hellbent-punk-blog · 7 years
“What? No. It’s not that kind of question.”
Chloe was actually a tad shocked at te quick shut down. At the mention about the money, she rolled her eyes. Reaching into her coat pocket, she pulled out a stack of bills. Probably stolen in all honesty. Five hundred dollars. “That’s all I have right now.” She muttered, tossing it on the table before she leaned back in her chair.
"Hey Frank. I've got a question."
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   The only time Chloe’s not being an antagonistic little shit is when she wants something. She’s got a knack for dialing up that charm to ten, or twisting a little knife of guilt right where it’s gonna sting most. When all he’s got to offer is drugs, sex, or money—with one’a them completely off the table—it don’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what she’s scratching for this time. “I told you no more handouts. Pay up or get outta my trailer.” 
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hellbent-punk-blog · 7 years
Okay but like. I would kill for a thread with Chloe in the dark room with Nathan or Jefferson someone please do this with me. I’ll buy you a Big Mac.
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hellbent-punk-blog · 7 years
Random starters: Fainting/unconscious edition
"Wake up... please wake up..."
"Hey, are you okay? You seem a bit faint..."
"N-no no! Stay with me now!"
"Keep breathing, you'll be fine."
"Oh! You're awake! You've been out for so long-!"
"I found you unconscious back there. What happened?"
"Hey, are you alright over there?!"
"We found you in a horrid state.. but we patched you up as best we could!"
"Don't try to move. Just get some rest, okay?"
"Oh, I guess you weren't dead after all."
"Hey! This one finally woke up! Get me a doctor!"
"Shh... take it easy, there's no rush. You were passed out for a long time, you see."
"Ow.. my aching-"
"Ugh... where...?"
"Help me.. someone..."
"I can't hold on... fading away.."
"What happened? Where is this-!"
"Gah! S-stay away from m-me! I don't know who you are!"
"Did.. did you save me back there? Thanks.. I guess."
"I was passed out for that long?!"
"Help me up.. please help me up..."
"What happened to me anyways? I feel so lightheaded..."
"Am I in a hospital? I wasn't here before.."
"Where is everyone? How long was I gone?!"
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hellbent-punk-blog · 7 years
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It looks so freaking good today now that the redness has gone down. 
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hellbent-punk-blog · 7 years
Chloe gave a tiny smile, moving to walk over towards the truck. Moving to pull herself into the passengers side, she shoved the last of her cookie in her mouth, blue eyes flickering towards Max. She watched the doe eyes female, putting her keys into the ignition for Max.
Turning on the truck, she leaned back, letting the radio vibrate the seat against her back, blasting the cd she had in. Firewalks songs. She leaned her head back for a second, letting out a slow breath. Resting her hand on her lap, she winced a bit.
don’t you dare touch me
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hellbent-punk-blog · 7 years
Chloe had just woken up from a nightmare, only to see the female leaving. On instinct she ran up, throwing her arms around Max and burying her face into the others skin. She tightened her grip at feeling the light strokes along her back, a shaky laugh escaping her. “R—Right. I knew that-“ She muttered, pulling back just a bit to give the other some room, resting her arms along the others shoulders. “Sorry. I just...Yeah-“ She muttered, blue hues flickering away.
Pin My Muse! // Not Accepting
Send “DONT” to pin my muse against the wall to prevent them from LEAVING
Max turned around with enough time to catch Chloe as she barreled into her. “W-Whoa!” she exclaimed as she hit the wall, Chloe’s arms around her neck and her head in her shoulder. Max was shocked for a few seconds, then slowly reached up her hands and stroked against Chloe’s back, half-smiling. “Hey… I’m just going to get something from the truck… I’ll be right back…”
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hellbent-punk-blog · 7 years
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Guess who just got back from her first tattoo?
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hellbent-punk-blog · 7 years
Chloe glanced towards Kate with a small smile, biting her lip. “Thanks. Maybe I should try it.” She murmured as she looked up towards the other.
Chloe let out a soft chuckle as she heard the other. “It’s alright, I guess. It’s not home anymore though.” She said with a shrug, pushing her door open. Her mom must’ve picked up a bit. “Guess mom cleaned.” She muttered, moving to walk in and sit on the edge of the bed. Her blue eyes flickered around the room, then towards Kate again. “It’s a pretty nice set up. Took me a while to actually figure out how I wanted my room.” She murmured, a small smile on her lips as she ooked up towards the drawings on the walls. Chloe had talent, it just never got used. It was wasted, just like most of the things in her life. 
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hellbent-punk-blog · 7 years
Chloe tilted her head a bit, looking towards the drawingns again. “You think so?” She muttered, sitting up a bit in her bed.
Chloe let out a soft chuckle as she heard the other. “It’s alright, I guess. It’s not home anymore though.” She said with a shrug, pushing her door open. Her mom must’ve picked up a bit. “Guess mom cleaned.” She muttered, moving to walk in and sit on the edge of the bed. Her blue eyes flickered around the room, then towards Kate again. “It’s a pretty nice set up. Took me a while to actually figure out how I wanted my room.” She murmured, a small smile on her lips as she ooked up towards the drawings on the walls. Chloe had talent, it just never got used. It was wasted, just like most of the things in her life. 
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hellbent-punk-blog · 7 years
Pin my muse!
Send “UNF” to pin my muse against the wall with DESIRE
Send “UGH” to pin my muse against the wall from FURY
Send “DONT” to pin my muse against the wall to prevent them from LEAVING
Send “AH” to pin my muse against the wall but letting a RANDOMIZER choose
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hellbent-punk-blog · 7 years
“Nathan?” Chloe’s voice shook as she saw the absence of emotion in the males eyes, her back pressed against the wall as her blue hues flickered between the space flooding the two, then back towards Nathan. When Justin had dragged her to this stupid party, he neglected to mention that Nathan Prescott would be there. Much less, Chloe’s temper would get the best of her after a few shots of vodka. Everything had happened so damn fast, she couldn’t even remember what she had said or how the two had ended up in an isolated room away from the party goers. Fear flooded her hues, remembering the bathroom at Blackwell. Did...he have a gun? 
Her heart sped up, her breathing hitching slightly as she stood up a bit straighter, in hopes to intimidate him or at least put more space between them. “Fuck, dude, I didn’t mean that shit- You’re not like your dad-” Her eyes flickered towards the door, contemplating running. No. What good would running do if he had a gun? Her frail hands moved up a bit, staying in the air by her chest. Her fingers trembled along with her shuddering breath, panic settling deep into her lungs. 
Things could go south so quick. One wrong move, one wrong word could set Nathan off. Swallowing hard, she moved her hands down just a tad, fingertips touching his shoulders now. It was pretty easy to see what she was planning to do. Push him off and run. It’d give her more of a chance than standing here frozen with fear. 
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hellbent-punk-blog · 7 years
Interact with this for a sorta lengthy starter cause I’m feeling a writing mood!
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hellbent-punk-blog · 7 years
Chloe chuckled, nodding a bit. “It’s pretty different.” She mused out, her blue hues locked on the brunette infront of her. Though, as Max took the cookie with the remark, a laugh passed through her. “Max, they’re not gonna feed me there. So, I have to eat before.” She teased, shoving one in her mouth with a shrug. “Yeah. I guess I’ll go.” She muttered, a light tease to her tone as she glanced down towards her hand. Honestly, she was stalling. She hated hospitals They terrified her. Her father had died in one, after all. Since then, she wasn’t too keen on hanging out at them. 
Steping towards the door, she rested her hand on the doorknob, frail fingers hesitating before turning the knob to pull open the wood framed door. “Alright. Uh, I guess I could shift if you’d want to drive.” She offered, glancing towards Max again. It was pretty nice out. The wind whipped in through the open door, bringing in the cool air, that wasn’t too cold or too hot. Clouds lined the sky, almost perfectly matching the atmosphere between the two earlier. Stepping out of the house, she took a deep breath of the cool air. Her eyes flickered back to Max, almost as if she was admiring her now. 
“Hey. Thanks for...everything. People don’t usually let me...” She trailed off, hinting at what had happened. She didn’t break down, she was a tough girl who numbed everything away. In a way, she was embarrassed. She looked up to Max, she didn’t want to soil her reputation with her closest friend. 
don’t you dare touch me
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hellbent-punk-blog · 7 years
Chloe blinked, looking towards the other. “They’re..not that good.” She muttered as she bit her lip in thought. “They’re just...doodles. Sometimes my brain works too fast and I draw to get it out.”
Chloe let out a soft chuckle as she heard the other. “It’s alright, I guess. It’s not home anymore though.” She said with a shrug, pushing her door open. Her mom must’ve picked up a bit. “Guess mom cleaned.” She muttered, moving to walk in and sit on the edge of the bed. Her blue eyes flickered around the room, then towards Kate again. “It’s a pretty nice set up. Took me a while to actually figure out how I wanted my room.” She murmured, a small smile on her lips as she ooked up towards the drawings on the walls. Chloe had talent, it just never got used. It was wasted, just like most of the things in her life. 
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hellbent-punk-blog · 7 years
Chloe bit her lip, looking up at the wall. “Yeah. I draw sometimes.” She shrugged a bit, sitting up to look up at the drawings. She never really thought about it much. They were just drawings to her.
Chloe let out a soft chuckle as she heard the other. “It’s alright, I guess. It’s not home anymore though.” She said with a shrug, pushing her door open. Her mom must’ve picked up a bit. “Guess mom cleaned.” She muttered, moving to walk in and sit on the edge of the bed. Her blue eyes flickered around the room, then towards Kate again. “It’s a pretty nice set up. Took me a while to actually figure out how I wanted my room.” She murmured, a small smile on her lips as she ooked up towards the drawings on the walls. Chloe had talent, it just never got used. It was wasted, just like most of the things in her life. 
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hellbent-punk-blog · 7 years
Chloe leaned against Max, her eyes fluttering shut for a moment before opening them up again. She laughed softly, moving to stand on her own as she chuckled. “Never, ever, go through your parents bedside drawers.” She murmured, moving to walk towards the door. Upon hearing Max, Chloe bit her cheek as if she was already mulling over her options. Her mom would either be understanding or disappointed. She sighed and walked out of her room, down the stairs.
“Can you drive a truck, Max?” She teased, stopping by the kitchen first. Food over anything else. She snagged a couple cookies her mom had left, offering one to Max. “Road snack.” She murmured with a smile, her hand up near her chest, the other now holding the cookies.
don’t you dare touch me
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hellbent-punk-blog · 7 years
Chloe felt her heart pick up speed at the soft lips against her skin, causing her cheeks to flush. Her blue eyes adverted for a moment, her hands shifting a bit. Rachel’s father had been right all those years ago. Chloe was a broken girl from a broken home. A broken life. A person could only take so much heart break before they resorted to numbing agents. Drugs, drinking, hooking up into meaningless relationships. But, she still craved happiness and affection.
And being with Max had made her feel again. Happiness, anger, fear, sadness, pain. Every feeling out there has hit her this week. Her blue eyes locked onto Max again with a laugh, hearing the joke. She moved to wipe any remains of tears from Max’s cheeks, laughing. “His box of viagra lunged in after us! There was no escape!” She laughed out, her eyes softening a bit.
She moved to stand up with a groan, cradling her hand against her chest. Now that the anger and adrenaline was gone, it hurt like hell. She sighed shakily, glancing towards the wall again.
don’t you dare touch me
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