sorceresssundries · 8 hours
A message to my regular readers
We are going to the beach next chapter.
We. Are. Going. To. The. Beach.
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And that means, it's time for me to absolutely freak out.
Shadowheart Begins is the first romance I have written in my life. The beach is the first smut scene I have written in my life. I have been working on the scene since April, trying to make it as good as I possibly can. You will be getting a 5,500 word chapter and 2,000 of those words are beach scene.
So when it comes out, Sunday night for most of you but Monday morning for me because I'm in one of the first countries to see the new day, if you have the time, would you mind dropping some support on it?
I will have a whole day ahead to be totally freaking out. You have absolutely no obligation to read it at all but some support would really mean a lot.
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sorceresssundries · 11 hours
Hello lovely friends!
I'm about to hit 500 followers (mad, insane, what has happened, who are you, are you lost, are you ok)
I know I take requests and write poetry anyway (it's becoming a bit trickier, and i'm aware there's still some stuff in my inbox)
BUT because i'm so grateful for the support i'm going to offer something out as a little giveaway...
A poem or a one-shot for whatever/whomever you would like! You want a scene for your tav? You want a scenario for your favourite character? A specific poem for you or for a friend? Doesn't have to be Gale related... I'll work with you so we can both create something you would like, whatever that may look like! (I will write a poem that isn't even BG3 related, if that's what you'd prefer)
If you're interested, just comment below and then in a few days time i'll do one of those wheel spinner things.
(it feels very arrogant to put my writing out as a 'prize', but I can't draw and I don't have enough money for a giant cheque so this is all i've got)
Thank you for following me and supporting my writing! If I could give you more, I would.
Love ya!
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sorceresssundries · 12 hours
Flower Crowns
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Pairing: Halsin x F!Tav (Ardynn) Summary: Ardynn and Halsin make flower crowns and they’re cute, that’s it that’s the plot A/N: I don’t have mods so no picture of Halsin with a flower crown sorry :c
Perhaps it was paradoxical to suggest that one could have a day off from saving the world now that they were deeply entrenched in the many problems plaguing Baldur’s Gate. But after a few days of trying to find friends, fighting Bhaalists and Banites and hags and everything in between, Ardynn simply needed one day to herself as a break.
Well…not exactly to herself. She had asked Halsin to come too. But even so, a day away from the city was all she asked.
She couldn’t help but think of it as a kind of date as they left the city behind in the capable hands of their companions and walked, hand in hand, toward the wooded outskirts of the city. They had no real plans, aside from enjoying a day amongst nature. No goals except to lose themselves among the trees and pretend like things were normal and the city wasn’t constantly under threat from all sides. They hadn’t even brought food or supplies with them, content instead to gather berries and nuts where they could find them.
It was perfect, by Ardynn’s standards. She could almost pretend the city wasn’t waiting for them, half-smoldering and full of danger.
By midday, their wandering had turned turned to napping as the heat of the sun drove them into the shade and made them drowsy. Ardynn fell asleep with her head on Halsin’s arm, only to wake up an hour or two later with him snoozing as a bear, the heat of his body almost unbearable. She drew away to cool off her skin with the waters of the Chionthar and took a moment to watch the river flow past.
She let herself daydream for a moment that this was her life, now. Just her and Halsin, out amongst the trees and the river and the flowers. Nothing to do but gather a bit to eat, nap, enjoy each other’s company, and marvel at the world around them. Days like this, it was all too tempting to let the events of the world slip by like a drop of water in a fast-flowing river, passing by unnoticed.
She glanced over her shoulder at Halsin, who continued to sleep as a bear. She smiled to herself as she watched him. She loved him—she’d known that for days now, and her love had only grown in the days since he had shared his body with her and shown her more care and attention and passion than she thought possible—but she’d never tell him, of course. It would have to be a secret she cradled close to her heart, for now.
As she stood to join him again, she noticed several flowers blooming near the banks of the river, and several more in different colors and varieties farther on. A quick glance at Halsin told her he was still asleep, and likely wouldn’t wake for a while yet. Quietly, making use of her ranger stealth, she crept over to the flowers and began gathering them, careful to break their stems near the base and not rustle their petals too roughly.
She settled down near him with an arm full of flowers and slowly, methodically, began to weave and braid them together, a smile still on her lips as she worked. She hadn’t made flower crowns since her last visit to the wood elf clan near her home, during one of their many festivals, and that had been years ago. The first few twists were a little clumsy, but eventually she recalled the steps and was soon weaving flowers in simple braids with ease.
The crown finished, she sat up on her knees and carefully, oh so carefully, placed it on Halsin’s ursine head. The crown wasn’t big enough for a bear, so she simply placed it, crooked, on the top of his head, circling one ear.
Halsin cracked one eye open as she settled back on her haunches. She couldn’t help but laugh, noticing the clever look in his eye.
“And how long have you been awake, Halsin?” she teased, grinning as he made a big show of stretching out his arms and yawning wide, his tongue lolling out. He chose not to even acknowledge her question.
He sat up, looking like a bear in a children’s book with his paws between his half-curled legs, and tilted his head slightly. The flower crown slid off to one side, caught only by his round ear. She giggled as she sat up on her knees again to fix it.
“Careful, my heart,” she said. “You don’t want to lose your gift.”
He looked up, his nose sniffing the air, probably trying to scent the flowers. As she settled back again, he leaned in, pressing his big, wet nose to her cheek and snuffling her skin. She laughed again, his breath ticklish on her cheek, and held his furry face between her hands, mushing his cheeks slightly.
“Does that mean you like it?” she asked. She knew she could cast speak with animals and ask him—she almost always had it ready and active—but the one-sided conversation amused her. He bumped his nose to her cheek again as a response.
She let him go as he sat up, nearly to his full height, and lifted a heavy paw toward his head. He pawed at his ear, as if to adjust the flower crown or preen or something to that effect, but his claw caught one of the loops. As his paw came down, the flower crown broke and fell, half-unraveling, at his feet.
They both looked at it for a second before Halsin quickly transformed, returning to his usual tall, broad self with an already apologetic expression.
“My apologies, my heart,” he said, gathering up the braided flowers. “I didn’t mean—”
“Oh, I know,” she said, smiling. She leaned in to kiss his cheek, enjoying the way his eyes lit up as she did so, and carefully took the flowers from his hands. “Don’t worry, it’s just a simple craft.“
“Will you remake it?” he asked. She looked up, surprised.
“Remake it?” she asked. “Why?”
“You made it for me, did you not?” he asked. “I will wear it, if you like. And I will make one for you to match.”
The idea was simultaneously silly and sweet. Ardynn tried to picture the two of them returning to camp with flower crowns, like children in a village after a day of play. It should be embarrassing, but with Halsin, it seemed as natural as breathing.
And, she had to admit, she was a little enamored with the idea of him wearing something she had made for him.
“Very well,” she said. She handed him the rest of the extra flowers, taking only two for herself to fix his crown. “Because you asked.”
They worked in comfortable silence, Ardynn glancing over every now and again to watch his hands as they braided the flowers. He did so with practiced ease, as though this were something he did often. His braids were strong and intricate, the flowers woven tightly together. In truth, it made her simple crown look clumsy in comparison. She was almost embarrassed when she finally held it up for him to inspect, after several moments of her trying to strengthen it and make it look neater.
“Will this suffice?” she asked. “It’s not nearly as good as—”
But his eyes lit up again and he grinned. “It is beautiful, my heart. As lovely as the hands that made it.” He set the crown he was working on aside and bent his head closer to hers, an open invitation.
Ardynn bit her lip against a smile and placed the flower crown carefully on his head, brushing some of his hair behind his pointed ear as she adjusted the crown to fit. When he lifted his head to gaze at her, their faces only inches apart, she couldn’t help but appreciate how the color of the flowers, all white, yellow, pink, purple, and blue, looked in his earth-toned hair, against his suntanned skin. He was made for flower crowns.
“How do I look?” he murmured, keeping his face near hers.
She didn’t even bother to look at the flower crown again, instead getting lost in his hazel-eyed gaze. “Like a dream that only Mielikki or Silvanus could bless me with.”
He chuckled and closed the distance for a kiss, unable to resist running the tip of his tongue along the seam of her lips. “As sweet as honey, my heart,” he said softly as he pulled away, though whether he meant her words or her lips she wasn’t certain.
He reached for the flower crown he’d been working on and offered it to her. “May I?”
It was a beautiful thing, a work of art. He’d selected white, yellow, and blue and had woven them together in a repeating pattern. In his hands, the flowers seemed almost more alive than when she had picked them, though maybe that was just her affection for him coloring her view rather than him using any druidic power.
“It’s stunning, Halsin,” she said. She scooted closer, nearly knees to knees with him, to let him place it on her head. “Thank you.”
“No need for thanks,” he said, his voice warm and soft. He settled the crown on her head with all the gentle reverence of a groom with a bridal crown. It made Ardynn’s heart race to even think such traitorous thoughts, completely antithetical to Halsin’s views on relationships and partners. But she couldn’t deny the gentleness of his touch or the tenderness in his eyes. He lifted her chin with the tips of his fingers, appraising her quietly as she wore his new gift.
“How do I look?” she whispered, caught up once more in his gaze.
“As though all of nature has given its beauty to you,” he murmured back. He chuckled, his smile turning a little crooked. “And that was before the flower crown.”
He leaned in again, capturing her lips with his, and kissed her deeply. She lost herself in that kiss, in the taste of his tongue, still holding hints of the berries and nuts they’d foraged earlier that morning, in the heat of his skin, warmed by the sun, in the scent of the flowers that mingled between them, woven into crowns on their heads. She didn’t know what she’d done to deserve the attentions and affections of a man like him, but as long as she had them, she would never take them for granted.
When she finally pulled away, breathless, she saw the flower crown on his head again and giggled. “You’re dangerous in that crown, you know.”
“Am I?” he teased. “Perhaps I ought to wear it to our next battle, then.”
“That’s not what I meant—” she cut herself off as a thought occurred to her. “Wait. Would you?”
“Why not? It is a gift, is it not? Made by skilled hands.” Here he lifted one of her hands to kiss the palm, and then her fingers. “Though I suppose it wouldn’t last a fierce battle, would it?”
“With my mediocre flower crown skills? I’ll be surprised if it lasts the walk back to camp tonight.”
“Then I shall treasure it while it lasts,” he said. “And I would not say no to more flower crowns in the future, should we ever find more time to make them.”
“A future of flower crowns?” Ardynn asked. It seemed so ridiculous, given everything they’d seen and fought and had yet to fight in the city. But the suggestion, the dream, felt as refreshing as a breath of fresh air out here in these woods. It seemed to restore a bit of her spirit, her resolve to fight on. If she could just save the city, then she could have days of making flower crowns for this giant, gentle, wonderful, endearingly sweet man whom she had grown to love. A future with flower crowns…
She took his hand with another smile. “I’d like that, I think.”
He leaned in with an invitation for another kiss, this time letting her come to him. “As would I,” he murmured against her lips. “We shall make it so.”
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sorceresssundries · 12 hours
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When you force grandad into joining in with the stupid dance routines you've put together for your parents.
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sorceresssundries · 16 hours
gale being woken up for sex. that’s the prompt. (based on the post about his reaction to the vampire attack in act 3)
Oooooookaayy 😏❤️ I'll be honest and say I don't recall the post about the vampire attack but I just grabbed this idea (like I'd grab Gales cock) and just went with it.
Gale x GNreader – 1700 words
Tav wakes Gale up with a blow job (established relationship but still on the road - vague for what section but definitely after the love confession)
It was late by the time you and the team were trudging back to camp. You noticed the fire was already burning low, a hot pit of embers and small flickers of flame still warming the cook pot next to it.
You glanced around; no one was awake. Of course not. You turned around, but the others had immediately headed off to their tents to change and fall into their own beds. Another hard fought battle. Another weary day ahead. You couldn’t blame them.
You stepped toward the fire to peek inside the cauldron. A simple meat stew, likely one of Gale’s concoctions. Glancing over to his tent you wondered if he might still be up, reading a book by the light of a spell like he usually was.
He was much chagrined to be left behind at camp this time. Especially since formally being romantically partnered now. But you had insisted. He had taken a nasty blow from a spell the day before and there was only so much healing that spells and potions could do. Despite his lengthy points, which he listed out on each one of his fingers, as to why he should join you in the next foray, you simply crossed your arms and stared him down, forcing him by sheer will to see your point. Which was simply, no.
You stepped closer to his tent, listening for the telltale sign of rustling pages or even a hint of a glow behind the canvas flaps. Nothing. He knew this would be a long day and told you to wake him when you returned, but still you hesitated. He was already a night-owl and if even he was in bed at this hour it must truly be later than you thought.
With a sigh, you turned on your heel and headed to your own tent, stepping within and quickly shedding your armor until only your tunic and leather pants remained. You looked down to your own bedroll. Sleep would be best. It would be so nice and easy to fall into slumber. It would also be wise, considering the arduous journey that lay ahead. But before those thoughts of sleep could truly take hold, you felt a coil in your stomach.
Your adrenaline was still up from the days events. Sleep wasn’t yet ready to steal you away as something deeper took hold. What was that Gale said one time about a brush with danger? How it left one seeking other forms of stimulation? A smile at his brash, unexpected (at the time) flirting grew across your face as the coil bloomed into a full blown heat, sinking deep and low into your gut.
Without even fully knowing your own intent you abandoned your tent and headed back for his, heart already racing. You paused briefly at the flap before slipping in quietly, being careful not to let too much light in.
Your eyes adjusted quickly, the sliver of light from outside allowing just enough illumination to see Gale dozing on his back, one arm draped off to the side as if reaching for something.
You knelt down beside him and gently eased your body next to his, leaning on his outstretched arm, and placed a soft careful kiss on his cheek, which was flush from sleep.
“Hmm….mylove….” He murmured sleepily and lolled his head slightly towards you.
Your heart thudded as you watched his chest rise and fall, his mouth slightly parted as sleep stole him back from you. This sweet, handsome, ambitious wizard. How far you had come together. What perils you still had to face together.
An ache in your chest you weren’t accustomed to made you suck a quiet breath in as you gazed down at him. Gods, how much you loved him. You didn’t think it was possible to love this way. This deep. So deep it was almost painful.
The ache slowly eased as you watched him, taking comfort in the fact that he was safe, here, now, with you, beneath your adoring gaze. In place of the ache, the deep hot burning in your core returned. You wanted to show him. You needed him to know how much you loved him. Your hand raised, ready to shake his shoulder and wake him, but that same heat from deep inside you made you pause.
You recalled his words from earlier that day.
“Wake me up when you get back, please? However you must.” He had said with that signature almost mischievous grin of his.
An idea took hold and you carefully raised yourself up instead and eased your body back away from him. His arm seemed to twitch in response, as if in search of the missing heat it had been given.
Biting away a smile you knelt down beside his hips instead, adjusting yourself slightly so you were almost laying perpendicular to him. In fact, if anyone else was up right now, they would see your feet peeking out the edge of his tent.
Ever so gently you traced your hand down the smooth velvet fabric that covered his chest, pausing to feel his deep steady breathing beneath your palm. As you reached the edge of his shirt you gently pulled it up and gave him a small kiss just above his navel. You actually half expected him to wake up at that and raised your head expecting to meet his soft loving eyes. But he continued to doze, breath steady and low.
Okay, lets see how far this will go, you mused. You planted a few more kisses. Each with a little more tongue, a little suck of flesh, until you reached the edge of his pants.
You lifted your head again, but his eyes remained blissfully shut.
Deftly and carefully undoing the laces on his pants you eased the front of them down a touch and reached in to give a few tender touches of his soft cock over his underwear. It twitched slightly, seemingly on its own at the contact, but Gale still seemed otherwise undisturbed. You stroked harder, easing your fingers as far as they could grip around the thin fabric and moving your hand up and down slightly.
Gale groaned softly and rolled his head to the side, a smile flickering on the edge of his lips before sleep seemed to take him away again and he stilled once more. I hope you are having a wonderful dream, my love, you thought and gently eased his cock, now almost half hard, out of his underwear.
Fully able to wrap your warm palm around him now you felt a shiver of excitement run through you as you eased your hand up and down, savoring the feeling of his hot silky skin. Your fist met stem and even as you raised your hand back up you could almost feel him getting harder beneath your palm.
“Mmmmmm….” A soft moan escaped his lips this time, still halfway between dream and reality. His chest started to heave, breathing becoming faster as the sensations pulled him from his slumber as you continued to lovingly stroke his length.
You grinned and squeezed a little harder, giving another long slow stroke and his hands clutched at the blanket below him. He was fully hard now, his chest rising and falling rapidly, his hips even starting to writhe beneath your arms. Truly, it seemed his entire body had woken up but his eyes remained shut.
You let your hand lower once more, and holding him steady you leaned forward, wrapping your parted lips around his tip and dancing your tongue across it.
He let out a louder groan this time, and his hands reached to grasp at his shirt now.
“Shhhh…” You released your mouth for a moment to hiss at him.
“Gods, Tav...don’t stop.” He whispered, his voice still groggy and hoarse from sleep.
You smiled and leaned your head back down, sucking him in again, carefully swirling your tongue around his already dribbling tip before easing your head down further. His hands descended to tangle themselves in your hair; not even to guide your head, but just to touch part of you.
Raising your head up and down more swiftly you added your hand in, twisting it gently at his base as spit dribbled out the sides of your mouth and across your waiting moving fingers.
Gale was panting now, his chest heaving, hard, hot, quick breaths where moments before they were soft and sleepy. He opened his mouth as if to speak or maybe moan again, but caught himself and you heard him snap it shut and let out a groan through his clenched teeth.
His hips bucked up slightly, matching the rhythm of your hand and mouth and before long you felt him twitch against you, shudders wracking his body. You reached your free hand up, grabbing at his chest and he reached to twine his fingers with yours. You squeezed his hand tightly, pushing your mouth down as far as it could go, wriggling your tongue along his length, trying to encourage him to give in.
He gave a last shuddering breath and released, hot spurts of his seed shooting into your mouth and down your awaiting throat. His hand gripped yours so hard it almost hurt as you swallowed every single drop of him. As his shuddering subsided and his breath started to return to normal you took a moment to lick him clean and gently tuck him back away before crawling back up to lay in his awaiting arm once more.
“You continue to amaze and astound me in every way possible.” He said sucking in another deep breath and releasing it slowly. You leaned forward to nuzzle into his neck and give him another few kisses.
“You told me to wake you up.” You mumble, feigning innocence. He pulls back a touch, meeting your eyes with a twinkle in his own before smothering you with a flurry of kisses, pulling you even closer. You push your body flush with his, finally letting sleep start to take hold, happy that he is happy, but wondering if he might be thinking of waking you up the same way.
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sorceresssundries · 16 hours
The Lord of Bones ain't shit.
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Most people like to relax on their lunch break but I have instead chosen to do the honour mode Myrkul fight.
Send prayers.
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sorceresssundries · 17 hours
Hey bestie!
Here is one of my favourite songs for your writing prompt!
Love ya <3
Thank you bestie! This song is perfect for these two! Summary: Gale and Auroria get engaged Pairing: Gale/Named Tav (Auroria) Word Count: 1127 Warnings: None (Fluff and Romance ahead) AN: This is probably one of the sweetest things I've written. This is a expansion of two sentences from my fic Midwinter In Waterdeep, but you're fine if you haven't read it.
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Sunlight streamed in through the gap in Auroria’s tent, signaling the start of another day. If she was counting correctly, it was almost spring. The frigid nights of winter were staying further and further behind her with each sunrise, and with that, so was Gale. It had been five tendays since he had surprised her with a cabin in the woods on Midwinter and voiced his devotion to her. Five tendays since she was finally able to accept it. 
The sun glinted off the small band of silver on her finger, the symbol of his love for her that he had returned to her that night. The ring was her constant companion, never finding itself forgotten ever since. Though if she was being honest with herself, it was never forgotten. The ring and everything it symbolized ran through her head constantly in the year they were apart, and the many years since reconnecting on their too-short nights each Midwinter. He had never forgotten it either, confessing to her that he had only stowed it away in a drawer two tendays before their fateful meeting on that very first snowy evening. 
The crackle of magic and her favorite voice ran through her head as she pulled on her armor, preparing for the day’s events.
“Good morning my love. Please keep safe, I miss you more than you know. I love you.”
“I love you. I have a big day, we are striking this morning. Go easy on your students today, Professor,” she replied through her sending stone. Gale always got worked up when he knew she would be battling, and his students were the ones who suffered - the amount of pop quizzes he gave over the last year had set a record at Blackstaff. 
“Ready, Auroria?” came a voice from outside her tent. It wasn’t the same as before. Nothing ever would be, but it was nice to have a party for this hunt. She finished lacing her boots and grabbed her bow and arrows. Time to finish this and go home, at least for a little while. She smiled to herself at the thought. Home. She had been all over this continent, and longed for her tiny cabin deep in the woods outside of Waterdeep. 
Auroria heard him before she saw him - some things would never change, even after all this time. As she watched from the window in the living room, she couldn’t help laughing to herself as she saw a very worried, very handsome wizard rush down the path to their cabin and seemingly find every brittle twig that existed in this forest to snap with his steps. Maybe she would offer yet again to help with being a little more stealthy in his movements, though she knew he would decline. “Wizards aren’t meant to be stealthy” was always his reasoning. She always assumed it was because of his creaky knees. 
She opened the door and, after a second of utter shock, his expression became one that could only be described as incandescently in love as she pulled him inside and kissed him deeply. He led her to the bedroom, a trail of discarded clothing following them as they reunited.
That night he cast dancing lights as they lay in bed. She ran her fingers through his hair and watched his elegant fingers effortlessly perform the spell movements and then manipulate it easily, making the small lights float around and illuminate both the room and its occupants in a calming, pale blue glow - not the purple he used to favor before. He made the lights twirl around Auroria’s outstretched free arm, then rest near her head to become a crown of light, and finally form the shape of a heart - delighting her and making her laugh with each new trick. 
How different they were from the day she pulled him out of a portal. How different they were from the night he brought her the stars and she begged him to choose to live, to love. How different they were from the day she walked out the door of the tower, never believing she’d return to Waterdeep again. 
Something about the moment hit her with a stunning amount of clarity. 
He turned to face her, catching her staring at him and smiled softly. “What is going through that beautiful mind of yours, Ora?”
“Marry me, Gale.”
The dancing lights froze in place as his breath caught in his throat, his eyes darting back and forth between hers. She could only imagine the worst, that past hurts were playing through his mind. A scenario playing out much like it did shortly after their defeat of the Netherbrain, where they push each other away and hurt each other worse than any enemy, curse, or spell ever could. 
“Ever since I pulled you out of that portal, you have been the only one for me. It was like I was blind before I met you, living in a cloudy haze of chaos and death and solitude. The only time I feel any peace is when I am with you. We’ve only spent one day together over each of these last years, but…I need you. I love you,” she paused, feeling tears starting to form in her eyes. “Days and locations all blur together, but one thing has remained clear to me. You. Us. Even when I’m away, I want you to be my home. I want to be your home.”
She took a breath, letting out her biggest insecurity. “I know this is probably different than what you wanted, or planned, or dreamed about but -”
He pressed a hand to her cheek, the pad of his thumb brushing away a tear that had escaped confinement. 
“Ora, your face was the first face I saw when I got out of that portal. If anyone had been blind before, it was me. I was on a path of certain death, ready to accept it before meeting you, and you changed everything. You don’t have to convince me. I could see you only one day a year for the rest of my life and I would still be the luckiest man on the entire continent because you are my wife.”
She smiled, warm tears easily sliding down her face. His wife. 
“So…that’s a yes?”
He laughed. “Yes, my love. Let’s get married. This week, while you’re home. Greengrass is the perfect setting.”
“So quickly! I really think you like me,” she teased. 
“I really do,” he said, kissing her deeply. The dancing lights hovered above them as he pulled the covers back up over them, the two of them spending the rest of the night lost in each other’s love, the sound of laughter and pleasure echoing throughout the tiny cabin deep in the woods outside of Waterdeep.
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sorceresssundries · 18 hours
Most people like to relax on their lunch break but I have instead chosen to do the honour mode Myrkul fight.
Send prayers.
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sorceresssundries · 18 hours
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Warm. After soaking in the bath for a while, Astarion’s skin felt as warm as any other mortal man’s. Maybe that’s why both of them sat in the tub for what felt like hours, until the fragrant water went from steaming, to warm, to lukewarm, and, eventually, it turned to a soft chill running up their spines. But before the familiar cold returned to his fingertips, the vampire spawn used every second to touch his lover. He washed and rinsed her hair, scrubbed the dirt off her back with a washcloth, only to leave a trail of kisses on each of her shoulders. It felt soothing. And soon enough, Maleane returned the favor by rinsing all the muck and dried blood away from his own silvery locks. Astarion knew that the process was just as calming to her as it was to him, if the soft hum stirring in her throat was any indication. Peaceful moments like this were not so common in lives as hectic as theirs, and so both of them tried to enjoy whatever little comforts they could afford.
- text by @mercymaker, art by me!
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My half of an art trade for the many gorgeous screens and gifs of Morgan I’ve gotten to obsess over. Thank you again! 🤭
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sorceresssundries · 23 hours
Just some recent faces I love. It’s honestly still wild how much BG3 has changed and inspired me (and a lot of people!!)
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Commission info here ❤️💜
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sorceresssundries · 23 hours
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I know this is an old one, but I had to delete the original.
Anyway - this is one of the earliest ones I put together! I'm sorry if you're already familiar with it, but I still would like it to be alive and well, and so I cast Revivify!
if the sky was mine to master, to carve with sculptor’s sight, i’d wake the stars from clouded sleep To cast you in their light.
if this evening was eternal, if the music didn’t end, the Gods would further spurn me, for the worship I'd intend.
but tomorrow isn’t promised, and silence mutes the lyre, the stars desert us one by one just embers left from fire.
so i’ll let the distance linger, and pray in hopeful trance that i’ll dream of you in starlight when darkness ends our dance.
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"this song reminded me of you" i love you! "i made you a playlist" i love you!! "i wrote you a poem" i love you!!! "can we listen to music together?" i love you!!!! "i thought you'd like this album" i love you!!!!
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Finally drew the meme after months of wanting to draw the meme
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The Wizard who Waited
Summary: It is time to go and face the Elder Brain, and Tav stops by Sorcerous Sundries in the hope of saying farewell to Rolan. Let's all just pretend we don't meet him at the high-hall before the battle.
Pairing: Rolan x gn Tav - SFW
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N - This work is inspired by one of George's cameos. Featuring a monologue written by @gender-in-a-blender. I loved it so much that I wanted to create a short story to wrap it in.
'Wait! Before you go, I have something I need to get off my chest. You are without a doubt the most maddening person I have ever met! You are reckless and foolhardy! You put yourself in harm’s way time and time again, and it’s enough to drive a man to insanity... because… You see, I think about you constantly. Wondering where you are, what you’re doing, whether you’re safe. I think about the brief moments of time we’ve had together and how it’s not been enough. How it will never be enough. I know I can’t convince you to stay here with me, safe in this tower, but when this is all over... I want you to come back to me. Please, will you come back to me? Don't answer me right now. Go save the Gods-damned Gate. And if you want this, if you want us... come back to me. I'll be waiting.' - Written by @gender-in-a-blender
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It was time.
Night fell, as surely and steadily as it always had. The last blood-red rays of sunlight sank below the skyline of the quaking city, leaving Tav to wonder if they would ever feel its warmth on their skin again. 
There was no time to dwell on it. Blades sharp and spells readied, Tav and their companions made their way through Baldur’s Gate, the night air thick with promise. Whether that promise was of victory or defeat, there was no way of knowing, but the dread Tav felt was so intense they could choke on it. Candlelight flickered in the windows of the houses they passed, and babies cried, hushed by fretful parents unable to soothe them from the now-regular tremors rumbling through the city like shockwaves.
It would all end soon.
In front of Tav stood Sorcerous Sundries, light filtering out from the stained glass of the magnificent domed roof, scattering ripples of blue and orange through the surrounding streets.
Perhaps Rolan was there...
“I’ll be back in a moment,” Tav said to their steel-faced companions. “Let me see if I can get any last-minute supplies…”
They exchanged a knowing glance as Tav headed off.
“Darling, a giant brain is about to split the city apart, is now really the time for this?” Astarion called as Tav made their way over to the wizarding shop. Tav ignored him, as they often did.
“Leave it, Istik. A warrior should be granted a final goodbye to the source of their joy before a battle.” Lae’zel’s usually sharp voice was solemn.
The source of their joy. Was it so obvious?
It was late, and the shop was empty. Only a few enchanted sets of armor clunked around, guarding the precious wares and tomes. Despite its emptiness, the air was ripe with magic, sweet and delicate, like spun sugar and silk. The disappointment of not seeing the new archmage at the front desk busying himself in books was more profound than Tav had thought it would be. He must be in his tower. Perhaps they could leave him a letter, or even a...
“Well, if it isn’t the meddling hero!” Rolan appeared at the top of the stairs. His words were a usual wry quip, but a smile played on his lips, warm and inviting. “What trouble are you in now?” He made his way across to Tav, he looked as beautiful as ever.
Tav saw his gaze rake over their freshly sharpened blade and restless hands. His smile died.
“I…” Tav hesitated, searching for the right words. “We’ve gathered what we need to destroy the Absolute. We’re leaving now.” Tav wanted to say goodbye, but the words didn’t leave their throat.
The truth was, it was more than saying goodbye. Tav had stopped by to commit his face to memory. To count and remember each freckle and burn them so deeply into them that not even death could wipe them away. They were a constellation Tav wanted to map out and carry with them, wherever they went. They wanted to hear his voice one last time, so it would be fresh and colourful in their mind as the world quieted into darkness around them.
They wanted to tell him they loved him, but couldn’t bring themselves to say it.
It wasn’t fair to offer that now, freshly uncovered and full of potential with nowhere to spread out it’s wings. It is a precious thing, deserving more than to be grasped for a fleeting moment only to be let go.
‘I love you’ was a beginning to something that Tav couldn’t offer. 
“Right.” Rolan looked up through the stained dome of the ceiling, up to the stars, and squared his shoulders. “Let me leave a note for Cal and Lia. I’ll grab a few things and then…”
“No!” Tav grabbed hold of his arm in a panic before he could move away. “I need you to stay here.” His face slips further into his familiar frown.
“I can assure you I am perfectly capable of helping, despite what I may have demonstrated so far.”
“I know,” Tav said as calmly as they could, trying to keep the frayed edges of their nerves from knotting into their voice. They couldn’t let him know how frightened they were; it wouldn’t be fair.
“I need you to prepare the artillery. We’ll need it when the time comes.” Tav could see he was torn, clever thoughts dancing just behind his eyes, restless and painful. “Besides, the city will be in trouble and the tower will be the safest place for people looking for shelter. The safest place for Cal and Lia. For you. Please, Rolan. I’ll send a signal for when to fire.”
“Get someone else to send the damned signal! Stay here, if it’s so safe.”
“I can’t.”
“Let the others handle it!”
“Why must it be you?! Don’t be so foolish!”
“Surely there is someone else out there willing to die for this fucking city.” The air fizzled with his anger. Tav took a deep breath, steadying themselves. 
“Am I allowed to say something now?”
“Not if that something is ‘goodbye’” His voice cracked against that final word.
The world had not been kind to Rolan. Tav couldn’t bear to think about the countless goodbyes he must have endured throughout his life. To Elturel, his family, his friends, and now, to them. The scars of these losses ran deep, each one carving away a piece of his heart. Another challenge was about to come his way, and Tav prayed his would be the last scar Rolan would ever have to bear. He deserved a life of joy with the ones he loved, free to settle into the peace he had fought for. 
The thought of not being there to witness it almost caused Tav to crumble. They could picture it so clearly - Rolan laughing with his siblings, standing in the moonlight at the top of his tower, gazing down at the home he had finally found. It was a vision Tav yearned to be part of, but one they knew they might never see.
They had to leave now, or they would lose the strength to go at all.
“I know what needs to be done, and I have what is needed to do it.” Tav eyes shimmer. “It has to be me.”
They took a step towards him, a hand held out, but Rolan stopped them before they could get close.
“Don’t you dare hug me! I do not want our only embrace to have been as you wave me off on your way to war, leaving me behind like some weepy, heart-wrecked widow.”
A fresh ache stretched out in Tav's chest. Would he really let them leave without at least a hug goodbye? They hadn’t realised how much they had been relying on it.
“The world could end if I don’t go.” Tav said simply.
“Let it” Rolan replied.
The air between them was thick with unspoken words; the soldier who came to say goodbye and the wizard who would not let them. Another rumble shook the walls, and books tumbled from their shelves, scattering like fallen bodies across the floor, spines cracked and splayed open.
“We’re running out of time,” Tav said softly, unsure if they were referring to the world or the two of them. In this moment, it might as well be the same thing.
Rolan sighed deeply, holding his head in his hands for a few moments, his tail swaying in agitation. Tav wanted to go to him, to feel his arms wrap around them and lose themselves in the few quiet moments they had left, for their own sake as well as his.
His reaction was different from what Tav expected.
“You are without a doubt the most maddening person I have ever met!” Rolan suddenly burst out. Tav didn’t know how to respond; they hadn’t been expecting a scolding. Rolan took a step forward, coming within reaching distance. His eyes blazed and his chest heaved with angry breaths.
“You are reckless and foolhardy! You put yourself in harm’s way time and time again, and it’s enough to drive a man to insanity... because…” The bluster suddenly lessened, and the hurt and worry spilled through the cracks in his voice. “You see, I think about you constantly. Wondering where you are, what you’re doing, whether you’re safe. I think about the brief moments of time we’ve had together and how it’s not been enough. How it will never be enough. I know I can’t convince you to stay here with me, safe in this tower, but when this is all over... I want you to come back to me. Please, will you come back to me?”
He sounded gentle and afraid, and Tav wanted to say, “Of course I will. Of course, you stubborn, uptight, short-tempered, wonderful man.” But that was not an oath they could bring themselves to swear. Tav couldn’t bear the thought of dying with the pain of a breaking a  promise to the man they loved.
“Don’t answer me right now,” he sighed into the hesitant silence. “Wait there.”
He began to move through the chaos of the shop, rifling through drawers, shifting clinking bottles in cabinets, and pulling down various concoctions to gather in his arms. Murmuring in Infernal as he read labels and blew off dust, he eventually brought his collection back over to Tav.
Placing them on the counter, he started to sort through them.
“Thank you, but I really don't need…”
“Shut up and take them. This one is peerless focus. Give it to Gale; it will help him maintain his concentration. Gods know that fool will need it. This one is Bloodlust, fitting for your vampire friend. There are a few oils for blades and arrows which will increase their effectiveness. Giant Strength for Karlach and Lae’zel. And this one is for you.”
He set down a small vial that glistened with a honey-like substance, viscous and molten, the same color as his eyes.
“Guileful Movement,” he declared, his fierce gaze meeting Tav’s.
“You are strong, but you lack speed, and you get so caught up in watching out for everyone else that you leave yourself vulnerable.”
Placing the vial in Tav’s palm, he wrapped his hands around theirs, the warmth and softness comforting.
“Drink it before you fight. Move fast. Focus on your own strikes, and for the love of gods, run if you need to. You never seemed to do enough running.”
Tav smiled at him. “I never needed to.”
“Yes, yes, you were very tough and brave and beautiful, but trust me, there was no shame in running.” He kissed Tav’s hand, still cradled between both of his. “Run back to me.”
There was a sudden gentleness to his voice that Tav hadn’t properly heard before. They wanted to spend entire afternoons, whole summers, a lifetime sinking into the softness of that voice. They only had a few minutes at most.
Tav smiled, for the first time since coming into the store. Rolan wanted them to come back to him, he believed he would see them again. Perhaps things weren’t so bleak after all. A warm drop of hope fell upon Tav’s poor, burnt-out heart and it was enough to let something settle and take root. 
“Look at how far you’ve come.” Tav cradled his cheek with their palm. “From the chains of hell to the top of the tower. You, Cal, and Lia, all safe and together, as you should be.”
“I should be keeping you safe.” His voice was small and quiet as he fixed his eyes to the floor. 
“Always the protector.” Tav said, and they tilted his chin so his gentle eyes meet theirs. “You are. Keep me safe a little longer, wait for me, and i’ll come back to you.”
They kissed then, for the first time. 
When Tav had imagined their first kiss with Rolan, they had expected softness, uncertainty, maybe a little clumsiness—but there was none of that here. There was no time to be uncertain. His hands gripped the front of Tav’s robes like they were a lifeline, and his lips caressed theirs as though the taste of them could save him. Tav held onto him just as desperately in return, wishing it was enough to anchor them there.
Tav craved the luxury of an unhurried, tentative kiss. Perhaps during a leisurely stroll through the park, or after a little wine-soaked bravery from an evening spent together in the Elf-song Tavern. A slow kiss under a clear sky, savouring the joy of knowing it didn’t have to be perfect - it just had to be the first of many.
Tav thought of this now as his mouth moved against theirs, feeling the cool dampness of his tears mingling with their own. The kiss softened, their breaths steadied.
It was time to say goodbye.
Tav reluctantly pulled back, their forehead resting against Rolan's. 
"That was not a last kiss," Rolan said, his voice a hushed murmur. "That was a first."
Tav nodded, swallowing hard against the lump in their throat. They didn't trust themselves to speak, afraid that any words would break the fragile dam keeping them together.
Rolan's hands lingered on Tav's cheeks for a moment before he let them fall to his sides. "Go save the Gods-damned Gate," he said, his voice steadier now, "And if you want this, if you want us... come back to me. I'll be waiting."
It was done.
Tav left more hopeful than when they arrived, their soul bright and burning and loved. 
They had a battle to win, and a new future to fight for.
Hours had now passed, and Rolan stood at the top of his tower, a solitary silhouette against the flames and cries that echoed through the city. He gripped the ledge with white-knuckled intensity, his red skin stark against the pale stone, keeping himself steady.
The cannon had been fired, its aim fierce and true, and Rolan knew he had done all he could. Below him, Baldur’s Gate burned. Nautiloids filled the night sky, their fiery payloads raining down destruction, and the air was so choked with smoke that Rolan thought even the gaze of the Gods could not pierce it. There would be no help from them now. Debris and explosions collided with the tower's defenses, dissipating into dust and smoke against invisible barriers. Cal and Lia were on the lowest level, rallying the survivors, providing aid and shelter amidst the devastation.
His eyes, accustomed to fire and loss, remained fixed on the High Hall and the looming Elder Brain above it. The city was a grim echo of a past he did not want to think about. How many war-torn, flame-licked cities would he have to watch be assaulted? 
He could not think of Elturel now; that was the past, and he had a future to hope for. 
The temptation to reach for a bottle, to drown his helplessness in wine as he had done at the Last Light Inn, tugged at him. But he resisted. He was not that man anymore; Tav had made sure of that. He would not succumb to ineffectuality. He was more than he was then. For Tav’s sake, for his own sake, he would wait here, steadfast and vigilant. He would watch out for the person he loved, for as long as it took.
Through the smoke and clouds, atop the brain, strobes of magic flickered. He tried to discern the signs of each spell, to picture the battle. The light was dim and soft through the smoke, like lightning blanketed by storm clouds. The flashes of battle-slung spells bloomed through the dark. Sounds of cracks and hisses followed the scattered lights, shots of reds and greens and pulsing golds.
Rolan’s heart pounded with each flare, each distant explosion. He imagined Tav amidst the fray, their blade slashing through the chaos, their determination as fierce as ever. He whispered a silent prayer to any deity who might be listening, hoping that Tav’s courage and skill would see them through this nightmare.
The minutes stretched into an eternity. Every second felt like a lifetime, the wait unbearable. But Rolan watched and he waited, the fate of Baldur’s Gate - and his heart - hanging in the balance.
And then, the elder brain fell. 
Time fractured into shards as the creature tumbled from the sky like a marionette with severed strings. It convulsed and spasmed, desperate waves of psychic shockwaves firing from it erratically. The dangling spinal column lashed and whipped into the city's buildings as it descended, ensuring a final barrage of destruction. With a resounding crash, it plunged into the waters of the Chionthar, its reign of terror culminating in a colossal, explosive orb of energy. The shockwave erupted outward, smashing through the city, shattering glass and hurling Rolan backward, knocking him against the wall of his tower and into unconsciousness. His last thought as he slipped away being of Tav’s fate, and the certainty that he would not see them again. 
He was wrong.
When Rolan awoke, roused by Lia and dragged down to help the wounded, he felt broken. It hurt to breathe, to think. He just wanted to get out into the city, where the light of a new day spilled over the wreckage of the night before. He wanted to find Tav, whatever that meant. 
The hero of Baldur’s Gate stood, leaning against the doorway to the tower, clutching their side. Bloodstained and bruised, their armor and weapon abandoned, they now wore only a sweat-soaked shirt and trousers, looking less like a mighty hero and more like a lost refugee. The second they saw Rolan amid the survivors and chaos, joy filled their chest and pulled a laugh from between cracked ribs.
It was over. They had won. And even though their legs were tired, their muscles burned, and their heart ached from saying goodbye to forged family, they had come back.
The taste of the golden, honey-thick potion Rolan had pressed into their palm still lingered sweetly on their tongue.
They had run back to him.
Rolan's eyes widened when he spotted Tav. He pushed through the crowd, ignoring the protests of those around him. In moments, he was in front of them, his hands hovering uncertainly before he finally pulled them into a tight embrace. The feel of his arms around them was everything Tav had fought for. 
“You idiot! I thought you were dead.” He admonished.
“Careful.” Said Tav, wincing from the enthusiasm of his hug. “Don’t be greedy.”
There would be time now, in the settling dust, for peace to be found, clutched, and cherished. 
For the two heroes who had given each other hope when it had all but been extinguished. 
For the soldier who came to say goodbye, and the wizard who did not let them.
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Me at my last meeting of the day trying to be my HBIC/girl boss self after reading “The Wizard Who Waited” lmao
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you guyyyys 🥺🥹 Jessica CRUSHED it with my self insert commission for a new profile icon <3 I am obsessed (now if only I could look this cute IRL 😜)
Thank you bestie!!! @darkurgetrash
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I’m losing my mind
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