sayuricorner · 5 days
Sure I'll tag you! ^^
Just be aware that I'm currently in a Big inspiration block for this story so the chapter may not came out for some Times! ^^'
But I Can tell you that when I first started working on this I already planned some Big karma for Lila and Bustier! 😈
Miraculous Ladybug x Identity V: The Oletus manor diary of a ladybug: Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Prompt concept
Warning : English is not my first language so sorry if it’s confusing !
Warning 2 : This fanfic content salt if you don’t like don’t read !
Warning 3 : Reference to sexual assault.
Hey everyone! ^^ here's the new chapter of "The Oletus manor diary of a ladybug"! :D
I know it's was a long time since the last chapter and I'm really sorry about this, I had a bad writting block and was also busy with other writting works! ^^'
But I finally was able to finish this chapter so I hope you'll all like it! ^^
23/04/2015, Oletus manor's living room security camera :
The camera show the survivors and the hunters at the table, talking about their temporary ̎ young housemate ̎.
Kreacher Pierson(Awkwardly) : Sssoooo... This is the kid who will stay at the manor during the rainy season ?
Freddy Riley(sighing frustrated) : For the hundredth time Pierson, YES, this is the girl, YES, she will stay here and YES her stay will last at least for two weeks until this god forsaken storm stop ! Good lord ! Would it kill you to spend at least a few minutes without asking the same question over and over again ?
Kreacher Pierson(defensive) : Whoa ! Hold your horses ̎ mister lawyer ̎, I was just curious and confused, as everyone else is probably, I mean, our ̎ host ̎ permitting someone from the outside world, who wasn't invited, to stay in the manor ? Come on ! Don't tell me you didn't find this strange ?
Vera Blair(ironic) : Right ! Because leaving this girl, sick, in a violent thunderstorm and risking to attract unwanted attention in the aftermath would have been the logical thing to do !
Kreacher Pierson(annoyed) : Ohoh ahah, very funny !
Mary(rolling her eyes) : As much I hate to admit it, Monsieur le Voleur does had a point it's quite unusual for our ̎ host ̎ to letting someone from the outside world who was not invited to participate to the games to stay in the manor and to know about how things are going here this easely !
Naib Subedar(nobbed, arms crossed) : Yeah, this is really out of character for him when you see all the amount of precautions he’s taken to make sure to keep the games, and everything else in the manor, a secret.
Lucky Guy(frowning) : I don't know, this guy is always so cryptic, who knows what's going on in his head right now!
Andrew Kreiss(calmly stutters) : B-But shouldn't we m-more wondering... w-what that girl was doing outside all alone?(slightly panics when the others looked at him) I-I mean this is strange right ? N-Normally a young girl of her age shouldn't wander by herself in a forest this far from the town...
Jack(thinking) : An interesting question M.Gravekeeper! But I am sure some of us could had a theory on the matter since some seem to had recognised they young lady, am I right Miss Doctor, M. Embalmer?(throw an amused look at Emily and Aesop)
Aesop Carl(nervous) : Well... I did remember having met her, one time in town, she had an accident because of a drunk driver who were driving when the lights were red and nearly run her over, thank god the driver stopped before he could run her over, but since his car struck her a bit and she was in shock because of the accident, I helped her to go to the hospital.
Emily Dyer(frowning) : I made a check up on her and, thank god, she didn't have any kind of injuries ! However I was shocked to learn that this poor girl end up in this accident because her whole class, the teacher included, left her behind when they were supposed to go to the museum.When her teacher come to pick her up she had the guts to scold her, when it was HER fault for leaving her behind in the first place, for, I quote, ̎ Having being irresponsible and bring problems to her and the class ̎ ! Absolutely revolting !
Emma Gardner(nobbing) : Oh yeah ! I remember you were ranting about it for hours when you came back after your shift !
Joseph Desaulniers(lift his head) : By any chance, is this class from France ?
Emily Dyer:(nob her head)
Joseph Desaulniers : Ah ! Then they're without any doubt the class who came to the museum that day ! Since it was the anniversary of the town, the museum was quite busy with giving tours during the week and I remember that day Monsieur Lapadula and I were supposed to give a tour to a class from France and I remember they were... How do I put this politely ?
Burke Lapadula(interjecting grunchy) : A bunch of rude, noisy, bratty and messy worms !
Joseph Desaulniers(Carefully):It's... A way to describe them, oui...
Burke Lapadula(Snorting) : A perfect description of them you mean Desaulniers ! Those brats were nothing but nuisances and without any manners ! First they made a scene at the front desk because they didn't had the security codes to get the tickets, then the teacher left and came back moments later with the student who actually had the codes and her ̎ classmates ̎ ganged up on her about having ̎ stole Lali's codes ̎ or whatever this girl's name was !
And when, finally, Desaulniers and I were able to begin the tour, only a few of them were actually paying attention ! Most of them were busy listening the fibs of that Lali girl, during the whole tour she was always butting in to tell rubbish nonsense like she was the secret descendant of one of Eurydice's founding fathers or how her too many great uncle/aunt/grandfather or whatever actually helped the creator of this machinery to create it or the other one or how one girl who was on one of the photos was a very distant family member of her and blablabla... URHG ! Disrespectful little twerps !
Martha Behamfil(Confused): They were making a mess and no one did a thing ? And their teacher ? I know from what Emily told us she doesn't seem to be the teacher of the year but surely she would at least try to get her students to behave ?
Joseph Desaulniers(Hesitant) : Well...
Burke Lapadula(Angry) : Absolutely nothing ! She just stood there and looked at them like nothing was happening and constantly smiling like an idiot ! I wouldn't even be surprised if this kid's situation was because of this so called teacher's incompetence !
Burke Lapadula kept on ranting with all the other hunters and survivors looking at him.
Demi Bourbon(Snorting) : Honestly I'm not surprised ! I saw this class at the café where I work at once and they tried to leave and make me believe that the classmate they left at one table will pay their bill, but I wasn't born yesterday ! I saw them multiple times during the time they were at their table and the classmate in question was away from them at another table and not once they went to talk to her so I guessed they were trying to trick me into letting them leave without paying, so I kept them from leaving until they paid. They tried to change my mind, make me pity them, threaten me but I didn't budge and they finally gave in when I gave them the ultimatum to either pay their bill or I was calling the police on them !
Kevin Ayuso(clear his throat) : Not that those ̎ work gossips ̎ aren't entertaining but that doesn't answer the main question here : what's about this little lady for the manor's owner to permit someone from the outside world to know how things are going here ?
Everyone is silent not knowing what to answer.
Hastur(silently laughing) : Oh she's way more than meets the eye than you believe...
The rest turn their attention to Hastur, looking at the eldritch being, some uncertain, others wary.
Hastur(cryptic) : This is something I would rather let you find out yourself, but what I can tell you is this girl is connected to big forces ! But I am sure a few of you did notice it !(Give a quick look to Eli Clark and Patricia Dorval) But like I said this isn't up to me to tell ! However if our ̎ host ̎ is taking this much precautions for the girl's safety to the point of even taking the risk to tell her about the manor's ways that mean he is also aware of the powerful forces in relation with this girl and of the possible consequences if anything should happen to her !
Unknown female voice : A good deduction lord Hastur !
The Hunters and the Survivors turn to see Miss Nightingale enter the room.
Miss Nightingale(formal) : Like Lord Hastur said, this girl is connected to big forces which are important for this world's balance and so her safety is really important ! If anything tragic happened to her, the consequences may be disastrous ! That why the owner instructed me to insure her comfort and safety during her stay and to instruct you, particuliary for some of you, to be on your best behavior and to not let your ̎ shenanigans ̎ bother our guest !
Edgar Valden(grumbling and murmuring):Tss really ? Does he take us for children ?
Miss Nightingale(hear him, seriously) :I wouldn't take this situation lightly M. Valden ! The owner takes this girl's safety very seriously, messing with the forces connected to the girl aren't a laughing matter, others had tried in the past and deeply paid the price !
Wu Chang:(silently nob in agreement the others didn't notice it)
Luchino Diruse(skeptical) : How ̎ deeply ̎ are we talking ?
Miss Nightingale(listing) : The dinosaur’s extinction...
Luchino Diruse(stunned) : … Uh...
Miss Nightingale : Atlantis's destruction...
Kurt Frank(shocked) : Atlantis is real ?!
Miss Nightingale : Correction : ̎ was real ̎ (keep listing) the Plague...
Ann(her dark pitch eyes wide in shock) : … What ?
Miss Nightingale : The Tower of Pisa being toppled...
Edgar Valden(surprised) : You mean the tower wasn't toppled because of the swampy grounds ?
Miss Nightingale : The Hundred Years' War.
The survivors and some of the hunters(in shock) : …
Miss Nightingale(formal) : And this is just a few, the list is quite long ! Do you understand the situation now or should I continue ?
Naib Subebar(hold up his hands) : We get it, we get it ! The kid and whatever power with her is off limits !
Miss Nightingale(smile) : Good ! Now as I was saying, during her stay Miss Dupain-Cheng will need to rest a lot to recover a bit until we are able to send her to the hospital ! For that she will need for her recovery a lot of peace and quiet!That’s why the owner expects from all of you to not disturb our guest with your shenanigans and I'm insisting on that for some of you particularly.
The hunters and survivors, at this remark, turn their heads toward Smiley Face, Jack, Servais Le Roy and Kreacher Pierson with a narrowed look, the first three ignoring them.
Kreacher Pierson(Noticing the looks on him) : What ? Why are you looking at me like that ? I can understand the warning for ̎ Clown face ̎, who's unpredictable, ̎ No face ̎, who's a freak and Le Roy, who's ready to do anything to be ̎ the greatest magician ever know ̎, but me ? Why would I try to mess with the kid ?
Michiko(Sipping from her tea cup) : Well, for starter your title isn't ̎ Thief ̎ for nothing !
Kreacher Pierson(Slightly offended) : Oi !
William Ellis(with a jaded look) : Your shady treatment toward those kids at this orphanage of yours in the past, which makes the guarantee of the young lass's safety questionable if you ever interact with her !
Kreacher Pierson(Turning toward William) : I didn't-
Freddy Riley(Crossing his arms) : You're overly untrustworthy !
Kreacher Pierson(Offended) : Oh ! Look who's talking !
Emily Dyer(Frowning) : You also had this bad habit to take advantage of others at their weakest moments ! Just like you tried to do to Emma times ago !
Emma Woods:(Nob in agreement)
Leo Beck(groans in agreement) : Huurrrrrr....
Miss Nightingale(stoic) : Actually from my talk with Miss Dupain-Cheng I learned she was 14 and would be 15 very soon...
Everyone else is rolling their eyes at Kreacher's over-dramatic reaction.
Miss Nightingale(Still stoic) : Well, now this was made clear, I will have to excuse myself as I had a lot of duties to attend, good day to all of you !
Miss Nightingale took her leave and the survivors and hunters silently look at her, exciting the room.
Luca Balsa(joking) : Welp... That was something !
Norton Campbell(sigh) : Tell me about it... In the end we just got more questions than answers about that girl outside of the fact she is connected to ̎ powerful forces ̎ which are apparently very dangerous in the wrong hands !
Jose Baden(Shrug) : Well... I guess this will be up to the little miss to tell us if she decided to do it at one point !
Tracy Reznik(Confused) : Uh guys ? Sorry to interrupt you but... Where is Bonbon going like that ?
Burke Lapadula(grumbling) : It's name is Guard 26 not Bonbon and...(He notices that the robot is indeed leaving quickly) What the- ? Guard 26 ! Where are you going ? Get back there ! Oi ! Get your metallic butt here right now ! Are you even listening to me, you me you pile of dolts ? GUARD 26!(Burke go after the robot and leave the room)
Most of the survivors and hunters took it as their cue and also left the room, outside of a few of them.
Oletus manor's first floor security camera :
The camera shows Robbie about to take the stairs to the second floor but is busted by Michiko who appears in the camera's vision.
Michiko : Robbie ? What are you doing ?
Robbie(Freeze) : Uh... Nothing ?
Michiko(Sigh) : You were trying to sneak in to see Dupain-Cheng-san were you ?
Robbie(Hesitant) : Uuuuuhhh...
Michiko(Softly) : Listen, she needs to rest for now ! You can go see and get to know her another time okay ?
Robbie(Sigh) : Okayyyyy....
Michiko(Smile) : Good ! Now come with me ! How about we go to your bedroom and I read you the story you want ?
Robbie happily nobbed and took Michiko's hand and both left the floor.
Oletus manor's second floor security camera :
The camera show Burke arguing with his robot, Guard 26 ̎ Bonbon ̎, who was guarding Marinette's bedroom's door with no intention of leaving.
Burke Lapadula(Angry) : What the hell are you doing ? I didn't even give you the order to go to the brat's room, so what are you even doing posted in front of her door ?
Bonbon : Presence of a vulnerable person in the manor declared, so Bonbon's protection code was activated.
Burke Lapadula(Angry) :Protection co- I didn't even give you the order to activate this protocole ! I'm your creator and any protocol or any action from you should be activated on MY order ! So desist your protection protocol and come with me now !
Bonbon : Apologies, but Bonbon's protection protocol can't be desist !
Burke Lapadula(Getting impatient) :... Guard 26, desist protection protocol and follow me right. Now !
Bonbon : Apologies, but Bonbon's protection protocol can't be desist !
Burke Lapadula(Frustrated) : Oh for heck sake ! DESIST THIS FREAKING PROTECTION PROTOCOL !
Bonbon : Apologies, but Bonbon's protection protocol can't be desist !
Burke keeps going on trying to get his robot obey him with the robot not budging.
Oletus manor's third floor security camera :
The camera shows Emily and Emma talking in the floor corridor, Emily seems still upset about the possible reason for Marinette's state.
Emma talks to Emily for a while, comforting her about how everything will be okay, that Marinette will be fine, especially with a doctor like Emily to take care of her.
Emily, moved by Emma's words, shares a hug with her for a few minutes before the two leave holding each other's hand.
A few moments later, the camera shows Naib, Eli and Aesop having a talk in the corridor.
Naib Subebar(Arms crossed) : Hey Clark, about what Nightingale told about those ̎ powerful forces ̎, you think you can told some things about it ? I mean you're into this magic stuff right ? So you probably ̎ feel ̎ something right ?
Eli Clark(Nobbed) : Well yes I felt something unusual radiating from this young girl ! But before you ask, no I didn't feel anything which could be ̎ dangerous ̎ for us, those forces seem to be powerful but not evil ! Whatever it is, I don't think it's something which will deliberately hurt us !
Naib Subebar(Nobbing) : I see...
Aesop(Nervously) : Now we clear up this matter, I must go ! I have ̎ important things ̎ to do ahah...
Naib Subebar(Smirking) : And I suppose those ̎ important things ̎ have obviously nothing to do with a certain french photographer ?
Aesop(Very nervous and blushing) : I... I... I REALLY MUST GO, GOOD DAY TO YOU TWO !
Aesop leaves the corridor embarrassed.
Eli Clark(Smirking to Naib) : You know, you're one to talk on that subject, after all isn't there a thing going on between you and mister Jack ?
Naib Subedar(Sputtering and blushing) : Wh-... How-... When-... ABSOLUTELY NOT !!!
Oletus manor's first floor camera :
Other survivors and hunters go through the floor's corridors, some going to their bedroom and others to another part of the manor.
Oletus manor's living room security camera :
The hunters and the survivors had left the living room outside of the Dream Witch, and by extension Follower, and Hastur were having a discussion.
Dream Witch(Humming) : So it's seem ̎ they ̎ get a new guardian ! I must say this is surprising to ̎ see ̎ one of ̎ them ̎ after so long !
Hastur(Nobbing) : Indeed, I don't know about you, but I think things will get very interesting during those two weeks !
Both turn to the camera, the Dream Witch is smirking and Hastur is chuckling.
Hastur : Don't you agree mister the Owner ?
TAG LIST :( a reblog will get you a place in the tag list! ^^)
@diana-berry , @doll246 , @miraculous-ninja , @knightoflightaskblo , @mentini02 , @michaelshadow7779
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sayuricorner · 17 days
Hey, I've been mulling over a neat little idea for a while now, and I wanted to ask if you'd mind lending a hand with it.
It's called "What if Sayians had Stands".
No, I'm not giving Goku Star Platinum, and Vegeta isn't getting The World. I want to give them their own unique Stands, and I already have an idea for Goku's.
Please, let me know if you're interested
That's is really an interesting concept! :)
Word of advice thought: Be very careful with the stands's power balance and limits 'cause with how powerful Goku and Vegeta got in Dragon Ball, giving them a stand without some balance risk to make them way too OP!
For their Stands since Goku and Vegeta are warriors and love to brawl I think they would have close-range power type of stands.
8 notes · View notes
sayuricorner · 1 month
Neglected Decepticon Heir AU - One-shot: The Birth of Ironshard
Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it’s a bit confusing! ^^’
Here we go with a one-shot from my TFG1 AU: Neglected Decepticon Heir AU! ^^
This one-shot will be about Ironshard's creation and how he ended up in Starscream's and Soundwave's care!
If you had any question regarding the AU don’t hesitate to ask! ^^
And if you want to use this AU go ahead, just don’t forget to tag and credite me please! ^^
Cybertron; Iacon; Decepticons's headquarters:
Starscream was standing in the throne room alongside Shockwave, a scold on his face.
The whole Decepticon army was present on Megatron's order for an “important announcement”.
This just made the SIC snort in disdain, he bet the fool came up with another stupid plan against the Autobots which will fail.
How pathetic! If Starscream was the Decepticons’s leader they would have won this blasted war long ago! 
He was keeping on rambling in his thoughts until Megatron finally appeared with Soundwave, to the Seeker’s confusion the Decepticon tyrant was holding something small wrapped in a purple fabric. 
Megatron walked toward his throne and turned around to stand face to face with his army before speaking in a booming and authoritarian voice.
“-Decepticons! Today a new step to our future victory against the Autobots has been made! With a few of our mechs I managed to infiltrate the depths of Cybertron to Vector Sigma right under those blasted Autobots’s noses and to bring to this world one important advantage to our cause which will ensure our enemies’s inevitable downfall!”
Blah blah blah! How many times Starscream had heard Megatron say that?
For all his great eloquence and strength, the old fool still had to give concrete results!
“-And so Decepticons! I present to you all the heir to the Decepticons’s throne!”
Wait what?
Starscream could only stare in shock with wide eyes as Megatron unwrapped the fabric revealing a little Sparkling in a black and purple armor, staring at the whole room with big red confused optics.
“-Behold Ironshard! The future leader of the Decepticons!”
To say that Starscream was angry was an understatement.
Megatron could have done so many things during his infiltration mission to Vector Sigma: he could have created more soldiers, attacking and taking over Vector Sygma from the inside and gaining a big advantage over the Autobots or even steal the Allspark which was within Vector Sigma.
But noooooooo! Instead Megatron decided to pick the most wasteful option and by connecting his spark directly with Vector Sygma had created a Sparkling!
A Sparkling! A fragging Sparkling! Another mouth to feed when energon ressources aren’t high!
“-Starscream, we heard you ranting about it the 10 first times! And honestly, it’s becoming annoying!”
“-Oh don’t waste your vocal processor TC! You and I know dear Screamer is only pissed because now there’s a “Megatron Jr” around his chances to be “the new Decepticons’s leader” are now thinner!”
Starscream throwed a dark glare at his trinemates.
Thundercracker looked very annoyed while Skywarp was grinning at him as if his trineleader’s outburst was the funniest thing existing.
As much as he wanted to snap back, the Decepticon SIC knew that Skywarp wasn’t wrong.
For all his barking about potential resources problems, Starscream’s anger was actually about Megatron’s spawn’s own existence, or rather about the meaning of the spawn’s existence.
For a long time he planned and plotted to get rid of Megatron and take his rightful place as the leader of the Decepticons but now an official “heir” existing made his plans to be leader harder.
Why in Primus’s name does the universe always seem out to get him?
A noise from his com broke Starscream from his reflection and the seeker quickly picked up.
“-What is it?” He asked, annoyed.
“-Starscream: must come to Megatron’s quarters immediately: Megatron’s orders!” Soundwave’s robotic voice resonated through the com.
“-Very well! Tell “Lord Megatron” that I’ll be here soon!” Starscream answering with a tone drowning in sarcasm.
The seeker quickly closed his com and begin to walk through the door when he heard Skywarp laughing behind him.
“-Good luck Screamer! Don’t get too much on Megatron’s nerves!”
Starscream just sighed, and he was sure he also heard Thundercracker sighing at the same time, at his trinemate’s behavior before keeping walking toward Megatron’s quarters.
Whatever the old fool could have wanted with him, it couldn’t be any worse than everything happening today!
He took back what he said earlier: it was worse!
“-You hear me right!” Megatron stated.”My heir needs to be taken care of and taught the Deceptions way to become a worthy leader in the future! But I have a war to win, Autobots to crush! I have no time for such trivial matters! That’s why you and Soundwave will take care of Ironshard and make sure he is properly educated!” 
He couldn't be serious? Him? Starscream? Taking care of a Sparkling?
It was outrageous!
“-Understood. Task accepted.” Soundwave stated in his emotionless synthetic voice.
“-Excellent!” Megatron replied, satisfied. ”Make sure he becomes a warrior worthy of the name! Make him strong! Ruthless! A worthy heir to the Decepticon cause and to my throne! I leave the details to you!”
“-Lord Megatron you can’t be serious?” Starscream whined.”I’m the second in command, I have way more important duties to do! I don’t have time to take care of a Sparkling!”
“-Are you refusing a direct order, Starscream?” Megatron asked.
“-No, no! Of course not.” The seeker quickly said.”I’m just saying that I don’t think it would be reasonable or even practical for me to raise your heir while being the second in command and the air force commander at the same time!”
“-And I don’t care about what your opinion is! You will raise my heir into a perfect Decepticon and that final!” Megatron told with a point of irritation in his voice.
“-But Megatron this is ridiculo- Ack!”
Megatron suddenly grabbed Starscream’s throat in a firm grip, the tyrant looking now angry.
“-I think I haven't been clear Starscream: I ORDER you and Soundwave to take care of MY HEIR and to ensure his education to teach him the Deception way to make him worthy of being the future Decepticons leader and unless you want a reminder of who give the orders in this army, you will do as I command!”
He then squeezed his grip making the Seeker agonize in pain.
“-Am I being clear?”
“-Y-yes… Cr-crystal clear…” Starscream articulated with difficulty.
Satisfied with the answer Megatron dropped Starscream on the floor.
“-Good! Now leave! I have a war to win and you and Soundwave have an heir to look after!”
“-... Yes, “Lord Megatron”!” The SIC said, his voice full of venom while rubbing his sore throat before leaving with Soundwave.
Starscream’s mood was sour when he and Soundwave, with Laserbeak on Soundwave’s shoulder, got to Ironshard's “nursery”, well, if you could call it a nursery.
The room, bathing in darkness with only a little light barely illuminating the center of the room, was sparsely decorated, with only a makeshift crib and playpen.
The sound of machinery could be heard in the background in a constant “hum” and the air thick with the strong smell of oil.
Not really a decent room for a Sparkling’s nursery, then again, with the war going on and the energon ressources problems they were facing, the Decepticons didn’t had good accommodations in a long time. So, it was not surprising that this wouldn’t be any different for a Sparkling’s room.
Said Sparkling was in the “crib” looking at the two adult Cybertronians with big round curious red optics.
The Sparkling, Ironshard Starscream recalled, in Megatron's hand looked tiny, but now Starscream could look at him closer the Sparkling seemed bigger than the few Sparklings he had seen in Vos back on Cybertron before the war.
Then again, considering who his creator was, Starscream can guess it was pretty normal for a grounder Sparkling to be bigger than a Seekerling of the same age.
Still, this was not changing the ridiculousness of the situation!
“-This is preposterous! I’m the Decepticons SIC and air commander! I should be planning for the next battle against the Autobots, not be some kind of… of glorified nanny for a scraplet!”
“-Megatron’s order: non-negotiable!; Ironshard: heir of Megatron and future of the Decepticons!; Ironshard's upbringing: primordial for the cause!”
The Seeker sneered at the TIC with scorn.
Of course Soundwave would defend Megatron's orders and his “little project”, what expecting else from one of Megatron's favorites lapdogs?
A series of clicks and chirps get his attention and Starscream looks down to see Ironshard looking at him and doing a “pick me up” motion.
“-Oh no! No no no no! Nope! Absolutely not! If you think for one moment that I will indulge you with cuddles you’re wrong!” 
The Sparkling only insisted harder, he even began to whine in a tone which looked like a demand.
Soundwave made a disapproving sound as if it was to criticize Starscream’s behavior.
“-Don’t start with me Soundwave! We have been ordered to take care of him and educate him to become “a Decepticon worthy of the name” not to coddle him and being all mushy-mushy, we are not bleeding-spark Autobots!-”
“-”Starscream! Soundwave! The Sparkling is climbing the crib!” Laserbeak’s alarmed screams startled them both.
They quickly turned their heads, their optics went wide in alarm at the sight of Ironshard having climbed the crib…
And begin to dangerously tumble.
Starscream and Soundwave both let out a panicked scream and the Seeker quickly throws himself to catch the Sparkling before he could fall.
In a panic frenzy, Starscream examined the Sparkling from head to toe for any injuries and loudly sighed in relief once he was sure Ironshard was fine.
He heard behind him Soundwave letting out a relieved sigh and Starscream then turned back his attention toward a bubbling Ironshard with an angry scowl on his face.
The little Sparkling, completely oblivious of the Seeker’s anger, took profit from Starscream having brought him closer to him to give him a hug and let out happy content chirps which made Starscream stop dead his angry diatribe to look at the Sparkling for a few seconds realizing something in a very big confusion.
Did… Did the little scraplet voluntarily climb the crib to push him to hold him in his servos so he could cuddle him? 
Oh that cunning little!- 
The seeker let out a big frustrated, tired sigh.
“-Online for not even a solar cycle and you're already as stubborn as your sire!” 
The Sparkling only cooed and kept snuggling against the seeker’s platting.
“-Query: beginning of operation: Sparkling caretaking?” Soundwave interrupted his thoughts.
The Seeker started at the TIC before sighing and narrowed his optics at him.
“-Very well! But let’s be clear, Soundwave! If we’re to raise him, we’re going to do it on my terms so he will not become some foolish brute like his creator! So like this when I’ll be the Deceptions leader he will!-” Starscream paused for a few seconds, thinking of what he just before his faceplates morphed in realization, his optics staring at the Sparkling.
Yes, of course! Why didn’t he think about this earlier?
He is going to raise  the heir of the Decepticons’s throne, the future of the cause, a blank canvas he can shape into his vision!
Well, sure Soundwave will participate in the upbringing but the main thing here is a Megatron will have no part in it!
He will have no say, no influence, not even a little input, the old fool preferring focusing on the war rather than educating his own heir into becoming a Decepticon leader, leaving to Starscream total free reign to raise the scraplet-no! Ironshard how he wants and turning Megatron’s so-called legacy into his own!
And when Starscream will finally dethrone Megatron and take his rightful place as the Decepticons leader, he will then make Ironshard HIS heir and secure HIS legitimacy and legacy!
With this plan, he will crush Megatron in every way possible! This will be his greatest victory against him!
It was perfect!
A sly smile appeared on Starscream’s face, he then cradled Ironshard in his arms, making sure the Sparkling was comfortably settled.
“-Well little one, looks like I’m going to be stuck with you! So, let's see what we can make of you, shall we?” He said as he tickled Ironshard’s chin with one of his digits.
The Sparkling giggled and playfully grabbed the digit, an action which made Starscream’s expression slightly soften before he quickly recomposed himself.
“-Hum-hum… Well let’s begin with those lessons! Listen closely, Ironshard. Lesson number 1: Always watch your back, especially around your dear old sire!”
Soundwave just sighed at the scene, Laserback on his shoulder just started at the Seeker with annoyed optics.
This co-mentorship is not going to be easy. 
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sayuricorner · 1 month
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This is so cool I love it thank you! I really can't wait to see the rest of the characters designs! :D
Part 1
I was bored, so was playing around with Gacha Life 2 & reading some TWST x EAH fics, then this occured to me to make something
It's been a while since I posted something about sayuriconer's AU.
Here are the EAH characters in NRC uniforms with the color of their assigned dorm in Gacha Life 2 from @sayuricorner TWST x EAH AU
I would do the dorm uniforms but, I got lazy and thought doing the school uniforms would be simpler, I'll probably make them in their dorm uniforms some day (I still have their codes in my notes).
There are more, but that will be in different parts
Raven Queen
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Poppy O'Hair
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C.A. Cupid
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Cedar Wood
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Rosabella Beauty
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Coral Witch
(since we have no official design of what Coral looks like, I made my own design based on some of the fan art I see & add some of my own touches)
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Holly O'Hair
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Blondie Lockes
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Ashlynn Ella
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Hunter Huntsman
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More to come soon
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sayuricorner · 2 months
What If Goku, Hit & Jiren Landed In Naruto World
Just sharing a "crossover what if serie" from "RANAGE G" a little youtube channel I like! The use of text to speech in those videos may not be to everyone's taste but overoall the chanel and the ideas in those videos are interesting and got potential.
Their most recent serie "What if Goku, Hit and Jiren landed in Naruto",which I share the link, had an interesting concept so don't hesitate to go take a look at it and to their other videos as well! ^^
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sayuricorner · 2 months
!!!!!Transformers Cyberverse x Nezha Crossover Cartoon New Trailer - IT'S COMING!!!!!
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sayuricorner · 2 months
Scum Villain’s Self Saving System X Transformers Prime AU: Cybertronian!Original Shen Qingqiu in TFP: One-shot 1: An uneasy alliance
Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it's confusing! ^^'
Warning 2 : This one-shots collection content references to: child slavery, child abuse, implied sexual assault, suicide, depression, abuse, toxic relationships, mental issues due to isolation, sexual references, “papapa” moments(possibly) ect…
Yep! You're not dreaming I am now writing one-shots for my SVSSS X TFP AU! ^^
For a long time I have a tons of ideas which were running around in my head so I decided to take the plunge and write some one-shots!
I just hope I got the characters's personalities right, especially Shen Jiu's, characters like him are hard to write! T_T
So let's start with the first one-shot which take place when Shen Jiu transmigrated in Transformers Prime!
He remembers it clearly…
The conference turned into a trial, the shadows of his past coming back to haunt him, the little beast’s return, the water prison, the endless pain, Qi-ge’s sword shards…
And then nothing…
This is where he was now trapped: an endless blackness of nothingness.
He can’t see anything, he can’t hear anything, touch anything, he could try to scream as loud as he wanted no sound could come out of his mouth.
All there was in this void, for the gods only knew how long, was him and his thoughts, his memories from back when he was alive, the memories of his sins, of his crimes, of all the lives which were lost because of him…
Clearly, this was his punishment, even in death a scum like him can’t get the peace of the reincarnation cycle.
Condemned to exist in an endless void, forced to remember how a monster he was over and over again… How fitting.
If only he hadn't survived the Qiu household… If only he hadn't been born at all…
Qiu Haitang wouldn’t have been filled with anger and vengeance…
Liu Qingge would still be alive…
The little beast wouldn’t have been killed and replaced by the monster because of the mistreatment…
Ning Yinying wouldn’t have been bewitched by the monster’s and Xin Mo’s influence…
Cang Qiong Mountain… His disciples… The other Peak Lords… They wouldn’t have died…
Yue Qingyuan… Qi-ge… He would still be alive…
Why does he have to exist and ruin everything?
Why did he had to let his jealousy and rotten personality blind him? 
…Why did his existence have to be the source of so much pain?
Shen then noticed something, a light appearing in the void and growing bigger and bigger.
And before he could react at all ,Shen Jiu found himself wrapped and blinded by the light.
When he regained consciousness, Shen Jiu found himself in what seemed to be a forest and… Alive?
How? HOW?This doesn’t make any sense! Did he reincarnate? Then why does he remember his previous life? Was that another sick trick of the monster  to make him suffer even after having moved on to the next life?
To reincarnate but always remember his sins?
As Shen Jiu tried to find an explanation to his situation, he realized something.
For some reason, everything seemed “smaller”, VERY much smaller, it was like he was in the body of a giant.
And speaking of his body, Shen Jiu looked at his hands, much to his shock and horror, instead of seen human hands he was seeing long metallic claws.
“W-What?” Shen Jiu asked in disbelief, he then frantically looked at his, apparently, new body as much as he was able to since there was no sign of anything which would permit him to have a clear look.
To his stupor, his body was now of metal, some parts of his limbs now having sharp edges and his whole body was a mix of green, silver and black and he could feel two, apparently, long things glued on his back.
Shen Jiu was extremely confused, not only was he reincarnated with all his memories from his first life but he was also reincarnated as some sort of non-organic being of a kind he never saw before.
Just what was he reincarnated into? Some kind of weird metallic golem?
But as much as his brain was filled with thousands of questions, Shen Jiu quickly shaked his head to pull himself together.
Despite his “peculiar situation” it was not the time to ramble about it.
He was now in an unknown place with absolutely no knowledge of what or who he could find.
He needed to gather information about this world, to know how things works around here, he had to, to be able to survive in this new world.
For some reason, he has been given a second chance at life and Shen Jiu was not someone who wasted such an opportunity!
Even if he perfectly knew he didn't deserve it.
So far, a lot of unexpected things had happened to Shen Jiu ever since he got his “second chance”.
After some times exploring his “new environment” he had spotted some other “golems of metal” like him and noticed that they seem to be able to transform into weirder metallic things to move or fly.
The most logical thing would have been to try to communicate with those creatures to learn more, but Shen Jiu decided against it.
His first life has been filled with nothing but pain, anyone he came in contact with ended up ruined because of his rotten existence one way or another and backstab and hurted him in return.
What made him think this vicious cycle wouldn't happen in this new life? Why would things be different?
For his survival and for others’s sake it was better that Shen Jiu stay away.
So why did he end up in this situation?
All Shen Jiu had done was explore what seemed to be an abandoned fortress of metal he found while wandering around, hoping to find information or any kind of resources and the second he knew he got tackled by surprise by someone, who turned out to be one of those metallic golems. 
Unlike the other Golems he saw, this one seemed to be very similar to him but also with differences.
The golem’s figure was slender and sharper than his new form, he was gray and silver with a little bit of red and his red eyes(?) were looking at him in deep anger.
“-I said: Who are you? Who sent you?”
With the being becoming impatient, Shen Jiu decided it was better to respond before the golem lost his patience.
“-This one is called Shen Jiu! And as for your last question: nobody “send me there”, I came here on my own decision!” He explained cautiously “I didn’t expect to find anyone, much less another golem, though, I thought this place was abandoned!”
The “golem”’s eyes(?) went wide and its face morphed into a consterned expression.
“-Golem? GOLEM?!” The being loudly huffed in consternation and bewilderment as he quickly got off Shen Jiu.”I am Starscream! I am no mere golem! I am a Cybertronian! A Seeker! Just like you are!”
This made Shen Jiu even more confused.
“-Cybertronian?... Seekers? what’s that?” He asked as he slowly got up before quickly internally scolding himself.
Showing this kind of stupid ignorance show weakness and bring troubles, if he want to survive he can’t let his guard down.
As for the “Cybertronian” his question seem to had made its expression even more stunned in shock.
“-”What’s that?”?! That's what you are, you fool! Did your CPU got severely glitched for you not even knowing what our species's name is?”
Shen Jiu became tense at the “Cybertronian”’s outburst and just stared at him in silence, staying on guard for anything which could happen.
After a few seconds of silence the being spoke.
“-You... you actually really have no idea what I'm talking about?” the named Starscream asked him, now calmer but his voice was filled with suspicion.
“-This one... does not understand any of your words!” Shen Jiu said formally in wariness.
Starscream narrowed his eyes at him.
“-Hmmmm… What did you say your designation was?”
“-... Shen Jiu!”
“-”Shen Jiu”... That sounds like a fleshling name. But you're clearly not organic. But you also don’t seem to even know that you’re a Cybertronian…”
Starscream circled slowly around Shen Jiu without taking his eyes(?) like a hawk stalking a prey, looking at Shen Jiu’s appearance.
“-Though I don’t remember having seen a Seeker quite like you before… Those green optics… I never saw a Cybertronian with such color… And your frame…”
Shen Jiu tensed even more at the tone in the “Cybertronian”’s voice and the look in his “optics” which send shivers down his spine.
he saw that kind of look before, in his first life, back when he was just “little nine” and the slavers thought they would “sell him for a good price”, back when Qiu Jianluo put his hands on him in ways even more disgusting and hurtful way than any of his beatings could have done, back when he was Wu Yanzi’s disciple and some of his former “master”’s “acquaintances” would look at him with hungry eyes when he began to become older, back when he was a Qin Jing Peak disciple before his scummy reputation started when some of the other male disciples were whispering about his “peerless beauty”...
… Back when he was locked up in the water prison and Luo Binghe have done those “things” to him…
Whether as a “Cybertronian” or a human, Shen Jiu had no desire for such attention, especially from men! Thank. You. Very. Much!
Starscream seemed to have noticed his growing discomfort as the “Seeker” quickly regained his composure.
“-Hum-hum… Anyway… Now if I may ask, where do you come from? I can guess that since you’re completely oblivious to what a Cybertronian is, Cybertron doesn’t ring any bells to you?”
The former Peak Lord shaked his head.
“-Nothing! Let’s just say this one came from somewhere very… Very far away!”
“-I see, You don't know what you are, or seemingly anything about our kind, yet you're undeniably a Cybertronian, and a Seeker at that. And you’re apparently very far away “from home” and are most likely lost…”
He paused for a moment, seeming to reflect before a smirk appeared on his face.
“-Well, “Shen Jiu”!” Starscream started slyly. “In that case, perhaps we could help each other? How about we make an alliance?”
“-An alliance?” Shen Jiu asked suspiciously.
“-Yes, an alliance! You see, our kind is capable to transform as means of transport, which is only possible thanks to a mechanism called a “T-cog” which also permits us to scan alt modes and as well to use weapons! Due to “unfortunate circumstances” I lost my T-cog which made me defenseless and, by doing so, put me in a very bad position! So here’s what I propose: You help me survive and find ressources, which will also be beneficial for the both of us, and in return, I'll teach you everything you need to know about being a Cybertronian and a Seeker. What do you say?”
Shen Jiu stared at Starscream in hesitation, he shouldn’t accept, this was too good to be true, everything about this Starscream was screaming “untrustworthy”!
No one he ever interacted with ended up trustworthy, at one point they all end up stabbing him in the back and be his downfall and even if it’s wasn’t the case right from the start, with his rotten being the risks that Shen Jiu end up ruining him like he had done to many before.
He can’t take a risk.
But at the same time, he was in an unknown land, in a new body he doesn’t understand nor knows how it’s work meaning that even if he is very careful, his lack of knowledge on his environment and body will most likely put him in very dangerous situations and destroy his efforts to survive. Having someone to teach him everything he need to knows about his new form and this world would guarantee him bigger chances of survival.
In other words, his options were extremely limited.
Guess he had no other choice.
“-This one... accepts your proposal, Starscream.”
“-Excellent!” The Seeker answered, smirking, as he extended a hand.”I believe this partnership will be beneficial for the both of us!”
Shen Jiu stared at the hand, hesitant, before letting a soft sigh.
He nodded slightly and with still a lot of wariness he took the hand.
The deal was sealed.
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sayuricorner · 2 months
In the Monkie Kid version of your Cuphead Lil' Lucifer x Journey to the West Amnesiac Michael AU, what is Macaque's reaction to seeing Michael again?
Oh waow! I didn't expected to get an ask for this AU! I really appreciate it thanks! ^^
As for your question, it's complicate!
Macaque, back when he was a bad guy, didn't like Michael because he saw the close sibling bond Michael and Wukong had build through JTTW and it's made Macaque very bitter and envious that Wukong became this close with somebody else after his and Wukong's sworn brothership/friendship falls out and made Macaque feel like Wukong repleaced him.
That's why when Macaque's reaction to seeing Michael again through LMK season 3 is, to put it simple, not a happy one!
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sayuricorner · 2 months
I thought of something based on your Ever After High x Twisted Wonderland AU!
Milton Grimm vs Mickey Mouse
Mickey solos of course
That would be absolutely hilarious! XD
And just imagine Milton's head when he realized he got owned by a big anthro mouse! XD
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sayuricorner · 2 months
In your EAH x Twst; Will NRC ever forgive Apple through the Apple Redemption Route? If so, how would it go?
They will forgive Apple at one point! It's will happen with efforts on Apple's part to show that she genuinely want to make amend for what she had done!
Of course it's will take time for the NRC students to truly forgive Apple but she's ready to work hard to earn their, and her former classmates from EAH's, whole forgiveness.
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sayuricorner · 2 months
I have a potential headcanon for your Miraculous x Monkie Kid prompt!
Wukong/Monkey King and Xuppu see each other as siblings in a way
Ooooh I like this headcanon!
Plus it's kinda logic that they would see each other as sort of siblings since in my AU Xuppu's miraculous have been created from Sun Wukong's powers! :D
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sayuricorner · 2 months
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AWESOME!!! I'm so happy there's news of you and the story!
I'm really looking forward to read those edited version of the chapter and to see how far the story will go! ^^
Hey everyone! It's to tell you that @Minzimiki_simp is currently writing a story based on my LMK X Zelda story idea : Hidden Triforce piece!Macaque AU!
It's called "The Shadow of Unison", go read it when you can and don't forget to give the author a lot of love they deserves it! ^^
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sayuricorner · 3 months
Okay so it's just a thing that came up to my mind but, am I the only one who think that Dick Grayson aka Nightwing and IDW Thundercracker are very alike?
I mean when you think about it:
-Both's main color(or second main color after black in Dick's case) is blue.
-Both are adorable dorks who fight like badasses.
-Both genuinely feel no shame about what they like despite others telling it's stupid and/or corny (Ex: Dick's discowing suit in "Wayne Family Adventures"; Thundercracker's screenplays).
-Both have a cute dog who they love unconditionally.
-Both had a bunch of emotional baggages.
-Both had a flying theme with Thundercracker being a flyer Cybertronian and Dick being a talented acrobat and the whole " the flying Graysons".
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sayuricorner · 3 months
Transformers G1 AU idea: Neglected Decepticons's heir AU
Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it's a bit confusing! ^^'
Here's an idea for a Transformers G1 AU in which Megatron had a son.
If you had any question regarding the AU don't hesitate to ask! ^^
And if you want to use this AU go ahead, just don't forget to tag and credite me please! ^^
At the start of the war, Megatron created an heir to succed him to secure his lineage and leadership of the Decepticons.
His creation is a young sparkling he named Ironshard.
However, despite having created him to become his heir, Megatron was so obsessed with the war that he took no part in Ironshard's upbringing, Starscream and Soundwave were the ones who raised Ironshard and educated while Megatron focused on the war.
This bring Ironshard to grow up into a young mech with a sharp mind and fine strategist thanks to Soundwave's and Starscream's mentorship.
Since he was a Sparkling, Ironshard craved for his father's approval and worked hard, especially in combat and strategy, to prove himself worthy, however Megatron's cold and distant demeanor and neglect toward Ironshard never changed.
This made Ironshard grown from wanting to do his best to had his father's validation and love to become delusioned with Megatron and seeing Soundwave and Starscream as his true creator figures which create a rift between Ironshard and Megatron.
However, things took a new turns when the Autobots and Decepticons found themselves on a planet named "Earth".
-Is Megatron's son
-Alt form: Tank
-Armor colors: Black and purple
-Optics: Red
-Having been raised by Starscream and Soundwave, Ironshard have been shaped into a formidable strategist and tactician: stoic, smart, cunning and logical with a tactical mind. His logical and disciplined nature make him a valuable asset to the Decepticon's cause.
Ironshard is very loyal to the Decepticon's cause but not very much to Megatron whose increasingly reckless and destructive actions from his obsession to destroy Optimus Prime and the Autobots through the war made Ironshard question Megatron's ability as a leader.
However, his stoicism and lack of true social relationships, outside of his creator figures, while growing up made Ironshard to be socially awkward. He does had a good side but he show it in a very discreet and subtile way.
He is also known to be a workaholic due to his dedication to the Decepticon cause to the point Starscream, his trine and Soundwave had to fight tooth and nail to make him to get a decent time of recharge as like Megatron, even if Ironshard tend to deny it, Ironshard can be very stubborn.
Relationships with some of the characters:
→Megatron: Megatron and Ironshard had a very difficult father-son relationship, one which is completely inexistant emotionaly speaking. Megatron had created Ironshard to be his heir but quickly end up neglected him to focus on the war. Once upon a time Ironshard wanted to make Megatron proud of him and get his validation but Megatron's coldness and detachment to ward him made Ironshard grow delusioned, creating a rift between father and son.
→Starscream: Having raised Ironshard alongside Soundwave, Starscream initialy saw this as an opportunity: his plan was to raised and mold Ironshard into a Decepticon who embodies his own vision of the Decepticon cause and Starscream planned that once he finally managed to overthrow he will make Ironshard HIS heir to secure his legacy. However as time pass, Starscream developped a genuine care and affection for Ironshard, to which he always try to deny.
→Soundwave: Having raised Ironshard alongside Starscream, Soundwave had always been an unwavering support to Ironshard which have been another source of strength to the young mech. If Soundwave is very loyal to Megatron, the latter's neglected toward Ironshard, his own son, the heir, the future of the Decepticon cause, created a little bit of resentment toward the Decepticon leader.
→The Stunticons: When the Stunticons, who unlike Ironshard have been created directly in adult cybertronians frames, were created by Megatron, Megatron quickly neglected them, like he had done with Ironshard, Megatron seeing them only as weapons. Motormaster who want to had Megatron's validation, had a deep jealousy and envy toward Ironshard as the latter is Megatron's oldest creation and "official son" and Motormaster often try to provoke him to prove that he is "the most worthy of Megatron", creating a very one-sided rivalry. Ironshard just ignore Motormaster's provocations most of the time, seeing them as childish and ultimately pountles, however, while annoyed by Motormaster's provocations, Ironshard understands his yearning for Megatron's approval. He sees a younger version of himself in Motormaster, someone who hasn't yet grasped Megatron's true nature, who don't understand that Megatron is way too selfish to see the actual worth of those around him, especially his own creations. Despite all this and the Stunticons's brutish and rowdy nature, Ironshard recognizes the Stunticons' potential as a strategic asset. He saw their raw power and rebellious nature as very valuable in certain situations and want to "influence them" to develop this potential and for Motormaster to develop his potential as a leader of his team.
→The humans: Unlike most of the Decepticons, Ironshard doesn't had any disgust toward humans or organics in general, in fact he is Neutral about humans, he doesn't really care about them. He also saw attacking the humans as bad strategies 'cause this lead to more unecessaries battles with the Autobots, leading to more use and waste of ressources which to him only made things difficult for the Decepticons cause's goal: win the war to change Cybertron from its oppressive former society.
The AU can take two different depending if whoever who use the AU want to stay in G1 or if they want to go in the Earthspark continuity.
If it's follow the G1 continuity:
When in 2005 Megatron was turned into Galvatron by Unicron and the dead Decepticons were turned into soldiers for Galvatron, the latter made his "comeback" to the Deceptions with the attention to "upgrading" every Decepticon into a soldier who fight on the name of Unicron, resulting into a big battle between the Decepticons and Galvatron and his soldiers.
-Unlike the canon Starscream didn't die but have been severly damaged and ended up crippled and unable to fly making him unable to lead the Decepticons until he is repaired.
-Unlike the canon Soundwave didn't join Galvatron, to him Megatron was dead and Galvatron was just a puppet of Unicron using Megatron's frame. Soundwave ended up very damaged to the point he ended up in a coma.
-With both the SIC and the TIC being unable to lead the Decepticons, the duty falls on the heir: Ironshard.
-Despite his relationship with Megatron being non existent, Ironshard was still affected by his father's fate as deep down even if he grown up delusioned with his father a tiny part of him still hoped that they could had a better relationship one day but now it will never happen and the current state of his two creator figures made his mental state worst.
-Now Ironshard had to take the duties of leading the Decepticons, the war having drastically changed and was no more a matter of "Autobots VS Decepticons" but a matter of "Cybertronians VS Unicron and his spawns".
If it's follow the Earthspark continuity:
In 2005 an important event made Megatron had an epiphany regarding the war and switched sides to join forces with the Autobots, leaving a lot of Decepticons angry and feeling deeply betrayed by their now former leader.
Ironshard was among the ones who felt betrayed the most, he already bottled up resetment toward Megartron for not having be a father toward him as he should had and also for also having neglected the Stunticons just like he did with Ironshard and also for having let his obsession with destroying Optimus Prime and the Autobots nearly jeopardize the Decepticons more than one time.
But turning his back on his own faction and the convictions Megatron defended after everything? After all the sacrefices made? After all those millenials of a war HE started? This made all the resentment Ironshard had toward his father explode in anger.
-After the final battle of the Cybertronian war Ironshard became the leader of the Decepticons with Starscream still being the SIC and Soundwave the TIC.
-The three made a strategy of having Starscream posing as the leader of the Decepticons so G.H.O.S.T wouldn't find out about Ironshard's existence while Ironshard is the leader in the shadows.
-The Decepticons had etablished a new base nested in the arms of the Himalayas.
-In this base, outside of Ironshard,are a bunch other Decepticons like the rest of the Stunticons, the Constructicons, Blitzwing and Astrotrain, the Coneheads ect...
-Officially, Thundercracker is a neutral after the war but because of the potential threat of G.H.O.S.T, he is for now staying in the base with Bustier a little organic dog he had adopted one years ago.
-Megatron deeply regret how he had treated Ironshard in the past and through "Earthspark" when he is not with the Maltos, Megatron is moving heaven and Earth around the world to find Ironshard in hope to reconsile with his son.
-The Decepticons's goal:-S1: free the Decepticons emprisoned by G.H.O.S.T.
-S2(In this AU, the season 2's events are differents, the Chaos Terrans are still present though): rassembling the Ember Stone's shards, rebuilding a Spacebridge, using the shards to make the Spacebridge work in hope to go back to Cybertron, find the Allspark and rebuild Cybertron.
Additional headcanons:
-In the past Jazz often infiltrated the Decepticons disguised as a Decepticon named Ricochet to steal intel from the Decepticons and spy them, however one day Jazz, under his Ricochet disguise, while infiltrating the Decepticon base run into a, back then, very young Ironshard and when Ironshard asked him who he was and Jazz tried his "I'm Ricochet, I'm a new recruit!" charade, Ironshard had looked at him whith a stare which mean "You think I'm stupid or what?" before suddenly contacting Soundwave to alert that an Autobot disguised as a Decepticon had infiltrated the base and Jazz was forced to flee and menaged to escape before he could get captured by the Decepticons, ever since Jazz never used again the Ricochet disguise.   
-Ironshard managed to bust Jazz because since Ironshard is with Soundwave and Starscream most of the time he knew almost everyone in the Decepticon army and know whenever there's a new recruit and as far as Ironshard knew there is no Ricochet registed in the Decepticon army.
-This day Starscream and Soundwave have been panicked when they realized that Ironshard have been alone with Jazz because since Jazz is Optimus Prime's right man hand and the head of the Autobots's Special Operations Jazz had a bit of a "boogeyman reputation" among the Decepticons.
-While Jazz, like most of the Autobots, knows that Megatron had a son, he didn't realize right away that the little sparkling standing before him, aka Ironshard, was Megatron's son.
Taking into account all the informations from all the previous entries in this chat, can you write a script about one time Ironshard protected Starscream from being beaten up by Megatron please?
-Whenever Megatron is about to become very violent toward Starscream, Ironshard often intervene to deviate Megatron's attention to something else and calming Megatron down in the process. 
-Because Megatron haven't been very much involved in Ironshard's education and raising, despite being Ironshard's father/creator, Ironshard see more Starscream and Soundwave as his creators which Starscream see as a little victory against Megatron by not only raised Megatron's son to not become a "foolish brute" like his father but also to become to Ironshard a father figure he never had, even if Starscream didn't planned this outcome, since Megatron neglected his duties as Ironshard's creator.
-Despite himself, Starscream developped a genuine affection for Ironshard, but he doesn't want to show it nor admit it to which Skywarp and Thundercracker aren't stupid because as Starscream's trinemates they know him very well and knows that deep down Starscream genuinely cares about Ironshard and is protective toward him.
-Despite his stoicism Soundwave cares for Ironshard.
-Whenever Megatron and Starscream had arguments about Megatron's plans and/or leadership, Starscream like to taunt Megatron about his "inabilities and failures as leader but also as a father in the raising of his own heir" much to Megatron's anger, frustration and jealousy.
-Skywarp often tease Starscream about the fact Starscream genuinely care about Ironshard, since Starscream and Soundwave had pratically raised him since he was a Sparkling, despite Starscream always trying to deny it.
-Ironshard is more reasonable than Megatron, for example, if a dangerous situation happen which will cause kill everyone, Autobots and Decepticons alike, and that this will call for a temporary truce between the Autobots and the Decepticons to defeat the threat, Ironshard will agree that an alliance in those circonstances is the most logical thing to do to survive and would subtly say to Megatron things like "but how can you expect leading Cybertron if everyone and the planet are destroyed?" to convince him to accept the alliance.
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sayuricorner · 4 months
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(And don't worry I don't mind to be tagged everytime a new chapter is posted! On the contrary, feel free to tag me whenever you have wrote a new chapter so I could read it! ^^)
AT LONG LAST!!!! After two months, Chapter 3 is out now!!! Hope you all enjoy! :D
Also: I will make a Tumblr version of each chapter too! Just in case if another AO3 Maintenance/Crash happen! 😉
Chapter 3 Summary:
Seems like we’re gonna check up on a certain blue tablet! Idia’s still shaken up from today’s meeting, but it’s far from over. And it’s one important thing: It’s time for lunch!
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sayuricorner · 5 months
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I LOVE IT! It was awesome, the tension, the showdown with LBD's takeover of EAH and the Good King and the Evil Queen teaming up with the students who managed to escape tofind a way to defeat LMB and save their daughter? AMAZING! :D
soooo..........@sayuricorner....... remember how i said i would make a oneshot about Raven getting possessed by the Lady Bone Demon??
yeah, this is that :/
i totally forgot about it but then i spontaneously remembered it existed, so have this thing made almost a year ago 😭😭😭
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Raven’s been acting strange lately…
It all started when Raven became tired with Headmaster Grimm preaching about her destiny, and she decided to concede and follow through with her own. 
The rebels all felt some sort of betrayed when Raven accepted taking up her destiny. Cerise and Maddie both understood her situation, considering that she confided in them the most about it, others like Hunter and Cedar were confused and upset. 
Ashlynn and Briar would’ve been happy just like Apple, but considering their current standing as Rebels, they were probably the most hurt. 
At the announcement of Raven finally following in the footsteps of her mother, the Evil Queen, Headmaster Grimm set up for the Legacy Day retry to take place in three weeks time. 
Over the course of the next five days after Raven’s announcement, the Rebels begin noticing shifts in Raven's behaviour. She’s a lot calmer now, seemingly content with the choice she made. 
Her movements are much more fleeting, it’s almost as if she never exists in certain spots. 
Her voice is lighter, but carries a strange weight with it, almost as if she wants to suffocate someone with her words. 
Purple gradually became blue. 
Black gradually became white. 
Raven seemed to back into herself, not interacting with anyone outside of a select few, mainly Apple, Maddie and Headmaster Grimm. 
People say they see a strange aura around Raven, following her around and covering her head to toe in a mist, as if shrouding something…
…or someone. 
When interacting with Apple, she whispered promises into the young princesses' impressionable ears, promising her that her ‘happily ever after’ will finally come true. 
She consistently promises Headmaster Grimm that she will follow through with her ‘true destiny’, making the man puff his chest out in triumph. 
Only a select few could see the face she makes when she turns her back on him, a look of pure disdain makes way for a sinister grin that could make Kitty Cheshire jealous. 
Cupid recalls seeing Raven disappear into the basement of the school, and she tailed after her, only to realise that something was definitely amiss when she approached the door at the very bottom of the steps, only to see a glowing, icy blue seal keeping the door locked shut. It was circular, and had a smaller circle in the middle, between the two circles were strange signs, mostly including skulls or other symbols of death. 
But one thing they definitely weren’t expecting to come out of this investigation, was the legitimacy of the Storybook of Legends. 
Which was fake, mind you. 
The Rebels were all shocked at the fake, and as they look back on it now, they wondered how no one caught on to being tricked by Headmaster Grimm. 
Distraught at the idea of losing 100 years of life to a fake book, Briar dropped it down a mysterious well, never to be seen again. 
The next day, Apple had flown into a tizzy at the declaration that the Storybook of Legends has gone missing, worrying over her destiny as story. 
Raven comforted her in her room. “Just because the book is gone, doesn’t mean you still can’t achieve destiny. And I’ll be here to help, so don't worry.” 
Apple was oblivious to the sinister look in Raven’s eyes. 
As the new date for Legacy Day approaches, Headmaster Grimm is at his wits end trying to find the Storybook of Legends, but Raven reassures him, saying, “I can help find the book. I have a knack for this sort of magic.” 
Using her powers, she creates a compass, which points anywhere but North. “This compass can lead you directly to the Storybook of Legends.” Raven explained. She didn’t hand over the compass, instead handing it to Apple. 
Seeing as how Headmaster Grimm couldn’t go out on his own to get it, and he didn’t necessarily trust Raven with the book just yet, Apple was the best person to send on the hunt for the book. 
The strangest thing was that Apple didn’t even need to leave the school premises. 
The book was hidden in Cerise’s room, Cerise’s room. Headmaster Grimm exclaimed that it couldn’t have been the red-hooded girl, but instead could have been the Evil Queen.
Not only was the book hidden under tile and magic seal, but Cerise and Cedar’s room also used to be the room of the Evil Queen. 
With that mystery solved, the Storybook of Legends was returned to its case, and things became even weirder since then. 
Apple’s eyes were significantly more light blue, almost white. Her actions became seemingly irrational, and she stuck to Raven like superglue. 
The new Legacy Day was only in just a few more days when everything went downhill. 
Cerise and Cedar, joined by all the other Rebels and some Royals, finally confronted Raven about her odd behaviour. 
That was when they realised the truth too late. 
Raven— no… the Lady Bone Demon smiled, with a glint of evil in her eye. The room dropped in temperature, and Ramona and Cerise’s instincts were screaming at them to get out. 
Too bad it was too late. 
The Lady Bone Demon infiltrated their minds, the school around them lost colour, becoming a deep blue, almost black colour, with everything outlined in icy blue. It all looked like it was sketched on paper. 
It all glitched between the truth, and the lie. 
“Your true destinies are set in stone. Nothing you do can make you avoid it.” The Lady Bone Demon spoke, her voice was kind but her words were not. 
It all flew by so fast. 
They all managed to escape the school, but when they turned back to see if the Lady Bone Demon had followed them, they saw screaming students running out of the school as well. 
It was only a minute before Ever After High was covered, bottom to top, in ice. Some students were unfortunate to not make it out in time. 
“See? There is no escape. This world's destiny cannot be undone!” The Lady Bone Demon declared, showing her true form as a Skeleton Demon. “Soon, this world and my previous world will be perfected! A clean slate!” 
The only ones to properly escape the hostile takeover on the entire town were Cerise, Maddie, Cedar, Apple, Briar, Ashlynn and Dexter. 
They were all taken in by Raven’s Father, the Good King, after the entire situation was explained. To say he was mad was an understatement. 
And if he was mad, the Evil Queen was irate. 
For as much as she wanted Raven to follow in her footsteps and become the next Evil Queen, she still cared for her daughter, and knowing that there’s a demon out in the real world, possessing her daughter to rewrite the destinies of two worlds, made the Queen rightfully upset. 
They all did copious amounts of research at the suggestion of Dexter to see if there was any way to defeat the Lady Bone Demon. 
And there was only one. 
In the very back corner of the library, gathering dust and cobwebs, as none other but a story called ‘Journey to the West’, the Lady Bone Demon in the story was easily defeated by a celestial primate known as Sun Wukong, the Monkey King. 
That was one question answered, but another remained…
How would they get to Sun Wukong’s world?
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sayuricorner · 5 months
Vil takes Raven to the Tapis Rouge event with him, since it would be great press for the movie and the school for the descendant of the Beautiful Queen to make an appearance. She's unsure about it at first, but he convinces her to go and she gives in. The director is excited to have both Vil and the Beautiful Queen's descendant at the event. When they step onto the famous carpet, people are confused at first, but then someone recognizes her from Vil's social media and the paparazzi blows up. Raven's face and name are now solidified across Twisted Wonderland for all of eternity. Brands start reaching out to her, asking if she can appear at their event and are close to car fighting each other for her attention. Raven is slightly embarrassed by all the attention, but Vil and Adele (his manager) help her by turning down any and all proposals for Raven to make any public appearances, since she wants to focus on school first.
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I. LOVE. IT!!!!!!!!!!
Just imagine all the possibilities for bonding scenarios between Vil and Raven!!! :D
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