sometimes-banette · 1 year
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Upon realising that the Shelgon is indeed her son, she embraces him.
She wishes she had gotten here sooner.. She wonders what caused him to evolve? Surely he wasn't ready yet..? Right..?
..Did this weird Banette have something to do with this..?
[Asker: @thepersonaking56]
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sometimes-banette · 1 year
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...It would appear in trying to put out the fire, she herself has set alight.
She's fine.
Now all she has to do is decide the best course of action for these two strangers.
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sometimes-banette · 1 year
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In a poor attempt at trying to put the fire out, she rolls the Shelgon off to the side and pats the strange Banette down.
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sometimes-banette · 2 years
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Swallowing her fear, she leaps over the flaming branch and towards the two bodies.
Not really wanting to touch the fire, she places her hand on the Shelgon in hopes that they were still alive. Their shell was warm, and she could feel a faint aura emitting from him. It was almost familiar to her, which only added to her anxiety.
Strangely enough, she could also feel some aura coming from the creature below them. It felt.. wrong. Almost rotten.
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sometimes-banette · 2 years
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Running it through her head, she decides she does indeed need to help them!
Her bravery, however, was soon obliterated by the sudden drop of a fiery branch.
Dolls and fire don't really mesh well, and this causes her to freeze up in fear.
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sometimes-banette · 2 years
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[Bo has entered the scene!]
Careful to stay hidden, Bo finds what seems to be the source of the fire; a Shelgon and.. Some strange object?
Unsure on how to act, and cautious of the growing fire, Bo eyes the two figures as she wonders whether she should help the stranger(s) or not.
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sometimes-banette · 2 years
//i'll have two pages posted tomorrow, but until then have these concept doodles i found for this chapter which isn't a lot now that im thinking about it fjkdgh
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n like i said on the tags of this post:
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tonne was originally going to be in rosies mouth, n this is how awkward they looked gfgkdjng
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i probably have more sketches, but they'd most likely contain spoilers gfjgdnjks
anywho, happy munday! im going back to working on pages instead of fiddling around in blender XD
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sometimes-banette · 2 years
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//that is true! XD
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mans is not only armless, but he's also mouthless, so defo no nummies for him </3
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sometimes-banette · 2 years
What is one way you've improved at creative pursuits through askblogging?
i wanna say i've defo improved art wise, and maybe even w/writing xD
like this drawing of Bo n Tonne from when the blog started 5yrs ago
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these two recent images of the fam <3
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i like to think i am feeling more confident w/drawing, and slightly more confident with writing for these guys, and even for @planetsparalysis XD
but uh! improvements! i'd like to think i've made a lot since starting :3
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sometimes-banette · 2 years
happeh munday :3
i won't be working on comic stuff today so have a preview or whatever gsdmhf
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sometimes-banette · 2 years
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sometimes-banette · 2 years
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mans is not only armless, but he's also mouthless, so defo no nummies for him </3
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sometimes-banette · 2 years
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[001 is trying to take its foe down with it!]
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sometimes-banette · 2 years
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Feeling his newfound power flow through him, he starts to feel cocky. Whether that cockiness is good or bad, we'll just have to see.
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sometimes-banette · 2 years
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Full of determination and parental rage, she leaps between the branches and towards the source of the flames.
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sometimes-banette · 2 years
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Watching from high up, she ponders about her children and sibling who, as far as she knows, are safe away from the growing flames.
Jumping down from the tree, Bo is determined to find her son.
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sometimes-banette · 2 years
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While Seto is dealing with setting the whole forest ablaze, we get to see that the Noivern; Rosie, has been up to no good.
We also get to see just where Bo is during all of this.
I'm sure everything will be fine.
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