ghosttotheparty · 3 hours
ok as part of my job I have to make a lot of follow-up calls (not cold calls) to elder millennials/young gen-xers and it has me wondering
*edit: if a business/unknown number is calling/not a friend or relative
feel free to leave your age in the tags too
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ghosttotheparty · 2 days
For example, if you're speaking to a receptionist at a medical practice or calling idk your insurance company
I was going to specify "the first time" but then I realized I'm actually more likely to spell my name automatically if I know they're looking it up in a set of records
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ghosttotheparty · 3 days
random life updates for anyone interested:
- starting my last year of university next week; beyond freaked out bc idk what im doing with my life, but finding little mercies in the mundane to keep me sane. coffee, kissing my dogs nose, waving at babies in shops, etc. i have yet to start my dissertation but i have shifted my original plan from ai ‘art’ and why it sucks to the importance of having an open mind when it comes to dadaism and the idea of what art is in general. this is mainly due to lack of resources around generative ai in regards to the art community
- started a website for my artwork! still have to pay for the domain name, but i have a few blog entries and a portfolio and a page for commissions. i have to contact my aunt, who i did three commissions for this summer and who has yet to pay me, because i want to use the money from those comms to pay for the domain and starter inventory for my shop, where im hoping to sell prints and stickers
- travelled overseas by myself for the first time this summer, and got a (kind of) job! i actually enjoyed the flights (i watched bottoms for the first time!) and security was not as scary as it used to be. (is it bc im on medication now? probably but also the airports were fairly quiet (which was crazy bc i left from heathrow) and i had direct flights which was nice). i worked in a local art gallery and gift shop in retail and i got to help set up an exhibition and it was a rly great opportunity to meet artists and get experience in retail. i found that im fantastic at chit chatting with people and definitely have a chameleon effect w southern accents.
- got officially diagnosed with tourette’s. will i be writing another eddie w tics fic bc of this? mayhaps
- started digital art and have been working on it fairly regularly; still trying to figure out an art style but i think i might be getting there— i finally got an apple pencil (everyone say thank you robins grandma) which has been marvellous
- learned how to crochet; i cannot for the life of me read crochet patterns so ive only made a hat for my brother (using a youtube video as guidance), half a scarf bc i ran out of yarn, and a small throw blanket, but it’s v fun to just fidget while watching movies and stuff— im going to make another hat for my brothers xmas gift using yarn from my friend
- i found that i am crazy good at recognising voices; my grandparents listen to almost exclusively classical music so they started playing pandora radios during dinner while i was with them, and my darling grandfather would quiz me about who the artist was and what the song was called. i often would name the artist based on their voice (usually only knowing one song by them) but wouldn’t know the song and usually hadn’t even heard the song before. my grandpa was continually impressed. he’s my #1 hypeman
photos from my summer:
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1. one of the commissions for my aunt; peter rabbit for her upstairs area with bookshelves.
2. my grandpa preparing some figs left by their next door neighbor; i found that my dislike of fig newtons is just my dislike of figs. but they were pretty.
3. went on a ‘moth walk’ with my grandparents; there’s an arboretum near their house, and some people showed up to listen to a moth expert talk about moths. he’d set up equipment to attract moths and it was sososo fun. this is one of the moths (i don’t recall what it was called, but the leader had his own nicknames for them all) that i got to hold. i also got to hold a firefly for the first time. it was magical.
4. my grandma is a quilter— this is her piecing together a small quilt that we made together for a friend of mine that had a baby recently.
can’t think of any more updates but i’ve realised that i’m spending more time on twitter these days than i am on tumblr so <3
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ghosttotheparty · 3 days
in a kinder world i live in an i spy page
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ghosttotheparty · 3 days
hi if ur unaware georgia 🇬🇪 (where i live) has officially banned gay marriage, gay ‘propaganda’, gender reassignment surgery and anything ’promoting’ it. a trans model, kesaria abramidze, has been murdered as a direct consequence of this legislation. if you have a queer georgian in your life pls let them know they are loved and let this solidify why we Need pride and hope cause jesus fuck man
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ghosttotheparty · 10 days
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ghosttotheparty · 19 days
It's with a heavy but hopeful heart that I watch Palestinian families fundraiser on here, slowly accumulating the precious little money to go around that they need to survive. However, not everyone is so lucky. A lot of Palestinians that have not had that kind of luck, that did not get early verification, that did not get massive platforms behind them from large bloggers, have approached me in my inbox, asking me kindly to do what I can for them. It kills me that I have so little to give myself, but I've seen this platform collectively raise enough to change someone's life. I've made a list of Palestinian fundraisers that are extremely low on funds, in the hope that drawing attention to people who have not been lucky at all can help turn that luck around. I know most of us can't possibly give enough to get all of these families safe in one go. But please, reblog this list. Pick one or two fundraisers, give what you can, and then keep track of it. Slowly, collectively, we can make a difference in these people's lives. Share and donate as much as you can. https://docs.google.com/document/d/178EGDFKkHlh3y4TMVX82kqgITHsqtoMdNccI2f_94Os/edit?usp=sharing
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ghosttotheparty · 24 days
I know i’m functionally a gay DARE officer at this point but I do in fact feel some sort of way about Cocaine being back in vogue. Surely I sound like a square + narc and I’ll concede ok do whatever you want, nobody can materially stop another person from using drugs if they really want to 🤷🏻 I don’t really care that it’s hip to do party drugs, moreso I want to articulate a general level of caution and concern that I never see a sidecar of harm reduction and safe using practices along with the commonplace clips of people straight up snorting coke I’ve seen for “brat summer!!!1!!”
You 🫵 are not immune to ingesting fentanyl or any number of other additives. Do you think drugs at the gay club are different than the drugs people are taking under bridges and in gutters? I promise they’re not! So if you want to use drugs and continue being alive, do your part to be safe. Protecting yourself protects others and your community.
Do not accept drugs from strangers. Test your drugs with fentanyl test strips. Carry narcan and know how to administer it. Never use alone. Have an exit strategy if you’re using drugs in a public space. Know the contact information for your local harm reduction groups, overdose emergency hotline, and if you need/want it, addiction treatment orgs. This is all the bare minimum for community care if you intend to be out in the world using drugs. Mainly I encourage you all to be buzzkills if it means you don’t have to die of an accidental overdose. Overdose is the leading cause of death for Americans under 40. I have a whole lot of social workers in my network and however bad you think the synthetic opioid crisis is, it’s worse. The war stories I’ve heard from my people on the ground are… The shit of nightmares. Don’t let it be you or anybody you love.
If you live in the state of Georgia, DM me for a longer list of resources.
Fentanyl information (harm reduction.org)
Get Narcan
How to use fentanyl test strips
Call 311 to find out where to get Narcan in your community at no cost to you
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ghosttotheparty · 27 days
I saw this while scrolling
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And I know a lot of social media’s response to this will be to call women stupid bitch Karens for being married to Trump voters in the first place, because the internet hates women, but think about how misogynistic Republican men are, and how violent/threatening they are. Think of the Republican men who went to 1/6, and the ones who show up to rallies with rifles. Think of how many Republicans are cops, and the amount of cops who are domestic abusers. Do you really think Republican men are not dangerous to the women and children in their lives?
It should go without saying, but if you’re afraid of your partner finding out who you voted for, you need to get out of that relationship. That’s easier said than done, though, so in the meantime, know that who you actually vote for is not public information. Your voter registration information is public, meaning the fact that you’re registered, what party you’re affiliated with, and that you voted. But no one knows who you voted for in a given election, and you do not need to vote for the party you’re affiliated with in a general election. It’s possible to be a registered Republican and vote for Democrats.
More information here:
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ghosttotheparty · 28 days
visitor at our museum made a comment today that made me question a lot of things so i'm making a poll about it
the scenario: it is a beautiful day outside and by beautiful i of course mean "cloudy with a chance of rain". sky is gray. smells rainy. possibly already drizzling. you don't really know How rainy it's going to get, but there will definitely be Sky Water happening for a good portion of the day.
also feel free to mention where you're from, if you think it's relevant or just want to give a shout out to your location
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ghosttotheparty · 29 days
this is on redbubble now!!
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ghost king
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ghosttotheparty · 30 days
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ghosttotheparty · 1 month
Im a 19 year old ballpen artist and college student
Please read this till the end
I will draw everyone who tips (donates) a small amount to me
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Hi guys
In a 19 year old ballpen artist
Im also a college student who is trying his best to meet ends
I've spent my last budget for this blaze
I have been drawing for last 5 years
I just do it for passion
I never tried to make money from it
You can checkout my twitter(smx111_) and instagram(thekofiartist.io)
You can see my old posts there
I used to post rarely without trying hard to go viral or get likes
I eventually stopped posting my art because many bots started following me and i also had no interest in social media likes either
Today I'm posting after after a long time due to some unfortunate circumstances in my life
I finally decided to use my art to help me with my situations
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Im opening my commission for anyone who'd like a art piece made by me (A4 size)
I'll spend 12 -15 hours on the drawing to make sure it looks best
I've mentioned my prices above
I know not many people can afford the price I've mentioned(150$)
So im also doing Quick sketches for anyone who is interested and wants to support
I will draw a quick 30-90min sketch of any pic you want in my style for everyone who tips a small amount to my kofi (minimum 5$)
If you like my art please like and share
Even a small effort will help me a lot
Here's my kofi link for anyone who wants to support me
Please understand this is something I'd never normally do
I never wanted to make my art viral to make money
I've blazed this post as a last choice because I don't have much time and i was getting desperate
Please understand that I'm not proud of myself for this but if you like to support i will happily and Dedicatedly draw a beautiful sketch for you.
#handmade #artgallery #happy #portrait #cute #beauty #tattoo #creative #ink #abstractart #sketchbook #paint #artistsontumblr
#art #artist #artwork #drawing #sketch #beautiful #artoftheday #fanart #draw
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ghosttotheparty · 1 month
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ghost king
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ghosttotheparty · 1 month
happy PRIDE i’m here i’m queer and i believe the land should be given back to the proper indigenous stewards.
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ghosttotheparty · 1 month
hi friends i have a new redbubble shop! its currently my steddie art pieces, but im planning on adding whatever fandom stuff i happen to make :)
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ghosttotheparty · 1 month
im making this post to help support the fundraiser of @falestine-yousef, a 36 year old woman from gaza who is trying to save her family.
falestine's home was destroyed by the idf and her and her family have been made homeless. she recently gave birth to her son yousef during the war and had to immediately move into a tent where there is no access to clean water, food, sanitation, or really anything that a newborn child or mother need. so many women in gaza have had to give birth in the absolute worst conditions that are extremely dangerous, so it is urgent to raise money for this family. prices for everyday items like food and clean water are exorbitantly high and every donation can make a difference. her elderly parents are both suffering from health issues and need treatment that is simply unavailable in gaza right now. its so horrific that so many people have lost everything, so please donate and help this family.
this is a verified fundraiser. falestine is the sister of a few other people who have been fundraising on here for their families, and that is why they have photos of some of the same people in their posts. ive seen some confusion about her campaign so i want to make it clear this is a legit campaign and you should not hesitate to contribute. more information here on her family members campaigns, which you should donate to also
$10,729 raised of $40,000
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