januaryblush · 11 hours
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Happy Fall Equinox Sassenachs! 🍁🍂🌞
Be careful not to fall through the stones.😳😉
__________________ Video source for gif 1 (before edits); gif 2 source (before edits)
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januaryblush · 17 hours
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januaryblush · 5 days
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januaryblush · 5 days
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Jamie Roy and thermal_gla IGS
poated 18 September 2024
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januaryblush · 5 days
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Instagram entertainmentweekly
"Everybody is in danger." Get ready for a jam-packed second half of season 7 when #Outlander returns!: 📷 Robert Wilson/Starz
Posted 18 September 2024
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januaryblush · 6 days
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Instagram amelialiar67
Sam Heughan meeting a namesake, Russ Heughin from Idaho, researching his family history at the Cairndale Hotel, Dumfries over the weekend
Repost @oscardismore2 on X
Posted 17 September 2024
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januaryblush · 6 days
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D’Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai, the first indigenous actor nominated in any lead category, attends the 2024 Emmys with a red handprint over his mouth, the symbol for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW). September 15, 2024.
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januaryblush · 7 days
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januaryblush · 7 days
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januaryblush · 7 days
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(via FB)
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januaryblush · 12 days
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Tonight on this day 23 years ago...
People went to sleep in preparation for the following morning except some of them never saw past 10:00am on Sept 11, 2001.
In one single moment life may never be the same. As you live and enjoy the breaths you take today and tonight before you go to sleep in preparation for your life tomorrow, kiss the ones you love, snuggle a little tighter, and never take one second of your life for granted.
🇺🇸 we will never forget 🇬🇧🙏
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januaryblush · 14 days
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As a parent of a gay son who got married yesterday I can honestly say I’ve never been prouder to be able watch him freely show his love for his partner unconditionally. We had the most fabulously fun day with endless joy and laughter, including games of bingo and Mr & Mr hosted by a drag queen. And no it wasn’t tacky it was beautiful and was a wedding like no other I’ve ever experienced, it was just amazing to be part of it. We are who we are and should be allowed to embrace it and enjoy life to the fullest 🌈
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januaryblush · 15 days
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januaryblush · 15 days
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Instagram theroyalfamily & lucyclaireillustration
Remembering Queen Elizabeth II, 1926-2022.
Two years ago today the UK and Commonwealth lost this amazing lady, thank you for everything Ma'am you certainly kept your vow.
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januaryblush · 16 days
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januaryblush · 16 days
I saw a message on another blog that there is talk of Hannah James traveling back to Scotland to see Sam. I assume it’s coming from shippers. Have you heard anything? If so, I wouldn’t be surprised since they are close and seem to have been romantically involved in the past. Could you post the picture of them together from last year when they were in Scotland? She had her arm and hand in between his legs. It looked very cozy to me, even though there are some here who want to deny it. Part 1
PART 2: Also, could you post any history you know about them including their time together on Outlander if you can? I think they would make a lovely couple. I also thought the same with Sam and MM. I just want him to be happy with a special lady and not be lonely sometimes, especially during this world wide pandemic. One more thing, recently HJ responded on IG to Sam’s friend Nicole that included planning a trip to see each other in London. Nicole is the girlfriend of Nic from Outlander. Thanks! 😊
RESPONSE: Thanks for your ask anon! Sorry it took a while to get back to you. 
I agree that Sam and Hannah would make a lovely couple. IMHO the chemistry between the two of them as Jamie and Geneva was palpable (although given the circumstances of the plot, it wasn’t supposed to be).
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They also look like they kept a sense of humor while doing the very awkward job of filming a sex scene.
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Below the cut of this post you will find an excerpt from an October 2017 Yahoo Entertainment interview with Hannah in which she talks about what it was like to film the sex scene with Sam.
Unfortunately anon, I am not aware of any planned trip by Hannah to Scotland in the near future. 
I do think that Sam and Hannah had some sort of a romantic relationship in the past. Just to be clear, I don’t think that Hannah was in a romantic relationship with her flatmate. I think certain people misinterpreted some of Hannah’s social media comments about her former flatmate and made some assumptions about Hannah’s sexuality that probably aren’t true. So I do think Hannah may well be attracted to men and to Sam in particular. 
Although I do think Sam and Hannah have had some sort of romantic involvement, I don’t believe it was ever very serious. He’s seen far too many other women in the last two years to indicate that they ever had an exclusive, committed relationship. I know that’s not what you wanted to hear anon, but that’s what I think based on what I know.
So why do I think S & H were together at all? There was a very strong rumor that she came to visit Sam in SA when he was filming (I think Bloodshot). The evidence to support that is that Hannah knows Nicole, who knows Sam. Nicole lives in SA. Hannah also knows another friend of Sam’s, Faye Thomas, who has a photo studio in SA (although Faye also has one in London--so those two could have met that way). But the question is, how would Hannah have known Nicole, if she hadn’t actually met her in SA? 
And yes, anon, Hannah and Nicole did recently interact on Nicole’s IG account regarding wanting to see each other again.
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Then of course we have this 08.17.19 photo when Hannah was in Scotland. And you are correct anon, Hannah and Sam certainly look cozy together.
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The larger photo that the above detail came from had some other Outlander cast and crew in it, so some people tried to explain it away as Hannah having come to Scotland to shoot Geneva flashbacks. But we know now that couldn’t have been the reason, because there were no Geneva flashbacks in season 5 (see POST). 
[See more under the cut.]
The other piece of evidence that Hannah and Sam were involved with each other was shared with me by @foldingstars295 (when she responded to a post I made about a shipper rumor about Sam and Hannah). it is the fact that Faye Thomas, her fiance (now husband), and Hannah each posted IG stories or photos from the Saatchi Gallery in London on August 9, 2018, the Friday before Cait’s wedding. Here’s one that Faye posted. (Sorry I didn’t see Hannah’s or Faye’s fiance’s posts but others did.)
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Sam posted his “Be Kind” IG story on Thursday August 8, 2019. Consequently, it was thought that he probably left for London that day.
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On Saturday, August 10, 2019, Sam posted an IG Story of an exhibit at the Saatchi Gallery. He posted it shortly before Cait’s wedding, so most likely it was a latergram of a video he took on August 9th. 
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Therefore, it appears that Sam, Hannah, Faye and her fiance all went to the Saatchi Gallery together on August 9th. Hannah supposedly went silent on IG after she posted about the Saatchi Gallery. As a result, many people believe she was Sam’s date for the wedding. (For more about all of this see this POST.)
As for other information that supports Sam and Hannah having been together, I’ve been sent information over the years but I have to confess what I’ve been sent is the equivalent of blurry or ambiguous SamCait shipper “receipts.” So I’m not going to post that information.
Given everything, can I definitely say that Sam and Hannah dated? No. But the rumors have been consistent for a long time, and Sam and Hannah did look verra cozy in that August 2019 photo. So I believe they have dated in the past. I have no idea if they are still romantically involved with each other. But they seem to have had an on-again-off-again relationship of some sort for some time, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they see each other again in the near future.
Feel free to speculate and daydream anon. But whatever happened between them, as I said before, it doesn’t look like it was ever very serious, given all the other women that Sam has been involved with during the past couple of years. 
ADDENDUM: Hannah James on Filming the Sex Scene With Sam
Below is an excerpt from an October 1, 2017 interview that Hannah did with Ethan Alter for Yahoo Entertainment:
Was this the first sex scene you’ve filmed? Yes, it was! I was incredibly nervous. For the first 10 minutes I was like, “I can’t believe I’m actually jumping into this!” But I knew even before I got the role that it was something I’d have to do, and the way Outlander does its sex scenes is very sensitive to all parties concerned. Sam does them all the time, and I think he may have been a little nervous because he does them all the time with Caitriona! All of a sudden he had this other girl he has to do it with. Every time I got nervous, I just focused on him and I was fine. I don’t know if he knows this, but I definitely used him to ground me and bring me back to reality every now and then.
What were the mechanics of filming the scene like? We talked through it with the director, [Brendan Maher], so we knew what it would look like. Still, you never really know until you get there on the day how the clothes come off and who goes where. It’s very technical, and not what people think. We’re both just trying to figure out how to make the other one comfortable, and I wanted to sit there and have a good laugh about it [with Sam], which we absolutely did! What people don’t know is that we filmed that scene on Thanksgiving Day, so I had to skip out on Thanksgiving feasting and instead be in the middle of Scotland doing a sex scene with a stranger! It wasn’t the worst way to spend Thanksgiving, either. I was doing what I love, and I was working with an incredible actor.
ADDENDUM 01.04.23: More evidence that Sam & Hannah dated:
Back on July 28, 2022 delfedelune shared two old photos taken of S and H:
It was Hannah and Sam on byres road in Glasgow the friday night before the saturday of the boxing game group pic back in August 2019, yes they were cuddly and close, he had his arm around her as he does with all the women.
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Below is an enlargement of the photo above left that I made (with corrections for clarity):
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In a different post from March 12, 2022, delfedelune also gave more of a description of what happened back in August 2019 when the photos were taken:
My friend was on holidays in Scotland summer 2019. In August (the weekend we had the group pic with Hannah's hand on Sam's leg at that fight game) she was in Glasgow on byres Road and she saw sam walking down the street with Hannah. he had his arm on her shoulder like he always does. She said they stopped at the red light they quick kissed and continued their walk. that's it. My friend was shocked by that vision lol Another fan saw him with Hannah that same night too but she never said it publicly... oh well. it's old news now anyway.
It is my understanding that the fan who saw them had been a shipper at the time, but I could be wrong about that.
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In addition,, today (01.04.23) Hannah posted this photo on her IG, showing that she does indeed date men, so she could most certainly have dated Sam.
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Finally, I had mentioned above in my original post that I had seen some evidence that I was too embarrassed to post in the past because it was “the equivalent of blurry or ambiguous SamCait shipper ‘receipts.’” Well, now that there is more solid evidence that S & H dated (especially after the photos of the two of them together on Byres Road in Glasgow and the eye witness account of seeing him quickly kiss her), I feel less embarrassed showing one of these “ambiguous” photos.
Someone sent me this in DM back in February 2019. She believed that S had seen H when he was in LA (either before or after he went to Hawaii for the first time, I don’t recall the exact time frame). It was one of Hannah’s IG stories:
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Look at the guy’s hands in the photo. My friend pointed out that they definitely looked like S’s fingers. She asked how many people have crooked pinky fingers or fingers shaped like that. They certainly look like S’s fingers but again, as I said before, a photo of a hand doesn’t really “prove” anything. But it does raise questions.
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januaryblush · 17 days
Video 📹 from Instagram
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Remember the admiration?
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