rotzaprachim · 3 hours
well a male friend got very bothered when I said it was “incredibly cruel” to say it’s dangerous to men or bad for women to have a “fear based mentality” around men, which maybe I shouldn’t have said it such, but then he compared feminism to both the current actions of themodern medinas yisrael and North Korea and talked about how girls ruined his friends life by falsely accusing him of stalking them and said he was crying over the bus talking about it and I was being hypocritical for being bothered by antisemitism and Hamas when Jews are violent but not ready to go #notallmen (Jewish male friend btw) so I don’t know how to respond
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rotzaprachim · 1 day
i am not kidding a little or even at all:
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i love it when people make like a free blocklist but in real life
etsy is so wild rn because it's got this wild mix of like LIVE LAUGH LOVE or LIVE LAUGH LOVE LATKES pillow coverings and then outright pro-tzahal/1df or else pro-h @ mas and pro-1RA tshirts and outright fliers with photoshopped rifles and very often these will come up from the same search on the same sellers
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rotzaprachim · 1 day
etsy is so wild rn because it's got this wild mix of like LIVE LAUGH LOVE or LIVE LAUGH LOVE LATKES pillow coverings and then outright pro-tzahal/1df or else pro-h @ mas and pro-1RA tshirts and outright fliers with photoshopped rifles and very often these will come up from the same search on the same sellers
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rotzaprachim · 1 day
i am not enjoying this whole jet lag things at all. only managed to sleep 6 am to 12 noon yesterday and that is not how i like it at all. now i'm up at 2:34 am and i have class today ughhhh
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rotzaprachim · 1 day
ADHD at night: I could write a book. I could get my Master’s Degree. I could go to the club and come home with 12 new friends. I could get a job at that club and meet the mother of my children. I could cure every disease and use my wealth to bring world peace.
ADHD during the day: Fold laundry too hard :( Come back next week
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rotzaprachim · 1 day
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rotzaprachim · 1 day
Late term abortions should be available and legal. That is always the anti-abortion gotcha, “Irresponsible indecisive lazy women are getting abortions at 8 and a half months pregnant.” they’re not. The people getting late term abortions aren’t doing it because they suddenly don’t want to be pregnant, even if they were, I would not fucking care. That is not a valid reason to take away abortion access in the third trimester and kill and permanently disable the people who desperately need them. That is not a reason to force people to carry nonviable pregnancies to term and have to watch their baby struggle to breathe and die in their arms minutes after birth. The people who get late term abortions are not monsters but you are, you are a fucking monster for wishing that on someone.
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rotzaprachim · 1 day
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The rest of the thread is here.
tl;dr: Don’t monetize AO3, kids.  You won’t like what happens next.
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rotzaprachim · 2 days
i for sure would love to be over this jetlag
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rotzaprachim · 2 days
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rotzaprachim · 2 days
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These hit sooo hard
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rotzaprachim · 2 days
just giving up hope for getting much or in fact any sleep tonight huh. I think it’s new place!!!! Adrenaline combined with needing to eat a plant of some kind (have been traveling a couple days and dealing with things and wow is it easy to just skip essential food groups accidentally) and like first night in a new place!!!
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rotzaprachim · 3 days
ok i would have thought the her1tAgep0sts debacle would have taught everyone some healthy distrust of people who mark themselves as 'official" tumblr whatevers
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rotzaprachim · 4 days
today’s fun linguistic fact is that the modern Hebrew word “כיף״, ״ - kef- has a cousin that exists in modern Eastern European languages, but not where you might assume! While modern YIDDISH has no word for כיף (that I have ever come across or seen listed in a dictionary - if wrong, let me know), the Arabic cognate for כיף entered Ottoman Turkish and then Romanian, resultant in modern word keyef, meaning party (speakers of these languages, please let me know if wrong!)
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rotzaprachim · 4 days
in high school I had such a deep drive to learn more about Eastern European languages and a bunch of Eastern European history and that desire has reslammed me like a bullet train
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rotzaprachim · 5 days
Marking speaking or learning Hebrew and Spanish as 🇮🇱 and 🇪🇸 is already so fucking bad but then you get to Yiddish and for unironic fun I’m just marking I speak 🥯 as well as 🥘🫔🧆🪬🧿🪬
My harshest and strongest langblr opinion is that the langblr community needs to get rid of marking languages by flag. Idk how much they realize how much it sucks and leaves minority languages out when they do that but like. Just type the words. It’s so easy. Trust
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rotzaprachim · 5 days
No nuance nseptember but maps that color code regions by language spoken as if to define every nation or region as monolingual in a particular langauge (or even HISTORICALLY monolingual in a particular language) are representations of fascist ethnonationalism. Even when you do it in a hot decolonial and liberatory way
My harshest and strongest langblr opinion is that the langblr community needs to get rid of marking languages by flag. Idk how much they realize how much it sucks and leaves minority languages out when they do that but like. Just type the words. It’s so easy. Trust
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