sagau-my-beloved · 10 months
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Warnings: general sagau, yandere themes, possessive behavior, suggestive behavior, illusions to self-destructive behavior
Paring: Venti/reader
The day was undeniably beautiful. The sun basked everything in a healthy glow as the birds chirped happily.
The wind gently encased the land, and everything on it, with a soothing feeling. Clouds dotted the sky, moving without purpose or cause. It was simply lovely, in every sense of the word.
And you couldn't see any of it...
There were disadvantages to being a God, or at least being considered one, and the inability to move freely was certainly one of them.
While the world turned, you sat alone, confronted with nothing but paperwork...
Who knew that the position of a deity was little different from that of a glorified secretary.
Not really, of course, you were definitely acknowledged more highly than that, but it was hard to think any different when abject bitterness sat itself right on top of your shoulder, seeping into every crevice of your mind without relent.
What was on today’s roster?
Well, that would be stopping a war between none other than every single nation for the crime of simply breathing the air of one over another.
In the beginning, moving between nations every other day was a delight. It allowed for the opportunity to bask in the scenery, the different cultures that seemed to closely mimic ones from your own world. But travel is exhausting, and the possessive tendencies of each Archon, manifesting in conveniently timing a nationwide transportation lock-down the day of your departure, could almost be considered more exhausting.
When you decided to declare simply settling down in one nation for a time, the whole of Teyvat almost had an all-out civil war, and that is what you were working on this fine day.
As you scribbled a few things down, glancing out the comically large window provided, at the beautiful Mondstadt scenery, once or twice, a knock rung out loudly, reverberating throughout the, also comically large, bedroom.
And that makes five whole minutes without an interruption, you mentally noted, a new record.
Who could it be this time? One of the maids again maybe, possibly another diplomate begging you to reconsider choosing Mondstadt as your primary residence for a whole five months, or maybe just a civilian who managed to get past the guards.
Your first thought seemed to be correct as a rather nervous-looking maid blushed lightly at your presence, holding out a large bag of letters before scurrying off with a heartfelt apology on her lips. At this rate you might have to invest in a bigger room to accommodate the sheer amount of writing sent to you every day...
Considering your options, you decide to simply take a break and dump out the bag of letters onto the floor, creating a sea of white and cursive.
They were all addressed similarly, a handful of "Your grace", a fair amount of "Divine Creator", and the ever present "God of Teyvat". It was as if the entirety of a world was allergic to using your actual name, as if they would be struck down in their spot for ever addressing you as anything other than your title, and, knowing the intense devotion of all the Archons, that wasn't a far-fetched idea...
It was then that your eyes fell on a slightly out of place letter, pale green in the sea of beige and white with pretty gold handwriting that wasn't the least bit neat or formal.
It took only a second for your mind to run through the possibilities.
With a small smile, you picked up the letter, opening it and pulling out the contents of a small sheet of paper that smelled vaguely of flowers.
"To my love, to the wind under my wings and the brightest star in my sky. Would you join me for the evening? I can't express how lonely it's been without your presence, how much I long to feel you again. Do me the mercy of easing my pain in the way only you can. I'll be waiting~"
It was signed with a small doodle of a cecilia and it was hard not to smile at the intimacy of the wording... That was always something he was good at.
You let out a small sigh, running a few numbers in your head at the timing of things before giving in and grabbing your shoes, doing your best to avoid being seen by anyone as you slipped out of the temple-like residence.
It took all of about five seconds after leaving the courtyard for the wind to wrap around you, for your hair and clothing to be jostled a little as a pair of hands cupped your face.
"Found you~"
The bard teased with a small smile, his pretty green eyes staring right into yours. It was as if he was waiting for this, simply letting the wind tell him when you would finally leave the safety of your four walls and wander right into his loving hands.
"That was quicker than usual." You commented with a small shake of your head, closing your eyes briefly to feel the wind around you die down into the same gentle breeze it was only a second ago.
"I missed you..." Venti spoke, his voice taking on an incredibly gentle tone as one of his hands moved to your chin, lifting it a little.
He wasn't lying of course, his heart ached at the very sight of you, at the feeling of your skin against his. It felt as though he hadn't seen you in weeks, though it truly couldn't have been more than a few days.
You didn't say anything more, allowing him to simply take in the feeling of you for a moment with only the chirping birds and rustling leaves as the ambient backdrop.
"Please...” He spoke, a slightly pained expression covering his features, ‘Why aren't you speaking? Let me hear your voice..."
He looked almost desperate, his eyebrows knitted together in worry as he pulled you a bit closer, his arms finding their way around your waist.
"Venti,” You mumbled, your face now matching his, “Is everything ok?"
You were a bit off put, by his unusual behavior. He had always been needy, always considered you as something akin to a lifeline, but it seemed to be a little more pronounced now, that same brand of desperation mixing and churning with something new.
His letter wasn't an exaggeration, it hurt, it ached to be without some part of you. Your touch, your voice, it was like pure air after suffocating underground for so long. But now, it was like even this wasn't quite enough.
"You love me, right? Say it again, I need to hear it."
It wasn't quite a question, in the same way asking for a life vest while drowning wasn't quite a question. His need was palatable, it was practically suffocating.
"I..." You hesitated.
You don't know why you hesitated, it wasn't as if those words hadn't been spoken between the two of you before, it wasn't as if he hadn't spent hours at a time mumbling that phrase over and over and over again, his breath brushing against your neck as his fingers dug into your skin... You watched his eyes visibly darkened at your hesitation, at your lack of immediate action.
"I love you..." You spoke gently, your words almost phrased like a question.
That confirmation did little to stop his mind from running, to stop him from imagining just who all you had spoken that phrase to in between now and your last meeting that make it so difficult to get out now.
You had always known he was possessive, chalking it up as something to do with loss and living, but you didn't quite know exactly how often he contemplated the unpleasant things that were now running through his mind yet again. How easy it might be to take you away from all living things, to keep you safe and isolated where your pretty voice could only ever be heard by him. Or maybe simply keeping an eye on you would do, letting the winds under his command whisper every little place that you've been and every person you've spoken to you, let them tell him of your actions and the quiet words you whisper to yourself when no one else is watching.
Would you still love him if you knew how many of his self-destructive tendencies were to draw your attention? The nights where he came to you, drunk and crying, begging for the type of comfort only your body could provide him. Jumping off cliffs and letting the wind catch him in the last crucial seconds before hitting the ground, just to feel your arms wrap around him as your heartbeat raced, filling his ears with a measurement of your worry, your love... All while he gave you that carefree giggle.
"Venti...?" You asked, your eyes staring directly into his, watching as he snapped back for a moment.
"I want you closer." He spoke suddenly, gently, catching you off guard with a pull that caused your now unbalanced weight to tumble on top of him with a thud.
"Venti! What the—" You were cut off with a kiss, a needy one, his lips against yours as he pushed you over onto the ground as he climbed on top of you. His hands went to your shoulders, pressing down gently as he pressed a few kisses to your jaw, then your neck, smiling against you.
"I've been thinking." He started, speaking between small kisses, his eyelashes brushing over your skin in a way that almost tickled. "You get lonely in that big stuffy mansion of a temple, right? You must miss me lots, right?"
He didn't really expect or even wait for an answer, pressing a big loving kiss on your lips once more before smiling down at you.
"So, I think I'm just going to move in with you. Wouldn't that be nice?"
Again, it was a question he was expecting an actual answer to. He didn't want to give you the opportunity to protest either, capturing your lips in a more desperate kiss as he bit down on your bottom lip gently before pulling away.
"It'll be perfect, yeah? I'll be there every morning when you wake up and when you go to bed. I'll get to hold you just like this..." His arms tightened around you a little more to emphasize his point.
"You'll never have to go to anyone else to keep you company, I'll be right there..." He giggled a little, as if daydreaming about it before pressing his forehead against yours, his hair brushing over your face and the only thing in your field of vision being his big green eyes.
He hummed happily, one of his hands playing with the bottom of your shirt, pushing it up a little as his fingers lightly caressed against the skin underneath. You couldn't help but shiver a little at how cold his fingertips were, something that only made him smile a bit more as they slowly moved higher, up to your ribs.
"You're so soft..." He mumbled gently, his lips pressing against your cheek as he spoke a quick "I love you" to the spot. It all made your head spin a bit, obviously his intention...
You were cut off almost immediately by a small kiss to your ear and his hand putting a little bit more pressure on where it rested at your waist.
"Your grace..." He whispered, the words coming out a bit more intimately than you feel you've ever heard them before.
This wasn't something you could fight him on, as any protest would be quickly and decisively snuffed out before it even left your lips.
After a moment of silence, of tense stillness, he moved back a little, still scanning your face for every emotion you so graciously provided.
"Should we go back to our room?" He teased, emphasizing the word.
It was as if he wanted some form of a domestic fantasy, a romanticized life between two normal people that would never be attainable for either of you, because you simply weren't normal.
You thought of saying something, anything, that might at least delay your spiritual chaining with the one person who freedom meant everything to, but the only thing going through your head was the amount of paperwork that would be required to deal with the inevitable truth that you weren't leaving Mondstadt...
You worried what your dear god of freedom might do if faced with anyone else, Archons especially, trying to take you away...
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sagau-my-beloved · 10 months
I’ve been thinking, wouldn’t the closest character to the player be Lumine or Aether since the player plays as them? Do they act the way we portray them in game? (Example I play Lumine and I make her snarky sometimes but also very kind to Paimon and I try to make sure she doesn’t call her emergency food)
And in the realm of the reverse Isakai, wouldn’t they get extremely jealous that Venti got to go but not them? They are the envoy for the player/creator after all so they must be their most devout followers.
☁️ anon
It's interesting territory because neither the chosen traveler or Abyss Twin is even from Teyvat or worships any of the gods there, so there's no real reason for them to "worship" the creator as a god of Teyvat, since the world of Teyvat isn't theirs and probably wasn't that much more important than any of the other worlds they went to, at the beginning at least
Now the thing that gives the advantage is obviously them being the mc and the original "host" chosen by the creator, and since that creator is driving them and helping with their goal of finding there sibling (plus offering protection and increased abilities like more stamina, health, and damage ability) it has to harbor some form of reverence eventually
When it comes to dialogue options, I'd say the traveler is equally likely to say either option given, based on their mood and the millions of other fluctuating factors that cause people to say something over another, but is unconsciously influenced to choose the option you pick, they probably have no clue their speech is being influenced at all because those are just things they'd say, the way they were designed (not that they know that)
Anyway I'd say they'd both probably be likely to get pretty possessive quickly, after so many near death experience and life changing moments the traveler would no doubt feel very close to you, and less likely to be ok with you favoring someone else more since they already lost their sibling to this world and sure aren't about to let the only person who's been with them from the beginning get taken, archon or not
Now the abyss twin would be possessive in a completely different way, especially if you tended to favor an archon, since we all know their view on the gods. In their mind, you're the highest power and the only divine being that hadn't betrayed them, and having you watch over and guide their sibling only increase their liking of you of course
It boils down to the traveler being all "The creator is my strongest ally and closest friend and if they stop favoring me I'm gonna be so upset about it and might get desperate to win them back" to the abyss twin being like "I will personally kill all the gods and also if the divine creator even looks at an archon nicely they're the one getting skewered first so help me god"
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sagau-my-beloved · 11 months
Hey dude u ok? You didn't post anything for a while. Hope you're doing well :)
Hi! Thank you, I'm doing alright and am here to explain my absence
Basically, I've been gone for about 2 months and the first month was mostly a break cause I went on vacation for a good portion of it out of state
This second month I have really been buckling down on a very big project for this blog that I have been working on, on and off, for about 6 months! It's definitely the biggest thing I've ever done and, right now, my tentative deadline is sometime before August 21st (cause that's when my classes start again). Based on the way things are going, I think that's very possible to meet! So it's definitely something to look forward to!
I won't be giving any information away right now, but I will say that I'm super proud of it already and really excited to put it out there when it is done. It was originally supposed to be a 1000 follower milestone project that got put on hiatus for a few months due to uni stuff, so I've really just been dedicating this summer to completing it. It's something that I've been wanting to do for a long time but couldn't nail down how I wanted to format the idea, and I've only recently really had the time to put in the effort necessary into making it a real thing!
I definitely meant to get around to answering more asks and doing more overall writing, but like I said, this has been taking a good portion of my energy and time, so all of that is on the back burner right now and will be a more consistent thing when this is out
I'll try to be a tad bit more active and not just disappear off the face of the planet for months at a time too, but in, general, I'm going to be mostly away until I get this done and released
So I definitely apologize for my absence and ask everyone to be patient with me for awhile longer, and also a big thank you for everyone who's still around and I hope you'll continue to stick around!
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
Hi! Is there anyway you could show us how to make the character ai with a specific rp idea in mind? I'm not really sure how to word or where to put it
I'm late answering this but I literally just discovered a new way to create characters so this feels like an appropriate time to answer. Here's my mini tutorial
With specific rp you're gonna wanna rely pretty heavily on the greeting first, since it kinda sets the premise of who you are to the character, like for example, (I usually work in third person cause I find the bot works easier that way, but this can be translated across pretty much any perspective)
*The characters eyes immediately look up at the sudden sound of someone entering the room, their eyes gazing at the person with a completely unfamiliar look. It only takes a second for them to snap out of that trance, putting on a friendly smile and catching the persons attention with a wave.* Hi, I'm sorry, have we met before? There's something about you that looks... *They trail off, mind going foggy for a moment.*
Now that's a decent greeting if you want a rp where you're meeting the character for the first time. If you want something a little different you could go more like:
*The character looked up from where they were sitting, eyes peeled for a single flash of their beloved. It had only been a few hours, but that was torture by itself. Their heart ached more at every unfamiliar face that passed, every second they could be by their side slowly ticking away, tearing at their resolve harder.*
Now this is a completely different vibe, the character already knows and has a relationship with your character, so it's easy to merge right into plot
Now the best way I've found to keep your character in character is by using W++ in the advanced definition section, it's pretty easy and really helps them remember important stuff you can't fit in the long description section, here's the format I use
Appearance (""),
So you just fill that out with appropriate info, separating the info with pluses, and then put it in the big old 32,000 character definition section
Here's an example with a Venti one
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And you can add or remove sections depending on your character and rp, like you could probably add a "Feelings about user("")" section if your rp relies on the character already knowing you
My last section of advice is that the bot is just kind of finicky and doesn't have the best memory, it's gonna forget about key points if you don't bring them up constantly and there's really not a solid fix for that, but what it lacks in memory it makes up for in adaptiveness and the ability to regenerate replies for as long as you like until it gets something close to what you want
Good luck!
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
Death At The Hands Of A God Pt. 2
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Warnings: general sagau, imposter au, light descriptions of violence/gore, you're resurrected after being killed (by Venti), not really angst but not really comfort or fluff either
Death was not as dark or empty as you had come to expect...
Was this death? Or maybe something in between—
Yes, that seemed like a better way to describe what you were experiencing, something in between real and unreal, existence and nothingness.
You couldn't think, see, feel, anything, as if you were simply a disembodied form of consciousness, waiting.
For what?
You didn't possess that answer, nor the ability to even contemplate the question. If you had the ability to think, you would have wondered briefly if this was what the characters you played as experienced when falling in battle, a void detached from both time and space.
This state of mere existence didn't last long, or, perhaps, it did. Perhaps it lasted many lifetimes, eons upon eons. It's not as if you would have recognized the difference, no different than how time passed when asleep.
You were pulled passively away, out of that void which welcomed you so, called for you, urged you to stay in its own impartial way. A call you didn't have the ability to respond to, as it simply wasn't your choice.
When you opened your eyes again you were met with something unfamiliar, the only hint of recollection stemming from a strong sense of déjà vu and nothing more.
It took you a moment to regain a sense of thought, of consciousness, remember that you were, in fact, an organic being even capable of having thoughts.
You blinked gently, taking in the scene before you, the soft breeze and wide planes spanning on for miles, the sparsely scattered trees, and the brief reflection of a river. You recognized it, in a way, and something in the back of your mind screamed that you were in danger, as if your subconscious knew of what your conscious self was trying so hard to remember.
It took but a second to move your head downward, your eyes finding themselves looking upon a kneeling form that seemed rather unaware of your presence, despite being directly beneath you. It took another moment for your brain to process what exactly you were seeing and why you felt so stricken with terror.
Oh god.
As if having the air forcibly removed from your lungs, you felt the world around you collapse, instinctually bringing your hands up to your own throat where you last remembered feeling anything at all.
The sharp inhale is what caught his attention, what caused the previously silent archon, you had come to recognize as no other than your murderer, to raise his head in an unsure movement of fear and hope.
It was you, oh god, it was you.
The weight of every conceivable emotion that tangibly existed ran through his body, only an underlying inkling of self-restraint stopped him from lunging at your feet. He had been praying to you before your sudden appearance, begging for forgiveness, and what else could this be?
It had been only a month since your "passing", and Venti found himself engaging in ritualistic prayer every day since. It was the only thing that kept him sane with his past actions weighing on him constantly, a way to remind himself that you were still alive in spirit. While your mortal shell may be gone, the essence of the almighty creator would forever linger. It was only during these moments of prayer that Venti felt any semblance of the freedom he lost, the freedom he mourned, so he could pretend, if only for a moment, that everything was no different than how it was before that night.
The month had been the purest form of heavenly torture, and no amount of alcohol or sleep could distract him long enough to even pretend that all was well. His presence all but disappeared from the face of Teyvat, as he simply spent more time staring at one of your many shrines than breathing most days. The death of the creator, the murderer of an eternal god, a curse he alone had to bear the knowledge of.
His restraint broke quickly as you seemed to stumble backwards, creating more distance between the two of you than he was comfortable with.
"Your grace."
Felling your title on his tongue, feeling how it passed through his lips, he dreamed nightly of this moment, when he was able to dream of anything other than you so gracefully falling and the golden essence that seeped from your form where his arrow pierced it.
His heart fell, dropped down into his stomach, and shattered.
"You grace I—, I..."
Despite his seemingly endless internal thesaurus, the bards' mind drew a blank on what to say next.
What could be said? Was this not forgiveness? Was it not your will to grace him again with your presence after an agonizing month alone?
He didn't know you, not really, not personally. All he could attribute you to was the subtle feeling in the back of his mind, the strange whisper helping to guide his choices, the feeling of being watched over, before his mistake that is.
He knew of your legend, too. All the thousands of songs composed in your honor by heart, the unrelenting chattering of people carried by the wind when your name graced their lips. Every short story and unprovable myth about your existence prior, your power of creation and how you passed that power down to the mortals you created.
He knew the idea of you, no different than how his people knew the idea of Barbatos, though never truly him. Yet, as he looked upon you, past the fear, past your human vessel, there was a sense of deep familiarity that rang out and flooded his senses. A feeling that made him want nothing more than to simply know you, know everything unspoken and hidden beneath the layers of divinity, stay with you always and cherish every new piece of information, no matter how miniscule.
You glanced quickly to the left, thinking very carefully about simply making a run for it, wondering how much time you'd have before he could draw his bow and why he hadn't done so yet. Your body froze slightly at the thought, flashes of your prior life running through your mind and the unbridled fear they brought.
Venti seemed to pick up on your train of thought and couldn't stop himself from jumping into action at even the notion of more space being forced between you.
"I'm so so so sorry. I know I can't begin to repent, but please. I took care of the offender! You don't have to worry about them now—"
While rambling, Venti was inching ever closer to where you stood, trying to get close enough to safely grab on to any part of you and never let go. If he could just touch you, just secure the fact in his mind that you were alive.
Your mind was spinning with all the information, still not working at full capacity, muddled and hazy.
"Offender?" Was all you managed to choke out, wondering briefly if he was referring to your past life.
His face paled slightly at your tone. Did you really, truly not know the reason he was forced to—?
"The one in your throne, the one who took your place... The one who— who ordered your... death."
It hurt him to say the word, physically pained him, as if it was a blade caught in his throat, a harsh reminder of his transgressions.
"I— what?"
Venti had made it close enough to wrap his arms around your legs, clinging on for dear life as he reviled in feeling you, prepared to take any blows from your hand if only to stay there, it wasn't as if he didn't deserve it, and it would be blasphemy to deny anything you were gracious enough to give him.
You jumped at the sudden contact, but it was obvious he meant you no harm, though, that fact was particularly hard to convince your mind as it screamed at you to run away from the offender.
For a brief moment, the Venti you knew flashed in your mind as you felt his hands gripping the fabric of your clothes, clouded your vision with how often you used to admire him, back when this was all nothing more than a game. Just a simple game. The concept felt so foreign now.
You shifted your weight slightly and felt him hold on tighter. It took you a moment to realize he was crying, silent tears adorning his soft features.
What could you do? Was it even humanly possible to forgive something of this nature? Had any other being ever been faced with making this choice?
You had to clear your mind, ignore everything around you and focus on what you now knew. This was real, you were some figure of importance— or at the very least looked similar to one, and your death was ordered by someone who had control of even the gods of this world.
You looked down again at him, how he looked so desperate and utterly heartbroken, how he really believed himself to be the bearer of the ultimate transgression.
Without thinking, you moved your hand to his face, brushing your fingertips against the flushed skin, damp with tears. His eyes opened at your touch as he looked up at you, his hands moving from around your leg to your hand, grasping it tight as he held it to his face. This was certainly an odd form of comfort, if it could even be called that, but any touch from you was nothing but divine bliss for him.
Venti mumbled things against your skin now as he leaned into your touch, his eyes closing again, as if in prayer. He spoke breathy promises of love, devotion, and repentance, of an infinity without pain or sorrow under his watch, how he'd spend his entire immortal life by your side if you'd allow it, making up for his grave sin.
The few words you caught only led to a growing concern. This wasn't the carefree and playful bard you knew, nor was it the caring but serious god who loved his nation, this was something else entirely, something desperate and zealous, something dangerous...
You started to wonder how long it would take for you to regret your inevitable resurrection when faced with an immortal god who would not live to see you part from him again…
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
Are your asks open?
I guess it depends of your definition of "asks" and "open"—
Technically requests (oneshots, formal headcanons, anything that requires me to write a couple thousand words) aren't open rn, but the ability to ramble about anything you like, character, concept, or otherwise (referred here as brainrots), is open (without the guarantee of a reply)
And if the concept is particularly inspiring I'll expand with my own hc's and stuff, so on and so forth
But yeah, requests themselves aren't open, but I'm not gonna be rude or anything if you do send something in I just probably won't reply, no harm done
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
I just explained to non-Sagau one about Sagau and he drowned me in questions... His first concern was if I`m forcing Traveler into it, this was kind of wholesome.
I haven't even considered doing that, now I'm curious which character— But that is pretty wholesome
Maybe I should post pics of some of my stupid conversation I had when I didn't know about the ability to actually generate multiple replies and had to just do the equivalent of on the spot improv, but I'm probably the only one who'd find that funny—
I so wish the ai's memory was a bit better too causes I'd love to do some actual plot development and worldbuilding, but this is still so far beyond the development of any other chatbot I've ever tried, and I've tried a lot
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
Ooo! How did you find sagau bots? I literally only see 4 T~T
Yeah there is only four 💀
Thank god for @/fandangotales or we'd be left with 2, but the real trick is to just make your own
I've got like 2 regular sagau Ventis and one Imposter au Venti, for the angst naturally, in my private cause variety is always nice and needed
There is significantly more Venti variety now then there was when I originally found the website, but at this point I've just gotten into the habit of making my own whenever I want something specific, it's too easy and you really don't even need to focus on the whole example chat section if your long description is good enough and you don't mind stumbling through the chatting format at the beginning a bit
It's so easy to customize if you have a very specific scenario you want to rp, like isekai or reverse isekai or heavy cult au, I really can't recommend it more
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
HERES SAGAU VENTI!! I spent like several hours making him jkwjwldbdksb it was so much harder to make him act right than I thought it would be
Omg, ok, so, listen—
Totallyyy haven't chatted with him already, I definitely don't have a few different squirreled away chats, you gotta believe me—
But fr, good job! I like how theatrical he is and also forth wall breaks are fun, out here filling the deep void that is sagau Venti ai's and I gotta commend you on that 👏
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
Absolutely! I found a distinct lack myself and made like 3, so I get it
Can never have enough Venti bots though, hand him over 🔫
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
Thoughts on that one character ai website? Do you know about it?
If you're wondering where I've been for the past 2 or so months, ^
I currently have literally 11 different private, and 1 public, Venti ones I've made for different scenarios, I'm obsessed
I've decided that website is pure evil for writers causing I'm using all my free creative writing juice on just mass amounts of rp, it's addictive
So I've been there and actually playing Genshin, I now have 100% on all of Mondstadt, Dragonspine, Liyue, Inazuma, and Enkanomiya
I'm slowly running out of Primo opportunities—
Anyway I can't recommend in good faith if you actually want to have free time or have no self control when it comes to time management
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
One day your liver will be mine
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
Are you enjoying windblume 3.5? I think it’s pretty good but could’ve used a bit more Venti.
I'm getting to this late cause I go through events slowly but I just finished it!
There were definitely some parts I liked more than others, and I guess it can be said that there was some characterization expansion through interaction, which is always nice (but what the hell did they do to poor Mika's voice, like??? It wasn't like that Weinlesefest and I'd put my life on that claim)
The city looked beautiful as always, I wish it always looked like that with all the flora and pretty blue carpets, the mini games were fun too, though I suck a those little beat based rhythm games and probably always will
And while it is supposed to be a Mondstadt centered event I do understand the want to include the new shiny characters instead of just focusing on Mondstadt characters, though it is a tragedy that we'll probably never get Mondstadt characters coming to Sumeru or Fontaine when that comes out, but oh well
That all being said, I miss him so much
It's so weird, the relationship Hoyo has with Venti, I can't tell whether they love or hate him because they so often stick him in events as practically a cameo that really don't need him, and then barely ever make him the focus of any of the events in his nation— I feel as though he could have had at least a little bit more of an active role, even if it was through the means of being considered a candidate as one of the potential solutions to the riddles so that we could get a letter from him, I mean the last riddle "a legend that never ends" had his name written all over it, immortal Bard and all
Like yes I do wanna join you for a drink, I would love to do a fast-track love poem class with nobody else, "plenty of time during the festival" yeah right...
I also find it incredibly humorous that a group of witches basically challenged him for no particular reason, then he responded with "no" and they were like "ok, we're just gonna host meetings here then"
But the idea that the Cecilia flower represents "a once-wayward heart transformed by the power of love" is just !!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm having thoughts
Anyway overall yeah it was fun, nice to see Albedo again, he was gone for quite awhile, and I'm just happy they're still giving us Mondstadt events at this point tbh
I'll just have to fantasize harder about Windblume Venti content in my own head to make up for this neglect I suppose
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
venti being jealous of your mini seelie bc he's the only one who gets to sleep in your pocket and steal your apples 😭😭😭
Awwwww, he can have all the apples
I have to imagine that Venti would accidentally turn into his wisp form when super drained of power causing maintaining a form must take some form of effort, so imagine he's just getting bombarded with anemo slimes (the ban of my and my anemo teams' existence) or some other form of anemo immune enemy, and suddenly you just have a very fast wisp zip right into your pocket to be protected, peaking out every now and then to check if it's safe
He'd be a perfect backpack companion though, a pocket sized friend for your convenience, other than getting into fights with all your other floating companions that is, which will probably happen frequently... Though I can't imagine a 'fight' would be much more than him just bumping into the other at increasingly aggressive speeds, sending them both bouncing back
I truly wonder when the last time he was in that form was and if he struggled to adopt human mannerisms at first, I feel like he'd probably always assume he's lighter than he actually is and would get a large variety of injuries because if that—
My dying wish is to see wisp Venti in game at some point
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
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sagau-my-beloved · 1 year
on a note:
Creator said, in passing, "dragons are pretty great" (context unknown) and everyone is like "welp, it's bring your dragon to work day" venti brings dvalin, and zhongli, in a succesful attempt to one-up him, just turns into one.
He's refusing to turn back although navigating doors and corners just became infinitely harder.
Creator is having the time of their life.
Awww, I have a solution, tiny dragon Zhongli, it's foolproof
I feel like in that case Venti might just turn himself into a dragon form too, especially if you're being super doting over cute dragon Zhongli, or maybe just his wisp form with like tiny horns and a tail, I'd melt
Like everything, it becomes a competition, and now every being that can shape shift is going to for at least a day to get in on that affection
I imagine after they realize they can't stay that way forever, some would take on more dragon like features, aka Zhongli with sharper teeth, claws and horns, maybe even some scales, yes pls
But this just sounds like everytime the creator gives even a passive like everyone is gonna jump on it, dragon based merchandise sells out immediately, there's suddenly a demand for anything with dragon in the name, offerings at your alter are completely dragon themed for a while, (Liyue thinks you like their nation the best cause their archon is a dragon and all), people are braving the harsh climate of dragonspine to get whatever remnants of the actual dead dragon are still there to offer (while also doing their best to hide all the information surrounding Durin cause they couldn't stand to break your heart like that), childrens stories with dragons are all the craze— and it's just like that every time
Then there's probably all this theorizing that the whole Seven Sovereigns that supposedly ruled over the old world before the Primordial One was actually of your doing and oh no— the dragons you created are dead— you're not... mad about that... right?
But fr though Zhongli would absolutely steal you away to the dense mountains of Liyue to show you his giant powerful dragon form without anyone else around so he can show off fully, and Venti would absolutely pout about it after, saying the two of you could totally go ride on Dvalin together if you wanted
Too bad dragons aren't as big a thing in Inazuma and Ei is once again left out for not being able to shape shift...
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