flamestormwarrior · 5 years
Book thing
This is a ‘please reply’ thing. What do you guys want to see from me? Fandom related comments/rps, my quiz answers on random subjects, snippets from the books I’m writing, anything really. 
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flamestormwarrior · 5 years
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(via Artist | What school stereotype are you?)
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flamestormwarrior · 5 years
Is Your Personality Strong Or Weak?
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You have a strong personality. You don't need others to approve your decisions.  Wasting time is your pet peeve, you have places to be and things to do. You choose your friends carefully. You might not have an enormous group of close friends. You aren't afraid to speak your mind, this doesn't mean you are rude because people can be straightforward and kind at the same time. You may feel awkward around shy people because you don't know how to act. You like to talk about meaningful things, a lot of people can sit down and talk about video games and TV shows forever. You don't let failure keep you down, with a strong personality comes the understanding that failure is a part of life and just another step in the learning progress. You understand your moral values and you live by your code of morals and sense of right and wrong. And you connect to symbols of strength.
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flamestormwarrior · 5 years
Who Is Your Godly Parent? (Minor God’s Included!!)
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You have been claimed by Poseidon, Lord of Horses and God of the Sea! You are naturally extremely loyal to everything and everyone you love. In order to save friend, you'd sacrifice the world. Your greatest strength, and biggest flaw. All that aside though, the campers at Camp Half-Blood seem to really enjoy your company! You're a great fighter, especially when it comes to sword fighting. My advice is: don't try an breath underwater unless you are absolutely certain your father is Poseidon. Your siblings are Percy Jackson and Tyson.
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flamestormwarrior · 5 years
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Which underfell character are you?
I’M SANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You live with your abusive, bossy brother. He forces you to work 24/7 and whenever you get a chance to rest your instantly punished harshly if caught. Your dad was pushed into the void by you because he was going to dismantle you and Papyrus. Papyrus did not look at it as a dismantle-me way he looked at it as Sans killing their dad on purpose. He yelled at you so much you struck him in the right socket with whatever was close to you, leading to his hatred for you.
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flamestormwarrior · 5 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/track/4F6KXBE38OBGPZsryUih1x?si=fiQJ8bWRQ32P2_p4lTsKWQ)
This is such a beautiful song. I literally cried.
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flamestormwarrior · 5 years
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I started drawing this, but I don’t know what to add. Please advise, my fellow Tumblrs.
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flamestormwarrior · 5 years
I’m 5 ft 1 in
reblog + tag if you’re taller, shorter, or the same height as miku
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flamestormwarrior · 5 years
What Human-Animal Hybrid Are You?
Black Panther
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Panthers are strong, silent people who can often be seen observing people around them, if they can be seen at all that is. People with this animal show great agility and endurance and can be fiercely competitive. You are a silent warrior who can keep many secrets.
People who are part Panther show the tail and ears of one, claws and sharp teeth can sometimes appear. Panthers are very agile, strong and stealthy, appearing seemingly out of nowhere.
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flamestormwarrior · 5 years
How Many Song Lyrics Do You Know?
100% Full Music
    Congratulations! You got 100%!  You really know your song lyrics!
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flamestormwarrior · 5 years
Can You Guess All Hamilton Songs By Their Opening Title?
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You answered 42 out of 46 questions correctly
I’m so disappointed in myself...
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flamestormwarrior · 5 years
Should I show you guys more test answers or should I do fandoms? (Warrior Cats, etc...) Also, give me recommendations for what I should do.
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flamestormwarrior · 5 years
How Weird Am I?
Boi your weird all right
I would have to climb a staircase to heaven to be able to reach your level of weird,  i'm proud of you, you be you meh dude
I have never been more relieved to hear it.
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flamestormwarrior · 5 years
This guy, Merrick Hanna, he amazes me. If I could meet him, I would be so happy! I used to be like him when I was younger, but as I grew older, I became less and less energetic. I wish I could be like that again! Merrick, if you’re reading this, you inspired me! Thank you so much! (BTW, I’m the age you were when you entered AGT.)
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flamestormwarrior · 5 years
Which Inner Angel Protects You?
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A White angel will protect you from danger. Although you have a positive mind you will care for every person in this planet earth. You will your strong wings and fly through the air to show people you can do it no matter what age you are.
This is what I got.
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flamestormwarrior · 5 years
What Breed Of Dragon Am I?
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Okay, so dragons can't be wizards. That just wouldn't be fair. But if they could be...
The Desidian dragon is the pinnacle of grace and mystery, a rare breed which can only be found in the northern regions. It has a slender, almost serpentine form, its smooth scales ranging from blue to gray to white. It has translucent wings fringed with dark, cartilaginous spines and a long, beaked snout, its eyes as pale as its needle-like talons. It makes its home near or in bodies of freshwater, often in caves or crevices where it can reside undisturbed. But only an idiot would disturb one of these beauties. They can't breathe fire, but they're known to be extremely intelligent, capable not only of speech, but of trickery and even illusion. They have a long history of hoarding dangerous magical artifacts, and sometimes use them to set traps at the boundaries of their territory.
Many a fool has sought out this dragon, as it is rumored that they will trade a treasure for a favor. Of course, this rarely ends well for the mortal involved. They are a favorite of poets and mystics everywhere, and a formidable opponent for even the toughest dragon.
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flamestormwarrior · 5 years
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I love using this on people!
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