omi-boshi · 2 months
that oneshot of kiyoomi helping the reader with their period cramps is SO GOOD. i eat it up every reread 😋🍴
aaaa didnt expect to get so much love for smth so self-indulgent :') thank you for reading!
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omi-boshi · 2 months
The Story of Mohamed Hussein Ismail and His Family: A Journey of Struggle and Hope 🕊️🍉🗝️
I am Mohammad Hussein Ismail, a 23-year-old Palestinian from Gaza, reaching out to you during these unimaginably difficult times. My life and that of my family have been profoundly changed by the war, and today I write to you, hoping for your support and assistance.
My Family 🕊️❤️
My family consists of five members: my mother Raja (51 years old), my father Hussein (58 years old), my sister Iman (18 years old), and my younger sister Noor (13 years old). We used to live a simple life filled with hope and ambition before the war turned our lives upside down.
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On a grim night at the onset of the war, our neighborhood was relentlessly bombed. The blasts shook our home, compelling us to flee into the darkness, navigating through sporadic explosions, desperately seeking safety. By morning, we reached southern Gaza, seeking refuge in Rafah, our hearts heavy with sorrow for what we had lost. 🕊️🍉🗝️
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In this brutal war, my father was injured, severing tendons in his finger due to relentless bombardment. Due to malnutrition and rampant diseases, my sister Iman contracted hepatitis, exacerbating our suffering. We endured the cold winter within the confines of a tent, and the scorching summer heat as well, trapped inside due to harsh weather conditions. Unable to stay together as a family, we were forced to scatter and flee once again from Rafah due to intense shelling, seeking refuge in Deir al-Balah within the Gaza Strip, where our struggles continued in search of safety and hope for survival.🕊️🍉🗝️
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Now displaced, we endure an immensely challenging life, filled with hardships. We struggle tirelessly to prepare food over open fires, to fetch water, and even find a place to sleep. We've lost the basic comforts of life. Due to inadequate shelter, severe infections have ravaged my body, and I've grown exhausted in the quest for treatment amidst the scarcity of medicine.🕊️🍉🗝️
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Our plight is desperate, and we implore your support to rebuild our shattered lives and secure a future for our family. Your kindness and generosity can bring about a profound change. Your contributions will provide us with the means to find safe shelter, access essential medical care, and obtain the basic necessities of life we so desperately need.🕊️🍉🗝️
I had an old account that was deleted, and I am pleading for your help in sharing the new one. Our only hope is that you can help my family survive this brutal war. 💔🙏🌹
Please, we plead for your help during this critical time. Every donation, regardless of its size, brings us closer to safety, stability, and the opportunity to rebuild our shattered lives.🙏🌹
My component vetted by @90-ghost
And Vetted by @ibtisams .
Link vetted
Old account on Tumblr deleted by Tumblr team's .
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omi-boshi · 2 months
"First, I would like to thank everyone who supported me.🙏🌹
This is my new platform, friends, after my old platform was deleted for reasons unknown to me.
I ask for your help in sharing my story again to keep hope alive for me and my family, friends.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.♥️
My family and I appreciate your cooperation and hope to reach the desired goal and save us.🙏
Attached are the verification links for the old account from the supporters.
Link vetted by @ibtisams
Link vetted by @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi
Link vetted by @sar-soor
My approved number by the families in need and endorsed by the supervisors is 196."
@90-ghost @ibtisams @nabulsi @aces-and-angels @sar-soor @sayruq @fairuzfan @palestinegenocide @vakarians-babe @northgazaupdates @northgazaupdates2
Trapped Family in Gaza Appeals for Help to Survive 🕊️🇦🇪✌️
I Samer Abu Ras, am reaching out to you with a heartfelt humanitarian appeal, after the ongoing war in Gaza has cast its dark shadow over my life and the lives of my family. Our lives were once filled with peace and stability before the onset of this catastrophe, but now, we find ourselves living in a situation described as nothing short of tragic.
Please note that the conversion rate is 1 USD =10 SEK
10$ = 100 SEK
50$= 500 SEK
100$= 1000 SEK
200$= 2000 SEK
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My wife, Shurooq, our three children, and I are now homeless, without a source of income, and without hope for the future. My family and I have lost our businesses and our home due to the war, and we now have nothing left but the cold streets and troubled hearts.
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My children are suffering greatly as a result of these horrific events. They have lost the security and stability they once enjoyed and are now facing new health and psychological challenges that threaten their lives. As a father and husband, I feel powerless in my ability to provide adequate protection and care for them.
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My child, who is a year and a half old, is experiencing hardships far beyond his tender age. Since the war broke out, we had to flee our home and seek refuge in a tent in a displacement camp. My child lives in extremely difficult conditions, deprived of safety and stability. The tent does not provide adequate protection from harsh weather, and food and medicine are scarce. My child suffers from malnutrition and illness, lacking basic healthcare. He cannot play or grow in a healthy and suitable environment. My only dream is to see him grow up in a safe place full of opportunities
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In the face of difficult circumstances, Samer Abu Ras and his family find themselves facing serious challenges in their daily lives. They reside in a modest tent lacking comfort and security, suffering from a shortage of clean water and food, and encountering difficulties in accessing necessary healthcare. Despite these challenges, they continue to express hope and resilience in confronting adversity, holding onto hope for a better tomorrow and a return to a more stable and secure life.
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I appeal to you today, dear friends, to extend to me a helping hand in escaping this hell. Regardless of the size of the donation, every drop of generosity will contribute to alleviating our suffering and rebuilding our lives anew.
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We need your help to secure the funds necessary to travel away from these destructive wars and seek a safe and stable environment where we can build a better future for our children
Let us stand together in these difficult times and let hope triumph over despair by providing support and assistance to those in dire need. Let us be part of the solution and build a better future for ourselves and future generations.
Thank you for listening and for the potential generosity of your giving, and for your generous donations that will change the lives of my family for the better.
With sincere gratitude and appreciation
‏Samer Abu Ras and family.
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omi-boshi · 3 months
I feel like ive seen quite a few gfms getting passed around and ive observed that a lot of them have stories of such exceptional people who have achieved so much, or were going to before the genocide cut it off. And i really commend them for it, i really do.
But it breaks my heart that palestinians reaching out to us feel the need to have to prove that they are they are good people who are worth the support, like theyre only worth being supported if they had a good gpa or were exceptional in some way.
They shouldnt have to prove that theyre beneficial to the economy somehow to be worth the support. They shouldnt have to be exceptional to deserve help. Our governments are putting them through this, both in the west and around the world too. They shouldnt have to prove anything. We owe them this
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omi-boshi · 3 months
I feel like ive seen quite a few gfms getting passed around and ive observed that a lot of them have stories of such exceptional people who have achieved so much, or were going to before the genocide cut it off. And i really commend them for it, i really do.
But it breaks my heart that palestinians reaching out to us feel the need to have to prove that they are they are good people who are worth the support, like theyre only worth being supported if they had a good gpa or were exceptional in some way.
They shouldnt have to prove that theyre beneficial to the economy somehow to be worth the support. They shouldnt have to be exceptional to deserve help. Our governments are putting them through this, both in the west and around the world too. They shouldnt have to prove anything. We owe them this
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omi-boshi · 3 months
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do not repost | reference
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omi-boshi · 3 months
I am Mohammed Alanqer married from Enas Majed we have 3 children
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Amidst the ongoing war in Gaza, we find ourselves as a family trapped between walls of fear and despair. I, Mohammed, a father of three children and a husband to a woman in her eighth month of pregnancy, live in an environment filled with threats and risks.
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My technology startup, which I built with dedication and hard work, was destroyed during this war, leading to the loss of our livelihood. My children, Layan, Sarah, and Adam, no longer have the opportunity for education due to the destruction of schools, posing a significant threat to their future.
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- "A souvenir photo of my startup company."-
My wife, Enas, lives in constant anxiety due to her advanced pregnancy and the destruction of hospitals in the area. After losing my job and source of income, I find myself in a severe financial crisis, unable to provide for the needs and safety of my family.
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- "Me and my wife Enas majed "
Our family home was destroyed due to the war, forcing us to flee and move multiple times, leaving us homeless. Everything has become difficult now; we cannot provide a safe place to live, nor can we afford clean clothes and food for our children. Additionally, our children have been afflicted with diseases such as measles, and our son Adam has been diagnosed with viral hepatitis.
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-" layan & sara & adam in the war" -
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Our only hope now is to escape from this ongoing hell and find a safe haven for our family. However, this requires exorbitant financial costs, with the coordination fee for crossing borders amounting to $5000 per adult and $2500 per child, a sum I cannot afford alone.
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- "My home before the war "-
We urgently appeal for your moral and financial assistance to cover the necessary costs for escaping to a safe environment, where we can build a better future for our children and ensure the safety of our family
Thank you for your attention and support, and we hope you can help us in these difficult circumstances.
Thanks 😊@nabulsi 🙏❤️
Thanks 😊 @communistchilchuck ♥️🙏
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omi-boshi · 4 months
kiyoomi letting his kid daughter choose the pattern for his mask and socks for the day :')
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omi-boshi · 5 months
taking a wee break from writing again while i handle uni stuff and go apartment hunting 🤍
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omi-boshi · 5 months
Sending my unconditional love to addicts and people with horrible compulsions and people who are suicidal and everyone who feels utterly alone and all the psychotic people who society disdains and the homeless and people who feel lost and everyone who doesn't want to get better and people seeking vindication and people who can't let go and people who are undesired. I love you all so much.
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omi-boshi · 5 months
“She did what?!” Sakusa’s eyes widen minutely, his hands stilling their massaging of your calf. “I- and you- you just- you just let her?!” He sounds incredulous.
“What was I supposed to do Omi! Fight her in the fucking parking lot?” you frown, nudging his hand with your shin until he resumes his massage.
“What do you me- yes! Yes! Knock her ass out, baby, that’s what you should have done!”
You blink at him, astonished at how genuinely upset he seems. “I could’ve ended up in a cell Kiyoomi,” you point out, calmly.
“And I would have happily bailed you out,” he sounds exasperated and that makes his reaction even more concerning.
You’re not sure what to reply to something like that. Mostly because you’ve never seen Kiyoomi so…incensed. You lock eyes for a brief moment, as you carefully bring your spoon to your lips and suck the ice cream off.
Sakusa scowls at you. “This is why I always go shopping with you. Trouble only ever finds you when you’re alone.”
You frown. “That’s mean Omi.”
“It’s true,” he vetoes. “If I were around it would have never happened.”
“I think it was an accident,” you pout, determined to give the woman the benefit of the doubt.
Sakusa cocks his head at you. “You think this woman accidentally ran into your cart with her car after you beat her to getting the last tub of cookie dough ice cream?”
You open your mouth to respond but he beats you to it.
“Nevermind,” he sighs defeatedly. “It doesn’t matter it’s in the past.”
“Uhm- I- we- we’ll have to cover the damage to her car…” you trail off when Sakusa turns to you slowly, his eyebrows furrowed menacingly.
“I beg your pardon?”
“I mean- she- the cart-“
“She ran into you! Fucking Christ,” Sakusa stands, throwing his hands into the air dramatically. “Let me guess, you apologized.”
You look away.
“Oh, come on!”
“I don’t like the way you’re acting right now,” you sniff, sullenly stuffing a spoon of ice cream into your mouth.
“Baby,” he takes a steadying breath. “Sweetheart, light of my fucking life,” he stresses, fists planted on his hips. “You have to see that this was not your fault!”
“But my cart—”
“Was the only thing protecting you from getting hit by a fucking car!”
You blanch, finally understanding why he’s so angry. “Oh.”
“Oh? Oh?”
Sakusa’s left eye twitches.
“I didn’t think of that.”
His eyes slip shut. “Of course not,” he chuckles dryly. “Of course you didn’t think about what would happen if that cart wasn’t there. Of course.”
“You are never going shopping without me again.”
“Don’t argue with me about this. You will not win.”
“Never again.”
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omi-boshi · 5 months
it's the way iizuna's injury was such a pivotal moment for kiyoomi.
prior to that, kiyoomi had a very streamlined, and in my opinion, naive way of thinking; hard work ensures success, that he'll get the results he wants if he puts in the work and if the result is unfavorable, then it simply means he wasn't prepared enough.
however, by the end of ch.394, we come to learn that kiyoomi grows out of that rigid mentality, factoring in luck and hard work instead of just the latter. now, instead of working hard to get an ideal result, he was working hard so that when his time on court does end, when he runs out of luck, he can leave knowing he put his all while he was still capable. it wasn't a matter of winning or losing anymore. it was a matter of being content, about self-satisfaction.
but when did that click for him?
i think that his change in mentality was a gradual thing, culminating to a singular moment.
we can see the manifestation of his ideals in ch.215 when he confronts kageyama about shiratorizawa's loss. he was in disbelief and immediately assumed ushijima was just not in good condition. he interrogates kageyama afterwards because what could have possibly gone wrong when ushijima was just as, if not more, hard-working as kiyoomi?
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then in ch.394, it starts with ushijima telling kiyoomi how his capabilities were a product of both hard work and luck.
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his is when the idea of luck working together with hard work is introduced to kiyoomi verbally (that i know of).
i'm sure that this was met with skepticism, especially if one has such a fixed way of thinking. i don't think kiyoomi was convinced from that conversation alone but i feel that it did get him contemplating.
then, he learns ushijima doesn't make it to his last spring tournament; he watches hinata collapse mid-game and karasuno lose to kamomedai; and his own team loses when their captain, iizuna sustains an injury.
for all the hard work ushijima puts into volleyball, he was just unfortunate enough to have lost.
in hinata's case, it is inevitably his lack of regard for his health that puts him out of the court but he was lucky enough to have been able to play the match for so long.
both situations showing that preparation and luck go hand-in-hand.
and it all culminates to the exchange kiyoomi has with his captain.
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that's when it finally clicks for kiyoomi.
hard work and preparation can only take you so far, and that's why it hurts more when something that you've put your heart and soul into slips away from your grasp simply because fortune did not favor you.
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kiyoomi already understood that there will always be regrets if you don't put in the work, but is only now realizing how bitter that regret is when you know you don't deserve it.
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his exchange with iizuna not only cements that hard work and luck are intrinsically connected, but it also makes him think of the future, of what his final game would look like.
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and the conclusion he comes up with is that he wants to leave the court with no regrets.
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he will put in the work and do as he's always done and when his time is up, he can leave content and grateful to have been on the court for so long.
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omi-boshi · 5 months
palestine masterpost-masterpost
i've been trying my best to collect a bunch of links to other, more structured resources about the genocide in gaza, and what you, reading this, can do about it, that i'm going to compile here.
less and less people are talking about gaza every day, but it is still a very real crisis.
education, donations, speaking out, global links (masterpost)
links to contextual articles
for americans - state/congressional contacts
how you can help palestine - donations, petitions, campaigns, upcoming protests (masterpost)
non-politically motivated charity links
canary mission
petitions and congressional contact (masterpost)
education, current news, taking action, direct action and donations, current protests (masterpost)
small monetary actions
2700 ebooks on israel and palestine, available for free
thorough article by storiesfromgaza, dated 10/30/23
targeted boycott + bds
how to find state/congressional contacts, bds, email template, donation links
sudan and congo
egypt, us/uk/canada/europe congressional contacts
direct links to help palestine
educate yourself (twitter links)
translating gaza (instagram link)
bds/targeted boycott information
compilation of palestine info and how to support it (masterpost), dated 10/28/23
latest info as of 11/3/23 and large amounts of immediate action to take (masterpost)
history of palestine and israel - articles, books, films, social media (masterpost)
socials to follow
journalists in north gaza
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omi-boshi · 5 months
i have an emergency situation right now; i have a infection/abscess on my left breast (as shown under the cut (i had a breast ultrasound as recommended by my doctor)) and it's need to be drained. the problem is, i don't have enough funds so i am seeking help. any help is appreciated. i thought the antibiotic medication would've dissolved it but it did not. please, i really need the help. thank you so much.
p@yp*l | ko-f!
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omi-boshi · 5 months
no because why is your self ship with Kiyoomi so cute?
Rooting for you guys
it has to be.... i worked so hard to woo him (he'll deny that though if asked but i trust that u'll back me up) asdghjskd thank u ;0;
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omi-boshi · 5 months
Sakusa who hates holding hands; he hates brand deal because that has to do that ‘business’ handshake at the end. He hates makeshift teams which make him be the captain and he has shake hands with the captain of the other side. He hates—
He dislikes walkouts for matches, he has to hold hands with a grubby lil star struck kid for it; the only things that makes it’s bearable is because he imagines those hands to be his kid, with you.
He imagines one day, he can walk out on the court holding hands with a mini-version of you. Sakusa sometimes prays in hopes , you guy’s future child has all of your features; everything that he has ever loved has been you after all.
Sakusa smiles to himself, unconsciously making the cameras go off. The warmth of small hands, holding with so much trust and excitement… Sakusa loves the thought of sharing this moment in the near future.
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omi-boshi · 5 months
Actually sleeping with someone is so nice like waking up in the middle of the night and snuggling closer or lazily giving them a kiss or just feeling their arms around you squeeze slightly even though they're in a deep sleep or handholding while you both are asleep.
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