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James McAvoy inΒ β€˜Band of Brothers’ 
// My gifs
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richardxoliverxmayhew Β· 2 days
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richardxoliverxmayhew Β· 3 days
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and the award for cutest cry goes to james mcavoy
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richardxoliverxmayhew Β· 4 days
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richardxoliverxmayhew Β· 5 days
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Wanted 2008
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richardxoliverxmayhew Β· 6 days
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JAMES MCAVOY for Soccer Aid XIΒ 
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richardxoliverxmayhew Β· 7 days
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richardxoliverxmayhew Β· 8 days
( starter for @retrograderesemblance // the murder has begun)
"I'm jus' the messenger, ma'e. If ye' have an issue with Mr. Trevor's orders ye' can bring it up with him; although, seein' how on edge e'erybody is downstairs I dunno' how good of an idea tha' is. Look, I'm doin' ye' a favour anyways. Not exactly keen to be standin' on duty while a potential killer runs 'round, but, ey', orders are orders I suppose." Fortunately, it didn't take much to get the attendant to march off and turn a corner, leaving Richard to freely peruse the contents of the fateful scene.
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The reporter's stomach churned as the unsightly details of the deadman's corpse stained the embellished carpet of the study. It didn't matter just how many stories the young writer covered; the veil of blood would always make him feel ill, and violence was just a needless din, at the end of the day. Such a pity, he thought to himself as he gingerly knelt down beside the body, the metallic stench of blood wafting against his nostrils. He was just beginning to examine the hilt of the seemingly adorned blade--... Or... Was it a letter-opener of some kind-- stabbed through the man's chest when he suddenly heard the doorknob quiver. "Well, aren't ye' the lost one," purred the Scotsman, smoothly standing from where he once knelt, the hint of a lordly smirk tugging on the corner of his cherried lips. Now, why would a supposedly innocent man be wandering about the corners of the study? There was something else about Tom and by god Richard was going to sniff it out.
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richardxoliverxmayhew Β· 8 days
❝ You're staring at me again. What do you want? ❞
II @seekingsolidground
His curious, sapphiric gaze quietly lingered upon the gentleman. Charles Jonathan Cavendish. Partner of Aislin McLeod. The Scotsman had not heard nor known much about him, however, he had to admit that it was rather curious that he had arrived rather late to the party and not in tandem with his wife. Why? A domestic spat, perhaps? Or maybe it was something else? After all, it was rather curious that Cavendish had appeared just a few minutes before the announced murder.
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The facade of a lost lamb painted itself across the waiter's boyish face. "Oh, I-... I'm so sorry 'bout tha', sir, I did'nae' mean to. I was just miles away, is all," he muttered, his weight shifting from one leg to the other. "It's just this murder business, it's just-... Just... I dunno', all too much.-- I don't suppose the detective told ye' anythin' else regardin' all this, has he?"
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richardxoliverxmayhew Β· 8 days
❝ I was beginning to believe that you truly wanted me. But I shouldn't have deluded myself. ❞ (Sakura for Richard, manor mystery)
II @survivics
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Weighted brows knitted together as a sting struck somewhere in his chest. "Of course I do. Why would ye' e'er doubt tha'?" The Scotsman knew that in retrospect he should have perhaps told Sakura the entire story regarding himself being hired as a waiter, the story, everything. However, his job and his personal life were two separate things. Ships upon a winding river, drifting close enough but never touching. Richard loved her, yes, but this story? This story could be everything to him. "Listen, I'm sorry. I know I should've told ye' 'bout e'erythin'. I should'nae' have lied to ye', but Sakura this isn't the time," he whispered. "Look, it's now or ne'er. I need to poke 'round while e'erybody is downstairs, and ye' need to lay low and stay safe."
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richardxoliverxmayhew Β· 8 days
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Disclaimer:Β Feel free to change any of these in order to suit your needs if you need to!
❝ My dagger-happy friend, what troubles you? ❞
❝ I do appreciate your enthusiasm, but let's try to restrain ourselves a little. ❞
❝ Ah ah ah! We ask before we bite. ❞
❝ So, tell me what you desire. What can I do for my dearest pet? ❞
❝ Enough sitting around - let's go hurt someone. ❞
❝ By the hells. Sex, my dear. A night of passion. Not with you, just to be clear. I mean, can you imagine? Urgh. No. ❞
❝ You're welcome to try and kill me, of course, but I don't die easily these days. ❞
❝ There's a time for talking and a time for killing. This, my friend, is the latter. ❞
❝ Only when it comes to morals. I'm very, very good where it counts. ❞
❝ I have to say, you know me better than I thought. I'll have to be more mysterious in future. ❞
❝ Hundreds? Urgh, it'll take hours to kill them all. ❞
❝ I like the dark, but not when it's trying to kill me. ❞
❝ They said 'no'. You should learn the meaning of the word. ❞
❝ Come to kill me again, darling? ❞
❝ I was beginning to believe someone truly wanted me. But I shouldn't have deluded myself. ❞
❝ From the start, I was rather counting the hours until it was going to end. Midnight chimes, eh? ❞
❝ Can't get enough? I'm not surprised. ❞
❝ I'm doing this for you, too, you know. To make sure we're both safe. Forever, for good. ❞
❝ I don't hate you. Because this is not you. But whatever this is, you will get through it. And I'll be here to make sure you do. ❞
❝ Shh... Not a sound. Not if you want to keep that darling neck of yours. ❞
❝ When he says 'punished' do you think he means 'locked up' or 'brutally murdered'? ❞
❝ Be very, very quiet - I'm hunting idiots. ❞
❝ Do you always take on such terrifying foes? ❞
❝ You sound surprised - I am capable of doing the right thing from time to time. ❞
❝ Ah, you're so adorable when you're thinking what to say. ❞
❝ You're staring at me again. What do you want? ❞
❝ Oh good, puns. Because clowns aren't enough of a horror already. ❞
❝ Oh shit... I - did I do something wrong? Why? What's changed? ❞
❝ This is meant to be flattery, not poetry. Just tell me I'm beautiful and we can call it a day. ❞
❝ Now shall we go? Or do you have any other chaos you need to unleash here? ❞
❝ I realise now I've never really had anyone. Not really. Nothing that compares to you. ❞
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richardxoliverxmayhew Β· 8 days
:: 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 ! ﹝ ππ‹πŽπŽπƒππŽπ‘ππ„ ﹞
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' just think. now you're all set to hunt and kill to your heart's content '
' without fear in our hearts, we're little different from beasts themselves '
' may you find your worth in the waking world '
' whatever happens... you may think it all a mere bad dream '
' only an honest death will cure you now '
' you call me a beast? what would you know? i didn't ask for this '
' whatever can be gained from this place, it will do more harm than good '
' but do the gods love their creations? '
' would you ever think to love me? '
' we are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood '
' i'm afraid i may not be of help for much longer '
' you have the whole night to dream. make the best of it '
' save me, please '
' acts of goodness are not always wise, and acts of evil are not always foolish, but regardless, we shall always strive to be good '
' this bloody fate is ours alone '
' this may sound strange, but... have i somehow changed? '
' please bring an end to the horror '
'of course, i do love you. isn't that how you've made me? '
' now i will show you mercy. you will die, forget the dream, and awake under the morning sun '
' what terrible things lurk deep within the frames of men? '
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richardxoliverxmayhew Β· 8 days
With his palm still delicately balancing the tray, the waiter's rounded, blue eyes stamped themselves upon the detective's figure. A murder?-- An electricity hung in the air. Richard knew something was up. He could sense the unknown's weighted footsteps plow as soon as he witnessed the host and the detective scamper up the stairs and away from prying eyes. Now, the Scotsman had an inkling he was bound to stumble across a story in Trevor's estate one way or another, but a murder? Things just got more interesting.
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Carefully placing the tray down on the nearby table, Richard approached the sleuth, his boyish eyes wide and flickering with the glimmer of naive trepidation. "M-... Mr. Holmes?" he stammered, his voice tumbling past his lips as a clumsy squeak as he nervously began to pick against the ends of his uniform's sleeves, "I'm willin' to give ye' my statement regardin' my alibi righ' now but I have to know... Was there really a murder? I mean... Are ye' pro'erly sure? I feel a wee bit sick is all." The Scotsman's face went as white as a sheet. "I've helped wait on a few other par'ies, but none of 'em e'er ended with a murder. Who was it, exactly? The victim, I mean?"
~ Open starter for v; the manor mystery ~
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Sherlock makes his way down the stairs, eyes slowly taking in the room, gaze flitting between the attendees. It's a rather novel situation - a recently deceased man, a murderer in the crowd - and the detective's trying very hard not to look like he's enjoying himself. When, frankly, this is the most fun he's had all night. It's more in his comfort zone, away from small talk and niceties with people he'll probably never see again.
As he descends to the last few steps he reaches out to grab a glass of champagne from a passing tray, gesturing for the waiter to stay as he is. Hands find his pocket knife, flicking it open and using the blade to tap against the glass. It takes a moment for the silence to catch on, spreading around the room as people look at him.
"Good evening." Sherlock flicks the knife away once satisfied that he has the crowd's attention. "Some of you I spoke to tonight, others I've not yet had the pleasure. For those who don't know me, I'm Sherlock Holmes and I'm a consulting detective. I don't usually attend these sorts of events, however, in a stroke of good fortune I chose tonight to be the one night in the year that I socialise away from work." He gives a half smile to the room.
"I say good fortune because how lucky it is that I'm here to solve the murder that's just occurred in the office on the second floor." He deliberately doesn't say who, choosing now to take a drink. He allows the words to settle in as his eyes keenly watch for reactions over the rim of his glass. His hand eventually lifts to settle the chattering. "Now, I've been watching you all this evening and I'm very much aware that some of you aren't being genuine, aren't being honest about who you are or your motives. Some of these may be small lies - Some may be bigger. But be under no illusions here - I will find out your secrets and I will get to the bottom of this murder." Sherlock pauses, partly for dramatic effect and partly to hammer in that there's no hiding from him. "It's up to you whether or not you cooperate with my enquiries. You may either approach me yourselves or I will seek you out. Either way, we will most certainly be speaking before the evening is through." He drains the last of his champagne. "Oh - And I should add, you'll all have to remain here until my investigation is complete and the murderer has been apprehended. Now - On we go, feel free to approach me with your pleas of innocence and alibis, I shall be taking note." Placing the glass back onto the tray he steps from the stairs, making his way down amongst the attendees, waiting to see who will speak to him first.
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richardxoliverxmayhew Β· 8 days
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Dearest Cecilia, the story can resume. The one I had been planning on that evening walk. I can become again the man who once crossed the surrey park at dusk, in my best suit, swaggering on the promise of life. The man who, with the clarity of passion, made love to you in the library. The story can resume. I will return. Find you, love you, marry you and live without shame.
ATONEMENT 2007 | dir. Joe Wright
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richardxoliverxmayhew Β· 9 days
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James McAvoyοΌ British GQ.
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richardxoliverxmayhew Β· 10 days
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richardxoliverxmayhew Β· 11 days
// (The Manor Mystery;Vβ€” UPDATE) THE BODY HAS BEEN FOUND, LOVES! ITS CRIME TIMEEEE EHEHE :> Make sure to set your threads or new starters accordingly πŸ”ŽπŸ˜Œ//
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