quietwingsinthesky ¡ 6 hours
The different fanfic eras explained as lunch
Pre-internet era: You walk into a room and sit down at a table. Someone brings you a turkey sandwich, a bag of potato chips, and a soda. Perhaps you are a vegetarian, or gluten-free. Doesn’t matter; you get a turkey sandwich, a bag of potato chips, and a soda.
Usenet era: You walk into a room and sit down to your turkey sandwich, a bag of potato chips, and a soda. Someone tells you that over at the University they are also serving BLTs, pizza, coffee, and beer.
Web 1.0 (aka The Great Schism): You walk into a room. The room is lined with 50 unmarked doors. Someone tells you, “We have enough food to feed you and a hundred more…but we’ve scattered it behind these fifty doors. Good luck!”
Web 2.0 (present): You walk into a room. Someone points at the buffet and says, “Enjoy!” You turn to see a 100-foot-long buffet table, piled high with every kind of food imaginable. To be fair, some of the food is durian, head cheese, and chilled monkey brains, but that’s cool, some people are into those…and trust me, they are even more psyched to be here than you are.
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quietwingsinthesky ¡ 6 hours
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The next in my Doctor Who character sets. Stepping into another spin-off series, it's the Bannerman Road gang, from The Sarah Jane Smith Adventures!
Featuring Sarah Jane Smith, Maria, Sky, Rani, Clyde, and Luke.
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quietwingsinthesky ¡ 6 hours
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A recent bobble commission for @girlfan, featuring Susan and the first Doctor!
Thank you so much for commissioning me! I hope you like it!
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quietwingsinthesky ¡ 6 hours
Reading about how the time window stuff in The Legend of Ruby Sunday was done with Unreal Engine and a holographic projector and like. I hope we can all appreciate that we live in an era where the best way to depict a projection of a dynamic holographic environment is simply by projecting a dynamic holographic environment.
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quietwingsinthesky ¡ 7 hours
just gotta make it to sunday 👍
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quietwingsinthesky ¡ 7 hours
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quietwingsinthesky ¡ 7 hours
oh my god hi🥰😇😁!!!! (x4)
from False’s season 10 episode 23!
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quietwingsinthesky ¡ 7 hours
posts that make you want to rewatch Moon Big
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quietwingsinthesky ¡ 7 hours
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quietwingsinthesky ¡ 7 hours
The fact that people don’t think of Hermitcraft s8 big moon as an incredible season is criminal. The fact that people have negatively commented on season 8 so much that the hermits have internalized it as a “bad season” at times is criminal.
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quietwingsinthesky ¡ 7 hours
saw someone on twitter say men should get rid of their butt hair if they wanna wear a thong... like there is something very sick and wrong with you the best part abt a thong is the butt hair creeping out the sides IDIOT‼️
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quietwingsinthesky ¡ 7 hours
random out of the blue theory-slash-headcanon regarding "Rogue": he's either a Time Agent, Division or CIA. the whirlwind romance was a honeypot for the Doctor, practically textbook spycraft. and it worked.
the Doctor loves to fall for morally grey rascals, right? so they, whoever 'they' are, construct a perfectly designed handsome bounty hunter for the Doctor to become enchanted by, complete with a 'heart of gold' and undue self-sacrificial heroism.
then a monster. there needs to be a monster. since this is all play-acting and showmanship, make them cosplayers. draw the Doctor in. make the puzzle irresistible for him.
break his heart. enthrall his mind. entice him to place the tracker ring onto his finger of his own accord. gather intelligence: confirm that this is The Doctor, the sole living Time Lord in the universe, highly dangerous entity, war criminal of his own admittance, and my oh my, what a prize. what a bounty on his head. but not quite yet. Rogue's recon mission along with his Chuldur fellow travellers was just for information, and they got that aplenty, TARDIS console tour and all.
all six of them were oddly calm as Rogue pressed send on the triform trap: they weren't going to a barren dimension. they were headed back to Headquarters, ready to report a successful task completed.
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quietwingsinthesky ¡ 7 hours
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One woman huh?
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quietwingsinthesky ¡ 7 hours
Drabble 172/366 - Doctor Who
“Two hearts,” the Master says, “three brainstems.” This is how you kill a Time Lord. Even’s shaking, and it makes their aim unsteady. “Hurry. If he finds us and tells anyone…”
Walk away, Even begs silently. Don’t force me to do this.
It’s not my fault! It’s not my fault.
“If he regenerates, he’ll know why. Don’t let him!” the Master gleefully orders over their shoulder.
It’s like someone else’s fingers weigh down the trigger thrice. The rifle warms in their hands, and when it fires, it burns through the air like all Dalek weapons, repurposed to fit their hands.
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quietwingsinthesky ¡ 8 hours
everyone who leaves tags explaining their choice of why they’d fuck the looney tunes character they chose on my poll is going directly to heaven
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quietwingsinthesky ¡ 9 hours
i think more people would be getting laid if it wasn't a logistical nightmare
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quietwingsinthesky ¡ 9 hours
I think it was actually smart and responsible of kate to hire rose bc if she didn't do that rose would be investigating aliens on her own for sure and absolutely getting herself into dangerous situations alone with no resources but working at unit kate can keep her on less dangerous tasks while she's still a kid. the perpetual job of lethbridge-stewarts is to babysit ppl who would otherwise go run headfirst into danger and kate knows that
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