runscold-runsdeep · 1 hour
I’m so tempted to like, write a frater imperator tickle kink fic based on an rp my gf and I did with one of her ocs
But like
My gf and I would be the only audience because I’d be too nervous to post it here
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runscold-runsdeep · 10 days
I’m gonna go feral
Every Sunday, my gf and I do religious kink rp shit, and I’m her priest
Because we’re tickle kink trash, that’s what we do
I tell her to self tickle (because we’re long distance) a spot and recite the Lord’s Prayer and doing stop tickling until the prayer is complete and fuuuuccckkkkkk
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runscold-runsdeep · 14 days
The transmasc need to be just someone’s pretty little pet. Not in the puppy/kittenplay way, but in the trophy boyfriend sense. Like Ken. Just some pretty, obedient boy toy to be flaunted and fawned over and maybe passed around
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runscold-runsdeep · 18 days
I always forget I’m ticklish until I’m tickled—
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runscold-runsdeep · 21 days
Are there any apps or tools that I could use to show my long distance girlfriend my heart rate at real time?
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runscold-runsdeep · 22 days
Thinking about ghouls with hearts that glow through their chests like this
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Pics from Pinterest
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runscold-runsdeep · 23 days
Wanna sit by the door like a good kitty while I wait for my beloved to get back from wherever they've gone so they can greet me with head pats and praise me for being so patient
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runscold-runsdeep · 24 days
Kinktober 2024
Here it is my ghoulfriends! Now remember, you can chose one, both or none! Do one every day, one a week or just one! They’re great writing warmups in my experience, and don’t stress yourself out too much with them. Kinktober is supposed to be fun, so have the wildest, wettest fun this month, and tag me in it all!
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if you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask!
List compiled with help by @forlorn-crows, @coffeeghoulie, @jimothybarnes, and others whom I can’t find buried in my inboxes!
Be sure to share over and over again so we can get all our depraved ghoulfriends to see this!
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runscold-runsdeep · 25 days
Just A Check-up
Hema (OC)
Warnings/disclaimers: EKGs, OC and an unnamed character, implied anxiety and stress, chest pains and palpitations
Word count: 600+
Hema finds himself getting anxious about chest pains and a rapid, pounding heart, so he decides to get it checked out. He's okay, don't worry.
//Author's note
Just something I wanted to write down about my blorbo. My silly guy. I need to start making more content for him, since he's the perfect candidate for these kinds of writings
Hema shuddered, the cold air of the infirmary chilling his bare torso as he laid back on a rather stiff stretcher, shifting a bit to get comfortable on it after having his heart listened to by the sister of sin who worked the nurse duties in the infirmary. A familiar face in an all too familiar place.
He was far more than just familiar with the Ministry's infirmary, his given vessel being weak upon his summoning resulting in the plague ghoul making frequent, almost daily, visits for tests and diagnosis for whatever disease or abnormality decided to show itself that day. This test was no different.
He twitched slightly, the sticky gel for electrodes against his skin chilling him further. "Ain't there no way you could warm these up before stickin' 'em on me?" Hema complained with his noticeable Southern drawl.
"Are you going to whine the whole time, or do you want to find out why you're experiencing these chest pains and palpitations?" The sister of sin raised her brow at the ghoul, glaring playfully at him while feigning annoyance.
"Well, I just figured that since I'm a regular visitor I should have some kinda special treatment here." He folded his arms behind his head, which earned him a couple of light jabs to the ribs, making the ghoul jolt and swiftly clamp his elbows to his sides.
"And with how frequent you visit, I'm surprised you haven't learned to keep your arms down at your sides for these types of tests." She scolded.
"Right, right. Sorry." Hema chuckled bashfully.
The nun began gathering the electrodes, which were tangled like webs, sorting them out and placing them where they should go on Hema's body. Soon, the machine did its magic, showing all the peaks and valleys of the demon's heartbeat and printing it all out. They seemed normal. A steady rhythm with no skips or stumbles. There was one issue, however. It was just a little fast for a ghoul of his size. The nun hummed thoughtfully at the paper.
"What? What's it showin'?" Hema leaned up a bit to face her.
She said nothing, setting the paper aside to remove the electrodes from Hema's body, the ghoul wincing whenever the gel tugged at his body hair. "Am I okay?"
"Well," the dark nun began, "It appears normal for the most part, but it's not your usual rhythm." She explained, "Your heart sounded perfectly clear when I listened to it, which leads me to believe there's really nothing wrong with your heart at all. Have you had any caffeine?"
"No, ma'am. It makes me too jittery." He replied truthfully.
"Have you been nervous about anything or stressed out?"
Hema thought hard, his brows furrowing as he looked to the side. "I dunno what I would be stressed about. I mean, this tour is over now, so I shouldn't be stressin' out or nervous 'bought anything."
"Stressors tend to linger, even if you don't think it's there." She turned to a desk, writing something down on a sticky note and handing it to him. "Give this to Papa so he'll know to leave you be for a while. Rest up, drink some chamomile or lavender, chill out for a bit."
Hema glanced over the note before looking to the sister of sin, nodding at her and giving her a soft smile, "Appreciate it." He stood up from the stretcher, stretching, "Hopefully I won't need to bother you again today."
"Hey, you're not a bother." She patted his arm, "I'm here to help you when you need it."
Hema smiled a little wider, "Thanks."
After sending the note off to Papa Emeritus, he did as instructed. He decided to make himself a calming tea and curl up in his den, watching TV and sipping the warm drink. He already felt a little better.
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runscold-runsdeep · 25 days
Terzo X Omega - Dark Cardiophilia
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Warnings/disclaimers: dark cardiophilia, fluff-ish, arguing, near death experience, heart failure, arithmetic heartbeat, demonic magic induced injury, Google Translate Italian for one phrase.
Word count: 800+
///Author’s note
I finally got it written!!! It’s short, and probably undeserving of a banner that took too much effort to make, but I wanted to scrub off the rust and get back into the swing of things. I’m gonna be adding a tag list to my fics from now on, so be sure to let me know if you want on!
The room was dark, the only light being the flicker of the TV displaying a horror film with Terzo scooted as close to Omega as he could, the mortal being curled up into the demon’s side. Omega enjoyed this closeness though, wrapping an arm around Terzo to keep him cozy. Despite the volume of the TV not being turned down low and Omega not having his ear pressed against Terzo's chest, he could still hear the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, occasionally quickening in response to the suspenseful moments in the movie.
Unable to resist the urge, Omega slid his hand down to Terzo’s chest, feeling the gentle, rhythmic beat of his heart against his palm, which made Terzo smile and lean closer to him. Despite his best efforts to concentrate on the movie playing in front of them, something about Terzo’s heart in that moment kept drawing his attention away. A sort of curiosity was nagging at him.
Ever since he was summoned and his natural talents for healing and caretaking were discovered, he found himself dedicating most of his spare time in The Ministry’s infirmary whenever he wasn’t with Ghost or alone with Terzo. The infirmary became a sort of sanctuary, a place where he could learn about the intricacies of the human body and its many ailments. However, amidst all the knowledge he was gaining, there were curiosities that lingered in his thoughts, and one of those questions kept pushing itself to the forefront of his mind. What happened if a heart was squeezed?
He tried to push this thought away once more. He would never test such a thing on his partner of all people. He would rather be sent to the ruthless hounds of Hell than to purposely hurt Terzo to answer such a ridiculous question… But at the same time, he also wanted to know how exactly Terzo’s heart specifically would react to such a thing. As he thought over this dilemma, his mind was clouded with conflict. On one hand, he felt a sense of guilt for even considering such a cruel experiment. On the other hand, curiosity gnawed at him, and whatever damage was done to his heart, he could always reverse it.
A purple light in the corner of Terzo's eye caught his attention, forcing his eyes away from the TV to look in the light's direction. Omega's hand was in a grasping position, aglow like ignited hand sanitizer. As Terzo's gaze lingered on the mysterious light, his lips parted to question Omega, but all that escaped was a wince. As Omega’s talons closed, a tightness formed in Terzo’s chest and a sharp pain began to shoot through his jaw and arm. As he felt his heart begin to stumble, his eyes widened, realizing now what Omega was doing. The sound of his pounding heart filled the room, drowning out all other noise as fear and confusion clouded his mind.
“O…Omega..!” Terzo gasped out, clutching at his chest and watching helplessly as Omega's claws tightened their grip around his heart, slowly squeezing it with his demonic powers, “Omega, s—stop!” He leaned against the ghoul, the pain and his failing heart causing his consciousness to wane.
And at once, Omega did, letting go of Terzo's heart and placing his large hand on the mortal's chest, taking in the pain he had inflicted. His own heart started to falter and ache now as he absorbed the injuries that had once belonged to Terzo.
Terzo closed his eyes, tilting his head back as he took in several deep breaths, trying to regulate his heart and his nerves before his eyes shot open, his head jerking to face his partner, glaring at him. “Tu... Tu fottuto idiota!” He exclaimed, “Wh—What the hell came over you?! You almost… you could have fucking killed me!”
Omega, who more than expected this reaction from Terzo, sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “I know, and I’m sorry.”
“Why did you do that?” Terzo pressed his hand to his chest, as if trying to reassure himself that his heart was still beating.
Omega shrugged. “I was curious.”
“…You were curious.” Terzo repeated as he blinked at the demon, as stunned as he was furious. “You tried to kill me just to satisfy some curiosity?!”
“I mean,” Omega exhaled, pausing to choose his his words, “I wasn’t trying to kill you—“
Terzo glared at the ghoul, his white eye bearing a more intense coldness than it normally did, which made Omega cower just slightly.
“…I—I, uh… I wasn’t gonna push you that far. I was gonna stop before you reached that point. And I did.” Omega stammered, averting his gaze from Terzo’s.
Terzo huffed, shaking his head slightly as he curled back up with the demon, snuggling up against him. “Just… warn me next time you try something stupid like that.” He grumbled, “And look, I've missed a part of the movie because of you!” He complained, which forced a small chuckle from Omega as he pulled Terzo close.
“Want me to rewind it?” Omega offered, nuzzling his nose against the top of Terzo’s head.
“No, I’ll figure out what I missed later.” Terzo settled back into Omega’s hold as the ghoul draped his arm around him. Omega turned his attention back to the TV, feeling content at last even though his heart still throbbed and ached with an unsettling rhythm. He hoped that the discomfort would pass soon…
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runscold-runsdeep · 27 days
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Haven’t posted anything in a hot minute, so here’s a wip preview of a fic request!
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runscold-runsdeep · 29 days
Reblog this if you would not only accept, but welcome fan art, moodboards, etc. of your fics
All of these used to be so common for people to show their appreciation of different fics and authors, and I think it’s a shame people don’t do it anymore. I love seeing fan work for my fics!!
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runscold-runsdeep · 1 month
MILS / DILS (mom / dad I'd like to steth)
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runscold-runsdeep · 1 month
Fanfic Masterpost
The Papas
Goner — Copia x GN!Reader, comfort-angst, dark cardiophilia, SFW
Squeeze — TerzOmega, dark cardiophilia
Terzo’s Gift — TerzOmega, SFW
Wait — Copia x F!Reader, NSFW
Solace — Secondo x GN!Reader, SFW
Untitled Cardinal Copia x GN!Reader, SFW
No More Talk Of Darkness — Copia x GN!Reader, comfort-angst
The Nameless Ghouls
Please? — Human!Mountain x Vampire!Dewdrop/Spark, NSFW (Coming soon)
Squeeze — TerzOmega, dark cardiophilia
Just A Checkup — Hema (OC), SFW
Midnight Mass
Untitled — Father Paul x F!Reader, SFW (Coming Soon)
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runscold-runsdeep · 1 month
Got a rosary with my girl’s name on it whadduuuppp
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runscold-runsdeep · 1 month
Transfem!Copia in a nurse outfit,,, save me Transfem!Copia in a nurse outfit
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runscold-runsdeep · 1 month
Today I learned that I have naturally low blood pressure
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