lesinquietes · 43 seconds
Farmer!Enji is devastated when you get your period. It’s a sign that his seed didn’t take the first time, the second time, or the third time; it’s a sign that he needs to try harder. When he has you next, it’s perfect. You deliver a fresh batch of cookies to his house. He smirks when you tell him your Pa sent them over. He won’t mind if you’re a little late coming back, then. He welcomes you on a tour of his home. He ends in his bedroom — which will also be yours one day — and uses it as an excuse to lay you down. He whispers praise in your ear while your legs part for him, because he learned from his ex-wife; an unhappy woman won’t birth or rear good children. He’s tender with his thrusts, adjusting you into a comfortable mating press so his cum won’t go to waste. He plays with your pert nipples, tugging and twisting, imagining twins hanging from them, and you with a womb full of another. His spills his load into your clenching wet cunt, holding you close and keeping his cock buried. When he sends you off on trembling legs, semen is dripping down your thighs. The breeze blows your short skirt up, revealing a massive bruise on your ass, profound against your skin tone. He’s exceptionally pleased with himself.
Part III
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lesinquietes · 8 hours
I love Thief so much. One of the most wonderfully written fics I've read and I am going to finish it for sure. But I'm ngl it's getting a little bit hard for me to read sometimes because of how mean Dabi has gotten. 😭 I can't root for him anymore like I used to. I just want someone to come rock his shit already!
Thank you for such lovely praise!
Have you tried leaning into that difficulty you’re feeling and exploring it within yourself a little more? I know for me, Thief becomes hard to write when I feel anxiously attached to others in my life because Thief!Dabi is a chronic avoidant. I tend to stay away from the plot when I know I need some extra love.
But yeah I feel you — our mans need to have his shit kicked in and act right to poor doc 🥺 she’s legit doing her best, even still
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lesinquietes · 2 days
Farmer!Enji watches you picking strawberries out in the field, a week after he fucks you in the bushes. It’s the middle of June and they’re ripe. Your Pa is famous for them around town. He sees you plop one into your mouth, sucking on the berry with those pretty lips of yours, swallowing your efforts with a satisfying smile. It’s what he imagines when he pumps his hand full of cum to your memory. But he knows he wouldn’t be a dutiful husband-to-be if he didn’t warn his pregnant wife-to-be that she ought to take care of herself in this dreadful heat. You giggle when he approaches you with this concern. You sway back and forth with your hands behind your back, flustered by his presence, cheeks warm from gazing at the man who popped your cherry. You tell him you’ll be okay, that this sundress is airy if you need it to be. Case in point, you pull down the garment to reveal your bare breasts for but a split second. Then, you readjust and grin at him. Behind you, on the porch, your Pa is preoccupied. Enji wishes he took the car into town today so he could bring you into your family home and ravage you in the kitchen, while you bake him a fresh strawberry pie 🥧
Part II / Part IV
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lesinquietes · 2 days
Thief!Dabi is the reason I’m choosing the bear
(For context: on TikTok, women were asked if they would rather be trapped in the woods with a man or a bear, and all of them said bear)
Yup agreed
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lesinquietes · 2 days
maybe i'm blind and stupid and clueless and ignorant to it, but i feel like i never see people give izaya access to saika in any fics 😭 like they sleepin on the potential fr
He somehow gets his hands on saika and tries to cut darling with it. That said, I feel like for this to happen, he’d have to find some way to dominate Saika’s influence because Izaya isn’t the type to bend to others…
But fuck logic let’s imagine it
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You immediately know something’s up when the information broker rings your buzzer at midnight. You haven’t spoken to him since he confessed his feelings for you. He was certain you’d feel the same way. You didn’t — you don’t. You could tell he was shocked by your rejection, though he tried to play it off. The split second wherein his guard dropped, and you could see the scowl etched across his handsome face, was enough to validate your weariness.
You peer through the glass hole. What does he have in his hands…? Is that… a bouquet? You suppose he didn’t hear you the first time, or perhaps he’s simply stubborn.
Cautiously, you unlock the door. You’re careful to keep the chain latched, so that he can’t force his way inside. He leers at you through the small crack, wearing a peculiar smile.
“Ah, there you are.” He purrs, voice like velvet. “Are you really going to leave me out here in the cold?”
“You have more than enough money to buy the best winter jackets.” You scoff. “Don’t give me that shit.”
“Aw, hey~ don’t be like that, (f/n),” he whines. “I can buy you nice things too, y’know… if you were my woman.”
His tone deepens when he utter the last bit. It causes your heart to drop. There’s no doubt that he’s attractive, but you know a relationship with him would be unhealthy. Besides, you’d hate to ruin your budding friendship with Shizuo.
“Enough.” You sigh, shaking your head. “I’m going to bed.”
“Wait!” He vies. “At least take your flowers.”
You hesitate. They sure looked nice. But you know it’s probably a trap. Although he isn’t known to use brute force against anyone, save for his worst enemies, you’ve noticed his fascination with you transcends his typical behaviour. You don’t trust his intentions.
“You can leave them on my doorstep, if you like.” You suggest. “Goodnight.”
You move to latch the door. He doesn’t let you. Through the bouquet, a sword zips forward. It nearly stabs you in the chest. You throw yourself backwards and scramble into your apartment. You watch in horror as the blade slices your chain and the black-haired menace welcomes himself into your home. He gazes around mindfully, inspecting your decor and the small space you’ve selected for yourself.
“Wow, you’re really living paycheck to paycheck, huh?”
His comment strikes a nerve. You’re saving up to get something better. Not a day goes by where you don’t work your ass off for a brighter future. Does he think you like working at a convenience store every day?
“What are you doing?!” You cry. “Get out!”
You back up further when he advances. Neither of you stop until your back hits a wall. You whimper when you realize there’s nowhere left to flee. So much for you telling him to do anything.
“Y’know, you’ve been pretty mean to me since you moved to Ikebukuro.” He teases with a playful wink. “Are you the type to bully your crushes?”
“No!” You shout defensively. “I don’t have a crush on you!”
“Oh no~?”
His tone is dangerous. He shifts the sword so that the tip rests beneath your chin. Gently, he uses it to tilt your head up. Your expression is adorable. He needs to scare you more often.
“Y’know, other men would take what they want and kill you.”
He dips Saika down to your top. It’s a tank. He taps the sharp edge over one of your straps. The thin fabric snaps easily. Panic zips through you.
“Izaya, please,” you beg. “Don’t do this.”
“Ah, me?” He feigns hurt. “I’m not doing anything. It’s this sword, here.”
He retracts Saika. You can feel something is different about the blade. It’s humming ever so gently, coaxing you, vying for you to touch it. Leave it to the informant to get his hands on a demonic weapon, of all things.
“It wants exactly what I want.” He gazes at your reflection in the shiny metal. “Your love~”
He hooks the sword back under your chin. You hold your breath. If you move an inch, it could slice you. He holds your gaze as he scopes your figure m, taking his time eyeing his prize. He’s never been ashamed of the desire he has for you; even Gods have needs.
“Do you want to be mine?”
You swear his irises flicker red for a second. He’s insane, but maybe you can deceive him long enough to get away. He’s got liquid fast reflexes, and you’ve seen him go head-to-head with Shizuo; nonetheless, you have an advantage the blonde hulk doesn’t — Izaya likes you. A powerful man like him has gotten wrapped in the throes of lust. Love throws logic out the window.
You have a chance.
“Y-yes!” You lie. “I-I think… I-I think just n-needed to come around.”
“Oh?” He raises a thin black brow. “You do?”
Izaya knows you don’t. You would have jumped at the opportunity earlier if you were truly devoted to him. He’s fascinated that you would lie to him at a time like this. He didn’t peg you for the type to use deception as a bargaining chip.
He wants to see how this tango progresses.
“That’s a fast change of mind.” He remarks slyly. “Why don’t you walk me through how you came around.” He offers you a playful wink. “Just so I know I can trust you.”
You have to spin a fresh lie on your feet. Noticeably, you scramble.
“Um… well… it’s… been hard in this city.” You start. “And uh… I’ve been thinking about your proposition from last week.”
“You mean when I asked you to dinner at Russia Sushi?” He simpers fondly. “An innocent offer that you shut down.”
“I did!” You confess, inhaling deeply. “A-and I’m sorry… I-I think… that would be nice.”
You’d rather die than be seen in public with him at this point. He’s broken into your home and assaulted you with a weapon. He’s threatening to harm you if you don’t conform to his twisted game of boyfriend-and-girlfriend. If you get out of this alive, you’re going to make sure everyone knows what he did to you this evening. Simon can give him more than a plate of raw fish the next time he visits.
“That’s great news!” He sings, outwardly overjoyed by your admittance. “I knew you’d come around.”
He removed the blade from your neck. You’re permitted to climb to your feet. He opens his arms for a hug. You have to keep up with appearances, don’t you? If you race away too soon, he’ll grab you. It’s best to continue lowering his défenses until you have a break.
Hesitantly, you enter his embrace. He embraces you gingerly. His cologne smells smooth and expensive. Everything about him exudes money and privilege. Briefly, you wonder what it would be like to have that sort of lifestyle.
Unfortunately, you’ll discover the answer to your fantasy in due time.
Izaya sighs. There’s a sorrow to it that causes you to pause. You freeze in his grasp. By the time you consider moving, it’s far too late.
“I’m not stupid, darling~”
He jabs the tip of Saika into the back of your neck. It’s a shallow wound, but effects are immediate. You perk up at the unfamiliar sensation of control leaving your body. Out of nowhere, your mind goes practically blank, and all thoughts centre around… him?
Yes, him. Him. Izaya. The love of your life. Your savoir. Holder of Saika. Your everything.
Your irises turn a shade of crimson. Instinctively, you wrap your arms around his neck and press your body close to him. The fur from his jacket tickles you while you focus on nuzzling into his warmth. There’s a comfort to him that wasn’t there before; you can’t seem to get enough.
“Oh, my love,” you whisper, starstruck. “I was so lonely until you came along.”
He wraps a lithe arm around your waist. Unlike prior, he can tell you’re serious. Saika has you possessed, and that means you’re incapable of feeling any other way, so long as he holds this power.
“I know, sweetheart.” He purrs, pressing a chaste kiss to your head. “You’re such an impressionable little thing in this big bad city. You need someone to protect you, right?”
You nod.
“A boyfriend?”
You nod.
“A lover?”
You nod.
“A Master.”
For a fourth time, you bob your head, agreeing to any statement that comes from his mouth. It doesn’t matter. Nothing but him matters. You don’t remember what you were so worried about before. Work, saving up for school, your family, your friends — none of those things are important to you.
Izaya Orihara is your world.
He guides you to the front door of your apartment. Someone will find this mess tomorrow. He’ll get one of his contacts in the force to clean it up and concoct a story about how he saves you from a drugged-out maniac hunting for shelter. Ikebukuro is dangerous these days. You moved in with him because there’s no one better to offer you safety in this part of Japan.
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lesinquietes · 2 days
I so badly wanna feel sympathy for Wednesday but I would not let the homewrecking bit slide
I feel you because I based her on my friend initially so I have a deep soft spot for her…… but also what are you doing fucking with someone’s fiancé like that, bitch 👀
Could never be me
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lesinquietes · 2 days
Farmer!Enji, who figures out which path you take into town on Monday mornings — errand day for your Pa — and meets you halfway. It’s your first time chatting just the two of you. He asks what you’re doing, where you’re going, and if you want company during your walk. He tells you it’s nice to see a pretty young woman helping her father the way she ought to. Then, he asks if you want him to reward your efforts in a way no one has before. Curious, and foolish, you agree. The way the buttons fly, when he digs his big hand into the folds of your plaid shirt and yanks, is crookedly satisfying. They spill everywhere in the bushes while he hikes your leg up and strokes his giant member along your smaller slit. He sinks you down on his swollen, red tip, splitting you apart. Your pleated jean skirt flips up as he bullies your tightness, invading your depths so he can ensure you’re pregnant after this encounter. It’ll help when he tells your father he’s taking you as his new bride. He doesn’t stop until you’re drenched with sweat, and remnants of his seed are coating your puffy lower lips.
Part I / Part III
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lesinquietes · 3 days
Imagining Farmer!Enji, a 50-something year old man, noticing his neighbour’s daughter, a 20-something year old hardworking woman. He’s been a bachelor since divorcing his wife a few years ago. His kids don’t visit him anymore, crushing his dreams of having a family. He’s been yearning to meet someone again — someone who’s worth his time and capable of being bred full of more children 💕 it looks like you fit the ballet. He makes it a point to rip off his shirt when he’s tending to his fields on scorching hot summer afternoons, knowing you’re watching. He can see how your doe-like eyes scope over his muscular back as he works. You want him as much as he wants you. Your little virgin pussy is begging to be stuffed with his seed. But your father would never allow your union.
Part II
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lesinquietes · 3 days
Thief Chapter 32 is up 🔥
Summary: It’s like you really expect to win against someone who’s learned to embrace their demons, to the extent in which they become one, themselves.
Pairing: Yandere!Dabi x Psychologist!Reader
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lesinquietes · 5 days
How many more chapters of Thief are left? You’ve been writing this fic for years but it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long 😭 is this how parents feel watching their kids grow up
Does that make you daddy? 🥺 jk we both know Dabi is daddy
I don’t exactly know how many chapters are left! But I can say that there’s definitely no more than eight remaining. So close!
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lesinquietes · 5 days
in an alt universe where doc met dabi under better circumstances and is oblivious to his crimes, would she ever find herself attracted to him? 👀
Well, doc is all about seeing who someone really is and connecting to them that way. If they met, and Dabi was not at all who he is today — like, let’s say Touya survived and Dabi was never created — then yeah, I can see her getting wrapped up in his web. Imagine: rich kid touya x our doc!
But let’s be real, she can’t really be oblivious to Dabi’s crimes. At a certain point, they had the guy’s face plastered on the news, wanted lists — anything to raise awareness so they could nab his unhinged ass. With doc working at a psychiatric ward, she knows who she has to look out for on these mean streets. She’s not gonna look at a man who’s burnt up and be like “oh yeah cool let’s hook up” without running a background check
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lesinquietes · 6 days
omg the next chapter of Thief
it's actually almost ready 👀
this feels like a record for me
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lesinquietes · 6 days
Okay but now I’m thinking that if you’re Izaya’s darling, you’re gonna inevitably get wrapped up in his schemes. He’s a fucking psychopath. Of course he would use you — arguably, the only person he cares about on a deeply personal level — to get ahead in one of his cruel plans to rule this sector of the country. In his eyes, setting a trap with a lure is just what cute girlfriends are for. He keeps your relationship so under the radar, that for the first little bit, no one knows you’re together. Then, once his enemies get privy to your role in his life, the real games begin. He takes solace in the fact that you’ll never actually get hurt because you’re his, and he always keeps a close eye on his most precious belongings~
But it sure is terrifying for you.
Like, you know he’s an information broker, and you know nothing occurs in this part of town without him being aware of it, but still. How do you feel completely secure when you’re getting kidnapped, hit on, aggressed on, and lord knows what else, all for the sake of maintaining his god-like status? It isn’t worth it for you. Too bad you can’t escape. You didn’t ask to be here — to be with him, if all people — but that doesn’t matter in the least. You’re useful to him in various way. Do you seriously think he’d let you go? If you ever try to run, maybe he’ll hire one of those thugs to really break your legs this time. He quite likes the idea of having an incapacitated queen, who relies on him for every little need she has~
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lesinquietes · 7 days
Hello! 😊 I wanted to ask if you plan to incorporate the sequels (TDDUA, SGHN) in ROBW?
Hey! I’m not 100% sure yet, but I’m leaning more towards no and just tying the story up. When I wrote the original, I couldn’t choose between having the reader end up with Jean, Levi, or on her own. But this time I have a good idea of who I’m gonna go with ☺️
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lesinquietes · 7 days
Dabi: this is doc, my woman
The rest of the league: OUR woman
Honestly tho 😅
If Dabi’s not careful, someone’s gonna “accidentally” tip the heroes off to doc’s existence and he’s gonna lose his emotional support fake wifey
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lesinquietes · 8 days
i’ve been reading ur a03 for like a year now and i just now found ur tumblr by complete accident im so shocked
Well hello there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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lesinquietes · 8 days
Ma'am I love how in Thief you write not just Dabi attracted to doc, but other people as well. Not only because I loveeee drama, aka jealous Dabi, but it boosts my self esteem lmao which is probably depressing but hey life is good when a harem of fictional hotties in a story wanna rizz you up
Something I’ve noticed is that emotional intelligence and empathy can be hot 🔥
Like, with Shigaraki, he’s confused about how Dabi’s so fixated on a quirkless, defenseless woman who doesn’t want him. There are thousands of those; can’t he just fuck someone else? Then, he meets her, and of course homeboy is like 🤔😏 having him spill his heart out about his desire for infamy and distaste for All Might. She’s easy to talk to.
For Twice, doc is kind and doesn’t scold him for perhaps risky and immature behaviour. She knows he’s got problems and just lets him exist. Maybe she’ll offer him some advice here and there that he can take or leave, but that’s it. He doesn’t remember the last time he’s had a woman pay attention to him, so it must be nice to have a pretty chick who doesn’t run because he’s “too much”. Her presence is warm and welcoming.
Toga sees her like an older sister, if I’m honest; a bestie that she can be herself with. It’s a cute dynamic. Doc is weary around her bloodthirst, but she’s also unconditionally accepting of the young girl because she’s just that — a young girl. She’s emotionally nurturing.
Doc’s the whole package and Dabi sees it.
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