iscariotapologist · 8 hours
O, you about whom much is said, but none for certain, are you the glint of evening copper that sets the river's face aflame, or the smoke-grey shadows that lengthen across the backlit transept of my father's riddled lungs? Is it your voice I hear in the blue throat of the bunting, or do you speak in tongues of fire that turn crop fields to cinder? Do you incense autumn wind with the must of grapes plucked from the vine, or is your breath the roil of earth and mud that flattens cities when the levees finally crumble? Do I taste you in the gold of honeysuckle sipped from the style, or in the tang of venom sucked warm from the wound?
Frank Paino, "The Agnostic's Prayer"
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iscariotapologist · 2 days
youre not rocking with my wheat offering?????
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iscariotapologist · 2 days
a lot of people have been hurt in the terror attacks in lebanon, i know this is a time where requests for donations are high and a lot of people are struggling financially. however, if you have something to spare please consider donating to the lebanese red cross, many people who have been injured or died in these attacks have been innocent civilians and hospitals have been overwhelmed with patients.
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iscariotapologist · 3 days
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text id: A not admitting of the wound (1188) by Emily Dickinson. // A not admitting of the wound / Until it grew so wide / That all my Life had entered it / And there were troughs beside — // A closing of the simple lid that opened to the sun / Until the tender Carpenter / Perpetual nail it down — /end id.
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iscariotapologist · 4 days
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iscariotapologist · 5 days
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Frank Paino, "John, the Beloved Disciple"
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iscariotapologist · 13 days
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Christ and Nikolai Gogol Eating Spaghetti by Andrei Bodko
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iscariotapologist · 15 days
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"Where were You, God?", Arthur Meschian (translated by Tathev Simonyan)
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iscariotapologist · 16 days
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Beholding, Strahan Coleman
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iscariotapologist · 17 days
im gods favorite open wound
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iscariotapologist · 18 days
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Caravaggio. 1990.    Wieslaw Walkuski. Polish. 1956 -    movie poster. http://hadrian6.tumblr.com
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iscariotapologist · 20 days
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Omar Sakr, The Lost Arabs
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iscariotapologist · 20 days
A mother for instance, when playing with her child, is descending to the level of the child while at the same time remaining an adult; likewise God who enters into the world remains also beyond and above the world.
Dumitru Staniloae, Eternity and Time
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iscariotapologist · 20 days
“God is your center.”
— John of the Cross (1542–91)
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iscariotapologist · 27 days
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Pietà— Carlo Crivelli
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iscariotapologist · 1 month
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it is only necessary to know that love is a direction and not a state of the soul. if one is unaware of this, one falls into despair at the first onslaught of affection. simone weil, the love of god and affliction
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iscariotapologist · 1 month
In this only does true conversion lie, in conversion to incandescent Love.
Fr. Lev Gillet, In Thy Presence
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