rizsu · 6 days
this clutch
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rizsu · 6 days
ꪆ୧ ── ROMANTIC LIFE ┊ INSIDER'S VIEW ﹑ JJK. ⤿ starring: megumi fushiguro as main male lead.
꒰ heart to him ﹢ a sneak peek into what's probably the very beginning of your relationship with megumi — how it started, to be exact. just two highschool students who found themselves a little attracted to each other.
𖧷 · love, ‘su: megumi = 2nd year student, you = 3rd year. both start as strangers into friends into (potential) lovers. split into two ‘chapters’ to break it up.
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꒰১ CHAPTER ONE ﹕ it all started when…
“damn, for real?! i’ve been trying to work on my manliness. thanks, bro.”
megumi’s immediately snapped out of his trance. he zoned out of the conversation minutes ago, preferring to focus on the encounter he had with a stranger earlier.
being immersed in his head, he had no idea he’d begun to get vocal. from sighs that reek of longing to random compliments as seen before. the three friends that circled around his desk didn’t mind his absence in the conversation — rather, they played into it. whenever he said something entirely unrelated, they’d respond as if they’re the ones he’s daydreaming about.
somehow, megumi failed to notice until itadori responded to him.
“no.” is what megumi replied. with one eyebrow raised, he quickly looked up and down itadori’s frame.
“but you called itadori pretty, dude!”
“can it.” his defences rose. “i wasn’t talking about him.”
a collective “oh?” came from everyone — even the students who weren’t a part of the group’s conversation. the boys leaned in closer, eyes set on megumi.
“is this perhaps fushiguro’s first love scenario?!” tichi gasped, already trying to piece together what an interaction between megumi and a love interest would look like.
“ah.” itadori folds his arms across his chest, nodding with eyes closed. “so i’m not ugly!”
the other friend kept quiet, waiting for megumi to reveal more information.
as for the main character in the moment, megumi’s ears flushed a particular shade of red — one that usually indicates embarrassment. a heat overtook his body; being the centre of attention for his group and the long-eared classmates certainly wasn’t the most ideal situation for him.
but megumi must keep his cool. he has an image to maintain — the image of “that one guy who’s always unimpressed.”
reaching a hand to scratch the sides of his neck, he gave a sigh before satisfying everyone’s curiosity.
“it’s a girl…”
“gender reveal!”
“anyway, she’s a third year.”
silence unfolds. megumi doesn’t continue after that, and the crowd doesn’t give their input — all except for a fellow classmate who’s definitely going to put the two together. as someone who has connections with the third-year students, he’s going to be megumi’s fairy godmother.
“well, well, well.”
heads turn to the voice — even megumi’s eyes met the owner’s.
“what’s her name? if you say it, i can make connections. the third years are graduating in a few months — time is not on your side,” tacho says, walking towards megumi with his hands stuffed in his pockets.
quite a dramatic entrance for someone who’s on cleaning duties after class.
“dude, do you think you’re in a show?” the unfortunate twin brother of tacho, tichi, sighs.
ignoring his brother, tacho leans down to megumi, maintaining eye contact with the boy. not just any eye contact though, the eye contact that screams business! boss to employee eye contact!
“i’m not telling.” megumi refused.
“boohoo, you’re lame.” tacho fakes a cry.
“but,” megumi continues, regaining his position as the centre of attention. “if i manage to talk to her and don’t get her number… i’ll tell you.”
“deal?” tacho’s ears perked up. he liked what he heard.
“pinky promise?”
“what are we, eight?” megumi frowned almost immediately.
there’s finally something for the second-year students of class 2B to look forward to. the love story progression between megumi fushiguro and the mysterious third-year student.
“psst, y/n!” a crumpled page hits the back of your head.
“what?!” you whisper-yelled, turning around to face the culprit.
“what’s the answer for question forty-five? is it b or d?” the culprit asked with urgency and desperation. the first multiple-choice mock exam of the week is certainly handing his ass back to him.
your expression flatlined — you should’ve known it wasn’t anything important.
“don’t you have your phone on you?! just cheat.” not-so-good advice was exchanged through whispering.
“that’s too much work!”
“then choose b. ‘b’ as in bat. if you get it wrong, blame mai.”
the perfect third-year class experience: getting an answer from a friend who got it from a friend who got it from a— you get the point. mock exams aren’t always taken seriously, it might as well be a regular class.
although there wasn’t a need to cheat for the answers yourself, you were too lazy to debate whether the answer was this or that based on the previous mock exam. call that the curse of repeated questions.
with thirty-five minutes left on the clock, you circled the final answer before closing the booklet. there’s nothing more relaxing than taking a nap after finishing an exam. it’s not like you can leave anyway.
“if you’re finished, leave the classroom. don’t be noisy in the halls or you're getting failed.
…apparently you can now.
you wasted no time in getting out. leaving a friend in need hurts you, but he can consider it revenge for throwing a paper ball at your head.
stretching your limbs, you snuck up behind mai, lightly kicking behind her knees to surprise her.
“fuck— y/n!”
“hey, shhhhh. we’re in the halls~” you hushed her, reminding her of the warning the class received beforehand.
mai showed no sign of regret. she’s heard that warning ever since elementary school days — it’s nothing more than empty words.
“you believe that shit?” she asked, disappointment lacing her tone.
“do i look stupid in your eyes?” you asked, saddened at how your friend viewed you.
mai nodded, ignoring your offended reaction. tapping twice on her phone screen, she hummed and slid it back into her skirt’s pocket.
“my ex messaged.”
“i thought you blocked—”
“anyway, let’s go get an early lunch before the younger ones.”
mai cut you off from finishing your sentence. she completely forgot that she told you a lie.
-> 11:15 A.M ◟ under the oak tree.
two ladies enjoying the gentle breeze as leaves dance along the wind’s track. they were having a meal, appreciating the shade they got from the tree along with the silence that came from being dismissed during class time.
the two totally weren’t ignoring the complaints from the sole person who’s been going nonstop since he came out of the classroom. he’s not appreciating the wrong answers given to him from a friend who got it from a friend (×2).
“—she said it was c. can you believe that?! C?!”
“wait.” you sat up straight. “who said that?”
“the fucking teacher! were you even listening to me?!”
“no, not really…” you’re guilty as charged.
“teru, swear upon your life that she said the answer’s c.” mai spoke with authority.
“i swear, dude.”
the senior student life: friends saying “fuck” in a exhausted way together. the reaction of when you know you completely fucked up.
another moment of silence was enjoyed. this time, it was a silence where everyone came to terms with the possibility of failing the entire exam — it’s only the beginning of many, many mock exams to come.
clicking your tongue, you decide to break the silence.
“so, mai’s ex messaged her but didn’t she say she blocked him?”
gossip time!
“plain lie.” teru expressed disappointment.
“watch that tongue. he unblocked himself.” mai defended herself.
“and i can turn water back into wine.” teru refuted.
“let’s not jump mai now,” min said. “i saw y/n talking to some guy during our first break.”
all eyes on you now. you couldn’t put a face to the guy you were talking to, but you sure as hell won’t go down without defending yourself.
“tsk, tsk. and you’re talking about me?!” mai shakes her head, happy with the party forgetting about the supposed-to-have-been-blocked ex.
“min, you were silent all the time. when you finally speak you throw shots at me?! i was just helping him!”
“and i can part the ocean into two.” teru once again expresses sarcasm.
“zip it, terushima.” you glared at him. “i don’t even know the guy, okay? cut me some slack!”
“what year is he in?” min asked, stuffing her mouth with mini marshmallows.
“dunno. probably second? he’s kinda tall with insane bed hair but i don’t remember his face…” you bit your lips trying to recall his face, but you couldn’t.
“was his hair black?” again, min questions.
“no tie, sleeves rolled up to the elbow?”
“i think… maybe?”
“it’s probably megumi fushiguro.” popping the final marshmallow into her mouth, she dusted her hands off, ignoring the surprised reactions.
“okay google. who even is that? why do you know the second years’ full names…” teru questioned min, judging her for her knowledge of the students.
“well, she’s in the student council… anyway, i wanna see this fushiguro.” mai’s interest has peaked. sleeves rolled up to the elbow with no tie? he’s probably a mischievous kid.
your response is a bit later than the other two. you were repeating the name ‘megumi fushiguro’ in your head.
“his name has a nice ring to it.” finally you spoke.
“he’s a second year!” teru’s shocked at your interest in him. just a moment ago you couldn’t put a face to him. you probably can’t put a face to the name either.
“just a year younger, no biggie.” you shrugged
“how are you gonna talk to him?” mai asked, wondering if you’d walk around the second year’s floor questioning everyone on who’s megumi fushiguro.
“who said anything about that?” you shook your head. “if i see him, i see him.”
“more like if you hear his name, you hear it.”
min suddenly claps, outing the fire that would’ve ignited between you and the bitchy boy.
“i’ll give him y/n’s number, but you have to send screenshots.” she offered a trade.
“i would’ve done that anyway.”
-> 02:30 P.M ◟ sudden after school meeting.
the lesson megumi learnt today was to never reveal anything to his friends again. he was kept hostage all day without a single chance to catch a glimpse at the newfound crush.
whenever they could’ve, the phrase you’d hear kids singing was sung to him: “megumi and a third-year student kissing in a tree! k.i.s.s.i.n.g!”
for the first time in his life, he experienced what it’s like to hate something from the very core of his heart. it got to the point where he sneaked away from the group to leave the school grounds alone. however, even that led to no peace. he was bothered once more.
“fushiguro?” someone called out to him, lightly patting his shoulder.
he didn’t show it, but he was certainly spooked. the increased racing of his heart provides evidence of such.
“yes? oh, it’s you, min.” he turned around, keeping his poker face. can’t be caught having expressions in the school grounds.
“yup. so, that third-year girl you met during the first break, here’s her number.”
min stuck a sticky note on the pocket of his shirt, ready to walk back to where her destination is.
“wait— are you close to her?” megumi mentally cringes. he acted on impulse.
“yeah, that’s my friend. bye now.”
and she’s gone, leaving a stunned megumi in the hallway. he can’t believe it was this easy to get your number. seeing that he’s alone… maybe he can do some victory moves.
“DAMN! she beat me to it.”
“tacho, can’t you ever be quiet?!”
“was that her? she's pretty...”
“nope, that’s the friend.”
never mind. he forgot he’s got four friends who are master spies — fueled by the fact that they can’t mind their business.
turning back around to the group, he puts a hand on his hip.
“are you guys serious?”
“as serious as you are, brother.” itadori’s hand rests on his chest, providing an answer on behalf of the others.
an exasperated sigh left megumi. one day he’ll consider transferring schools.
-> 06:38 P.M ◟ courage! dominance! bravery!
megumi’s a male. a male that lacks courage, dominance, and bravery when it comes to love-related situations. once he finished his after school routine, he got comfortable in bed and is currently staring at his phone, contemplating on whether he should send you a message or not.
after a serious meeting with himself and the voice in his head, he mustered up the courage to send you a message.
megumi: hey. this is megumi fushiguro, from second year (2B).
five minutes of silence before a “ding!” is heard. he purposefully set his phone to ring after he sent the message.
y/n: oh hello i’m y/n!!
y/n: third year (3A) as u probably already know
excitement overtook megumi and he’s not pleased with it. suddenly, he’s making a typo every two words, palms sweaty, and smiling.
y/n: what’s up hru
y/n: hope min didn’t scare you
megumi: i’m alright, just bored. wby?
megumi: she didn’t scare me. i was a bit stunned, though.
y/n is typing…
y/n: that’s good! i’m bored too
y/n: sick of these assignments </3
y/n: drop out before it’s too late you hear me?
y/n: ok don’t but it’s an option if you’re privileged enough
megumi: lol i’ll think about it.
megumi: thanks for the help earlier btw.
y/n: anytime bro igu
y/n: oh i gtg
y/n: i forgot my mom asked me to do smth oops
y/n: we can talk later or tmr in school okay
y/n: bye ^^
megumi: good luck, y/n. bye.
y/n is offline.
“wow...” he re-reads the conversation, looking at the amount of messages you sent compared to his. “she’s chatty.”
his excitement calmed down a little after you went offline. actually, it was replaced with annoyance. it’s almost as if the guys put a timer and recorder on his phone. they texted the exact minute he came off your chat.
(20+) new messages from ‘cool gc name’:
> tacho: megumi don’t leave us hanging
> tichi: call me curious george
> itadori: yo that min girl been on my mind
> tacho: lemme hook u up bro
> itadori: please bro
> toeni: hop on vc
> tichi: for what
> toeni: im too lazy to type
> tichi: boy bye
> itadori: need min to give me a minute of her time so i can express how she’s been on my mind
> tacho: that shit fire
> itadori: i’ll be a poet
> tichi: ???
> toeni: who’s min?
> tacho: girl who’s friends with other girl megumi likes
> toeni: oh right her
> toeni: she scary
> itadori: u dont talk to women anyway
> tichi: already on her defence itadori’s far from saving
> tacho: truly megumi’s best friend
“what the fuck.” megumi audibly shows his shock. from the sheer amount of messages incoming, he doesn’t want to get involved.
it’s too late, though. because everyone’s online, the others can see that everyone, including megumi, read the messages. caught red-handed.
> tacho: MEGUMI
> toeni: welcome back megumi. i removed your AFK.
> tichi: easy there discord addict
> toeni: pls hop on vc
> itadori: how’d it go? u messaged her?
megumi: i did. she’s chatty like you guys
> tacho: add her here she one of us
> tichi: absolutely not
> itadori: real this is a sacred gc
> itadori: unless u get min in here too
> tichi: brother you saw her for less than five minutes
> itadori: five MINutes that blessed my life
> toeni: betting fifty dollars megumi didn’t hold the convo
megumi: get off my dick? she had to go offline.
> toeni: that's what they all say
> tichi: don't listen to him he’s mad no one’s going on vc
> toeni: true :(
> tichi: too bad :((
> toeni: die
megumi: i’ll probably talk to her tmr. it’s late and she isn’t back yet.
> tacho: DUDE NO
> tacho: how does one cockblock their own talking stage
> itadori: here goes mr. always in a relationship
megumi: we just started “talking.” i don’t want to come off as a creep.
> toeni: couldn’t be me
> toeni: i would’ve spam tf out of her phone
> tichi: how to get blocked 101
> toeni: here we go
> toeni: another lesson from The Wise And The Righteous
tichi has kicked toeni out of the groupchat.
tacho has added toeni into the groupchat.
> toeni: LEGENDS NEVER DIE!!!!
> toeni: tacho i apologise for calling you a glittered horse all this time
tacho has kicked toeni out of the groupchat.
megumi: k i’m gonna sleep.
> itadori: ur probably gonna dream about miss 3rd yr
megumi: correct.
> itadori: WHAT
> tichi: oh
megumi is offline.
> tacho: he’s in too deep i fear
> toeni: he just like me fr
> tacho: how the fuck did u get back in
> toeni: please refer to the capitalised message i sent before getting kicked again
꒰১ CHAPTER TWO ﹕ good morning?!
it’s not a proper morning unless your mother blinds your vision with the lightbulb of heaven, mai spamming your messages, teru asking for your mom’s breakfast, and min stealing your hoodie for herself.
truly, this is peak highschool friendship. you couldn’t have asked for more. in the classroom 7:30 A.M on the dot with the air conditioner’s cranked up to the coldest. you were copying assignment answers from another classmate and the group scrolled through the chat with megumi.
“he’s the type to text with actual grammar,” mai says, pulling her lollipop out of her mouth with a “pop” sound.
“short ass conversation.” teru does what he’s best at: judging.
“you guys actually texted this morning?” min’s surprised. “when it’s with us you just dip the convo and never text until it’s some random hour where everyone’s asleep.”
“i told you i usually dip to play games!”
“lies and more lies.” mai clicks her tongue. “anyway, teru did you read their convo?”
“barely. the awkwardness pained me.”
“here, read it.”
teru hesitantly took hold of your phone, scrolling back to the beginning of today’s chat with megumi. with a gulp of fear, he reads the messages.
y/n: im back
y/n: well the next day
y/n: still counts!
megumi: morning. welcome back.
y/n: oh right good morning!!
y/n: what r u doing
y/n: im fucking up this sandwich
megumi: nothing really. i’m on my bed.
y/n: did u eat breakfast
“did you eat breakfast?!? this cliché.”
“shut up and read quietly, teru!” embarrassment hit you at that moment.
megumi: no. i don’t particularly like breakfast.
megumi: well, not this early into the morning.
y/n: ur more of a brunch guy ???
megumi: preferably. what about you?
y/n: me personally i just eat if im hungry
y/n: even during class i sneak in some bites
megumi: really? you sound like a fun deskmate.
y/n: aww ty!! you sound like a reserved guy
y/n: wish u were my deskmate. the one i have just sleeps
y/n: mind u shes apart of the student council
megumi: min?
y/n: yes!! gotta be principal’s niece privileges
y/n: i love her tho she's very nice
megumi: she is. you are too.
“were you guys flirting or just being honest?”
“bro, i don’t even know.”
y/n: i will definitely meet u today
y/n: somehow
y/n: gtg now see u later
megumi: bye.
teru swipes off the app, closes your phone, and places it face down on your desk. his expression seems serious — all three of you girls are silent.
“i’ve got to see what this dude’s like,” he begins. “so, i’ll be hanging around outside all day with the guys.”
“yes! be useful for once and get some intel.” mai’s now eager. she raises a hand to hold teru’s to which he accepts with the same enthusiasm.
you remained silent, wondering if you should make up a bullshit excuse to visit megumi’s classroom. realistically speaking, you can visit whatever classroom you like as a third-year student, but you don’t want to come off as abrupt.
“what’s on your mind, y/n?” min asks, poking your arm.
“i kinda wanna see megumi — given that i don’t remember his face at all.”
“ah.” both girls react the same way, nodding at your words.
“why not text him?” mai suggests.
“nah, too early for that.” you decline.
“well, we can walk around where the second years usually are. or we can just wait on teru.” mai revealed plan b and plan c.
you and min agreed, opting for the second one. you’ve got eight hours of class school anyway, there’s time to see him “by chance.”
-> 10:02 A.M ◟ first break of the day.
two minutes into your break and you felt your phone vibrate. you slid it slightly out of your pocket — just enough to where you can read the time and notifications.
(1) new message from terushima: lemme borrow five dollars
instagram: follower request from @tachosandcheese , @itadoredbull
+99 new emails.
“anything important? did he message?” min teases, eyeing your phone.
“who’s tachosandcheese and itadoredbull?” mai asks, slightly impressed by the usernames.
“no clue and no, he didn’t text.” you press your phone’s power button. “i’ll view those two insta accounts later.”
shrugging, you stood up from your chair, stretching your limbs before you make a move to the cafeteria.
“she’s already gone— mai, can’t we stay here?”
“get your lazy ass up, min.”
“i hate you both.”
-> 10:02 A.M ◟ in the gym.
megumi and the four friends are currently downing entire water bottles in one go. having physical education class first thing in the morning isn’t what they’d look forward to. this break is hardly a break. they have yet another p.e class awaiting them after.
once they calmed down, tacho started up a conversation.
“so, i was talking to itadori last night right?”
they hum in response.
“and we found min’s instagram profile.”
“doesn’t surprise me.” toeni shrugs.
“yeah, did you find the one for megumi’s?” tichi says what megumi wanted to.
“well,” itadori unlocks his phone, showing the group a screenshot of an instagram account. “we think this is her.”
the group leans in, studying your supposed profile’s aesthetic.
“that’s a private private account, for real. it doesn’t look like there’s her name anywhere.” toeni’s the first to say something.
they all look at megumi, waiting for him to clarify. he’s the only one who knows your name.
“it’s not there.” he satisfies their curiosity again.
“dude, if we requested the wrong profile i’ll deactivate.”
“i’m with you on that one, itadori.”
they all continue to gossip, taking turns to tell a story until the class of hell begun once more. hopefully they can hold out until lunch break… hopefully.
-> 02:36 P.M ◟ end of school: not so unsuccessful.
the thing megumi looked forward to the most did not happen. he’s trying to not dwell on it too much — you’re a senior student, chances of you being busy are high.
somehow, it seems as if megumi has a skill for meeting your friends after school but not you. this time he was stopped by a guy who quickly informed him of the completely platonic relationship between him and you.
the information given to megumi by the friend, teru, was quite helpful — if megumi had the balls that is.
“if you’re looking to meet her alone, go to that large oak tree, she’s always there.”
advice he’s going to hold dearly. he won’t go directly (at least not right now) but he’ll get a view of you from a spot closer.
double tapping on his phone’s screen, he unlocks it before locking it back immediately. he wants to text, but school just finished. he will wait another four hours.
it’s not like he’ll be free to talk anyway. his friends decided that he needs to experience going on dates. there’s an unfortunate busy schedule of arcade and night market business later.
you’ve nothing to do — literally. chores are completed, no assignments, finished end-game content on your games, watched everything that interested you — quite literally nothing to do.
it’s eight p.m. you lost count on the amount of times you changed positions in bed and let out sighs of boredom. you’d call your friends but that’ll just end up with you all complaining about boredom.
at times like this you wished you had a boyfriend or something of the sort to be entertained by.
but he hasn’t texted. should you do it first? he did text first initially.
grabbing your phone, opened megumi’s chat, ready to send a few messages.
y/n: hey wyd rn
megumi is typing…
megumi: hi. i’m at a night market with my friends.
megumi: the reception’s a bit bad.
megumi: the messages aren’t sending fast enough.
y/n: woah was that ur first triple text???
y/n: go megumi go!
megumi: you’re rubbing off on me a bit.
y/n: glad to hear my influence is strong
megumi: are you bored?
y/n: bored to the point of death
y/n: how’d u know
megumi: [photo attachment]
megumi: would you like one?
megumi: sorry. the messages aren’t sending in order.
megumi: but which keychain do you like?
y/n: thats ok dw
y/n: as for the keychains uhhh
y/n: i cant choose u do it
megumi: are you sure?
y/n: yeah do it
megumi is typing…
“how bad is the reception over there… he’s been typing for a hot minute,” you mumbled, unaware of the smile settled on your face.
megumi: nvm. it won’t send.
megumi: i’ll send a voice message.
y/n: fine by me bro
megumi’s message made you realise you also somewhat forgot what his voice sounded like. your boredom has officially been defeated.
megumi: [+ voice message: 00:20s]
“hi, y/n – if that’s how you pronounce it. i’ll buy you the black keychain since it'll match anything. i’m not sure if you’d want any— is that the girl? hi we’re megumi’s friends!! i’m tac— fuck off, tacho. as i was saying – it’s megumi speaking by the way – would you like anything else?”
the chaos of the voice message got a laugh out of you. you could’ve heard a faint “he’s so mean!” at the end of it – it was probably the tacho guy.
y/n: mmmm i dont want anything really
y/n: just buy two of what ur getting
y/n: we’ll match
megumi: sure.
megumi: talk to you later or when i get back.
megumi: sorry about my friends.
y/n: it’s okkkkkk they seem fun
y/n: mine would’ve stolen my phone during the voice message
megumi: seems like our friend groups are alike.
megumi: later. sleep well if you’re going to sleep.
y/n: and you stay safe!!
megumi is offline.
and the boredom returns. man, you really do need a little entertainment from a guy. just look at how megumi kept you smiling when he’s only met you once. tragic.
‘if tomorrow’s saturday…’ the voice in your head ponders, trying to piece together a potential date. it appears you have a gift or two to collect; maybe — just maybe you can further this short talking stage. you’re too impatient for it anyway.
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185 notes · View notes
rizsu · 10 days
i keep getting flashbacks to when i used to read fics on youtube BEGONE EVIL MEMORIES
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71 notes · View notes
rizsu · 21 days
��୧ ── NOWHERE TO RUN ┊ FACE IT ﹑ JJK. ⤿ starring: sukuna ryomen ◟ megumi fushiguro.
꒰ excuses or oblivious ﹢ one way or another, they're gonna be hit with the question “what are we?” — sorta.
𖧷 · love, ‘su: writer's block had me so bad the only thing i couldve done was 𝓭𝓻𝓪𝓯𝓽 : 𝓳𝓳𝓴 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
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SUKUNA RYOMEN ⟡ he’ll never answer you.
“why?” you questioned him.
your voice held a tone he's not quite familiar with — it's confusing him.
you've laid sukuna flat on the bed, straddling him so he's forced to listen. trapping him under you was the only way left. sukuna's somewhat a strong man, it took barely ten percent of his energy to lift you off his desk and kiss you goodbye with sweet lies.
there's none of that now — at least during this moment. the night's fallen, he's off duties, and you're clearly not busy. there isn't room for any other variable that can counter your moment. you've calculated this meticulously.
sukuna doesn't answer. he busied his hand with the hem of your skirt, focusing his eyes more on the fabric than yours that held every unspoken emotion you felt.
the silence fails to bother you. you continued with your question despite him giving his attention to the clothes that adorn you instead of the person wearing it.
“is it a game? a push and pull game with me? you seem to enjoy deflecting.”
your once laid out palm on his chest fists the shirt, slightly tugging it. he still fiddles with your skirt, but his eyes finally found yours.
“hmm, not sure. i don't really enjoy games like that.”
a lazy smile appears on him, complimenting his visuals further.
usually you'd mirror his expressions but this time there's no mocking smile. furrowed eyebrows and a frown appeared.
“amazing, your humor never fails to amaze me.”
“the others do say i have some humor in me.”
“that's not how i—”
“i know,” he sighs, “i already know what answer you want from me— or what answer you want to hear.”
sukuna emphasizes on the last few words, tilting his head at your expression.
you're slightly puzzled. is it truly that you want to hear an answer that will satisfy you or the truth? even that brings along the question of what is the truth?
you gulped, picking at the skin on your bottom lip with your teeth.
“stop fucking with my head,” you muttered.
“then let's call it a night.” he shrugs, tapping on your thigh.
you ignore his signal to get off him. to hell with him.
a heavier sigh leaves sukuna. he has work to return to in the morning, it's quite late into the night, and he clearly isn't allowed to sleep in a comfortable position.
“fine, do what you want, but you should get some sleep as well.” his arm stretches out, cupping your face.
his palm's warm, making you press your cheek against it.
“lean down,” he says.
you're suspicious but went along with his words. surely you wouldn't come to regret it, right?
quite the opposite. the moment you were an inch away from noses touching, his hand moved from cupping your face to behind your head, pushing you down for a kiss.
“goodnight,” he whispered, pulling away from the kiss.
yet another failure added to your list.
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MEGUMI FUSHIGURO ⟡ well, he had a different idea.
megumi's at the dining table, enjoying his drink as he picks back up on the page he bookmarked before bed. a proper way to start his day.
nobara's also at the dining table, with both hands crossed over her chest. not a proper way to start her day.
she's been meaning to get into it with megumi since... two days ago! what happened two days ago? she met with a dear friend she brags about and listened to relationship problems.
according to said friend, it feels as though a certain guy had lead them on. nobara, being a good friend, assured them that the guy hadn't mean it but this was an obvious attempt of comfort.
when said friend described the guy and his behaviour, she felt a chill down her spine. the description felt oddly familiar... perhaps a bit too familiar. she's sure she knew the guy, but who is it?
it was only when the sentence “with his stupid fucking hair” left the dear friend, her putting-clues-together function turned on.
the guy was megumi fushiguro, her dormmate. and also a dear friend.
ever since that day she's been planning to confront him but she procastinated. this was partially due to her not being told directly by her dormmate that he's in a ‘relationship’ so it felt like she eavesdropped.
as megumi took the final sip of his drink, he carefully placed it on the coaster. he read one more full page of the comic before he questioned nobara with no eye contact.
“is something bothering you?”
“yes! well, technically it's not me but...” nobara trails off, she's not quite sure continue.
taking a deep breath, she slams her both palms on the table, leaning in to gather megumi's attention.
“so there's this friend right?”
“and they're having issues with their relationship. so, the guy kinda lead them on by being all boyfriend-y, i assume, and giving off subtle hints. whenever things get quote-on-quote advanced, the guy somehow takes the relationship two steps back. they think they're reading into it too much but also don't know what to do because the guy sometimes goes ghost.”
she hits him with all information at once. nobara rambled, ending it with a ‘phew’. her heartbeat raced for whatever reason. maybe it's because she's indirectly telling her friend he's a shitball.
“oh,” the perpetrator responds, closing his book with one hand.
if they were in a cartoon, there would surely be three question marks floating above nobara's head.
oh? just an oh? nothing else? she thinks, judging him.
“damn, that guy's an ass.” he extends his previous statement, not knowing that he just called himself an ass.
“well...!” a sweat bead forms on nobara's forehead. “what if — just what if i told you that guy is you?”
“me? you jest.”
“i fucking wish! i'm talking about you and whatever you have going on with (y/n),” she mumbles the last words, taking her dormmate's sandwich for herself.
megumi's eyebrow raises. he doesn't like what he's hearing. him? leading someone on? that someone being you? what's with the sudden twist?
“that's... hmm.” he crosses his arms across his chest, leaning back into the chair, “i thought we were already in a relationship— (y/n) and i that is.”
the sandwich wasn't a pleasant experience. upon hearing megumi's words, she immediately choked. the twists just kept coming.
“you—” a cough interrupts. “you both are fucking stupid.”
“shit — should i go meet with (y/n)?” megumi asks with urgency, staring at nobara for an answer.
“that shouldn't even be a question. make haste!”
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rizsu · 22 days
walk with me here (please). you know that trope where reader's always in their boyfriend's clothes because he's gone (probably for work duties) and they're missing him?
reverse the roles and make it gojo satoru. he's always busy, getting four hours of sleep at most, and his vacations aren't long. you guys make the relationship work despite not seeing each other often, but there's only so much texts and calls can do.
gojo's go-to love language is physical touch — he needs to have his hands on you whether it's during sleep, simply walking around town, or any other activity. while at work he can't do that. at best, he has a few of your belongings he either stole or you gave it to him.
for example, your bracelet you've been looking for the past month. to you, it's missing. to gojo, it's wrapped prettily around his wrist. whenever he's on a lengthy mission he wears the bracelet. this caused him to grow a habit of fiddling with the beads subconsciously — similarly to you fiddling with your necklace.
besides the bracelet, he also goes window shopping at whichever mall he's at which eventually leads to actual shopping. be it lingerie, a beautiful dress, or some random trinket, he's pulling the card out.
though, for the meantime, the gifts would be collecting dust. he doesn't return to you until three weeks later, but his impulses got the best of him.
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rizsu · 24 days
the meimei slander is so real get her OUT of here omfg 🙅🏻‍♀️🚫
how i feel every night knowing meimei gonna make it out alive purely bc gege knows everyone hates her
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rizsu · 26 days
tartaglia post please............. my ginger princess.......... stop posting abt genshin and start writing.......... 😔
+ love, ‘su: smth smth tar-tar-taglia lover of snezhnayan queen ノ childe insists you like being called ‘doll’
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“seriously, you’re fucking dead.”
“no, i’m fucking ajax—ouch!?”
a firm kick to his shin was all it took to shut him up. it’s to be expected that even a crazed battle man like him couldn’t resist the pain of heels. well, to be precise, being kicked by someone wearing heels.
you’re familiar with childe, much to your dismay. you’ve always gotten into squabbles with him when you two were younger. it’s extended to your adulthood. as if your fathers being the best of buds weren’t enough, they mistook your hate for the boy as young love. elder people and their beliefs will soon bring the nation into shambles.
“you must bully him because you like him, right sweetie?” your foolish father would tease you, nudging your mother’s arm.
childe also wasn’t free from the teasing. his younger sisters would often sing a song, suggesting romance between him and the girl he swore to believe is a man.
see, you two aren’t enemies, but you aren’t friends either. you both just happened to have a dislike for the other. if you were good at something, he’d be better. if he were good at something, you’d be better. to him, you’re like a roach that refuses to die. to you, he’s like a fly that won’t stop buzzing.
perhaps this is what both your families saw. you two were so similar that it caused rivalry. the fathers, however, saw this as an opportunity. what better way to connect the best of buds than to become in-laws? it’s a picture-perfect plan! a plan that didn’t require the consent of the two parties involved because they foresaw the fat “no.”
that is how you were left with him in a room alone. you’re not sure if you’re going crazy because of the annoyance, but you are pretty sure you heard a chair being dragged to lock the door from the outside.
you rushed home from an outing with friends due to an emergency call from your father. next time, you’ll remind yourself to not answer any of his calls. your outfit is now being wasted in the guest’s room.
“what?” raising an eyebrow, childe looked at you up and down, observing your appearance.
“oh, did you get dolled up for me? how sweet of you but i’m not— fuck.” he held his tongue, hissing at the pain of yet another kick.
“i did not get “dolled up” for you, okay? don’t be an asshole,” you spat, crossing your arms.
childe laughed the pain off, stretching his arms as he turned his back to you, walking to the lovely bed your mother prepared for him.
once he got comfortable, he turned on his side, propping his head up with his hand.
“you can stand there if you want, or join me.” patting the space beside him, he teased you. childe’s aware of how annoying heels can be to stand in. he has sisters and a mother — he never hears the end of it.
unfortunately for you, your pride bested you. you held your head high, refusing to lay on the same bed as him.
...unfortunately for you, childe’s also an asshole that can turn people’s words and their meanings around.
“so you’re standing there because you don’t want to ruin your outfit? my, you really got dolled up for me.”
hook, line, and sinker. you took the bait. thanks to his provoking, you kicked the heels off, practically stomping to the bed. you laid on your back, keeping your arms folded across your chest.
“hi, doll.” a sickening voice laced with honey spoke.
“fuck off.” a fitting response.
“no. i don’t want to.”
however, childe will always be childe. he cannot “fuck off” because you want him to. he will continue to fuck on and bear the consequences later.
“but if i fuck off, who’s gonna see you dolled up again? how cruel, doll,” he faked a cry, wiping the invisible tears.
“stop calling me that!” you ordered, furrowing your eyebrows at the nickname.
“haha, no.”
you didn’t respond. instead, you closed your eyes. maybe some sleep will help.
or maybe not.
bold of you to think you of all people can get even a minute’s rest when he's around. he’s not childe if he doesn’t extend an arm to poke your cheek — multiple times.
you refused to yield, so he carried on. since the poking won’t work, he fiddled with your earrings.
that, too, didn’t work. he’s running out of things to do with his hand. perhaps it’s time to up his game.
shuffling closer to you, he leaned in to your ear, readying himself to whisper nonsense to disrupt your so-called slumber.
“psst, i’m gonna tell everyone you like being called doll.”
“don’t you fucking dare.” your eyes shot open immediately, looking at the perpetrator with disgust.
“look at that, you woke up!” he cheered, smiling at you. “my, my. you really do like being called doll…”
you took a slow blink, coming to the realisation that he’s going to do whatever he wants. whether it’s calling you “doll” or becoming the bane of your existence.
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rizsu · 26 days
oohhhh gojo‘s so pretty i‘m gonna swipe my tongue through his ass crack like a credit card swiping through the scanner thing 😾
this is certainly an ask!
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rizsu · 1 month
not sure if you take reqs but body guard sukuna? just a small insight on him please, ty!
sukuna as a bodyguard isn’t quite like the bodyguards portrayed by social media. in fact, he’s a bit lazy at his job. to him, there’s no need to be one step behind you if you’re in his view. as long as he can see you, all is well.
it’s not that he’s terrible at his job (it is), it’s simply the fact that he thinks you don’t need extra protection. you’re capable of fending off creatures that approach you, and he’s confident in both his strength and the gun hidden under his shirt.
in short, he has moulded the perfect excuse to slack off. easy salary for basically going on occasional shopping sprees and free dinner? it’d be foolish to think he’d give it his all.
but don’t think he doesn’t give at least seventy percent! he does — only when necessary! as his visuals compared to the average male citizen is ten times scarier, he only needs to puff his chest out and put on his best “fuck off” expression.
you, on the other hand, are aware that sukuna’s not doing his job properly, but you couldn’t care less. as long as you’re safe at the end of the day — that’s what matters most.
a small part that contributes to the reason is the fact that he’s a bit of an eye candy. you’ve always had a peculiar taste towards men, it’s not a shocker.
he doesn’t talk much, minds his business, and even plays with your dog (false, sukuna hates it, but it likes him). it’s truly no surprise you feel a tickle of romance when it comes to sukuna.
that doesn’t mean you made any advances towards him. no, never. just buying him trinkets is enough — scratch that, it’s hardly enough, but it suffices! he allows you to decorate him with your handbag, pins, bracelets, and whatnot.
sukuna truly is the perfect example of a gentleman (this is something only you’d agree with). you’d never forget the time he switched shoes because you couldn’t walk anymore. needless to say, sukuna looked fantastic with black heels.
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rizsu · 1 month
+ love, ‘su: he's so crazyyyy!!! can't take him anywhere lol XD ── tw. mentions of murder (not u)
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yuta’s been acting weird, but you can’t put your finger on it. you’ve this aching gut feeling that something’s off with him, but he hasn’t done anything out of the ordinary.
he’s still acts like your loving boyfriend who refuses to sleep unless his arms are wrapped around you. each time the thought of yuta suddenly changing crosses you, a pang of guilt hits you.
you don’t want to doubt him, but it’s getting difficult to not suspect him. he’s no longer punctual — you can’t predict his timing anymore. even the hour he returns home is now a guessing game.
what happened to him? something’s weird — no, not just weird. it’s terrifying. physically it’s your yuta but is it really? why are his eyes unfocused all the time? is something or someone bothering him?
questions after questions swirl through yet there isn’t an answer that can satisfy you. you need yuta to speak, but he dances around the questions, refusing to give in.
the more you pry the more he gets annoyed. he doesn’t show it, but his firm answer never fails to stop you.
“baby, i said nothing. is. wrong.” he’d insist, warmingly smiling at you before he follows up with a question. “don’t you trust me?”
like usual, you’d remain silent, unable to drag it on. the conversations continued to run in circles. soon you gave up.
you can’t shake off the feeling, nor can you make him talk. as unfortunate as it is, it’s better to go with the flow. it’d be meaningless to anger him with butting in his business.
as for yuta, it pains him that he’s acting so cold, but that’s the only way to get you to stop. he loves you — worships you — but it’ll be detrimental if you were to find out that he isn’t your sweet boy.
you shower him with praises everyday, he can’t imagine what life would be like if he loses you. you’ve always said his hands are your favourite, which is why he bought multiple pairs of gloves. he can’t have the hands you adore be tainted. it’s a bit sloppy to cover his traces, but it’ll do.
after all, he’s not skilled in killing humans yet. his expertise is knowing how to murder curses, but maybe he can transfer those skills to humans too.
truth be told, this has been going on for some time. if he were to recall correctly, it’s been approximately twenty-three days since his first killing. he didn’t plan for it to happen — heavens, no! it just… did.
yuta’s self control is something worthy to be jealous of, but he lost every ounce of it that night. he gifted you a new dress, one that’s perfect to be dolled up in an expensive club that’s part casino. so said, so done.
you were his woman, ever so beautiful, but like moths to a flame, you attracted unnecessary attention. the amount of men that attempted to whisk you away exceeded the number ten. he couldn’t keep count on his fingers anymore. of course, you never hesitated to reject them. you even went as far as to slip in “i’m here with my boyfriend” whenever they approached.
but they were filthy flies. flies aren’t able to read the room, nor can they handle rejection. they’ll always come back to the meal — even if all they got was a whiff of the scent. flies are known to be pesky, greedy animals. unless you see them to their death, they’ll never leave.
the night played out smoothly, but yuta’s annoyance wasn’t soothed. he wanted to relieve it physically. he needed absolute dominance over something — something that’ll be easy to register a power imbalance with. what’s better than to overpower one of the flies? they’d be drunk and yuta happened to have held his alcohol, so he’s quite sober.
once he’s assured you were in deep sleep, he quietly left to set his plan in motion. he never thought that he’d feel ‘the hunter and the prey’ emotions against a human, but here he is. life is truly unpredictable. it’s unfortunate the random fly that was singled out couldn’t predict his murder.
a death by asphyxiation. the easiest way to kill someone if it’s your first time. yuta didn’t bother to clean up, simply opting for dragging the body in a back alley. there’s been a number of violent crimes the past week, he was sure it’ll be played off as one of those crimes. in that way, he won’t ever be suspected, and he was correct.
however, yuta, too, fell to greed. the adrenaline rush, the feeling of seeing someone struggle, the continuance of the life of someone being his decision to make — he wanted more. he couldn’t settle for just one. with long eyes that yearned for more than he should’ve, yuta’s killings didn’t stop. it soon became a pattern: every two weeks he’d kill someone — it didn’t matter who, as long as they did something he deemed wrong. yuta believed he acted on justice, but he knew he was just as wrong.
he became a vigilante to some, and a serial killer to others. regardless of what the public viewed him as, it caused unrest. the only time he stopped was the day you refused to go out in fear of the increase of murders in your city. your pain is his pain, he couldn’t bear to watch you cower in fear at the thought of becoming the next addition to the kill count.
the stop only lasted for one scheduled killing. he returned to his usual activities, becoming more and more skilled. with each murder he became braver — sometimes taking a limb off depending on if he liked the person or not.
but every secret was bound to be revealed, and his almost got caught when you found a patch of blood on his sweatpants.
“yuta, did you injure yourself and didn’t tell me?” you asked him with a disappointed tone, holding up his sweatpants to show the blood.
his heart stopped, a sick feeling in his stomach bubbled up. he didn’t injure himself, but he injured (killed) someone else. it’s not like he can say that and hope you bypass it.
“oh — i, i did,” he answered, nervously laughing. “i accidentally dropped the knife on my leg, sorry baby.”
it was a half-assed excuse, but since you trust him, you’ll believe it.
“then you should’ve told me!” you pouted, jokingly thinking that he didn’t trust you.
“sorry, sorry. but next time, don’t wash my clothes. i’ll do it.” it was a sudden demand, subtly killing the mood.
your eyebrows furrowed. you found it weird, but didn’t question it. yuta knew how absurd he sounded, but he can’t have you connecting the dots. sooner or later you would’ve realised his lies.
however, even without the clothes, you still found holes in his behaviour. you kept quiet about it until you couldn’t, but that resulted in him redirecting the conversation.
you’re too smart for your own good, if you were to cast aside your trust in him and realise your worries aren’t insane, you’d leave yuta in a heartbeat. he can’t have that. he won’t settle for it. heavens know what he’d resort to just to keep you in his arms.
yuta’s your sweet boy, and he’ll continue to be. if it meant giving up the killings, he’d do it. it won’t be too hard to find a replacement to satisfy his needs. but, would he need to give it up? if you find out, can’t he keep you tied down with him? he’s the hunter, after all.
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rizsu · 1 month
yuuji who's found himself developing a heart racing crush vs sukuna who's found himself subjected to witnessing cringe beyond tolerable happen right before his eyes.
sukuna, to yuuji, is like a roach. he's there when you don't want him to be, unemployed, sole purpose is being terrifying, and gives advice that's been outdated eons ago.
yuuji's crush bloomed when he dreamt of a married life with you. it was sudden, random, and totally not in line with what he remembered falling asleep to: inventing a time traveling machine.
having been struck with a drastic change, he could no longer keep conversations flowing. whenever he managed to, the eye contact between him and the oh-so interesting bracelet on your hand becomes intense. he's a complete fool.
oftentimes yuuji's slumped in a corner, head in palms as he's battling between rational behaviour and the “whatever happens, happens,” mentality that originally belonged to the roach inside his head but slowly contaminated him.
he'd be at a lost, sighing because he doesn't want to potentially ruin the pure friendship. this also meant that he'd mutter sentences along the lines of “someone help me,” even if there's no one around.
but there is. there's one that'll never leave him and always betray him. sukuna's boredom and laziness are both still at their peak, but that doesn't stop him from running his mouth.
“help you? kid, the only help i can offer is a prayer,” he'd respond, clicking his tongue in a teacher-like manner.
overall, sukuna's the least helpful and useless. if he were a service, yuuji'd already rate him negative stars. now he has to deal with your physical touch love language that's ninety-nine percent platonic (in his view) and a curse in his head he can't return.
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rizsu · 1 month
i am ALIVE 🪽 LOST a 50/50 💔 finished 5 DIFFERENT drafts 💪🏽📝 took care of THREE kids 👩‍👧‍👧👩‍👦 fell flat on my ASS and BRUISED my palm 😱 saw the SEXIEST edit of baekhyun 💍🔔 had a nap for 6 HOURS 🙈💤 drafted a GOJO SMAU and DELETED it 💯🗯 but i still came out alive at the END OF THE DAY! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🙏🏽
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rizsu · 2 months
gege answered 50 questions abt gojo n my personal fav is his cursed technique bugging out when he gets a bit too drunk
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rizsu · 2 months
can you do another one of your boyf megumi but with itadori 😶‍🌫️ similar plotline to your megumi and nobara one pls
+ love ‘su: *taps mic* hi hello, today we'll yet again be discussing first time bf meg— *dragged off stage*
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boyfriend megumi who keeps a passport-sized photo of you in his wallet.
whenever times get rough on his side, he pulls out his wallet to adore you. you're the prettiest girl he's ever seen; looking at you calms him in seconds, but it's no match for you being physically there with him.
yuuji, however, hasn't learnt of megumi's new relationship yet. whenever he sees his friend looking like he's reminiscing about old times with the person in the photo, he assumes it's a beloved relative that's passed on.
similar to the latter, yuuji has once again found himself secretly worried for his best friend. he's even contemplating if he should contact gojo. has things truly been this rough? is he missing that person? what should he do?
so many questions, so little answers. the only thing left for yuuji to do is to sit himself near megumi, opening the pack of gum to offer him. megumi accepts, popping the gum in his mouth immediately.
he closes his wallet, shoving it into his pant's pocket before he leans back into the chair.
“i get it.” yuuji nods, folding his arms across his chest. “sometimes you just miss them, yet there's nothing you can do.”
intrigued by his friend's sudden speech, megumi responds, “yeah.”
“it's okay, though! you can share your worries with me.”
“huh?” megumi's now confused.
“i'm sorry that you lost a loved one, bro. i, too, lost my grandpa. but it's okay—”
“itadori, what are you on about?” megumi interrupts him, chewing on his gum as he judges yuuji. the sudden change in the direction the conversation's going greatly confused him.
yuuji's arms unfold. is he the one who misunderstood...?
“that girl in your wallet... isn't she dead? or something?”
megumi's head shakes, he has no clue why yuuji assumed such. to him, he didn't give off any behaviour/signs that indicates so. it's totally not like he's always slumped in a corner.
“that's my girlfriend who's very much alive. she's just on a family trip, so i haven't seen her in two weeks.”
“ah.” yuuji's mouth hangs open. the new information did not share any similarities with his previously believed one. it's completely wrong.
a hand moves to the back of his head, awkwardly scratching his hair, “haha, so— my bad?”
unsure of how to ease yuuji's awkwardness, megumi laughs it off. it isn't that big of a deal, and it's an honest mistake — it's not like he's the first one to assume you're dead anyway. maybe it's time megumi sets up a date to formally introduce you.
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rizsu · 2 months
ㅤᡣ𐭩ㅤ◟ toast to reality; may tomorrow come again. ── toji fushiguro ﹕ jujutsu kaisen.
﹙ a husband’s wish ﹚ ⊹ it's your marriage anniversary! toji prepared an entire table worth of food for the night. this beautiful night shall be one to remember.
+ love, ‘su: so basically he gonna kill himself no wife no life
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the night falls. the once blue sky blanketed with clouds are now replaced by a dark, blank sky littered with twinkling stars. though the moon lacks presence, it doesn't take away from the beauty the night holds.
in tokyo there's a home. it's not a huge mansion, but it's not tiny either. it's a mid-sized home with traditional japanese aspects here and there. if you were to ask toji about the house he'd say it was built around you. every detail was put in your favour. from the garden to the curtains, they were all for you.
he didn't care about himself in terms of aesthetic. if it's usable then it's good. what he did care for, however, was you. you were toji's ray of light that held significant presence inside a dark room.
a beauty you were. toji worshipped you in every way possible. he was always gentle; making sure to not bruise your skin with his strength. you weren't fragile glass, yet he treated you as such. like a dandelion that'll lose its pappi if the wind is got strong.
now, his daily routine found a change: gathering flowers at your gravestone every weekend. each week he'd rotate different flowers in the order that you liked them. if he was unable to obtain the bouquet of the week, he'd substitute it with a trinket you'd always buy.
tonight he'll reunite with you. the young night will welcome his death with warm arms. there isn't a date that's more fitting than this. celebrating your marriage anniversary throughout the day and ending it with a death he's been meticulously planning.
sure, he's listened to the repetitive “she's always watching over you” quotes a million times but there's only so much comfort it can provide. he doesn't want you watching over him, he wants to be with you. to hell with the ghost stories.
at the dining table toji sits alone. the main lights are dimmed — the candles are the only thing properly illuminating the table with a soft orange glow. the dishes are laid out, the glasses were filled with wine, the ice bucket homed what was once your go-to red wine.
“a toast to us, dear,” he says, raising his glass before he downs the entire glass in one go.
despite the poison dancing through the liquid, the taste remained bittersweet.
unbothered, toji continued his meal. why not finish what he started while waiting for nature to take its course? soon, he'll be with you again. just wait, please. it's all he asks. his only regret is that he took a year to reunite with you.
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rizsu · 2 months
what's a best website to read manhwas on?
there are so many i use but my main one is mangago !! i cant rmbr all rn but ill edit this with the list in tags
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rizsu · 2 months
ㅤᡣ𐭩ㅤ◟ relationship deep-dive: what to expect. ── sukuna ryomen, gojo satoru, inumaki toge ﹕ jjk.
﹙ headcanons galore ﹚ ⊹ what to expect from them in a relationship — scenario & texts.
+ love ‘su: u can skip the mini scenarios n go straight for the smau ☝🏽 its just there for context !!
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sukuna ryomen.
sukuna's favourite thing to do is telling you “no,” even when he means “yes.”
he'd openly reject your suggestions and requests, refute your opinions, or just outright say “no,” when in truth, he's making a mental note to get it done before dinner time.
showing affection in its purest form isn't his strong forte, and he's not working on it either. as much as he adores you, he dislikes having his brain wracked with colliding emotions.
to sukuna's fortune, his irritable personality lined up with your peculiar tastes, making him the man you've sought out and only found in dreamland.
strongly contradicting his exterior, sukuna thinks you're the cutest when you're sulking because he pulled out the infamous “no,” even though you were confident he'd agree this time.
you're the least fear-inducing person he's ever laid his eyes on. automatically, your attempts of using anger to persuade him backfires. this might just be his first time experiencing the so-called ‘cuteness aggression.’ he's only ever heard of it from you, but experiencing it first hand made him battle with himself to not crush your face between his palms — in the most romantic way possible.
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gojo satoru.
arguments with satoru can vary based on two conditions: what his current mood is, and what the level of fuck up is. usually the arguments are lighthearted, or it doesn't last long. oftentimes he fuels it, too petty to accept defeat.
however, if they do last longer he puts his pride aside and goes (chases) after you. he's addicted to you — giving him permanent silent treatment is the same as taking away his oxygen! he's basically a dead man.
every time satoru owns up to his behaviour, he forgets that the old saying “what goes around, comes around.” once he accepted defeat, you copied his behaviour. this wasn't something he foreseen. getting a taste of his own mecidine did not feel lovely at all.
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inumaki toge.
originally, you were just friends with inumaki. close friends at best — there weren't any mixed signals, slick comments, or hinting at something. just a calm friendship between you and him. somewhere down the lines, the friendship took a turn. for the worst? not quite. for the best? maybe.
it's not rare for two friends to gossip about their love life. texting inumaki after a failed attempt became a natural reflex for you. you were skeptical if he grew tired of it, but you also didn't care. as the male friend, he had no choice but to listen!
eventually failure after failure is bound to tire a person out completely, so why not ‘jokingly’ try with him? trial and error never hurts.
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