getoutofthisplace · 4 hours
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
Mom came home tonight and we're all so happy.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 9.19.2024 - 6.19pm.
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
I didn't take a photo today (except for the license plate of the car next to me in Neil's parking lot because they were parked perpendicularly to the way they were suppose to park and I thought they might damage my truck), but Nene took this one. Another hummingbird got trapped on our back porch and she and Gus rigged up a flower dipped in sugar water on the end of a stick to lure it out, but it didn't work. When I got home my broom-shepherding method proved successful once again.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 9.18.2024 - 3.48pm.
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getoutofthisplace · 2 days
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
A while back, I bought tickets for Mom and me to see the Avett Brothers (and Jamestown Revival) at the Riverfront Amphitheater. But then our babysitting shuffle wasn't going to work out and we decided to take you two with us. We didn't know Mom would be Vegas at the time, but Nene was happy to fill in.
Magnus LOVED it. He danced and clapped his hands until he could no longer keep his eyes open. Gus got bored quickly, (probably) faked an illness, and begged for us to leave. He eventually fell asleep. And then Magnus got sleepy and covered his ears, so we called it a night about 10:45pm. It was a lot of fun, and Mom really wished she could be with us.
I wasn't big on Jamestown Revival, but the Avetts made me remember why I used to like them so much. I got introduced to them while hitching through North Carolina -- where they're from -- in 2005 and I listened nonstop until 2010ish. Not that I ever tired of them, but my life moved on to a different vibe I guess. And I drove to Birmingham to see them live in 2009.
Anyway, the vibe was back tonight. Scott Avett playing "Murder in the City" solo with his acoustic guitar was my favorite moment. I used to listen to that song on repeat, but back then I didn't have you two and Mom. He changed the lyrics from "Make sure my sister knows I loved her" to "Make sure my boys know I love them," and it hit me hard.
Know I love you.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 9.17.2024 - 8.04pm.
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getoutofthisplace · 3 days
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
This morning while I scrambled around making lunches, getting you dress, trying find something to eat for myself, and otherwise getting a crash course in how valuable Mom to our house's school day operations, Gus asked me if he could walk to school by himself. He walks home by himself, and I wasn't sure how I was going to get him there in time anyway, so I let him. Though I did stand in the street (full of pride) and watch him run to the top of Ridgeway with his giant backpack.
Nene came back to our house this afternoon so I wouldn't have to leave work to be there when you got out of school. And she brought corn casserole. I grilled salmon and we ate on the back porch. Gus ate with the Grummers, but ate some corn casserole when he got back anyway.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 9.16.2024 - 7.08am.
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getoutofthisplace · 4 days
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
Gus has been trying on lots of costumes and poses lately and asking me to take his picture so he can see what he looks like. Nene's still here, Mom's still in Vegas. Things there have been intense, apparently -- Big Yiayia is putting up a fight at every juncture. They've decided to try and find her a spot in assisted living out there instead of taking the spot they've reserved for her here. Mom was supposed to come back in a couple of days, but with the direction shift she thinks it's best to stay with Yiayia for another couple of days beyond her original return date. She misses us tremendously. And we miss her tremendously. This will be the longest Mom and I have ever been apart since we started dating a decade ago. I don't like it.
We went for a walk this morning, watched the Saints obliterate the Dallas Cowboys, then Nene decided to go home and regroup so she could add two days to her stay with us (thank goodness).
Little Rock, Arkansas. 9.15.2024 - 10.14am.
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getoutofthisplace · 5 days
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
Gus's team dominated their opponents in this morning's soccer game. I thought they won 12-0, but Gus said their coach announced 16-0, which may be true because they could have scored four more goals when I went to the car to get something. Either way, they "smoked them," as Gus has learned to say. He played his best game yet, getting his foot on the ball a few times, even in heavy traffic. I was proud of him.
Afterward, we went to the grand opening celebration of the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra's new building. As soon as we got there, St. Mark's Baptist Gospel Choir was preparing to sing with the symphony. All the seats were full, so we went to the front and sat in the floor. Magnus was enamored with the whole production. He kept saying, "Are they going to do another one?" (Gus, however, was not into it.)
We ate bad food truck nachos/burritos, then walked around downtown for a while. Nene had never been over the pedestrian bridge, so we showed that to her. We were all tuckered by the time we got home.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 9.14.2024 - 12.08pm.
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getoutofthisplace · 6 days
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
After bedtime tonight, Gus came downstairs and found me and Nene talking in the kitchen. I probably would have sent him right back up to bed, but Nene told him she used to give me a glass of milk when I couldn't sleep. We all ended up having brownies and milk. Gus knew he was getting away with something, which is why he's giving me those eyes in the photo. By the time Nene leaves, you may both be spoiled rotten.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 9.13.2024 - 8.33pm.
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getoutofthisplace · 6 days
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
Nene came down to stay with us because Mom flew out to Las Vegas this afternoon with Yiayia to pack up Big Yiayia and her things. They're going to move her into an assisted living facility here because she's gotten to where she can't take care of herself. Her memory is going and it's not sustainable to have Yiayia and Aunt Shari constantly going to Las Vegas to take care of her and her house.
I got home less than two hours after Mom left, which -- after being gone for three days -- was harder than missing her by days. Nene's going to stay with us to help get you two to and from school so I don't have to miss work. It's my busiest season of the year as we gear up for Summit next month.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I have no idea how single parents manage.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 9.12.2024 - 7.57pm.
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getoutofthisplace · 7 days
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
I interviewed Zac (the head of our Crossroads Arts District office) today in probably the coolest venue we've used for the Second Century Podcast. I enjoyed being in this rooftop space and discussing the work my firm is doing -- and plans to do -- from this downtown Kansas City office. After filming, the video van steered back toward Northwest Arkansas, where we'll film in Rogers tomorrow.
Kansas City, Missouri. 9.11.2024 - 2.16pm.
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getoutofthisplace · 8 days
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
We filmed a fun, office barber shop-themed script in our KC North office today. Then we rolled downtown where we'll film tomorrow.
Mom and I had such a good time in Kansas City together for my 40th birthday a couple of years ago that every time I come back, I feel the strong pull she has on my heartstrings. I miss her any time she's not around, but I miss her more when I'm here.
Kansas City, Missouri. 9.10.2024 - 3.17pm.
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getoutofthisplace · 9 days
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
I rolled out with the video team this morning to Fayetteville and Rogers, where we took some photos in our offices, then went out to grab construction site photos. Will took this photo of Darla and me trying to make Bryan uncomfortable by looking over his shoulder while he took someone's portrait.
Heading to Kansas City in the morning.
Fayetteville, Arkansas. 9.9.2024 - 11.11am.
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getoutofthisplace · 10 days
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
Mom worked today, but the Choate Boys went down to my office to grab cans, then we walked through the River Market. We saw cosplayers walking around and I remembered ComiCon was at the Convention Center, so we walked over to people-watch. Gus was into all the costumes. Magnus just like running around. At noon we went home to watch the Saints game.
After that, Gus went over to Madeleine's house to play soccer in her front yard, then she came over to hang with us in the front yard. Magnus played with the water hose.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 9.8.2024 - 11.11am.
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getoutofthisplace · 10 days
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
Gus had his first soccer game of the season this morning -- they won 6-1 -- and Gus was more aggressive than he was last season. Then we went to Alex's birthday party at UNITY Martial Arts.
Tonight Laura Calhoun and Mom went to a PHE moms birthday party at Hill Station, so William joined the Choate Boys for dinner, Mario, and some NEX. I made chicken nuggets and my signature broccoli mac'n'cheese. William took a bite of it and asked me for the recipe. I think I audibly snorted. He's a good kid. It's going to be good having him two doors down.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 9.7.2024 - 7.45pm.
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getoutofthisplace · 11 days
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
I had lunch with my friend Arlton today because he wanted me to see this artist collective/gallery space called Good Weather. They were closed, so we looked through the windows, but then it turns out Layet Johnson was there doing some work. Layet is an artist I didn't know before I watched him work at Picassos, the fundraiser for your school. They auctioned his piece off and we liked it, so we bought it. We got it framed and just last week we hung it above our staircase.
Arlton and Layet and I all talked about the need to create things outside of work and also to bring people together for art's sake. It was a conversation I've needed to have.
For years -- or maybe forever? -- I've brainstormed ideas for bars and restaurants I'd like to open. I've thought about it multiple times a day for as long as I can remember. Lately, though, I've been daydreaming and brainstorming about opening an art gallery/event space.
After work, Yiayia & Errol came over to watch you two so Mom and I could go to a show at M2 Gallery. Afterward, we had appetizers at BCW, then went to Ciao Baci for dinner.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 9.6.2024 - 1.19pm.
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getoutofthisplace · 11 days
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
After dinner, I started trying to herd you two upstairs to take a bath and I found Gus throwing his soccer ball up the stairs and catching it when it came back down. It struck me hard, in a good way, because I spent so many hours as a kid doing such things. I remember so vividly a time when I was probably seven years old, and I threw a bouncy ball onto the hardwood floors, off the hallway wall, and catch it again. I did that over and over and would write down how many times in a row I did it without dropping the ball. I have similar memories with throwing a tennis ball off the Coke machine in the warehouse of the feed store. And the wall between our house on Main Street and Jack Pruitt's next door. The list goes on. And I've always had solid hand-eye coordination because of it, I think.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 9.5.2024 - 7.00pm.
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getoutofthisplace · 12 days
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
At Gus's dentist appointment about a week ago, they noticed a "chalky" spot on his teeth. Today he went back to get it sealed. Mom sent me this photo and said: "He's a champ. They asked if he needed laughing gas for nerves, but I said no (it's a painless procedure). He's as cool as a cucumber."
Little Rock, Arkansas. 9.3.2024 - 3.04pm.
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getoutofthisplace · 12 days
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
I didn't take a picture today, but Gus used my phone to take this one. He wanted to document the inside of his "house." Today is Labor Day, and we mostly hung out around the house.
[I'm posting nine days late and can't remember much about what we did today. Without this blog/habit of posting a photo every day I would probably have no recollection of entire years of my life.]
Little Rock, Arkansas. 9.2.2024 - 10.32am.
SIDENOTE: More of Gus's photos on his Instagram here.
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