sansloii · 3 hours
ngl the slowburn aspect of a ship will always be the most fun part for me. like yes it's awesome when/after a ship finally gets together but nothing beats the anticipation of waiting for a first kiss or imagining all of the ways they can get past certain obstacles etc. the yearning is just simply the best aspect.
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sansloii · 21 hours
The goblin in me won. Like this post for a NSFW ask. It can be a what-if, it can be a dream, it can just be tension--just specify which muse you want.
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sansloii · 1 day
The goblin in me won. Like this post for a NSFW ask. It can be a what-if, it can be a dream, it can just be tension--just specify which muse you want.
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sansloii · 1 day
I have the urge to be a goblin today but I'm oh so tired
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sansloii · 2 days
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“It needs to get colder faster. None of this “80 degrees in the middle of fuckin' October” type of shit.”
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sansloii · 3 days
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Fun Fact: i don’t think I’ve formally said this ( as in, made a post about it ) and I’ve hinted at it here but for the record, Mikah is an adrenaline junkie. i’d say that they’re a little bit of one buuuuut the amount of trouble they get into on their own ( or with Evan ) or the shit they like to climb ( of their own volition, mind you ) wouldn’t justify just a little bit. 
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sansloii · 3 days
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work wear: mikah has two priorities when they're getting dressed to do a job--"does it conceal enough?" and "is it practical?". they fuck around with a lot of things but their choice of clothing is not one of them. they wear clothes that they can move in without getting caught up in trivial things or... pieces of fabric that could get caught on something because it's too loose. their ideal outfit is a plain black long-sleeve top, joggers or cargo pants, and either sneakers or boots. if it's cold, they'll also have a hooded sweartshirt of some kind.. but one that fits them--like actually fits them. baggy clothing is a hazard and is distracting. a good pair of gloves is also a must.
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casual wear: literally whatever they're comfortable in. they hate jeans, though, so you won't catch them in that any time soon. mikah dresses to be comfortable and to "leave the mind guessing" so whatever they want to wear is what they're wearing. a lot of it is stuff that looks like it'd be what they'd wear on a job but wouldn't ( because if it has shit that dangles or is too loose, they can't wear it )
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at home wear: whatever they want. but they're another fan of oversized tops and shorts. they're the type to wear that in winter, complain that it's cold, but won't do anything aside from... grabbing a blanket or something. however, they have them on hand when they need to leave their apartment for any reason.
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sleepwear: mikah is a member of the "sleeps shirtless" club with evan. partly because they want to. the other part is because mikah makes their bed the most comfortable place on the planet for themself due to insomnia. so it's like... do they need anything else? also, i am a huge proponent of people not thinking mikah has muscle definition and then bam--defined af upper body when they pull off their shirt off
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sansloii · 3 days
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Fun Fact: Mikah doesn’t take a lot of pictures ( despite being so caught up in how they look ) but the ones that they do usually feature other people in them. They never take stand alone pictures of themself and if you ask them why that is, they can’t even give you a reason.
If you look through their camera roll, you’ll find a lot of selfies of them with the other members of Red Inc. Penny and Wynn show up in a decent amount of them–with the former making some kind of face and the latter, not so much–but Evan is the only one that shows up in almost all of them. About 60% of them look like they were taken after they got into trouble with him ( which is not surprising in the least ) but the other 40% are genuine selfies of places they’ve gone together, complete with silly faces and laughs. it just goes to show how much time these two spend together when Evan’s in town
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sansloii · 3 days
Fun Fact: y'all this has been a long time coming but let’s talk about mikah’s fears.
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sansloii · 3 days
Fun Fact: i thought that i’d give y'all a run down on what mikah carries on them depending on what they’re doing. mikah always travels light buuuut i’d be a liar if i said that they always carried the same couple things on them.
i bolded the links that don’t lead anywhere. the rest do and feel free to click on them.
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sansloii · 3 days
Fun fact: mikah’s speech pattern is not the one they were born with. it’s intentional and they’ve been at it for so long that it comes easier to them more than anything else. they can drop it if they really want to ( and they have during jobs ) but it makes them a little uncomfortable
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sansloii · 3 days
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I've always imagined Mikah's hair to either be this shade or a little darker ( especially in the colder/ winter months when they let their roots grow out or just plain give their hair a break ). The styles are also pretty consistent with how Mikah wears their hair -- with the messy bun being and braided ponytail being the closest to their day to day looks It's also why they're so particular about people touching their head or pulling their hair. Because their hair is nice, y'all. It's very well taken care of.
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sansloii · 3 days
random fact 728: mikah fucks up English and French so bad when they're exhausted. because French is their first language, that's the language they think in for the most part. when they're running on negative sleep, it kinda just shuts off their willingness to... be coherent in a language everyone understands so even if they start off in English, it's probably a one or two word response before they give up. but at the same time, they're so used to speaking English now that their mouth and the way they speak will kinda.... stick with English way of speaking and pronouncing thing. so what comes out is this fluent but very... awkward string of words in French that doesn't sound quite right if they heard themself talk but to them, it accomplishes exactly what it needs to ( which is nothing but... you know )
bonus points: they get so huffy and hissy when, reasonably, the person who they are talking to has difficulty understanding them or just... can't at all. they've chewed out Evan ( who knows French but it's more conversational than actually fluent ) when they've had to repeat something to him more than once in this state. even though it's their fault.
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sansloii · 3 days
me as I'm juggling 8 things at once: ... I need more ships for Mikah
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sansloii · 4 days
...excuse me?
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sansloii · 4 days
The relief that eases onto Hibiko's expression when he hands the reigns of her outfit over to her is… well — it elicits some emotion from him. The polite, yet unhappy mask she donned throughout the entire fitting seemed to ease away with each alteration… and he couldn't help but find himself content that she did not shy away from what she wanted to change about it. The king does little more than stand by and watch one change after another — it's her outfit and so, she gets to choose how it looks…
…And how the end result looks on her is an image he carried throughout the rest of his day.
In fact, it's an image that lingers at the back of his mind, hours later — hours after the fact. It's what draws his eye ( and attention ) to her so quickly when she speaks up during a meal, expressing thanks. It's followed by a handful of questions and inquiries — mostly pertaining to the fashion choices of Sivatis and the reasoning behind it. It's quite a few questions to process… but he lowers his own fork all the same.
“…The materials used for outfits… or specific styles of layering differ from class to class… but, more or less, you'll find similar fashions across… most of our social layers.” he explains, “Some take it to extremes… while others try not to.”
Such was not the case with royalty though… and he himself was guilty of indulging in the excess of it all from time to time.
“…For a long time — long before I was even a thought in anyone's head — these fabrics where thinner and a bit more sheer in certain places. Along the shoulder… arms…. upper back — some even extending to trousers and skirts.” he begins, “And the reason why they were is because of markings certain fae had. Markings that glowed — markings that shimmered against the silks they wore. You could see the lines and dots of gold and copper of tattoos, runes, or marks given by birth.”
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“The layering of jewerly and gold… Ideally, it's gold that is mined here, it's jewels that can only be found here. Once, they were reminiscent of those markings seen from far away. There's been a bit of a… departure from it but those are the origins of it.”
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Hibiko studied his eyes once they finally met her's, the two not nearly close enough to be able to read what he was thinking through expression alone. Then relief, like a weight off her chest. Less because she would get to wear something more fitting to her preferences, but more due to the fact that they seemed to be on the same page about this.
Thanking the seamstress for their cooperation, Hibiko continued to be careful with her words and opinions, settling somewhere that stripped the whole thing back a fair bit. She wasn't in love with the outfit, but Hibiko was perfectly content with what they finished with, and that was far from where they started.
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Not long after, the two reconnected over a meal together. Poking at her food some before speaking up, "Thank you for earlier, by the way, Andris." Hibiko was acutely aware proper gratification hadn't been expressed yet, and how much it was rightfully deserved. Perhaps pride was to blame for the delayed thanks. "It helps knowing I wasn't insulting in any way. Or at the very least the seamstress knew it wasn't my intention," and was given the support to do so.
"I did want to ask a couple of questions about Sivatis' trends, actually. Given how culturally different it is from Edo's. I assume this more is more mentality with clothing because of a surplus in natural materials, but of what exactly? Or is it to-- and I don't mean this offensively, to make up for lack of textiles?" Because why else cover it all up?
Before she allowed him to expand, yet another question slipped out. "Is this separated by social structure?" Of course, this only guided her thoughts down another path of curiosity, but she held her tongue to continue eating instead while she listened. They wouldn't get very far if she just dumped all her questions on him all at once.
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sansloii · 4 days
it's 8am and I don't wanna be at work but I NEED to share this because I NEED this like a man dying of thirst needs water
Which muse? Which person are you looking at. Doesn't matter. I just need it.
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