades- as in..I work..for him..” She tried her best to explain.
Aethen blinked a few times before gawking slightly.
“Hades?! You work for that old man?” He questioned.
She only laughed nervously and glanced around, not many people were here. Most of them cut straight through the garden and towards the door that was on the opposite side.
“Ahaha..yeah..hey..uhm do you have somewhere we could sit down for the interview.?” She nervously asked.
The male only grinned again and nodded.
“Of course, come!” He said.
He lead her to the middle of the garden where there was a small gazebo. Both of them entered it and flowers surrounded the area. There was a small table and multiple chairs around it.
He quickly took a seat down and she followed, taking one across from him.
She took a good look at him before getting her question notes. He had dark brunette hair, straight. Sort of styled simaliar to Hades.
But his eyes were a dark blue, understanding. But if annoyed, they could quickly turn to ice.
“So..uhm I must ask..how old are you in god years?” She inquired.
He only smiled and raised an eyebrow.
“Ah, well..I would say around maybe..uhhhhh..20 centuries??” He didn’t seem completly sure.
She shot him a look but didn’t say anything else.
“Right, so..not many mortals vist you?” She went slightly off the script.
The male only sighed and leaned back on the bench. His arms wrapped around the back of it and she tried not to gawk.
‘Holy shit.’ Her mind freaked out.
“Yes, not many mortals vist. And if they do, it’s usually on accident. They’re always looking for some other god..not you, though!” He mummbled before beaming at her.
She couldn’t help but feel a little weak at that saying. She really wasn’t that special, did he already forget this was suposed to be bussiness related??
“Right..and uhm..do you know anything about the modern world?” She scribbled something down before asking.
Aethen only grunted and looked away for a second. God he was ho-!
‘STOP IT.’ She breathed in and out.
“A little bit, I prefer to be social with people, you know? Plus we can’t really get our hands on that stuff.”. He said.
“But I can get my hands on you, can’t I?” He said.
She gawked at him, eyes wide. Excuse you?! She blinked a few times in surprise, making him snicker.
“Sorry, sorry. I just wanted to see how you would react.” He apologized.
She only scowled slightly before leaning back in her chair. She lifted her clipboard with the notes again close to her face and squinted.
When she grunted and lowered it, he was closer then she would of liked. But not wanting to give him a reaction, she only cringed for a second.
“Right. Who would you say your closetest to among the gods?” She inquired, shifting slightly.
Aethen only raised an eyebrow at her indifference but looked away. It looked like he was pondering the question actually.
“Uhhhh..maybe Eros? He’s a little shit though.” He huffed.
The red-nette tried not to gawk again. Cursing?! She wasn’t heavily religous but she certianely didn’t expect that.
But it did make sense, if he did favor Eros. It would make sense because he was so flirty towards her.
“Honestly, Hades barely tells us anything anymore! Or I’m out of the loop, one or the other!” The brunette whined.
She glanced down at her notes again, some of them were filled out. She had a place for extras and she decided to write down something.
‘Way too flirty and actually childish.’ Was what it said.
Every looked up again when he started speaking again;
“Either way, it’s odd he hired a mortal. Speaking of, I never did get your name.” He looked away before finally snapping his eyes back to her.
The female only nodded before answering.
“It’s Every, just call me Eve though.” She said.
The man only smiled, his dimples everso present. He also seemed amused.
“Like, garden of Eve? You look the part to be a godess.” He smoothly said.
Her orange eye twitched twice. Honestly, why did everyone compare her name to that?! Was it really that intresting?
“Funny, your older said that too.” She hissed with a sharp smile on her face.
The blue eyed male only made a fast smirk expression, one she almost didn’t catch. What a little shit.
“Anyways, I’ve heard that Greek gods don’t have much luck in the love area of things..care to forward me?” She settled for a more bold question.
He seemed slightly surprised at this, making her grin for a second.
“Are you asking or telling?” His expression went netural.
It was sort of scary, seeing him drop his smile and beaming personality. His eyes were dark now, no light in them. This is what a greek god looked like when you ticked them off.
“Asking..?” She trailed off, seeming hestiant.
“Yes, it’s true that we don’t have alot of luck with love. Hell, just ask Apollo. His lovers turned into fucking plants or something.” He snickered slightly.
She furrowed her eyebrows slightly at this. Was he seriously laughing at someones misery??
“Don’t you feel bad for him..?” She leaned forward a little.
He glanced into her eyes before looking away and scoffing. He treated the question like it was a stupid one.
“Of course I don’t. It’s his fault for falling in love with a mortal anyways.” He huffed.
Her expression shifted into something bitter for a second. He didn’t seem to notice though.
She wasn’t a romantic, but she didn’t blame people for falling in love. Wait a second-
“Didn’t your buddy Eros fall in love with a mortal too??” She raised an eyebrow.
Aethen only scowled slightly and scoffed again.
“Your asking these questions like your intrested in me or something.” He placed a sarcastic smile on his face.
Every only hummed and made a ‘woah’ expression.
“Nope! I’m gonna’ ask everyone these questions.” She smiled with her eyes closed.
The god only ran a hand through his hair while her eyes were closed. Well, here goes nothing.
The girl flinched and yelped when a hand grabbed her rather roughly. She tumbled onto his lap and immeditally stiffened, almost as hard as a rock. His hands moved to her hips and she scowled.
“What are you doing?!” She veomonsly asked.
He only had a shit-eating grin on his face with his fingers practically digging into her hips.
“Don’t you wanna’ see a god up close and personal?” He tilted his head slightly.
Her hands were on his shoulders, and digging into them aswell. Sparks went off in between them; irratated ones.
“No.” She bluntly answered.
He would’ve adimitted, it was a good front. She didn’t look flustered at all, almost bored.
But you couldn’t fool the god of justice and wisdom, nice try Ishto. She was practically crystal clear to him. Every mortal was.
“Are you stupid or something?” He blurted out.
The red haired girl blinked a few times before her eyes returned to their hodded nature.
“Huh.” It wasn’t really a sound of confusion, more of a breathy scoff.
“I mean, lying to a god of justice? Do you relize that your in for it now?” He mockingly said, grin coming back.
She looked actually confused this time before making a face when he grabbed her face with one hand. His right kept her stable on him.
“But don’t worry, pretty girl. I’ll help you..” He cooed.
She tensed stiffly when his one hand teasingly crawled up higher to her ribcage.
“Unless you don’t want me?” He tilted his head.
The red-nette couldn’t help it, her stomach was turning. But not with dread, but with anxiety.
The orange eyed girl only scowled before leaning closer to him. In a swift motion, she connected their lips.
“Mm!..” He seemed somewhat surprised and she only dug her hands further into his clothes.
The male quickly softened and tugged her closer, making them press aganist each other. His hands carefully slid up to her collar bones and rubbed the skin.
His hands were cold, and practically froze her own burning skin. It was like she had just downed a shot of vodka, that’s how knocked up she was.
“Closer..” He accritvely mummbled aganist her lips and did exactly that.
There was no way she could come any closer. They breathed the same air.
His hand that had placed itself on her hip moved to her jaw. It basically held it in place so she couldn’t move away.
“Ack!-!” She flinched when he bit harshly down on her lip.
The girl hissed when he slid his tongue into her mouth. He was gentle at first, but now he was back to being harsh.
Both of them grunted when they switched positions.
Aethen was ontop of her when they were still on the bench. He somehow fitted onto the medium sized surface.
She was practically fitted together, her shoulders being forced together. Not actually together mind you, just so close to her frame that it shrunk.
Of course, the position wasn’t overly comfortable but she was too focused. She was only focused on everything and any movememt he did.
He leaned into her and his hands trailed away again, one of them moving extremely low and one at a medium area on her stomach.
He pulled away for a second to let her breath. Oddly enough, the sky was darker now. Considering she could see shades of almost black looking at her.
“Odd, right? I don’t control it..” He laughed softly as his lower had crept closer and brushed aganist her thighs.
Every loved the stars, and was somewhat happy her first was happening under them.
“Aw, I don’t want the stars to steal your attention away form me..” He complained softly.
Every grunted when his hand brushed aganist her clothed clit. His fingers were long and bony and pressed harder. Out of the corner of her vision, she could see him grin slightly.
“Am I your first, Eve?” He teasingly whispered.
She only grunted but hissed when he moved his left hand to pinch her hip. She grunted as he moved her underwear aside and kissed her roughly.
In all honesty, she should’ve probably expected something like this. Wait-should she have?! Where did that thought even come from?!
“Ngh!..” She was muffled when his hand gently touched her own bare private.
It was embrassing, how senstive she was. She only touched by someone before-herself. And she had never gone too far.
Aethen broke her train of thought by pressing impossibly closer. He had already smoothly entricted his fingers and hadn’t moved them yet.
Like said before, his fingers were impossibly large. Yet they weren’t hard to fit around, because they were light.
“Your so cute..” He whispered.
Every whined slightly at that, was he teasing? You see, whenever Every blushed or turned the slighest bit hot, her face would burn.
Just like now, her face was burning. It burned with heat and almost stung. And Aethen’s face barely even looked red.
“I’m not even touching you that much, baby..~” He snickered, very lightly.
It was strange, she thought the greek gods would talk alot more proper. Or maybe it was just this guy..
“Ack!-!” She moaned when he started moving his fingers at a medium pace inside and out of her.
Looking despreate to try and cover up the noise, she grabbed him closer and kissed him again. Of course, she was much more softer then him.
It was stupid, in his mind. Sleeping around with mortals, Eros did it all the time. He cracked an eye open to get a good look at her face.
She was shaking, poor thing..it was like she had never even been touched, sexually or not.
He went faster with his fingers, as his other hand trailed up to her jaw again. It really didn’t make sense as to why exactly he would do this..he was suposed to be the god of justice!
But there was a certian allure about her..something otherworldly.
No way she was mortal, he almost scoffed. His hand on her jaw tightened, making her almost flinch back and whine.
No mortal would be acting like this..no mortal would work for hades.
His fingers pumped in and out of her, almost at a thinking pace. Sometimes, they would go agonzingly slow, or harsher when something seemed to annoy him. It was like he wasn’t fully there, with the way his eyes clouded over.
The female was actually that loud, only soft grunts and babbling was heard. The occasnily call of his name made him snap out of it and harshly kiss her, how mean.
Could Aethena be so sadistic, so cruel? Sure. Did she ever expect it?? Hell fucking no! She also didn’t expect the cord in her stomach to already tighten and sit there uncomfortablly.
No one else could hear them, propely something he did. After all, he probably made it night aswell.
“Will you do with this all the other gods, hm?” He skeptically questioned, moving slightly to her neck.
She only muffled a moan in response, her one hand covering her mouth. The male only tsked in response and moved one of his hands so that it held her wrist, while his fingers fit into her mouth.
She made a yelping sound around them and almost bit them but didn’t. His blue eyes narrowed.
“Don’t bite.” He simply hissed out.
The girl only peeked an eye open and nodded. The chrod in her stomach was building and she could feel him slow down slightly.
“Ngh! Please..please..” She begged around his fingers.
This seemed to peak his intrest as he made an amused expression.
“Please? Please what?” He mockingly said.
“Release..please..” She begged.
Ah, she was so cute. He really ment it. Her face was all red and he wanted so badly to be rougher with her. But was midly concerned if he was too rough she would litterally die?!
“Fine, pretty..” He softly agreed before speeding up his fingers again and working softly on her neck.
He was being slightly gentler now, atleast compared to his fingers. The nickname was also nice.
“Ngh!” She moaned when the chord in her stomach came back.
In all honesty, Aethen could probably dick-her down right now, but her body seemed exhausted from all the edging. It earned this atleast.
“Come on, baby.” He hissed.
She got louder as he bit down on a part of her neck. Her skin was sweet, odd for a mortal. Not that he was complaning though.
“Hngh!..” She panted when her body seized up and she finally released.
Oddly enough, it didn’t come out as rushed as she thought it would. Every had every climaxed before in her life. It just came in stronger to mild waves.
Aethen smiled and pulled away from her neck, also carefully removing his fingers. Her body peived in exhaustion.
“I think this interview is over, don’t you?” He added on, jokingly.
The red-nette only frowned and tiredly peeked an eye open.
“Fuck you..” She breathed before closing them again.
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The next week was easy going, each week the mortal girl spent time with each of the gods. Of course, he still teased her but didn’t fuck her again..he seemed satisfied enough. He also didn’t seem intrested in keeping connections towards her.
Maybe he did that with all mortals, and the thought distruped her a little.
“Did you have a good interview week with him, Miss Ishto?” A random cocubine asked the girl as she was packing her things.
She had dark skin and black hair. She also had pitch black eyes but a small smile on her face.
“Yep. Thanks for the help.” She blandly replied.
What was she suposed to say?! Thanks for not pestering me about my bussiness like all your friends did?!
Which is exactly what they did, actually. People flocked around her everytime she exited the area with Aethen and pestered her. Apprently not many peopld got one on one time with him.
“Most would think your lucky, you know. Not alot of people get to meet Aethen face to face.” She reminded.
The girl placed a sharp, thin lipped smile on her face. How many people were gonna’ say that?!
“Oh yeah? Thanks.” She blandly replied.
The concubine only laughed slightly and shook her head. She must have relized she took it the wrong way.
“No, I ment it in a postive way!” She quickly said.
Every only lifted the filled up bag and adjusted her clothes.
“Oh, alright then..” She replied.
Honestly, it was kind of akward. Everyone who had tried to talk to her was so formal, and offputting.
“Well, I hope the rest of your interviews go well!” She said, before leaving the other.
lol i scraped this
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evansencezz · 2 years
my tumblr is winging out also this is what the rogue hideout in my rogue AU looks like okay bye
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evansencezz · 2 years
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o(_ _o)ノ☆ EVERYTHINGS OKAY o(_ _o)ノ☆—Kai Adachi—>゚)))彡
Notes: PunkAu!, fluff, slight fluff, kai x various, valentines day, early kai happy brithday post, festivals, slight separtion anxiety, theriean still sucks, overprotective akari, almost everyones here, funny, rom-com, easily embrassed kai, just like me fr, video games, robery, threatening, two fight scences in here, strawberries, kai has a illness, kai has anixety and actual physical illness, undiganosed illness, shes still a blood mage, unstable magic, smokinng, drinking, mind fog while smooking, side eyes, nods towards non-cannon kai AU traumaz, bipolar, very easily annoyed kai, anger issues, physical pain, kinda sad at some parts, akari goes away, in charge kai, kai takes akaris place, pin-wall, theriean is a cocky fucker, almost cannon theriean x kai, average kai getting pinned down., cute ending, kissing, valentines day, arashi and kai don’t like each other, arashi is fucking annoying, human!arashi, confession, kai is really cute in this, traidtional clothing, why is everyone trying to get kai to stop being a virgin, maya is cute, maya is still like theriean, they don’t like each other obv.
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The white-nette girl sighed and ran a hand through her hair. The couple of red strains that colored the hair fell out, she seriously hated them so much.
“Oh, morning Kai!” A familar voiced entered.
The girl glanced at who it was. She saw Reko, they weren’t extremely close, but close enough.
“Kai?? Your shaking..” She pointed out.
When the other looked down, her hands were shaking. Pretty violently, and twitchy aswell. Her ears ringed before she quickly tucked them behind her back.
“Oh sorry..I’ve just been very twitchy lately. Anyways, do you need something?” They smiled tensly.
The pink haired girl glanced behind their back for a second before smiling.
“The others were just wondering where you were, y’know, people from uptop coming down here today again?” She asked.
The red eyed person blinked a couple times before tensing further.
“Right, of course. I’ll be there straight away.” She straightly replied.
The taller made a confused expression before shrugging. She waved behind her before quickly leaving.
“I’m such a weridoooo!!’” They whined as soon as they knew she was out of earshot.
It was true, they had werid habits and manners. Well, whatever you could consider manners down here.
They blew out a puff of air before walking out of their room. The main hallway immeditally greeted them and they glanced around.
“Kai?” A tired voice called.
The person probably didn’t see it, but she made a face. But plastered a netural expression on before turning around.
“Ah! Suimuki, do you need anything?” She crossed her hands behind her back again.
The inventor, who was peeking her head out of her doorway stayed silent. It looked like she was nodding off before she perked up and nodded lazily.
“Yeah, for you to stop talking like that.” She sarcastically said.
The former erked before tilting her head.
“Right! Anything else?” She contuined bitter.
“Coffee, you know how I take it.~” She responded back, closing one of her eyes before closing the door.
Kai scoffed before making her way further down the hallway. Once she entered the dining room, everyone was gathering their food.
“Morning, my love.~” Maya greeted her, slightly downward from her usual tone.
She didn’t say anything, only scowling when she pecked her cheek. She heard her laugh before scampering off. Fucker.
“Damnit! I can’t believe you get more play then ME!” The second eldest of the Adachi’s complained.
The younger finished picking up her food, looking up and raising an eyebrow at Astro.
“More people like me because I like both genders. You only like one, therefore, making your dating..limited.” She curtely responded.
Her sister, which had a piece of avcado in her mouth only flipped them off.
“Real elegant, Astro.” A new player entered the thunderdome, Mars.
They swallowed their food and scowled at the both of them. Flipping them off with both hands.
“Fuck you both then!!” They hissed.
Kai only placed a sarcastic smile on their face before liting up when they saw Theriean. He was sitting down with, Hiraeith, Ace, Violet, and Celeste.
“Lover boy, huh?” Mars nudged the younger.
They flushed and scooted away from the maroon eyed girl, glaring. She simply shot them a smile before walking off.
The youngest adachi glanced towards the male again, but this time he noticed. He grinned and waved them over.
They tensed but carefully went over there.
“Hey, apprentince. Come sit with us.” He greeted.
God, it took her entire being not to fold. She loved his voice so much. It was lowered but not too much.
“Apprentince?” He broke her out of it.
She flinched and smiled tensly before quickly sitting down next to Hiraeith. The purple eyed girl raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything.
“So..uhm..how..how are you..?” She blurted out.
The red eyed female resisted the urge to rip her hair out and face palm at the question. The male’s eyes crinkled as he smiled wider.
“Oh? How am I? Well, better now that you finally showed up.” He answered smoothly.
The girl opened her mouth slightly and flushed a little red. The man only laughed before studying her.
“Jesus, releax Kai.” Hiraeith mummbled.
The said girls eye twitched. She took a few pieces of fruit and sighed.
“Have you guys heard of the festival?? I’ve already been asked five times!” Violet inquired.
The white haired person looked up and quickly glanced at Theriean. His eyes were focused on the blonde.
“Oh yeah? Did you accept any of them?” He asked.
She rolled her eyes before sighing.
“Absoutetly not! I’d rather Iris ask me other then that.” She said.
Everyone at the table glanced at one another, in a knowing way.
“Telling. Anyways, the festival is basically for lunar new year!” Ace simply said before explaing.
The youngest Adachi wasn’t really paying attention. They finished the rest of their coffee before flinching when a bell rang.
“Ah!- You guys know what that means! See ya later!~” Celeste yanked the rest of the group and walked away with their plates.
Kai made a face as a thought paced through her head.
She turned her attention to her crush as he picked up his plate and raised an eyebrow.
“You comin’?” He stood up.
She flustered slightly and her hands shook as she grabbed her plate and things. Theriean’s eyes squinted at her before nudging his head and walking.
She quickly followed after, but something was bugging her.
‘Did I take my meds??’ She tried to remeber.
Her mind went blank. Knowing herself, she guessed she did. But of course, she couldn’t be certian.
“Kai, c’mon!” The male slightly scolded as he picked up her plates from her hands and put them away before leading her off.
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Later on, both the two white-nette’s were teaching people. Kai was entertaining the younger blood mages, almost kids with making flowers appear, just illusions. Or small fishes in the water.
“Your so talented, miss Kai!” A few of the kids said as the previous illusion faded away.
They only grinned slightly and leaned down.
“You think so’?” They rythrocically asked.
Objectively, their favorite kid, nodded. She had soft brown hair and green eyes that could go head to head with Autumn’s.
“Of course! Your like my mama’!!” She giggled and hugged the others leg.
The girls eyes couldn’t help but water a little at that. The kids mother had passed away some time ago and she always saw Kai as a replacement.
But everyone else saw her as a replacement too. Second best.
“I’m happy you like me that much.” She simply said, picking the girl up and smiling when she giggled.
Someone tapped her on the shoulder and she flinched, grabbing the kid closer.
“That your kid?” A teasing voiced inquired.
She looked at the person, it was Elizebeth. Her brown and red hair was in a short ponytail and she had a small smile on her face.
“No! Of course not! Does she look anything like me?” She defended.
The olive green eyes of child blinked before snuggling into her.
“No..what’s your name, kid?” She sighed before looking at the kid.
“Oliver..” She answered.
Elizebeth hummed and Kai gently set her down.
“You can go now, Olive.” The maroon eyed girl watched as she scampered off.
“Cute kid.” The other red eyed girl said.
Kai only hummed in response. They weren’t really in the mood for anything.
“Theriean’s in charge today??” They asked another question.
The same heighted girl’s eye twitched but she decided to be nice.
“Yes.” She bitterly answered.
The other seemed to pick up the fact that they weren’t wanted as they quickly left. Annoying.
She scowled and clentched her hands tighter. Relax, Ei. Don’t burn down the fucking building.
All the other kids seemed to be playing with one another, chasing each other back and forth. She zoned out. Lucky.
Their entire childhood was filled with unplesentires. Everyone hated them, everyone was scared of them. So what if they had unstable magic??
So. fucking. what.
The youngest could probably create so much chaos if they really wanted to. They had accidentally caught pieces of clothing, or furnature on fire before.
She yelped when a kid crashed into her leg, harshly. She stummbled but fell to the ground. When she peeked a eye open since they had closed on reflex, multiple gasps where heard.
“Miss Kai! I’m so sorry!” A young boy frowned, it looked like he was about to cry.
The long haired girl smiled a little with one eye closed. She stummbled to her feet before roughing up the kids hair.
“it’s okay..” She grinned.
The girl flinched when someone called her name.
“KAIIIIII!!~~” A loud yet sweet voice sounded.
She made a horrifed face before groaning when swept up into someones arms. She grunted when the basically spun her around.
“Hey..ack!-Mayfield!..” She hissed.
The blonde giggled and set her down. Multiple kids stared at the two of them, big eyes blinking.
“Aw, hey cuties!~” The taller girl cooed towards the children.
They all hid behind each other.
“Your scaring them..and me.” Kai scoffed.
The blue eyed girl blinked before clinging onto her arm.
“Sorry! Anyways, see you later kids!~” She apologized before shooing the group of youngers away.
The shorter made a face and sweat-dropped. She grunted harder when Maya pressed closer.
“Can you..get off?!” She hissed.
The blonde frowned but quickly got off when Theriean showed up. His hands were tucked into his pockets but he leaned back and raised an eyebrow.
“You heard her, no?” He asked.
The other girls attiutide quickly changed. Her body was more on edge and her eyes were narrowed.
“Yeah, and I got off, no?” She mocked.
They made a grimnace. Both of them had a annoyed smile and their eyebrows twitched.
“I’ll go teach now! Y..you two have fun!” They tried to leave.
Theriean quickly grabbed their wrist and gently tugged them back. They turned a little red.
“Stay.” Was all he said.
“Ok!” She yelped.
The other girls eye twitched multiple times. Honestly, who did this guy think he was?!
“What’s wrong Mayfield? They are their own person after all..” He mockingly taunted.
“Of course I know that.” She quickly said.
Kai worringly glanced between the two. It was like the air was filled with static. They sighed and quickly shoved their way inbetween them.
“Both of you relax. Maya, let’s go.” She breathed before looking towards her.
The air lightened, she blinked in surprise. Before a cocky grin came over her face and she quickly grabbed their hand and lead them off. Meanwhile, Theriean scowled.
“Stupid.” He scoffed.
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The two girls basically threw themselves onto the couch. Kai had unlocked the room where Akari and higherups usually resided.
“Woah, I’ve never actually been in here.” She marveled.
The shorter girl scoffed and very carefully leaned towards her.
“Please, don’t you get in trouble all the time?” She questioned.
Maya simply scoffed back before leaning her head back on the couch.
“Yeah, but only for you!~” She adimitted before winking.
The white-nette simply rolled their eyes before shuffling positions. She looked around, photos, and well achivements that Akari had earned.
Also a bunch of documents with..
Wait. What..was that??
She furrowed her eyebrows and grabbed the folder. The taller female also peaked over but lost intrest, humming some song Kai didn’t know.
“What the fuck.” They blurted out, eyes frantically going over the documents.
The ocean eyed girl grunted and leaned aganist their shoulder.
“What’s up?” She simply asked.
“Academia.” They whispered harshly.
Maya blinked a few times before pressing closer.
“Like that fancy school up top?? What about it?” She contuined.
The red eyed girl groaned before making slight eye contact with them.
“It says she’s inrolled, Mayfield.” They grumbled.
“NO GODAMN WAY, LEMME’ SEE THAT!!” She yelled, snatching the documents.
Kai grunted when she quickly read over the thing.
“Holy shit..” She whispered, having the same reaction.
“What are you two doing.” A familar, semi-normal voice sounded.
The red eyed girl practically threw the documents behind them and smiled tensly.
“Akari! Hey! Uhm-We were just hanging out!” They laughed also nervously.
The other girl made a face at them and they kicked her from the ankle.
“Hey!-!” She hissed.
“Just play along, stupid.” They said, through sharp words and gritted teeth.
She scowled back at them before looking at the older Adachi. Her foot was tapping aganist the floor as her fingers tapped aganist her arm in a rythmatic motion.
“Yeah! Kai invited me in here..I can leave if you want-!” She started but was cut off.
“Yeah, bye!” The older Adachi quickly answered, making a motion with her wrist and a blue circlet incircled Maya’s wrist.
She yelped when her body was dragged off of the couch and out of the room. She was shoved out of the door, stummbling, before turning back around but the door slammed closed.
“Ugh.” She sighed.
The younger sister glanced at the door before back to her older sister.
“So..you know?” Akari inquired.
They dug their fingers into their sleeve and scowled.
“Yes.” She bitterly said.
The other pinched her nose and huffed. Both of them were annoyed now.
“So? Are you mad?” She contuined.
Kai quickly stood up and scowled deeper. Her eye twitched and it almost took her entire being for her not to snap.
“Of course I’m angry! We have this whole fucking devison fucking deicated to NOT agreeing with up top! And then I find out your going to school?!” She glared.
The slightly taller female looked away but didn’t say anything.
“Whatever. Maybe I should tell the others-!”
“Absoutetly not! Don’t even THINK IT.” The heterocromdia girl stopped them.
“Then fucking explain.” They spat, leaning towards her with a annoyed expression.
Akari huffed and lowered her shoulders. A small scowl of her own rested on her face.
“It’s not because I want to. It’s because I litterally got found out. Y’know, vison and everything.” She breathed.
“What, so they know your empowered?” They scoffed.
The blue themed girl only shrugged. This whole situation was annoying.
“So if your up top, doing fuck’s knows what, whose gonna’ rule down here?!” They leaned back.
Akari placed a hesatiant smile on her face and her shoulders rose again. Why was she looking at her like that?? Wait-
“Oh no, no, no!! I am NOT taking OVER YOUR POSITION, Akari!!” She recoiled.
The ladder only frowned and gently leaned closer, laughing a little.
“Why not? It’s better then Astro.” She simply said.
Kai only groaned and turned away, tapping her foot om the ground. There’s no way. Kai wasn’t made out for this sort of thing. Hell, maybe Suimuki was.
“Why one of us? Why not fucking Suimuki or someone else!?” She frantically asked.
She only placed a lazy grin on her face and tilted her head, raising an eyebrow.
“You really think Suimuki Lumine would be fit to watch over?” She asked.
In all honesty, maybe. Suimuki was complacated, probably had fifty mental illnesses. She also lashed out alot and was bitter.
But then again, Kai wasn’t perfect either. She sighed and turned back towards her sister.
“The people need you, Akari.” She breathed, grimnacing as their voice cracked.
The said girl only shook her head and smiled.
“No, they need a stable person to build off of. And I’ve decided that’s you. Simple as that.” She spoke.
The red eyed girl glanced away, biting her lip. Whatever Akari says was final, that was always the rule.
“Okay, fine! I’ll do it.” She adimitted.
The older sibling smiled brightly and hugged her. It was nice. She smelt like cotton and light vanilla.
“Thanks so much! Also, please just tell the others I’m on a lengthy misson!!” She beamed.
The shorter only stared at her before stepping away from her warmth.
“How long are you exactly planning on leaving?” She asked.
Akari hummed and made a thinking posture. She was really pretty and thoughful, wasn’t she?
“Maybe a month or two? I’ll try and keep in touch. Don’t miss me too much.~” She smiled with her eyes closed.
‘A MONTH?!’ They screamed.
But they just placed a small, tense smile on their face.
“Right, good luck.” Was all they responded with before leaving the hangout area.
“I need a fucking drink.” They scoffed before walking off.
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Kai groaned and rubbed a hand over their face as they sat down at the bar. It was a pretty famous, loud one down here. But they had extremely yummy spiked drinks.
“Ah! If it isn’t my favorite member of our order! Hey, Kai, how’s it hangin’?” A friendily voice called.
They perked up and looked at Reko who was behind the bar. They had a grin on their face with crinkled eyes.
“Hey Reko, your sisters still my favorite.” She mummbled.
The pink haired girl geniuley laughed before catching her breath. Way to go, Adachi.
“That’s funny! Anyways, the usual?” She snickered before asking.
“You know it, thanks.” Was what she simply replied with.
Most people probably would’ve made faces at her dialaect. She was much more free speaking, had a somewhat casual attuitude with most people. Espically people of her own divison and order.
Music blared throughout the place and people cheered. Some gambled, some were smoking.
Speaking of..
The white haired girl kept playing with the end of a pack of ciggarettes she had bought. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to, or wasn’t allowed to. It was just that whenever she smoked, her mind fuzzed over.
It seemed like her brain got heavier, but maybe that’s what it was suposed to do. She also had a very light cough but it wasn’t due to her illness or anything.
“Here ya’ go, sweetie!’” Reko slid over her drink.
It was a simple strawberry diaqurri but with stronger and more liquor. She usually drank up to six of them, pretty concering. Maybe a bloody marry here and there.
“Thanks.” She said.
Reko only grinned and leaned forward on the counter. This made the former stop and raise an eyebrow.
“Anything for our next caretaker down here!” She sang.
The younger hadn’t even taken a sip of her drink before she choked. She hacked up a lung which made her laugh.
“W..what?! You already know?!” She frantically asked.
Reko only smiled with their eyes closed and chuckled.
“You should know, word gets around fast.” She shrugged.
Kai was about to say something else but the darkskin girl was whisked away. They sighed and took a sip of their fruity drink.
“Everyone’s gonna’ be flipping out when I come back..” They groaned and burried their face in their arms.
She hadn’t stayed there for long, maybe a hour or two. It was around sunset now, well, by her guess it was. No one could really be sure when the sun was pretty much cut off down here.
She carefully walked into the large building house and..
“Ah, look who it is.” A male voice spoke.
She flushed slightly and snapped her head up, Theriean. And he did not look pleased, he had a slight scowl on his face and his arms were crossed. Along with that, his fingers tapped rythmatically and his foot also tapped.
“Kai.” Was all he said.
“Theriean..” She replied quickly.
This didn’t seem to please him, instead his scowl deepened. She backed away when he grabbed her upper arm.
“So, your in charge of us now?” He questioned.
It actually wasn’t a question, he knew she was. How embrassing. It could’ve been anyone else but it was him.
“You should know. Espically if Akari told you all..did she leave already?” She took her arm back and scowled on her own.
He leaned back and shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Yes. Just try and control me, Apprentince.” He laughed dully before leaning awfully close to her face.
“You won’t get far..” He whispered before laughing and walking away.
The girl scowled deep and dug her fingernails into her arm. Aganist all judgement, her face was warm.
“Ugh!” She hissed.
She quickly made her way to her divison lab area but when she entered the door, she was greeted by pretty much everyone else.
“Kai!! I’m so so so proud of you!-!” Maya’s rambles were cut off by Hiraeith shoving her.
“Who would’ve thought THAT of all things worked? Your face is red.” She sarcastically said, rolling her eyes.
The long haired girl whined before slumping forward.
“Anyways, take good care of us since we are basically in your care.” She mummbled before walking off.
“Ack!!-!” She was bombared by a taller figure.
They basically cracked her ribcage as they squeezed tighter. Before finally pulling away, yellow eyes sparkled.
“Jesus, Astro.” She grunted.
They only sniffled, making the other flinch and stiffen. Were they seriously crying?!
“Are you crying?!” She frantically asked.
She wasn’t even really thinking when she grabbed their face and felt warm skin. She did feel warmer then usual, but that was probably normal for people when they cried.
“I..I’m just so proud..and you aren’t crying..even though Akari’s gone..”
The maroon eyed girl let go of her face and recoiled. Cry?!! Kai didn’t CRY.
“What?? Did they say something?” Suimuki asked.
The blood mage was even more shocked, Suimuki was out of her room?! Her lab?!! Now that was surprisng.
Honestly, she probably would’ve been less surprised if God walked into the room right now.
“I don’t cry. Never.” She hissed.
The golden eyed girl blinked a couple times before raising an eyebrow.
“You cry when your embrassed.” She coughed out.
The same heighted girl froze. No way. Did she really?! Did her face get so red that tears actually formed in her eyes?!
“Ha! Yes.” Suimuki seemed to read their mind before snickering and walking off.
Astro groaned and held her head before closing ome of her eyes and looking at her.
“Pretty sure that was abuse of power..” She added on.
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Over a period of two weeks, pretty much everyone had adjusted to Kai taking over Akari’s postion. It really wasn’t that much of a difference, they had simaliar control styles.
Speaking of, Kai squinted at the bright scence and grabbed Maya’s hand as they finally pulled out of the sewer top. Now, they were up top.
People wearing fancy clothes conversed while walking through the streets. Some carriges and old cars roamed the busy streets, and more imporantly, kids in uniforms.
“Why are there so many different colors?! Which color was Akari’s, Kai?!” Astro whined before whipping towards their sister.
“Blue!~” The blonde next to her answered, grin in full force.
The middle child of the Adachi’s scowled and grumbled something under her breath.
“Why are you so intrested in that, anyway? We’re here for a misson, excluding Akari.” The red eyed sibling curiously asked.
Astro didn’t respond. The shorter glanced around before spotting something, a poster on a wall.
“Hold on..” She whispered.
Ace made a confused face before freaking out when she basically park-cored her way to the other alleyway. She walked closer to the poster and squinted.
It had her face on it, with a price underneath it.
“Great, a bounty on me.” She spat, rolling her eyes.
“Jesus christ!” A girl with white hair and green eyes scoffed.
“Could you BE anymore careless?” She contuined, after landing close to where the other was.
They only grunted and watched as the rest of the group showed up. Getting a rough head count, Maya, Astro, Noel, Autumn, and Aether.
“Just be lucky Aether and Astro aren’t having a godamn orgy right now.” The ginger haired one spat out, snickering sarcastically.
“Isn’t Kai a virgin.” Aether tried to ask like a question.
“Go fuck yourself.” They hissed.
The two said people only glanced at each other before rolling their eyes.
“Very funny.” Both of them said.
The youngest, yet leader of the group tiredly ran a hand over her face and eyes.
“In and out, guys.” They ordered before climbing up higher and spotting wear they would break into.
It was a quaint little place, having jewerly and other expensive things. There really wasn’t a reason for why this was a misson, they were just bored.
“Come on.” They carefully dropped down to sneak around into a cranny of the store.
It didn’t really matter, the workers seemed more occupied with their customers.
“Anything spefic we need?” Autumn questioned.
The white haired person shot her a look.
“Did you not hear what I said before? Take whatever you can.” She sarcastically asked.
The other girl’s eye twitched but the shorter didn’t notice. They took a pin out of their hair and undid the lock before swiftly sliding it back into place and carefully shuffling inside.
The rest of the group followed suit, some getting a better look around. The backroom was pretty abadoned, boxes closed and everything.
“Oh shit!” Noel quickly shifted over to where a music box was.
It looked..oddly familar..the tall girl undid the lock and a scence popped up. It had a blue round crystal in the middle with star outlines, fiting the navy blue background. A quiet, almost spacey tune played.
“Isn’t that one of Suimuki’s models?” The blue eyed and blonde haired male tilted his head.
“Probably is..” Kai mummbled.
They quickly got to work though, shuffling the hefty messenger bag they had on their waist onto the ground. The Lumine brother simply tossed it into the bag and yawned.
“Seriously?” Noel shot him a look.
“What?! I’m suporting my sibling! Plus, they basically stole this from her?!” He agressivly defended.
They simply raised their eyebrows and made a back away gesture. Meanwhile, the leader of the group cut open a box with a flourish. They tucked the knife to the side before digging through it.
Something cold touched their hands and they resisted the urge to recoil. They gently lifted it with their pale hands and gasped.
A, simaliar necklace to the one Kai had around her neck greeted her. Only it was brighter, and had more intericate designs on it. Her thumb carrsed the jewel and it refelected back into her eyes.
“Oo! Steal!~” Astro stuck their tongue out and snatched the necklace away from her.
She jolted and whipped towards her older, shocked. She dangled it and marveled at it.
“Nice find! It looks simaliar to the one Akari gave yo-!” She was cut off.
“Yeah I know! Put it in the bag, jesus..” She snapped before huffing.
After pouring a good amount of items into the bag, Autumn hoisted it onto her person. She shuffled it before making a thumbs up motion.
“Alright yes I-!” A unfamilar and unlucky voice filled everyone’s ears.
A girl with brown hair and light green eyes was carrying another hefty box of something. She seemed to be talking with someone on the phone. She stopped half-way when the girl layed eyes on the group.
“Jesusss christtt..!” Aether whined.
Everyone else had simaliar reactions, they could honestly just book it right now. The woman had her mouth open slightly before taking a deep breath. All the rogues glanced at one another, knowing exactly what she was about to scream.
Kai immeditally darted out of the shop and into the streets. Most people had stopped and their eyes darted towards them, the rest of the group followed close behind.
“Fucking hell!!” Noel scoffed.
Everyone grimnaced when familar people in sheilds and uniforms showed up, immeditally reconqizing them.
“Stop, theives!!” They ordered.
“Hey!-!” Maya pulled the bright eyed leader down by her sleeve.
“Let me make the portal this time.” She whispered.
“W h a t.” They deadpanned.
The blonde scoffed and leaned aganist her.
“Pleaseeeee’?! I can do it this time! I promise!” She begged.
The white-nette still shot them a look before sighing.
“Fine! Whatever! Now c’mon!!” She breathed before taking off and catching up with the rest of the group.
“Ah! Good to see you lovebirds decided to join us!” Autumn spat out with a sarcastic smile, glancing at the duo from the corner of her eye.
“Yeah! Honestly, could you have taken any longer?!” Noel sighed.
“Shut the fuck up! Maya-!” The youngest Adachi child scowled before turning towards the taller.
But she had already shuffled away and started making a ingarving with her pocket knife in the wall.
The rest of the group turned back and saw the crowd sepreating to let the guards through. The leader of the deliquents mummbled something and a circle of glowing red magic covered them.
“Releax..I’ve just made us invisble for now, so long as no one touches us.” She laughed nervously.
All of them were pretty crammed together, and shuffled messily and despreatly away from the crowd and towards Maya.
“God, I thought you didn’t trust her portals?! Why is she doing it?! Did she kiss your or something?!” Noel sarcastically asked.
Kai’s, whose hands were out in a spaled motion to hold the circle flatered. Her face turned red before she hastily fixed it.
“Fuck you! No..I..I just thought it would be nice if she practiced in real time some more..” She snapped before glancing around.
By now, the guards had passed through the area but they weren’t anywhere close to being safe. The younge bloodmage grimnaced as her one arm almost gave out under itself before sighing and breathing deeply.
The blonde and blue eyed girl grunted as she pulled back from the final ingraving with a flourish. She waited a second before a medium sized hole in the brick wall opened itself and tons of people stopped in their tracks.
“Done! Guys C’mon!-!” She smiled before turning towards were she thought she’d she figures but no.
The shield collapsed and Kai grunted before grabbing Maya’s left arm. She panted before glancing up into her eyes before dragging her into the portal.
The rest followed suit.
All of them grunted when Maya somehow tripped once they were out the other side, Kai falling ontop of her. The rest fell over the bodies on the floor and groaned.
“What the fuck.” Astro stummbled up and the rest finally got untangled.
“I think that went sucessful enough!~” The girl with pink highlighted tips smiled.
Everyone shot each other a look besides her but no one objected. Autumn glanced at the bag that was still secerly on her waist.
“And look at that, we’re down below! Are you proud?!” She added on before placing her hands near her face and turning towards Kai.
In all honesty, they were expecting them to be falling in the air or underwater, but no. They were happily pleased.
“Yes, good work Mayfield.” They shot her a grin before walking.
The entergentic expression on her face halted, wait.
“SERIOUSLY?!!” She eagerly ran up beside the shorter.
The rest of the group just watched on, slightly amused.
“Sure, why not?” They rytorically asked before finding more intrest in their hands.
Now, Maya, oh Maya was over the godamn moon. She had a massive smile on her face and hearts and stars practically strained her being.
“Your face is going to spilt in half.” Autumn quipped, a lazy smile flashing at her.
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Everyone had already gotten back to the main house obviously, and had put away the units they had stolen. Funnily enough, Suimuki’s reaction to seeing her own music box was;
“Ew, not that prototype, that person must have no taste god, I’ve made way better ones.” She scoffed.
Now, Kai and Theriean were helping out in the dinner. They were making differnet types of meals, standing side by side. She could adimit, her feelings for him were getting a little more easy to control.
“Hey, confidante, can you pass the flour?” He finally spoke.
Actually no, scratch that. It was just because he wasn’t talking. Her nerves immeditally reved up and she felt weak just hearing his voice.
“Y..yeah! Here!..” She stopped what she was doing and passed him the bag of flour.
“Appericate it.” He simply replied before mixing some in.
Now it was more akward then anything, what were they suposed to say?! Just confess on the fucking spot, yeah NO THANKS!!
“Y’know, I was a little nervous for you when I heard you were going to be controlling everything down here. A sudden change isn’t good for anybody.”
What exactly did that mean?? They had to prove themself?? No, stop over thinking it.
“I agree with the sudden change part, but is it really that different?” They inquired, glancing at him from the corner of their eye.
The darker eyed male glanced back and she stiffened.
“Yes, Akari doesn’t falter under pressure. You do.” He said.
Falter under pressure?? Did he mean how she got embrassed easily??
“Wha..?” She mummbled.
The male sighed and stopped what he was doing. He came closer, step wise. She immeditally tensed at this and stopped what she was doing aswell.
“I’m not even doing anything, Kai..” He breathed, a small smile on his face as he came closer.
Her tempature did pick up, maybe it was the illness! Yeah! It was probably that and it would explain the sweating and shakyness..
Still though, she took a few quick hasty steps back before grunting when her back met the cabnit wall.
‘Oh god.’ She thought. ‘Oh no no no nononono-NO!!-‘ Her mind was frantic.
He came insanely close to her, resting his hands one by her face and the other lower to her shoulder. If they weren’t panicking before, they were really panicking now.
“..Haha..? All..all this j..just to..to prove..a point..?” She manged to get out.
‘Fucking moron.’ She hissed to herself.
“No, to see what your reaction would be. I like them.” He clarrifed.
His head tilted and his eyes squinted. Kai simply swallowed thickly and tilted their head up when he leaned forward.
Theriean only snickered before placing a extremely hasty kiss on her jawline before moving away completly. Their entire body seized and their face flushed.
They couldn’t even move, oh my god. How god damn embrassing and touch-starved.
“Your things still not fully mixed, love.” He gently reminded.
Her body seized further but this time mechically into action. Her red eyes refused to look in her crushes direction, while her mind was racing like this at least.
‘That was a hint, right?! Like one of those signs that your crush likes you back?! Jesus christ-!’
“Hey you two.” A familar, somewhat tired voice came into hearing.
“Hey, Hiraeith. We’re about to put some of this out, wanna’ ring the bell??” The other female asked.
She simply grunted and nodded, walking off in that direction. Kai finished stiring her indirgents and swiftly slid them into the old oven.
A bell rang and echoed throughout the entire building, and just like that commotion started. People came into the room, chatting with one another and sat down.
“I’m surprised we have a order for food.” He snickered.
The girl only smiled at him, he really was amazing. He obviously showed up after Kai did..
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“What? So you just want to join becauseeee’..?” Akari sarcastically asked, eyeing him up and down.
“Because I’m a blood mage, and can teach other forms of magic aswell..I don’t mean to be hostile, but you guys techincally aren’t suposed to have magic.” He answered.
The youngest of the Adachi siblings dug her fingernails into the corner of the wall she was peering out of. She couldn’t get a good look at him.
“I hate to break it to you, but we already have a blood mage.” Akari stated, unamused.
“Oh! Can I meet them??” He eagerly responded.
He also leaned forward, making the shorter uneasy.
“I..uhm..” She mummbled.
“ACK!-!!” Kai’s hands gave out and they tummbled into view.
The two people conversing turned towards them. When the shorter looked up, it seemed like Akari was trying not laugh.
“Hi, Kai, nice entrance.” She grinned.
They groaned and stummbled up to their feet. Meanwhile, Theriean stared at her curiously. She had the same white hair and red eyes as him.
“Is this…?” He glanced towards the closer girl.
The blue themed girl sighed and nodded. Meanwhile, Kai was staring at the male. He was so handsome. Her face was red..
“Yes, this is the other blood mage..Kai, meet Theriean, Theriean, meet Kai.” She answered before gesutring towards the two of them.
The male had a exicted smile on his face as he came closer and reached his hand out.
“Nice to meet one of my own kind! Like your friend said, I’m Theriean!” He said.
She only made a baffled expression and glanced at her older sister. The older laughed slightly before stepping twice.
“Haha! Her and me are sisters, Theriean.” She snickered.
He ‘oh’-ed and shook his head before nudging his hand closer. Her bright eyes darted down at it before clearing her throat.
“Right-uhm..Kai Adachi and uhm..it’s nice to meet you..?” She stummbled out before quickly shaking his hand.
She quickly pulled away when her hot skin made contact with freezing cold skin. The male seemed surprised as well before placing a easy grin on his face.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what type of blood mage are you??” He inquired.
They eyed him, he only tilted his head and smiled further. He was tall, and was wearing oddly fancy clothes. Probably a indicator he didn’t live down here.
Was he going to drag them up top once they answered?? Why exactly was he even here in the first place??
“Hyemopyromancey.” She flatly answered.
It should have been obvious..They ment, he was older after all. No way he didn’t get a guess or notice.
“Ah. Well, I’m intrested in also joining your order down here. Will you take me in? It would be good to have one of your own kind down here with you, yes?” He explained before leaning a little forward, hands behind his back.
Akari scowled and shoved her way infront of the younger blood mage.
“Hey, hey, hey!! Your talking to me about that, not her!”” She spat.
Theriean only smiled with his eyes closed and adjusted his posture.
“Right, my apologies.” He hummed.
Kai didn’t like the feel of this guy, but she could adimit, he was sort of..alluring. He had a sort of charm about him and he was good looking aswell-
‘STOP THINKING ABOUT HIS LOOKS DAMNIT!!’ She scolded herself in her head.
“I’ll only agree to let you join if you become Kai’s accomplice. Assistant, if you would. Other then that, get outta’ here.” Akari sighed.
The man only grinned and seemed estatic. Odd, no one would be that happy to join unless they didn’t have a frim grasp on whats going on down here.
“No- I’ll take you up on that! Kai, was it? I’ll be in your corner from now on!~” He grinned at them.
The female only tensed and turned red. Okay, he was attractive. Number one, he was probably extremely powerful. Number two, he had a very likeable personality, at least to them.
Number three: he was really hot.
“Kai??” Her older sibling broke her out of her trance.
The man tilted his head, eyeing her curiously. Now, wasn’t she just strange? She seemed to have alot of emotion, and seemed really nervous.
It was cute.
“Ah! So..sorry what??!” She frantically asked.
The heterocromidia eyed girl only raised an eyebrow, slightly confused.
“I was saying that he’ll help you teach, like with spells and things. He’s basically yours.” She explained.
The long haired white-nette tensed at that last sentence again. Hers?! What kind of saying was that?!
“Yes! I’m yours, so like I said before, please welcome me!~” He beamed.
They looked at both of them horrifed before hurringly clearing their throat.
“Okay!-yeah..sure!!..” They squeaked out.
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Dinner yesterday had went smoothly and now it was night time again. It had also been a few days, and Akari was back breifly. She explained that she was visting for the festival, which was happening soon, AKA today.
“I don’t know about this, Star…” The younger of the duo expressed their dobut, looking down at the clothes in their arms.
The yellow eyed girl shot them a look before shaking her head and pushing her.
“I don’t think so! You haven’t even tried it on! Come on!” She wasn’t having it.
The clothes they were holding were a red and white kammino. It also had sandals and a red hairband. A little too formal for them but..whatever.
“Fine!” They snapped before doing inside the dressing room and changing into it.
She sighed and quickly glanced at her reflection in the small mirror. Before pausing, she actually looked kind of..
“Pretty! Oh my god, your so pretty!” Astro squealed when she showed herself to her.
The maroon eyed girl huffed. The other white haired girl paused before grabbing her clothes and grinning.
“Okay wait here, I wanna’ show you what mine looks like!” They said before rushing into the changing room.
Kai sat down and flinched when she noticed a couple people in shop. She looked away when she saw them look in her direction.
“God please no..” They whispered.
Meanwhile, Misery turned to Elizebeth, both of them had the same look on their face.
“Is that..?” Misery started.
Elizebeth carefully peered around their sister. Yep, it was them. The youngest Adachi was sitting down on a bench and looking all pretty.
Their white hair with faint red stripes was neater with the red headband holding it in place. And their kamino was red and white which had flower and lace designs on it.
“Stop staring!” Misery called their attention back.
Elizebeth scowled but didn’t say anything. Their younger sibling sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Look, I’ve been wanting to ask this for awhile, but do you seriously have a crush on Kai?” She questioned.
“I..yes..? I’m not sure yet..” The younger shrugged.
Misery made a face but didn’t say anything. Meanwhile, with Astro she came out of the changing room.
She was wearing a white and yellow kaminno with a pretty designed star hair clip on her bangs. She also had sandals and the design on the kimnanno was mainly abstract shapes and lace designs.
“Soooooo??’ What do ya’ think?!~” She eagerly asked. doing a spin.
“It’s nice, it suits you.” She simpyl answered, offering a sharp smile.
The older smiled wider and checked herself out. They seemee geniuley in love.
“Right?! Ah it’s so pretty..~” They fangirled.
The younger sat up and stood up smoothly. She looked around, accidentally making eye contact with Misery. She saw her grimnace and whip her head away.
“Let’s get out of here.” She urged her sister.
Astro simply made a surprised expression before making a face.
“Don’t you wanna’ change??” She asked.
The girl made a wince expression before looking around.
“Fine, let’s change then get out of here.” She sighed.
She went into the dressing room changing into her regular clothes. The regular clothes consited of a baggy red short sleeved shirt, a soft zip up coat that was un-zippered and hanging down on her lower arms.
She also donned a pair of black, low-waist jeans. Her stomach showed a tiny bit, showing off her belly button pirecing. She also had black doc-matterns on that aplified her height a inch or two.
She removed the headband and tied her hair in a low pony tail. They came out of the dressing room and Astro grinned.
“You know, I think your the best looking person in our family.”
The other person blinked in surprise. A complament like that, from Astro??
“Wait..seriously..?” They inquired.
“Yeah I mean, you have red highlights in your hair, natural red eyeliner, and a perfect face. Akari and me both have scars on our faces.” They shrugged with their eyes closed.
Kai made a face and turned a little red. They only opened their eyes and laughed before going into the changing room.
That was..surprisngly nice of them. Astro always had a sort of complament-tease motive, but that seemed geniune. They seemed to just be in a more relaxed mood.
Either that or they haven’t drank any caffiene lately. They sighed and sat down on the bench, messing with their red necklace.
“Okay! Let’s go!” Just as they had sat down, the golden eyed girl popped out.
They blinked in surprise, that quickly?! She did a quick up and down survey of her, nothing seemed out of place.
“What’s the matter??” The taller tilted her head in slight confusion.
She simply shook her head before grabbing her clothes and walking to pay. Astro startled and quickly followed after her.
A girl with brown hair and dark eyes was working the casiher. She glanced over at the two and immeditally changed her posture.
“Ah! Two of the Adachi siblings..” She greeted as they both sat down their clothes on the counter.
Kai only grunted before looking away. They only spared her a glance.
“So, you two are going to the festival today?” She broke the silence.
The yellow eyed female smiled and nodded eagerly.
“Uh huh! It’s going to be so fun-I already saw people hanging up decorations!” She rambled a little.
The lady at the cash register looked taken aback for a second before smiling. The maroon eyed girl just shifted her eyes in between the two of them.
“Yes I agree. Your total is $75.50, by the way.” She notifed.
The younger sibling only flashed a tense smile.
“We’re paying in gold.” She responded.
The ladder blinked a few times before looking away quickly. She quickly looked back though and grinned nervously.
“Right! My apologies, I should have assumed better of you two.” She spoke before pausing.
She seemed to be doing the conversion in her head. The white-nette closer to her already knew the conversion, so they would call her out on it if it was wrong.
“Sixteen gold pieces, please!” She said, finishing.
Kai was surprised that she actually got it right. Not many people payed with gold down here, so many people didn’t know how to the conversion from coin to gold.
She dug in her pocket and pulled out a brown, stitched bag with a coarse tie ontop. She undid it and counted out sixteen pieces before re-tying it and stuffing it back in her pocket.
“Thank you!~” The worker said before pulling out a bag and putting the clothes inside.
The two of them shared a look before Kai grabbed the bag and nodded.
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“Kai! Hurry up, We’re gonna’ be late!” Akari rushed her younger sibling.
The said girl only scowled slightly and stared back at her reflection. She was wearing the same kamino from earlier and now the festival was going on.
She looked down and saw her hands shaking violently. Her head also throbbed and she bit her lip and shakily folded her hands together.
“Here.” She slowly came out of her room.
Silence is what greeted her before..
“You look very pretty, Adachi.” Mars winked at her in reassurance.
The former flashed a tense and nervous smile at her. She survyed the room, almost everyone was wearing a kamino or formal wear. She looked to the person infront of her, Akari.
She was wearing a blue and white kamino and..ugh..she’s just too pretty..
Her kamino had a astrogoly and star design, fitting. The ‘collar’ of the kamino was also tighter then the rest. Her hair was in a neat bun with two longer pieces infront of her ears hanging down.
She also had a flower tucked into her hair, white.
“You look amazing.” Kai breathed out, softly chuckling afterwards.
The heterocromdic only smiled with her eyes closed and waved her off. Too pretty. Astro said they were prettier?! Fat chance.
“Says’ you! Mayfield, get over here.” She snickered before calling the blonde over.
The red eyed person shared a horrifed glance with her calm sibling. She only smiled and winked in response. What was with everyone and winking?!
“Yeah? Oh, love-!…” The blue eyed girl came into view before pausing and looking at the former.
The other girl pressed her lips into a firm line and looked away. Her body seized and held her breath before she finally broke the silence.
“You look..so pretty..” Maya said slowly.
‘HO-BOY.’ Her thoughts screamed at her.
“Thanks.” She blankly said.
Akari glanced in-between them. What exactly was the girl suposed say?!
Someone shoved Maya out of the way. Theriean then appeared. He did a quick up and down of them.
“Multiple people probably have already said this to you, you do look amazing, apprentince. I hope this isn’t offensive, but you look like you could fit right up top.” He smiled geniuley.
Her red face was extremely bright. Her eyes flicked shakily, she was happy. Unfourtanetly, a giddy smile forced its way onto her face.
“Ah..thank you so much..you look nice aswell..” They carefully planned out their words.
‘YOU LOOK NICE?! JUST SAY HANDSOME MORON.’ They sighed deeply in their head.
The male only grinned wider, he seemed happy aswell. He was about to say something else but was cut off by Mori.
“Alright are we gonna’ go or not??” She raised an eyebrow.
Everyone else shifted and started moving out the door. Meanwhile, Kai was in their own head. In their mind, they had a extremely giddy smile and were over the fucking moon.
“Kai?” His voice called.
They immeditally perked up and smiled nervously.
“Yeah.?” She inquired.
The male only smiled and tilted his head slightly. Now that the younger noticed it, he really didn’t have any other expressions. Sure, he rarely frowned or scowled, but sometimes he even glared with a smile on his face.
“You wanna’ explore the festival with me??” He offered.
She again, almost swooned over him. He was being extremely nice to them. He was so handsome and charming!~
Wait, stop pinning over him and answer his offer!!
“Yes!! Of course! Uhm-!” They answered way too eagerly.
The taller only smiled and grabbed her wrist. She quickly glanced down at it before quietly yelping when he started dragging her off.
The two wandered around a little bit, eventually ending up in a line for cotton candy.
“Blue cotton candy is defentily better then pink.”
“Agreed.” Oh my god, they actually had a basic conversation without her losing her mind.
The darker eyed male grinned once he was handed the cavity inducing stick. They only got one blue cotton candy, but it was huge. The female took a small piece of it and almost grimnaced ar how sour it was.
Yeah, she had lied earlier. She had found out that his favorite type of cotton candy was this flavor, that’s the only reason. Theriean hummed when he took a handful and cheerfully ate it.
A small smile formed on her lips as she watched him enjoy it. The pair quickly finished it off, him having almost all of it but forcing her to take the couple of parts that were left…
The interaction went like this:
“Ah, I’m done. Do you want the rest??”
“Ah-uhm..no thanks..”
“Oh come on! I’m not just gonna’ throw it out!”
“Take it!”
“Wha-No! Just give it to a stranger or something!”
“No! Kai-Apprentince just-!”
“I’m telling you that I don’t-!”
“Take it.”
The plan didn’t fail completly, espically when he smiled with his eyes closed when she took another bite. And the second he looked away, they made a face.
Then, the duo came into the area of games. They glanced around at the prizes before spotting something.
“Is that..?” They trailed off, squinting at a stand.
A book, and not just any book.
One of KAI’s TOMBS.
“Holy shit.” They blurted out.
The taller man also narrowed his eyes at the stand. A familar girl with dark navy hair and skin was working there.
“Of course it’s Arashi.” She scoffed.
Theriean only rolled his eyes and grabbed their wrist. He walked towards the stand with them in tow and stopped near Arashi.
The red eyed girl behind the stand was grinning. Someone was throwing balls at something.
“Oh, sorry! Guess you lost-wanna’ try again?!” She mocked pity before grinning.
The shorter girls eye twitched and she shoved the person playing the game out of the way.
“Arashi.” She hissed.
The dark skinned girl blinked in surprise a few times before flashing a closed eyed smile with her hands clasped together.
“Kai, and your boyfriend! Good to see you!“ She cheered.
The shorter haired white-nette kinda tucked them behind him as he spoke. Them, peeking around him to get a good look at her.
“Why are you using their tomb as a gift?? You could’ve atleast asked, even though they probably would’ve said no..” He agressivly questioned.
The girl only had her hands behind her back and watched with half-lidded eyes and a grin. Making the youngers eye twitch again.
“Why? Because people seemed to be extremely intrested in it…strange. But!-If you want it back, take a shot at the game, ok?~” She shrugged before leaning forward.
The male looked like he was about to say something, but Kai stopped him. She digged through her pocket before raising a bag of coins.
The male next to her gaped before whipping fully towards her.
“There’s no way your actually about to take her up on this!!?” He frantically asked.
She simply shot him a look before shaking the bag.
“How many tries do you think..about $85.15..would get me.?” She asked.
Arashi actually looked horrifed for a second, eyes flicking around. Before quickly shaking her head and laughing.
“Ahahaha! I forgot how smart you are..but not smart enough to just take your stupid tomb from me! But fine!-Fork it over, girl.” She placed her usual wide grin on her face, teeth showing slightly.
Kai placed the heavy bag of coins in her hand before turning towards the game. It seemed like a throwing game, with a bunch of cans. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Arashi open the bag and take a couple of coins out.
The said girl seemed to notice this as she flashed another closed eyed smile.
“Just for the first try. You know what to do, right?” She placed the bag down as she shuffled to slump aganist a wall of crates that were on a side she was on.
Kai grabbed a few baseballs, making Theriean hold the rest of them. She narrowed her eyes and messed with the ball in her hand before..
“*CRASHHH*” All of the cans on the first stand just knocked over
She quickly picked up the next ball and repeated the process two more times. It wasn’t really that eventful.
“Yikes..” The navy haired girl sighed before wincing.
She handed them back their sack of coins, barely taken any. They took it back before pocketing it.
“Here, nerd.” Arashi took the red tomb and tossed it towards the shorter.
She caught it and quickly turned around and started walking. She heard the sound of balls dropping and someone following behind her.
“That was impressive, apprentince.” He complamented.
The girl didn’t say anything or even react, only a small twitch of the lip. This contuined for a little while before she found a bench. There was a ocean, or deep river, and a small dock.
She sighed and walked towards the edge of the wooden drop off. She sat down and hung her legs off of it.
She heard shuffling and someone, AKA Theriean sat down next to her.
“Am I allowed to talk now??” He teasingly asked.
She immeditally blinked in surprise, reality now just hiting her. She had just been so rude!! She was so focused on showing him this spot..
“Oh my god..I’m..I’m really sorry!” They apologized, turning towards him.
Both of them jolted at the sound of fireworks going off. How nice, how sweet. Colors of red, orange, and green lit up the non-existent sky.
The man only turned towards them more and grinned.
“It’s alright. I get it, lip service with praise doesn’t really do any good..” He looked away.
They didn’t seem to find that any hunours as they frowned deeper. He turned his eyes back towards them and only snickered at their upset face.
“Don’t pout at me now! Here-..” He snickered before leaning closer, hand near their side hip but on the dock.
She flushed, well, felt herself flush. The only reason he could see it was because fireworks were still going off.
They tensed when lips connected with theirs, when exactly had he gotten that close?! He seemed to be pulling away, so they panicked. They lifted one of their hands and tangled it in his white hair.
They refused to not kiss back, so they did. He grunted before seeming to smile. After a minute, she pulled away, panting.
He also leaned back and looked at her, a affectionate smile on his face. She had a embrassed, grimnace on her face. Pink and red fireworks went off, showing their current moods.
“Im in love with you, Kai.”
“..I love you..so..so so..much..”
“I’m glad…”
“Come here.”
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evansencezz · 2 years
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⚱︎ ⚱︎—SEE NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL, SPEAK NO EVIL— Autum Candell—⚱︎ ⚱︎
notes: oh my god, angst overload, holy shit, average ginger, mental illness, gore, blood, murder, non-cannon aroace autumn, help bro, girlboss autum, she/they pronouns, twin sisters, fucked up autumn, refrenced death insentences, PTSD, untreated mental illness, revenge, anger issues, stressed out autumn, vicous cycle, i feel so bad for her, flashbacks, trauma, actually okay family ig, atleast compared to my other ocs, immoratal??autumn, revenge plot, guns, knives, afraid of heights, afraid of drowning, shes still sexy though, nice tits, lots of murder, mainuplation, yanderes, bondage, theres like one fluff scence and its not even that cute, choking, half-mute autumn, mechanic autumn, i like mechanics, fashion desginer autumn too, why not, lots of fight scences, autumn being alone, no one gets her. so emo, lashing out, very non-touchy autumn, extremely traumatized autumn, yet she still slays, smoking, drinking, a little flirting but nothing serious, autumn hates men, refrenced towards toture, YEAH.., beating the fuck out of someone, autumn dies like alpha, time loop, popular autumn, sort of simaliar to suimuki bc i love both of them, horror, slasher, major character death, rlly sad ending.
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Autum sighed as she stitched up her arm, just another wound. Her apartment was empty, filled with only herself.
“Died again?” She questioned herself.
It was strange, usually she could remeber how she died. Or atleast make sense of it, but no. She just practically woke up to herself stitiching.
“Fucking hell..” She scofffed, finally ending the stitch by pulling up and sinching it.
When she dropped the needle, the rest of the thread attached to it came out. She cut it off and poked around at the still somewhat gaping hole in her arm
They dug their fingers into the flesh right above it, frustrated.
“How did I mess up again?? All I want is to..” She hissed.
All they wanted was to be viewed as an actual person. People adimired them for their looks and personality. They didn’t even bother to try and help them or look deeper.
It was funny, she had always been treated kindly by other people. What if the ginger had been ugly, or more mean??
Obviously, they would hate her then, right?
She darkened her eyes before swiftly standing up off of the couch. Her long hair followed her movements, unrestrained by a hairtie or anything.
She looked out at the city of Valentino, loud. She would have some way to make a name for herself, even though most people just knew she just kept coming back.
Of course there was the regular person stummbling across Autumn’s body here and there. Terrifed when she shot up and gasped for air. They always had a look of horror when her emerlad eye connected with theirs.
She grunted and moved to her kitchen. Might aswell make coffee before moving out, right??
Some people might have called her insane for still going out into the world. For living her life, as painfilled as it was.
Once the coffee was brewed, she took a cup and poured it into it, then she sealed it with a lid. Her phone, that was sitting on the counter lit up with a message.
‘hey autumn! i’m outside of your place, ready to hang out?? im really exicted, we haven’t seen each other in so long!’
They grimnaced, Summer. Summer was their older sister an awfully nice girl. So naive.
They placed their cup to the side as they picked up the phone. A photo of them and Summer was the profile picture she had set. A stinging feeling filled their upper chest and they clentched the photo tighter.
“God damnit.” They hissed.
She blinked and slowly texted a response. Meanwhile, the taller ginger looked around the area. They were currently outside of the complex, and got brushed by a few people.
They blinked in surprise but a wide grin formed on their face as they read the message Autumn had sent them.
‘yeah yeah, i’m coming relax’ was all it said.
The older didn’t feel the need to respond, so she didn’t. She also flinched when she noticed someone infront of her.
“Hey, arsenic.” The younger sister greeted.
Dark green eyes immeditally glanced up from her phone. She made immediete eye contact with Autumn.
A soft yet exicted smile formed on her face. The younger looked as she always had. Her ginger hair was in a low ponytail now, tied with a green ribbon.
She also had lots of scars alinging her body, one missing through her right eye but don’t damanging the eye itself. She also had a scar on the left side of her neck in the shape of a lightening bolt.
In all honesty, she did look like someone who had been through way too much.
“Autumn!!” Summer shook her head and quickly hugged her sibling.
The other returned the embrace, all be it lighter. When both of them pulled away the other girl got a good look at what they were wearing. A tight fitting shirt with straps that showed..skin.
Like Summer had mentioned earlier, they had bruises, scars and shittly wrapped banadges around areas. The color of the top was a basic marrow bone colored besige with a skelton desigin.
Autumn also had on low waisted jeans that were a deeper gray and with a belt. Finally, with black combat boots, she looked nice.
“It’s good to see you again.” The younger said.
The taller beamed and moved back a little.
“I could say the same! You look..well..?” She questioned.
The younger twin scoffed and shuffled her feet slightly. Her eyes seemed to dart to her feet for a second before back to Summer’s.
“Just tell me I look like shit.” She blurted out.
The other blinked a few times before laughing. It was nice to see that they honestly knew that they weren’t in the best condition.
“Ah, good to see you still have that same humor! Anyways, wanna’ hit up a cafe’ before we fuck around?” She giggled before smiling with her eyes closed.
The ladder simply nodded. They had that sinking feeling in their stomach again, so they tossed a glance over their shoulder. No one else was there, stop being paranoid Autumn.
“Hey?” They were surprised and tensed when a soft hand shook their shoulder.
Their dark eyes connected with slightly brighter ones. A grin formed onto her sisters face and she made a follow me motion.
“Come on, I know I’M suposed to be the ONE visting YOU but I looked up a really cute cafe’!” She explained.
Autumn wasn’t really listening, merly humming. The two walked on the sidewalk, finally out of the compelx area in the full city of Valentino. She noticed people pausing what they were doing to get a good look at her.
Her sibling must have noticed her posture change, as they cocked an eyebrow.
“Does your presnce really radiate that many looks??” They questioned.
The ginger simply grumbled and scowled. She absoutetly despised it, she hated it so much. Why did everyone have so much want and lust towards her?
She would never wish this fate on anyone else, this was exactly why she burdened it. She would weigh herself down if it ment keeping Summer and every other person safe. No matter how many times she died.
Then again, she was currently restarting from a death. It would only be soon enough till some creep made his disgusting move.
“Sooo..I’m assuming no boyfriend or girlfriend?” Her sister asked, keeping pace with her and leaning to the side.
The emerlad eyed girl didn’t have to think about it. She barely had any romantic attraction anymore. Anyone who she had ever dated turned out to become obessed with her and wanted to take her.
She blew out a puff of air and shook her head.
“No..nothing like that.” She answered.
The ladder simply hummed before perking up when a cafe’ came into view. A rather large one at that, Autumn also looked up.
“Ah, here it is!~” She sang, walking faster and opening the door.
The other grunted and shuffled inside, the other female following. There was actually a good amount of people looking at them when they entered.
“Fucking annoying..” They scoffed.
Summer didn’t even look at the people and kept a naive smile on their face. They wished they could keep that naive nature for themself. They were jealous.
They were cut off by someone brushing past the said older sibling and towards them. It was a male, of course it was.
“Hey, sweetness. Aren’t you a cute LITTLE thing?” He cooed towards them.
That intense revenge and hatered towards people like this Autumn had built up crawled into their being again. Maybe they were a sociopath, maybe they didn’t like any people..
But these..PEOPLE..were the most disgusting.
“Not intrested.” She simply replied.
The man seemed to have a reaction towards this, his eyes narrowing. He had short, red hair that looked oddly soft and dark blue eyes.
“Oh yeah? What, this your girlfriend?” He spat, glancing towards her older sister.
The taller burst out laughing while she made a disgusted face. This guy could go hang himself for all she cared, he was vile.
“Twin sister, thank you.” Summer flashed a closed eyed smile.
He grunted and flicked his eyes back towards her.
“Why aren’t you intrested?? Is it because I’m too much for you?!” He agressivly asked.
The long haired female flinched when his large hand grabbed her lower arm and raised it. She quickly scowled and tried tugging it away, he didn’t move. By now, a crowd had formed around them.
“Hey buddy! Get off of them!!” The other ginger dropped her smile and glared at him.
Autumn only narrowed their annoyed eyes further and..
“Get your fucking-!” They started while finally getting free before grabbing him and kicking him harshly in the side.
A round of cheers greeted this and she almost smiled. Then, she grabbed the man by the hair, seeing as he had doubled over.
“DISGUSTING perverted hands off of me. Honestly, that’s sad. Oh, and you have a wedding band on?? How..vile.” She spat before harshly letting go of his hair.
She backed away and glanced towards her sibling. They blinked a few times before making a face and a signal. Autumn made a confused expression before turning around.
Loads of people had their phones out and were recording. No one was helping the male on the ground though, everyone was fawning over her.
“That was so awesome!! What’s your name?!” A male with brown hair and brown eyes asked.
She was about to answer but the crowd of smiling and cheering people came closer. She honestly felt bad for the cafe’ owner.
“Your so pretty!! Do you have a partner?!”
‘WHATTTT?!!’ She thought in her head, recoiling.
All she did was show that disgusting pervert his place. And that wasn’t the first time she had done that. either. The girl had also been sweeped into crowds of ‘fans’ before.
Her older sibling quickly stepped in, smiling nervously at all the people.
“It’s nice to meet all of you, I’m sure! But we must be off!~” They waved before tugging the shorter by the wrist.
They both zoomed out the door, leaving everyone dissapointed. The man, still on the floor groaned.
“I..I could sue!! That..she ASSUALTED ME!!” He complained.
Silence covered the cafe’ before..
“Shut up.” Someone threw their empty, paper cup at them.
It hit the top of his head and he grunted. He looked around to who it was.
“Hey?!! What the-!?” He was cut off again.
“YEAH!! GET OUTTA’ HERE!!” More people threw stuff at him and he yelped.
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“You were so hot back there! Maybe you’ll blow up, become a fugtive!” Summer panted
The other orange-nette rolled her eyes and looked behind her. They were both currently sitting on a fountains edge, water behind them filled with a statue and pennies.
“Please, I dobut it. Actually no-that might happen actually. Knowing my reputation with..’fame’.” She started but thought about it more.
“Pfft- anyways, maybe you should take me to your favorite spot, yeah??” The other snickered before tilting her head and smiling.
The former squinted at her, that was the thing about Summer. She always had a relaxed smile on her face, and was so nice to everyone. She hated that she pushed her own sister away.
“Am..am I mean to you..?” She hestiantely asked.
The brighter eyed girl blinked and rubbed her eyes. Sje simply scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“Are you? Sometimes, yeah. But it’s not a bad thing.” They answered.
She looked at them before embrassingly turning away and mummbling something. She dug her fresh nails into the rim of the fountain and scowled.
They didn’t like this sudden feeling that dwelled inside of them. Fear? Softness? Whatever it was, they wanted it gone.
“Autumn? Hey!” They shook their sister by the shoulder.
The said person snapped out of it and looked shakily at the others face. They had a concerned expression on, only natural. Only natural, but still annoying.
“Or we can stay here if you’d like? There seems to be somethin’ bothering you.” They reassuringly smiled.
Her nails dug further into the fountain and she hissed. Was she bleeding by now? Probably.
“Wha-Autumn?! Come back please!” Huh?
The female hadn’t even relized she had gotten up and had started walking away. She tried to pause her movements, but it was like she was being dragged to go somewhere.
Her older sibling had gotten up and this cued the others body to start running. Yes, she had lost control of her bodily funcontions once or twice, dropping a plate when her hand went numb, or something else.
But never..THIS..
“Autumn!!” They faintly heard their sibling call after them but they turned back towards and just sighed.
Maybe they were trying to burn off this annoying feeling that had rised in their being. It was that annoying fury and anger towards everyone and everything.
They halted at a crossroad-slightly winded. Some people raised an eyebrow and they only glared at them. They adjusted their posture and glanced towards the button.
“God..” Autumn glanced behind her into the walking crowds but coudn’t spot Summer.
The light turned green and everyone moved along, including her. She only eye-twitched and ran a hand through her hair.
She followed along with the crowd, still checking her phone here and there. It lit up multiple times with the call singal from her sister. She simply ignored it though.
The ginger quickly found another cafe’, one she had been to multiple times. She didn’t order anything though, she simply sat down and laid her head on the table.
People were probably looking at her strangley, she cracked open and eye and just say a couple people peeking glances at her. She lazily made a two finger wave before slumping over again.
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“Autumn??” A blonde haired girl leered over the orange-nette.
The person, who was zoning out with their cheek in their head perked up. They glanced towards her, before humming.
“Hey, Nari! What’s up?” They closed eyed smiled.
The other seemed to be pleased with the attention but looked away. She glanced towards the door before back towards them.
“Your..boyfriends..here.” She answered.
The former perked up, like sat up straight and smiled wider. Micheal, her boyfriend was so nice, not to mention cute! Ah, she could feel herself getting flustered.
“Thanks Nari! I can always count on youuu..~” She grinned and kissed her friends cheek before skipping off towards her boyfriend.
Meanwhile, Nari Jeong placed a hand on her cheek, feeling weak. God, only if they knew the hold they had on some people. She watched as they smiled and leaned towards their boyfriend, also kissing his cheek.
Ah…her cheek now felt colder.
“You’ having a good day so far, baby? You seem more happy then usual.” The taller of the duo grinned down at them.
“Yep, now it’s even better because your here! I love you..” They cheered before kissing him.
Micheal wasn’t easy, he didn’t always kiss back. He didn’t always call her nicknames, or tease but it was okay. It was okay because they were still together.
He grunted and gently kissed back before easing her down. She still had that wide smile on her face, and he closed his eyes.
“Your so cute darling.” He breathed out.
It was true, everyone in the school adimired her. From her near ginger hair, that was slightly tied back by the white hairband on her head. Or her cute freckles around her face.
The girls scoffed and her cheeks turned a light pink. So cute.
So cute but too easy..
“Ugh, stop! Could you be anymore cheesy?” She sarcastically asked.
The brown haired male only snickered before raising an eyebrow.
“Probably. But you like it, don’t you??” He inquired back.
She simply grumbled something before jolting when the bell rang. Micheal leaned back slightly, grin still on his face.
“Better get to class, slacker!” She teased before being caught off guard when he connected their lips again.
They closed one, green eyed on reflex before softening and kissing back. It was always nice when he decided to shut them up.
However, quickly after he snickered again and pulled away. They cracked their eyes open and huffed. He quickly picked his bag off of the ground and ruffled their locks of hair.
“See you later, Aut’!~” He cooed before walking away.
They groaned, slumping over again. Only to tense when multiple people ran towards them.
“AAAAH-Your so lucky Autumn!!” A girl with pink hair and brown eyes sighed.
The emerlad eyed girl only raised an eyebrow with a now more tense smile on her face.
“You think so??” She questioned.
Another person, a girl with white hair and green eyes spoke up.
“Uh, yeah!! Micheal is so dreamy, not to mention you!” She gawked.
Autumn could only laugh nervously and play with a strand of hair. There were other popular couples though, right??
“Autumn! And the rest of you, get to your classes please!” Someone broke the crowd up.
She glanced towards them, it was Mars. The rest of the crowd yelped in slight fear before scampering off. She smiled geinuley at the navy haired girl.
“Thanks, Mars! They were sort of..” She trailed off.
“Holding you?? Yeah, I noticed. You should be more honest with your..fans?” She sarcastically answered.
The orange-nette only sweat-dropped before nodding. She entered the classroom along with Mars and prepared for another easy-going day.
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The female gasped slightly as she awoke, still in the cafe’. No one was near her, but some people spared a longer glance of confusion at the loud noise.
She muttered something before standing up and rolling her shoulder. She also cracked her hands and strecthed them out before trying to walk out the door.
She was stopped though, by a black haired man. He had fluffy, yet frizzy looking hair with alot of pirecings. He also had black eyes and a grin on his face.
“Hey, I think I know you. Autumn Candell, right?” He asked.
She was immeditally on guard about this, she hadn’t told anyone her name..her throat seized slightly. Oh god, was she going to be able to answer?
“I..I..” She hoarsely said.
Fuck that, her throat closed tighter and she knew she wouldn’t be able to speak. The shorter of the duo wondered how she would be able to communicate.
“Hey, are you alright? Oh! I’m so sorry! Your probably wondering how I know your name?” He relized.
She blinked a few times, was this guy insanely smart or something? Hell, maybe even a mind reader.
They nodded and he placed a relaxed grin on his face.
“We went to the same highschool. I’ve actually been looking for you..” He answered.
‘Oh.’ They thought. ‘That last sentence isn’t creepy, AT ALLLLL..’
“…” They looked around for something before sighing and opening their phone.
They typed something on it and practically shoved it in the male’s face, making him back up.
‘looking for me??’ It asked.
He beamed and nodded, unsettingly. The long haired girl lowered the phone some to get a better look at him.
“I’m so happy to see you again! You probably don’t remeber me, so my name is Michealis Garcia.” He introduced.
She didn’t think about it much, well, her first reaction was to type something in jest.
‘a bit long-winded, wouldn’t you say?’ it sarcastically read.
She also squinted her green eyes at him, Michealis Garcia? Wasn’t that the leader of the football team? Ugh.
He laughed before leaning towards her. She visibly grimanced.
“Ah, have you became even more funny?” He grinned.
She grimnaced more and finally took a good few steps back. She pinched the bridge of her nose for a second before typing something else.
‘i would hope so? anyways, see you.’ she quickly flashed before practically zooming out of the cafe’.
The black haired boy frowned as his eyes followed her until he lost her. How annoying. He narrowed his eyes before joting when someone nudged from behind him.
“Excuse me? Your blocking the door.” They bluntly said.
Michealis just moved aside and watched as they nudged the door open with their elbow. This was due to them carrying a large box with a smaller box on top.
The door closed again and he sighed deeply before walking out of the store aswell. Hopefully Autumn hadn’t wandered too far.
Speaking of, the said person was weaving through the crowds again. Maybe they should just call Summer while they were at it. What time was it again??
They glanced down quickly as the merly clicked the on button and saw the time, 2:00 PM. So as much for hanging out right? Oh well, they were going to be in the city for a couple months.
Maybe the younger should have felt worse, but she really didn’t feel anything. She just kept walking before finally sitting down at a open bar place.
They had bar stools, on the open side-walk and the open bar also faced outwards. It wasn’t crammed, like there was just a random bar jammed into the crowd. It was off to the side like all the other shops.
“What can I get for you?” The bartender asked.
The orange-nette simply cleared her throat and leandd forward. Hopefully her voice was back by now.
“Uh..do..do you sell uhm..like white wine by the bottle.? Along with wiskey?” She asked.
Yeah, the girl liked to down some hard whiskey and wine. And even better was mixing them, which was probably bad for her gut.
“Whiskey and wine bottles?? I can do that, but first I need to see an ID, of course.”
Autumn was really jumpy all of the sudden and flinched slightly. The worker seemed slightly concerned, furrowing their eyebrows. She quickly shaked her head though and found her ID.
It was the only real thing, that well, provded she was real. That’s why she was sometimes scared while she was stabbing a guys vocal chords out, what if she got caught?? No dobut the court of law would look for her legal documents.
“Alright, here you go.” The bartender handed them back ther card and they shoved it in their bag.
They shuffled and flinched immensly when someone slid into the seat next to them.
‘HOLY SHIT’ they yelled in their mind, ‘CAN I NOT GET A FUCKING BREAK?!’
They spared a glance towards the person next to them, only see..
“YOU?!!” They blurted out.
The man laughed, Michealis. His demenor didn’t seem to change, however it was kind of creepy he kinda’ followed them here.
“Yeah, me! You surprised?” He laughed out.
The former made a face and he snickered slightly. Could the bartender be a little quicker?!
“Soooo..did I wear you down so much that you needed a drink??” He questioned.
She slumped over the counter slightly, arms crossed on it. An exhausted expression of annoyment rested on her face.
“Yep. So, go away now.” Drop the plesentries, creep.
Michealis seemed to be taken aback by this, blinking a few times. Before the same smile, but smaller rested on his face. However, his eyes noticeably shrank and dialated.
“Oh, sorry! Did that bother you?” She lazily glanced at him before picking up the two bottles of acohol and stepping down from the seat.
Before the bartender could even say anything about pay, she formed into the crowd. The black eyed male quickly followed after though and somehow fitted to walk beside her.
“Why are you being so rude to a previous friend? Didn’t your par-!” He rather agressivly asked.
They chuckled under their breath, typical. Pull out the parent excuse of manners and be an asshole.
“My parent’s were acholics, and not good people.” She smiled up at him before glancing towards the bottles.
Autumn had a hunch of what was going to come out of his mouth. And they weren’t responsible for what came of it, if he had the guts to say it.
“So..like you??”
“…” There it was.
The girl somehow manged go grab him and swiftly push him into a alleyway. A few people seemed to notice, but they just glanced at the acholoic drinks in their hands before losing intrest.
“Wh-hey!! Awfully fucking handsy!” He grunted.
The shorter stayed silent, swaying before swiftly digging their thumb under one of the corks of the drinks and opening it. They took a pretty good swig before sighing.
“You know, I usually don’t do this sort of thing. Only to people I need revenge on or I knew hurt me. And the-the funny thing is-I don’t even remeber you-AT ALL!!” They stummbled over their words, laughing slightly.
Michealis took a few steps back, glancing behind him every now and then. The long haired girl sighed again and came closer.
“God, you could’ve been such a nobody if you just kept your damn mouth shut. But no, you decided to be gross and come up and talk to me.” She spat.
The black-nette switched over to have fear in his eyes. Was she seriously demented?! Was she actually going to hurt him?!
Oh no, she wasn’t going to hurt him.
She was going to make him suffer.
In all honesty, her current thoughts were all jumbled up. Flashbacks and images from her past clouded her vision and didn’t help with the emotions she felt.
“Please! I’..I’m sorry..!” He aplogized.
And it clicked.
Now she knew exactly why this Michealis guy was all over her. He’s the one who found her body once it hit the ground at school. And yet he didn’t get someone to help, he just stared at it for probably twenty minutes before walking away.
“Your kidding me..” She whispered.
Why didn’t he help her?! Prehaps he could’ve broken the cycle right then and there! Then they wouldn’t have to fucking die over and over again.
“Ha..Ahaha!.. I know exactly who you are now.” She lightly laughed.
She came even closer, now the taller wasn’t able to move any further back. Her right eye darted all around his face before the other remained steady. Pretty creepy.
“Your the guy who was too much of a coward to report a body. Your the guy who practically was a eye-witness but didn’t say anything.” They hissed.
The ladder’s eyes widened as his ‘secret’ was revealed. Honestly, just how despreate was he?? It was really gross.
“Now I can’t feel bad about getting rid of you.” They mummbled aswell.
They tilted the white wine bottle and chugged it back quickly before doing the same with the whiskey. A probably painful display for most people, but it placed a wobbly grin on their face.
“Please..I’m so sorry Candell..” He tried one more time.
Her smile immeditally fell and she slammed the white wine glass into the wall beside her. This made a shattering sound and it became jagged.
The pine eyed female leaned over him, one hand messing with the weapon. An distant look was painted on her face as she spoke:
“Pray to some other god then.”
And with that, she brought the glass down on him. He screamed violently, but knowing the people of Valentino City, they wouldn’t even spare a glance. Blood quickly standed everything, slightly coating her face aswell.
She yanked the bottle that she had inlodged in his stomach out. Then, she grabbed him quickly by the head and twisted it slightly so she could stab the glass in his throat.
He screamed again but it was quickly silenced with noises of him choking on his own blood. The ginger watched as he reached towards her but went slack.
After a few moments, Autumn glanced down towards the weapon in her hand, her eye twitching.
“I seriously just wasted a good bottle of wine on you?! Talk about annoying..” She hissed, tossing the bottle back towards his slumped over body.
Blood was everywhere, on her face and hair. And espically on her clothes that now had spots just completly red.
They glanced down at Michealis’s body one more time before swiftly pinching the bridge of their nose. Whatever, they would just walk in the alleyways so that people didn’t get concerned.
They also glanced down towards their clothes and scowled.
“I fucking liked this shirt too..prick.” She complained before walking away.
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“I’m very sorry, but I haven’t seen anyone who looks like that..” A woman answered.
Summer sighed and lowered her phone. She had tried calling her younger sister over a dozen times now only to not get an answer. She eventually started asking people on the streets.
“No..No it’s okay..I’ll find her eventually..” She reassured the woman, smiling softly before walking back into the crowd.
Of course, Summer wasn’t stupid. She didn’t go up to drug dealers, sex workers, or other people randomly asking where the fuck her sister was.
She instead, gravatated towards the friendly looking people. They were rare, but it was still surprising the amount of people she had asked.
Maybe it was the photo, the girl clicked open her phone and looked at it. It had Autumn with a surprised expression as they looked up from what they were doing.
It was still visible how many scars they had. The former scoffed and turned off the phone.
Jazzy music played throughout the streets as the sun lowered. It was now 4:00 PM and of course it was getting dark.
They faintly remebered the person they were looking for to stay inside at night. Of course, this peeked their curiousty, but they weren’t trying to be another victim.
A victim of what exactly?? Well, of the series of brutual murders that were going around. Men and woman turned up dead left and right, some had their throats cut out. Some had seviere bruising, just what exactly was this person doing to them?!
The person had to be serverly messed up, the victims bodies proof of that. It was like the bodies were the person taking out their mental state out on them.
The orange-nette grimnaced at the thought of becoming a victim. Yet, that was probably on everyone’s minds. This person was clearly a danger.
They blinked a few times, why were they so focused on this?? Autumn was more imporant!!
The older sister groaned softly and passed a crosswalk. She also flinched when someone slightly came up behind her.
“Summer??” A voice called.
It was medium toned, so she couldn’t tell who it belonged to. She turned slightly and saw bright blue eyes and soft blonde hair around a pretty face.
“Nari?!” She walked slightly backwards.
Nari was also aquaintated with the older sibling aswell. They had met once or twice, the older noticing how she was attracted to her sister.
“Ahaha..it’s nice..to uhm..see someone from highschool..” She softly laughed.
The same heighted girl raised an eyebrow at this. The nari she knew was much more..upbeat! Not extremely, but enough to be considered atleast mellow.
But the one walking behind her had eyebags, a thinner face, along with a sort of exhausted and almost wretched vibe coming off of her.
“Are you okay?” It slipped out.
The blonde blinked a few more times in surprise before smiling nervously.
“Oh..uhm..yeah just uh..tired..say!-do you want to eat somewhere? Or atleast talk??” She looked away before snapping back to them.
The green eyed female placed a lop-sided smile on her face and nodded.
The duo pulled to the side and quickly entered a shop. It wasn’t a cafe’, it just looked like a store where you ordered food.
“Do you want anything? I’ll pay.” Nari questioned.
The green eyed girl glanced at the menu and squinted. She leaned forwards before turning towards the other.
“I’ll take a veggie’ sandwhich with choclate milk.” She bluntly answered.
It looked like the other tried not to laugh as she gave her order.
“Veggie’ sandwhich with choclate milk, really??” She replied.
The ginger only blew out a puff of air and shook her head.
“Please..that’s why your somewhat shorter then me.” She smirked bitterly and leaned a little closer.
The blue eyed girl raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah? I think we level out though..” She simply said before turning away.
Summer smiled lightly, the other girl seemed more relaxed now. She could faintly hear her ordering some food before flashing a grin at Summer and making a ‘c’mere’ motion.
“Here.” She softly said before siting down.
They blinked, Nari always had a sort of soft beauty about her.
“Woah..” The other let out, getting a better look at her face.
As they said before, she defentily did look older. But she still had the cute freckles, and almost clear skin.
“What?” The said girl spoke up, a knowing grin on her face.
That was another thing about her, her eyes always scrunched up in joy from her smile. Sometimes her nose also scrunched up.
“You just look..simaliar to how you did back then..” They said slowly.
The blue eyed girl sitting across from them laughed. Her eyes closed and she held her cheek.
“Ah, charming, however..no matter how long it’s been, my heart still belongs to your sister.”
The older blinked a few times, eyes wide. Seriously?! Why was everyone chasing after their sister today?!
“Seriously?! You still want to date her?!” They gawked.
Nari was about to answer but an order name was called as she got up. She quickly walked over and picked a tray up before smoothly walking back and sorting the food.
“What can I say? Autumn has posion. Sure, she might be different now. But she still has that..aura about her..” She described.
The ginger only grunted before stabbing a straw into her choclate milk.
“Well, I have no idea where she is..” She mummbled.
The ladder had her sandwhich raised to her mouth before pausing. She lowered it slightly as she glowered at her.
“What do you mean?? You didn’t move here?” She questioned.
“Oh no, I’m just here visting Autumn. I’m also living here for a couple months.” She shurgged and took another chug of her milk.
Nari Jeong didn’t say anything for a while before completly setting her sanwhich down and staring at her. One hand held her cheek while the other tapped its fingers in a rythmatically way.
“Living here while the murders are at a peak..that’s sort of risky, don’t you think??” She asked.
Summer couldn’t help but agree. Yeah, it was risky. When Summer gave the driver where she wanted to be dropped off at when she first arived, he made a face.
“Yeah, but you live here too.” She answered before taking a bite out of her own sandwhich.
The long haired blonde leaned forward, fingers digging into her cheek. The mood switched suddenly, it seemed like she was on edge.
“Mm..hey, is something wrong?? You seem..tense..” The former spoke through their mouthful, kind of gross.
Nari sighed deeply and took a long look at the others face. What would they say if she spoke about what she thought was right? She wasn’t a dectective or anything..
But these crimes were unatural, the attacker had to have some mental stuff going on. There’s no way the female across from her did it. Even if she was mentally ill.
This person clearly was driven by motovation, by anger. By greif, by whatever THE FUCK. All of these people..were victims..
And they all went to the same highschool she did.
“Nari?” Summer brought her back.
She couldn’t take it anymore, she had to say it. They could get mad, hell, maybe even give her some crude words.
“I think your sibling is the one causing this murders.”
“…….” As soon as she said that, everything went pitch silent.
It was like both of them stopped breathing, their sandwhich held in their hands froze. Their expression blank as they took this in.
“What.” They blurted.
It wasn’t a question, it was a demand. A demand for the yellow-nette to explain just exactly what the fuck was going on with her head.
“Yes, I think Autumn Candell is the murder. Surely you’ve noticed it by now, haven’t you?” She contuined, gulping.
The other candell sibling only stared at her with bland eyes. It was like they were going through the possbilties in their head.
“That they’re all people we went to school with??” She finished.
Summer sat the sandwhich down and came dangerously close to Jeong’s face. This made the blue-eyed girl sweat-drop and lean back.
“Look, I don’t know what your fucking problem is. But if this is another fucking joke of an excuse for me to tell somebody more about my sister, I’ll add you to the body count. Stay the fuck away from me and Autumn.” She vemonsly whispered.
As soon as Summer stood up and harshly turned away, the other female grabbed her wrist.
“Summer-Summer!! Please just-just wait a second! The killer might be suffering from some mental illness, like PTSD! It could be anything really, aren’t you concerned?!” She tried to stop her.
The bright eyed girl whipped around and practically tore her arm away from the other. She scowled at glared down at her.
“So your saying Autumn has PTSD, now? I wouldn’t dobut that. But like I said, I want you out of here.” She hissed.
“So Autumn does have PTSD??” The younger whispered.
Green eyes only seemed to fuel with more disgust and irratation. She yelped when hands curled around her shirt, dragging her closer.
“So what if they do?! You gonna’ add that to your insanity theory, huh?? God, your a fucking physco’.” They said before roughly letting go and storming out the door.
Once she got her barrings again, she reached a hand out but she was too late, she always was. She glanced towards the shop owner but they were busy and had headphones on.
“Damnit!” She scowled.
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“Nari??” Autumn called out.
The blonde flinched slightly and turned towards her. It hurt looking at her, she was so pretty. You could practically put a halo around her and it would fit right in.
“Ah, yeah what’s up?” She turned her attention to the shorter.
They smiled at her and handed over a box. It was neatly wrapped and had a blue ribbon ontop. She looked up and raised an eyebrow as they nervously laughed.
“Happy brithday..?” They said, a small tint of pink covering their face.
Ah that’s right, it was her brithday, wasn’t it? She grinned and looked at the cat wrapping paper.
“Thanks, I apperiacte it.” She spoke.
They grinned back and leaned forward a little. Nari Jeong couldn’t help but notice the ring on their left hand. A pretty emerlad green.
“Well?! Open it!~” They nudged.
The slightly taller girl only smiled wider and opened it. She blinked a few times before slightly squealing.
“Ah!! No way!! A smiths album?!” She freaked out.
Autumn smiled with her eyes closed and backed away a little. She was happy the other liked her gift. Even if Summer had told her to go with a Cars album.
“You’ like it?” She rytorchically asked.
The yellow-nette held the vinyl album closer to her and innocently smiled.
“I love it so much! How did you know I loved them?” She beamed before leaning forward.
The green eyed girl blinked a few times before tensing and blushing. Her eyes darted anywhere but towards Nari.
“Uhm..lucky guesssss’..???” She drawled out.
“Summer told you, didn’t she.” She deadpanned.
Autumn laughed even more nervously and blushed harder.
“Sorry! You just don’t talk about yourself much!” She apologized.
The other simply shook her head before sitting the vinyl down on her desk. The shorter nervously glanced at it, was she mad??
“Come here..~” She mummbled before grabbing her and leaning down to kiss her cheek.
She pulled away swiftly, grabbing her things and leaving the Candell sibling by herself.
“Ugh..” She groaned, grabbing her own cheeks, annoyed.
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Autumn was silent as she sat ontop of the roof. She blacked out again and even more blood was on her clothes. She assumed she was on the rooftop of the old school.
Funnily enough, this was the same place that started everything. All her murders and deaths. She blandly looked down.
Jesus, to think they fell from this height. In the distance you could see lights and buildings blink and wink at you. She scowled and ran a hand through her hair.
Was it just her was she feeling light headed all of the sudden?? The bloody killer decided to get up anyways and swayed before panicking.
“Stop it.” She leaned away from the edge but it felt like she was slipping.
Her breath picked up and her eyes zoned in on the ground. Jesus, was the ground suposed to be looking that close?!
“Stop it stop it..” She breathed.
She scowled and pushed herself to sit down on a bench. Why was it like her body was pushing herself to the ground. Why was it like the rooftop wasn’t straight?!
“Fucking..” She trailed off, leaning her head back.
They flinched when the heard footsteps on the roof. Who exactly?? School was out and no one should be up here.
“There you are..” A raspy voice said, sounding like they had cried.
The ginger immeditally tensed and whipped around. Their eyes searched around frantically before landing on a person. They had blonde hair and big eye bags.
“What are you doing?” The voice asked again.
Autumn swiftly stood up, body still facing the person.
“Better question, what are YOU doing?” She repeated, bitterly.
They laughed a little more before sighing, they came a little closer. The orange-nette squinted before pausing.
“Nari Jeong?!” She blurted out.
The long haired other female smiled in relief. Yeah, it was her. She didn’t know exactly how she ended up here. Maybe to reminse.
“I didn’t actually think you’d be here..consdering and all..” She trailed off.
Autumn scoffed and backed away a little more. The ocean eyed other looked a little worried.
“I’m not scared.” She spat.
And true, she didn’t look scared. No, she looked angry. She looked frustrated and annoyed.
“Just..WHY are YOU here?!..” They tried to yell but it cancelled out at some points.
Nari Jeong frowned and looked away. She should’ve knew better, that they were angry. They were frustrated and tired.
“I know you killed them, Autumn..” She mummbled.
A gust of wind blew by, blocking her from seeing their face as their hair blew infront of it. The blood on their clothes soaked and coated the air with it.
“Can you fucking blame me?” She blandly questioned.
Yes, yes she could.
“Your actually killing-!!” She was cut off by them angrily grabbing their hair.
The taller was geniuley taken aback by the hate in her eyes. It was pure, veomn, hatered. She had enough.
“You’ve always been fucking annoying. What, you about’..you about’ to fucking confess your love for me or something?! Damn right! Because everyyyyyyoneee’ JUST FUCKING LOVES AUTUMN FUCKING CANDELL!! HAHAHAHA-?!” She contuined.
“Instead of being a constant fucking pain in my ass, you could’ve helped! But no-your here! And annoying as fucking EVER.” She hissed, grabbing the ladder by their collar.
The girl stared at her with shaky eyes. Jeong leaned away and paled slightly.
“Stupid.” She simply whispered before pushing her back upright.
The blue eyed girl blinked before furrowing her eye brows. There was something seriously wrong with her..maybe it’s because she didn’t get proper help.
“Autumn, somethings wrong-!” She tried to start.
“What, with me?? Well, no fucking shit Nari! You wouldn’t lose your mind after dying five times over?!” She sarcastically asked.
The female frowned deeper and took a few steps back on her own.
“I..I just want to help..”
“Right. And what good do you think HELP of all things will do?” They quickly replied.
In all honesty, she didn’t know. She was just saying stuff at this point, did they know it?? Probably.
“I…don’t you remeber..?” She stummbled over her words again.
Green pine eyes shifted back and forth in confusion.
“Remeber what?”
“Us! Us, Autumn!” Her voice cracked as she quickly caught them off guard by grabbing their face.
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“Hey, Nari!” The ginger grabbed the other girl’s attention swiftly.
“Hm?” She hummed.
She shoved something into her hands, she was tempted to think it was another gift. But when she looked down, it was a coat.
“I’m going up to the roof to meet Micheal, he wanted to talk about something..can you hold this for me??” She explained before leaning forward.
She didn’t seem the way her friends hands twitched or her hands. Nari could only flash a closed eyed smile.
“Sure. I’ll wait for you.” She simply said.
The former breathed out before grinning. She quickly waved bye before heading up to the roof.
When Autumn opened up the gate to the roof, they were greated by their boyfriend in all his glory.
“Ah, there you are my love.” He noticed.
She placed a giddy grin on her face and walked over. They quickly tucked a piece of hair behind their ear before leaning closer, hands behind their back.
“Hey, Micheal! What do you want to talk about-!” They started.
“Nari Jeong.” He cut them off.
The shorter blinked a few times, posture going a little stiff. The dark haired male raised an eyebrow.
“What’s wrong?? You don’t think I’m THAT dense, do you?” He questioned.
She glanced away for a second before furrowong her eyebrows.
“Micheal, what are you talking about? Nari and me are just friends.” She firmly asked.
He only rolled his eyes, scoffing. He leaned back and stuffed his hands into his pockets, looking away aswell.
“She doesn’t seem to think that.” He scoffed.
The younger quickly scowled and came a little closer. Micheal immedtially backed up some, whistling.
“You think I’m cheating?” She whispered.
The taller didn’t answer, eyes darting away. She scoffed out a laugh before running a hand softly through her hair.
“I’m not cheating, Micheal.” She hissed.
The dark eyed male seemed to have enough as he grabbed her shoulders.
“Just shut up, Autumn.” He groaned before kissing her.
The gesture was unwelcome, as they quickly moved back. They narrowed their green eyes at him.
“‘Just shut up, Autumn’?? Who do you think you are?” She angirly questioned.
“Uhm?? Your boyfriend?” He laughed.
She scowled again and took off her headband, undoing her hair. Her emerlad eyes flicked back and forth.
“Your not my boyfriend. Your not acting like the man I fell in love with.” She bit.
The brown eyed male blinked before bursting out in laughter. The ginger took a quick glance behind her before glancing back towards him.
“Uhm!- News flash, darling, men change. I’m not that sweetheart, sappy and somewhat flirty guy you fell in love with!” He sarcastically said before reaching towards her again.
She swiftly moved back again and frowned.
“What’s wrong with you?! Stay away from me!” Her voice cracked.
Why did this hurt? Why did it feel like her heart was breaking in two?? Why was he acting so lustful?!
“Please..stop..” She whispered.
He didn’t, he only came closer. Now both of them were practically on the edge of the roof. There was no gate protecting from one of them falling off.
“Autumn, I love you..you know that, right..?” Micheal asked.
The long haired girl glanced down before quickly back up.
“Do you?” She mummbled.
“Yes.” Air, whipping through her hair.
She was falling, why? She could feel her body lose control as her eyes stared up at the roof she had just been on.
She blinked before screaming. It was too late, her body had flipped around and she was facing the ground now. The ground had never seemed to threatening.
The ground was something to ground you, as it were. But when you crashed into it, it was scary.
They could faintly hear commotion going on, people stopping in place and then..
It was sickening to hear, even to Autumn’s now fading hearing.
“AAAAAAAA-!!!” Multiple people screamed, some running away, some standing shocked.
Their body twitched in reflex, but they closed their eyes. Funnily enough, they didn’t really feel any pain. Rather more then confusion.
Didn’t..didn’t Micheal say..he loved them..?
Ha, shit..their brain was failing them now..
Well, whatever….people would probably mark..mark it as a..suicide or..or something..
And all went silent.
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“Stop it, stop it, stop it!!” The now present time girl clutched her hair again.
Nari Jeong took this chance to quickly move her away from the edge. She flinched though when they practically fell over themself, on the ground.
“Get away..get away from me..” She whispered, laying her hands flat on the ground, hair blocking her vison.
“Autumn..hey..” The lighter eyed girl cooed.
The shorter flinched away and dug her nails harshly into the flooring.
“Stop it..” She repeated.
There was nothing Nari Jeong could say or do to bring them back. They were stuck in their own memories. Maybe for a couple minutes, maybe forever.
The blonde bit her lip and looked away. What was she suposed to do?? She could easily end all of this, turn them into the police.
She glanced back towards the Candell sibling and bit harder.
Fucking hell..
She quickly took something out of her bag and wrote something down on a small piece of paper. She carefully slid it underneath the other female.
Through her haze of mind, and well, tears, Autumn’s breath hitched. A pale hand right out of the corner of her eye slid her something. It fell right under her chest and she looked down.
‘Hi, my name’s Nari Jeong! What’s your name?’
0 notes
evansencezz · 2 years
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(〃′▽`)—WHO AM I TO DISSAGREE?? —Mechanic!Suimuki x Various—(〃′▽`)
Notes: hoh boy, agnst, suimuki has both a inferoirty and suporirty complex at the same time, she really needs a hug, humor, dry humor, lots of slang tossed around, mechanic suimuki my beloved, average deftones and smashing pumpkins fan, has the mechanics division, kinda shitty suimuki, slight fluff, mainly agnst, suimuki is afraid of emotions like love, suimuki hates being confessed too, mentions towards OG suimuki trauma, she kinda has a crush on killian?? non-confrimed crushes or relationships, killian is a angel in this and suimuki cries like a bitch, violin trauma, austitic coded suimuki, mental breakdowns, stressed out suimuki, she is crazy fr, hallcuications, insomnia, she just lives off of coffee, obessive suimuki, she likes being in the dark, easily flustered suimuki, killian is still a little shit, flirting, teasing, lots of touching, major fight scence, suimuki having trouble understanding emotions, tired suimuki, kissing, yes punk au spinoff, this doesnt directly affect the punk au., takes place around halloween, haunted houses, lock her up, mentions towards SH, mentally ill suimuki, angst with happy ending??
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The black haired girl sighed and pulled on her eyelids. She honestly shouldn’t be that tired! She’s running on five shots of straight expresso right now. Or maybe they were watered down or something. She wanted to find something to keep her eyes from shutting.
“Ughhhhhhhh..” She groaned out.
Her body begged for sleep and it was constant fight to keep her eyes open. Because as soon as she knew, if she closed her eyes she wouldn’t want to again.
A full bodies sleep was asking away too much from her. When was the last time she has even had her machines fall asleep?! They were constantly running and she couldn’t afford one of them blowing up while she was dozing off.
She rubbed underneath her eyes and the corners. She also shifted over to try and wake up. Almost everyone was already asleep, including everyone in her divison. Wasn’t a big deal, it was three in the morning.
She placed her cheek in her hand as she gazed at the giant machine before her. It was the magium opious, the thing that gave the whole underground power and electricity. It had a hum and small puffs of smoke coming out of it, nothing new.
Her hand fell as it rest on her knee, her mouth in a open frown. She could do better, there had to be something else she could do.
She spun her chair so she was back at the table near the corner of the large room. Blueprints for inventions she was working on strewen across the table. She grumbled and narrowed her eyes.
The inventor moved both of her hands so she could grab one. It was a blueprint for a music box, a gift. She actually looked at the sliver box on the desk aswell, the main component for it.
“Stupid, whose gonna’ want that?” She scoffed.
“Want what??” A curious voice called out.
Her hands tightened around the blueprint as her entire body tensed and flinched. She quickly span around in the chair and came to face..
“Oh jesus christ Jin! The fuck’ are you doing?” She breathed out before scowling slightly.
The white haired sibling smiled slightly before cracking their neck. They were actually wearing something different, oversized pants and a baggy shirt.
“I think the better question is: what exactly are YOU doing?” They smoothly asked.
The younger of the two groaned and leaned back further on her chair.
“Creative block.” She simply answered.
Jin blinked in suriprise, dropping their hands that had been up as they cracked their back.
“Creative block? As in like, you don’t know what you wanna’ invent?” She questioned.
Suimuki groaned again but simply nodded before pulling closer to the table. A cup of ice-melted coffee sat on the table and she took a few sips of it.
“Ding ding ding! Your so smart..~” She mocked before breathing out.
Jin blew out a puff of air, making a razzberry.
“Please spare me and everyone else the scarcasm! By the way, what is that? A music box??” She whined before leaning closer and squinting.
The black-nette made a face and leaned away slightly. Also trying to block the view of the object, it didn’t work quite well.
“Your the only person whose awake right now, besides me. And yes, it is a music box.” She confusingly said before clarrifying.
The ladder only raised an eyebrow and grabbed the music box. This made her shrink back into her chair and cringe.
“Please don’t-!” She started but was cut off.
More spefically, she was cut off by the sound of a child’s toon. It wasn’t clear, cracky and glitchy here and there. But what was intresting is that what wad on the inside was a mechincal print of a pinic basket.
Little figures surrounded it and it looked like they were smiling and talking to each other. After a while, the toon ended, replaced by the sound of rain.
“Woah..is this a gift for someone??” He marveled before shutting the object gently and tilting his head.
Suimuki sighed and shook her head. She reached over the desk again and found her pack of ciggarets. She sighed as she took one out and lit it up.
“It’s a throw-away thing. You can have it if you like it that much.” She shrugged, turning to face him.
The heterocromidia eyed male lit up at this and leaned closer.
“Really?!” He eagerly asked.
She grinned slightly and exhaled the smoke, pinching the cigarette in-between her fingers.
“Sure, why not. I have no use for it.” She laughed harshly at the end of the setence.
The older sibling beamed and sat the music box down. For being a usual pain for Suimuki, they seemed reltively calm tonight.
“Thanks, dearest! Well, I hope you get out of your stumb soon enough! After all, where would we be without you?” Jin smiled before waving a hand in the air.
The yellow eyed sibling scoffed slightly but had a small smile on her face.
“Probably dead or eating each other alive.” She sarcastically answered.
The taller rolled her eyes before picking up the music box. She waved slightly before moving out of the others line of view. After a minute, the girl sighed deeply.
“Christ..” She whispered.
How stupid, well time to find something else to work on. She grumbled as she put out the ciggarette. It’s ash indented on the table.
She rubbed her temple as her other hand dug into the desk. She would get out of here, no matter what.
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“Where’s Suimuki??” Aether asked Jin, as everyone was at the gathering for breakfest.
The white-nette only smiled in reconqition, grabbing a piece of fruit. She turned slightly to her but kept the line moving.
“I went to her lab this morning, early of course. She’s running herself into the ground.” She answered.
The yet younger sibling blinked a few times.
“Oh yeah?” She questioned, wanting to get more information out of her.
The older brother simply snickered slightly as they finally found somewhere to sit. Aether quickly followed after him, already placing a piece of fruit in her mouth.
“Creative block. She gave me a music box that wasn’t even finished. That’s saying something, isn’t it?” He explained before spinning a spoon around in his coffee.
The former merly hummed and this and cleared his throat.
“Well, it would make sense. She’s always looking for something to work on.” He grunted.
Meanwhile, the inventor finally exited her lab. She had finally found something to work on and had been playing around with it for hours now. Best to get some breakfest, yeah?
“Let’s just hope no one fucking implodes on me.” She sarcastically wished.
She started strecthing before entering the dinning area. Eyes were drawen to her as everyone else was pretty much already sitting down.
“There she is! Thank god I didn’t have to bring food to you again!” Iris sarcastically cheered.
A couple snickers greeted this remark and she groaned.
“Go fuck yourself.” Was her response.
She moved over to the food rack and grabbed a few things. Of course, grabbing a cup of coffee with three creams and alot of sugar.
She even saw some people make faces at that amount she put in.
Suimuki simply sighed and looked for a place to sit. She eventually decided to sit inbetween Violet and Noel.
“Oh, hey Suimuki. Decided to sit with our lonely souls today?” Noel questioned.
The black-nette merly snickered at this before taking a sip of her coffee. Across from her sat Nari, a cool girl that she..mayormaynothaveacrushon..
“Say what you want, I’m not lonely!~” The blonde gave her input before taking a bite out of her toast.
Noel stuck her tongue out at her and rolled her eyes.
“Oh right, I forgot your the undergrounds resident heartbreaker! You and Suimuki could go hand and hand at that title I bet.” She bit out.
The other blonde, sitting on the left of the mechanic stiffled a laugh at this. All the girl had to do is shoot her a look and she turned away, shoulders still slightly shaking.
“Oh yeah?? And what do you think of that, Mech’?” Nari bitterlly asked back before lightening up when she turned to the shorter.
The said girl turned a tiny bit red. It was geniuley unclear if Nari knew about how she felt or not. She wasn’t the best at hiding her emotions.
“I don’t mind it…your very pretty so it’s only natural that you have adimires..” She answered.
The same yellow eyed girl blinked in surprise before laughing slightly. Iris and Violet both shot the other girl a look.
“Charming! Your very flattering, Lumine!~” She sang.
The blonde on her left groaned and burried her head in her hands.
“God, stop flirting! Or atleast do it somewhere else!” She complained, half-joking.
By now, Suimuki had finished her food and was just finishing her coffee. She really should get out of here.
“Oh, don’t fucking implode on me V’! I don’t want chunks going everywhere!” The one across from the trio joked.
Iris had also joined in the conversation, or more like bickering. Their voices fell on deaf ears though as the short haired girl noticed Astro waving at her.
“Suimuki!~ C’mere!” They beckoned.
The former glanced at the current group they were with, noticing that no one was paying attention to her. She grabbed her cup of almost finished coffee and walked over to them.
“What’s up?” She casually inquired, leaning to one side.
The white-nette seemed to be watching her movements before grinning brightly. God, the other squinted, it was like stars surrounded them.
“You’ll never guess what happend!” They cheered.
Oh? A challenge?? Was it really a question?
“Oh? Did you get yet another girlfriend?” She half-assly guessed.
She ment, it defentily was possible. Almost everyone in this group they had was attractive and desired by atleast a few people. Astro was no expection.
Speaking of, they whined slightly before swinging their body forwards.
“That’s rude!! No! I got a acception to get a few friends from the up tops’ down here for another vist!!” She complained before revealing.
The inventors mouth fell open, up top people?? Coming down here again?? Did that mean..?
“Ahah-That was my second guess.” She cut herself short of a laugh before deapanning.
The brighter eyed girl blinked a few times in confusion before a light bulb appeared ontop of her head. Then, she deadpanned.
“Har Har Har, sarcasm very funny, Lumine.” She sarcastically laughed.
Suimuki actually laughed at this as she sat her empty mug on a nearby table. One of her hands drifted upwards to adjust her goggles.
“Hilarous, even.” She snickered.
Astro groaned and leaned back comically before rubbed her eyes.
“Well, if it will please you, that boy of yours is coming down aswell. Y’know, the one who you have a massive crush on?~” She added, leaning actually towards the shorter now.
“Killian??” She accidentally blurted out, before making a face and slapping a hand over her mouth.
Meanwhile, the middle child of the Adachi’s got a smug look on their face. Their eyed got half-lidded and their grin widened.
“Aw, that’s cute. Atleast you finally adimit it.” They bitterly cooed.
The other girl’s eye twitched slightly before flinching when everyone else stood up rythmatically and started putting they’re plates and food away.
“Well, time to go pick up some losers! See ya’, Suimukiii’!~” They dissmissed, slightly snickering as the other quickly picked up her things and followed everyone else.
Meanwhile, the short haired girl grumbled under her breath. She was already walking towards the bigger lab where all the members of her unit were.
She quickly stepped into the room and looked around. A few faceless co-workers climbing on the machine waved down at her.
“Captian! There you are!” Reko walked over to her friend and passed a clipboard to her.
The white stripped girl blinked before looking down at it. She noticed that it had a list of small repairs and modifcations to be made to the big machine.
She looked towards the pink-nette. Reko had a wrench her hands and seemed to be messing with it.
“The machine needs a few repairs, nothing much. Also, do you have any other projects for us to work on?” She explained before leaning a little closer.
The golden eyed girl grunted and shuffled away a little. She hugged the clipboard closer to her and messed with her goggles again, a nervous habit.
“No, I’m still trying to wrack my brain.” She sighed.
The younger leaned back slightly and made a face. A small grin on her face as she raised a eyebrow.
“Well your genius brain isn’t going to work if you don’t get enough sleep.” She reminded.
Suimuki quickly groaned and shoved the clipboard back towards them. She didn’t need all people worrying about her, it was stupid.
“Yeah, yeah. Get to work, Damershera.” She waved off their concern.
The amber eyed girl only rolled her eyes but with a easy smile on her face. She walked away when a co-worker called her name.
The second eldest Lumine resisted the urge to sigh again and simply climbed up onto the big machine. She already rembered the list of things that needed repaired, easy enough.
She sat down on a thick beam, pretty high off the ground. Some people would probably be scared shitless if they were up here, some people dangling upside down aswell. But every member of this divison had extreme veritgo from being up here for so long but at least they weren’t slipping off.
“Hey, misa. Can I borrow a wrench?” The female asked.
The co-worker made a grunting sound before gently tossing a wrench at her. She leaned towards a hatch in the machine and took the wrench to it.
She bit her lip slightly and undid the hatch. She poked at it before reaching her right hand out towards somebody. They placed a screwdriver in it and she tossed the wrench towards them.
A smooth transaction, one where she didn’t even have to look away for.
“Oh, Suimuki darling!~ Lover boys here!~” A familar voice called out.
The said girl immeditally tensed up and looked down. There he was, in all his argueable glory. She grumbled something under her breath before standing up slowly and making her way down.
“Hey, Killian. You seem entergetic.” She tried to play it off cool but her small smile came out strained.
The dark haired male immeditally brightened when he saw the girl and hugged her. She turned immensly red but pulled away once he let go.
“Of course, how could I not be? I-!” He started but was cut off by him noticing something.
The shorter raised a eyebrow and tilted her head slightly. What was his problem??
“Your eyebags are so dark..” He mummbled, stepping closer.
She tensed when he gently ran a hand over her cheek. She was able to get a good look at his eyes, they were so much brighter then hers.
“Have you been staying up again, darling?” The male worried.
Suimuki couldn’t help but feel awful. She didn’t want to worry anyone, espically him. She bit her lip and made a pained expression. It hurt.
It hurt alot.
“Suimuki?” He called her back.
She quickly snapped out of it and looked at him again. Her yellow eyes flicked back and forth, trying to take his messure.
“Sorry, what? Have I been staying up again was the question??” She tried to confrim.
It took her whole will to ignore the swelling in her chest. Why was she so pained all of the sudden??
Why did it hurt so fucking bad?!
Killian simply sighed and pulled away, his hand lingering at her face a little before pulling away. She was so tempted to grab it again and cerish it.
“Yes..” He confrimed, seeming even more concerned.
She looked away before looking back at him. God, his expression was just so…
“Sorry..I’ve just had creative block and my mind has been wandering slightly recently..” She adimitted.
The heterchromdic male grunted in recongition before offering an easy smile.
“Well you don’t look awful of course! You look as pretty as you did when we first met.” He shamelessy flirted.
Her expression immeditally fell to a joking deadpan. Way to switch topics there, Killian.
“You think so? Or are you just that blind?” She blandly questioned, a simper grin on her face.
In reality, a bead of sweat was rolling down her cheek. She would be dammned if she couldn’t at least get him a little embrassed.
It didn’t work..
Instead, the male simply raised an eyebrow and his own grin formed on his face. His expression was throughly amused.
“Oh no, I’m not blind! But I think your trying to make me adimit something??” He answered before questioning.
The female grinned a little more at this, her eye twitching slightly. Motherfucker.
“Huhhhhh’??? I dunno’ what YOUR on but I’m not.” She drawled out before snickering and turning around animatidely.
The fanicer one scoffed and rolled his eyes slightly. The second eldest Lumine’s expression grew at this. Teach em’, Lumine!!
He followed her as she moved to a small work table and leaned over it.
“What are you working on?” He curiously asked.
The mechanic tried not to tense at the proxitmity between the two. It seemed like he didn’t even notice but she was always on edge.
“Well, before you showed up, I was working with everyone else on the electro’ machine. But now I’m working on something else.” She picked up another clipboard that had messy drawings and a list.
It was layout for a new invention. It was actually suposed to be a modifer for Aether’s mobile aid, or mechincal arm.
The casing was suposed to be more suited for them, but not making them litterally cut off blood flow. She also had it so it adjusted to different climates, like being waterproof and being able to take more hits.
“For blondie’?? You seem very giving towards your siblings.” He asked but smiled after.
She shot him a look, blowing out a puff of air. She finished looking over it and snatched something off of the table. It looked like a open braclett.
She also plopped on the ground and propped a knee up as she focused on the barely started invention.
“Did you know that you stick your tongue out when your focused?” The taller questioned.
The golden eyed girl paused for a second. She could feel the corner of her mouth wet, wow, she really did.
She tensed and whipped around, clentching the instrument her hands tighter. Her face was red.
“Y..yeah?? We..Well why are you looking there anyway?!” She snarkly responed.
‘Nailed it.’ Her thoughts whispered towards her, giving her a pat in the back.
Killian only made a half-surprised expression, eyebrows raised.
“I’m just tryin’ to watch you work..relaxxx’..” He answered before drawling out the last word.
She grumbled under her breath and started working again. How annoying. But maybe she should relax around him a little more. Maybe he didn’t like girls who snapped at him half of the time.
Her thought process was cut off by a co-worker walking up to them. More spefically, Iris.
“Oh good god. Come to join the fun, eh?” She blandly spoke, eye twitching when a spark flew off of the thing.
They simply glanced towards the male, waving.
“I guess..I’m boreddd..’” They mummbled before leaning closer and whining.
The black haired girl only made a unimpressed expression.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?!” The olive colored person whined.
What was with everyone and whining today?! The raven haired male and Suimuki shared a glance.
“Go bother someone else. Not in the mood for it.” She grunted, leaning back forward and narrowing her eyes at the invention.
Mismatched eyes glanced towards it curiously and the others eye twitched when they picked it up. They turned it around in their hands before looking at her.
A nasty scowl rested on her face and her eyes flicked back and forth.
“What’s wrong with you? You seem more moodier then usual.” They questioned, eyebrows furrowing.
She simply sighed deeply and closed her eyes. Don’t let it bother you that much, you’ve been moody for a couple days. Take it out in some other way.
You know which way.
“Nothing! I just want to work in peace..” She placed a tense smile on her face, eye twitching again.
Killian raised an eyebrow again but didn’t say anything. She blinked and Iris sighed and handed it back.
“Here, see you later.” They boredly tossed it back and perked up when they saw someone else.
“Heyyyyy, Reko!~” They jogged over towards the pink-nette.
Suimuki sighed and slumped down further. She was tired. She just wanted to dissapear, what was so wrong with that?? She dobuted her presence would be missed THAT much.
“Seriously, are you okay? You look bothered by something..” The man worried over her.
She blinked at him and squinted, before perking up. That’s right! Didn’t she make him a matching gift??
“Bothered that I forgot to give you your gift? Yeah.” She smoothly answered.
She stummbled up to her feet before placing the invention in her hands down on the table. Then, she ducked under it to pull out a open box. It seemed to be full of scraps but there was something ontop.
“Here it is!~” She cracked her knuckles loudly before picking up the thing.
Killian gaped at it for a few more seconds, before blinking rapdily. The girl died down a little at this.
“What?! I know it’s not as romantic as..as fucking flowers or something but!-!!” She snapped, stomping her one foot slightly.
A stupid grin came onto the others face as he picked up the bear. The plush furr of it was in the color chesnut brown and it had a heart sititched onto its lighter colored stomach.
It’s black, beady eyes reflected his blue and red ones.
“I love it.”
The shorter now blinked a few times, frowning getting whiped off her face. She shifted her eyes back and forth, watching as he squeezed the thing and it made a slight squeak.
“I love it so much! Oh my god-!” He cooed at the stupid thing.
She flinched slightly and her entire face became red. Her mouth rested in a open frown, even though it opened and closed a few times as her throat seized.
It was no where as near as the gifts he got her. He had bought her cakes, coffee, flowers, and books. And she just made him a stupid stuffed bear!
“Seriously??..” She whispered.
The male looked up at her, grinning. She actually relized, she never actually saw him not smile. It was always there, usually tiny or lazy but always there.
“Course’! Anyways, you wanna’ kiss me now or somethin’?” He answered before teasingly asking.
The yellow eyed girls eye twitched and she leaned away. She didn’t get him, she couldn’t figure him out.
“No! Go back to your fanbase uptop..I hope their dying to kiss you.” She denied, scoffing.
The ladder only hummed and watched as she cracked her neck. Something was building inside of her, was it boredem?? She was just itching of something to do with..someone for once.
“Let’s go out.” She turned to him again and blurted out.
The red and blue eyed male blinked slowly before flushing slightly. He looked away very quickly and made a gesture like he was tugging at his collar before it faded away. Instead, he leaned forward and fluttered his eye lashes.
“Buying me dinner first?? How charming.” He inquired before bluntly scoffing.
“You wouldn’t mind if I experminted on you, right?” She mummbled, almost unoticeable.
Unforanately, the male noticed this and blinked. It was true, she did need someone to test out her gadgets, and it wasn’t like they were gaurentted to die.
“Expermient? You mean like, giving me inventions to test out??” He asked.
The inventor unwillingnly tensed at the question and didn’t say anything. In fact, she looked away and made a deep grimnace expression.
“Sure, as long as I don’t die!” He added on.
She whipped back towards him and stared. He held the plushie infront of her with a stupid expression on his face.
“What.” She blankly said.
“I named it Lumine! Cute name, don’t you think?~” He winked at her before sighing and shaking his head.
“Anyways, I should be heading back now. Hit me up when your ready to take me out to dinner, yeah?” He slightly dropped the bear so he could lean forward.
Suimuki made a open expression and seized up when he grabbed her cheek and kissed it. The skin immeditally soaked the contact in greedily and she annoyingly flushed again.
“I’ll see you later, love.” He snickered slightly and hoisted the plushie up before smiling and walking away.
The girl stood there, just..stood there for five minutes. She felt weak, and her knees were unstable. She couldn’t hate it, but she couldn’t like it either.
“Lumineeee?’ Are you dead??” A familar voice called back to her.
“Miko, she’s not dead. She’s probably just lost in thought again.” Misery ran a hand through her hair and pinched the bridge of her nose.
The said girl ‘ugh’-ed and pushed the other away.
“Hey!-!” She shook the female’s shoulder slightly.
Dark golden eyes unclouded and snapped towards hers. It was kinda freaky to be honest but it wasn’t anything new.
“We need you, on the machine. Iris fuckin’ exploded something, AGAIN.” She informed her higher-up.
The short haired girl immeditally sprung up at this and nodded quickly. Then, she followed after the two, Misery joining shortly after.
They entered a smaller area and chaos was breaking lose. Nameless other workers panicked and ran around while Iris just watched with a very tense smile on their face.
Suimuki’s eye twitched and walked straight towards them. People still panicking around them but for a different reason.
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Later on, Everyone had retired. The day had went easy, everyone working deligently. The girl shifted slightly as she tinkered with the machine infront of her.
The only sounds that filled was the sounds of Reko tinkering and checking off papers, while Suimuki listened to music with her headphones. Every now and then, she would spare a glance towards them.
Every time they quickly caught her though and she quickly looked away. The mechanical fitting for the arm was coming along quite well, her goggles were actually down on her face for once.
Many people wondered why Suimuki always had them on, this was why. They had basically every function, zooming in and out, better clearness to vision, nightvision and so on. They were her beloved.
“Hey, Suimuki??” The other person in the room called out.
The female didn’t hear her as she further adjusted the headphones on her head. The short haired girl sighed and shook her head. It didn’t matter, she wouldn’t hear her no matter what.
Plus, the question really wasn’t that imporant.
She swipped at something at the desk behind her on a console of sorts, and a huge electronical menu came up. The home screen had a good amount of things you could do as it hovered over the girl in the air.
It atimited a blue glow and she gently tapped on something. A slight ding and electronical sound was greeted with the motion before she looked at something. It was the group app, where people signed in and off for the day.
She typed her name into it and a brighter ding sound was heard before the app shut onself. Reko debated on messing around with the other things but didn’t and pressed the shut off button.
They turned back around and glanced towards their co-worker again. She was currently rubbing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose, probably frustrated.
They frowned, they really wished that she wouldn’t push herself so hard. From the way she always stood, body always slack but tensing up at sudden movements. They geniuley felt bad.
The pink haired girl sighed and quickly left. The left alone girl also sighed and adjusted her posture slightly. The song ‘head like a hole’ by nine inch nails started playing and her fingers drummed along to the bet to the song.
She should have been focused, but she wasn’t. She looked around the working space, on the opposite wall it had posters of bands. Kind of odd for a mechanic workshop but no one really cared.
Her golden eyes glanced back down towards the gadget in her hands. She scoffed in slight annoyance and tossed it aside, honestly, why was she making gifts for people??
If anything, shouldn’t she be making things for herself?? People always thought she was greedy anyways..
She placed her mouth in a lopsided expression as she burried her head slightly in between her elbows. Fucking annoying. After all, she just wanted to be netural, not deal with fucking emotions.
“Damnit.” She hissed, feeling annoyance become more and more prevelent.
She needed something to put her hands on. Something to hurt, she didn’t care who or what it was!! Hell, it could be Nari’s or Killian’s throats and she wouldn’t care. It was just..some way to get out the emotion!!
She would rather burn in hell fire then openly talk about her overly strong influxes of emotions. There was no way to describe it, just a chord being strangled and being tugged on.
Her right eye twitched and she fastly glanced towards a drawer. The inventors black rimmed eyes spun as she fixated on if before reaching a hand out and opening it.
Her left hand twitched eagerly when it saw the blade hidden in there. Surprisng, really that no one had found it yet expect for her.
She grabbed it in-between already bandaged fingers and brung it closer. It was rusted, certianely not safe for cutting into flesh. Did she care though? No.
Not at all.
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Needless to say, when the mechanic didn’t show up at all for atleast three days straight for breakfest, lunch, OR DINNER, everyone was a little concerned.
And the werid thing was, she wouldn’t let anyone in her lab. Not even the people who worked in that department! There was always some slight humming noise and occansily the voice of her that would remind people she was still in there and alive.
The white haired girl sighed deeply and dived deeper into the couch.
“What should we exactly DO Akari?? She’s not letting ANYONE in!! Even fucking KILLIAN-..” Hiraeith crossed her arms and leaned to the side.
The heterochromdia eyed girl only scowled deeper and pinched the bridge of her nose. Honestly, what could they do?? The second eldest Lumine had moments like this before, the longest she had lasted was two fucking weeks.
And then when she finally came out, a massive fight broke out. Mainly between Jin and her, the older trying to express their concern while the yellow eyed girl just stood there with a look on her face.
“What do you want me to do here, Hira’? I can’t just bardge in. I don’t even know her passwrod, she changed it, remeber?” The older reminded.
The ladder scowled and tightening her fingers. Of course she remebered, her sister had even said so herself.
“Yeah I know! But can’t you just get fucking- I don’t know, Summer to hack into her malware and fetch it?!” She frustradtingly tripped over her words.
Akari sighed again and swiflty stood up from the couch. Hiraeith wasn’t thinking striaght, obvious by the tone in her voice. Was three days really that much to worry about??
It wasn’t like the eldest Adachi wasn’t worried, she was. But again, this wasn’t the first time this had happened.
“Plus, doesn’t she atleast open the god damn door for Killian?! She didn’t even respond when he showed up!” The electro eyed girl pointed out.
Despite her better judgement, the older female could feel her annoyance rising. The immortal was overly worried, and overthinking things. It was usually understandable..
But come ON!!!
The long haired girl turned towards the black-nette with a fixed look. Not nessacasically mad, no, just kind of peved.
“Hiraeith, I get your concerned, your siblings for gods sake. But I litterally can’t do anything, you know she isn’t dead. And you know that she isn’t going to fucking explode or blow the place up.” She came a little closer.
She also hesitated on doing something but did it anyway. She grabbed the purple eyed girls jaw and swiflty moved her fingers to grab her chin.
The younger seemed somewhat surprised, maybe even a little flustered. And no, Akari wasn’t doing this to be a tease or flirt, she was just doing it to make her look at well..her.
“Trust me. I’ve been in this orgnazation with Suimuki for years now. I like to think I have her figured out a little.” She tried to reassure.
Her eyes flicked back and forth and the other did the same. Eventually, Hiraeith sighed and pulled away from the touch.
“Since when have you been so charming?? Hell, maybe even more then Suimuki.” She sarcastically questioned, leaning back.
The white-nette blinked a few times at this before smiling a little. Almost bashfully as it were, but didn’t say anything.
“Yo, guys!! C’mere!” Astro beckoned the two of them to shuffle over to her.
The said pair shot each other a look but came closer anyway. The Lumine sibling had a unimpressed look on her face while the Adachi sibling raised an eyebrow.
“What’s up this time, genius?“ The short haired girl snarked out.
The yellow eyed girl erked at her but didn’t say anything. Instead, she leaned aganist the table and closed her eyes with a casual smile on her face.
“Suimuki came out of her room.” She dropped.
The shorter two both choked on air, the black haired one more violently.
She snickered slightly at both of their reactions before sighing.
“I’m just fucking with you, she didn’t.” They breathed out.
Hiraeith went dead silent and pressed her lips into a firm line. It was kind of freaky, to be honest. It didn’t even look like she was breathing.
“That’s so not fucking funny. Go choke on a tit.” She hissed, harshly slapping their arm.
The middle child grunted at the force and blinked a few times. The immortal girl had already walked away, obviously pissed. Akari turned towards her.
“That’s a dick move, Astro.” She dissapontingly said.
The sister sighed deeply and looked away akwardly. She didn’t think that little miss ‘wild walker’ would be so offended.
“I thought it was funny…” She mummbled.
The blue and red eyed female deadpanned and leaned slightly towards the side they were on.
“Of course you did. Your Astro.” She spat.
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Suimuki stressly combed through her unruly hair. Her eyebags were absoutetly awfully and Jin of Hiraeith would probably freak if they saw her.
What had brought this on?? She glanced towards her left arm which was completly bandaged. Damnit.
She jolted slightly when someone knocked on her metal door.
“Lumine?? It’s me, Jin! Please let me in..” A familar light voice weighed with emotion.
She scowled slightly and propped her tired body aganist the desk. She was fucking fine, could people stop worrying about her?!
“I’m not dead Jinera! Go back to work!” She hissed in response.
How annoying. She glanced back down to her bandages, her eye twitching. God, not this emotion again. She shifted uncomfortablly.
“Suimuki please!” The older knocked again.
You know what?? Fine. She wanted to fucking see her sister that badly?!
Fucking fine.
The black-nette stalked over to the door and agressivly typed in the password. The door slowly raised but Jin ducked and entered quickly and the other slammed it shut after.
“Fucking what??” She whipped around towards the white-nette and glared extremely harshly.
God, the annoyance was rising again. Her fingers twitched and a tinge of hysertia and stress was collapsing under each other.
Meanwhile, the yellow and red eyed person looked over her. She had extremely dishelved hair, and sunken eyes. She also had a sweaty posture, like she was losing it.
A nasty scowl was placed on her face and her smaller left eye seemed even more dialated. Her googles were sideways, not to mention the thin bandages around both of her arms.
“God, you look like hell.” Was all they could say.
The inventor’s eye twitched a couple times and she backed away.
“What the actual fuck do you want. I shouldn’t have opened the door for you.” She demanded, staring them down.
Her thoughts were just of pure anger. Why couldn’t people just leave her in fucking peace for once?! This was the one time where she could get some actual work done and not be pestured!! Not by stupid boys, not fucking family, and certianely not fucking FRIENDS.
“Everyones worried about you-!” He wasn’t even able to finish.
“Oh shut upppp’!! I don’t need your fucking annoying concern! And..and I cerntainely don’t need your fucking emotions!” The shorter snapped.
The taller of the two blinked before making a confused expression. His eyebrows pulled together and his mouth sat in a open frown.
“Can’t I just be fucking left alone?! God, sometimes I wish that I was the only person here!” She contuined, feet unstable.
Was this what some would call losing it?? A mental breakdown?? Maybe it was, so what?
“Suimuki..what’s wrong?..” The older sister asked.
The yellow eyed girl scoffed out a harsh laugh. She stummbled a little before laughing harder and placing a hand in her hair.
“What’s wrong?! Did you not listen to anything I just said!? Everything’s wrong! I need to find something actually worth while that isn’t you people!” The mechanic lamented.
“People don’t actually give a fuck about me. They only care about how pretty I am..it’s so fucking stupid!! Everyone overlooks my fucking work for what it is!!” She contuined.
Meanwhile, the ladder stood in shock. He never thought this was actually what went through her head. Sure, she had problems, everyone knew that.
The long haired girl looked towards her bandages. It reminded her of what her arms looked like in highschool, oddly simalair.
“I hate this fucking-FEELING inside ME. I don’t know what it is, anger, hatered, jeslousy?? You all act so casual but I can’t! Not under this constant pressure Akari and everyone else depends on!!” She grasped harder at her hair and her eyes shook.
The older sibling reached a hesiatant hand out but didn’t do anything. Honestly, they knew Suimuki was stressed. She always was working throughout the early mornings but to think she would collapse?? No one really thought about it.
It geniuley was kind of everyone’s fault. People requested inventions and updates to things from her all the time. It was hard NOT to feel bad for her.
“Don’t even THINK about fucking apologizing to me-!” She stopped them with a airy laugh, tilting her head back. “It won’t help anyone, plus I know you don’t mean it. God, why am I even venting to someone like you?! I know you probably think I’m insane. Espically after..” She trailed off.
Espically after their home life. Espically after all the stuff she had endured while Jin looked on. She wanted to help but she never could. Because..Because she was scared.
That emotion was overatered anyways, Suimuki didn’t feel fear. She acted on logic and the muffled emotions she did have. Stupid.
“Suimuki, you know that’s not true..try to breathe..everyone does care about you..” The suit wearing sister carefully said.
Golden, angry eyes now shining with unshed tears got even more angry.
She was scaring Jin, she knew that. Yet a sarcastic, and bitter smile wanted to form on her face. Was she losing it?? Was this it of her sanity?
“I CAN’T EVER DO WHAT I WANT TO DO-AHAHA- AND..And it’s funny because..hahaa..you all think I’m a know-it-all..and that’s what everyone relies on..and of course..my looks apparently..” She hoarsely laughed.
The dark mage only frowned deeper. She wasn’t stupid, she knew the other probably hurt herself. It was something she did when she didn’t know how to deal with emotion.
“Just go away..” She begged.
She seemed to be a little more calmer, however, more sad instead of angry. Her body was shaking slightly and her eyes seemed to fixated on the floor.
“Do you..seriously want me to do that? I have a feeling it’s the opposite..” The older asked.
The short haired girl paused. She looked quickly towards the other before looking back down.
The white-nette blinked before moving closer. The yellow eyed girl flinched when they geniuley grabbed her and hugged her.
Her body tensed but slowly relaxed as she seemed to suck in tears. She was still shaking while Jin tightened their arms around her.
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It had been a month, since Suimuki had locked herself up. Nobody cared anymore, however they were all overjoyed to see her when she came out of her room or lab a week later.
Today was actually halloween, and well..
“Jin, stop congureing zombies!! Your tormenting the other people down here!” Akari scolded.
The second eldest Lumine just watched her sibling stick his tongue out at her. Every year, the down-dwellers under the city of New order came together and decked out the whole place for october.
Orange was practically everywhere, and cheap costumes were worn by multiple people. The long haired white-nette sharply poked the other on the shoulder. She slightly turned and looked at him.
“What??” She inquired.
She noticed that his normal, white and black suit or outfit was traded out for a black and red one. It had a red button up and a long black coat along with a red gem necklace and shoes.
Their hair was also more curly then usual and slightly dishelved but it looked nice.
“Your boyfriend and his fuckin’ spectoral friends are here! He’s been looking around for you for like-five minutes!” They had a shit-eating grin on their face as they slightly leaned towards her.
The shorter erked slightly and pushed them away by their face. They laughed slightly and stummbled before waving someone down and rushing in that direction.
Suimuki looked around slightly, for Killian. And then, spotted him. She walked down from the set of stairs infront of the home building and into the large crowd of people roaming the streets.
“Killian!!” She called out.
The said male whipped around, his male friends shooting him a look. His eyes darted around before landing on the girl. He smiled and made his way towards her.
“Hey, you. Happy early brithday.” He breathed out.
“Ugh, who told you??” She scoffed out, he didn’t know when her brithday was because she hadn’t told him.
“Whattttt?’ You think I don’t know it off of my head?!” He drawled out, faking ofense.
The black-nette simply pinched the bridge of her nose before looking past him. There were around three other males there. All tall.
“Oh, your friends?” She questioned, glancing towards him.
A male with crimson hair, curly and somewhat messy smiled. He had dark green eyes and small freckles around his face.
“And you must be the infamous Suimuki Lumine. It’s a pleasure to met you.” He greeted.
The golden eyed girl only blinked in surprise. It wasn’t too shocking he knew about her, Killian probably ran his mouth about her.
She turned slightly and shot him a look, he only whistled slightly and looked away.
“Yep, that’s me! What’s your name??” She placed a hand in her hair while one held her hip.
He only seemed to smile more at this and placed a hand out towards her. She tried not to recoil, it was obvious he wasn’t trying to touch her. Untheless, her body gave a small jolt and she mummbled something.
“The name’s Ren, no last name given. Though, I wouldn’t mind if it was yours, Lumine is a very pretty last name.~” He flashed a closed eyed smile.
The female’s entire body froze up and her mouth hung open a little. What the fuck?! That was so smooth, talk about un-fucking-fair!
“Booo, get the fuck out of here.” A male with sliverish hair booed him before pushing the crimson haired one out of the way.
Suimuki raised an eyebrow at this with a small, amused smile on her face. The new boy, infront of her had greyish, blue eyes. He had simaliar type hair to the other man, just different colors.
“Sorry? What’s your name?” She skeptically questioned.
He smiled, again simliar to the other man. There was no way these two WEREN’T related.
“Saeran, nice to meet you.” He actually reached out and shook her hand by her wrist more of it.
His sliver eyes flicked down to her bandages, his own rough fingers lightly grazing the material. She seemed to be taken aback, face a little more red but not as red as Ren had made it.
She moved her hand back and smiled nervously. She looked towards the last person.
“Hi, My name’s Mikan.” He introduced.
He defentily had the most..ecentric clothes on. She also had a good guess that he was atleast japense or Koeran.
“I like your clothes, traditonal kamino?” She asked.
It obviously was, with red and black tones. It was formally tied, so he obviously knew what he was doing. He also had sandals on.
“Yep! Random guess, I’m assuming your koeran?” He asked back, a gentle smile on his face.
The inventor smiled back and nodded. Then, she turned towards Killian.
“Sooo..wanna’ hit up the infamous, famous haunted house? Jin’s the one who created it.” She asked.
The taller smiled widely and nodded eagerly. She couldn’t help but wonder why he was so eager?
“Yep! Even some people from uptop have heard from it! I reallyyyy’ wanna’ see what your like when your..scared.” He cheered before suddenly half-lidding his eyes and very lightly touching her face.
She completly tensed and her face heated up. Her mouth was in a open expression and she sweat-dropped. Jesus..
“Ugh!” She grumbled, moving away and practically skrining.
Two of the other male friends snickered slightly at her reaction. While one of them raised an eyebrow, curious.
“We went on a haunted house ride ONCE and you’ve been obessed with making me scared again since forever!” She leaned towards him, not on purpose.
The heterochromdia male simply laughed before grabbing her by the arm. His fingers dug slightly into the bandaged but she didn’t say anything.
“Come on, now! Don’t you wanna’ spend time with me??” He questioned.
The short haired girl simply sighed. Both of them started walking off and not paying any mind to the other friends.
“Stupid lovebirds.” Ren grumbled, jealous.
Saeran shot him a look with a lopsided grin on his face.
“Did she really stoke your intrest that much, brother?” He asked.
The older didn’t reply as he walked straight past him and towards the duo. The two others followed shortly after.
“Ack-!” Suimuki whispered when someone screaming ran straight past her.
Everyone’s head turned behind her, watching the person speed run. When the female turned back to her male compainon, his head was also turned in that direction. But he had a completly different look on his face.
“That’s gonna’ be youuuuu’, Suimuki!~” He teased, having a exicted and bright look on his face.
The said girl rolled her eyes at his teasing and perked up when the Haunted house in all its glory showed up. It was a pretty large building, another abadoned one. People didn’t really like to go in there because of all the stories they heard.
Stupid, she had been in there a few times and nothing had happened. Maybe that’s why Jin picked it, because of the stories.
There was a line, pretty long infront of them and Killian dragged his friends up to stand with the rest of them. Her yellow eyes could make out a few familar faces out of the crowd, Akari, Astro, Mars, hell, even Hiraeith!
Speaking of, Hiraeith took her swell ol’ time walking up to her older sister. She flashed a tense smile at the rest of her friends before tugging Suimuk down closer.
“This whole idea is stupid!! Can’t believe Akari actually allowed Jin to host one of these again..” She scoffed.
The older sister only gave the other a pat on the back. This made her yelp and stummbed forward.
“You and her are working hard though, right?” She asked.
Hiraeith sighed and rolled her shoulder, she glanced towards someone and tensed. She seemed way more rushed at whatever the other person did.
“Oh..yeah yeah!! Uh-um have fun!!” She stummbled ver her words before rushing off.
The slightly taller girl sighed and shook her head, a relaxed smile on her face. The line had moved throughout their conversation. Now they were pretty close to the entrance.
When the mechanic took a lazy sweep over the area, she saw a few people wave at her. Hell, some people even had their phones out.
“Oh no, not fancams!” Killian humoursly nudged her.
She turned back towards him and deadpanned, slightly scowling. The man only shot her a amused look.
That was it, the group inhead of them entered the building. The group of five stepped slightly carefully up the stairs and near the person waiting to give the signal. Suimuki had never seen this person before.
They were standing infront of the door, an easy-going grin on their face. She was about to blurt out ‘Iris?’ but she was sure it wasn’t them.
“What’s up, Lumine? Ready to scream and cling onto your boyfriend?~” The unfamilar voice mocked.
Again, she didn’t know who this stranger was. But if they were going to talk, then she would play along.
“Pretty sure it’s going to be the otherway around. Espically if Jin summons a head on a stick.” She pittly reminded.
Killian scoffed while the rest snickered behind him.
“Please, they jumped out at me! Plus, I’m pretty sure they were convinced I was your boyfriend. So it would explain why they were so exicted to meet me.” He brushed off.
The black haired girl simply shuffled away from him a little and scrunched her nose. She looked back towards the person infront of them, their smile planted on their face. It seemed to widen when they turned their head and got a signal.
“Alrighttt’ you guys, have funnnn’..~” They drawled out.
They winked at the shorter but she completly missed it. Killian was the one to walk in first, then her, then Ren, then the other two almost tied. For some strange reason, she still had that nervous twinge inside of her.
‘No way!’ She thought. ‘Just keep someone talking and you’ll be fine.’
She swore to every god she knew she heard a sixth pair of voices snicker and giggle almost past her hearing.
“What is this spectoral bullshit.” She scoffed out, tje addition of voices helping her.
It didn’t seem to help Killian though, as his body jolted. She halted for a second, blinking a few times in surprise before muting a laugh.
“No way, did you just flinch?? Are you really that on edge??” She snarkly questioned, a somewhat wide grin breaking out on her face.
Finally!! Finally she had something to mess with him about!
“Shhh-!” The taller suddenly whipped around and shushed her.
The inventor always had a thing for whispering voices. They made her nervous, espically in the knees. Maybe it was the sudden proximity that you had to be to whisper.
Anyways, she scowled and grumbled something under her breath.
It sounded like Ren Or Searan fucking up and died or something. The sliver haired male making a harsh hushing noise towards the other.
“Boo!” The Lumine sibling almost screamed, voice getting caught in her throat though.
A stupid, fucking person in a old milatariys uniform had popped out at them. Laughing at the girls violent reaction, Ren joining in.
“Oh my god!! That was so cute!” He cooed towards her.
She glared over her shoulder, throughly embrassed. Her shoulders now seized up by her ears didn’t relax fully as they contuined through it.
A few other cheap jumpscares later, they were in what seemed to be the main part of the attraction. Suimuki heard faint giggling again and softly groaned.
“Can she hear us?!” A happy, yet still teenage sounding voice asked.
The other tried not to make a face that would give her away, but it seemed like they noticed.
“She made a face, she obviously can! A human who can hear us, can she see us??” The same voice cheered before wondering further.
The pair of five stopped when the door to the room they were making their way through slammed closed. Yeah, that’s defentily normal.
“Ah shit-!” Mikan cursed before glancing back at the group who where now all facing the door.
“Is thay suposed to happen???” Saeran asked, curious.
The male closetest to the female shook his head. The black-nette couldn’t hear what he was saying because she was too curious on the spectoral voices coming closer.
“Yikes, Jin’s not gonna’ be happy about that one!” A different voice, yet more male and childish sounding hissed.
“Sorry, sorry! We just got curious! This is her sister, after alllll’..” The more feminine voice light-heartedly apologized.
The two pair of voices seemed to swirl around the girl. And then..
“FUCKING!!-!!” She let out a quite loud yelp, not a scream, but close enough.
You see, she had felt a touch on the back of her neck. And could’ve sworn she felt someone hug her from behind.
Everyone’s heads whipped towards her and she actually screamed this time when she saw a different set of eyes. Bright red ones, but the rest of their body hidden in the shadows along with their figure.
The door immeditally open at that, Suimuki rushing out and finding a way out. She heard laughing, probably coming from a dozen people when she finally slammed her way out the exit door.
Killian, and the three others were all huddled together, full out mocking at her fright. She bent into a upright position and tapped her fingers aganist her arm.
“What the fuck scared you so bad?! The door?!” Mikan snickered out, laughing afterwards.
Her right eye twitched at that and the open frown on her face deepened. Her eyes flickered back and forth.
“I swear I saw and heard something..” She grunted.
More laughter greeted this claim as the group made their way, not fully, but somewhere outside of the haunted house area.
“That was probably just Ren’s loud ass breathing.” Killian stuck his tongue out at the crimson-nette.
The said boy mocked offense at this as the two started bickering back and forth. Mikan and the other boy watching amused, making a snide comment here and there.
The shortest of the group also watched, more comforted. Sure, she was still a little freaked out about what had happened. But it was nice to be around people..
Laughter of the make group filled her ears and she now only relized they were walking while she was standing still..
“Suimuki!! Get over here!” The dark haired male, her closer friend beckoned, walking backwards and making a come here motion.
She snapped out of it, quickly shaking her head. She manged to make her feet move at a slow jogging pace as she called something back.
“Coming!!” And her feet took her straight towards them.
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0 notes
evansencezz · 2 years
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^(#`∀´)_Ψ・・・・・・†_(゚ー゚*)β—SAY IT.—Kai Adachi x Thereain—*ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚
notes: WH-, man not again, jealousy, fake marrige, extreme jealousy, kissing, flirting, shy kai, threian is a fuckwit and i hope he dies, knives, trauma, yandere!thereain, not in title cause hes a yandere in every au, kai is kinda batshit crazy, blood, anger, blood mage, maya makes another apperance, fancy knife collection, pining, teasing, gonna kms, akari is kai’s older sister obviously, kai uses she/her/they, teacher x apprentince, the fuck is thereian’s problem. gambling, acohol, knife useage, mainuplation, smut, OH YEAHHHHH , this is absoutetly mind bending and moan, everything bro, this is so ngh, dawg im not even gonna lie to you theriean is really fucking hot in this, bitting, like lots of it, fucking, edging, sadism, masochism slightly, i cannot do this man oh god, merry christmas, fingering yep, ties, suits, hair pulling, nosebleeds, bruising, man this is brutual, consent is given, choking slightly, overstimulation, UH HUH, theriean does not know when to shut up, emotional abuse??, kai gets a little beaten up, extreme emotions, kai is despreate for theriean, kai runs into jiren, lenevery and ciel again, ciel being a little shit, ciel being a fucking flirt, ciel is kinda into kai??, theriean breaks kais wrist and gives her a bloody nose but not in the smut, porn with plot.
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Kai sighed as she fixed the collar of her shirt. Another day of being in this hotel’s ressidence she guessed. It wasn’t too crammed though, and she adjusted it to fit her theme.
Still..her mood wasn’t the best today…she shook her head and opened her room door. Theriean was simply sprawled out on the hotel’s couch. He was watching the TV, his eyes flicking around.
He perked up when he saw her slide into frame. It was amusing how his attention immeditally drifted to her. He grunted and adjusted his posture slightly so he faced more her way.
“Good morning, Apprentince. What are you-..” He started but was cut off by him taking in her.
She wore a pretty red flowly shirt, the collar having the same necklace she always wore around it. It also had black webbed sleeves that had small lace openings and looked sliky.
They also wore a pretty basic red skirt, it having the same spider like black lacing. He would’ve assumed them to go for white instead, but it was nice. They also had red crystal earrings hanging from each ear and a red headband ontop, trying to sort her messy hair.
“Uh..is something wrong..??” She nervously asked, shifting.
The male snapped out of it and smiled at her.
“Nothing, you just look nice.” He complamented.
Kai grinned slightly before looking away. It was nice to be complamented by her crush, but she still hated something about it. It felt held back.
“So..what are we doing today?” She asked.
He hummed and shuffled around some more. Usually he would be so restless but it seemed like he kept staring at her.
“I think we can ask around the casino some more. Actually, do you want to split up today?” He pondered.
The long haired girl blinked a couple times. Split up?? Usually he would never allow something like that. He was paranoid of her leaving him, she and he both knew that.
“Split up..?” She echoed.
He nodded and leaned his head aganist his hand. His darker red eyes seemed to reflect her own.
“Yeah, split up. I think we’ll get around quicker if we do. Ah-but don’t go TOO far.” He explained before warning.
She sweated and pressed her lips into a line. This geniuley seemed what he wanted and who was she to object? He most certianely would raise a eyebrow at them if they started being defiant now.
“Okay!..” She hesatainetly agreed.
He still seemed to pick up on their emotion as he sighed. He finally stood up and walked around then, closely basically circling them. His hands were behind his back before he placed them on their shoulders.
“Don’t worry, you won’t miss me for too long.” He reassured.
The lighter eyed girl merly nodded as she could feel his smile from behind her. He was messing with her again. She could feel it in her soul.
“I’m serious, Kai..~” Theriean breathed out, turning her around.
She tensed, this was new?? Sure, he liked touching her but she thought it would only be a verbal remark.
She tensed further when his grin was in full view. It was a simple one, one that could probably make a basic girls heart pulse. And she was that basic girl.
But before anything really had happened, he pulled away. Like it was nothing. Her mouth fell into a open frown as she gazed at him.
“Let’s go then!” He encourged, moving further away.
She didn’t like it. She wanted to grab him and yank him back but she couldn’t.
He stared back at her before tilting his head. She was odd to him aswell. But it didn’t come off as anger, as theirs did.
The shorter shook their head and offered a tight smile.
“Right, let’s go.”
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The pair ventured off-not actually a pair anymore. Kai was alone, again. Once they had reached the casino he immeditally caught somebody and made a motion for them to leave.
They clentched their hands into fists and looked down slightly. The streets were busy, of course. People smiled, talked to vendors, and conversed with one another. The blood mage just scowled further.
No one seemed to bother them, while they were by themself. Not that they cared, just something they noticed.
“Hey, you okay there?” A hand landed on her shoulder.
She immeditally froze and whipped around. Meeting two men, different. One had brunette hair and amber eyes. While the other had black hair and dark colored golden ones. From their auras, they didn’t seem to be related, or like each other at all in that manner.
Funnily enough, the brunette who had put his hand on her shoulder stared wide-eyed. It was like something familar had crossed his path but not quite.
“Oh..yes..sorry may I help you?” She tried to be polite.
The other male seemed to be a little more intrested now. He gave her a quick once over, seeming even more amused.
“Yeah, Jiren. Why did you stop an imporant looking person?” He mocked, nudging the other male.
Speaking of him, he seemed to not be amused at this. He shoved the other back before looking at Kai.
“You just seemed to be annoyed, orrrr’ thinking about something REALLY hard.” He added on.
‘Oh.’ The white-nette thought.
The slightly taller male scoffed and actually grabbed Kai. Her eye twitched slightly at the unwanted contact but hey, at least they weren’t in people’s way anymore!
“Just say they are eye candy, good gods.” He sarcastically hissed.
The red eyed girl blinked a few times in surprise but didn’t say anything. Jiren, on the other hand, glanced from her to the male holding onto her.
“Hey don’t they look oddly simaliar to akari?” The end of his question was blurred out.
Ciel made a sound of confusion and leaned closer to her. She turned a little red while leaning away but glared a little. God, it was really bad today, wasn’t it?
“Oh yeah, I do see it.” He hummed.
She waited for him to move back to the way he was, he didn’t. She grunted and grumbled under her breath while moving back a little more and standing straight.
“Again, I’m okay. I’m just looking for someone.” She explained.
Good enough. Also, she just now noticed, Jiren had a familar accent to him.
“Looking for someone? Well is it the love of your life? Because I think you just met him.~” Ciel smoothly stepped.
The female didn’t even notice when he slung his arm around her shoulder. He moved so smoothly and talked with a certian sleze.
Her throat seized for some annoying reason and her face heated. She hated how easy it was to get embrassed. Being pale didn’t help with their problem either.
“Aw, your cute!~” He contuined, after seeing their blush.
The long haired girl simply grumbled and looked away. The other male also seemed annoyed at this.
“Ciel, c’mon. If you don’t mind me asking, who are you looking for?” He pulled the dark haired one away and smiled at her.
She just now noticed how he seemed to have cat ears, albit scarred. It was like someone had cut them up. And he also had a tail behind him, it seemed docile for the moment.
Should she say something?? I mean, if she came back to Theriean empty handed..
“Heyyy’, that’s a really nice necklace.” Ciel noticed.
The other males eyes darted to her neck and blinked at the pendant hanging off of it. The red crystal shone with the sun and reflected.
“Ah..thank you it was a gift from my sister..” Kai answered.
The golden eyed male squinted before relaxing.
“Oh and..I’m just looking for a friend of mine.” She mummbled, glancing away again.
It was strange, these two were strange. Kai couldn’t get a good reading on them, espically Jiren. His natural aura seemed good natured, but now it was closed off.
Ciel was obviously a man with motives. His soul glew a murky red tainted with black and she wanted to crush it. Greedy.
“A friend?? They must be around here somewhere then. Can you give us a descripton?” The brunette questioned.
Now here came the difficult part. If they were too straightforward or hasty, they would probably be questioned for motives. But if they were vague it would be even more odd.
“Oh yes, of course! Uh..she has white hair like mine and blue eyes..she also about a inch taller then me..and was wearing something blue last time I checked..” They answered.
Kai hated describing Akari, she really did. She hadn’t seen her in years so how was she suposed to know the older hadn’t changed? What if she cut her hair, dyed it?
What if she was way taller now? What if she had changed gender? Though, Akari always seemed perfectly fine being feminine it ceritanly wasn’t something she could rule out.
“Huh..that sounds oddly simaliar to someone we know..” Ciel mummbled.
He shuffled on his feet, seeming in thought as the girl was. Although, she was reclusive, that was obvious. She didn’t like eye contact and she seemed to think a lot about how she worded things.
Some people wondered, questioned him on how he got a read on people so quickly. It was just body behavior, and she was trying to get a read on them too. Oddly catious.
“Yeah, that does sound like her. Hey, are you from around here??” The based man agreed before turning his attention back to her.
In all honesty, she did and at the same time, did not look from around here. She had the vibe and smell of magic, wasn’t too rare around here. It was the more..rich and dark vibe she gave off, everyone else here seemed to bask in sunlight.
While she seemed to shy away from it.
The red eyed girl blinked before sweat-dropping. Shouldn’t she had said something sooner?!
“Oh no, I’m not. I’m actually just here for a bussiness trip with my partner, you see.” She lamented.
“Partner?” Ciel repeated.
She smiled tensly and went to respond but someone bet her to it. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pressed closer to her.
“Husband, she means, right darling?” Theriean said.
Her face immeditally heated up and she looked away. It was embrassed for her for to be outed like this. But it was nice for him to reconqize her as a partner.
“Husband???!” The gold eyed male’s jaw practically fell on the floor.
Kai sighed and nodded. The male only seemed to press closer.
“Anyways, I assume my darling has already asked you the question? Where her friend is??” He questioned.
The white haired male blinked and contuined staring. He had a observing expression on his face, but it lightened when he saw Jiren. He immeditally darkened and pull the younger back.
Meanwhile, the other seemed to notice him. His eyes flicked around the others face.
“Wait a second..” He mummbled.
The blood mage scowled and tugged them. Then, turning on his heel he took off, wrist dragging them. They caught a glance behind them, Ciel looking confused and Jiren in shock.
The two that were running weaved in between the crowds. Some people shooting them looks, some not caring.
Both of them sighed finally as Theriean dragged them into a empty alley. Kai leaned over slightly, blinking rapidly and trying to get a good look at him.
“What the fuck was that?!” She bluntly asked.
The older adjusted his posture, looking behind himself slighty.
“You didn’t tell me you knew fucking Jiren.” He hissed.
The long haired girl moved one of her hands to fix her now messy hair. She also pushed it back from her eyes slightly so she could get a better look at him.
“I don’t know him!! He stopped me in the middle of the street! Your so paranoid, honestly!” She bit back, scoffing and leaning back.
That was it though, he reached his hand out and she went to slap it away but he caught her wrist. The poor thing pulsed and swelled under his hold and she grunted.
“Where’s this defiance coming from?” He questioned, staring at her wrist.
She nervously glanced at the same wrist before back to him. Was his presence always this suffocating? I mean, it always had the feeling of being watched around him.
“Did he taint you?” He asked.
She paled and tried to pull away but Theriean only scoffed and didn’t budge. She tried again and nothing happened once more.
“L..let me go! Your being soo…” She breathed out before trying to find the right words.
The marooned eyed male pulled the wrist closer and yanked it up, making her body tumble forward slightly. She would’ve fallen into him if it wasn’t for her digging her heels into the ground.
“So? Come on, Kai. What am I?” He echoed.
Her eyebrows furrowed, her wrist throbbed. Why was he so worked up in the first place?! He was the one who wanted to split the fuck up!
Yeah, that was exactly it. He had no reason to be angry!
“You have no reason to be angry! Your the one who wanted to spilt up in the first god damn place!” Her bright eyes glew brighter.
She finally pulled away and looked at him like he was insane. She clutched her wrist closer to her and quickly looked at it. It was completly cold and limp, she couldn’t even wiggle her fingers.
“You even broke my wrist!” She complained.
The older male had his eyes also trained on it. Before coming closer and making her back away further.
“I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to do that.” He apologized.
She only moved furhter back and he had is face in a lopsided expression.
“Whatever, Just stay away from me. And..you knew those two..?” Wrong move.
Her jaw was yanked forward this time and she winced. Her cheeks pulled back a little showing her wince expression.
“Only one of them. Two is worse then one, naturally though.” He mummbled, looking down at her.
The white-nette tried to move again but he only tightened his hold. They could try and use their magic, sure, but he would probably even get more hurt.
“Theriean pleas-!” They were cut off by him.
“Do you dream about this, apprentince?” He asked, raising his head a little more.
It was a odd question, did they dream about what exactly?? Him hurting them? Yeah sure, it was defentily something Kai couldn’t rule out. He was a powerful bloodmage that was a little unhinged.
“You do.” He answered it for himself.
Honestly, it was so easy to read the girl. She absoutetly sucked at hiding emotions, espically when it came to him. What? Was she a stupid highschool who had a massive crush on him or something?
“Therie-!” She tried to speak again but he glared at her.
“How weak are you?? I mean, I knew you were at least in love with me. But seriously? Being a masochist is something else.” He rethortically asked.
She looked at him. His eyes showed no sympathy for her. In fact, he was probably enjoying this. But why??
“Your mistaken. I would never be in love with somebody who has their eyes on someone else.” She denied.
The meaning was a double edged sword. Her older sister had absoutetly no intrest in him, if anything she hated him. She obviously had more of a intrest in Jiren.
“Seriously? How dense do you take me for??” He hissed, getting awfully close to her.
She yanked away on accident, body reflex. But this time he let her go, a seering pain covering both his and and her nose. He probably wouldn’t have let it go if it wasn’t for that.
“Ack! What the-!” He shook his hand off, glancing at the burn mark on it.
Something that was actually red hot covered her nose and under it. She moved back furhter and raised her hand to wipe at it. Blood.
“You used your magic on me? Are you kidding me?” He scoffed out.
Kai really didn’t mean to, that was something she really hadn’t ment to do. She never wanted to hurt him, no matter even if he hurt her.
“I..I didn’t mean to..I don’t..” She tried to apologize.
The white haired male scoffed again and roughly yanked her up by the arm. Wincing at the searing pain on his hand he shoved the hurt hand in his pocket and yanked her closer.
His eyes scowered across her face before her nose. She could still feel the liquid searing into her skin and pouring. Some of it was already dried though.
He had a open frown on his face before sighing deeply and almost looping his free arm with hers.
“Come on, let’s go back to the hotel room. Clearly you can’t be out of my sight.” He said before grunting.
The younger looked away and bit her lip. This was so stupid. Maybe she shouldn’t have liked this clearly unhinged guy in the first place. He had always been slightly rough but not enough to draw blood.
Maybe he was just that angry with them.
In reality, they knew he didn’t really care about them. He was their pretend husband who pressed close to them and acted sweet. He was just upset because he couldn’t find the paethetic girl he had a crush on.
Honestly, fuck both of them.
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The long haired white-nette grunted as they were practically tossed in the room. Theriean also entered and fiddled with the lock behind him, closing the door.
“Sit down, right there.” He ushered, almost pushing her onto the couch.
She had the urge to snap at him and say that he should get his hands off of her. He blinked at her before going somewhere else, she knew better then to get up though.
Maybe she should’ve stayed with the other two. This man that she was staying with wasn’t good for her, she knew that. His presence hurt and loved at the same time.
There was just something about him, something like posion to her. Kai could leave for a while, but he would drag her back somehow. And yet he didn’t love her.
“Here.” The said male sat down next to her and placed what looked to be like manual healing up things.
She looked at them, bandages, disinfectint and cotton. She wondered where he picked these up at.
“C’mere.” He beckoned, not waiting for her to actually do that.
He grabbed her shoulder and made her face him completly. He reached over with his other hand to grab the liquid disinfieint. He also dotted cotton on it once it was open before leaning closer.
A small red overcame the youngers cheeks as his face was right infront of hers. His eyes flicked back and forth before dotting the cotton on her cheek. It stung, apartenly she had been cut.
“I’m..I am sorry..apprentince..” He whispered, seeming more sincere.
The girl blinked a couple times. Was he being honest again? His touch seemed to be holding back, well obviously. It didn’t seem like he actually wanted to touch her for once.
“To be honest..you should be sorry..” She whispered back, hissing when he moved to her nose.
Damnit, she was overthinking again. Was that a warning for her to shut her mouth or what?! His eyes were focused on her injury though.
“I supose I was..jealous.” He contuined, scowl in place at that last words.
Kai’s own eyes went wide as they blinked a couple times. Did he seriously just adimit to being jealous?! They ment sure, they had got him to be possive a few times, but jealous?!
“Seriously?!..” She mummbled, sweat-dropping.
He had a blank expression on his face as he pressed the cotton harder on her. She shut one of her eyes as a reaction.
“Yes, it’s odd. I thought only my love could provoke such a reaction.” He explained.
She looked away. He was acting werid again, he was treating her way too nicely. But could you really blame her?!
“Jealousy is normal.” She clarrifed.
Theriean made a face and grunted, pulling the now blood soaked cotton away. There were still remints of blood but they were all dry by now. He wiped that back of his hand on her face, apprently getting more blood off.
“Your right, it is. I just thought that I would never feel something like that for you.” He agreed.
Was he basically saying that he didn’t feel anything for her?! Cause’ that’s what she was hearing!
“Yeah..?” She questioned.
The male leaned slightly away from her with a lopsided expression. His maroon eyes shifting to contect to the others.
“Yeah.” He bluntly said before sitting straight.
“But we’re fake married.” She added on.
“Maybe that’s why you felt jealous.” She tried to clarify.
The olders expression changed yet again. This time, his eyes firmly connected with hers and darkened. His mouth pressed into a straight line and it seemed like he loomed above her.
“Your so naive. Don’t you get it?” He hissed.
The female flinched again and leaned back, one of her hands supporting her. Was he going to hurt her again?! Just why was he so moody?!
“Theriean-!” She yelped when he pushed her somewhat softly down on the couch so her back was flat aganist it.
He hovered over her and his hande were by her sides. Her white haired sprawled aganist the couch and she turned red.
“I want you. Why do dress up for other people? Who are you trying to please?” He bluntly questioned.
She sweat-dropped and looked away. What time was it again? It seemed suddenly darker.
“I’m not trying to impress anyone! I just liked the outfit today!” Kai snapped.
He moved his face back a little and gazed at her. Her necklace hung sideways on her neck and covered her chest. Her skin was a little more colored now.
“Really? Don’t you trust me?” He asked.
She bit her lip and chewed on it. He always asked this question, of course she didn’t. Espically after earlier. It hurt so bad but she would be lying if she said she didn’t want to kiss him.
God, it felt so good but hurt so fucking bad.
“You know how I feel about that..” She replied.
The white haired male grunted and shuffled his hands so he leaned closer. Her eyes glazed over but she snapped back quickly.
“Shouldn’t you wait to do this with your beloved?” She leaned back.
It’s not that she didn’t want too, oh she did. The youngest Adachi just couldn’t believe he would forget about his darling so quickly. There was no way, but ahe wished there was.
“Shouldn’t you be stopping me or running away?” He grinned slightly and asked back.
The apprentinces body tensed. Was he serious?? The brighter eyed ladder really should push him off and run away. He would probably even listen if she said to stop.
“Do you want this, darling?” He quickly cut off their thoughts.
The red eyed girl only shrank back but nodded non-theless. That was all he needed to conect their lips and his elbows propped him up by her sides as his hands eagerly grabbed the sides of her face.
‘Oh my fucking god.’ Was the only thing repeating in Kai’s head.
He was so fast, almost too quick. One of his hands slowly and encourgingly rubbed circles onto her cheek while the other wandered.
She could tell he was smiling, he was so attractive. And he knew what made her embrassed or senstive, how unfair. He was a fucking tease.
The shorter yelped when he leaned into her further. Her hands were bent at a uncomfortable angle, it was like he was waiting for her to buckle.
Theriean bit her lip rather harshly and she sucked in a gasp of air. But before she could get too much, he slid his tongue into her mouth.
It wasn’t a completly bad feeling really. It was mainly the closeness of the whole thing that made her the most embrassed. She could practically feel the air he was breathing.
“Breatheee..~” He whispered, before going back to it.
She contuined to go at it with him, breathing through her nose. It was so embrassing to be told how to do something. Usually, they would just figure it out on their own.
“Your so weak for me.” He laughed while pulling away and breathing harshly.
They simply glared at him. He was so annoying, bothering them like this. He was still AWFULLY close too.
His right handed moved to her visible necklace and he looked at it. The gem reflected when he gently twisted it so light caught it.
“I will never get over how pretty this is..it really does suit you, even though I’ve never seen you without it.” He spoke.
The other underneath him plastered a nervous smile on his face. Why was she so nervous?? He was just adimiring somethin-
His left hand had drifted to her hip and he had absent-mindingly started drawing shapes on it. Square, triangle, heart-wait, stop focusing on it!
“Kai?” He called, extremely lightly yanking on her necklace to bring her attention back to him fully.
The male had this innocent aura about him when he knew damn well. It was annoying, because then he would tease her about she was acting.
“What’s wrong?” He inquired, fingers digging into her hip harder.
Aganist her will, her eyes darted towards his left hand before back up to his eyes. His own pair followed the movement, softly mummbling something under his breath before smiling at her.
“Sorryyy..I didn’t notice..seems like you don’t hate it though, yeah?~” He mummbled before snarkly asking.
The long haired girl shifted slightly and pressed her lips together. Only to wince when he copied the movement with his other hand.
Now he was almost ontop of her fully, making her all the more nervous. A sick yet tightening feeling filled her lower stomach, she hated it. It was the feeling of nervousness mixed with something else..
Of course, the female had gotten the feeling before around him. It was only natural to feel things for your crush. She sweated.
“You have really cute reactions to everything, y’know? Have I ever told you that?” He rythtorically asked that it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Theriean was really igorant. And now he was getting cocky, of course she had noticed his behavior.
She jolted slightly when his face leaned closer, his eyes darting around her face but still somehow focused on her. His eyes had always had the habit of somehow pinning her in place. Usually it was in a bad way..
But she didn’t actually mind it this time..well..besides the tiny hint of obession she caught in them..
He leaned even closer and connected their lips. She grunted and accepted him. Did he even relize what he was doing?
One of his hands manged to get tangled in her hair. The taller also tossed the red headband she had in it aside, on the floor and her messy hair came back full force.
Theriean was surprised by how smooth her hair was! It was always shiny and soft looking of course, simaliar to Akari’s. That’s right, he hadn’t asked if they were related or yet, right?
Well whatever, now wasn’t the time.
The apprentince grunted again when he pushed impossibly closer. Her head was now slightly tilted back at the angle of which he held her hair. When she quickly peaked through her closed eyes, she found deep, half-lidded eyes observing her.
No, it wasn’t creepy. It seemed like he was doing it to guage a reaction to his actions.
He pulled away and shuffled her shirt down further, leaning to the right and opening his mouth. Theriean didn’t hold back as he bit down and she groaned.
He always had sharp teeth, obviously. But this actually hurt! He kept at the area before suckiing on it, probably creating a massive bruise. Then he quickly kissed it before making some more further down.
By now, the youngest Adachi’s face was bathed in red. People could wonder how she could come undone so quickly, they didn’t get it. She had wanted this for so long!
She muffled a moan by biting her lips harshly when bit right above her collar bone. Their neck throbbed and pulsed and their eyes glanced at him.
His own eyes were focused on her pale skin. He licked the wound he had caused and quickly moved them over so he could start on the other side.
He jolted though, when she placed her hands on him. Her own hands were actually shaky and sweaty like she was nervous. She was nervously looking at him, face even more red.
Before he could bite on her neck, he decided to speak.
“Love?” He inquired.
“I want to..touch you too..” She mummbled, extremely embrassed.
His eyes kept shifting to find hers, his mouth slowly twisting up into a open grin. He snickered, was he seriously laughing at her?!
She narrowed her eyes at him and was about to ask what was so funny but he quickly undid his collar. His already loose tie came undone with the motion and he tied her hands together. She didn’t struggle fully, not when she didn’t understand what was going on.
“No, that’s not how this works, apprentince.” He corrected.
His tone was mockingly soft, kind of like what he did when teaching her. It was basically like he was talking to someone who was stupid.
“What-I..i don’t??” She confusingly stumbled over her own words.
The man only snickered more at her confusion. He grabbed the silk tie, making her wrists move closer with the movement aswell. He raised them awfully close to his vision, before flicking his eyes to hers.
“This is about you getting what you deserve. Don’t worry, I won’t be too rough.” He explained vaguely before letting go, her wrists uncomfortably sitting with the motion.
She tilted her face slightly upwards when he leaned closer. Then, his right hand twisted her face so she was facing the other way, probably to give him better acess towards the other side of her neck.
“Mff!-~” She muffled a moan that threatened to slip out as he started working immeditally.
His right hand also seemed to be digging into the flesh on her face. Kai wouldn’t be surprised if he was lying about not being rough.
The red eyed girl grunted softly when his fingers on that hand smoothly slid to her lips. His thumb pried open her bottom lip softly and he mummbled something through his breath.
“Open.” And that was exactly what she did.
Once the girl had opened her mouth, a couple fingers where jammed inside of her mouth. She whined uncomfortablly but stopped squirming when he shoved them further down. She embrassingly focused and sucked on them softly.
His hands had always been attractive, pretty big really. But they were smooth even though they were pretty boney.
She almost accidentally bit down on one as his other hand had slid up her shirt. It wasn’t too cold, but not normal tempature for how hot it was outside. His fingers danced along her sides, leaving goosebumps in his wake.
“God, so senstive. What, you that needy or something’?” He casually questioned like he didn’t have his fingers in her mouth.
It was honestly sort of werid for him to drop the sort of proper tone he talked with. His words drew out and floated around in the air, not extremely heavy but carrying pressure with them.
“I’m not needy..” She manged to get out, before sucking on his fingers again.
‘Liar.’ Her mind hissed again.
The truth was, and everyone knew that she was. She pushed people away but they always seemed to come back. Kai acted like they didn’t like it, but that wasn’t true.
They did like it, alot actually.
“Oh, yes you are! Don’t lie to me.” He casually refuted again before moving his hand quickly up to her ribcage in warning.
The white-nette didn’t verbally respond, almost fucking trembling at the amount of shivers that went down her body. It was stupid, she hated how her body reacted.
Theriean loved how her body reacted. It was so obvious she had never been touched like this, not even by that whatever the fuckers name was?-Maya?? Yeah, her. He was her first, he was her everything.
The man really never considered having a geniune crush on her. And if he was in love with her, he wouldn’t hate it. She did make him react in ways simliar to his beloved.
He looked up at her as he smoothly circled his one hand to her back, to undo her bar. The clip greeted his fingers and he was tempted to stick his tongue out as he undid it to focus.
He sighed in relief when he also slid it off of her, she sqirmed a little. Atleast she worked with him a little bit. She had also been holding her fingers straight inbetween her teeth as this process occured.
His apprentince’s brighter eyes embrassingly fixated in his movements. He held up the garment to get a better look at it for a second, laughing at the newly flushed red on her face.
“Pretty, looks expensive.” Was the throw-away comment he made.
He tossed the thing on the floor and finally removed his other hand from the girl’s mouth. Her jaw seemed to almost crack once her mouth was able to close again.
He would change that.
His other somewhat wet hand followed his other hands movements. His eyes were also fixated on her face, waiting for something.
She immeditally shivered and tensed when his hands found her breasts. They weren’t massive, but still a good size for his hands. The soft skin immeditally tensed up and his barely even touched them.
“Ngh-!” She moaned out.
One of her eyes shut while one kept on his hands. He snickered harshly at this.
“Tam venerandus es, ius illud scis?” He asked.
She blinked a few times, how exactly was she suposed to respond to that?? For gods sake, she didn’t even know what language it was!
“Hu-Ack-!” She breathly questioned before yelping when his one hand pinched her breast.
“It’s latin, my love.” He simply explained.
They only made a sound simaliar to a harsh wince. What, were they suposed to give him a answer back?
He leaned closer and connected their mouths again. He really liked to seem pushing impossibly closer to them.
In reality, it made Kai nervous and wet. Everytime he shifted or pushed more pressure on them, something filled their stomach. It was probably anixety or stress from all the teasing.
Atleast when he was kissing them he wasn’t talking as much.
“Relax for me.” He whispered, before going back to connecting their lips.
The long haired girl hadn’t even noticed how tense her body was. His hands had moved to her ribcage to linger before smoothly going down to her skirt.
His hands teasingly rubbed aganist the very edge of it before giving in to her whines. He slid it down to her upper thighs, just knough so her pussy was showing.
Kai grunted when he shuffled her up by her lower thighs so she was almost sitting up. Her back leaned aganist the armrest and she peaked down at her with one lidded eye.
His pale hands peaked out of the ends of her skirt. Her legs and core practically radiated warmth.
“You ready?~” He inquired, voice light.
‘Ready for what exactly?’ was her question but she didn’t speak it outloud.
She simply nodded and was taken aback when he pressed insanely close to her again and slammed his lips aganist hers. It was like he never got tired of kissing her!!
She immeditally almost pulled away in reflex when he carefully slid her underwear aside. Theriean quickly followed after and captured her again.
He laughed slightly when she immedtially squrimed when his fingers barely brushed aganist her clit. His left hand held her left thigh in a tight embrace and the right one did all the work.
She also flinched when he shifted slightly again and seemed to be feeling around for something with right hand. He made a slight winning sound when he seemed to find what he was looking for, a small knife.
Her brighter eyes shot open and worredly looked at it. Theriean laughed slightly and twirled it in his hand.
“Here’s how this works, but if your not okay with it, let me know.” He warned.
The female only nodded meekly, eyes still trained on it. If by chance you were wondering what it looked like, it had a sharp and polished metal tip, the handle of it somewhat blocked off by his hand. But from what they could see it had carvings in it, from eyes to shapes and languages they didn’t understand.
“I’ll give you what you want, if your just honest with me. That’s it! But if your not, thennn..’~” He explained before trailing off.
His hand with the blade lightly traced a shape on her thigh. It made a slight scratch in it’s way, showing off how sharp it was.
“I’ll make you bleed.” He hissed, a smile on his face.
The youngest Adachi blinked a little before a nervous smile framed on her face. She didn’t mind, she knew she could at least be a little honest.
“Alright..” She replied.
Oh boy she was going to regret how confident she sounded. His eyes narrowed slightly but he still had a smile on his face.
“You sound confiedent. Are you exicted??” He bluntly asked.
The white-nette turned red and looked away. The smile whipped off of his face as his hand on her thigh tightened further and he raised the blade to her face. She sweat-dropped when he tilted it to gently graze her and bring her vision back to him.
“Answer me.” He ordered.
She gulped slightly and breathed shakily. He pressed it a little harder before glaring at her.
“Yes…” She mummbled.
The darker eyed one seemed satisfied enough as he removed it, but not completly from her face. His left hand danced closer to her bare pussy and finally, he slid his thumb over her bean.
She hissed and he had a grin on his face. How annoying.
“You want this?~” He teasingly asked.
Kai glared at him slightly but it faltered slightly as he looked more smug. She wanted to look away so bad, she wanted to slap his face. Her fingers twitched inside of the tie lace.
“I..yes..” She honestly answered, embrassed.
The red eyed male tilted his head slightly. He was already testing her, it was funny.
“Ack-!” She hissed when Theriean curiously slid his two other fingers down her slit.
Her eyes glazed over and her lip quivered slightly.
How adorable.
She whimpered slightly when he squinted his eyes and pressed the blade closer to her. She was already weak enough, who knew she was this touch-starved. He did.
“Your so senstive, only for me, right?” He inquired.
The brighter eyed one flushed a deep red but nodded anyways.
“Yes..” She answered.
A crooked, almost twisted smile overcame his face. He was insane, she knew that. But she never took him as the type of person who liked getting people hurt this much.
One of his fingers testingly teased around her dripping hole. She made a grimnace like expression and glanced at his eyes for a split second.
“Please…” She begged.
She watched him laugh in mockery a little. Honestly, he was having way too much fun with this.
“Begging? Really? Are you that despreate for me, pretty girl?” He harshly mocked.
They only grumbled something before slightly gasping when he pressed the blade sideways to their neck. It’s cold texture, already flaring up his bite marks.
“Remeber!~” The white haired male cheerfully reminded.
She sweated before making a lopsided expression. This made him raise a eyebrow.
“I..I love you..so much..” She confessed.
His expression changed, mouth in a open frown. He blinked a couple times before scowling, his one finger giving up teasing and inserting itself. She whimpered louder.
“Confessing at a time like this?! Ha! What kind of freak are you?!” He sarcastically asked.
She only moaned, trying to defend herself. This only effectivly made him look at her with fake pity.
“That was cute. Do you think about this alot, hm?” He kept questioning them.
They clentched their jaw together. Their mind was fogging over and his finger wasn’t even going that fast. It was just the length of his bony hands, and how it was so light but it was still there.
And the more they thought about it, the more worked up they got.
“Hey!-!” Theriean suddenly snapped, almost cutting them.
The shorters extremely flushed face became startled as they looked at him. He chuckled and mummbled something under his breath.
“Don’t go spacing out on me like that. You’ so focused on getting mind fucked or somethin’?” He sleazy asked yet another rytorchical question.
His other finger, that had yet to be inserted, well-inserted itself. They moaned and shut their one eye again.
“Ngh-no! I..I just-!” They stuttered out.
“Liar.” He spat, fake anger lacing his tone.
She grunted when he flipped the knife around towards her stomach. She was already scretched enough by his fingers, what was he gonna’ do?? Cut her open??
He pressed the tip closer to her stomach, basically ontop of it. She grimnaced and stared at it. His mouth was pressed into a firm line and for even more re-enforcement he removed his fingers from her.
She bit back a whine and only glared at him slightly. He almost thought about sliting her throat, but he didn’t. Instead, he whipped off his left hand on her thigh and snaked it up to her neck, holding her down.
“Quiet now.” He whispered, eyes flicking up to hers before back down.
The man tilted his head slightly as he pretty harshly cut through her stomach area on her shirt. Well, guess she’ll need a repair! Anyways, he poked the actual skin with the knife, getting not really a response.
She breathed in and out shallowly, watching the knife slightly move with her. But before she could get too comfortable, he tightened his hold on her neck and cut into her. Not too hard though, but enough too atleast scar.
“Fucking-! Theriean-!” Kai couldn’t even finish her sentences.
He only shushed her by squeezing even tighter. The girl couldn’t even make out what he was carving on her throughout the hot flashes of pain.
He squinted and finally pulled away after a few minutes. Her blood was hot, naturally of course.
He carefully looked at the dagger, covered in the stuff. His eyes flicked back and forth, espically when he loosened the grip on his apprentinces neck and the dagger closer to his mouth.
She bit her lip and looked away slightly, but not enough. She saw him stick the tip of the blade in between his teeth and making a licking sound. A slight hum and slizzing sound echoed around the room now.
After a minute or two, he pulled the blade out of his teeth and flicked his hand, making the blade dissapate. He whipped off his mouth off on his sleeve, staring at her with a open expression.
“There. Now even if you were to die I have a part of you.” He muttered mainly to himself.
His hands undid his collar more and the rest of his shirt. Her face flushed red and while she was looking at his body, she caught a glimpse of her own stomach.
It was littered in small, stinging cuts and deeper ones. This made it look like the main ‘desgin’ was almost stitched on. Speaking of it, there was a large-perfect heart carved into the middle and upper ribcage.
She paled slightly when she saw the amount of blood coming out. It didn’t look like a wound she would die from-still though! Her fingers twitched again.
Now, Theriean’s body was rather sickly, not in a bad way. He was skinny, atleast two ribcage bones visible, but not so weak that you could snap him like a twig. Across his lean, pale skin scars littered it. Her maroon eyes mainly focused on a large scar, going sideways.
It almost looked like someone slashed at him.
“Worrisome, I know. I’m fine though.” He seemed to pick up on their worry as he reassured.
His white hair swayed slightly as he leaned closer and basically hovered straight over her. They were confused before relizing what he was doing, taking off his belt and pants.
The female shrunk back slightly when he merly tossed his belt over his shoulder. His shirt still hung on him, completly open though. He then, somehow cutely stuck his to tongue out of his mouth as he focused on getting his pants off.
He seemed more eager now, they noticed. Not that it wasn’t welcome, it was just strange. He acted like they were the despreate one but did he see himself??
She blinked slowly as he finally got his pants off. It was embrassing to say, but he certianely wasn’t lacking. From what she could see, he had a impressive at least six inches on him and the thing wasn’t skinny either.
Then he got that look, that stupid smug look on his face. His grin was nothing sort of all knowing and also insanely smug.
He lifted his hands so he was now holding onto her hips. They stung uncomfortably from the cuts and she groaned.
“Hey, you want me to make up a safe word?” He questioned.
The younger made a baffled face, shouldn’t he have asked this earlier?! Maybe before he carved a fucking heart and cut her up?!
“Sure..” She sweat-dropped.
The male’s hands seemed to dig into their hips in thought. He looked away, thinking way too hard about this.
“How does Cheer sound?” He came up with one.
The ladder could not give a shit less, they were getting antsy. Just how long was he going to leave them hanging?!
“Fine! Now please-!” They bluntly answered before trying to continue.
The older only snickered slightly and rubbed his one hand up and down on their hip. The blood flow had started again, but it oddly didn’t hurt that bad. Just a dull throbbing sensation to remind them that they were, indeed bleeding.
“Okayyyy..” He lazily drawled out, not even wasting time.
The apprentince’s constant begging seemed to be getting to him. Because as soon as he removed the last layer of cloth, he inserted his dick into her throbbing pussy. She let out a pretty loud moan at this, fingers clawing into her palms.
“Fuck! Ha..wait..wait a second..~..” She tried to gain her breath back, panting.
He allowed this staring at her in intrest. Her core was blazing hot, normal considering her blood type. Everything was hot aganist his freezing skin, but he relized his tempature was probably the same for her.
“Wait? Aren’t you the one who was rushing me a few seconds ago??” He rytheortically asked.
The long haired other clentched her jaw and made a final hissing noise. God, how badly she wanted to wrap her own hands around his throat. She leered at him and his hands around her hips tightened impossibly harder.
“Okay..okay I’m..I’m fine..” She breathed out her consent.
The darker eyed one paused for a few more seconds before moving again. God, she was so greedy. Her core sucked him in with no hesitation. Not to mention, she was a virgin so she was insanely tight.
“Fucking hell..aren’t you lucky that I’m your first?” He hissed when thrusting forward.
She only whimpered when he laughed at her. He was so mean and cruel, of course she already knew that. But she didn’t actually believe he would actually act like this!
She could handle it though, but no way in hell was she going to be defiant. No matter how much her inner thoughts told her too. He could easily put her back in her place.
She moaned and her body, mostly her wrists jolted. He had found a good spot, well all of them were good spots really.
“Ngh!~” She moaned.
Theriean wasn’t nearly as loud as she was. Of course, he had his grunts and winces whem he was greedily sucked in. Speaking of, he almost growled when it hapened again.
“Jesus christ! Stop being so fucking needy.” He venomusly said before leaning over her and kissing her neck again.
She felt his hands also move to roam more around her body. When his hands grazed over her thighs, they tried to clentch shut. He grunted into the kiss and forcefully held them so he had more space.
Kai’s whines and cute moans where shut by him. It was like he chewed up all their words and disrespected them.
A sick cord built up in their stomach, tightening with every thrust. Their fingers that kept twitching dug into their palms, almost drawing blood.
The white-nette male laughed somewhat hoarsely at them. A wide open grin played on his face even though his breath was labored.
“You gonna’ snap or somethin’?~” He mockingly cooed.
She only shut one eye and laborly looked at him. Her own breath was panting and she could barely even actually get out a word without yelping or moaning.
Theriean’s one hand shifted to trace shapes along her neck. It honestly stupid, how she was so dishelved but she still had most of her clothes on. Shouldn’t he be the more dishelved one atleast?!
“Kaiiiii..!~” He called out her name softly, making her blush an insane red and sweat.
She could feel his hand slightly poke and squeeze at her neck. He was messing with her. He knew what he was doing and seting off.
“Stop teasing..” She begged.
The grin on his face only seemed to widen further. His hand that was near her neck gave a soft squeeze and she could feel the cord become impossibly tighter.
“But your just soooo’ cuteee! Your reactions are making me like this.” He defended, basically obessing over her.
The brighter eyed one liked it, she liked being obessed over. Espically when he praised her, at least he wasn’t fully making fun of her. Did she also mention how much hotter her blood seemed??
“Come on, break for me already, darling.” He spoke, something in that tone of his.
She could feel her body seizing up and her throat aswell. Stuff almost like waves came over her, but the cord didn’t snap completly.
“Ha!~ I can’t..I can’t..mhh!~” She struggled to form a sentence.
The man merly moved his one hand to her hair and burried itself in it. Actually rather harshly tugged on it. She almost bit her tongue as her whole body seized up and the cord finally snapped.
“Mgh!~” She whined.
It was like electrical shocks getting sent althroughout her body.
The older of the two stared at them as they finally relaxed after a while. He had stopped moving just to get a better look at them. He then, made them yelp as he roughly grabbed their hair and yanked back.
“I hope you didn’t think we were finished here. Hell no. I am going to break you, Kai.”
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evansencezz · 2 years
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Notes: non-can relationships, funni, ocs out of context, y/n x oc in some of these, okay sure, litterally almost everyone is here, insert, i stole these off of tumblr, pure fluff and comedy.
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suimuki: “killian and i don’t use pet names.”
jin: “huh..what do bees make?”
suimuki: “honey..?”
killian: “yes, my love?”
jin: “don’t lie to my face ever again.”
suimuki: “eat my ass, spirts 😡😡😡”
highschool!akari is defentily a marina and the diamonds listener
suimuki: “SEE?!”
jin: “wait—?”
jin: “you can’t just survive off of coffee and candy bard for the rest of your life, suimuki!”
suimuki: “SHUT UP 😵🔥🔥”
highschool!celeste: “who traumatized you?! ☹️”
highschool!coraline: “do you like-want a list or something..?”
celeste: *with a tense smile on her face* “yes, actually!”
highschool!akari: *to everyone in her classes* “alright listen up you little shits-!”
akari: “not you, kai, i love you sweetie!”
highschool!coraline: what were you guys voted the most of in highschool? I was voted nothing..cause’ i dropped out early
suimuki: prettiest smile 🥱
astro: most popular!~
arashi: most likely to get into a bar fight
celeste: least likely to get into a bar fight
killian: most likely to somehow get into a bar fight and win 🤗
highschool!kai: “i don”t have a crush! people get crushes on ME!”
kai: “oh my god…☹️😵😱😝🤗🤗🤗🫶”
akari: *being tugged back and forth between people*
ciel: “you really think she likes you?! please, you two bicker all the time!”
jiren: *tugging her the opposite way* “like she would ever like your narrasastic ass!”
akari: *pushes them away* “ladies, ladies, it’s charming that your fighting for me and whatnot, but your seriously about to tear my arms off here!!”
highschool!astro is most defentily the cheer captain 🥱
—。゚゚(」。≧□≦)」—PUNK AU—♺
Mars: *pulls out card from her deck* ace of spades.
Reki: *laughs mockingly before pulling out her card, it’s a uno card* +4.
Valentina: *lifts card and winks* jolton, i choose you!~
Violet: *shaking violently and sweating* what game are we playing??!
Maya: Kaiiiii!~ My loveee’!-
suimuki defentily has a small orange cat that wanders around her lab 😱
suimuki defentily has mental disorders litterally all of them and her one eye is smaller then the other in this au only/j
punkau! jin is litterally the type of person who tries to baby or explain their werid behavior:
jin: “oh no no no, jin! we still love you jin! your not a bad person!~”
suimuki puts her cigarettes out on jin’s coat to make her angry
celeste actually knows how to do vodo magic and of course future magic like tarot cards 😮‼️
jin, celeste, and arashi defentily have that disney villan thing going on
no that was a lie arashi absoutetly acts like heather from heathers
arashi still is a jackass and mainuplates people, defentily is the ‘most hated’ and ‘unwelcome’ member. she also has like five girlfriends and four boyfriends but still chases after coraline.
speaking about coraline, shes way more vocal and objective in this au. she defentily makes a face when arashi shows up and has given her a run for her money once or twice. has more ‘connections’ then her too lmafo.
also headcannon that jin and arashi sound like annapantsu
lenevery in the punk au most defentily is raised to be the perfect ruler. not nessaacirly cruel, but influenced by her previous parents teachings. also somewhat disgusted by their poor manners and lack of understanding.
the punk au in general is most defentily influenced by aladian mixed with arcane. i like to think mostly the bottom and top land has that beutiful feel while ever ‘downdweller’ character has a touch of actual aladian. while you could say lenevery is jasmine.
akari: “okay, make sure to stick together guy-!”
astro: “kai’s gone.”
akari: “w-*frantically looking around for her* OH MY GODDDDD KAIIIIIII-!!”
jin: *talking to y/n* “look-a, kid your human! your fragile and delicite espically around these parts! you need me!~”
y/n: “could you be any more obvious that your trying to scam me..”
mars: *posting on twitter* im so upset
astro: omg why what happened??
mars: shut the fuck up
suimuki: do you guys like ever get the feeling of when you wanna rip your skin off piece by piece angrily and tear your insides out and then rip your vocal chrods out while also wanting to ring and hurt everyone in your path or you need someone to shut the fuck up so you strangle them to death, y’know what im talking about?
everyone: FUCKING NOOOO?!!!
astro and mars also suimuki defentily have their hands tapped up and bandages around each finger
—(*・∀-)☆ marionette/ villian au—⚗︎
-most of these are defentily headcannons because i still have to work on and expand on this but ig ill use this for a plot thing
i honest to god think suimuki’s only reason for being a villian would be if someone wasn’t there for her. like if killian died or something. or if jin wasn’t a good older sibling figure at all like wasn’t comforting or something 😡
also the marionette au is basically the fancy name for my actor/ rom-com au
v!akari: guys, look at me- *points at the descrutirtion in the chaos* this was defentily not a- *points at v!astro* ‘bruh’ moment, it was not a- *points at v!suimuki* ‘lol’ moment, it was MOST CERTIANELY NOT A- *points at v!celeste* “L + Ratio moment’ AND- *agressivly grabs v!chiyo by the collar and shakes her* MOST DEFENTILY NOT A MOMENT TO RECORD AND POST ON TWITTER WITH THE CAPTION, ‘just robbed the citties captial and caused multiple fires #girltime #girlbosses + theyboss’ WITH E I G H T E E N E M O J I S T O T O P I T O F F.
v!noel: chiyo, you can’t just kill people who look at me 😡😡
v!chiyo: b..but..but pookie..wookie..☹️☹️😭😭..
v!violet: u made her cry 😮
v!kai: fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you really bad get me the fuck outta here 👎
kai is already a bad person or villian but so is a couple other ocs so their traits are just reved up and they have slightly different backstories
also morally grey characters don’t exist/j
kai and some other characters have anger issues bc problems ☠️
what the fuck is wrong with v!mars man she got some MUTHAFUCKIN PROBLEMS ☠️☠️☠️
okay it’s 2 am bye
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evansencezz · 2 years
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v(°∇^*)⌒☆—I L๏V︎e y๏υ!! (i fuckเ︎𝓷ģ 𝔥Ⓐ︎𝐓︎𝓔︎ ⓨ︎๏υ) -yandere!violet x yandere!iris—v(°∇^*)⌒☆
⚬ ⚬: yandere violet, violet being kinda wack, violet hates everyone, violet confusing platonic love for romantic love, annoyed violet, hoarding, violence, angry violet, agressive yandere, mental breakdown, hurting someone, extremely tense scences, violet losing it and almost killing iris, near death exprince, both of them are nuts, jealous violet, crippled violet, violet has never seen the light of day, iris is the more intense yandere, mentions towards murder, theres like one cute scence in here, halluications, stragglation, fighting, iris being a creepy freak, taking photos, non-con photos, non-con bondage and kissing, oh god, the whole shabang, threatening, what the fuck, posioning, bad ending, sad ending, non-apoctalyptic au, modern au?, creepy and sad as fuck, dream squences are in bold, violet descends into madness, derelization, thinking one is in a dream when they are not, schizophriana, poltics, family fighting, iris is funny, iris’s family is shitty, fuck them, use of slurs, homophobic and transphobic family, iris is flippino, akward dinner scence is the highlight of this whole thing, smoking, making myself cry, GET IT TOGETHER, christmas post, my magium opious i give u this, possesion, oreain is a halluication ghost, oreain isn’t/ is kinda into violet, he hasn’t aged even though he’s a ghost, he’s 26 cool your tits, violet is 22, death.
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Violet groaned as the text sent through. Honestly, could she be anymore akward? Her little charm that she had connected to her phone swayed when she tilted her phone up infront of her.
“Oh my god I am so fucking cringe.” She hissed out.
The text read:
‘hey iris ik ur like hanging out with ur gf or whatever but do u wanna’ come over later?’
She wanted to rip her throat out so badly. How do you undo time again?? Oh that’s right, still figuring that one out.
Her eye twitched when she saw that it had been five minutes. She decided to exit out of the app and go onto the persons other social medias. One of those was instagram.
Iris had posted a thread of photos, and the blonde scrolled through. The first couple were okay, just snapshots of a theme park and food. Then..a photo of their girlfriend giving them a kiss on the cheek.
She stared at the photo for a little while longer. The brunette had her eyes closed and it was clear she was holding cotton candy in one hand. She was leaning slightly to kiss the cheek of the taller. too.
The short haired person had a smile on their face but no blush was on their face. Their eyes were also slightly averted to the left but it wasn’t noticeable. At least it wouldn’t be to their fanbase.
‘oh hey v’ sorry for not replying i was with my fangirl (゚Д゚;)’ was the notfiaction she got was.
A small smile overcame her face when she read it. Espically the ‘fangirl’ part. Iris didn’t really love their girlfriend and Violet knew it.
‘yeah i saw ur post u guys r totally made for each other!! б(>ε<)∂’
Meanwhile with the white and green haired person scoffed at the message. The sarcastic intention was clear but it was still annoying. The blue eyed girl next to them on the bus frowned and clung onto their arm.
“Babyyyyy!~ Pay attention to me! Who are you even texting anyway??” She whined slighty before trying to catch a glimpse at the contact name.
The white and green eyed one scowled slightly and leaned her phone away. Their right hand switched the phone into it while they plastered a closed eyed smile on their face.
“Just a friend!~ Here..” They answered before grinning and connecting their lips.
They honestly didn’t mind the way she tasted. She tasted sweet with a hint of vanilla. They knew they didn’t love her, but she tasted pretty damn good.
She winced when they bit her bottom lip harshly before pulling away. A trickle of blood ran down her mouth and she shakily looked at Iris. She knew they had sharp teeth, but god damn?!?
“Better? Your so cute.” They quickly asked before smiling again and swiping a finger across her lip to clean up the blood.
They flicked their finger with the blood a few times before smiling and going back on their phone. Their girlfriend only slinked away, closer to the window seat.
‘sorry about that i had to do something to keep the girlfriend from bothering me.. v(*’-^*)ゞ・’゚☆’ they texted.
The short haired girl perked up at the message. Currently she had moved to her desk and was sitting on a chair. She hovered over the table with her upper half and blinked at the message.
‘nah it’s cool anyway do u wanna come over?’ she brushed it off as she wrote back.
‘mmm i dunno if i can today, my parent’s probably want me back home after i’m done here! sorry violet maybe some other time 。゜(`Д´)゜。’ they answered.
The blue eyed girl immeditally read over the message before blushing in embrassment. She seriously had just gotten rejected! How embrassing..
‘oh ok’ was the only thing she manged to get out.
She turned her phone off and scowled. It honestly wasn’t fair. They got to go outside and have fun with different people while Violet was trapped in her room the whole time.
She couldn’t leave, otherwise she would get hurt. She knew that. She dug her fingers into the desk in anger, her long nails protested but it was the only way to get out the anger she felt.
“I hate them, I hate them, I hate them, I hate them, IhatethemIhatethemIhatethemIhatethemIhatethemIhatethemIhatethemIhatethemIHATETHEM!!” She repeated over and over again.
She wanted to strangle them so badly. She wanted to snap their neck into so she could be rid of this feeling. God, it hurt so bad.
Her blue eyes became shaky and she moved her hands to claw at her body that had excess fat on it. Was it that?? She didn’t eat properly to begin with but..
Her face was still in a deep scowl, her eyes reflecting pure hate. She hated how jumbled up her mind was and how weak she felt.
“I’ll kill them. I’ll do it. So fucking weak and stupid. FUCK!!!” She said before clawing at her ribs and feeling like she was going to die.
What exactly would it take for her to get rid of this feeling?! She hated it so much. She couldn’t geniuley describe how much she hated it.
She knew it was self-destructive but anytime she came back to the stupid fucking other she felt worse. It was their fault they kept interacting with her. Why couldn’t they see that they were annoying?!
She just wanted to be left alone. But in reality, she wanted someone to care about her. She hated it but she also wanted someone to touch her and comfort her. She knew she was a monster and messed up.
People already looked down on her. She didn’t need a mental diganoises to know she was messed up. She didn’t need people to think she was crazy now but..
She couldn’t just be dead already?? What was the problem with that?? The problem was that she was too weak to do anything. Sure, she had a at home job and was still alive, but it didn’t feel like she was.
Iris had always complemnted her when they came over. Even though they clearly saw her messy room and unfit conditions. It was surprising she hadn’t been kicked out by the home owner yet.
Her hands had moved over to the pillow that she now held in her hands on the bed. She practically strangeled the poor thing before laying her head down and closing her eyes.
There was no problem with sleeping, right?
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Violet looked down at her hands, or what she thought were her hands. Where exactly was she?? She looked around, it looked like she was in the middle of a hotel lobby.
“Am I in the fucking backrooms or some shit?” She sarcastically asked.
Though, it wasn’t completly wrong. The lights were a pale orange/ red color and it was unsettingly warm. There seemed to be something stuck in her eye and she rubbed it away. It was simple muck.
The carpet floor had a intresting desgin on it. Shapes of warm brown, and crimson played on it. A faint sound of what seemed to be ambience played. Not the most comforting, but tiring.
It only now occured to her that she didn’t have crutches of any sort. She was standing properly. She looked down at her foot and just saw that it looked normal of course.
“What..?” She mummbled.
Her head pounded and she raised a hand to feel the spot that was pounding. Unexpectadtly, she was very disorenated and dizzy.
She blinked and suddenly there were a couple tens of hallway paths infront of her. Each way not exactly showing what direction it lead to. All of a sudden it felt like a hand drifted to her hair and tugged on it.
She flinched and whipped around, nothing was there. She was now offically spooked out. She decided it would be best if she were to go to the first path infront of her.
Violet wrapped her hands around herself and started walking. It felt so werid to her, her right foot didn’t even hesitate in it’s steps. It just followed around rythmatically.
Once she offically entered the path of the hallway, her headache became lessened. The walls were pretty crammed and painted a disgusting orangish brown. Not flattering at all.
It was pretty dim, but it still glowed with that comforting color. She heard the faint sounds of a piano playing. She bit her lips every now and then, was it just her or were the walls getting closer.
She had been walking for a while now but stopped when she saw someone in the distance. A naeous feeling vaguely filled her stomach but she had no idea why. It seemed like her throat filled up with liquid.
And all of a sudden, the person turned around. It was..
“Ace…?” She hoarsely whispered.
The blue haired girl blinked before a soft smile overcame her face. Her brown eyes seemed to shimer in the soft light that was still orange.
“Violet, there you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” She softly cooed.
It sounded exactly like her. It looked exactly like her. Her expression always mimicked what Ace’s would turn into everytime she saw Violet.
“Ace what are you doing here? W-..” She tried to form words but her throat was tight.
“I love you so much, you know that?” The older sibling asked with a gentle smile.
The blonde knew she was dreaming but…
Ace’s figure practcally raidated warmth and her eyes that the girl loved so much show so much compassion. She had always loved her sisters eyes.
‘Okay! Time to wake up now!’ The ocean eyed girl thought, reaching a hand down to pinch herself.
She was stopped though when the blue-nette grabbed her wrist and smiled. How did she get over to her so quickly.
“Hey, let’s not do that, okay? I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” She gently said before intertwining their fingers.
Violet paled and sweat-dropped. Something was wrong. If this was a dream, then why did Ace stop her from waking up??
“Hey, why don’t we walk around a little? You like exploring.” She asked her younger sibling.
The short haired girl didn’t know what to say. It was like all she could do was listen. She didn’t understand. Was this some sort of lucid dream??
She flinched when the brown eyed girl tugged her along. The pair walked into multiple different hallways, each ending in a main lobby that was slightly different and had even more paths spilt.
After awhile, the older sister finally spoke.
“So, how are you doing??” She questioned.
The two weren’t that far apart height wise, almost the same actually. The long haired girls face was forward as she lead. But it felt as if Violet had to look up at her.
“I’ve been fine…I miss you..” She answered before blurting out that last part.
The said girl’s eyes winded and she shakily looked over at her sister. She had completly stopped and the relaxed smile on her face was gone.
“What do you mean, Violet? I’m right here!” She tilted her head in confusion.
The girl pulled away and tilted her head down. She didn’t want to hurt anybody. But was that the way to wake up out of this dream??
“No, your not. You left me Ace, and..and I know it wasn’t of your own accord but..I haven’t see you in years..” She adimitted.
The soft sound of what seemed to be a music box filled the area. She pressed her lips into her grimnace and looked away.
“Violet..” The blue haired girl mummbled.
Her body was now away from the younger. It was now and only now Violet had noticed the dangling camera around her neck. Ace had always loved photography.
“Your hurting me, Violet..” She whimpered.
Her voice became more distroted and shaky. And her breaths were muffled, it was an odd sound. It felt like she was losing conciousness even though she was in a dream.
After all, that IS what is WAS, wasn’t it? Just a dream.
“Violet..I just want to protect you..” The blurred figure of her older sister reached out.
The blonde now noticed something. Throughout all the times her suposed ‘sister’ was talking to her, she never said her nickname. She blinked before stepping back a little more.
“Why aren’t you calling me by my nickname? Why only Violet?” She asked, tone now a little sharper.
The taller stopped her hand and looked away. Her caramel eyes held something in them, she couldn’t figure out what. Uncerantity?
“Isn’t Violet just the prettiest name? I’m happy you were named that.” She vaguely answered.
The shorter only shook her head and took a few steps back. She was acting strange, Ace would’ve called her by her nickname if she wanted her to.
“I’m sorry.” Ace straightly said before snapping her fingers.
The carpet floor dissapered beneth Violet and she yelped. A blank white void filled her and it was windy and cold. It wasn’t like she was free falling, more like hovering.
Her body span around a few times, basically doing summersaults. She shakily breathed and harshly grabbed her middle arm and pinched it very hard.
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Iris cracked their knuckles as they slumped down into their desk. They had just dropped their girlfriend off with her parents and said goodbye. They were tired from the day sure, their girlfriend just sucked all the energy out of them.
They sighed and opened up one of their drawers. It had tons of pollaroid photos in there of one person. Violet.
This was a nightly routine they did. They had so many photos and they had a red marker and scissors. They would draw hearts around her before cutting out any other people in the photos.
There weren’t too many insentences were they actually had to do that though.
The green and white haired ladder’s expression changed to one of obession. Their pupils that were already small dialted a few notches. And it was now noticed that Iris had a small defect.
People had always asked if they were blind in one eye, considering one of them was a murky white. And well..they weren’t completly wrong. They could still see but it was always blurry in that eye. Plus, it was smaller then the other, giving them a sort of deranged characteristic.
It didn’t bother them though, and they didn’t get why people were so curious. Whatever.
They took out a handful of photos and stared at them. One of them had a person in it. It looked old though, maybe a few years back??
Violet didn’t even know they had this storage of photos. And that was the whole point.
They sighed and drew small hearts write next to the the others face. She had a relaxed smile on her face as she was looking out at the city. They were suposedly ontop of a rooftop.
“God she’s so pretty..” They smiled.
Even though her eyes weren’t focused on them, they were still so pretty. They focused on the neon signs and lights of the city and glew slightly.
They moved onto a couple more photos. But their parents knocking on their door made them flinch.
“Iris, honey?? Dinners ready!” Their mother called out to them.
They didn’t like their family that much. Their mother was the only one accepting of their non-binary stature.
But hey!- look on the brightside, Iris was a gendernetural name! They didn’t need to change much about them, they got reconqized for being both genders in public sometimes.
The perks of being born intersex, they pressumed.
“Iris??” Their mother called out again.
“Sorry, coming!!” They answered.
The green and white eyed person shoved their photos into the drawer and closed it. Also putting the marker away and walking towards the door.
They opened it slightly to see the face of their adoptive mother. Oh, that’s right, didn’t I mention?? Iris has adoptive parents and one older brother. He wasn’t imporant though.
Just another jock male who shitted on people who were different because he was too cowardly to come out of the closet.
“Come, darling!” Their mother embraced them with a side-hug and lead them away from their room.
Their mothers embrace was slightly welcoming, they would’ve prefered if it was Violet’s though. Their mother led them downstairs and to the kitchen table. They were greeted by their father, aunt, uncle, grandparents and brother.
Give or take, none of these were their REAL family. But it still wasn’t good. The second they entered all eyes flashed to them.
All of them judging, the mother frowned a little before smiling beside Iris and guiding them to their seat. They made a slight face when they were squashed between their aunt and brother.
When they glanced over, their aunt had a cup of wine infront of her. She was a surprisngly calm lady, but had this air of highschool drama about her. She had a average build, and had ginger hair with hazel eyes.
Meanwhile their brother, ugh. He had a, what Iris liked to call ‘wifebeater’ shirt on. It was those white shirts that hugged your waist and showed off your muscles to all the gawking woman. The reason they called them ‘wifebeaters’ was because they had yet to meet a nice person who wore them.
Anyways, he had messy ashy blonde hair and pirceings on each ear. He also had hazel eyes and unsettingly sharp teeth.
He wasn’t awful. He just pretty much ignored Iris. Although sometimes he actually acted like a brother and laughed with them a few times when they played video games or football.
“Hey, Iris…! Finally came out of your room I see!” The woman on their left hesitantly greeted them.
They forced a semi-polite grin on their face as they smiled back.
“Yep.” Was all they said.
They looked around and saw their ‘father’ giving them a death stare. But it wasn’t directly into their eyes no, it was at their pirecings.
“Why do you have such ridclous things hanging from your ears?” He veomnsly asked.
He was refering to the plant shaped dangling earrings Iris had in. They were in the shape of the planet satern, sure, they caught attention. But they weren’t crazy.
“Oh, these? They’re just planets!” They answered.
The male’s eyes seemed to harden even more and they swallowed a ball of spit. Their brother, looked up from his phone before going back to texting.
“I know what they are. And they look werid and distracting on you. It’s already bad enough with your eyes, hair color, and skin color.” He spat out.
Iris’s ears started to ring. They hated it when he brought up their race. What did that have to do with anything?? No one shot them any werid looks, no one besides this racist fucking ASSHOLE.
They made a nasty face in appulation and just as their father was about to open his disgusting mouth again, the first big plate of food was brought out.
The blonde next to them nudged them slightly and offered a lazy grin.
“For what it’s worth, I think they look cool.” He complamented.
Aganist their better judgement, their heart warmed at that. But before long, he was back to typing on his phone. It was nice while it lasted though.
The food was bland looking, a basic big salad bowl placed infront of everybody. And everyone had to take a serving. There were multiple dressings laid out though.
“The rest of the food is on the way, just somethin’ to hold you guys over.” The mom winked at everybody before running off to the kitchen.
Iris finished adding the dressing to their salad as they swirled the healthy food around in it. They hated eating with people, everyone just ate so loud.
They also had a smaller portion then everyone else. Maybe that was because the bowl was placed infront of them last. There was barely anything left.
Aganist their will, they heard their ‘father’ and uncle ranting about something.
“Honestly, kids now a-days. I went into a cafe’ to get a regular black coffee, I wasn’t going to say anything besides a “Hi, can I get a regular black coffee?” But then I noticed the worker was wearing one of those ‘pronoun’ pins. And do you wanna know what she had on it?? ‘they/them’!! Honestly, what’s with them??!”
“Fuck your black cofee, scumbag.” The white eyed and green eyed person scoffed under their breath.
They harshly shoved some food into their mouth, trying to block out whatever the stupid uncle had to say next. But they still heard it.
“Hey, Marcus. One of your ‘kids’ goes by ‘they/them’ right, prehaps SHE could explain it to us.” The uncle said, with his mouth full.
The kid obviously knew who they were talking about. As all eyes, including their brothers turned to them. They akwardly took a sip of the fruit punch infront of them before offering a tense smile.
“Hm? Sorry, what do you need?” Iris polietly asked.
Oh no, they knew what they needed. They just didn’t want to say anything.
“Can you explain this whole..’they/them’ thing??” The aunt spoke up next.
They tensed further and their brother furrowed his eyebrows. They started messing around with the forke in their salad due to nerves.
“Oh..it’s just pronouns..y’know, like she/her or he/him..but uh..they/them has been around longer actually..usually it’s used to describe someones gender that’s unclear, or not obvious..which is why I use it because I don’t feel comfortable with my assinged brith gender. But uh..people can use it for all different types of reasons-!” They explained before being cut off.
“Sounds like a bunch of liberal bullshit to me!” Their grandfather scoffed out.
Their white eye visibly twitched a couple times and the smile fell straight from their face.
“I don’t you apperiacte you interupting me.” They coldly said.
It went dead silent again. The only sound being that of their mother wandering in the kitchen. Their grandfather’s expression was offended, stupidly enough.
“Well sorry, fag’. I guess I’ll just mind my own bussiness when you suck on another girl’s tits.” He spit back.
The round of gasps that came from everyone at the table was comically. They clutched their fork like it was their last life line.
“Miles! You can’t just say that, Lily will get upset-!” The aunt beside Iris scolded.
But it wasn’t out of Iris’s own good, oh no. It was for the fear of their mother hearing them.
Speaking of their mother, she came back with a large turkey. It wasn’t thanksgiving, but their famiily just liked turkey alot. They didn’t though.
Once their mother finished placing it down in the midde of the table. She walked over to the short haired former and placed down something different infront of them.
It was a cake, not a massive one. Sort of simaliar to those lava cakes. It looked and smelled really good.
That’s what Iris liked most about their adoptive mother. She didn’t judge them for not being a huge meat fan, and she adjusted to their tastes.
Only if she had heard them being called a slur one minute eariler.
They smiled thankfully at their mom and she smiled back. She, then plopped down right next to their father and smiled at him. The green and white haired person now noticed the staring still at them.
“Your really gonna’ feed your kid that?” The uncle commented again.
Oh my god, Iris thought frustartedly. Can’t you just SHUT YOUR DOUBLE CHIN SWEATY PIG ASS THE FUCK UP?!!
They, aganist their better judgement breathed in and out slowly. Trying to forget the anger that tickled the back of their throat.
“Oh? Do you want a piece?” They inquired, a polite smile on their face.
The male only scrunched his face up at them. His green eyes seemed geniuley put off by the fact.
“No, absoutetly not. Keep it to youself.” He hissed.
They merly shrugged and cut into while everyone else took pieces of the turkey. Ugh. They would never say it out loud, but turkey smelled absoutetly disgusting. It reminded them of thanksgiving.
Also gravey and mashed potatoes like?? It just was so gross to them. But everyone had different tastes and opinons, they guessed.
Their brother nudged them again, making them jolt slightly. He still had his phone out but he had his plate under the table slightly.
“Yo, slide me a piece??” He casually asked, wiggling the plate for extra effect.
They sighed with a small smile on their face before giving him a quarter of the lava cake. Speaking of it, it was warm and had a milk choclate, mixed with dark choclate center spilling out of it.
There were also berries ontop of it with powdered sugar. They couldn’t help but light up when they took a bite of it.
“Sooooo..Iris, college!!” The only family member not to put their input in about their sexuality or gender spoke up, their grandmother.
They only looked towards her and blinked.
“What are you majoring in?” The brunette asked.
Their brother made a noise between a wince and a whistling sound next to them. This made Iris shot him a look with their eyes.
“Photography.” They honestly answered.
Oh god, there were multiple reactions to this. The aunt next to them, visibly defalting. Their father scoffing and rolling his eyes, along with their uncle. Their mother smiling at them. Their grandpa looking unimpressed and their grandma’s smile still implanted on her face but her mouth hanging open slightly.
“You could’ve said something like Liberal arts.” Cairo, their brother snickered.
They glared at him before their grandmother cleared her throat and smiled at them.
“Oh!..how..quiant!” She tried to polietly add.
Their eyes seemed narrowed and they shoved some more bites of their cake into their mouth.
‘Can these people stop talking about me?! Or at least do it while I’m not here?!’
“You’ll never make a living with that, I hope you know that.” ‘Father’ unhelpingfullingly added.
“I know.” They bluntly replied, reaching over to simply grab another swig of their drink.
He scoffed again but found more intrest in the turkey leg he had. They looked away and almost finished their cake. Multiple conversations were going on, luckily no one seemed to be bothering them anymore.
They went to stand up, as did their brother. Attention drifted midly back to them but no one said anything.
Iris walked into the kitchen with their plates and placed them in the sink. Maybe they should vist Violet after all. Get some weight off their chest.
The white and green haired person rubbed their temples as they scurried upstairs. Honestly, they hated family dinners so much. As soon as they were about to enter their room, someone behind them stopped them.
“Iris, I’m sorry.” The familar voice of their mother said.
Her hand was on their wrist and her warm hazel eyes searched the others face.
They only blankely stared back before sighing. They pulled away slightly to open their door and made a motion for their mom to come in.
The still taller scampered inside and sat down on their bed. They closed the door behind them and turned on the planet nightlight they had in their room.
“What’s up?” Iris asked, deciding to play clueless.
The brunette deadpanned slightly before nervously looking away. Their mom was a nice person, but lacked to stand up for herself.
“I..I’m sorry about the way the others acted..they shouldn’t have picked on you..I support you and your descisons..” She mummbled.
The college student sighed and shook their head, not coming too close to their mom. But still, why was she apologizing for the others??
“Ap-ap-ap, if your gonna’ start apologizing for the others, you might aswell get out now.” They held a hand up to stop her.
The hazel eyed woman frowned slightly but didn’t say anything.
“I’d rather they apologize, but I know that’s never happening. So..” They said, shrugging before placing their mouth into a lopsided expression.
“Hey, can I go out tonight? I know it’s late but I have my car and everything..” They asked.
The woman’s face scrunched up in displeasure before falling. There wasn’t much she could say to them. But she trusted Iris.
“Fine, going to Violet’s, I presume?” She questioned.
The college students face light up in a red shade. They flushed and looked away, making her laugh slightly.
“Oh come on Iris, I’m your mother! You can’t really hide these things from me!~” She sang softly before standing off of the bed and brushing some of their hair out of their face.
They sighed before nodding.
“Fine, I’m going to V’s..I’ll see you tommorow, mom.” They admitted before kissing the woman’s check, grabbing their bag and wallet along with a few other things before opening up their window.
The taller woman watched as they opened it slightly and leaned down to crawl through it. They carefully stood on the roof and shut it closed behind them. Then, they also spared one last look towards her before shuffling off.
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Violet boredly poked at her piece of paper infront of her. Her cheek resting in her hand as she could faintly hear the house next to hers blasting with music. Stupid teenagers.
She was currently learning how to draw human anatomy, for a class she had. The girl didn’t actually attend physical school, no. She took all her classes online.
It was easier that way.
She groaned as she made another slip with the pen. It was annoying, sure. But this was the path she had deicded to take. A masters degree in health and science wasn’t something to be laughed at, after all.
She flinched when someone knocked on her window. She was at her desk, so she had one right infront of her. She looked up slightly and screamed when she saw eyes and a visible face pearing through it.
She jolted so frantically that the chair she was in knocked over, leaving her groaning and sprawled out on the ground. The other person seemed to panic at this as they hastitly unhatched the window and climbed inside, moving the stack of books and papers out of the way so they could properly sit on the desk.
“V’!! Are you okay?!” A familar voice called out to her.
The blue eyed girl’s eyes were shut on impact of the crash. And her ears rang slightly but she opened them. When she did, she saw Iris. Her heart was still pounding in her ears.
“Oh geez, I really didn’t mean to scare you that bad!” Iris explained.
The girl on the floor shifted slightly, leaning back on her elbows.
“What are you doing here?! Didn’t you say you couldn’t come?!” She asked frantically.
The ladder only laughed nervously before finding her crutches and setting them closer. They reached out a hand and hoisted her up, before helping her situate herself on the crutches.
Once Violet had a stable hold on them, she hobbled back slightly.
“Yeah, change of plans! But still, aren’t you glad to see me?” They vaguely answered before exictedlingly asking.
The former huffed and leaned more heavily aganist one of the crutches. She slightly manvered her head so that her fingers could rub her temple.
“You are going to actually make recovery from my foot impossible if you keep spooking me.” She hissed out.
The short haired person only nervously laughed and ushered her to sit down. They both sat on the bed, Iris sitting awfully close.
“You really wanna’ recover that badly?? I mean, you’ve been trying for YEARS now!!”
Violet scoffed and glared at them with the corner of her eye.
“Wow. Thanks, scumbag.” She sarcastically said.
And just as quickly as she had laid down, she had adjusted her posture to sit up. The taller grabbed her arm and yanked her back down though.
“No! C’mon, V’..y’know I didn’t mean it like that.” They made her lay back on her well..back.
The blonde still had a deep frown on her face as she flipped over to the face them. They were still laying straight on their back but glancing at her from the corner of their eye.
“Well then, what did you mean it like? Because from my point of view there’s no other way that could’ve been taken.” She raised an eyebrow at them.
They sighed and flipped over in the same direction she did. The ocean eyed girl blushed when she relized how close their faces were.
“I was just trying to say how much I adimire you for trying. Your willingness..it’s an attractive quality, what can I say?” They answered before slyly sneaking that least beat in there.
The girl rolled her eyes and moved away a little while pushing their face away with her hand.
“Oh my god, you fucking sleaze.” She groaned.
The green and white haired person laughed, throwing their head back. No matter how much the scowl on Violet’s implanted itself, she couldn’t help but stiffle a smile.
She loved the way Iris laughed, even if it was at her.
“Hey, hey! What where you drawing earlier? You were in such a trance that well..you got spooked when you saw me!” They asked another question.
The health and science major smiled a little before explaning.
“Working on human anatomy..who knew it was so hard to draw a pair of tits?” She answered before a stupid grin came on her face at the joke.
The taller laughed again, even harder maybe. Her grin inhanced to something inhuman when they laughed but she felt it and quickly shook her head.
“Ahahaha!! W..Well can’t you just use your..your own-Hahahaha!- p..pair for refrence?” They manged to snike out between snickers.
The girl groaned at the and shoved her hand in their face again, sucessfully making them still snicker. She flinched, though when Iris held in her hand in theirs.
“You wanna’ know why I really came over? Besides to see you?~” They teasingly asked, lacing their left hands together.
The other shivered at the touch, her eyes focused now on the hands. But she nodded anyways.
“Stupid family dinner, againnnn..they can never seem to keep their stupid opinons to themselves.” They whined slightly before chuckling and shaking their head.
Violet frowned slightly and rubbed her thumb aganist their hand. The slight yellowish olive green warmed aganist the touch.
“They don’t know any better, Iris. They can barely even think for themselves.” She added.
Mismatched eyes flickered to blue ones before back down to their hands. Iris was now doing the same motion to her that she was doing to them.
“You think so?? They’re comments don’t really effect me but..it still hurts to be told I’m nothing without them.” They mummbled.
In truth, no matter Violet proclaimed to hate Iris she actually couldn’t. At least not outloud. Because she trufully felt bad for them.
As much as she was jealous from her other friends, limited as they were, sometimes she didn’t mind not having a family.
“Course’ I think so. I haven’t met them but they would probably blow a socket if they saw a cripple walk through they’re door.” She rolled her eyes.
The short haired person smiled and shook their head. Then, they pulled away slightly, untangling their hands. The others hand felt empty and worthless now.
“Enough about me!! Let’s talk about how you sounded jealous over text!~” They whined before nudging the other.
Speaking of her, she tensed and immeditally looked away. She didn’t actually think they would bring it up!!
“I have absoutetly no idea what your talking about.” She fastly said, probably making it eager and obvious she didn’t want to talk about this.
The younger now had a shit-eating-grin on their face. raised a eyebrow at her hasty attitude.
“Oh, you don’t?” They innocently asked.
Violet’s eye twitched and they snickered again.
“Look, your the one who calls her a fangirl. I’m not going to get involved in anything scandalous with you until you tell me your single.” She raised a hand in defense.
‘Liar.’ Her mind hissed at her.
“Oh, look at whose getting all bold now. What happened to that V’ who always stuttered when I flirted with you, huh?” They sarcastically asked, leaning closer.
The shorter tensed further if that was possible. She leaned a little away, only for her hand to trip on the boarding of the edge of the bed.
She glanced at it before sweat-dropping.
“What’s the matter, darling? Don’t like me being close to you?” They snarkily asked.
Her eye twitched again as they asked yet another question. What was with them and asking so many?! Obvious answers, too!
Wait..she just asked one herself-no-shut up!!
“C’mon, Iris.” She simply regained composer and looked back at them.
They blinked in confusion a few times before moving away. They tilted their head and stared her.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” They apologized.
The blonde merly pressed her lips into a firm line. What was she suposed to say?? Should she apologize or something??
“No..I just uh..are you hungry?!” She trailed off slightly before asking eagerly.
‘Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes.’ She begged in her head.
They made a face before slowly repeating something back to her.
“Did you forget the part where I said family dinner? I mean, it’s fine. But uh, I am thirsty.” They sarcastically asked before adding.
Violet ignored the obvious mocking tone and scowered for her crutches. She manged to plop out of the bed and land safely on them. She manvered around to look at them.
“Great! What do you want?” She questioned.
They thought it was kind of cute how eager she was to get out of this situation. She always had a sort of flee before fight attitude about her, or maybe it was the opposite.
“Just some choclate milk is fine..” They mummbled, drifting off into their thoughts.
“Ew, you fucking milk drinker.” She immeditally responded, scrunching up her face and sticking out her tongue.
“You should drink some milk if you wanna’ get taller, short-stack.” They swiftly replied back.
Her eye twitched again but didn’t say anything as she slightly limped away. Iris couldn’t help but notice that she was leaning more heavily on her crutches.
They had never wanted to hurt her, not really. She didn’t talk about herself much, or how she was crippled. The only thing she had said was that she wasn’t always crippled.
Both of them were in tough situations. Maybe that’s why they were so close.
Iris really hadn’t ment to fall in love with her, or at least not this hard. But she was just so cute when she rambled about space or things she loved. Or when she whined when they kept messing with her.
“Here!” She came back rather quickly and threw a brown milk cartoon at them.
They fiddled around with it slightly before opening it and stabbing the straw it came with it in.
“If you spill that shit on my sheets, I will kill you.” She ‘seriously’ said.
Iris simply rolled their eyes before placing their mouth on the straw and offering her a wink.
The girl simply rolled her eyes before sitting back down. She blinked and covered her eyes with her arm.
That stupid edging feeling had came back.
She really didn’t want Iris to see her like this. God, was her eye twitching? She felt extremely irratated all of the sudden.
Obviously, she could just fall asleep again, but wasn’t that akward? I mean, you’d have someone basically watching as your asleep which sat her at unease.
“You okay, blondie’? Your actin’ all ansty all of the sudden. Shiftin’ and all.” They finally spoke up.
She lazily removed the hand that was covering her eyes Her mouth was pressed into a lopsided expression.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She brushed off.
She saw the other clutch the now empty cartoon in their hands harder before letting it go. How strange.
“I’m gonna’ go to the bathroom, be right back.” They coldly said, sliding off the bed and leaving.
‘Fucking finally!’ Her mind cheered.
She scooted up so she could rest aganist the backboard. She closed on of her eyes but her open blue one darted around.
She startled, though when a blurry figure appeared in her vision. It had messy blue hair and a white ripped up sweater dress. It’s face wasn’t visible since most of its hair outshined it. And the camera from it’s neck dangled unsettingly.
Oddly enough, it looked like Ace from the dream.
“What…?” She asked, eyes trying to dispehiver what this THING was.
“Violet..” It whispered, comminng a little closer.
The crippled girl immeditally slammed back aganist the backboard, getting as far away from it as she could.
“What..what..what the fuck..” She harshly whispered.
The blue haired figure now had a visible smile on it’s face and it came closer. It basically hovered over the edge of her bed.
Violet despreatly rubbed her eyes and wished that she was just seeing things. She also reached a hand to pinch herself, maybe it was just another bad dream.
“Ouch!” Okay, not a dream.
Then what exactly was this thing?! It tilted it’s head and wearily looked at her.
“Haven’t you missed me?? I know I’ve been gone forever.” It mimicked a soft and comofortong voice.
She now was pale and sweaty. She didn’t understand, she didn’t get it.
“Leave me alone! I don’t even know what’s going..going on bu..but you!-!!” She started but the figure suddenly leaned forward.
It’s face was right infront of hers and she could see an eye peaking out. It was a dark, pitch black one with heavy bags underneath.
“Wake up, Violet.” It bluntly said before staring at her.
The blonde’s face changed and she held herself. There’s no way she was asleep right now, she had tried that already! What…what what…I
“STOP IT!!!” She yelled, holding hersef tighter and her breathing shaky.
Iris almost tripped as they entered the room again. Violet was huddled near the beadboard and looking at..’something’ shakily. They immeditally dropped what they were holding and went over to her.
“Woah, woah, woah, hey!! What’s wrong?!” They asked, really confused.
Her eyes refused to contect with theirs as she frowned. They watched as she burried her face in between her knees and tried to calm down her breathing.
“Violet!!” They said again, shaking her slightly.
To her, their voice just sounded like the ringing in her She hated how everything became inhanced, how she could feel her heart pounding in her ears.
She breathed in and held her breath for a few seconds. Laughing and the paranoia of the figure’s stare unerved her to no ends.
She flinched and yelped when hands shook her shoulders that were tucked slightly. Her heart calmed down slightly and she could hear someone speaking to her.
“Violet, your scaring me! Are you okay?? Hey, please snap out of it..” Someone’s geniuley concerned voice echoed.
The blonde blinked a few times before raising her head. Iris slightly hovered over her and she flinched at the closeness.
“Sorry! Sorry..” They apologized, noticing the red rushing to the shorters face.
She simply moved back more and looked away. Her eyes were narrowed and Iris noticed that they were darker.
“I heard you panicking so I came in here..can you tell me what happened..?” They questioned, staring at her with patience.
She harshly bit her lip so hard it actually drew blood. She didn’t know what was happening to her, so how would they understand??
“I..” She choked out.
They merly looked at her, their eyes shifting back and forth. What was so hard to get out that it looked like she was struggling?
“Violet..please talk to me-!!” They mummbled but flinched when she shoved them back so hard that they actually fell off of the bed.
They fell on it with their elbows propped and hands sprawled out behind them. The girl peered over the edge of the bed, her shaky yet irratated expression on place.
“Shut up!! Get out!!” She yelled, moving a hand to her hair.
Iris groaned and opened an eye to look at her. Her blue eyes were unstable and shaky. Yet..somewhat eerie.
“V’ what the hell is going on?! Wha-!” They started but were cut off.
“Get. the. fuck. out.” She icily said.
The short haired person felt their body freeze and they couldn’t do much. Her blue eyes were wide with each word and extremely dark.
They were offically freaked out, it was like she had did a one-eighty. They shakily stood up and held their now throbbing wrist close to them.
They stummbled over their own feet before grabbing her bag.
“Look, I don’t know what’s going on…but something’s wrong with you..and your obviously not okay..I hope you get the help you need..” They softly said, jitters still slightly running through their body.
Violet didn’t say anything and her eyes simply followed their movements.
Iris moved over to the desk that they got in here in the first place and leaned on it. They unhatched the window and crouched through it.
The mismatched eyed person climbed through it fullly and pulled it closed behind them. They looked at the other before pressing their lips into a firm line. Then, they shuffled down the roof.
On the other hand, Violet was left in silence. She stared at the window they left out of and shook her head. Her eyes lightened slightly and her mouth fell open.
“That’s sad..” A voice said, their tone mocking.
The crippled female jolted yet again, honestly, could her senses just relax for a second?! When she looked from where the voice came from, a male with dark blue navy hair, darker then Ace’s stood there.
He had dark golden eyes and his figure was slightly blurry. But he seemed to be wearing a simple suit but with a plain white button up underneath and a loose tie. There was also specks of red covering it.
“Wha..” She gasped airly, not another one!!
He simply sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Relaxxx’ kid, I’m not gonna’ hurt you.” He breathed out.
She stared at him before reeling back. It clicked. She knew who this was. It utterly disgusted her.
“Oreian.” She mummbled.
His face lit up at that and when Violet blinked, he hovered upside down above her. When she ment hover, she ment almost flying.
“The one and only, and y’know, your sister’s fiance. Anywayssss..you’ve been having halluications recently, right?” He cheerfully said before asking.
The air around him was absoutetly freezing like touching a ghost. He snickered when she slightly shivered.
“No need to worry, I’m a..techincal halliucation?? More like a ghost really..but I am actually here and talking sooo..’” He vaguely explained.
She only paled and slightly hit her injured foot, grunting in pain. This directed the male’s attention to it. He hovered closer to it and grabbed it.
“Ack-!” She yelped when the warmness from the clothed foot was zapped out of it.
He squinted at it before letting go of it and leaning closer to her face.
“Oh, that’s right. Your crippled now, right?” He blandly asked before blinking away again.
He floated behind her and messed with her yellow hair a little. It was werid to feel basically air, flowing in between the strands.
“Get off me!” She spat before roughly pulling her head away.
She assumed she couldn’t touch him, at least not physically. She reached to pinch herself, believeing that she was asleep again. Only to feel the sting of her fingers and Oreain raising a eyebrow at her.
“I don’t know if I should be offended or not that you thought you were sleeping.” He said.
She looked away for a second but this time, he didn’t move. He blinked a few times before smiling widely.
“Anywaysss’ why did you brush off your girlfriend like that-!” He started but was cut off.
“Non-binary, they/them.” She grumbled.
He opened his mouth a little in surprise before nodding.
“Righttt’ sorry, let me reprahse, why were you so rude to your partner?” He asked again.
The long haired girl still scowled at him, this time with her arms crossed.
“I don’t like them. And..I wasn’t in the right state of mind.” She adimitted.
The male only guaffed and leaned his head back. A smile that showed off his sharp cainines showed across his face.
“I’ll say! You practically stabbed the pour things heart out! I mean that in a reotrochaical sense, mind you.” He snickered.
“Enough. Where’s Ace?” She glared at him.
He made a sound, simaliar to a wince sound. He looked away before smiling nervously.
“Oh, she’s at home, well our home. She’s probably sleeping right now.” He tried to answer.
The younger wasn’t falling for it though and tried yanking him by his tie but yelped when her body tilted forward as her hands went straight through him. She tried to stabblize herself but the blue-nette laughed geniuley before helping her. He grabbed her shoulders and sat her up before she could hurtself.
“I thought you knew that wouldn’t work-Ahaha!-your funny, kid.” He laughed.
Her right eye twitched and he smiled with his closed before moving away.
“I’m not a kid, I’m 22.” She hissed.
He pretended to make a surprised expression but it just came off more mocking then anything.
“Oh, you’ve gotten so old. Last time I saw you..you were a teenager, right?” He patronized.
She scowled harder and stared dagers into his eyes. She hated this guy, she really did.
“Cut it out. What do you want?” She snapped.
The male only smiled and blinked to one side of her room. She had her bookcase on that side and he obeserved it with mild intrest.
“Oh, your studying medicine now? How fiting!” He approved.
She finally had enough and went to stand up. She leaned to the side and set her crutches into place as she smoothly fell into the ground with one of her feet standing on the ground.
Oreain eyed her with mild intrest and she leaned aganist the right crutch.
“I’m serious! What do you want?!” She agressivly asked.
In the male’s defense, he couldn’t really take a short blonde who could barely stablize herself on crutches seriously.
“Just to help you with your little situation you have going on!~” He answered, boredly picking a book out of the shelf and flipping through it.
She looked at him with a lopsided expression.
“What do you mean, ‘problem’?? I’m perfectly fine to do this by myself.” She inquired with a hostile tone.
He only looked at her with a skeptical expression before cracking his neck slightly. Then, he appeared from behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders.
“Ah dear, how do I say this?? Your a little..controdictory in your methods!” He said.
Violet merly looked him confused. She ment, sure maybe sometimes she was nervous around Iris, and mean. But what was she suposed to do?!
“Well sorry! You try being in my place with barely any outside contact!” She hissed.
He merly laughed slightly before twirling a piece of her hair around his finger.
“Oh, Violet I was in your position! Now, I would be willing to make it easier for you!~” He answered before offering.
She erked and scrunched up her face in distaste. Her blue eyes stared him down in disgust.
“This whole stick’ may have payed off on Ace but not me buddy.” She snapped again.
He simply hummed before pulling away again. He seemed awfully touchy for a dead person. Also, he was never this comfortable with her when they first met.
He crossed his arms behind his back and smiled.
“But wouldn’t it be useful to have someone who can bend someone’s will to theirs? I mean, you need to be more blunt around them, sweetheart!” He honestly said.
She made a disgruntled noise at the nickname and glanced away. She hated this, as much as she made it obvious she knew he was mainuplating her. He just kept at it.
“Aren’t you going to get tired of this?? I said no, Oreain. So get out of here.” She coldly spoke.
The male grunted, his happy expression faltering slightly. She squinted at him and he leaned forward with a scowl of his own.
“You will say yes, eventually, Violet.” He sneered.
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The next morning, Violet was actually outside. Surpringly enough, she had ordered a walking boot more tough then the normal ones to help her.
She could still walk on it, even better now. But she still got some stares when she winced now and then and tried to lean weight off of it while standing in line.
Currently, she was in a cafe’, she had ordered a vanilla lattee with alot of creamer. That’s just how she took it. She also took a bite of out the muffin she got.
It was warm and flaky, but tasted like sweet blueberries so she didn’t mind that much. She sighed and flipped a page of the book she was reading.
For the past hour, she has felt someone staring at her. But everytime she glanced up she only caught them glancing away. It was a mother with her child who were standing at another table.
The poor little girl looked like was lost and just following along with the mother. While the said one ok the other hand was on her phone and kept shooting Violet looks.
“Mama’ that girl has a huge boot on her foot! What’s wrong with her??” She asked.
The crippled girl almost spit out her drink at the question. You usually didn’t ask people what was wrong with them if they had a disablity.
“I don’t know darling.” She simply answered before going back on her phone.
The little girl still stared at her before finally loosing intrest. She stared out the window, snow.
A few other people inside the cafe’ seemed to look up and notice it aswell. The white flurries fell from the sky and landed gently on the ground.
“Hey there, stranger.” A familar voice called and she looked up, becoming extremely flustered when she saw who it was.
“I..Iris!!” She stiffened and stummbled out.
They simply laughed at her heartily, almost doubling over. An embrassed scowl quickly covered that previous expression.
“Ugh, don’t laugh!!” She complained.
They snickered a little before taking the seat across from Violet and smiling. She noticed that they had a coffee of their own and a scone.
“Why are you here?” She asked.
She didn’t mean for it to come off as brash as it did. But it still did. She winced a little at the tone but Iris immeditally answered.
“Do you not want me to be here?” They asked back, resting their hand on their cheek.
Violet bit her lip and looked away. They obviously knew the answer and it was honestly a bit unestting that they were conviently here.
“No..I mean no as in I don’t mind you being here..” She mummbled.
They grinned and took a bite out of their scone, when they opened their mouth, the shorter got a look at their teeth. Espically their canines were surprisngly sharp, how did she not notice that earlier??
“Soooo..I was wondering if you were up to go to the carinval next week with me!” They provided.
It really wasn’t a question, but still the blonde was taken aback. Did they seriously just brush off what happened last night??
“The carnival?? What carnival??” She asked.
The white and green-nette blinked a few times in shock.
“You seriously don’t know what I’m talking about?!” They asked, almost skeptic.
She simply nodded and flinched when she was suddenly shaken back and forth roughly.
“Jesus, I forgot how out of touch you were! C’mon, the christmas carnival! It’s basically where they have hot coco, shops, lights and everything christmas up!” They shook her back and forth.
The blonde groaned and they finally let her go. The former flushed slightly at the stares being tossed their way.
“God, did you really have to make a sene?! Anyways, fine. I’ll go with you, it sounds fun.” She agressivly asked before mummbling.
The other immeditally lit up at this and practically had stars around them.
“Really?! Great!~” They exictedly asked before singing.
Violet raised an eyebrow but brushed it off a little. When she glanced out the window again, she saw the snow coming down more heavily.
“Do you like snow, V’?” The white and green eyed person asked.
She glanced at them for a second before making a comtemplative expression.
“I supose, fall is my favorite season though.” She answered.
They nodded and smiled.
“Yeah, fall’s nice. But springs my favorite!~” They sighed, drinking some of their coffee.
The long haired girl blinked, it kind of made sense. They seemed like the type of person who liked warm weather.
“Oh, your studying??” Iris noticed the book the girl had shut closed by now.
The blue eyed girl was about to answer but she felt air coil around her neck. Her eyes widened slightly and she looked down to see black sleeves arms wrapped around her.
“Hi!~ Bad timing?~” Oreain sang near her ear.
Her expression changed to slightly panicked, her mouth falling and paling. Not to mention the shaky cold sweat running off her body. Was it her or was the room spinning?
“Hey, pretty girl, are you okay??” The person sitting across from her asked, worried.
The male spector looked up and grinned. Meanwhile, Violet was having the opposite reaction.
“Oh, it’s them!! Is this a little date you two are on?!~” He eagerly asked.
She breathed in and out a few times, closing her eyes before clearing her throat.
“Yeah sorry, I just thought about something.” She tried to smile in reassurance.
They squinted at her before shaking their head.
“Could you BE anymore obvious, dear? I mean..yikes..” The male who still had his arm wrapped around her shoulders mockingly asked.
She looked back down at the book that she had closed and bit her lip.
“Well., I better get going! My girlfriend and I have yet another date today!” Iris said, sitting up while finishing off their coffee and stuffing the scone in their mouth.
The navy haired male made a ‘tsk’ sound and held his hand out, moving infront of Violet.
“Want me to help you? I mean, abadoning you for their girlfriend? Yikes!” He offered.
The girl stared at his hand for a little longer before rapping her fingers along the table. She bit her lip harder and glanced away. Her heart beated in her ears faster and she sighed.
“I…Yes..” She accepted.
The male lit up and immeditally came closer. He reached a now slightly faded hand out and grabbed her cheek. Her breath caught in her throat as her body suddenly dropped to freezing degress and it seemed inhanced.
“Wow, it’s been forever since I’ve possesed somebody!” Oreain spoke in a echoey voice inside of her own head.
Violet looked down at her hands and noticed the golden ring that was now on their right index finger. It shimmered slightly when she oddly tilted it.
“V’? Your spacing out again.” The taller was closer and dangerously close to her ear.
Only, they weren’t. Their voice just sounded closer then it actually was. They still stood across from her and tilted their head.
“Ah, so sorry..I forget, have I met your parents yet?” She apologized before inquiring.
It took her back, those weren’t the words she wanted to say. And her voice sounded mainly like her own but it had undertones of Oreain’s influence.
Speaking of, they stared at her for a minute, probably stunned. They shook their head and looked away, grinning a little.
“Ah no, well none besides my mom. Why do ask?” They answered before leaning forward a little in curiousty.
In her..well mind, the shorter was flipping out!! I mean, what the hell was going on?! This was way too confusing and moving way too fast for her!
“Would it be okay if I came over to your house to meet them? For like dinner or something?” She inquired.
The mixmatched person seemed to choke on their own air, doubling over. A small grin overtoke her lips before fading back into a normal grin.
“Woah!! Did you completly go insane or something?! I mean, the Violet I know would never have the balls’ to ask something like that!” They stared at her with shaky eyes while still being double over.
Meanwhile, the golden eyed males voice made sort of a wince/ groan sound in her head.
“Ouch, yikes!” He hissed in mock pity.
In reality, those words did dig under her skin. Was that seriously what Iris thought of her?? A coward?? A paethetic shy person who backed away when being flirted with?!
“Seriously? Well then sorry for asking.” She spat out verbally.
Now the male was the one startled, on the outside Violet’s expression to change that.
“What are you doing?! Are you trying to make it worse?!” He botheringly asked inside of her head.
Now Iris’s expression changed into one of confusion. They furrowed their eyebrows and pressed their lips into a grimnace.
“Huh?? Oh no, don’t take that in a wrong way! I’m happy your being more bold with me!” They made a sound of confusion before lighting up and apologizing.
The yellow-nette eyes went wide as she processed this information. Were they serious??!
“Uh huh, and you thought they didn’t.” The cocky male voice inside her head sighed.
She was still in state of shock. It was surprisng to see them defending theirself. Usually they would just laugh it off or be more aggresive.
“Oh, really? Okay then, noted.” She rytorchacially asked.
They chuckled and stood up striaght, cracking their back in the process. Their eyes seemed to glimmer with a odd sense of merith.
“Anyways, if you wanna’ meet the rest of them sometime that’s no problem with me. But you know how they are, but again, it’s all you sooo..’!” They answered before trailing off.
A beat of silence covered the two before a ringtone went off. Iris flinched slightly and opened her phone and took the call.
“Darling, so sorry! I’m on my way right now! Yep..Uh huh, yeah…love you..bye..” They leaned to the side and spoke.
The annoyed feeling filled Violet’s chest again. This girlfriend of theirs was way too clingy, wasn’t she??
“Ugh, who even is this girlfriend?!” Oreain’s scoffing, annoyed tone voiced her thoughts exactly in her head.
“Never met her.” She simply mummbled back with her thoughts.
Iris sighed and closed her phone before sparing one last glance at the other. It was noticed by her how their apperance obviously turned more ragged.
“Well, I’d best be off now. Text me later, lovely.” They smiled tiredly at the end of the setence before making their way out of the cafe’.
All of a sudden, her body gained it’s heat back and she shivered as the blood flow in her body was pulsing. Oreain looked at her, sitting ontop of the cafe’ table with his feet kicking back and forth.
“Well? What do you think? Did I totally save you or did I totally save you??” He questioned, a cocky smile on his face.
The girl stood in silence for a few seconds before flushing slightly. She covered half of her face as a slight giddy small came over her face. The male only raised an eyebrow.
“Thank you..thank you so much..” She breathed out, practically squealing with excitement.
Oreain only leaned over the table slightly, near her. He grabbed her left wrist and moved her hand away from her face. Her cheeks were covered in a dark red.
“Ah, your pretty cute when your blushing.” He adimired.
This snapped the lovesick girl out of it. She glanced at him before shaking her wrist slightly, making him let go. People around her were off in there own worlds, either reading or on their phones.
“I have to go..I have a physical therapy apointment..” She half-heartly mummbled.
He blinked before blinking to her right side, observing as she picked up her tote bag and book along with her coffee. She pushed in her chair and threw out her empty cup of coffee.
“Huh..” He whispered in intrest before blinking away.
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Iris sighed as they took another hit from their girlfriends vape. The hazel eyed girl was currently sitting behind them, her legs wrapped around their neck and shoulders.
“Hey babe, my friends are gonna’ come over and crash for a little, you okay with that??” She asked.
The former grunted and tilted their head a little back, their hair now hitting the others stomach.
“Huh…? Oh, oh..yeah..that’s cool..” They slowly replied.
The other snickered slightly and leaned down to kiss their forehead.
“Your so cute when your disorenated.!~” She sang before leaning back.
Iris scrunched up their face before taking another hit. Honestly, an odd choice of words. Maybe they would’ve sent that to Violet, though.
They took another hit of the vanilla flavored lung killer. They blinked a couple times, almost choking when the sound of someone knocking on the apartment door was heard.
“Ah that must be them! I’ll go get the door!” Mel’ quickly excused herself.
They groaned when she shifted off of the bed, the warmness she provided leaving quickly. They tilted their head back to normal and slumped forward with a frown.
“Hey guys, my partner is actually here right now. Their crashing in the other room.” They heard her speak.
Iris boredly rubbed one of their eyes before standing up. Their whole body ached, how annoying. They cracked their back and knuckles before walking into the living room.
From what they could make out, four other people were there. Two males and two other people. The long haired girl smiled and moved over to the hunched over figure.
“Speaking of, here they are! This is Iris, everyone!~” She introduced with a big smile.
The rest of them blinked at the same time, comical. The first one to speak up was a girl with purpleish with pink undertoned hair. It was rather short and messy.
She also had dark brown eyes and multiple pirecings.
“What’s up? You look wrecked.” She questioned before sarcasticallly saying.
The person beside her turned her back and snickered. While Mel’ frowned and Iris tilted their neck to crack it.
“Yeah? Sorry I’m kinda’ high right now..and you took my girlfriend away from me while we were comfortable.” They sarcastically answered.
Their girlfriend pinched the bridge of her nose before shaking it.
“Guys please, leave them alone. Just introduce yourselves.” She hissed before running a hand through her hair.
The pink and purple haired person sighed before crossing their arms over their chest. An unimpressed look sat on their face.
“Misa, Misa berken.” They answered.
Iris simply nodded before glancing at the person beside them. She had simliar colored hair, maybe a little lighter and longer.
“The name’s Mika, last names aren’t imporant!~” She answered aswell.
It was strange, they had twin sounding names but they didn’t seem like siblings.
“Are you two related??” They questioned, not exactly curious.
The two of them looked each other before the other burst out in laughter. Misa had a small grin on her face as she snickered slightly but that was it.
“Yep, cousins actually.” She spoke.
The short haired person made a sound of recongition before looking towards the two males. One had messy blonde hair, oddly remiscent of Violet’s. And it was tied into a high bun. It looked actually thin, like it was almost wet.
“My name’s vicent.” He introduced, a cute smile on his face.
They noticed he had pink eyebags under his eyes. Pretty cute, if you asked them.
“Move it, pretty boy!” The other male nudged him and scowled.
This one had brunette hair and dark green eyes. But part of his bangs were died red and he had cool glasses on. He was also the tallest in the room.
“I’m prettier then Vicen’ right new person??” He leaned towards Iris a little.
Misa faceplamed while Mika sighed heavily. The male startled at this and turned towards them before back towards the other.
“What? Did I miss something?!” He asked before glancing at Mel’.
“This is my partner.” She simply said.
He immedtially reeled back before nervously smiling.
“Oh!..sorry, my name’s Seoul..pleasedon’thateme..” He apologized before rushing the end.
They blinked a few times, rubbing underneath their eyeball. Then, they turned to face equally infront of the rest of them.
“Right..my name’s Iris Redbrook..ugh..sorry I’m really tired.” They said before groaning.
The shorter girl smiled and supported them slightly as she lead them to the coach. Their body slumped and they closed their eyes. They could feel eyes on them but they didn’t feel like staring back.
“Soooooo..’ Mel, you really like them?” Mika questioned.
The long haired girl made a confused face. Well, obviously?? She wouldn’t be dating them if she didn’t.
“Yeah?? Obviously..” She answered.
They shot the sleeping person a look before making a face and shrugging. She looked around a little more and saw Vicent also giving her a look.
“Okay guys, why are you giving me that look?” She annoying asked.
Her eye twitched slightly and he smiled a little.
“It’s really not something too bad but uh..they didn’t seem too into you from what we sensed..” He honestly said.
Mel’ narrowed her eyes at him and scowled slightly. Who cared what they thought??! Iris did care about her. They just weren’t overly clingy.
“They DO love ME, you two. They just don’t cling onto my every breath like you DO.” She spat.
The pair recoiled and cringed, glancing at each other.
“Just go, okay? If your gonna’ judge my fucking partner then go.” She placed a hand on her hip and dug her fingers into her skin.
Now everyone looked at her like she was losing it, which made her eye twitch. She made a motion for them to exit and everyone hesiatently stood up.
“Go.” She hissed when they didn’t make a move towards the door.
They all frowned before shuffling towards the door. Misa was the first to turn their back and open the door, the expression on their face unclear.
Mel’ sighed heavily and slumped down on the couch when all of them left. How annoying. Don’t get her wrong, she liked her friends. But they were overly protective.
She glanced over at Iris’s sleeping figure. They had a relaxed and peaceful look to them. The black and brownish freckles littered across their face like stars.
She leaned closer and gently tapped their cheek with the tip of her finger. Cold. It was still soft but oddly cold. She frowned slightly and adjusted her posture so she was aganist their chest.
She pulled the soft blanket that was laying on the ground off of the ground. She shuffled a little to place the blanket over both of them and she grinned at the new warmth.
The hazel eyed girl sighed softly before closing her eyes.
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Violet groaned as she looked around again, was she seriously asleep again?! Had she fallen asleep on the train ride home or something?! Her hands moved, and a trail of motion blur followed behind.
“Great.” She hissed, sarcastically.
She atleast expected to end up back in the area she was last time but no. She was on a beach, the oddly colored red moon dipping but still hangin high in the air. The ocean water seemed to also glimmer a slight red.
“Violet, your back already!” Ace’s voice called out to her.
Don’t get her wrong, she enjoyed seeing Ace again. Even if it was werid that she was selfaware this was a dream.
“Hey, Ace. Where are we?” She glanced at her before raising an eyebrow towards the whole beach.
She also noticed the change in attire. Her sister had a white, or extremely light blue sundress on. There was a yellow and white flower tucked behind her ear and the camera still hugged her neck.
“Isn’t it obvious?? The beach of course!” She scoffed.
The blonde blinked as the waves came closer, touching her feet. The sand softened underneath it aswell.
“Don’t you remeber?? We went to the beach once..when you were pretty young..” Ace questioned.
The blue eyed girl tried to think, to remeber it, she couldn’t. Her eyes clouded over and she looked at the older.
“You don’t..do you..?” She asked.
It seemed as if a power seized her throat. She grimnaced and looked down.
“Ace..what is this?? Why do you keep doing this?” She weakely asked.
She was tired, fatigued. Oreain also didn’t help, plauging her mind with thoughts about Iris. It was like the only thing she lived for at this point.
“I’m..not sure..you don’t seem as happy..” The blue haired girl answered honestly.
The younger girl came a little closer, but not close enough.
“I’m just tired..so tired..I don’t even know why I can walk properly in these dreams. Everytime I wake up to relize I can’t I just..” She lamented.
Ace frowned before trying to smile.
“Why do you hate yourself so much? Be honest.” She bluntly asked.
Why did she hate herself? A fair question. She could go on and on about how useless she was. But in all honesty, why did she??
There were plenty of other people who were crippled who didn’t hate themselves. So why did she only feel worthless? Why couldn’t she walk and hug Iris like a normal person?!
“Ah..I get it..” Violet didn’t have to answer, Ace already figured it out.
Intense self-loathing.
“Your overlooked, yeah?? You hate it when people baby you, yes?? Understandab-!” The taller girl started but was cut off.
“No. You don’t understand.”
The slightly taller girl frowned and moved a little back. The yellow-nette’s eyes were slanted, she didn’t look pleased at all.
“How could you?! You have no idea what I’ve been through. No,..you left too early to even understand what’s happened..” She placed a hand in her hair so it slightly shadowed over her right eye.
“What are you talking about, Violet?? Please..” Ace furrowed her eyebrows.
“Do you know that I’m crippled? Did you somehow figure that out?” She harshly asked.
The caramel eyed girl blinked a couple times. No, she didn’t. Violet forced out a harsh laugh.
“No? Of course you don’t.” She added on.
“I’m crippled now, I can barely go outside. And when I do, people look at me like I’m weak! I’m not weak, I’m not weak, I..I’m not weak..I can handle myself..” She repeated.
She glanced at the older sister with slightly pleading eyes.
“I’m not weak..am I, Ace?” She mummbled.
The girl in the sundress came closer and hugged Violet. The slight breeze of the ocean blew harder and whipped their air back and forth. Blonde and blue mixed together.
“I love you..I love you..I love you and miss you so much..it hurts.!” The younger strongly clentched onto the other like she was scared to let go.
The moon’s red glow seemed to infesify as Violet broke down. Her awfully fatigued and weak body crumpling, she was weak. She couldn’t do anything.
“I feel like I’m going insane..I’m not insane..am I..?” She tiredly looked up at her big sister.
She was looking away, biting her lip. Her eyes focused back on the former’s figure and she seemed more concerned. There was nothing she could do, nothing outside of these dreams atleast.
“No, your not insane, V’. Your fine, here, with me.” She assured.
The former didn’t look back at her as she merly tightened her hold. Practically choking her.
In particular, a large wave hovered above the two of them. It crashed down onto the two of them, pulling them in the water. While Ace manged to stay on her feet, the shorter went under.
The salty ocean water uncomfortably made her shut her eyes. Everything stung, everything was cold and wet. She held the remander of the air she had left and tried to back.
Everything seemed muffled to her ears, just the constant bridage of smaller tides. Dying in a dream wasn’t a new exprince, it was just annoying.
And uncomfortable. Some of the unwelcomed water slipped into her mouth and her throat squeezed. She shook her head but the aderline was running out.
Her throat still begged for her to keep fighting but the rest of her body went numb. She couldn’t feel anything but her blurry hands. She could feel her mind grow foggy as her lungs filled up with water.
She simply accepted the fate and relaxed the rest of her body.
She confusingly felt the area around her change. She was in the middle of a forest. What exactly was going on??
Wasn’t she suposed to be awake by now?!
Her breathing sped up a little but she looked around shakily. No sign of Ace, were those dogs barking?-no, no one else, aren’t these trees rather tall??-okay those are defnetily dogs!!
She whipped around and heard some unfamilar voices speaking.
“I don’t care! Just find her! Keep her away from my love at all costs!”
“Oreain..?” She whispered, squinting at the figures.
They were far away sure, but it sure as hell was. He looked taller, oddly enough. He had massive black eyebags and a dishelved yet charming apperance.
“But master-!” Another voice started but was cut off.
“Didn’t I say that I didn’t care? Ace’s paethetic sister is just another hinderence.” His voice dropped.
There was no dobut they were certaniley talking about Violet. She knew Oreain was a bad person, a bad influence on Ace.
“Wait a second..” He paused, slowly turning in the direction of her.
Violet’s eyes widened as his eyes landed on her. His own pair of eyes widened and he mouthed something.
“What are you doing here?”
She took this as a sign to run off in the opposite direction. The trees blurred past her and the barking got louder. But the odd thing was that she couldn’t see any dogs.
She halted when she saw just plain white. The forest atmopshere dissapered and it just turned plain white. When she turned back around, the rest of the forest plainly dissapered.
“What do you think your doing?” She flinched when she heard him ask.
She turned towards him, oddly enough, he looked human. He wasn’t transparent at all and he wasn’t blinking from one place to another.
“What…?” She took a few steps back.
“Are you stupid-actually no, I know you are. Let me reprahse, are you moronic?!” He started but changed his wording.
The girl’s eye twitched and she glared down at him.
“This is a dream, what the actual fuck was that? The part where you called me a hiderence?!” She bitterly inquried.
The male only blinked before a crooked smile overcame his face. Then..
“Ha…Ahahah..AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA-PLEASE-HAHAHA!!” He burst out in delousional laughter.
The laughter would’ve been actually nice to listen to, according to Ace. Who knows, this was her crazy ass husband?
“Oh..oh your so much like your sister..it’s paethetic really!~” He caught his breath before smiling at her, joy in his eyes.
“Keep your delousions away from me. Let me wake up.” She spat, taking another step back.
He only blinked and came a little closer.
“Oh? Whose to say that this isn’t a dream? Think about it, V’.” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
Her gaze narrowed even further and she now came closer. This seemed to surprise the male, but not in a bad way.
“Don’t you fuck with me, creep. I still don’t understand your motives and it pisses me off. It pisses me the FUCK off.” She leaned forward, but ducking slightly so she wasn’t in his face fully.
He made a offened hissing sound and fluttered his eyelashes at her. Funnily enough, she wanted to tear them off his fucking face.
“Creep?? Isn’t that a little too harsh?” He innocently asked.
Her eyes flickered to his eye and she yanked it. He grunted and stummbled down slightly, now at face level with her. Maybe even looking up some.
“Be honest with me, and give me a good reason why I shouldn’t slacp your sleazy ass right here and now.” Her voice seeped with venom.
The navy-nette only stared back at her but his smile was gone. She shook him slightly so he would respond.
“I can’t die. I hope you know that.” He blurted out.
Violet grumbled and pushed herself away violently. The male stummbled back to his feet but stablized himself.
“Do you seriously want to wake up? I don’t control this dream.” He asked weakely before adding on.
Her eyebrow twitched in confusion and she leaned forward.
“What do you mean you don’t control it? Then why are YOU here?!” She annoyingly asked.
He sighed and fixed his dishelved tie. His bony hands tied it properly and he looked at her.
“It means exactly that, Violet. I guess I got dragged in here with you. I was sort of mingling around so..” He shrugged.
The former shot him a look and pinched the bridge of her nose. She wasn’t in the mood for this.
“Look, if you aren’t in control of whatever this is, can you please fuck off?”
He planted a snarky grin on his face and leaned closer.
“You don’t like my company?” He asked.
She made a face like he was insane while she moved back.
“Absoutetly not!” She firmly answered.
The male’s laughter rang in her ears as her hearing actually became muffled. It probably would’ve been more obxinous but she was waking up now.
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The blonde grunted as she stummbled off of the subway. Her eyes were still half-litted and started to adjust. She quickly looked at the stop and sighed in relief when it was her right stop.
A few people looked at her but quickly looked away. She looked around before sighing and clutching her bag closer to her. Her mind wandered back to the dream she had just had as she started walking back to her apartment.
“So fucking annoying.” She hissed, eyebrow twitching.
The male refused to give her anything, anything. She itched to find someway to get rid of the growing mood of stress and anger in her. Should she just step into the rode and wait for someone to hit her?
She needed someone, something to take her anger out on. It couldn’t be a stranger, not this time. Her eyes darted around as she saw her building complex come into view.
She also slowed her pace as a familar figure faded into view.
“Iris..?” She mummbled.
Oh, it sure as hell was. And their cute little girlfriend was there too. Her expression only hardened, the girl had long brunette hair obviously, and annoyingly pretty eyes.
“Dear, is that your friend over there?” The said girl nudged Iris and pointed at Violet.
The taller jolted and looked up, grinning widely when their eyes landed on her. Meanwhile, the former was practically radiating anger but took a few deep breaths.
This was fine, she told herself. This was fine.
“V’, hey! Sorry for the short notice! I wanted to come by myself but my girlfriend here wouldn’t stop bugging me about it..” They sighed and shook their head.
��Clingy fucking bitch.’
“It’s nice to meet you..oh..” The girl let go of them and went to hold her hand out but blinked when she noticed the cast on the others foot.
‘How rude.’
“Oh yikes, what happened to you?!” The hazel eyed girl shook her head and conceringly asked.
The slightly shorter girl stummbled back and raised an eyebrow.
“I’m crippled.” She bluntly answered.
The other girl immeditally reeled back and blinked. Then, she made a slight bow movement with a sweat-drop rolling down her cheek.
“Oh, I am so so sorry! Iris didn’t say anything so..” She quickly apologized, embrassed.
The mismatched shrugged slightly. The long haired girl pinched the bridge of her nose slightly before sighing.
“So what now??” She ratherly coodly asked.
The taller leaned forward slightly and titered back and forth. Enough, she wanted them dead. She wanted to wipe their stupid annoying ass grin off their face.
“Aren’t you going to let us in your house??” They sarcastically questioned.
The ocean eyed girls eye twitched multiple times.
“Sure, only you though.” She roughly grabbed them and stared at Mel’.
The girlfriend only shifted her gaze between the two, confused. Iris went to save the day by smiling and grabbing her hands.
“Lovely, I’ll be back soon enough. V’ isn’t comfortable showing her place to many people.” They comforted.
The girl only frowned harder but sighed. She flashed a smile towards Violet.
“It was nice meeting you, by the way..I’ll text you later, my love.” She said before kissing Iris’s cheek and walking away, giddy.
The two didn’t say anything as she dragged them to the level her apartment was on. She immpaintely tapped her foot as she unlocked the door and practically shoved Iris inside.
They stummbled before clumsly turning around.
“Woah, getting a little handsy there, aren’t you??” They asked.
The other didn’t find this amusing as they put their satchel down and shoved them towards the bedroom. They snickered, a faint blush covering their face.
“No seriously, what’s the matter? Are you jealous or somethin’?!” They shook their head, still not fighting aganist the shorters pushing.
The other hovered above them as she pushed them on the bed fully. Her eyes darkened and almost flickered red for a second. The taller’s smile dropped slightly and they leaned back.
“Violet?? Come on..” They mummbled.
In reality, they didn’t mind the change in demenor. But it just seemed something that SHE wouldn’t do. She would’ve said something by now.
“Did you actually get possesd or something-!” They opened their mouth again but she roughly pressed her hand aganist their mouth.
They caught a glance of her finger, the matching ring she always had on it was missing.
“Shut the fuck up.” She spat before leaning over them and mummbling when she grabbed a piece of fabric.
It looked to be part of a tie, but they couldn’t tell. She quickly tied aganist their wrists, kind of scaring them. She finished by giving it a hard tug before pulling away.
“Violet look, non-con bonadge? It would’ve been hotter if you had just asked.” They sarcastically grummbled.
“God, how does she love you so much?! Do you ever just shut up?!” Her voice distroted as she wrapped a hand around near their throat.
The other winced under her touch but didn’t say anything. They looked up into her eyes and saw how dark they were.
She completly moved off of the bed and exited the room. They blinked a few more times before tugging on the fabric. They grunted before manging to get the knot in their mouth.
They manged to get it loose and tug on it again. It came undone and they grunted again and slumped forward.
They held their breath slightly as they heard Violet rumming in the kitchen. She was oddly attactive, even with the boot on her foot. Iris tried to be quiet as they exited the room and peaked down towards the kitchen.
It looked like she was loading a gun up with something. But it didn’t look like a regular gun, it was see through and had a small insert. Speaking of the insert, they fetched something from the table, a small bottle.
She seemed to hisatate, like she was having a battle with herself. They furrowed their eyebrows, they were confused. Why was she acting so werid??
“I don’t want to hurt them..I don’t..” She repeated, looking up and fourtanetly, not towards Iris.
It was like she was looking at a figure far away. Her eyes had lightened a little bit before darkening again.
“You really think the feeling will go away if I do this?” She inquired to no one, at least from their point of view.
The girl bit her lip harshly as she glanced towards the floating figure. In her right hand was a small vial of Arsenic. Exteremely posinous.
“Of course it will. Plus, it’s a fast acting posion.” He reassured, a calm smile on his face.
It was odd, he almost seemed happy about this. She stared at the vial a little more before inserting it.
“There you go!~ Now time to go find them!~” He encourged, a chilling flow of wind passing through her when he blinked infront of her.
He tilted his head up and glanced towards the stairwell, narrowing his eyes as a motion blur passed.
“Come on.” He bluntly said, moving Violet along.
Funnily enough, when he was distracted, he didn’t notice that she stashed another vial of aresenic in her pocket.
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Iris slumped aganist the bedframe, their mind running wild. Posion, murder?? Did Violet seriously like them that much and they were just igorant??
Of course, they knew they liked each other. But why did it irrate them that they were going to die without confessing? She could at least pour her heart out to them before doing the deed!!
They scowled but jumped slightly Violet entered the room. Her face was blank, her eyes cold and lips pressed into a scowl like grimnace.
“You got out of the restraints..” She immeditally noticed.
They manged to hold steady eye contact and nod.
“Your underestiamating me, Evergarden. Are you a complete obessive freak about me? Answer me, I won’t judge!” They bluntly said before placing a innocent smile on their face.
The shorter’s expression changed into unsteadiness before tightening her hold on the gun. It wasn’t pointed at them yet, thank the gods.
“Your the freak here, if your smiling when knowing your about to die.” She coldly responded.
They simply leaned closer and she scowled.
“Your totally obessed with me, aren’t you?? That’s okay, I feel the same way!” They asked before answering.
The long haired girl was about to respond but paused. They felt the same way? As in, they liked her? Loved her??
“What..?” She mummbled.
They grinned, but it was less sane then last time. It looked like they were about to go on a full rant.
“I love you, wasn’t obvious?! I love you so much that I wouldn’t mind if you killed me! I wouldn’t mind it all, if it would make you more happy! I love you so much I love you God I can’t-!” They rambled before leaning extremely fast and close towards her.
She flinched and her eyes shrunk when they grabbed her face and connected their lips. Wasn’t she suposed to feel happy?! But there was now a pit in her stomach.
“Oh yikes..” She heard Oreain’s familar voice whisper in her ear.
Iris dug their fingernails into her skin and she was convinced she was suffocating at the vigor that they were kissing her with. She manged to forceably pull away.
She shakily looked at them while their face was bathed in a red color. They were insane, completly insane! Sure, Violet might have been too, but they were demented!!
“You love me! Say it, c’mon! Please say it..” They begged, the crooked grin on their face only widening.
She looked down at the posinous gun she was holding and her hands were shaking. Nothing made sense. Where was Oreain when you needed him??
“You don’t love them.” Speak of the devil.
He stood by her with an impressed expression on his face. He looked almost amused.
“What..?” She whispered.
He huffed and blinked closer to her, on her right side. He grabbed her hand and flashed the gun she was holding, and her shaken hands.
“If you loved them, why are you reacting like this? Don’t you want this?” He questioned.
He didn’t have a smile on his face anymore. In fact, he looked geniuley bored.
“No..I didn’t think..” She started.
When she glanced at Iris, they weren’t saying anything. But if they were, she couldn’t hear them.
“You confused suffocation and protectiveness for love. That’s what this is. You don’t want to love or be with them. You just want them to be yours, as your best friend.” He clarrifed.
Her eyes darted back towards the gun, which he caredully pushed closer to her.
“If you want this new feeling to go away, you should just do it.” He encourged, the regular smile coming back onto his face.
Violet’s hearing slowly came back into frame and she could hear Iris now, clearly.
“Please..just say it..” They were still begging?
How weak.
How paethetic.
She narrowed her eyes and raised the gun. The short haired person blinked a couple times before frowning.
“No, no, no!! Wa..Wait before you do it, just confess! Please!” They desperately said.
They knew she was going to do it. And they knew she wouldn’t confess. So why were they still trying?!
“God, V’! Just fucking DO IT.” The specteral male complained in the corner of her vision.
She tightened her hold in the weapon even further, her knuckles turning white. Iris’s eyes shifted back and forth.
“Please..” They whispered.
Violet fired.
“Guh!-!” The needle hit them with a disgusting tacky sound, right in the eye.
She saw Oreain wince in her vison but didn’t say anything. The posion barely even acted before they collapsed. Blood from the now pulsting eye dyed the sheets.
“Yikes, must’ve misfired or something.” He hissed.
The taller’s body was twitching slightly at this point, but it was clear they were dead. Violet winced and clutched her chest when a wrenching feeling was heard there.
The male shot her a look and she tightened her hold.
“Why does it hurt so much?! Why isn’t the feeling gone??” She frantically asked, panting.
The golden eyed male whistled and looked away. His work was done here. No more distractions. No more obstacles.
“See ya’, kid.” He smiled before dissapering.
She whipped towards him only to see nothing. She could litterally feel her heart throbbing. She couldn’t..she couldn’t breath…
Her extremely shaky left hand dug through her pocket and found the vial of aresnic. She tried to calm her breathing as she inserted the vial quickly enough.
She felt like crying but nothing was coming out. She winced and find a comofortable area to press it at. It aimed right above her chest, straight to the heart.
Her head throbbed, her foot throbbed and almost gave under her. At least no one would miss her, not now. She breathed in and out, closing her eyes.
She pulled the trigger.
(WOOO BABY *vigrously cracks neck and knuckles)
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evansencezz · 2 years
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Notes: Silly little head cannons, what even is this, litterally info dumping, smoking, austism, neourdivergent, these can be taken as cannon or non-cannon, idk small little facts bout my ocs, skrunkiles, this is pretty cringe, most of these realeate to a modern au so shut up, fluff??, idfk, music, shortest note section ever, rag tag ocs, group ocs, spefific ocs.
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U・x・U—Violet Evergarden—she/her—U・x・U
-idk if i said this or not yet but she’s austistic lol-
-her favorite drink from starbucks would defentily be a sugar cookie almond milk lattee what can i say-
-cannoncially demisexual with pansexual and poly undertones-
-her personality was actually inspired from donnie from tmnt and a mix of suimuki and a touch of rei from ngev (neon gensis evangelion)-
-yes, her name is based off of the anime character and show ‘violet evergarden’.-
-her special intrests are body anatomy and space.-
-cannot stand loud noises like screaming or shouting. her hands will automatically go to her ears. OH AND FIREWORKS SHE HATES THOOSE THINGS WITH A BURNING PASSION ‼️‼️-
-fucking hates high rise jeans and wishes they would die 😡-
-bullies kids on roblox-
-absoutelte grammar freak. like if u dare spell something wrong or use the wrong term she will punch you even though she doesnt type in caps.-
-her favorite colors are navy blue and ivory-
-consumes a shit ton of media and is a absoutetle nerd about every fandom ever-
-has a enemies to lovers with iris moment going on idfk-
-fucking hates annoying people who only care about beauty-
-cant stand overacheivers for some reason even though she is one!! LOSERRRR-
-average crusty insomaniac with greasy hair and a werido gambling obession-
-loves sweet shit would devour a whole wedding cake if she could-
-motherfucker would have a twitter account and go after EVERYONE. AND I MEAN, EVERYONE.-
-is actually really pale and if you squint or she actually goes outside for once, you can see her blue veins-
-says she doesnt fall for people yet she has a shit ton of fictional crushes-
-this isnt even a real headcannon but the little rag tag group and her gives me so much sertion-
-touch starved-
-while dating, violet is pretty closed off unless you talk about her special intrests. and she gets extremely embrassed at small things.-
-actually intense stage fright like she was throwen up on stage once for something iris planned and she was just a fucking mummbling mess.-
-bottom i make no changes bro.-
-if she was in school her favorite subject would be biology cmon now 😭-
-makes werid faces sometimes just like cringing and overexaggerated ones-
-actually doesn’t mind the nicknames V’ but no way she would actually say that-
-super duper clumsy and has fallen over on her crutches a good handful on times.-
-also really really texture senstive like she hates the feeling of itchy things, ice, squishy things, and slimy things.-
-can speak koeran, spanish, french, and russian-
-knows how to make really good coffee for some reason and would be a starbucks barista in now time-
-def likes slow 90’s music or lofi music-
-agrueabbly funniest out of the group-
-borderline sometimes forgets to eat when shes reading, on social media, or busy-
-most defentily has reactions like trying to cover her face when she smiles so much or when she’s embrassed-
-actually doesn’t mind ariana grande-
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v(°∇^*)⌒☆—Iris Redbrook-they/them—v(°∇^*)⌒☆
-awful just awful-
-their personality is an exact copy of rise!leo, someone help me.-
-certifed ‘leader’ of the rag tag group-
-non-cannon certified crush on violet?!? 😱-
-has been throwen into pocket dimesone multiple times and just brushed it off 😨-
-“OMFG IRISSSS!!”-while their being throwen into a blackhole.-
-“fuck not again 😞😞”- them bro-
-chaos creator bro, has started multiple bar fights. and won all of them somehow.-
-rarely actually bursts out in actual laughter, mainly its just snickers and shit 😒-
-number one lesbian in my face rn-
-spams the GC in modern au with fucking stupid ass memes-
-cannon guitar player-
-middle child average 🔥🔥-
-slacker in school def-
-bright colors bright colors everywhere-
-massive fan of parties like in the ‘episode’ where they all went to a party for a mission they were living it up bro ☠️-
-favorite drink from starbucks is a vanilla bean frapiccno with a shot of expresso and strawberry puree, ultimate meance-
-non-cannoically but implied ADHD-
-also agrueablly funniest out of the group-
-ulitmate leader on like teasing and flirting but then rejecting people 🤨-
-has actually slight anger issues but hides them pretty well-
-finds true crime rlly intresting and watches podcasts-
-sometimes makes self-depriving jokes and gets embrassed when people immeditally comfort them after.-
-“well that was dissaponiting..”-violet
-“not as dissaponting as me apprently lol!”-iris
-“no don’t say that!! your cool, iris!”-some rando’ idfk
-if u date them be preapred to be showed off and flirted with constantly-
-they r only 20 but they defentily drank before and this is cannon bc i said so-
-loves titties but hates their own-
-has creative ass insults for some reason??-
-“listen here you little SHIT bag”-
-“WHAT”-everyone ever 😨
-knows how to swing dance?!-
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✩⃛˞(๑ꆨ৺ꉺ๑)—Chiyo yang-she/her—✩⃛˞(๑ꆨ৺ꉺ๑)
-honestly a nerd-
-def likes the slight croquette aesthetic but leans towards a more fem type of style-
-her favorite show would defentily be either bloom into you or nana-
-firm believer in bisexual chiyo-
-she’s the type of person that wouldn’t mind the idea of polyamory but doesn’t know if it’s completly for her-
-defentily also likes slow 90’s and early 2000’s but also likes pop stuff-
-defentily has a stash of romance mangas in her room-
-so obessed with the color pink like it’s unhealthy-
-spotify would do her dirty on the yearly wrap shit they do-
-in modern au she would absoutetly love saniro no changing my mind on this-
-has a slight teasing nature to her but nowhere as bad as iris’s is 😡-
-absoutetly loves the beach for some reason and traveling during summer?? like it just fills her with so much nostagalia and stuff like what ☠️-
-has trouble forming how she feels or what she actually means with words and gets annoyed at herself-
-her hair color is natural, by pink i mean like a pinksh blonde like almost like a strawberry blonde-
-defentily knows how to speak japense and spanish-
-super intrested in different cultures and learning about the world, like god bless you if ur her friend and from a different contient or culture.-
-super good at baking for some reason?? even though she doesn’t do it often-
-if u date chiyo just expect to be holding her back by the collar of her shirt from doing something reckless-
-i made her personality a mix of kel from omori and hero, slightly chaotic but mature in serious moments-
-gives off air head vibes but is surprisngly well-versed in things she likes 😞-
-listens to airana grande i dont make the rules-
-absoutetly hates being by herself like at all times she is with SOMEONE IDC WHO IT IS BUT ITS SOMEONE-
-fucking drinks, eats, and spits out fluff reading material and refuses to read anything else-
-kinda delousional TBH!! 😒-
-has something going on in that head but no one knows what shes thinking about-
-neither booksmart or lifesmart-
-firm believer in makeup and be used no matter what and its not for male eyes-
-also likes parties and messing around-
-please never pair her and iris together-
-defentily sings along with 90’s and 2000’s music at concerts and at parties-
-gets the biggest smile on her face when shes actually having fun with the rag tag drop-
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(°ヮ°)—Venus Damershera-she/they—(°ヮ°)
-certifed mother figure of the group-
-don’t get me wrong, she’s funny too ☠️-
-def would have a aestehtic ass animal cross island-
-firm believer in christmas and december surpremacy and hates on spring-
-most defentily would cook for you if she found out someone wasn’t eating or something-
-surprisngly has multiple ex’s (fuck them take me now venus 🤗🤗)-
-has a whole ass mf piano in her room or house that they don’t even play anymore, it just kinda..sits there..-
-recovering drug user NOT CANNON AT ALL-
-cannon milk drinker EW EWWWWW-
-surprisngly childish when ignored or bothered, like they always keep this mature thing up but when their annoyed their r surprisngly destructive-
-mentally unstable defentily-
-almost never curses but when she finally did iris was so happy-
-“okay, i don’t know who the FUCK told you to-!”-venus
-has twitched simaliar to violet like her eye will visibly twitch or her hands will comb through her hair-
-defentily kins yuri and kaede from both dangonronpa and ddlc-
-broke a paintbrush once from trying to hold back anger due to something-
-smiles at people even though she wishes they would keel over in their head-
-defentily the most shy out of the rag tag group-
-likes poems and spritual things like crystals and incense etc-
-sometimes cries over her lost siblings 😰-
-has a journal where she remebers and recounts all the times and all the memories she has with them-
-has a slight obession with the color purple-
-her favorite princess is rosalia from mario-
-def listens things like wham and video game soundtracks-
-likes reading and has a pair of glasses-
-a slight hopeless romantic and gets embrased when iris teases her about it 😮-
-has a very small tooth gap but it’s not very noticeable-
-her eyes crinkle and her dimples show when she smiles-
-they def are one of those bitches who comes into starbucks and orders every single drink with oatmilk just so people know their gay-
-actually loves carides so much and spaces out while looking out the window 😝-
-one of those bitches who def goes after toxic people on twitter to defend an innocent person who is getting hate-
-certified overthinker 😱-
-people would def call them mommy on tiktok and they wouldn’t get it at all 😧-
-has big boobs-
-cannot lie to ur face for shit bro-
-gets really tense and flustered when people invade their personal bubble-
-actually pretty tall like 5’6 😓-
-a sucker for pretty men or dorky men like PRETTY GIRl STAND THE FUCK UP!!-
—defnetily one of those bitches who feeds you well bro like will make a effort to make sure u eat something-
-mama will be the sweetest lover ever bro-
-accidentally calls people ‘good girl’ or ‘good boy’ when they do something well and immeditally apologizes after-
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Σ(`・ω・Ⅲ)—Noel Vixien-she/he/they—Σ(`・ω・Ⅲ)
-our genderfluid polysexual omni icon-
-defentily had a threesome at some point i dont make the rules-
-mf has ISSUES-
-fidigts alot and gets antsy when doing things solo but refuses help ☠️-
-secretly hates it when people compare them to christmas or the bath and body works scent-
-unironcally smells like vanilla-
-makes faces when something akward or cringe happens to get the point across-
-stuck play-dogh up her nose when she was younger-
-cannot go near curches-
-finds puns funny but immeditally looks the other way when she starts smiling-
-defentily scrunches their nose when messed with 😒-
-accidnetally punched ever other member of the group once or twice because they were snuck up on-
-has a pair of glasses but doesn’t really wear them-
-also likes reading but not super duper long books-
-cannoncially autistic-
-prefers to be called neourdivergent-
-is a skin picker as one of his nervous habbits-
-really texture senstive and refuses to eat things that are mushy, or really tough-
-has a mild fear of heights-
-smoker but makes sure to not do it around venus or violet-
-would most defentily work at a cafe’ with violet-
-doesn’t really have a spefic taste in music beside that she hates country-
-almost choked someone because they called them cronically online 🤗-
-people would defentily simp over them and iris if they had social media accounts bro-
-stubborn and bitter asshole 😡-
-fought with a homophobic protestor once and grabbed a random girl and kissed her while people cheered in the background-
-most defentily one of those girlfriends who pulls you into a kiss by the collar roughly-
-doesn’t mind physical touch but sometimes it can be too much 😰-
-please if ur dating them don’t be upset when they say no to cuddles like cuddles to them is sitting side by side sort of huddled together, not body aganist body contact 😞-
-certified girlboss-
-paces around and tugs on their hair roughly when their annoyed or stressed out-
-loves the starbucks iced chai’s with oatmilk and sugar cookie syrup (boy that is litterally just desert)-
-married to the mango and white monster energy-
-horrible anixety when ordering food at a resturant or something like bro what 😧-
-doesn’t know how to wink-
-flinches and jumps really high when spooked out-
-also makes cringe or disgusted sounds when freaked out or shaken up-
-has a bitch resting face but doesn’t really care ��-
-doesn’t really like large groups of people but will go to a party if it’s absoutetly nesscasary-
-get’s werid shivers and jolts to her body due to her well-half mortal condition-
-if you hold his hands, his whole left side is warm and basically a human identical. but his right side is unaturally pale and discolored and abosutetly freezing-
-gets a shit-ton of body aches like headaches, fatigue, tiredness-
-constantly cracking some bone in his body like bc it FUCKING HURTSSSSS?!!-
-motherfucker flipped off someone while on a misson and almost died-
-croncially dense-
-likes sweet creamer unaturally amount-
-defentily gets alot of hyperfixations-
-collects crystals and maps 😮-
-an absoutetle history nerd espically greek and roman history ☠️-
-sweats alot when put under pressure what can i say they aren’t good under pressure (me fr)-
-has slight anger issues but nothing too bad-
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1 note · View note
evansencezz · 2 years
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Notes: fluff, dating sim/survival horror, half-zombie half-human noel, slight gore, flirting, valentina, bribery, kinda loose plot idk, mentions towards past trauma, moody noel, she only likes you if you give her candy, takes place around christmas, bickering, average sibling behavior, noel my beloved, nods towards noel when she was fully human. no established love intrest, noel has mild amenina, raw meat eating if you pay attention, lots of mentions towards weather for some reason, smoking, noel is a odd ball, powerful noel, noel is genderfluid, slightly different zombie au plot from the other one, they dont match up completly, included other ocs not relvent to the plot just there as love intrests, violet, human violet, human venus, human iris, violet is disabled, violet has a permant limp in her foot and walks on crutches, bickering, fighting.
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Noel sighed as she brushed through her long white hair. When she looked in the mirror, she was met with herself. Her green eye blinked fastly while the purple one with a messily scar running through it lagged behind.
The side of her skin and body, where her right eye was, was a plaeish blue color. Or atleast extremely pale. She also had bandages on her bruised knuckles and hands.
Once her hair was detangled, It fluffed up still. She grimnaced and simply tied it down with a low pony tail. She stared at her reflection some more, not taking into account the knocking at her door.
“Noel!! Come on, this is serious! You said you would come help me gather grocies for dinner tonight!” A familar voice whined.
This was Valentina, her sister. They didn’t live together, but Valentina decided to stay with her sister since Noel was visting back in the home town for a few days.
“Yeah, coming!” Was all the half-eyed girl called back.
They cursed under their breath and quickly stood up. They grabbed a small messenger bag and stuffed it with stuff. It included, a knife, a pistol, some first aid stuff like gauze and pliers, disinfecnet, medicine for them spefically, and other things. They adjusted it onto their hip before sighing and opening their door.
Valentina was the older twin, and her only survivng family member. Ever since this apocolypse hit, they stuck together. It was funny, really, the time where Noel actually decided to come was the time everything went to hell.
“Shoulda’ just stayed home..” She whispered.
Walking down the stairs, she came face to face with the ladder. Her more upkept white hair swished when she looked at the other.
“There you are! We should head out now, before it gets too dark, y’know?” She noticed before asking a question with no needed response.
The slightly shorter girl only nodded and came closer. She actually manged to get a peeking glance out the window, it was showing very lightly.
“We should also look for things to keep us warm. Like, matches, which we already have multiple packets of, and unpluggable therms’..” They added.
The older sibling glanced over her shoulder with a grin. Then, the two exited their base and looked around. There were only a few working street lamps, and if they were working, they glew warmly with light snow pilling on them.
Valentina was more careless then Noel. They barely looked around as they crossed the snow covered streets. Meanwhile, the younger gaped and kept moving her head back and forth, looking around for any other humans or dangers.
Her purple was more eager, rolling around and frantically blinking. She wanted to slap the back of her head to keep the eye in check, but that would just worry her sister.
“Noel..” A faint voice whispered.
She tensed and focused on the back of her sister. The voices got louder and she felt like eyes were pouring into her back.
“Noel..hey..” The voice called out again.
“Noel!” She was snapped out of it when Valentina was suddenly infront of her and shaking her one shoulder.
She blinked a few times, her green eye searching the others face. She had a worried expression on. And when she slightly gazed past her, a grocery store was visible.
“Hey, are you okay? You completly fucking’ zoned out there.” She asked.
He simply nodded and looked away slightly, of course, this didn’t help. The taller tightened her hold on him for a second before pulling away fleeting.
The two somehow got the entrance open, and the dim lighting of the store was visble. Rows of food, mainly cannned sat on the shelves. It also had cashier rows and other things.
The older twin turned towards him.
“Noel, we should spilt up. The medicine area should be near the back, you can check back there.” She offered.
Noel wasn’t very pleased by this, but he nodded untheless. And all of a sudden, the cross necklace she wore became more obvious to him for some reason.
The ladder flashed a smile before walking away. The white haired person sighed before walking through a few rows of shelves. They immeditally stopped, heart pounding once they saw what was in front of them.
A girl, with short pink hair, was crouched on the ground. It looked like she was staring at something, but they couldn’t tell what. The said girl seemed to finally notice them and her reaction was..odd.
She had a casual smile on her face, and her grey eyes gave the other a quick once over. She had a can in her hand and looked up at them.
“Oh hey there, other human.” She greeted.
Noel thought her to be wrong, considering they weren’t fully human. But then again, how could she tell when their eye was covered?
“Can you take a look at this for me? I can’t tell if it’s expired or not..” The one who was still on the ground asked, raising her hand that had the can in it.
The long haired girl merly nodded and took the can. She rotated it in her hands and squinted before seeing the date.
“No..it’s not expired..” She answered, handing the can back to the other.
She seemed pleased by this as she grabbed it from her and stood up properly. When she looked slightly behind the now slightly taller girl, she saw a slightly open bag with a few more cans and packaged things.
“Great! By the way, what’s your name? Mines Chiyo, Chiyo Yang!” Chiyo smiled, placing the can in her hands into the said open bag.
The green eyed girl hesitated. She ment, she just met this werid girl in the grocery store! Wouldn’t they have met before if they were both survivors??
When Noel got a good look at her, she blinked a few more times. She had a very..cute outfit on..a pink and white striped shirt, albit it dritied from well, living conditions. And a pair of jeans that had stuble desgins stitched on and basic shoes. And her bag was a pink color with a few pins on it.
“It’s okay if you don’t wanna’ tell me! But then I’ll just have to call you a nickname!~” Chiyo broke the silence before singing slightly.
The white-nette sweat-dropped multiple times at this. She didn’t understand. Why was this girl so friendly?! She looked around slightly, where was Valentina?
“Hmmm..what SHOULD I call you? You gotta’ prefrence?” The ladder brought her attention back to her.
She jolted slightly when she circled around them. Awfully close, might she add.
“Your really pretty..hey, how about pretty girl?!” Chiyo mummbled before sparkling and leaning closer to her.
Aganist her better judgement, Noel blushed slightly. It wasn’t extremely obvious but it was still there. This girl was stupid.
“Ugh…my name is Noel, Noel Vixien.” She introduced herself regretablly.
The grey eyed girl smiled widely and leaned back.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you! Tell me, are you the only person here?? I thought I heard someone else talking to you..” She polietly said before tilting her head.
And the irony of the situation, was that Valentina finally popped up behind Noel. She visibly tensed and blinked a few times when she laid her eyes on Chiyo.
“Oh!” The said girl blurted out, also looking at the older twin.
The slightly darker eyed girl blinked a few more times, twisting her body to shift it towards the younger and Chiyo a few times. Before, they finally placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her.
“Stop that. This is another surivor, your not going insane..” They grumbled.
The taller’s mouth shifted into a engatmatic smile. She pulled away from them and looked back at the short haired girl.
“Sorry about that! My name’s Valentina! How are you?~” She apologized before introducing herself.
The simaliar girl only plastered a relaxed grin on her face. Her posture was still slightly tense but nothing much.
“The name’s Chiyo..and I’m pretty good, for being in a apocolypse, anyways..” The other replied.
Valentina grinned and wrapped an arm around her younger sibling. They tensed at the movement slightly but didn’t say anything.
“Hey, do you have any other people that hang around with you? Y’know, like survivors?” She asked.
The non-related girl smiled wider at this and nodded.
“Yeah! There’s only a few of us though..but I’d be glad to let you meet them!” She cheered.
Noel squinted at her but remained slient. It was odd, she acted alot like her sister, remaining carefree in a situation like this
“By the way, not be rude or anything but why are you here?? Are you picking up suppiles?”
Chiyo nodded and slightly pulled at her bag to flash the amount of things she had in it. It had cans, boxes of things like medicine and bandages, and a few small water bottles.
“Yeah, just pickin’ up things. Anyways, do you two wanna’ come back with me to meet the other people?” The pink haired girl casually said before asking.
The shorter twin pressed their lips into a firm line. They didn’t want to say anything, Valentina glanced towards the other and tilted her head.
“I’m fine with it, you?” She asked.
Noel looked away slightly before nodding. Chiyo seemed pleased, as did Valentina.
“Alright, well, let’s go then..?” Chiyo started but was cut off by Noel.
“Hold it. I need medicine-!” She stopped the other before being stopped herself.
“Don’t worry! I got it right here!~” The taller placed a hand on her siblings shoulder as she flashed a pill bottle.
She blinked a few times before grabbing the pill bottle. She took a pill out and dry swallowed it, while the girl on her left looked at her curiously.
“What is that??” She leered slightly over the formers shoulder.
The said girl shot her a glare and tucked it into her bag. She also shuffled towards her sister, a mild scowl on her face. A air of silence covered the trio before Valentina finally broke it.
“Well, let’s get outta’ here! I’m happy to finally see more faves that aren’t rotting!” She cheered happily.
At this, the girl beside her mocked offense and leaned closer to her. This made her slouch slightly.
“What, is seeing my face not good enough?” She hissed, sarcastically:
This caused the other twin to panic and caused a small bicker between the two. Obviously, the girl who had started it all was just kidding. After the non-related girl watched for a while, she finally broke it up.
“Alright you two!! C’mon, Noe’ was just messing with you! Let’s just get out of here.” She broke it up before walking closer to the doors.
The darker eyed twin blinked before following after while Noel blinked a few times. Had she seriouslt just gotten a nickname?? Oddly enough, she didn’t completly hate it..
They still pressed their lips into a small frown as they followed after the duo. They weren’t looking forward to this..
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Chiyo eventually stopped walking once she spotted the familar building. It was small, probably someones apartment or something. She turned back towards the duo behind her and smiled.
“Well, here it is..I know it’s rather small but..” She presented, shuffling from side to side.
Valentina stared at it in curiousty while the other squinted at it. It was rustic, even though the apocolypse had taken place a few months ago. Everything seemed to fall apart quickly.
“No, it looks very quaint!” The taller twin brushed off the girls nervousness and walked closer.
The other sibling trailed behind her, sending Chiyo a look. The said girl only perked up at this and tilted her head slightly.
“Are you gonna’ open the door or not?” She only asked.
The pink haired girl flinched back slightly at the comment. She glanced towards them and the door before tensing and nervously smiling. A tint of red covered her face.
“Right! Uh..s..sorry!!” She apologized before yanking open the door.
The two siblings walked inside. They were greeted with three other people who were sitting down at a table, playing cards. One had light purple hair and dark colored skin but with patches of white.
They whined when the person across from them laughed and fanned their wrist out, sprawling their cards across the table.
“Better luck next time, guys!~ I’m three for three!~” They sang, closing their eyes with a cocky smile on their face.
Speaking of their face, they had mix and match white and pale green hair, the base of it being pale green but some thick stripes of white here and there. They also had white and green eyes that were big but slightly uplifted.
“Go eat a dick, Iris.” A blond scoffed, throwing her hand onto the table.
She was closer to the said person, but not close enough to be considered sitting next to them. She had, medium blonde hair that was tied into a tight bun with a small braid and a blue ribbon holding it together. She also had ocean blue eyes and her pink or reddish eyebags practically sunk into her face.
Noel’s eyes merly darted between the trio before the purple haired one noticed them.
“Oh..hello there..?” She spoke.
The first thing the former thought, was how comforting her voice was. It had a slight rasp but it still made you feel warm. It was the voice of a tired person.
The two other people perked up at the girl speaking and followed her eyes. The green haired person had a violent reaction, jolting back in their seat before scoffing out a sigh.
“What the fuck!!?” Was all that came out of their mouth.
The blonde only blinked a few times, slowly. Probably in shock or something akin to that.
“Hey guys! I found some more people, they aren’t zombies, I promiseee..~” Chiyo finally shoved herself inbetween Noel and Valentina.
The people seemed to still be on guard, the blue eyed girl rubbing her temples before picking up the cards. She held them in her hands before shuffling them.
“Violet.” She bluntly said.
“Sorry?” The older twin asked, a bit confused.
The girl scoffed and boredly looked over her shoulder. Her eyes flicked between the two, finding more intrest in Noel apprently.
“My name, it’s Violet.” She clarrifed.
She looked away and contuined messing with the cards. The green haired person eyes seemed confused, jaw hanging open slightly.
“Wait, your seriously gonna’ act like this isn’t werid at all?! That there’s somehow two other survivors?!” They asked Violet.
They simply shrugged and dissed the cards out to the other two.
“Why not? They don’t look like threats, plus I’m sure they’re related, right?” She bluntly asked back before inquiring.
“Yep..” Noel finally spoke.
The girl who had spoken before, the black skinned girl spoke again. Noel still couldn’t get over the feeling she producded. It was like moonlight and lavender.
“How sweet!..I had a couple siblings before..I think one of them might still be alive..she’s strong..” She cooed before looking away.
The other two people at the table also looked away. Finally, the pink haired girl broke it.
“Well, why don’t you two introduce yourselves??” She offered.
The two shared a look before Iris sighed and leaned aganist the table. They placed their cheek into their hand and gazed at the trio.
“The name’s Iris Redbrook..I’m non-binary, just so you know.” They introduced.
Both Noel and Valentina nodded, and this made them raise a eyebrow. They flicked between Chiyo and Venus.
“Are you two like clincally silent?? I mean, I get it if the shorter one wants to be mystrious and quiet, but you??” They asked, quiet boredly.
The taller twin blinked a few times before smiling with a sweat-drop rolling down her face.
“Me..?” She pointed at herself.
Iris scoffed and leaned over the table more, a snarky smile on their face.
“Who else would I be talking about, sweetheart? You seem like the overly ethusastic and go get em’ type.” They squinted their eyes at the ladder.
This made the purple haired girl perk up as she hit them slightly. The mismatched eyed one erked and turned towards her. She made a slitting motion across her neck.
“Cut it out!-I’m sorry about them..my name is Venus Damershera..It’s very nice to meet you..again, sorry about them..!” They hissed before turning towards the group and smiling with their eyes closed.
This made the girl sitting across from them groan. She sat the cards she was holding down, face down. Then she lifted the hand of cards she was delt and squinted at the girl.
“Cut the nice angel act, won’t you?? It’s annoying.” She only said, blue eyes glancing over her shoulder again.
This made Venus flinch before scowling on her own.
“Stop trying to make me look bad!! Is that your life’s goal or something?!” They complained.
Chiyo stepped in again, coming closer to the table. She clapped her hands and narrowed her eyes, one of them twitching, actually.
“Both of you..pleaseee stop fighting..anyways, Noe’ do you wanna’ take a house tour with me?~” She comanded before smiling brightly at the white haired girl.
This made both Iris and Violet blink a few more times.
“Your name’s Noe’?! PFFT-WHAT KINDA’ NAME-!!” Iris snickered.
This made the said persons eye twitch as she pressed her lips into a firm line. Her visible green eye squinted.
“It’s Noel.” She bit out.
Iris still had a snarky smile on their face, but didn’t say anything else. The short haired blonde only shook her head and made a nudging motion towards the other.
“Venus, flip over a card from the deck, won’t you?” She asked.
The indigo eyed person only jolted slightly. They looked up from the cards they held in their one hand before flipping over a card from the face down pile.
It was a eight of hearts.
With the disraction finally in the way, Chiyo grabbed the two siblings by the arms and led them up the small staircase. Valentina didn’t seemed phased by the touch but Noel was.
The male struggled out of her hold before finally getting away. He nervously rubbed his right arm and looked away. Both ignoring the glances from his sibling and the taller gir.
“Anyways, here is where we sleep! This whole hallway has rooms, on either side..the bathroom is actually downstairs..but- lucky for you two, we have two more rooms left!~” She explained before cheering.
The white-nette that was closer to Chiyo grinned widely.
“You don’t mind us staying with you?! I mean, we’ll probably have to go back and get our stuff at where we live but-!” She beamed before being cut off.
“Woah, woah, woah, slow the fuck down. Stay here? What..?” The brighter eyed male paused, slightly grabbing the girl’s sleeve.
This made her blink before smiling slowy.
“Come on, Noe’..there’s more people, surivors here! Don’t you think we should all stick together??” She tried to reason.
The former only furrowed their eyebrows and pulled away. Their mouth was placed into a confused grimnace. Was she serious?! Staying with complete strangers they couldn’t give a flying shit about?!
“You cannot be serious, Valentina.” They only choked out.
The two other girls watched in concern as Noe stepped further down the hall, front facing them. They acted like they had just touched fire and wanted to reel away.
“Noel, are you okay..? I don’t understand why you’re acting like this..” The sister said, coming a little closer.
The long haired person only stared at her with shaky eyes before changing pace. They narrowed their eyes and set their mouth into a frown-scowl sort of deal.
“Whatever. You can stay with your..new ‘friends’ apprently! I’m out of here!” They hissed before yelling slightly.
And with that, they pushed past the duo before making their way down the stairs. Valentina jolted at this and went to scamper down stairs, only to see that the door outside had slammed closed.
“No, no, no!! It’s not safe out there at night, Noel!” She panicked and practically threw herself down the stairs stummbling a little.
The non-related girl frowned and quickly followed after. They went around the corner only to see people standing. More spefically, Iris and Venus.
Violet was still at the table, but all the cards were gone. Now she was merly picking at her fingers with a bored expression.
“What are you doing?!! Get outta’ the way!-!” The green eyed girl asked.
The semi-shorter person only sighed and placed their arms across their chest. They gazed at the former with a odd expression.
“Look, whatever your name was, it’s obvious that they need to cool the fuck off. I don’t know what happened but they looked really shaken. And if your related I’m sure they will come back, they seem strong.” They stated.
Venus only shifted in place, although seeming to agree with the short haired person.
“You cannot be serious!! That’s my sister, I have to-!” The girl protested.
This time, Chiyo spoke up.
“Val’ I agree with Iris. I don’t know what cued the certian switch in demenor, but maybe you should just wait..oh, here’s an idea! What if we give her untilllll’..ten?- to come back and if she isn’t then we can look for her..deal??” She placed a hand on the slightly taller girls shoulder and squeezing it slightly.
The two’s eyes connected, the grey calm ones and the squinted green ones. She could see all emotions storming behind those eyes, panic, anger, scaredness.
After a while, Valentina broke the eyecontact and pulled away. Her face was shadowed by her bangs but she took a deep breath in and looked at her.
“Fine.” She placed her hand out and the grey eyed female smiled smallely and shoke it.
The moment was broken by the blonde uncomfortably shifting in her seat. She finally made full eye contact with the older twin and tilted her head.
“Say, do you play chess or any board games?”
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Meanwhile, Noel was wandering through the alleyways. Her head was down, yet her eye-or eyes would search around as she held the flashlight in spefic areas. Speaking of, she actually tucked some of her hair behind her ear so her infected eye was showing in all it’s nasty glory.
She flinched and held her jacket closer to her when something crecked behind her. She breathed before wobbingly flashing the light around, but not seeing anything.
“God damnit Noel. Your so paranoid.” She scolded herself.
Something smashed above her and she violently scampered back. She relized that it came from ontop of a tall bulding and she looked around for something to protect herself.
They saw a zombie jump down and appear right infront of them. It had ripped skin, deep wounds and cuts all around it’s body. Somehow, it didn’t seem affected by the height from which it jumped. To mention, it also had a very mangled looking neck.
It seemed to stumble around slightly before it’s almost glowing white eyes landed on Noel. They smiled and waved slightly, one hand holding the flashlight.
“Hey there, freak!” She greeted.
The zombie obviously didn’t reply back. Instead, it only staggeree foward and swipped at her. She moved back and grumbled when she couldn’t find anything to defend herself with.
The monster came closer the finally, the white haired girl broke out in a sprint. She rounded the corner and a few more zombies appeared when she entered the street area.
“What the fuck?!” He yelled, scampering in the opposite direction.
Eventually, he found a metal rusted bat on the wall in a other alleyway. He made yet another sharp turn and swiftly picked the bat up and lifted the thing on his one shoulder.
“C’mere, freaks!~” He cooed before grinning when one of them did just that.
He brought the metal bat down onto the side of its head with force and speed, the damned things head litterally came off!! He made a sound of disgust when he wrenched the bat away from the fallen body before going at it with the others.
Most of them were easy take downs, Noel wandered how so many people died to paethtic things like these. He was actually slightly battling with one that had its hands on the bat and was pushing.
“Ugh, get off already!” He groaned before slunging the weapon, almost letting go of it.
This knocked the zombie back and he struck, its body falling with all the others. They looked around for anymore to come but the area was pretty much clear.
They deicded to still keep the bat handy as they wandered towards where Valentina and them called home. The thought of their older sibling not being with them made a sick feeling crawl throughout their entire body.
“Stupid Val’..Wanting to stay with fucking strangers rather then her own sibling..!” They scoffed out, lazily finding the house.
It was a rather large building, sort of simaliar to the one they were in eariler just bigger. It had grey walls and they had to slam into it and open the hatch with strength.
She eventually got it open and sighed. She entered her hideaway, shaking out her one hand that was holding the flashlight. No zombies or monsters should have entered here.
All of a sudden, a sharp pain rung in her one eye, the infected one. She hissed as it burned and felt like it was spreading across her whole face.
“Agh!-What the fuck?!! Ugh..why now?!” She complained.
She stummbled around a little bit before finally finding a pill bottle. It was in the kitchen, oddly enough. It was just kinda slouched over and on the counter.
She hummed happily, even though it litterally felt like her face was being melted off. She open the bottle with shaky hands and popped two in her mouth and dry swallowed them.
Of course, the pain didn’t immeditally stop. It still dully ached and she groaned slightly. Noel also knew her eye was probably glowing a vibarant purple, due to the posion in it.
Something nagged at her to get Valentina. She placed her mouth into a scowl and looked at a still working alarm clock they had, it was 9 PM.
Her purple eye twitched and throbbed as she strained it. She immeditally slapped a hand over it on reflex, almost slapping herself when the eye rang in protest.
“Fucking!!!-Okay..okay okay..fuck!! Whatever!!” They yelled before calming themself down.
The white-haired person’s eye had calmed down to a still melow throbbing. They could vaguely see in it now, and they decided to give in. They would grab stuff from here that Valentina and them absoutetly needed before trying to make their way back.
They knew it was stupid, but they couldn’t just leave the older sister on her own.
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Back with Valentina and the other humans, the older was antsy. Not because of her sibling, no, because of this-
“You’re pretty good, Valentine! You could almost match up with me and V’ over here!~” Iris sang as Valentina won yet another round of poker.
Meanwhile, the blonde made a face and pointed her thumb in the direction of her.
“Okay, are we sure she’s not cheating? That’s the fourth row she’s won!” She complained.
The short haired person only smiled widely and leaned closer to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Now their shoulders were touching and Iris had a stupid smile on their face.
“Awww, you mad V’?? Mad that your gettin’ beat at your own game??” They cooed.
The other’s eye twitched violently at this. She immeditally pulled away and shot them a look.
“And you’ve won six!! I don’t wanna’ hear it!” She hissed.
All of sudden, the slight knocking of a wall ganned attention. Venus peaked out of the kitchen and offered a smile.
“Hey uh..I made some snacks if you guys want some..just uh..apple slices and shortbread cookies..nothing too fancy..” She shyly said.
Iris and Violet immeditally perked up at this and the mixmatched one scammpered up. This made the shorter slightly scowl at them but then Chiyo smiled at her. Valentina observed as she leaned down to pick up two fallen crutches off the ground and gently help Violet up.
“Oh..” Valentina softly mummbled.
The blue eyed girl glanced over at her before lifting herself up onto the crutches. She wobbled a little before walking away from the table. She was putting her right foot down, like she was still walking but seemed to switch fast and have a heavy limp.
“Yeah, V’s crippled. When we first met her, she was like that too..poor girl’s been trying to find someway to walk normally but she hasen’t found anything yet.” Chiyo frowned, watching as she reeled into the kitchen.
This made the older feel slightly bad for her. And she also wondered how she was dead by now. But she was broken out of her thoughts when Chiyo nudged her.
“Come on, you wanna’ grab something to eat? The cookies are pretty dull and doughy but with the apples they taste pretty good! We also have water, orange juice, and oat milk?” The pink haired girl smiled and grabbed the girls wrist.
She blinked a few times before looking away and replying.
“Oh..uhm I’ll just have some apple slices and water..thank you..” She hestaintely said.
The soft girl seemed to squint at her before doing a double take. She seemed to frown even deeper and scoffed slightly, motherly.
“Nosense! Your so tall and scrawny, I’ll get you some cookies too!” She refused before letting go of the girl and going into the kitchen.
Valentina only sweat-dropped before looking at a old rusted clock that was on the wall, 9:30 PM. She was nervous sure, what if Noel didn’t come back??
She knew her beloved sibling could defend themself. They were smart, and worked better in tense situations.
She was broken out of her thoughts when Iris and Violet came back. Iris was carrying two plates and two drinks. She was probably carrying the blonde’s things, considering she couldn’t while she was on crutches.
“You keep staring at me..is there a problem..?” The cripple asked, slunking down into her seat and dropping the crutches near her.
The white haired girl only tensed and smiled nervously. Violet had a very..standofish personality. It wasn’t like you could just get along with her like that!
“No sorry..I’m just curious..” She answered, almost flinching when Chiyo came back and slide a plate infront of them.
The short haired person that was sitting across from her only shot her a look.
“What, about V’ being crippled?” They sarcastically inquired, taking a bite out of apple slice.
The long haired girl only tensed further and her eyes found the cup of water intresting. Everyone had became silent and just ate they’re food in peace.
That was until..
A knock at the door startled everyone, also having different reactions. Violet jolting and almost FALLING out of her fucking chair. Iris choking on another apple slice. Venus almost dropping a plate she was cleaning, and Chiyo and Valentina merly jumping wildly.
Out of the corner of her eye, she took a glance at the clock, 9:50 PM. Iris sighed and walked towards the door, rolling their shoulder in the process.
They unlocked it and took a peak at who was outside.
“Oh, look who it is!! Hey short-stack!” They mockingly said before opening the door fully.
Noel was slightly hunched over, her hair an absoutetle mess. She also had a proper eye-patch covering her left eye. She merly grumbled and tensed when she saw Valentina.
But before any interaction could happen with the two, Venus grinned and shoved a platter of food towards her.
“Here! You must be hungry, everyone already ate!” They said before handing her the plate fully.
She looked at it with mild curiousty before looking up again.
“Sorry, I had something to eat at our other place.” She brushed off the darkskinned girl.
Valentina knew she was lying straight through her teeth but didn’t get why. The younger glanced at the older sibling and that’s all that she needed to do in order to have a crushing hug.
“Ack!-Okay, okay! I’m sorry Val’!” They apologized through shortened breaths.
Eventually, the taller let them go. They staggered back and their eyes flicked across everyone’s faces. The only one who liked like they couldn’t careless was Violet.
“Uhm..I’m sorry for causing a distrubance..” They apologized.
The green and white eyed other only brushed it off. They slung a carefree arm around their shoulders and winked.
“Oh pleaseee’!! It’s not as if that hasn’t happened before! It would’ve been such a waste if your face was mangled in the streets before you came back, right?” They sang before tilting their head.
Chiyo deicded to sweep in and practically save the day. She picked up the large bag Noel had laying beside them and delievered a wink of her own.
“This is stuff for you and Val’ right? I’ll put it in your room, Val’.” She picked it up easily before climbing up the stairs.
Iris had already moved back from the green eyed girl. She was now bothering Violet, poking her check and erking her.
“Hey, hey! Guys it’s getting pretty late, we should all head to bed.” Venus slightly called out.
The white haired with green stripes person whined slightly. But untheless, they threw themself up off of the chair they were on and clapped once and twice.
“Alrightttttt’ light’s out people!” They drawled out before flicking the one downstairs light off.
The rest of them could still see, sure. But that was due to the small little candles and laterns they had mingling about.
Noel watched in intrest as Violet got up and swiflty picked up her crutches. She limped difficultly upstairs and Iris followed after her. Those two seemed the closetest.
Venus spared a look towards the twins and grinned slightly.
“It was a pleasure meeting you two, I know that the others might seem..a little standofish, but it’ll fade off eventually.” She reassured before going upstairs aswell.
The older twin sighed before looking at Noel with her head placed on her cheek.
“I’m not mad at you.” She mummbled.
This made the said male perk up and blink a few times. He looked over at her and tensed.
“Your not..?” He repeated.
She smiled and shook her head slightly. But, then she squinted at him, he couldn’t see everything but he could see that she was staring straight through him.
“But anyways!-I still can’t fully understand you. Buttt’ that’s your own bussiness. I’ll see you in the morning, Noe’.” She brushed it off before smiling softly at her twin before going upstairs.
Now that the half-mortal male was downstairs, he could look around a little. Was it probably wrong to snope around, yeah. Was he still going to do it? Yes.
He looked in the kitchen, to the living room, to the bathroom. But nothing was out of the ordinary. It slightly erked Noel, because it seemed like there had to be a catch to all of this. No person was THAT nice as Chiyo.
Untheless, he decided to finally go upstairs and head to bed. He walked down the hallway and could’ve sworn he heard Violet and Iris talking. Maybe they stayed up later or something.
She eventually found her room, and went inside. It was pretty basic, and the bag she had earlier sat near her bed. She walked into the room, closing the door behind her and walking towards the bed.
It was small, and looked almost like a bunk bed. She dug through the bag to find a blanket and a soft stuffed bunny. It’s color was a soft brown with button eyes and stitches here and there.
She sighed and her hands tightened around the poor thing. Almost strangling it, to be honest. Her head was dipped down and her bangs shadowed over her eyes. She eventually snapped out of it when something slammed aganist her window.
Noel sighed and her eyes fixated on that one spot. When she squinted, she was able to make out that it was just a branch. She grumbled before climbing into the bed and wrapping a blanket around herself.
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Noel’s eyes snapped open and a scowl was on her face. She went to bed five hours ago, but just couldn’t sleep! The soft voices of Iris and Violet mummered down the hallway.
They weren’t saying it was their fault buttttt..’
Speaking of, a snicker, louder then the rest sounded through the hallway. Iris. The long haired person’s right eye twitched and they climbed out of bed.
“God damnit..” They whispered, trying to get their barrings.
Their bare feet slid across the wodden floor, making uncomfortable feelings. They got antsy at the feeling and grimnaced.
“God, now is not a good time for sensory issues, Noel!” They scolded themself.
They eventually made their way down the hallway and towards a spefic door. This had the name, ‘Violet and Iris’ both carved on it. Her eye twitched again and she knocked on the door softly.
The grumbling noises inside sort of started the green eyed girl. What exactly was going on in there?!
A click noise was heard, and behold, Iris peaked out. They blinked a few times, doing a double take. Before an easy-grin covered their face.
“Ah, hey there, Vanilla!~ What brings you to my room this late?~” They greeted.
The shorter sweat-dropped at the nickname. Before shaking her head and slightly scowling at them. They didn’t seem phased.
“You two are loud..well not that loud..but I’m a light sleeper soooo..” She explained, all of a sudden seeming silly.
Now it was Violet’s turn to be curious. When she slightly leaned in the direction of the doorway, she saw the two talking. She raised an eyebrow before speaking up.
“Oh, hey…Noel? I think that was your name or something. Wanna’ come in?” She greeted before akwardly offering.
The white and green eyed one made a expression at Violet before grinning. They dragged the white-nette in by the wrist and closed the door smoothly behind them.
‘Am I being fucking kidnapped right now??’ The girl thought.
She made a face like she was holding her breath as her eyes wondered around. The walls of this room were a dark blue, wondered how that was even possible. There seemed to be a sort of outerspace theme going on.
She ment, there were posters of planets and a lava lamp!! Where did you even get that in the middle of a fucking apocolypse?!?
Iris seemed to be amused at the shocked face she was making as they snickered. They had also made their way over to the blonde and wrapped a casual arm over her shoulder.
“You seem honestly horrifed.” They said, laughing slightly.
“How the hell do you have so much stuff?! I mean, you have a fucking lava lamp!!” The former snapped, waving at the glowing lamp.
Iris laughed before quickly slammed a hand over their mouth to muffle it. And the cripple next to them just watched with a bewildered expression.
“I made it..I’m….” She said slowly before trailing off.
The half-mortal raised an eyebrow, unamused. The blue eyed girl shrunk back at this before finishing.
“I’m a..inventor..and doctor..techincally..” She finished.
The person beside her had recovered and had a smile on their face. Noel wondered if they actually ever stopped smiling or took anything seriously.
“Yep! A proud certified nerd!” They added on.
Violet shot them a look before sighing. Her eyes seemed to be focused on her foot that she couldn’t walk properly on.
“I only know half of this stuff because I read alot. I mean, I can’t even go outside on missions! All because of my fucking conidtion.” She lamented.
Noel stayed quiet and now noticed the aray of books. There werw books about outer space, inventing, cooking, survival (how convient), and human anatomy.
“Hey, straighten up doc! Your helpful for when we almost die!” The white haired one with green stripes nudged her again.
The girl scowled at her and glared before sighing. But then she looked up Noel with new-found curiousty.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what’s up with the eyepatch?” She asked.
The taller next to her seemed curious too as they both looked at her. The male who was asked the question pressed his lips into a firm line and looked away tensly.
“You don’t gotta’ answer if you don’t wanna’, just curious.” The short haired other said.
The green eyed male bit his lip before coming up with a lie. If he told the truth, no dobut they would be horrifed. But if he lied, he could get them to get off of his back.
“I lost it. It’s blind and I have no use for it to be showing plus, I don’t have a fake eye soooo..’ What about you, Iris? You have a white eye..” He smoothly said before switching the topic.
They seemed to perk up at the mention of their eye as they chuckled slightly before replying.
“Ah, I’m half-blind in it! A brith defict, if you would. Anywaysss’ you totally rock the eyepatch, so cool!!” They answered before practically fangirling.
The ocean eyed girl next to them grimnaced.
“Please don’t push your love of pirates on her.” She mummbled.
And just like that, the two started bickering. Well, Iris more then anything. Noel just watched in fasanation as Iris started getting gently physical, tugging on the others hair and stuff.
Now that he thought about it, maybe these two weren’t so bad. They seemed to care about each other alot, and Iris constantly flirted with her.
His lip twitched upwards before falling down again.
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(holy shit this took so long what)
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evansencezz · 2 years
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ミ★ミ★-BASH IT INTO A MIRROR—Ace Evergarden x Yandere Kacey—ミ★ミ★
Notes: jesus christ, i didn’t even wanna write more about Kacey’s bitchass but u bitches wanted it, yandere, kidnapping, threatening, degrading and praising, Godess!Ace, Ace is a wind godess, magic, fighting, blood, obessive behavior, knives, bottles, cocaine, i hate kacey, insane kacey bro fuck outta here, mentions towards past murder, bondage, non-con kissing, non-con touching, no, its not groping stop, stalker, pervy kacey bitchass get out bro, mentions towards past trauma, ace has abadonment issues, threats of dying, slight sucidical tendeices??, mentally ill people need to be locked up fr!!/j, ace is nice to kacey for the first half, they become friends, kace mainuplation, ramblings and my nerd knowledge about greek mythology.
TW; i am NOT aiming to romantincze anything kacey does in this prompt/ book. they are clearly FUCKED in a whole other level. no person should act like this in real life!
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“I’m sorry, Ace.” The girl infront of her apologized.
The shorter of the two only mustered up a smile, sure enough to prove she was okay.
“Oh please, it’s fine. You know I’m good for it, Cel’.” She waved it off.
The black-nette only whined a little knowingly. She felt bad.
“Hey, why don’t we hit up a icecream place nearby?” She offered.
The other girl only blinked a few times before laughing nervously. Hadn’t she told her??
“Ah sorry, I must’ve not told you, I’m lactose intolerant..” She answered, grinning smallely.
The green eyed girl paused before sweat-dropping.
“Ah! I’m sorry! Erm..I’ll just leave you alone then, see you!” The girl apologized before spilting off.
Ace watched the girl leave before shaking her head. She was getting ready to head back to the main village but flinched when she heard a twig break and someone curss.
“Fuck!” They whispered.
God, they were so clumsy. Couldn’t they just observe their beloved in peace?! Well, it was too late now, she probably heard them.
“Hello?..” The non-mortal asked, making her way to the tree they were hiding behind.
They tensed slightly when she put a hand around the tree slightly and glanced at them. She immeditally reeled back and smiled nervously.
“Ah, hello there!…Uhm..can I help you?” She greeted before looking away.
She caught a good glance of the former. She had semi-short brown hair that seemed messy and hadn’t been brushed in a couple days. She also had a pair of bright red eyes with odd shaped pupils, almost the shape of hearts.
“Hello..?” She called to her, noticing she was only staring and not speaking.
The brunette flinched slightly and automatically apologized.
“Sorry, Sorry! Uhm..I was just looking around..” He nervously said, rather akwardly.
In his mind, it was better to pretend to be mentally sane then confess his undying love on the spot. After all, it would be best if she fell for him too.
The former only hummed, narrowing her eyes slightly.
“Oh yeah? I haven’t seen you around here, and I know almost every villager..what’s your name??” She asked.
He tensed even more. There was no way he could just blurt out his name, the villagers never shut up about him.
“Um itssss..” She trailed off, eyes darting around.
Ace merly raised an eyebrow, confused. How long did it take to give your name to someone?
“It’s Riean! Just uh, Riean..!” She finally got out.
Ace only hummed and nodded. She didn’t completly believe them, but good enough, right?
“Hey, hey, uh..Your Ace Evergarden right??” They questioned, leaning close to the girl.
The blue-nette only manged a lopsided smile and leaned back slightly. Honestly, she didn’t like the vibe of them. Best to just play it off, though.
“Yep! That’s me!” She answered simply.
The other only grinned slightly and leaned back, stummbling slightly. She was atleast trying to act normal, and that’s what mattered, right?
“Say, I know your probably exhausted, so why not come with me for dinner?” She smoothly offered.
The non-human only blinked a few times. Offering already for something like a dinner?? Couldn’t that be classifed as a ‘move’, as you would say?
“Oh? Aren’t you smooth?” She questioned, even though it seemed more like a point.
Kacey only grinned and winked slightly.
“I like to believe so, yes..”
The shorter of the two only sighed slightly and tilted her head up slightly. She didn’t like the feeling of this, but yet again, did she really have a choice?
“Fine. You gotta’ place in mind?” She sighed before asking.
On the other hand, they were over the FUCKING moon. Who knew it would actually work?! Of course, their beloved wasn’t stupid, and they knew she was probably suspious by now.
A massive blush wanted to overcome their face, but they manged to settle it down. God, they could just imagine all her cute reactions once she found out what they really were!~
Would she hate her?? Would she finally end her suffering and strangle her or slice her down with her sword?! She wanted to know so badly.
“Riean..Riean?” Ace called out, gaining her attention.
Her eyebrows were furrowed in confusion as she looked at her. Her brown eyes shifted back and forth.
“Ah-Sorry, Ace..I know a place, c’mon!~” She snapped out of it and apologized before making a follow me motion.
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The pair has eventually found a resturant. Oddly enough, Ace had never seen or even eaten here before. She tilted her head when the food the two ordered appeared infront of them.
She had simply ordered a glass of mango tea and a medium rare steak. Riean ordered something simaliar, but they way they ordered it..
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“Oh, I’ll get the same steak! Just uh-make it so like it’s almost raw and bloody, k?” They said, smiling at the waiter.
The blue haired girl flinched and turned towards them, concerned. She ment, who liked a almost raw steak?!
“Alr..alright..that’ll be out for you two then..” He merly penned it down and left nervously.
“A bloody steak?? Are you sure?” The girl asked, eyes wandering towards her drink.
The short haired girl only smiled, slightly eerily.
“Course’ I’m sure! I like it raw, it gives it that feeling and extra texture and flavor, y’know?~” She causally answered.
‘NO, I DON’T KNOW, WERIDO!!’ Ace’s thoughts screamed at her. But she only placed a crooked smile on her face and laughed slightly.
“Right, ahaha..! Of course..” She said back.
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The brown eyed girl only poked at her steak as she watched as they cut straight into theirs. They had red muck seeping out of it and she grimnaced, immeditally looking away.
“So, I know your like super well known and praised for being well..strong..but I have a few questions!~” They started, eyes mainly focused on their food.
The non-mortal only nodded and hummed.
“Well? I’m pretty much open to anything you could ask.” She merly said.
Meanwhile, Kacey took a piece of the meat and put it in her mouth. She didn’t want to look at Ace. If she did, she would probably more then not blurt out something.
“Just exactly..for how long have you been doing this sort of thing? Y’know, like helping townsfolk and expelling demons?” She asked.
The former hummed and finally took a few bits of her food. The meat was nice and tender, and had a slight burnt and smokey flavor to it.
“I would say atleast three years?? I mainly picked it up because people found out about me saving a whole town from a rogue mage.” She answered.
The red eyed female only nodded and the red on her plate colored the white purity of it more.
“Say, do you have any family? Like, siblings, mother, father?” She asked another question.
Ace only flinched slightly at the question. Oh no, her parents were long gone, or were they?? She didn’t know, considering she hadn’t seen them in so long. But she had Violet, and that was what mattered.
“I..I uhm..I have a sister..a younger one, obviously..” She answered, seeming more hesiatant.
Kacey picked up on this and immeditally put the fork she had a piece of meat on and comforted the blue haired girl. They also decided to be bold and place a hand on hers.
The other girl seemed to tense at this action. As her eyes darted towards the hand and then back towards Kacey.
“Hey, I’m sorry if I pushed too much..I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” They tried to comfort.
The other girl only tensed and smiled nervously and smallely. Kace thought it was cute.
“No-I..I just uh..” She tried to find an excuse, eyes staring at the half-eaten steak infront of her.
The marooned eyed male only hummed and said,
“Take your time, love. It’s my fault for making you panic anyway.”
The long haired girl resisted the urge to recoil at the name. He was already calling her names?? Wasn’t that a bit too fast?
She really should have said something, but he wouldn’t have listened. He enjoyed how she tried to have more mudane and muffled reactions instead of lashing out.
“I..I just don’t get asked a ton about myself..” She looked away and scratched her cheek.
The brunette only hummed and when Ace looked back, she noticed that they had already finished their food. The redness seeped on the plate, but their was no meat.
“Are you finished with your food, dear?” Kacey asked, sucessfully calling her yet another nickname.
She didn’t like it. But she couldn’t do much about it, sure she could say it made her uncomfortable but..
“Ah yes, I’ll pay then!” The caramel eyed girl jolted before digging in her pocket and pulling out a sack of coins.
The slightly taller girl only jolted and shook her head.
“Oh please, no need to pay. I’ll pay for it, plus, I was the one who dragged you here, right?” She protested, slightly touching the other again as she made her pushed her money away.
The other female only tensed slightly. Honestly, this girl was odd. It was like she would go out of her way to do stuff to ‘please’ Ace.
“You didn’t drag me here..I agreed, didn’t I?” The blue/nette asked a question of her own, but it was too late.
Kace had already placed her money near the reciept. A brown sack of coins, not too much. The food was good sure, but the prices were kind of worth it??
“Come on, let’s get out of here.” The short haired person brought the girls attention back to them and she only silently nodded.
The two looked around the area once they left the place. Ace tried to scoot away to make distance.
“Well, you probably have to go back to your house to take care of Violet, right?” Kacey asked.
The shorter girl immeditally jolted violently at the mention of her siblings name. She whipped around and stopped walking, eyes shakily looking at them.
The ladder tried to bit back the smile that threatened to form on their face.
“What?..” She whispered.
“What’s wrong, Evergarden? Did I say something?” She innocently asked back.
The long haired girl tensed and looked away nervously. She rubbed her eyes before grimnacing. She didn’t want to mention it, but she knew her younger sisters name?! It just didn’t make sense!
No one else in the village knew her younger sister by name! She turned towards the other and plastered a very shaky smile on her face.
“No, it’s nothing. I probably just heard wrong. Bye, Riean.” She reassured, probably more to herself.
She immeditally turned back around towards the opposite direction and started walking off. She didn’t even bother to look back, no way.
Meanwhile, the red eyed girl’s eyes followed her as she walked away. After a while, the reality hit her. Her face bathed in red and she cheered. Her heart’s rythm was extremely fast and her hands were shaky.
She had pulled it off!! She really had pretended to be sane around Ace and it worked!! Now, there was no way the girl wasn’t suspious about her, but still!!~
God, he remebered the pale or reeling back of her expressions. Espically when he mentioned that stupid younger sister of hers.
He was going to get his way. He was going to mainuplate Ace Evergarden into becoming his clostest friend. And then, he would let everything come crashing down, tell her his real name.
That he was Kacey, and there was nothing that should could do to stop him from having her.
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Over the course of the next week, Kace and Ace were called ‘friends.’ Kace was overjoyed to been called that. but the godess on the other hand. Kace called her nicknames, got a little touchy with her, and even tried to ask more questions about Violer and her.
“Ace, hey, goodmorning!” Speak of the devil and they shall apear.
The brunette only grinned and waved at her. The said person was actually waiting on Ace, after all, they usually talked alot.
“Yeah, goodmorning, Riean.” She simply greeted back before walking straight past them.
They blinked a couple times, hand slightly dropping. They side-glanced behind them and the shorter kept walking. They immeditally snapped out of it and followed after her.
“Ace?? Are you okay??” She inquried, walking now at the same pace as her.
The long haired girl didn’t reply as she kept walking. Kacey scowled and asked again.
“Ace! Hey, are you okay??” She said louder.
The said girl snapped out of it and boredly shifted her eyes over to the other. Her lips were pressed into a firm line and she didn’t look pleased.
“Yeah I’m fine. I’m just very busy and I need to be somewhere quickly.”
“No!-I..I mean, are you sure?? Are..are you really that busy..?” Kace blurted before correcting herself.
The blue-nette only flinched slightly at the sudden clingness of them. She moved back and looked at them with slightly wide eyes.
“Yes, I am that busy..what’s your problem, Riean? You’ve never acted like this before.” The girl only frowned and asked, shrinking away.
For a spilt second, a scowl of annoyance formed on their face but they didn’t say anything. Speaking of them, they had a jumbled thought process.
‘God this is fucking annoying. Why can’t you just work with me here?!’ They thought.
The long haired girl only sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Almost like the younger was giving her a headache.
“Look, I’m sorry I can’t put all my time on you. But you should know I am a very busy person. Not one person can have me all to themself.” She coldly said.
Kacey watched her as she spared them a passing glance before leaving. They scowled, annoyed.
“God damnit Ace..” They mummbled under their breath.
In all honesty, it was getting harder and harder to not let the facade slip. You know, that they were insanely in love with her?! It was getting harder and harder for them to restrain.
In all honesty, what did it matter anymore? Ace didn’t care about them, she never did. That was just the way she was. So she couldn’t hate them for calling her a dense bitch then, right??
Whatever, Kacey was done. It was suposed to be different. They were suposed to make the girl fall in love with them. But she was just too FUCKING stubborn!! Whatever, fuck!!
“Enough, enough!! I’m doing it, I can’t take it anymore!!” The obessive person yelled, stummbling in the opposite direction like a drunk person and trying to calm their thoughts.
Villagers gave them a scared look, of course they would. They knew who she was, and that she was labeled as ‘fucking nuts’. Whatever, they should all die anyway.
Kacey would get her fucking way, no matter who got hurt this time.
“No mercy, Kacey.” She told herself, laughing weakly afterwards.
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No matter how much the godess hated it, she was slightly worided for Riean. Her gut turned with a bad feeling inside of it and she hated it. She hated how she helped people carry suppiles, patch peoples wounds up, and searched for monsters.
Speaking of, she currently pulled her trusty sword out of the defeated creatures body and sighed. It’s body dissapered like smoke and she selthed her sword again.
“A sudden infasation of these demons, Empusas desciendents. Not good, not good at all.” She mummbled, a grimnace covering her face.
Untheless, she shook her head and walked back to the main village. She entered the village and immeditally a familar girl with short black hair with dull purple eyes grabbed her by the arm. She flinched slightly but relaxed slightly but not all the way when she saw who it was.
“Hiraeith?? What’s the matter?” She questioned, noticing the girl’s stare.
“What’s the matter?! You didn’t tell me you were hanging out with Kacey!” She snapped.
Ace blinked a few times, obviously confused. The same heighted girl also blinked back a few more times, before furrowing her eyebrows.
“Please don’t tell me you don’t know who I’m talking about.” She frimly said.
“I don’t know who your talking about..?” The blue-nette smiled tensly and hestiatnly asked.
The other empowered girl sweat-dropped and stressily combed a hand through her hair. She almost face palmed before finally responding.
“The brunette with werid maroon eyes and heart pupils you’ve been hanging around with. What’s her name?” She asked.
The brown eyed girl only screnched up her face before replying.
“Riean?? Why??” She confusingly asked.
Hiraeith breathed out a scoff-laugh and looked at Ace like she was stupid.
“Oh yeah? I hate to break it to you, but it’s Kacey. She lied to you, Evergarden. She’s been lying to you this entire time.” She sarcastically mocked before poking the others chest.
The brown eyed girl was taken aback from this information. She looked away and pressed her lips into a firm line. For some reason, a gag reflex was building up in her throat, a sick churing almost.
“Look, you aren’t the first person they’ve taken an intrest in, and defentily not the last. But look at me, they are INSANE..and not the cute verison you see, the murdeous type of insane.” She gently grabbed the others face, making her have eye contact again before stuffing her hands in her pockets while explaning.
“There’s no way you didn’t notice it. The little slips and concering moments here and there?? Yeah, that’s the real them.” Hiraeith contuined.
The godess only just listened before unclogging her suddenly thick throat. It took effort for her to even speak.
“How do you know so much about this..?” She mummbled, eyes flicking everywhere.
Now, Ace Evergarden rarely got nervous. But it reminded her so much of…
“Because she had a intrest in me once. Luckily, it was as bad as some of the ones I’ve heard of, just a small one. I’ve heard she’s killed people that she can’t have eventually, or maybe even eaten them alive!! Wait no, that’s not funny-..” The purple eyed girl shurgged before spooking out, and then cutting herself off.
The traveller only smiled stiffly and came a little closer to the other. Speaking of the ladder, her facial expression changed into one of confusion.
“Thank you for telling me about this, Hira’. I’ll be safe, and I can handle it on my own.” She reassured before pulling away and walking away.
The short haired girl was left in silence for a few moments before tensing and reaching a hand out to where Ace’s back was turned.
“Wait!! Evergarden, I-!!” She tried to call out but the said girl only kept walking, not even sparing a glance.
Hiraeith put her hand that she had up down slowly and frowned. If the blue haired girl doesn’t keep an eye over her shoulder at all times, she could get hurt.
“Even if she is immortal..” She whispered.
Meanwhile, with the traveller girl. She was walking through a familar forest again when a breeze blew past her. She whipped around but saw no one, it was like the wind was pushing her. Then she heard whispers and knew who it was.
“Anamais? What are you doing?” She called out to her wind spirted friend.
A small creature apeared, it had a floating body and light blue and white colors. It had a striped and diamond patterned body/ or clothes. It also had a black face with no mouth but beedy big yellow colored eyes, almost like a cats. And finally, a small leaf hat.
It zoomed around Ace, pushing her in a certain direction. She smiled slightly and held her hands out. The creature flew into them with no resistence.
“I haven’t seen you in a while, huh? Well, you seem to be in a happy mood, either way.” She asked before smiling more, changing it into a grin.
Her spirt friend only jumped happily in her hands.
“Say buddy, do you have any clue why there is a sudden increase in the monsters around this town??” She asked her friend.
All of a sudden, the wind creature started shaking ans aniamatic tears formed in its eyes. She startled at this and worriedly asked,
“Anmais?? What’s the matter?” She questioned.
She got a response from the poor thing. Only..the voice didn’t come from them. Instead..
“I might have a clue why your little friend there is so scared.” A familar voice answered.
Ace immeditally whipped around and was awfully close to Kacey. His brown hair which was always dishelved, was neat and combed. And his maroon eyes were still mostly calm, but with a tinge of distrubance this time.
“You..” Was all the godess got out, moving back a few steps.
Her suddenly cold hands clutched the shivering wind element in her hands harder. What was going on??
“Yes, me, your beloved Riean!~ Tell me, how’s your chores going?” The male only leaned back and grinned.
The blue-nette only harshly glared and pressed her lips into a firm line.
“I know who you are, Kacey.” Was all she said.
And oh, did this trigger a response! The male’s red eyes widened and his smile faded away. He blinked a couple times before plastering a much more faded grin on his face.
“What do you mean? Whose Kace-!!” They started playing innocent but Ace wasn’t having any of it.
“Don’t fuck with me! You know exactly what I’m fucking talking about. Drop the act.” She snapped.
The brunette’s smile completly dropped and her head hanged low. The non-mortal stared, waiting for something to happen until..
Kacey burst out in laughter, just pure laughter. The brown eyed girl flinched and immeditally clentched her spirt friend closer to her.
“Oh please!! Honestly..honestly, I was stupid to think my plan would work in the first place!” She shakily said, laughing still.
The former only narrowed her eyes and didn’t speak.
“Ah Ace, you know, your not that smart for a godess. I would’ve thought you would’ve caught on by now!~” She mocked, eyes glinting.
This offically bothered the other and she spoke up.
“Are you calling me stupid?” She bluntly asked.
The ladder only finally stopped laughing, but an amused grin rested on her face. Meanwhile, Ace couldn’t figure out what she was thinking!? She knew she was insane, but this was just werid..
“Oh no, darling. I would never dream to call my savior stupid!~ After all, If I insulted you that would just make you hate me more, but you probably already do, right?” She clarrifed before inquiring.
The long haired girl only tilted her head up slightly and glared down at her.
“Ahaha! You know, I’m surprised you haven’t started running or haven’t tried to end me right here, honestly.” She smiled at the ground, eyes drifting.
Ace finally let go of Animias and they flew away in the opposite direction almost immeditally. The red eyes and brown eyes both followed after it.
“What is your probelm?? I’ve heard that you’ve hurt people before, why?!”The caramel eyed one snapped, hands drifting towards her sword.
Kacey’s attention was brought back to her, not that it wasn’t always on her. He scoffed slightly before taking a quick steps closer, and leaning towards her. His one hand grabbing at her face extremely lightly and the other behind his back.
“Pleasee’, don’t pretend like you don’t want me, Evergarden..” He boredly said, mouth pressed sideways.
That was it.
The said girl swiftlt unshlethed her weapon and cut off a few strands of his hair. The males eyes widened as he moved back slightly and she mocked him, holding her weapon infront of her.
“What’s the matter? Plus, why would I ever enjoy that? Your some sick creep who can’t leave people alone, and insanely obessive is a major turn off.” She hissed.
The brunette blinked a few times before breathing out a short laugh. The long haired girl only scowled harder.
“Are you gonna’ kill me?! Please do! i wanna’ die, and to die at the hands of you would be an honer!” He held steady eye contact, eyes big and still shaky.
The godess made a digusted noise and pulled her sword away, not all the way back though.
“Are you insane?-Actually no, I know you are..why are you so fucking obessed with me?!” She started but changed her direction.
Kacey only tilted his head and squinted his eyes, as if he was thinking. She couldn’t understand him. Even if his movements were simaliar to..HIM.
“Because, I’ve read all about you..and you were just so..strong and pretty and self-giving. And then out of the blue, a traveller shows up and just starts helping people? Too convient.” They started explaining.
“So I watched you for a good while, nothing linked you to the wind godess, at least not yet! And then I saw it, you had your beloved sword out and stabbee it into a demon. Your pretty brown eyes had changed color and wind swirlled around you, not to mention your sword also glowed.” They laughed at the end of their final sentence.
“You’ve been stalking me?! W-How much do you know about me?! You can’t possibly know everything about me! You just can’t.” The blue haired girl startled before glaring again.
The slightly taller person only grinned unsettingly, it seemed almost like their eyes were glowing.
“No? Tell me, how do you feel about Oriean? You know, your precious fian-!” They started but where cut off by Ace grabbing them and shoving them to the ground.
The girl planted her sword right below the side of their head and she wrapped one of her hands around their neck. Kacey’s face immeditally switched and bathed in red.
“Oh! Are you going..ngh!-!” She couldn’t even mange a setence out because Ace squeezed her neck tight.
“Kill you? Yeah..I’m thinking about it. Now answer me, how the FUCK do you know about..HIM?!” She breathed out before tightening her hold on the others neck.
The short haired girl only breathed hoarsely. She had a small grin on her face and her eyes were bulging, probably from the loss of air.
Untheless, Ace let loose her hold on the pinned down one’s neck regretablly.
“As I said before, I read sooo much about..ha..you, my love…why..why can’t you just see that I love you..?” She panted before grunting out.
The godess had one of her hands on the top of her sword and rolled her wrist aganist it. Her other hand was planted besides Kacey’s head.
“Is that seriously what this is about?! Love?!” She disbeliving asked.
The other stummbled around and held her side slightly. Her eyes with those stupid, fucking heart pupils seemed to grow. She smiled, but more gently this time. It still didn’t set her unease.
“Yes, of course. I love you, I love you so much, Ace!! If you would just believe that I’m nothing like him!-!” She was cut off by the other shaking her head.
“No, your exactly like him. You sound exactly like him. Just go, go away before you force me to do something I won’t regret.” She angrily snapped before waving her off.
The brunette’s smile wavered, before dropping completly. And then, it happened. Ace felt a presence behind her but it was too late, the thing had already wrapped a hand around her throat and squeezed.
“Ack!!-Stop..! Stop stop..!” She winced before wheezing out.
Kacey only watched as the member she had inscurted to come along with her at the right time choked out her beloved. She didn’t want to hurt her beloved, she really didn’t. But Ace was just so fucking stubborn!
Speaking of, the godesses vision became dark, spots bleeding in. She weakly raised a hand and almost reached for her sword but the mortal kicked it away.
“Ah, just go to sleep, Darling. Your just making it worse by struggling.~” The now fully relaxed Kacey whispered, watching as the others eyes rolled back before falling unconcious.
The person who had choked her out still had a firm hold on her neck and was still choking out air. This made the maroon eyed person glare at them harshly.
“Fuck! Let her go already, dipshit!” They harshly said, immeditally ripping their beloved from the others arms.
The guard merly bowed slightly and Kacey scoffed. They hugged the girl’s body closer and pressed their lips into a firm line.
“Come on, let’s get out of here. We are going back to my main house, also, make sure she’s restrained well.” They bluntly explained before lifting Ace’s body bridal style and carrying her.
The guard remained unmoving for a few seconds before following after them. Was their master totally insane, oh, defentitly. But if they manged to get their way, what couldn’t they do?
The solider only shook their head, their helement making a clunky sound in protest.
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The next time Ace awoke, she was in some sort of large room. The room had a chair, sitting across from her and alot of space actually. The walls were a bleak grey color and scribbled on with small notes and messages.
There were also stacks of books littered around the chair and some behind it. When she squinted her eyes, she could make out that some of them mentioned greek mythology. Her hands were tied behind her back.
“Fuck..fuckfuckfuck..! Not good..fuck how did you lose, Evergarden..?” She mummbled to herself harshly.
Her eyes also grew slightly distrubed when they landed on a specfic area, on the wall. It was a complete almost memorial or statue of the girl. There were tons of photos and even some things she owned that she thought at first she had lost, like a coin she held in her hand, or a hairtie.
The godesses wrists actually burned when she tried to yank on the ropes that tied them together. And when she tried summoning some wind magic to bring something close, or knock over the chair, it felt like something was squeezing around her heart.
After a while of this cycle, she grew exhausted. She only grew more alert when she heard the door to the room, which was on the other side, open.
“Ah, good morning, my love!~” A familar voice greeted warmly.
But whatever filled Ace when she heard that voice was anything but warm. Kacey walked into the room, looking simaliar to their regular apperance. Only now, she noticed how big their pupils were. Of course, those stupid heart pupils were always big, but now it looked like they were on something.
“Are you on something?” Was all she manged to ask.
The big eyed person only manged a bigger grin. They already a lovesick expression on their face, and it was just modiffied.
“Just my love for you, Ace.” Was all they said.
‘What a load of shit.’ was what she thought to that.
They walked over to the opposite chair, leaning aganist it as they sat.
“Did you try and escape?? Actually no, don’t answer that! I know you did, I saw you on the cameras! Cute, really.” They asked before answering it untheless.
The non-mortal was disgusted. In return actually, they were worried for Violet. Sure, they hadn’t talked much, but how would she surivive without Ace?!
“What’s with that look on your face? Are you worried about your beloved sister?” Kacey asked yet another question.
Ace only scowled at him and raised her head slightly.
“Where is she?!” She snapped, face twisted in displeasure.
The ladder only sighed, a puff of air coming out. Before, he rested his cheek in his hand and gazed at her with a lazy grin.
“I didn’t do anything to her, at least, if your good nothing will happen. I’ll send out people to check up on her and tend to her.” He brushed off her concern.
The caramel eyed other squinted her eyes at him. She didn’t like it, she didn’t like it at all. She hated being treated as if she was naive.
“What do you hope to gain in all of this?! I hope you know that I will never love you!!” She questioned, voice almost dripping with rotten intentions.
Kace only raised his expression in fake surprise. She hated the way he mocked her.
“Of course, I know that. I’m not trapping you here for love. I just don’t want anyone else to see you, or touch you, no one but me. If I can’t have you, then no one else can.” He truthfully answered.
Ace made a disgusted expression. The short haired girl took this as a sign to grab her forearm and lean a little closer.
“See? You better get used to it!~ After all, you’ll stay here until I die, because I’m a human!~” She exampled before pointing out the obvious.
“Your sick.” Was the response she got.
The marooned eyed girl actually seemed bothered by this. Her eyes darkened and she leaned even closer. Her smile faded completly.
“I’m the sick one?? No, there’s worse then me out there. Like Oriean, which one of us is better? You tell me, Ace.” She hissed.
But before the said girl could reply, Kacey had connected their lips. When the blue haired girls head went to go jolt back to break it, the others hand tugged her hair, litterally ripping a few strands out.
Her eyes were wide and her face was pale stricken. A drop of sweat rolled down her cheek and her mind was trying to make sense of what was happening.
When the other did pull away, she leaned back in her chair completly. A sickening grin rested on her face while Ace looked at her in shock and horror.
“So, which one of us is the better kisser, Evergarden?”
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