scrambledcatz · 9 years
Most Important Text Post
Hey guys! Some of you may be unaware but we are nearing the 1 year anniversary of this RP Group. Last winter I started this Warrior Cat Community with high hopes of meeting new RP Partners and establishing new friendships and it was a total success. I have met many friendly people and I have established lasting friendships.
It is with a heavy heart I inform each and every one of you that 1 month from now on December 8th I will be closing this RP group. With college, my job, my significant other, family affairs, commissions, and other personal issues I simply cannot find time to properly maintain a RP Community anymore. It is no secret that my activity in this community has hit an all-time low and as the creator of this community that is both unprofessional and disrespectful to the individuals who put significant time into their OC and RPs.
That being said I do ask that no one try and continue the “Sunclan” legacy. I trust many of you but my fear is that leadership may fall into the wrong hands and the happy thoughts we have of Sunclan may turn sour if anyone try and continue it by accidentally ruining it. I don’t want Sunclan to be remembered as the clan that “Was doing pretty good until the original creator quit and some other person took over and it went to hell.” I want it to be remembered in its glory.
I understand that for some this community was a means of escape. Many of you appeared in the chat upset and you were met with support and love. The idea that this entire RP Community is ending may sound like the end all to you but I do ask that for those of you who are having a hard time swallowing it to please look past all the Plots and RPS.
What happens to Aurburnstar and Thistleruff is not important. What happens to Lizardleap and his kits is not important. What happens to Wolfstar is not important. What is important is the friendships you have built and the friendships you will take away from this RP group.
I ask you to be thankful that we were all given this wonderful opportunity to get to know each other and RP with each other. I ask you to be thankful that this RP Group didn’t end in a burning ball of flames and chaos but rather be thankful it is coming to a slow and gentle close.
The end of this RP group will not take away the wonderful memories you have created within it. I don’t want you to see this as the end I want you to see this as a new stage.
With that being said you are more than welcome to move your cats to a new RP Group if you find one. I for one will be retiring from Warrior Cat RP for a while but just because I am no longer RPing doesn’t mean I’m gone forever. I will still be on Skype just as I always am.
I also want to send out a special thanks to Cat Council for helping me. Without Taima, Ashley, Taylor, Belz, Sharky, and Cortez none of this would have been possible. Each and every person has contributed to plots and has helped me so much. I thank you for your effort and time and I hope we can shed our label as “Cat Council” and instead become a normal group of friends.
And lastly I would like to thank the people who participated in the RP Group as normal Sunclan members. It has been so special being able to get to know each and every one of you and I hope that you stay in contact with me even after December 8th.
Again I do ask that you don’t see this as the end but you see this as a new stage in your RP career and your life as a whole. I am so proud of each and every one of you and I wish you luck on your future endeavors.
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Thank you.
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scrambledcatz · 9 years
“You can be in camp if the nursery and it’s scent bothers you. You could maybe even see if any of the apprentices would wanna talk.”
You follow Poisonkit’s gaze and they fall on Aisa.
“That’s Aisa. She used to be a rouge, I got these scars on my face from tracking her down and fighting her. She was apparently convinced to join our clan by a starclan cat.”
“Minnie brought her here and Auburnstar decided she could stay.”
Meet Poisonkit!
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scrambledcatz · 9 years
stale cinnamon bun is gonna fuck shit up
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[1:32:04 PM] SKUNK OF RAGE (EZ): stale cinnamon with blood stains
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scrambledcatz · 9 years
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Cats that don’t....
Hm, this got you silent for a long while. Where would those cats go? You had heard Winterfang speak of something called the dark forest. But you didn’t know for sure.
I don’t know for sure, lil buddy. I think they walk in a different part of the sky. In a forest of their own. Or maybe they get put back here. As kits, to try again.
You nuzzle the kit, speaking about cats that wouldn’t join starclan made you feel strange. You want to protect him ,his brother and his sister.
If you’re worried about them getting to you, then just know-
You give him a lick on the forehead.
I’m here for you and your siblings. I’ll visit you every morning and keep you warm at nights, if you’d like. You can come to me for whatever, whenever. And most importantly. I’ll protect you.
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Ok, Blackkit?
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When the other she-cat nuzzles you you immediately let out a loud purr and press back. Sunclan was so accepting and loving of you so far… You were so honored.
You feel a bit of joy at the idea that the Sunclan warrior thought you would make it into Starclan fine… but that wasnt your question.
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 I mean… what happens to cats who die and dont go to Starclan? Where do they go?
Where will Splitgaze and Thistleruff go?
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scrambledcatz · 9 years
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You turned around to see the cat in question. Disappointment and hurt tugs at your heartstrings. It happened again. Her friends went bad, by now.... Maybe it was her fault. But then she looked relieved, a strange emotion to be displaying considering what she knew.
It has been long. Where have you been? I was so lonely and everything went bad and- I got hurt.
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By that you didn’t mean the scars on your pelt, you meant the scars in your heart. Thistleruff betraying you, Winterfang’s and Deadheat’s lying and and the disappearance of Falconstep and Crescentpaw. The two latter thankfully got back, but damage had been done. You had been hurt by those who you thought were your closest friends.  Even so, you’d treasure the ones you had left.
I can’t trust those who I thought were my friends...
In a way, it felt good to get it out, but you knew, you can’t trust her either. But since she seems friendly now, you’ll find out what she wants, where she’s been.... You feel like something in your chest is cracking.
Why did you abandon me, Goldenpatch? You said we were friends.
Dream a little dream....
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scrambledcatz · 9 years
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“Poisonkit, kits are supposed to stay inside camp, for your own safety. You could be punished, like to stay in the nursery for a couple of days.” “But since this is the first time, it can slide.”
Zed snorted in amusement and nuzzled Poisonkit’s flank, before licking it in place again. Didn’t want her to get fussed.
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“Come on Poisonkit, don’t be so unfriendly with me~” She said with laughter in her voice.
Zed looked around in camp and motioned Poisonkit to follow her to the middle of the clearing.
“So, look around, who do you wanna talk about?”
Meet Poisonkit!
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scrambledcatz · 9 years
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“You’ve never caught any freshkill, Poisonkit! Unless you’ve been sneaking out. Or caught a fly.”
Zed chuckles and gently headbutts the kit on the head, licking her fur into place afterwards since it seemed like she wanted to look presentable.
“Actually, I just walked up to a cat and talked to them. The first cat I talked to after Auburnstar was actually your ma’.”
The adult she-cat grinned at the kit.
“So you’ve gotten tired of hanging around your brothers? Why not hang around with me? You can look at the other cats while we talk and see if you feel confident enough to go talk to any of them! I could even tell you a little about them, that way you have an idea of what you’re getting into.”
“It’s like preparing for a fight with the enemy, but now it’s preparing to speak and get friends!”
Meet Poisonkit!
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scrambledcatz · 9 years
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Oh man, what a nice day. Zed stretches and decides to visit the kits in the nursery. Stonekit, Blackkit and Stonekit were such sweethear-
Suddenly Poisonkit bounds out and Zed walks over, her usual grin present on her face.
“Hey there, Poisonkit! I was just about to go say hello to you and your brothers.”
Zed bent her neck so she was eye-level with the kit.
“How are you doing?”
Meet Poisonkit!
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On a rather warm leaf-fall morning, Poisonkit bounds out of the nursery at a sudden realization. The clan is all she has now. Her parents, due to their actions, would not be there for her. So it’s about time she properly greets the clan! She scanned the clearing in sight of clancats, her gaze as piercing as her fathers. 
What is this clan really like? What cats could I possibly meet? I hope they’re not all as dumb as they sound. 
Even with these thoughts swimming through her head, it didn’t bring an excited glint to her eye. In fact, they were almost glazed over. With the recent ramblings and chaos of them all, it was like watching freshkill scatter with their heads cut off. Her posture was erect and poised, her head held high as her bristled tail curled around her front paws. 
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scrambledcatz · 9 years
Dream a little dream....
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It’s been a long day, you’ve learned more about these cats that had walked around in the dreams of the clan. It was quite a while ago you had the dream with Goldenpatch and thinking about it brought sadness. You closed your eyes, thinking over your encounter.
(“My name is Goldenpatch! I am from Starclan. I have come to talk with you Zed!”)
She could be a liar, it’s possible she really wasn’t from starclan...
(“Sometimes our duty is to let you know that we are here for you! I came here to tell you that I am your starclan cat! Like a guardian angel! I am your friend and I will always care for you!”)
She said all those things, but you only met her once, she never visited you after that. 
(“Come on Zed! Lets play!“)
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(“I am loyal to you and Sunclan and I know all of the cat’s names because I love them all with every bit of my heart!”)
(“Oh I’m just so happy to finally meet you!”)
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(“She [Thistleruff] is very wonderful! Zed don’t ever forget that ok! She is one of the best warriors in the clan.”)
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She had said that... And despite your own thoughts about Thistleruff, she killed Pidgeonpaw and Auburnsun and she betrayed the clan.
(“The sun may run into some troubles but please don’t fret for the thistle will stunt the wolf by wedging itself in her paw pad!”)
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“What had she meant by that...?”
You feel a sort of heaviness over you, something felt different and your mind was a bit fuzzy. Did you fall asleep? 
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... This feels familiar. You smell the air, it’s crisp and fresh, but also bites in your nose. Warriors sleep beside you and you get up, not a single noise is made.
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You see your body at your feet. You look around cautiously and claw at the ground before you.
That’s why it was familiar, this is what happened when you met Goldenpatch. Worry gnaws at your heart. What was going to happen...
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scrambledcatz · 9 years
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“What do ya’ mean? Are you worried you won’t get into starclan? Cuz if that’s what you’re worried about then there’s no need! You’re a great lil’ kit. I’m sure you’ll do much good!”
You nudge the kit with slight affection. Even if he looks like his traitor father his heart is so curious and he’s seemingly nervous. You just wanna, nuzzle him. So you do, cheek to cheek.
“Or do you mean that you get into starclan in your dreams, without a cat there?”
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You will remember that Zed has offered her help to you.
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You stare up at the she-cat as she speaks. Your eyes wide with wonder as she speaks of Starclan. You try and imagine Starclan yourself…a beautiful forest with no wolves and no Thistleruff… How wonderful..
You repeat the name back aloud as you do to remember things.
What if… What if you dont get invited?
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scrambledcatz · 9 years
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“Where have you been? What happened?”
As he speaks your ears twitch?
“Oh? Oh! Well I quickly went from zero to three scars when you were gone! First there was the deal with the wolves and then there were the fox and then there was Aisa and a whole bunch of stuff!”
You get closer and sniff the wound on his face while looking into his white eye.
“Can you see anything from that eye? It looks kinda cool, y’know! Should I take you to the medicine cat? I probably should.”
You gently nudge him in the direction of the medicine cat’s den.
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You are so happy to see the familiar she-cat bouncing around. While she’s much more beat up from when you last saw her…. you guess you are to. Clan life is slowly morphing your clanmates and making them stronger. Nothing could ever destroy Zed’s spirit and you were glad it was alive and well… you could see it in her brilliant leaf green eyes.
I am Zed. I really am here. 
You let out a loud purr and headbutt the she-cat back. You observe the she-cats ripped ear.
I see you’ve been very busy being the best warrior you could be…
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scrambledcatz · 9 years
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You give the apprentice a rough headbutt on the head.
“You can’t just run away when things get like that, Crescentpaw! When things like this happen, we need to stand together as a clan!”
You nod fiercely.
“Though it’s good that you can admit it was wrong. But you do understand this has probably made you look disloyal?”
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“We’ll have to work hard, the both of us. To make this work.”
She is your apprentice and you have a responsibility to mentor her properly, and you’re going to go through with it properly.
You see many emotions flash across Zed’s face but they settle on relief. She nuzzles you and you know things are going to be ok between you two at least.
“I’m so sorry Zed. I felt like I could trust nobody and I had to get away before I hurt someone. I’m so sorry I ran away though. No excuses, it was an irresponsible thing to do and it won’t happen again.”
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scrambledcatz · 9 years
After a good week of recovery time you were finally able to leave the medicine cat den. Of course you were under extreme watch but that was to be expected. You would assume Sunclan would be much more protective of you now.
You had scrambled up to the top of Sunrock and called a meeting. As cats gathered around you you felt joy swell in your chest. You loved all of these cats and you were so glad to be home. But right now you needed to address a more serious matter..
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Sunclan. It is my understanding that there has been confusion over Thistleruff and Splitgaze along with my sudden absence. I am able to confirm that Thistleruff did in fact murder me. She forced me off the side of a cliff… 
You pace around the top of the rock as you let your clanmates process what you just said. Murmuring echoing through the clearing. You pick up your voice to speak over the conversations until they hush down.
I have Starclan to thank for being able to walk among you today. I fell directly into the Starclan meeting place where I received my 9 lives..
You pause as the memories of Starclan erupt in your mind. You remember the starry cats brushing against your fur and how beautiful the forest was there…
Thistleruff is a traitor…and so is Splitgaze. it is my understanding he helped her conduct the act and because of that both cats are banished from Sunclan. If you see them on our territory I ask that you set aside whatever feelings you have and run them out.
You fall quiet as your clanmates begin to talk among themselves again. You were glad that awful news was out of the way and you stop pacing. Sitting down in the center of the rock.
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Moving on. 
With everything that has happened I believe just about every cat here is exhausted beyond belief..
You rest your gaze upon all your clan mates. Their tired eyes and their ruffled fur worried you…hopefully what you had in mind would ease their minds and let them have a little fun.
I want to let everyone know that I will do everything in my power to take care of Sunclan and I want everyone to relax now. With that in mind I think we should dedicate a night or two to celebration.
Through everything that has happened we have stuck together just as a strong clan should. I am very proud of each and every one of you.
This party will be held on the 3 days the moon is fullest. We will have plenty of prey, pretty decorations, dancing, and competitions for everyone to compete in! 
Along with a nice time we will also assign every cat a clan name if they don’t have one.
You let out a loud purr.
With that being said I ask you address me as Auburnstar now. I am very happy to be your official leader…
Now get some rest!
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scrambledcatz · 9 years
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Keep reading
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scrambledcatz · 9 years
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You’ve been busy these last days and things have slowly started to become better and more normal. 
But with Crescentpaw still missing you can’t help but feeling uneasy, in fact, you’re just about to go out to search for her as you bump into someone in the entrance.
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It’s Crescentpaw! At first you look very happy, but then you look stern.
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Then you go to a mix of stern and happy. You cover her in nuzzles.
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“Where have you been? Do you know how worried I’ve been?! You shouldn’t have run away like that!”
You slowly creep towards the entrance of camp. It had been four or five days since you ran away from camp and you don’t know how the clan will take your return. You know that you will at least be punished because running away is against the rules. But what if the clan doesn’t take you back? The clan has enough cats to be steady and with all the kits to be apprentices it wouldn’t miss you. Well, you have to be brave and accept the consequences of your actions. You enter camp.
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scrambledcatz · 9 years
You smile in relief as Falconstep confirms that the tom who had been thought dead was, in fact, alive.
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As Falconstep worries about your scars, you’ve started to lick the scratch on his throat; he needs to be taken care of and you’d be willing to do so.
”I got the bite in my ear first, from an old fox when I was showing Crescentpaw an abandoned fox den. Or, it was abandoned until I went to show her.”
You giggled a little, yet another instance where you almost died.
“Luckily we managed to scare it off, it was pretty old and worn. Crescentpaw saved me from having no ear at all.”
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You pause for a moment, licking his scratch again. He was so dirty and looked both heroic and a bit pitiful. You nudge him so that he looks at you.
“The scratches from my face were from when I fought Aisa. Y‘know the rouge that some cats met in tour territory? I hunted her down and we fought. Falconstep, I can take care of myself. I did miss you though...”
Your ears swivel back to where Aisa was.
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“Speaking of that, she’s joined the clan now.... You’ve missed a lot, Falconstep, but I’m so happy that you’re back!”
The thought of everything that happened made you sad, but Falconstep had to know, and he was one of the few you could really talk to anymore. Winterfang was a no-go, Thistleruff was gone forever, Crescentpaw was gone and Lizardleap was busy worrying and being a father. Even so you smiled at the tom in front of you. He meant so much to you, as long as he was here you’d be okay.
As you break into the light of the camp you instantly sought out one cat in particular, in-fact, she seems to have sought out you as she quickly leaps to greet you. You nuzzle her side and nod with the loudest happiest purr in all the forest.
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Yes Zed, It really is him! As much of a dream if must feel its auburn in the blood and flesh he has left!!!
You turn to see the leader being helped into the medicine cat den. And then put all your focus back on Zed. You notice the wounds on her face and ear…she almost looked as beat up as you currently did.
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What happened Zed, Where did you get these wounds!? Who hurt you.
Before she could answer ,You nuzzle her cheek.
Im..Im sorry I left you behind….I had to find him, But i should have been here to watch over you…
You turned your upset gaze to your paws.
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scrambledcatz · 9 years
My own clan… thought I was a monster. … They were right of course but it still hurt.
Mapleshade probably (source: Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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