nebulae-on-fire · 2 days
ok question tho
ive actually fucking tried to google this but i cant find an answer, all i get are fics
where does the whole “five times _____ and one time ____” fic title thing come from??
is it a reference to something? or is it just a fanfiction thing?
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nebulae-on-fire · 5 days
The Superpulse: A Konbart Zine book by the numbers: 9 original, all new stories 5 comics 18 illustrations 6 cute designs Over 120 pages of content for you to enjoy! Please check out our available bundles here at our shop!
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nebulae-on-fire · 9 days
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Spock doesn’t quite understand why Kirk feels the need to “get so close they’re practically inside eachother’s skin” when they can just meld, but Kirk assures him it’s an entirely normal and common human intimacy ritual
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nebulae-on-fire · 26 days
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until he bluescreens. or whatever the freaks say.
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nebulae-on-fire · 1 month
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Oho, what's this?
Super excited to share a small teaser for the piece I wrote for the SuperPulse @konbartzine~
Wonder what those two are doing in that forest...
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nebulae-on-fire · 1 month
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@asystolenheart day 1: heart + messed with her lazarus planet fit
had to participate atleast once for my flatline twt mooties
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nebulae-on-fire · 1 month
Hiii!! What r some other ships u like? Like I’ve already seen some art from u yknow, but is there any wips/sketches/art of ships u haven’t shown us yet? (Or haven’t shown in a long time?)
hi! i uh. have a bit of genderbend xiaoven??
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i have listed lumine ships that i like some time ago, do you want something similar or?
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nebulae-on-fire · 3 months
oh to be a dog on a porch on a lovely day in 2004
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nebulae-on-fire · 3 months
Bless you and your entire family line
Explanation of Cuff Bands in Star Trek (The Original Series and Strange New Worlds)
Pips TNG onward explained + details of what each rank does
In TOS, they hadn’t figured out the pip system yet, so they did wrist bands to signify rank instead. It’s not nearly as straightforward as the pips, but once you get a hang of it, it helps tons. Plus they rarely call anyone by their rank in TOS, often going by mister or miss. This will mostly have close ups of TOS characters.
Now, Starfleet is based upon the U.S. Navy, so the names used are those. I’ve broken down the ranks in greater detail in the post linked above, so this one is just for knowing the ranking of each band and a brief explanation.
If you just want to know the look, there is a guide at the end for you. :)
Description of the line looks for anyone who needs it: Dashed lines are long gold dashes perpendicular to the cuff, curving slightly upwards on one side and downwards on the other for each dash, like the shape of an eraser on its side. Solid lines are a straight gold band perpendicular to the cuff with another solid gold line wrapped around it. It almost looks like the two are intertwined. Bars are explained briefly later for Admirals, but they look like one straight gold band with two of the previously mentioned solid lines pressed against each side on the top and bottom with no space between.
Cadet - Uniform Distinction
As far as I know we don’t actually meet any in TOS, but we do in SNW. In basically all Star Trek media, cadets wear red/all red uniforms. Cadets are people still in the Academy, not yet graduated. They can still serve on ships for training, however. Cadet Uhura is a lovely example of this.
Petty Officer - Insufficient Information
I am not sure if Petty Officers exist in TOS or appear in SNW, I searched for a while to find solid proof. The closest I could find for TOS was that maybe in The Motion Picture there was a Petty Officer with a triangle insignia, and that there was a character named Samno in Star Trek VI who was a PO and a Yeoman. If anyone can confirm/deny/offer anything, I will add it to this.
Yeoman are assistants in Starfleet. They’re only used in TOS, and their system is kind of strange. You can hold a ranked position while still being a Yeoman, shown through an unnamed character who had Junior Lieutenant markings on her sleeve while being addressed as a Yeoman. They generally are Ensigns, however.
Ensign - Blank sleeve
Ensigns have blank sleeves. I think this is probably for practicality for budget reasons in TOS, but most background actors are ensigns. Ensigns are graduates from the Academy and just anyone who hasn’t climbed the chain yet.
Junior Lieutenant - Single dashed [•]
The only example I could find was a man named Joe Tormolen from the episode “The Naked Time” as the guy who dies at the start. Junior Lieutenants feature a singular dotted line on the cuffs.
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Lieutenant - Single solid [~]
Most crew members we see are Lieutenants. Lieutenants are working consoles, navigating, going on away teams. Hikaru Sulu and Nyota Uhura in TOS.
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Lieutenant Commander - Single dashed, single solid [•~]
Lieutenant Commanders are integral to running the ship. Heads of departments and the ones who run day to day activities aboard the ship. Chief Engineer Montgomery “Scotty” Scott was one of these.
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Commander - Two solid [~~]
The First Officer on the ship. This is second in command, the right hand to the Captain. In TOS, our Commander Spock is also the head of the science department.
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Captain - Single solid, single dashed, single solid [~•~]
Captains we all know. They are the head of the ship, the man who has to keep it level and realistic at all times, though our lovely Captain Kirk isn’t exactly known for level-headedness. He also has the green wraparound shirt that has the V shaped gold detailing by the neckline with a small gold line between.
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Admirals have an extra silly thing. They have a bar. It looks like if you smushed two of the solid bars together with a straight gold piece between. Admirals usually have different uniforms but they honestly change rather frequently. We meet Admirals few and far between in any ST show, but I’ve put them below nonetheless.
Here is a complete guide to each wrist cuff design in Starfleet’s early days, excluding Cadets, Petty Officers, and Ensigns.
A dot • indicates a dash line, a squiggle ~ indicates a solid line, and a hyphen - indicates a bar.
Junior Lieutenant - [•]
Lieutenant - [~]
Lieutenant Commander - [•~]
Commander - [~~]
Captain - [~•~]
Commodore/Rear Admiral (lower half) - [-]
Rear Admiral (upper half) - [~-]
Vice Admiral - [-~-]
Admiral - [~~-~]
Fleet Admiral - [~~-~~]
Hopefully this helps you understand as much as it did me when I first figured it all out. Took a minute to get some research done. Let me know if anything is worded strangely or if the descriptions aren’t clear enough. I tried to be detailed with it at the start. If anyone has extra information or needs more, please comment or message me! I will answer/clarify to the best of my ability.
I love putting together this kind of thing so if anyone wants more lists like this, let me know. Enjoy.
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nebulae-on-fire · 3 months
Housewife Furina save me... save me housewife Furina
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blue noodle baby
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nebulae-on-fire · 3 months
I love Dan Mora's art but dear heavens this man has same face syndrome
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Robins by Dan Mora
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nebulae-on-fire · 3 months
This is it. This is literally the Wanderer at the Akademiya.
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nebulae-on-fire · 3 months
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life imitates art
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nebulae-on-fire · 3 months
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“Aging.” 2006
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nebulae-on-fire · 3 months
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Well would you look at that!!
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nebulae-on-fire · 3 months
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nebulae-on-fire · 3 months
I've seen several cases where people are like "what happens if we meet aliens, and then they see Independence Day or War of the Worlds?"
But nobody seems to think about what happens when the aliens see Star Trek.
The aliens are gonna see these shows made by a bunch of humans but they put putty on some of the humans to make them look like what we think aliens might look like, and we told stories about how those aliens would be our friends and we'd explore the universe with them and find more aliens and try to be friends with them too!
Yeah sometimes they'd be mean and we'd fight but we'd always try to avoid it and even if we fought we'd try to be friends later.
We basically created 900 episodes of a child's drawing of a stick figure of a human and a stick figure of a grey alien holding hands and "best friends" written in crayon.
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