ionianwanderer · 2 months
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*taps mic* so how about that odyssey kaynsuo am i right fellas
variants under the cut
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ionianwanderer · 2 months
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Name: Yasȕ̶͚̣̤͎͝o̶̮͋͒͒̐ ?̶̢̠̥̘͋?̸̘̪̎̈̊̅ͅ?̷̭͗̿͒̈́?̵̥͖̒̄͛͊?̷̝̳̮̖͊͝?̸̣́ Age: ??? (Appears to be... mid 20s) Team: U̶̧̖̍N̴̜̐̊K̵̝̳̼͔̇N̷͕͖͝O̴̯͚͝Ẅ̶͙̥̹̺́͐͗N̶͇̭̬̊̾͆
Hobby: Kendo Favorite Food: Okonomiyaki Favorite Subject: Art
Proficiency: Swordsmanship & Rescue Tactics
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A long forgotten member of a team lost to time, Yasuo strives to save other guardians and have them avoid the same fate he’s suffering.
No one knows what happened to the team that Yasuo belonged to, nor does he care to talk about it-- there’s speculation though, there always is. Some people say he lost his brother and watched him burn out to nothing trying to save him from something bigger than their team could handle. Others say he’s the sole survivor of another galaxy’s team before he could be fully corrupted. Whatever it is, he doesn’t dare to talk about it. But he holds a martyrdom in his soul as he does what he can to save others from burning themselves out. If Yasuo is around your team, you are in good hands.
While still having a lingering connection to the First Star, there’s no doubt that corruption courses through him. He tries his best to fend it off and while it does worm its way through sometimes… It’s nothing to worry about! He’ll reassure you of that. 
Meet his Magical Medium - Kaiyo
This dragon is quite the feisty little thing! Born of Yasuo’s prowess for battle and his need to prove himself (a little bit of his hotheadedness as well) it loves to jump right into the fight. Kaiyo, when not raring to go taking the form of Yasuo’s katana, enjoys hanging out in the scarf around his neck and napping there until something piques its interest.
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ionianwanderer · 2 months
⚔️ continued from here | @umbane
Mind his tongue? The warning makes the corner of Yauso’s lips twitch amused, a breath forced through his nose as he turns his gaze elsewhere. While the prospect had been tantalizing at one point in his journey Yasuo has learned from his own wounds honed by pride, for better or for worse-- that has yet to reveal itself. Maybe he hadn’t been clear with the impudence he held for the Order thoroughly enough the last few times he’s encountered Kayn like this. Nevertheless, he hates repeating himself, especially when he stands firm in his decision. Yasuo shifts his weight, turning his face away from the other man.
“Perhaps ask me another day then,” he replies flippantly, reaching behind him before calloused fingers free the bamboo flask secured to his lower hip. Yasuo still doesn’t necessarily give Kayn the grace of a straight answer, a part of him finding it amusing to see how far he’s willing to chase him to get the answer he’s looking for. The flask touches against his lips before he’s knocking back what little liquor he had saved in it, feeling the liquid burn down his throat with a small sigh of relief. “I’m not feeling any more reasonable than the previous instances. I tend to not fancy myself a coward.”
While he doesn’t move his head, hazel eyes focus on Kayn from the side with brows raised, guessing silently to see what comes out of his mouth next. Yasuo gestures vaguely with flask in hand, “I also don’t fancy myself a pawn.”
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ionianwanderer · 2 months
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also sorry but i was talking to alfio and another friend about ezsuo and fuckign , yasuo asking yone to wingman for him in music verse but ezreal decides to just pursue yasuo out of his own will anyways so it's just .
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ionianwanderer · 2 months
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are you?
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ionianwanderer · 2 months
thinking abt yasuo bothering yone to help him wingman getting with ezreal in musicverse
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ionianwanderer · 2 months
riot Gamies is vague about it but what do you think happened between high noon yone and yasuo i want to know ur thoughts bruther
From what crumbs Riot has given us about Yasuo’s High Noon skin pre the revamp of the skinline to include Southern Gothic aspects, it ties with his original lore pretty closely: A man trying to outrun the sins and the guilt he carries on his back. But with the introduction of Yone into the universe things tend to shake up a little bit more. So for my interpretation of the two:
A tale of two brothers heading west for new opportunities, nothing unheard of for those migrating across the eastern settlement. But to leave the humble little town their mother had settled in along with the ranch they’ve known since they were kids, it hadn’t come as a surprise for Yasuo to be the one setting out on his own first. Only for Yone to follow suit out of growing concern to protect his only sibling. So out west they went.
As time went on, the two made themselves a little life catching odd jobs in every town they stopped in through their travels. Wasn’t a fruitful life but it was what they could consider comfortable as they went about their journey westward. All this until Yasuo manages to catch the eyes of a few folks that weren’t too keen on the two brothers strutting into town. 
Something that Yasuo always found comfort in was the saloons in each stop of their journey, this was no different. Settling in at one of the many wooden tables among the rest of the patrons before a bottle of rum was placed on his table. Much to Yasuo’s detriment, he’d managed to settle himself exactly where a few of the regulars had carved their names into the edge of the heavy oak, and they weren’t too fond of finding the cowboy in their rightfully claimed abode. What results is a fight between the four of them, at first the snide comments turning to shoving and chairs being pushed over. Escalating further when one smashes a bottle against a table and threatens Yasuo with it, something he never took kindly to. And as the wild and reckless little brother he’d always been, Yasuo shoots first. The saloon erupts into more chaos then as the man lay bleeding and clutching the wound dealt by Yasuo’s trigger happy finger. Before long Yasuo’s gone, taking off through the Saloon doors and past Yone as he races towards the source of the chaos.
It makes Yone skid to a stop, kicking up dust and dirt as his body snaps towards the direction Yasuo ran. Men pour out from the Saloon and past him as Yone divides their numbers like a rock parting a stream, legs heavy as he watches onward. Questions racing through his mind until he’s shouldered roughly by another man who tells him Yasuo’s getting away. That’s when Yone moves, racing through the stampede after his own flesh and blood in order to grab him, set him straight, find out what happened and why he did it. But he never does quite make it to him.
Yasuo, who had been quick witted enough to cut a horse free from its post, climbs upon the beast’s back and hikes the reins high before snapping them harshly. Setting off galloping straight out of the town and kicking up the dust of regret in his escape. There’s a moment, as he braces himself low against the saddle, where he rears his head back over his shoulder to watch as they try to shoot him. Finding Yone, standing among the very men that now wanted him dead, still as can be, unbelieving that this is the thing that severs the tie between them. Yasuo squeezes his eyes shut when he turns to face the horizon as he snaps the reins once more. 
Yone never finds him again after that.
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ionianwanderer · 2 months
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"Alright, Yone, you're time is up. Only one of us gets to be Dirty Dan."
— @ionianwanderer
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                    ❛   JUST   LIKE   OL'   TIMES   ,   BROTHER   —   I'LL   GIVE   YOU   WHAT   FOR   .   ❜
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ionianwanderer · 2 months
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this gif is them at each other when one of them does or says something wack
correct, followed by dragging each other within an inch of their life thank u
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ionianwanderer · 3 months
towering 10 feet over him : ' brother ............. '
"i didnt kill you because you were chasing me down for schmurdering elder Souma i killed u because ur taller than me and thats not fair."
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ionianwanderer · 3 months
Yasuo tries so hard to keep the facade, the front he himself had learned was quite easier to cling to than allowing the cracks within him to show. Too tired to show how deeply he'd been affected by it all and covered it all up with long years of the best liquor Ionia had to offer. This is starting to make him sick.
He swallows the lump that had taken residency in his throat. All the while trying to hold her gaze, dipping his head to the side when the dread sinks it's tendrils further as she speaks. The ache in his soul close to rupture. Yasuo finally sighs, relinquishes the forced politeness he chose to greet Irelia with.
"Ionia has nothing left for me." It was the most confident he's sounded so far. A hand reaching to rub against the stubble along his jaw awkwardly and stiff still, his head shaking gently. What more would befall him here either way? There was nothing-- nothing he wanted to look back on.
"Even with..." Yasuo's words trail off before he sighs. His gaze finding her's once more-- looking more like a wounded dog now more than ever. "There is no place for me in Navori any longer," he says, words forced past his lips as if they pained him to admit it aloud.
wayward blade. ft. @ionianwanderer
As soon as her voice graces his ears, Yasuo stiffens. The dread that slowly seeped into him afterward was his and his alone. Words like that never bode well for a man like himself. His back is to her, shoulders drawn tense as a memory is picked from the many he tried to avoid and dropped to the forefront of his mind. Something from the worst months-- years of his god damn life. Things that he carries with himself to this day. She remembers him, and he does her, for better or for worse. He will have to see. "Yes..." Yasuo begins hesitantly, a tense smile forced across his lips as he turns his body towards her. "How could we not remember?" The rest of his words choke him, forming a lump in his throat and his thoughts.
the  blade  dancer  has  thought  about  how  this  meeting  might  play  out,  rehearsed  it  as  she  might  a  performance  upon  a  stage.  yet  compared  to  the  usual  kind  of  audience  she  deals  with..  a  singular  criminal  may  be  the  least  bone  chilling  in  a  long  time.  he  has the  right  to  be  nervous,  irelia  muses  wryly  to  herself.  it's  as  if  she  has  her  infamous blades  raised,  the  way  yasuo  looks  at  her.  indeed,  the  captain's  head  is  raised  to  look  squarely  at  his  face,  a dancer's posture  combined with a leader's self assurance; exuding  that  confidence  she's  grown  so  used  to  faking.
⠀⠀⠀⠀“  indeed,  the  war  has  created  bitter  memories  for  us  all,  ones  we  are  keen  to  forget  &  yet  are  unlikely  to  ever  succeed  in  doing  so.  ”  giving  a  small  nod  as  she  gives  voice  to  her  assent,  quiet and melodious  voice  harmonizing  with  a  somber  undertone.  she  remembers  that  day  in  the  council's  halls  well.  though  irelia  was  not  a  speaker,  she  had  been  in  the  audience  which  oversaw  yasuo's  official  judgement,  the  pardon  seemingly  lifting  no  weight  from  the  man's  tired  shoulders.  grief  ages  you  in  a  way  that  time  cannot  heal  so  easily,  this  irelia  knows  well  indeed.
⠀⠀⠀⠀“  there  are  some  things  that  must  never  be  forgiven.  ”  delivered  in  any  other  way,  her  statement  would be  as  frigid  as  ice;  but  irelia  softens  the  blow  with  a  smile  of  her  own,  returning  that  awkward  grimace  with  a  gentler  one of her own.  “  but  you  are  the  only  one  who  may  choose  to  do  so  for  yourself,  yasuo.  will  you  choose  to  wander  forever?  ”
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ionianwanderer · 4 months
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└ And I'm not here to be The saviour you long for— Only the one you don't ┐
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╒ Are you watching me with eyes of a predator As you move towards the door? ╕
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The Weapon of the Faithful, Aphelios & The Boss, Sett Penned by R and Alfio
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ionianwanderer · 4 months
❛ i remember you. ❜ - canon v.
☀︎ poetry memes | @fervonian
As soon as her voice graces his ears, Yasuo stiffens. The dread that slowly seeped into him afterward was his and his alone. Words like that never bode well for a man like himself.
His back is to her, shoulders drawn tense as a memory is picked from the many he tried to avoid and dropped to the forefront of his mind. Something from the worst months-- years of his god damn life. Things that he carries with himself to this day. She remembers him, and he does her, for better or for worse. He will have to see.
"Yes..." Yasuo begins hesitantly, a tense smile forced across his lips as he turns his body towards her. "How could we not remember?" The rest of his words choke him, forming a lump in his throat and his thoughts.
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ionianwanderer · 4 months
high noon? throw back to the only time ive ever drawn highnoon yas
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ionianwanderer · 4 months
[ txt ] : おい、蜂蜜の言うことを聞くな。嘘ついてる
( hey , don't listen to the bees they're lying to you )
[ txt ] : don't tlet them take you too ??? have slef control for once innyourlife
-> [🤺🤺🤺]: honest to god, i want what ur having rn -> [🤺🤺🤺]: asking a lot from me to practice self control when ur typing like that
-> [🤺🤺🤺]: where tf are u idiot
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ionianwanderer · 4 months
"— so, I guess technically, it's not making the cicadas gay, but it's just making really horny, bisexual cicadas." He's been yapping about this new disease he heard about for half an hour now. "And, I mean, same, right?" Offering Yasuo a smile like he didn't just go on the weirdest tangent to date. "Anyways, wanna fuck?"
Yeah, this was hands down the weirdest one to date. Yasuo had crawled into bed with the intent of actually sleeping for once-- but he's no stranger to his boyfriend's tangents, plus sometimes they're actually really interesting.
This is not one of those times.
Yasuo presses his lips into a thin line, drawing a long breath through his nose while he turns towards the blond. He's gonna have to hold his hand for this one, grabbing hold of it with a vice grip as he begins to address him.
"Babe, light of my life, do you know what you just did right now?" He doesn't wait for an answer, holds up a finger to shush Ezreal before he even starts. "I'll tell you what you just did: you just explained to me how male cicadas are loosing one-third of their body to essentially grow a fungus butt plug that they rub all over other male cicadas."
Yasuo stares at him silently and when Ez tries to open his mouth again he shushes him, again. "AND THEN-- And then you ask me if I want to fuck?" Unfortunately, they both know the answer to this. Yasuo resigns to his fate.
"...Fine, yes. We can fuck."
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ionianwanderer · 4 months
❛ i remember you. ❜ - for main verse!
☀︎ poetry memes | @fearsgod
There was always something that had to catch him when he tries to relax. It never quite felt right to have someone say they remember him. There isn't anything worth remembering about Yasuo. And those that do, well, it never really works out in his favor these days. He'll entertain it, he always does either way.
"There's nothing I'd love to hear more," he begins, idly swirling his drink without even sparing the woman a glance, "--than for you to tell me how you know a bastard Ionian such as myself." Yasuo pauses, a heavy sigh leaving his nose before he holds a finger up to her. A gesture for her to not answer him quite yet. With a quick motion he downs the rest of his liquor before abandoning the empty glass on the bar.
With a wince, he finally turns his gaze unto her. "Go on."
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