hhheaven-help-me · 6 years
hey so protip if you have abusive parents and need to get around the house as quietly as possible, stay close to furniture and other heavy stuff because the floor is settled there and it’s less likely to creak
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hhheaven-help-me · 6 years
Reblog, click the picture, and prepare for battle.
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hhheaven-help-me · 6 years
i think anyone who’s every used the internet has seen this picture at least once
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hhheaven-help-me · 6 years
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hhheaven-help-me · 6 years
I am an earthly goddess,
My soul, sleeps among
The marble saints that preside
Over cemeteries, they say
The dead have no secrets, but then
Why, do they whisper to me? Their voices
Carried like ribbons, escaping sighs
From the nearest tree boughs. I am a sharp
edged thing, like the crescent moon mother,
I am a scythe, my light is something
That cuts, because all my life,
All I’ve been taught to do is bleed.
Soil rests beneath my fingertips, leftover
Blood, from when I tried to carve
My name into my rotten ribcage,
To prove to myself that I own a body,
That I am not just a residual haunting.
But when I dug into my chest, all I could find
Were worms, and the memory
Of flowers,
That used to bloom,
I used, to bloom.
Sometimes I remember, when i was young,
I used to speak to the stars.
They never had much to say,
But then again, what could they have to offer?
Other than advice on what it’s like
To witness yourself die,
And yet, still be trapped inside
The light of your own ghost.
Your death, on display
For an entire galaxy to see -
Your resting place, nothing more, than
A memorium
Of a once beautiful
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hhheaven-help-me · 6 years
I don’t want my girlfriend to starve to death. Please help me. Her family won’t have money for another two weeks. They’re already late on rent, are out of food, and will run out of toilet paper.
My girlfriend is a poor lesbian. I love her more than life itself. She makes every day just a little bit brighter. Her and her very small little siblings don’t deserve to starve because of a fuck up. 
Literally ANY money would help. Fifty cents. A dollar. Two dollars. Literally anything, so that I can buy her the bare necessities. 
This is her paypal.  
If you guys can give money to a fucking idiot pedophile racist to eat a bundle of crayons, you can help a lesbian survive. 
If you can’t donate, then REBLOG. DONT JUST LEAVE LIKES.
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hhheaven-help-me · 6 years
Wanna prove a point hi
Can everyone that have an eating disorder , depression or self harm between the age of 13-15 reblog or like this because I want to prove a point to my friend that people under 16 can have an eating disorder , depression or self harm
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hhheaven-help-me · 6 years
debating over coconut sharks
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hhheaven-help-me · 6 years
Guys, please please please keep Brazil in your prayers and keep an eye on us.
Today we had the elections and the candidate who’s winning is extremely sexist, homophobic, white supremacist that supports dictatorships and that everything should be solved with guns (he’s also a former member of military).
He has said that women aren’t fit to work bc they can get pregnant, that the reason he had a female child was because he was “weak” when making the baby, that “gayness” is a product of parents not beating their children enough, that the biggest mistake of the horrible dictatorship our country lived in the 60’s was torturing instead of killing, etc.
So far, his hateful speeches have sparked a massive hateful following of people who idolize him and there have been numerous cases of these people doing terrible things in his name. For instance, groups of people chanting on the streets that he will kill gays (a slur was used), people taking pictures using guns in the voting cabin, hacking a fb group of women against this man, his supporters shot and killed a dog for “disrupting” their event and more.
The mainly white male following has spread inummerous fake news about other candidates and are convinced that nazism was a leftist movement and use this info to demonize the main contender, who’s a leftist. This caused the german embassy to release a statement informing them that it was (obviously) actually a right wing movement. Not surprisingly, as radical right wingers, they do not believe it. That, coupled with his VP talk of “race whitening” doesn’t shock anyone here.
The elections will soon be over and he’s winning with a 20% gap. I am completely desolate. I don’t know what to do, how life’s gonna be for me and my friends. I’ve never been more scared in my life. My country is recognized all over the world for its freedom, but we’re about to enter very very dark times.
Please, don’t forget us.
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hhheaven-help-me · 6 years
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Some Stock Photo Sign Reminders To The RPC From Your Friendly Neighborhood Psychotic Because As Much As I Love Halloween I Am Actively Scared Of This Shit!!
happy goddamn halloween (some of these have captions)
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hhheaven-help-me · 6 years
Sometimes I just start singing and my mom joins in
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hhheaven-help-me · 6 years
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little study date this morn ⛅️☀️ // ig: isabellaspud
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hhheaven-help-me · 6 years
trying to prove a point to the boys at school
reblog this if you believe trans men are real men like this if you dont
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hhheaven-help-me · 6 years
Shout out to all your internet friends who are gone.
Those messenger screen names that haven’t logged on in ages, some before detailed profiles were a thing on those services.
Those emails that are long since abandoned, some with domains that no longer exist.
Those online friends you knew years ago and who then helped shaped you in some way, who you just can’t FIND anymore.
Those people who once were, and hopefully still exist IRL, that seem to have no known internet life anymore.
And those who have actually passed on, and their online lives are now a memorial to them.
I miss you all. I hope life is/was kind to you, and maybe one day, we’ll somehow connect again.
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hhheaven-help-me · 6 years
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tag urself i’m the golden god
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hhheaven-help-me · 6 years
To the tune of YMCA
Your a moth and a man
I said
Your a man whose a moth
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hhheaven-help-me · 6 years
bee's know the earth is round
More people think the Earth is flat in 2018 than in 1492.
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