nothorses · 22 minutes
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nothorses · 3 hours
I think trans people should be able to be weird and cringe without being called a predator
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nothorses · 3 hours
yeah, its all fine and cool to say “fuck columbus” or whatever, but like. dude’s been dead for hundreds of years now. do things that actively help native lives in the present. learn about native lands and cultures. learn to appreciate but not appropriate. help us maintain what little we actually have when the government inevitably tries to take it from us.
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nothorses · 16 hours
Who wants to see how the previous owners of my house plugged in the microwave
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nothorses · 17 hours
👏 how 👏 many 👏 shrimps 👏 do 👏 you 👏 hgave 👏 to 👏 eat
👏 before 👏 you 👏 srimps 👏 flimp 👏 geep
👏 eeb 👏 ko 👏 freeg 👏 nan 👏 zo 👏 big 👏 zig
👏 shrimps 👏 are 👏 made 👏 of 👏 shrimp
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nothorses · 18 hours
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nothorses · 19 hours
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Ethan Stebbins
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nothorses · 20 hours
at the start of every month everyone reblogs some insane poetry that’s like “august has arrived and again I swallow my bones in the burning sun” and every time I’m like damn that makes no sense. but kind of true.
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nothorses · 21 hours
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Go Nagai anti-AIDS t-shirt
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nothorses · 22 hours
Cars need to start being different colors again this is an epidemic
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nothorses · 23 hours
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This pun is hilarious, but Victor Frankenstein would absolutely not fucking say that.
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nothorses · 23 hours
Okay rant time.
Pregnant men exist. Not just as an uwu mpreg fanfic trope or a joke. Just because you think pregnancy is gross or icky doesn’t mean you can’t treat pregnant people with respect, regardless of gender or sex. Even in the queer community, trans men who choose to carry their children are seen as an anomaly or as betraying everything they’ve worked for. They aren’t. If I carry a child, I’m still just as much of a man.
Also, I understand if the idea of pregnancy is dysphoric for many trans men. I do. But trans men being pregnant isn’t an excuse to exclude them from queer spaces or treat them with anything less than the same respect you would anyone else. Many trans men experience dysphoria regarding the idea of pregnancy, but many don’t. Their body isn’t your business. Don’t be fucking weird.
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nothorses · 1 day
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nothorses · 1 day
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This Saturday, September 28, 2024, is a fee free day in recognition of National Public Lands Day! All entrance fees are waived for Mount Rainier National Park and NPS sites across the country. If you are planning a visit, make sure to check the following:
Paradise and Longmire facilities are still open daily, while the Ohanapecosh and Sunrise Visitor Centers have closed for the season. The Sunrise Day Lodge is also closed. Plan to bring food, water, and other supplies as needed when visiting the east side of the park. Restrooms are still available. Check hours of operation at https://go.nps.gov/MORAhours
All park roads are currently open, but many will close in the coming weeks for the winter season. Check road status at https://go.nps.gov/MORAroads
Always check the weather! Weather conditions can change quickly and it can be cold at higher elevations. Weather: https://go.nps.gov/MORAweather
Enjoy your public lands!
NPS Photo of Mount Rainier from the Sunrise Picnic Area, 9/18/24. ~kl
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nothorses · 2 days
I fucking despise when things fake being higher quality than they are. I don't mean like slapping a slightly misspelled brand name onto an identical non-designer product for purely aesthetic reasons I mean like rivets or thread that are actually glued down rather than punched or stitched. Fake pockets on jeans that are actually just an extra seam. Heavy looking chain that's plastic or very soft flimsy metal rather than anything sturdy. I bought boots which looked like they had a stitched sole 8 months ago and lo and behold the glue holding the sole on is revealing itself by falling apart. You PUT a STITCH IN THERE. YOU HAD THE NEEDLE AND THREAD. AND YOU DIDNT ACTUALLY STITCH DOWN THE FUCKING SOLES. Oh it makes me so mad. Cheap cunts taking the aesthetics of durability or practicality while handing you a product that won't last you the year
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nothorses · 2 days
How do you have such pertinent and personal advice to give to transmascs too? I thought you were transfem?
i am transfem! though people have been confusing me for a transmasc for years, even before i came out.
the "reason", if there indeed must be one, is probably just cuz ive grown up around a lot of transmascs since middle school, and have heard many of their woes. heck, my longest romantic relationship was 5 years with a trans guy who's still one of my best friends. i used to BE the cis guy dating a trans guy. so i leverage that info and experience, just like any other knowledge i have, to help!
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nothorses · 2 days
ok enough is enough. whichever one of you virgins invented instagram starbucks recipes, die 1000 deaths. I had a customer come in today holding out their phone (full brightness) and looking all shy and Im immediately like 🙄 fine ok, what does the instagram user want me to make for them this time. well this time it's a cringe harry potter themed frappucino. excuse me??? "can you make this for me?" I said excuse me??? -- I mean *customer service voice* "yeah it looks like I have all the ingredients, haha sure!"
ok cringe instagram harry potter frappucino drinker. ok. die. "Ive never had this drink before" yeah I can tell due to the fact that it didnt exist until someone posted a #aesthetic photo of it to instagram 14 hours ago ok. ok,
but whatever, Im paid to put up with this shit. so I add the ingredients all up on my computer and congrats! ur harry potter cringe social media drink has $10 worth of syrup in it. are you happy??? is this what you wanted??? a $10 frappucino??? $10. for a drink. you doubled the price of this drink for ur off-brand "harry potter and the legend of the overpriced starbucks drink" drink. you doubled the price!!! is this how u imagined spending ur day? is this what u wanted to do when u woke up this morning? $10 for a 24oz drink?
and u know, you KNOW the influencer making this recipe doesn't even work at a starbucks cause when it was all said and done the drink looked like shit. my blender was straining against the weight of your sins (and syrups) and Im sweating, Im an animal, Im losing my mind and my blender is getting watered down frappucino syrups everywhere -- u put so much shit liquid in this blender it doesnt even fit in the cup btw. it's making a huge mess. but is it instagramable? no, its fucking ugly. #trending #foryoupage #cringe $10 harold potter drink for adult children,
so are you happy? is ur social media influencer bestie happy? I made ur stupid $10 drink for u. does it taste good? no? well I hope instagram shuts down tomorrow. I hope you read a different book. I hope I never get sober. there is no sign of land. I hope you die. I hope we both die.
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