*pinches his back* loser. wear more clothes, lest you get another pinch <3
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And he lets out a little EEP before turning around.
"Pardon me but this is high fashion!" And he can't go out in any kind of weather ever lest he freeze to death or get rain down his back.
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kingofthedesertfoxes · 10 months
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“My mother writes to me every now and then and has mentioned how different the food is in Fontaine. I’m no gourmet, but I’d like to try more of it than I got to last time.”
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“…my apologies.” He knew he got defensive when money was involved. He cleared his throat. “How about potato soup? With plenty of cheese.”
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kingofthedesertfoxes · 10 months
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“…my apologies.” He knew he got defensive when money was involved. He cleared his throat. “How about potato soup? With plenty of cheese.”
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“It’s not as if I’m chronically broke.” A frown. “But, thank you.” He has more hunger than pride right now.
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kingofthedesertfoxes · 10 months
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“It’s not as if I’m chronically broke.” A frown. “But, thank you.” He has more hunger than pride right now.
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"...well, I don't always have the funds for groceries, either," he admitted. "Mm, soup sounds good, though."
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kingofthedesertfoxes · 10 months
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"...well, I don't always have the funds for groceries, either," he admitted. "Mm, soup sounds good, though."
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" i don't know how you manage to forget to eat. " she just sighs and shakes her head. " making something together sounds like a great idea! is there anything specific you want to make?~ "
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kingofthedesertfoxes · 10 months
so kaveh, would you ever think of marrying ishtar? having a family with her?
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"I don't see why not. But that decision is hers to make, as well, and I wouldn't want to presume she even wants a family, or wants one with me."
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kingofthedesertfoxes · 10 months
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"Yes but... the quicker I get jobs done, the more likely the client will give me a bonus." And even if he wasn't particularly strapped for cash these days, the more, the better.
At the suggestion, he nodded. "I'd like that. Did you have something in mind?"
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She couldn't help but laugh to herself in amusement at the sound that met her ears. He really wasn't good at lying sometimes, at least not to her. Guiding him to lean against the counter she quickly set about gathering what she'd need, hurrying her way through the kitchen with a soft hum sounding.
" Nice try to start , I'll give you that , but you need to try a little harder . " Ishtar teased, poking her tongue out. " It's okay to take breaks , you know ... And if you can't take them on your own , come find me . " There was a brief pause as she turned back to the cooking, trying to hide the redness slowly growing on her cheeks.
" We could ... Go on a date or something , if you wanted ... "
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kingofthedesertfoxes · 10 months
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"...eaten?" That made him pause. "I... had breakfast?" He'd been so busy enjoying his free time he'd lost track of time. "How about we make something together?"
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she presses a kiss to his knuckles. " i'll make sure to pack some stuff in the meantime then~ have you eaten today? would you like me to make you something? "
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kingofthedesertfoxes · 10 months
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"It's very much appreciated," he said, squeezing her hand. "I just finished a job and have some time, so I was thinking of heading off in the next couple days."
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she can't help but giggle as she takes one of his hands in her own. " it's no trouble at all, Kaveh.. honestly, i'll take any excuse to get out of here for awhile and a trip with you sounds wonderful. "
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kingofthedesertfoxes · 10 months
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"I'm not-"
And there was his stomach growling. It sounded vaguely like a machine in need of oil.
"...shwarma sounds good."
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" ... It's been a couple of days , by the looks of it . I just got back from a job ... " Well, that meant there was only one thing to do now - make something for her boyfriend to eat. Encouraging him onto his feet it was then the Matra made a point to tug him along with her toward the kitchen.
" Come on you , I'll make you whatever you want . Are you hungry ? "
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kingofthedesertfoxes · 10 months
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"I wouldn't want to trouble you..." A pause. "But I do know very little about navigating Fontaine. When I visited for her wedding, I had a few escorts from her husband's family for the entire stay."
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oh. she had no idea his mother was in Fontaine. " do you want company during your trip? i don't have anything important to do, so i can accompany you, if you want me to, of course. "
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kingofthedesertfoxes · 10 months
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"...I suppose so." He stretched, a couple cracks sounding from his back. "I... when did I last eat?" He glanced to the pile of coffee mugs. Yep, he'd been living on coffee for two days.
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" Kaveh ... " What was she going to do with him? Gently tipping his head toward her Ishtar offered a rare smile before shaking her head, free hand moving to take one of his.
" Your work can wait until you've gotten proper rest . Aren't you always scolding me for overworking ? "
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kingofthedesertfoxes · 10 months
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"My mother lives there with her new husband. Needless to say, after all that's happened, I'd rather see in person that she's alright."
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" it's pretty easy. since i had been there last, i think they've chilled out on some of their weirder laws. what are you making a trip for? " she can't help but be curious.
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kingofthedesertfoxes · 10 months
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"Huh?" He jerked up when he felt someone touching him. It only took a couple seconds to realize it was Ishtar.
"Ah, no, I'm fine," he said. "I have a job to finish..."
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A soft sigh escaped as she caught sight of him. Making her way over a hand came to brush hair back from his face before leaning down, pressing a kiss against his temple.
" Kaveh , this is bad for your back . Want me to help you to bed ? "
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kingofthedesertfoxes · 10 months
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"...how easy is it to travel around Fontaine these days? I may need to make a trip." And when he was last there, he almost ran afoul of about twelve obscure laws.
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kingofthedesertfoxes · 10 months
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He is half asleep over his drawing supplies. Please save him.
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A pause, though he does let Nat take his hand. And then he smiled.
"You missed me, I see."
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uh oh, she's spotted him. she skips over to him, takes his hand in her own and presses kisses to the back of it.
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