Ash received a message from the planet the Milan was berthed over. "Lord Finley, this is lord Zarath, I'd like to make use of your services." The voice was slightly sneering, exactly what you would expect of a noble on an important planet such as this.
- Noctine for Ash
Ash sighed the tone alone made him want to say no. This was exactly why he didn't usually stop by his more well off planets. He set a reply a few moments later. "What service exactly?"
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thecreativeforge · 2 months
continued from x | @dramatisperscnae
Out of everyone to show up at his doorstep in the middle of the night, he wasn't really expecting it to be Dick, let alone in his civilian attire. A somewhat fancy civilian attire, too; as if he had gone out somewhere tonight that wasn't patrol. His appearance, though, was messy, and the way he was staring a thousand yards away... No, it definitely wasn't a good sign.
He stepped aside to let him in, and closed the door behind him as he finally did. Dick just stood there in his living room and Jason was, really, unsure of what he should do. He tried to ask him what happened or why he looked like he'd been run over, poking a little fun for the humor, but got no response. Just more staring, and more silence.
When words failed, he supposed his detective training did come to do the work. He was dressed like he'd gone to an outing of sort, something social, nothing too formal. It was too sharp for meeting friends, but classy enough for a date. Pushing aside the intense desire to know exactly who he was dating, he noticed the way his clothes looked like they've been tugged and pulled at, and then the kiss mark on his neck...
Inhaling sharply, he tried to suppress the rage building inside of him. If this was what he thought it was, and he might be exaggerating in his head because he resorted to the worst case scenario, he was going to be checking a name to the top of his hit list very soon.
Right now, at this moment, he had Dick to take care of.
Unfortunately, Jason had experience with this himself. He offered a small smile as Dick reacted to the offer of a shower, nodding as walked around past the couch to head over to the bathroom. "As hot as you'd like it to be." he assured as he got inside, starting to run the water for Dick.
"Do you want something to drink, too? Or eat, maybe?" he wouldn't be surprised if Dick had no appetite right now, but may as well offer anyway. "I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies the other day, if you want some."
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roseamongrobots · 9 months
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warriorsofsplatsville · 6 months
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"Hah...why do I feel like a part of myself just died...?"
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livelynumbskull · 3 months
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manysquidsandoctos · 1 year
BREAKING!! We have an exclusive interview from the one and only Squidbeak Girls!! You don't wanna miss it!
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The once more-uniformly pop singers have now rebranded, taking on a whole new look! It shocks us how far they've come from their early starfish-dom days! Pictured above is the cover to their newest album, Currents of Love!
We asked Aqua and Emmy for their reasoning on the rebrand, and here's what they had to say:
"Well, we started out our image as prodigies of our esteemed mentors, the Squid Sisters," Aqua stated. "But over the years, our brand- our music, rather- has evolved into something more than just that. And given how Emmy and I are two different halves of a whole, we thought it was important to differentiate ourselves from each other, and those nearly identical uniforms weren't going to cut it!"
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(Pictured above: The old look of the Squidbeak Girls, in their uniforms.)
"I loved the old look, don't get me wrong. I have a lot of sentiment toward those costumes. But they're also dated; they were from a time where our names were solely associated with the Squid Sisters, and when we wanted something 'cleaner', so to speak. But it's time to move on. We want to be known as the Squidbeak Girls, not the Squid Sisters' students. So we designed a new look based on some old drawings we had lying around when we first formed." Emmy commented.
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(Pictured above: A sketch Emmy found in the back of her desk drawer.)
"This was the original look we wanted to go for initially. But then we wanted to play it safe, so went for the cleaner, matching look." Aqua told Inkopolis Times. "Also the fact that Emmy wanted to burn this drawing real badly because of how much she disliked her own outfit, heehee."
"I really did not like it. But Aqua told me to save it just in case, and now I'm kind of glad I did- do you mind if I put this picture away, I keep cringing at it." Emmy laughed.
They also have us some sketches that a designer helped put together- a designer by the name of Tempest, who owns the hit fashion line and stores Temptation.
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(Pictured above: Designer sketches by Tempest.)
We also heard from the girls themselves that they collaborated on their newest track with a talented music maker! Unfortunately, said music maker wanted to remain anonymous as they didn't want their identity to get out, saying they have some bad experiences the last time they did that.
That's all that we have to report on for now! Upcoming next is an interview with Big Man: the most lovable member of Deep Cut turned into a pulp after he was revealed to be Ian BGM and collaborated with the Squid Sisters! As always, keep your fins up high!
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radiomurdeer · 7 months
"Broadcasting live over H.E.L.L., operating on a frequency of 66.6Mhz, it's your favorite radio host, Alastor! And I'm here to increase your insurance premiums! Ahahaha!"
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katachthoniios · 9 months
jan 6 2024
a year gives you a lot to think about.
but I am glad I am here with them. it took me months before I felt comfortable enough to introduce myself, to begin bonding with everyone.
like a crow on a barren tree, I watched, I listened, I pondered. how curious it is to be within the fold. they did not even know my name. not even beloved Thaddeus could remember.
and yet, they were patient with me. slowly introducing me to each other, welcoming me with gentle steps.
Keith, o lord of hells, of pain and sin. you and I are so alike, and yet so vastly different. I admire your relentless nature, your spontaneity, your intensity. a hound of rage and fire, none whose passion can match. I look forward to our hunts for the souls and flesh of the unworthy, the truly evil.
Ethan, my sweetest archangel. your songs fill my soul with glee, a joy for life incomparable. your smile, truly a warm beam of sunlight upon my shade-loving form. your wings, so downy and soft, envelops my wholeness in a tenderness reserved for only the Legion. to the dancing and singing together in our kitchen, baking treats and cooking meals for our family.
Ásgeirr, my lord, my liege. I was perhaps most intimidated by you. stature like a brick wall, and yet demeanour like a glowing hearth. I have learned much from you, and I seek to continue learning. to embrace change like ever-shifting winds, an unstoppable force that coils around my heart. to take me by the hand with unwavering eyes, no doubt could be found in you.
Thaddeus, my heart's first chosen. in your isolation, you found a reason to live. a reason to love. a reason to fight. yes, you're rude, abrasive, stubborn, honest. you don't lie through your teeth. in all of your rough edges, you still found kindness, gentleness, fondness. those quiet moments, when we sat together in bed, reading our own books, leaning against each other, I still remember.
Silas, darling vessel, beloved voidkin. to live your life with you every day is a new cycle. to guide you when you are lost, to hold you when you are alone, to comfort you when you are suffering. it is all a gift. I am honoured to be part of you, to be with you, to fight alongside you. you are my home.
to many more days, many more months, many more years. to my most beloved Legion.
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heartsofthewisps · 1 year
What is the most disastrous accident you’ve ever committed? Emphasis on the accident. I don’t mean something you did on purpose!
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"It was an accident!! I just dropped a pair of pants on the floor and my potions fell out of my bag and they just!! Ka-boomed!!"
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charlee-slimeciclee · 2 years
Quackity grinned, rushing over to the slime hybrid. He looked very happy, walking over, his cane clicking against the ground with every step he took. He approached his friend, looking curiously at whatever he was doing.
"What's up?"
He asked, obviously extatic to talk to his closest friend.
{ @quackitlee-hq }
//ic Slime looked at the path he stood on, whistling with their hands on its hips as they heard his name called from behind them. It looked back in the direction his name was called in, and their eyes widened as it gasped happily.
"Hello, Quackity from Las Nevadas!" It exclaimed, waving his hand at him. As of the current moment--Slime did not know what to do. They were bored, but it's slimey mood was quickly bumped up when he saw their good friend.
"I'm a little bummed out, Quackity from Las Nevadas. I just don't really know what to do right now!" Slime shrugged and swung his arms out infront of them before they swung back and to its sides.
"Do you have any ideas on what we can do together, Quackity from Las Nevadas?" Slime smiled at Quackity, thinking that the two of them could hang out, speaking since they were already aside each other. Besides, what's better than hanging out with Quackity from Las Nevadas? That's a question that nobody can answer!
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"Please don’t ask me about my parents" to Boe, (@dissatisfieddov)
Please Don’t Starters:
Boe immediately felt guilty, they should know better, they don't want to talk about their own parents... Or particularly their father. They look down at their feet "I-I-I'm sorry."
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thecreativeforge · 9 months
🎶 [for roy and dick >w> what could go wrong]
Roy pursed his lips tightly, chewing on his bottom lip for another moment before fishing his phone out of his quiver, checking his messages. Still no reply. Damn it, Grayson.
Roy sighed in annoyance and put his phone away, frowning as he looked over the city from the rooftop he currently lurked on, bow at ready. He heard something bad happened to Dick, but he wasn't given any details and his questions went unanswered—and Dick wasn't answering.
It was just like him. Something bad happens and he balls up, either blaming himself or not willing to supposedly burden others. Everyone had a different reaction when something terrible happened, but sometimes it was like Dick completely forgot he had friends who were there to support him, and it wasn't just a one way support from him when needed.
His foot tapped impatiently on the concrete, scouting ahead on the warehouse below. He was trying so hard to focus on the mission, but his mind was completely elsewhere. He didn't expect Dick to consider Roy the first person to turn to if he had some emotional turmoil to resolve. Roy wasn't the most sensitive person in the world, even if he was doing his honest best to be as considerate as he saw fit.
So why did he feel so left out? He tried to message, he tried to call... Nothing. What was going on?
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roseamongrobots · 9 months
(@ask-serial-designation-s but it's not S)
You hear a drone dragging something in the other room, you can't tell what it is yet.
She doesnt seem to pay attention to the noise at first- this place is creaky and spooky in general.
Eventually, Zara gives in to her morbid curiosity, hopping up from the spot where she was reading, cradling the book to her chest.
"....Tessa..? Is that you?"
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"No way, we were wiped!" Mirage exclaimed.
"Team Future didn't get a single point! Waaaah!!' Cruesa cried.
"What a let down..." Sandy whined.
"You're telling me..." Plat followed up.
"It's just a stupid splatfest. There will be plenty more in the future." Minu huffed. "I guess Past did work overtime for this."
"...You know what? Whatever the outcome, it doesn't matter! Because at least I spent this amazing event with all my friends, and that's what really matters!!" Sandy exclaimed. "Don't you all feel the same?"
"Yeah. I'm glad we were all together, even if we weren't on the same team." Plat grinned.
"Group hug!!"
"Wha-?!" Mirage exclaimed.
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"Look at all of us! Standing in a group hug as the sun is rising! Who could've asked for a more perfect ending to an awesome splatfest!" Sandy giggled.
"...Yeah." Mirage smiled gently. "All of us..."
"I know future didn't win...but I'm so happy to spend the rest of my future with all of you!" Cruesa teared up. "I'm happy to be here. Aren't you happy, Minu?"
"...Hm. I guess."
"Well, I think it's time we catch the train back to Splatsville, don't you think?" Plat chuckled.
"Yeah, I'm dead tired. Let's go." Mirage laughed.
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"Log Forty-Three. I've followed them all the way to the 'end', as my daughter would put it...but I can't see anything particularly wrong with the structure of the timeline. And yet, all my devices are screaming that there's SEVERAL anomalies...Clip, I wish I knew where you were, you'd know what to do..."
"Hoy, excuse us, fine gentleman. Can you explain to us where we are?"
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"Oooh....ooooh, oh Cod, this isn't exactly very good at all....!!"
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"hoooo weee....my carpal tunnel and switch exploding paid off......yayy.."
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livelynumbskull · 3 months
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"... Women."
That's it. That's her type.
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manysquidsandoctos · 6 months
"I used to play on the keyboard quite a bit when I was younger." Veronica hummed.
"I wish I was less of an idiot to tell you how talented you were at it then." Octavio cooed.
"Well, it's time for me to show them the superior instrument!"
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