siravalondulac · 1 day
“by the grace of your training i will not be seduced” is by far the funniest thing that ben solo ever said. nobody in the history of the star wars galaxy was seduced as quickly as him 😭😭😭
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siravalondulac · 5 days
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siravalondulac · 8 days
kylo ren
tragedy is when a man has so much failwife potential & yet gets assigned suave dom by the fandom and isn't allowed to be anything else. chin up king your loser energy is seen and appreciated. by me
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siravalondulac · 10 days
what's interesting is Rhysand and Tamlin are both a """man of the people""" except Rhysand is very selective to Velaris, which is an exceptionalist city meanwhile Tamlin was popular with the commoners, including refugees
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siravalondulac · 15 days
Fabien Frankel seems so nice, its a shame he plays a Brown Man on the opposite side of White Feminism
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siravalondulac · 18 days
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"if indeed he has planned anything" jesus fucking christ george
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siravalondulac · 26 days
if a common born woman came to the red keep with romantic dreams of being proximate to royalty and then captured the attention of a prince and they slept together thus ruining her honor and then she begged for some commitment and he was like sorry no i’m a prince i have a higher duty. you guys would all agree she got a little fucked over. but it’s different when it’s cristom cole
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siravalondulac · 1 month
elle sand - outfits book one
to celebrate me finally finishing revisions for book two, i decided to grace you all with my measly attempts at art and portraying all outfits/outfit variations elle wears across book one
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(details and explanations beneath the cut)
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worn in: chapter 1-4, 15
this is a standard night's watch outfit. normally, recruits simply dye the clothes they arrived in black, but elle's were not really appropriate for the weather. the design here is based on the show outfits.
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worn in: chapter 5-11, 13-15
this is the standard night's watch outfit, just without the cloak. painting black is hard guys
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worn in: chapter 10
it's, once more, the standard nw fit, but with a scarf covering her hair. a bit of a specialty, elle wears this when jon finds her in the sept. the scarf was hand-embroidered by her back in dorne, and she took it with her when she left.
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worn in: chapter 12
the base shirt of the nw fit, with elle's necklace above it. this and her open hair are meant to illustrate how dishevelled she is after what happened in the library before jon found her. and i know she doesn't actually wear the necklace this chapter as it is damaged, but it's so important to that scene i included it.
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siravalondulac · 1 month
nothing in this season would have been different if jaehaerys and jaehaera didn't exist to begin with its actually insane lol
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siravalondulac · 2 months
if i may add-
whenever someone talks about characters whose deaths were pointless in the story, the talk always heads back to prim from the hunger games. and her death's pointlessness is part of the point of the hunger games and mockingjay in particular, and the story and message suzanne collins wanted to tell.
but despite all this, despite prim being used to illustrate the senslessness of war and how it's always the innocent who get punished, her death had effects on the story. katniss goes basically catatonic afterwards, depressed and suicidal at having lost the last thing she cared about. prim's death causes katniss to kill coin and avoid another dictator. their mother never returns to district 12.
and this is what we should have gotten from hotd. deaths that were sensless in the story, but that still had massive ramifications on everything around them. just because a character didn't deserve to die, doesn't mean their death isn't allowed to have impact.
saying that jaehaerys’ and luke’s deaths didn’t need to haunt the narrative as they were senseless deaths and that’s the whole point of this senseless war feels like such a lame excuse for bad writing to me.
their deaths should have been what significantly fuels the characters’ arcs, influences their choices, gives them purpose, renders them fully fleshed characters, rather than mere caricatures.
yet, we end the season with "a son for a son" as if little jaehaerys, beloved by his mother and his father, were never beheaded in the first place.
but what was i expecting as he was so kindly called "the child" and "the boy" all season long — as if a character even uttering his name would have given him too much significance.
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siravalondulac · 2 months
the most succinct way to describe this season of hotd i have seen is "d&d didn't care about the fantasy in their fantasy show about politics. condal doesn't care about the politics in his fantasy show about politics"
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siravalondulac · 2 months
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siravalondulac · 2 months
HOTD idea of feminism is:
Do everything your father says and wishes you to do
If a man forced you into marriage, raped you, and then ignored you and your children, you have to be grateful and kind to him, praise him after his death and fullfil every wish he ever had, even if it at the expense of your or your family's well-being. If you don't do this, you are the worst kind of human being
Be ok with your husband cheating on you
Black female characters are interchangeable
If you grandpa offers you a position of power, you should reject it and simply be a man's wife
Delete or minimize the screentime for female characters who make a pedophile look like a bad person
A woman should not mourn her children. Moreover, she should help the man who ordered the killing of her children
Any lesbian/bisexual women who is not a white Targaryen princess should not have much screen time or even exist in the story
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siravalondulac · 2 months
There is no story or logistic reason for Nettles to not be in HotD.
No excuse the creators will give will justify not including her.
Too many characters? Cut Ulf or Hugh, they’re the same guy
Her story line is unclear? Literally everyone has an unclear or incomplete story line. Ulf and Hugh don’t have characters beyond drunk brute and you gave them characterization!
Want Rhaena to have more of a plot? Then make up a plot for her! Give her the job of negotiating with Pentos or organizing the vale army.
The Velaryons are already black? Is there a limit on the number of black characters now?
Any excuse the show runners use is just their thinly vailed attempt to disguise their racism, misogyny, misogynoir, and classism.
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siravalondulac · 2 months
What could’ve been a good plot is Rhaena tracks down sheepstealer and finds that he already has a rider, Nettles! Then Rhaena could still have her own arc in the vale while also befriending Nettles and bonding with her and convincing her to help the blacks
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siravalondulac · 2 months
Rhaena should have had the arc of overcoming the Targaryen exceptionalism propaganda she’s been fed her whole life that tells her the Targs are gods because they have dragons but her not having a dragon makes her lesser. She should learn to be a political leader from Jeyne Arryn. A female ruler who doesn’t have a dragon and who’s fough her male relatives for her seat of power! And when Morning finally hatches, she won’t be a weapon used to oppress the people, she’ll just be an animal, a friend. Someone could say ‘oh you’re finally a Targaryen’ and she’d respond, ‘I never needed a dragon to hold power’
Instead we get rich kid who doesn’t have a dragon is sad about not having a dragon and gets a dragon. That’s just Aemond’s story. Will Rhaena turn into a villain too now?
In contrast, Baela’s arc is about embracing power through her Targaryen side but once she loses her dragon, she loses her power. She marries her uncle (remind you of anyone?) to escape an arranged marriage but ends up in an unhappy marriage where her husband cheats on her often.
The twins are a story of the traditional Targaryen power dying and the new age of Westeros emerging from the dragon flames. They are contrast, morning and moon, the two sides of the Targaryen coin.
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siravalondulac · 2 months
well aemond. if you wanted more dragonriders perhaps you shouldn't have burned the only other active dragonrider on your side
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