sysmedsaresexist 7 hours
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sysmedsaresexist 9 hours
In the politest way possible, please don't use plural over system for pwCDDs.
Way back in the day, system was less popular-- CDD systems typically used "multiple," referencing MPD. You may have heard the myth that "system" started with IFS in the 90s, but it was used clinically for CDDs since the early 1900s. I've got several old books in my tags to prove it.
Plural was created as a way for the early endogenic community to distance themselves from the more clinical sounding "multiple," and their disordered counterparts (now we're getting into the horribleness of the natural and empowered multiple stuff). Plural was more associated with grammar than psychology.
It was specifically created to be anti psych.
As such, please be mindful about applying plural as a blanket term to systems that take a medical view. The vast majority prefer system and don't consider themselves plural, as it also has roots in anti-parts language. Plural refers to multiple people, alters are parts.
Of course there are exceptions, people with CDDs can consider themselves plural and people, and endogenic systems can prefer parts language-- the point is that system is the safer bet when talking about CDDs.
I've actually only ever seen one person with CDDs not consider themselves a system, and it was because they had 1a.
Is that actually a thing?
CDD systems:
God sysmeds are often so sure that they're special for their system being formed from trauma and how hard it is after going through trauma, and like
Trauma IS hard. But not everyone who has experienced trauma also has DID/OSDD. If trauma was the unifying factor here, why would so many people who have PTSD or have otherwise experienced abuse or traumatic events be ableist and shitty about systems? Who do you think is more likely to support you as a system: a singlet who has experienced trauma and knows NOTHING about DID/OSDD other than what they've seen from books/movies/etc (which is most people), or another system who happens to have been formed through means other than trauma?
Also not everyone who has DID/OSDD even wants to call themselves a system, so yes, systemhood IS an identity -- because even people with DID/OSDD can choose what terminology/framework they identify with.
"Plural" is an inclusive descriptor. Even only looking at people diagnosed with DID/OSDD-- it would be incorrect to call them systems if they don't consider themselves systems, while "plural" is a better way to include people with DID/OSDD who don't identify as systems but understand they are multiple people/facets/alters/parts/whatever.
That last part, the plurality, is the only thing that everyone with DID/OSDD have that makes it possible to understand each other. Traumatized people without DID/OSDD are not going to understand. But plural people without DID/OSDD might.
As a last note, incorrectly defining endogenic as a "system without trauma" means you don't understand trauma. There are many types of trauma people often experience without realizing. Medical trauma, religious trauma, trauma from the fucking COVID-19 pandemic-- the list goes on. I'm not sure anyone can really go through life without experiencing trauma at one point or another. Which would mean "systems without trauma" probably don't exist, sure-- but that's not the definition of endogenic. Endogenic systems just become systems first and may experience trauma later.
So nope, the trauma isn't what makes you special. Guess again.
(Signed, a system diagnosed with DID.)
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sysmedsaresexist 17 hours
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sysmedsaresexist 22 hours
Okay hear me out
What if
I just went back to sleep until Friday
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sysmedsaresexist 22 hours
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sysmedsaresexist 3 days
I'm implimenting a Monday "Syscourse Boop Tax"
Every time you read syscourse you gotta go boop someone you love. In system, out of system, online, pets, whoever wherever.
If you engage in syscourse, you get extra taxed, and it's automatically upgraded to a hug instead of a boop.
If you don't like physical touch then you do what is the comfortable equivalent for you. Maybe compliment someone!
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sysmedsaresexist 5 days
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getting some mixed messages
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sysmedsaresexist 6 days
life isnt a race theres still time to do the things i want to do im still young im not behind in life i have time i have time i have time i have time
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sysmedsaresexist 6 days
Humble Dazzle of autumn
These leaves on the ground--
Each one a page
In a Book,
A poem that says:
I lived.
I was.
A small part
Of the whole story
This is my song,
This is my glory.
- Gregory Orr
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sysmedsaresexist 6 days
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sysmedsaresexist 6 days
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Okay hear me out though
Automatic cat feeder
But for my medication
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sysmedsaresexist 7 days
Okay hear me out though
Automatic cat feeder
But for my medication
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sysmedsaresexist 7 days
I'm going to be the first to say it
Yo, wtf, anon, that's fucked up for so many reasons, you should really take a BIG step back and think on this one a bit harder
Here's a flaming hot take!
I think way too much rhetoric by neutrals who are uncomfortable with aggressive responses to anti-endos, and advocate for showing respect towards people who show us nothing but hate, is based in trauma and trying to reconcile your abusers being terrible, and still caring about them.
If someone wants to be the type of person who ends up bouncing from abusive relationship to abusive relationship where they take the abuse because they can "see the good" in their abusers then that's their prerogative I guess.
But I'm sorry. I'm not an abuse victim and I have no intention of letting you turn me into one.
Which is what it feels like some people are trying to do. They would rather me develop this mentality of repeatedly opening myself up to people who want to harm me so I can get hurt over and over again.
If somebody hurts me, I don't bond with them. I don't feel compassion for them. I don't care about their reasoning. I don't care if they're traumatized. I don't care about what made them the way they are. I am not going to respect them. I don't respect abusers. And I also don't respect bigots and bullies.
I'm tired of people making their trauma responses my problem and being angry at me because I won't let myself be a victim of hate.
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sysmedsaresexist 7 days
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Beautiful quotes 鉂わ笍
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sysmedsaresexist 7 days
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sysmedsaresexist 7 days
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sysmedsaresexist 11 days
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By kerrylifecoach
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