lowlights · 3 days
Times are hard and I require Din Djarin fluff. “I love to hear your voice, even if you’re so far away.”
Also I love you and you’re magnificent k byeeeeee
My love, thank you for sending me this lovely prompt!!
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Din Djarin x gn!reader
WC: 500ish // No warnings // Just fluffy fluff // Reader has no description, photo is for illustration only // No editing sorry
When you first met Mando, you thought he was a man of very few words. He seemed to communicate mostly in depressed sighs or an annoyed tilt of the head. You got to be pretty good at reading body language because of his frequent visits. 
Turns out it was because he absolutely loathed your boss, and in particular the treatment you had to endure. Din Djarin, you came to find out, actually had a lot to say. At least when he was with you. 
When you finally left your shitty boss behind and joined Din on his ship, you were shocked by just how many opinions he had. He rambled on and on about the specifics of space flight and mechanical engineering, and you let him because you were in love with the sound of his voice. You didn’t follow half of what he said, but there were no exasperated sighs or huffy head tilts when you asked what you thought was a silly question. 
He liked when you spoke also, it seemed. 
Things progressed between the two of you, crescendoing in a particularly dangerous mission when Din had to leave you and the child on a safe planet. Without him. Just as he was about to turn and walk up into the ship, he ripped off his helmet and kissed you as though it was for the first and last time. 
For all you knew, it might be. 
Days went by and you heard nothing from him, fearing the worst during every second. Grogu also missed his father and was hardly sleeping through the night, adding to your collective misery. One night, very late, the speakers crackled and you lurched for the comms unit that hadn’t left your side. 
“Din? Oh my gods, please be there,” you blurted into the small speaker. 
“I’m here.” His familiar voice was like an answer to a thousand prayers. 
“Where are you?” Tears rolled down your face. 
“Far. But I’m headed your way.” 
Grogu cheered next to you. “We miss you so much. Are you hurt?” 
“I’m fine,” he replied, although his groan told you that he was in a lot of pain. You would get him fixed up as soon as he got to you, you swore to yourself. “Can you just talk to me for a while? I love to hear your voice, even if you’re so far away.” 
So, you talked. Anything that came into your head tumbled out through your mouth without a second thought. Everything you had been doing to keep yourself occupied while he was gone, how you and Grogu had explored the forest nearby, how he had fussed since the moment Din left. 
Din’s chuckles reassured you. 
Grogu finally fell asleep in your arms, his first real rest in days. “Din?” you whispered. 
“Do you regret it?”
There was a long pause. “What happened when I left?” 
You bit your lip. “Yeah.” 
Another pause. “No. Do you?” 
“No.” You grinned. “You’ll be back soon?” 
“I will, cyare. Close your eyes and rest. Keep the comms open. I will be by your side soon.” 
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lowlights · 3 days
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Everything is forgotten in time. Empires fall. So do emperors.
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lowlights · 3 days
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lowlights · 3 days
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So, early 00s/lifelong Aragorn girlies. How we doing.
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Lovely gif by @arcanefox207
I for one am very unwell.
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lowlights · 6 days
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lowlights · 7 days
I know people mean well when they say it but hearing the phrase “you know your body best” as someone with chronic illness is so funny, like man no I don’t I ain’t got no clue what that fucker’s planning and I’m scared to find out
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lowlights · 8 days
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lowlights · 9 days
No one tells you when you get a Big Serious Job™ how many fucking abbreviations you’ll be forced to learn.
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lowlights · 9 days
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Part of SNL’s Lisa from Temecula sketch
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lowlights · 9 days
at least sisyphus only had one never-ending task. i have like 50 and all of them cost money
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lowlights · 9 days
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Murderbot wrote this.
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lowlights · 9 days
Send me an ask!
Hi- I miss writing and wanna wake up my brain a bit. I'm taking some prompts from a few different lists.
Send me an ask with one you want to see + a Pedro boy?
Thank you love you byeee
Angst 1. "Why don't you ever listen to me?" 2. "I fucked up." 3. "Are you hurt?" 4. "This isn't what it looks like." 5. "Swear it to me."
Hurt/Comfort 6. “I can’t lose you.” 7. “I got you, don’t worry” 8. “I’ll take care of it, don’t worry” 9. “Just- just hold me for a second” 10. “I know it hurts, we’re almost done”
Autumn 11. "My pumpkin is way better than yours." 12. "This place isn't haunted is it?" 13. "How many more autumn themed candles do you need?"
Fluff 14. “Believe me, I will never be tired of you.” 15. “You’re unbelievable cute when you’re tired.” 16. “I love to hear your voice, even if you’re so far away.” 17. “I would like my good morning kiss now.” 18. “Let’s go, I’ll buy you dinner. And maybe breakfast.”
Hop into the inbox
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lowlights · 10 days
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177K notes · View notes
lowlights · 15 days
beauty standards are so fucked up what happened to i love your body because it's you. what then.
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