#๋࣭ ancient scrolls
flokali · 3 months
I just want to touch zhonglis horns or tail. Like they are so pretty
a/n: me too anon, me too ><
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I love the image of a relaxed Zhongli who, after much coaxing from your part, allows a small pair of horns to adorn the top of his head. Well, it’s less that it’s small and more so that he’s big enough that almost anything that isn’t comically large looks small near him.
They look similar to Azhdaha’s horns in colour, earthy tones that make them look like Geo formations sitting atop their heads. However, Zhongli’s look just a tad bit neater, as if a gifted craftsman had taken the time to carve and polish them — which, may be possible considering how particular the former archon has become in regards to his appearance ever since your arrival.
His horns blend in their base with his hair, a dark brown colour that fades into a colour that looks akin to polished Cor Lapis. They sit comfortably atop his hair, curling upwards until the very tip where they finally look down. Long, thick vein-like carvings decorate them, their pattern looking much like the ones found in his pillars.
Whenever he uses his Geo element, which he rarely does whenever he allows himself to show his more draconian features, said carvings are filled up with elemental energy that glows a golden colour, instances in which they look much like rivers of gold flowing through him.
They’d probably be cold, at least whenever he’s not using any elemental energy, in which case they seemingly hum a soft warmth. But it never burns hot or freezingly cold, on the instances where you glide the pad of your finger through the, surprisingly, smooth surface it feels pleasant. Like an ointment that leaves your skin tingling, they seemingly buzz with energy native to Teyvat.
I also like to think that, when allowing more… draconic features of his to shine, Zhongli’s arms look similar to his Rex Lapis days. Back then, his arms were deep in colour with golden markings glowing - much like his horns, I’d think. Unlike before, the colour doesn’t seep into his neck, instead neatly ending near his shoulders and fading back into his human form’s flesh. But it’s just as striking, they almost look like gloves, but when you touch them they still feel like skin — the golden etchings in them, however, would probably feel more calloused, like scar tissue. In these instances, his arms run cold, much like stone. It’s only near the golden tissue that a semblance of warmth is found. During particularly hot summer days, they work wonders in keeping the heat away.
A tail… for some reason, I feel like he’d be extremely hesitant in showing it off. Only during private hours with you, where he’ll be absolutely certain no one other than yourself will see, will he show you. When he does, you notice how slim it is — only growing in size by the end, where it resembles a cloud. It’s essentially the same tail he possesses as Morax, where the end is filled with explosive colours that make it look like pure Geo energy materialising into the air.
Like any dragon, his tail is made out of scales - however his are surprisingly smooth, they blend into each other creating the illusion of there being no scales at all. They’re still sturdy, however, you’re pretty sure no weapon in existence could cut through them. His tail’s end… I think it’d be fur, long hairs combed into their position mimicking the clouds above Liyue Harbor during sunsets, unlike the rest of his body, I think it’d be surprisingly soft and, forgive my blasphemy, fluffy.
In these instances where he allows himself to be more vulnerable, showing bits and pieces of his most prominent and powerful forms, he grows to love your affection.
He loves it just as much when you comb his long, silken hair as when you detangle his tail. The feeling of your nails tracing the hundreds of scales that protect his tail make a shiver run down his spine, one that pleasures him as much as takes him by surprise every time.
Zhongli is rather secretive about his previous roles in life, which means that he has to trust you quite a lot to willingly expose traits of his that once belonged to the lives he once lived, which is why he’s so keen on keeping these attributes of his known only to the two of you.
If he so much as senses anybody coming near the room, his horns and tail quickly disappear - much to your disappointment. If anybody, much less someone like Venti, where to catch even so much as a glimpse of his more draconian features, you might need to physically restrain him lest he send them home with multiple injuries. It comes to a point where he mostly only cares about keeping a secret only between you and himself, rather than keeping his identity secret.
It’s why he treasures the soft moments where you lay in bed together, his head resting against your chest as you softly rub his horns with gentle motions. His ears are sharp, the beating of your heart is loud and clear to Zhongli, but it’s not bothersome at all — instead, it’s soothing to him, like the sound of soft rain against a window would be to some or waves softly crashing down into the sand. You’re too sleepy to notice, the warmth radiating from the man on top of you was simply too comfortable for you to resist the temptation of slumber, the soft purring that rumbled from his chest.
That was yet another feature of his you’d soon familiarise yourself with though, he still wanted to keep a few cards up his sleeve in case he felt you were drifting too far away from his embrace.
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flokali · 5 months
hii could I ask how ur masterlist works? ^.^ I dont see any links nor any tags. . . I do see the titles for diff au's tho!! but I also thought u had a few standalone pieces? sry if this is bothersome or if im missing something obvious, I'm just a little confused on how to navigate ur blog @_@
Hi OMG;; it’s been ages since I’ve touched the masterlist (TT)
On the navi, next to “LIBRARY” in a weird font there’s two links “asks” and “fics” - non requests that are written as their own posts/stand alones/series’ are on “fics” while asks/responses/etc are on “asks”. I changed the name of “Other realities” to au’s I write/talk about ; there’s no links there since it’s mostly for organization on topics I tend to talk about (though I haven’t touched most of them in over a year by now TT);: so sorry for the confusion (^^) !!
They’re both really outdated (the masterlists and au’s), my computer self-destroyed months ago (I’ve been exclusively on mobile since) so I’m waiting on the shared laptop so I can updated them (TT) since on mobile it’s a pain in the ass. If you’re willing to scroll through a tag, everything is under “#๋࣭. ancient scrolls” <- I’ll tag it on this ask jic!
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flokali · 2 years
I'm such a sucker for ayato like you don't have a clue LMAO. I just want him to be like, "Oh well it's a surprise to see you my love." And you're just seething sitting on the floor in front of his little desk with your hands bound behind you and maybe even a gag in your mouth. While he like goes on about his day, maybe have him brush a piece of hair out of your face.
Ayatos so ugghhh i can just imagine so many scenarios with him omg
Ayato brainrot… *bark bark* Like, you don’t understand; I am… obsessed with him T_T)) This ask has him and one of my favorite [REDACTED] too, nonnie ily
Ask under read more!
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The worst part about it is how he acts as if this was all perfectly normal and acceptable, as if your bound and gagged figure wasn’t an anomaly, as if this wasn’t something out of the ordinary. As if every Lord in the world had their self-proclaimed lover bound and forced into submission next to their desk as they filed paperwork.
Maybe if he outwardly showed how much he enjoyed your helplessness, if he didn’t bother to disguise his amusement, if he simply boasted about how much it excited him to see your tear stained face as you begged him to at least grant you an ounce of dignity, you would have an easier time hating him and reminding yourself how twisted Ayato truly was. But no, instead he chose to feign concern, whispering lies coated with just enough sweetness to have you momentarily doubting yourself and if you truly did remember the man as he truly was, he’d ramble on about how much he hated seeing you like this, how it hurt him to see you hurting. It was in moments like those where you questioned if the silks that dug into your skin were real and not just mere illusions you bestowed upon yourself; you always hated his silver tongue and you hated him more because of it.
However, he does let his act down every once in a while and allows himself to indulge in the cruelties you both knew resided in his heart.
He’d let certain comments slip past his lips, touch you in ways that let you know how much he truly adored seeing you like this.
Instead of the usual hello, he’d jest with you - as if you hadn’t been stuck in the room for two days now, tied still just for him - he’d feign innocent surprise at seeing you. Ayato didn’t even hesitate to sit down next to you and neither did he stumble as he grasped your teary face and gave you a deep kiss on the lips, to him - this was natural, loving you like this was natural. He didn’t mind the way you didn’t reciprocate his kisses with the same intensity, what mattered to him was the fact you were there to be kissed by him in the first place.
“So beautiful,” he’d whisper, caressing your face, he didn’t care you were shaking from anger and disgust, he never cared, “and all mine.”
He would then turn around, ignoring your glare - “It’s not very intimidating when you’re bound like that, beloved”, he once joked - as he read through the reports submitted to him. He’d periodically outstretch a hand towards you and pet your head like one would a dog, maybe even coo at the way you would try to get away only to fall and have the binds dig into your skin, but never once did he move to free you.
It only got worse during his lunch time where he’d have the food delivered to you both so he could hand-feed you, Ayato knew how helpless it’d made you feel, and no matter how much you would initially resist - food was a necessity after all.
At this point, you were no more than a living doll for Ayato to play with and pamper; and he loved every second of it.
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flokali · 2 years
NPC | Idia Shroud
Warnings: Yandere, obsessive and possessive behavior, stalking, inappropriate actions, low-self esteem and self-hatred, Idia-focused, he’s a creep, Grim slander (I love you, Grim, I’m sorry...). Ask to tag!
 A/N: It’s kind of short but it’s ¿fine? since it’s mostly be getting into the groove of writing for TWST... hahah, right??
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Idia is such a loser, at least that’s what he thinks. He’s a shut-in, doujin-addicted, otaku who forgets to take care of himself and eat food that doesn’t consist of greasy chips and borderline toxic energy drinks, who has been wearing the same clothes for a week straight even though there’s a questionable stain smack in the middle of his shirt; the only reason anyone would look at him more than once would be to make sure they weren’t imagining a 1’83, messy and scrawny weeb making his way around campus.
But things change, outside influences - both positive and negative - have impacts on people's lives whether we want them to or not. When you came around, a curious non-magical human wandering around campus, how was Idia supposed to remain the same?
He became unbearably self-conscious, sure - he was never quite a fan of who he had become but it never got to this point, with you on his mind all of the time, how was he supposed to live with himself? He knew he was no better than a stupid, sidequest NPC in your story, a character you’d interact with to boost a certain skill level once every few events to clear a new stage. No, he wasn’t like Vil or Malleus, those guys were obviously meant as love interests, coded into your life to romance you and sweep you off your feet, meanwhile Ace and Deuce clearly had their script for the BFF trio with you installed early on, and that’s not even scratching the surface when it comes to the people in NCR; amongst such a wide and diverse, and clearly attractive, cast - you had to wonder what was supposed to come out of a character like him?
He tried cleaning himself up, showering a bit more and trying to wash his clothes and not wear the same two shirts on rotation, but he still felt off. You still didn’t pay attention to him, you still never once glanced his way and it was starting to become unbearable, it was as if for each passing hour you didn’t notice him, his need for you and your attention grew.
Idia wondered what he’d tell Ortho if he ever found about the cameras he had installed all over Ramshackle Dorm, how would he explain the ones nestled in your bathroom near your shower or the ones out with a more intimate view of your bed? But it was okay, Idia rationalized, Ortho would understand — he had been supportive up until now, right? He’d understand that his older brother didn’t stand a chance and that this was the only way for him to get close to you.
Whatever, Idia thought to himself one day as he walked through the crowded college halls, even if you did notice him, who's to say you’d be interested in him? With his luck, you probably already figured out he was the freak who installed all those cameras in your dorm — wait, did you even know about them? Ugh, he wanted to die, just thinking about it had him insulting himself for being such a creep; whenever he was alone in his room it all felt so natural but whenever he thought about it anywhere else he couldn’t help but feel like a degenerate. That’s what he was, he felt his chest tighten at the thought, a creepy nobody stalking the person they liked like some serial killer — no amount of showers, clean clothes, and slightly cleaner rooms would ever make up for the fact he was a creep who stalked you.
“Ah, there you are,” Idia’s breath hitches as he hears your voice, perfect, he bitterly thought, to add insult to injury the universe would now have him presence an exclusive cutscene with you and a love interest just to rub in the fact he didn’t have a chance with you, “hey, wait up! Please, Idia, right?”
It’s like the world stops as he hears his name come out of your pretty lips, he feels like he’s on cloud nine as he feels your hand reach out to touch his shoulder — he must have died, he thinks, and this was heaven, during his commute he probably tripped and fell and hit his head against something and since no one would help a loser like him he was left to die, there was no other reason for an angel such as yourself to reach out to him.
“Idia, are you alright?” You let go of him before making your way to look him in the face, “Oh, I-I’m sorry, I just stopped you out of nowhere and you probably had things to do…”
“Yes, I mean no,” he mutters under his breath, you had stopped him out of nowhere but he didn’t have anything to do, even if he did it would realistically be waiting for you to arrive home so he could watch you through the cameras, “it’s fine… y-you’re from Ramshackle Dorm, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” you smile, the previous frown in your face gone as you realize he wasn’t mad at you, “I’m sorry for approaching you like this out of nowhere but Azul told me you were really good with technology and, well…”
Oh, Azul… he knew the two of you interacted, he’d heard quite a lot about you through the “business man” (though he was often times more like a scammer, Idia thought), but that didn’t mean he liked the sound of his name out of your mouth; he’d much rather only hear his.
“I’ll just get to it,” you shake your head, “Grim said he’d found these little cameras all over our dorm, mostly in the common eras, it really freaked us out and I was wondering if maybe you could help us?”
You had found the cameras - they had lasted a good run, almost three and a half months, but that little grimy, irritating thing that called itself Grim had to find them, perfect. Amazing, spectacular - just what he needed… It truly was just what he needed.
“O-oh? H-how so?” Idia really didn’t know what exactly he was asking if he was honest, it was as if his lips were on auto-pilot, functioning without his brain’s permission.
“Well, we’d like to take them off,” you say, “but I think we should also figure out who put them there, for safety and… stuff. That’s where you’d come in, Azul said you were super good doing things like that.”
Take them off? No way, he wanted to laugh and then burst into tears  just thinking about it, if he took them off he’d basically be cutting off the only source of direct - term loosely used - contact with you, however; if he was the one who would help you then it meant he could just use it as an opportunity to hide the cameras better and even set up better equipment, right? Plus, he’d be in your dorm, in your room, that’s basically an off-the-limits zone for him most of the time but if you invited him over you’re basically giving him a cheat sheet.
“I… I guess I could try,” he’s really trying to act as cool as possible while overheating, if he were a machine he’d probably need to be unplugged and let to rest because the heat rushing through his body the longer he conversed with you couldn’t be healthy, but this was an incredibly valuable opportunity and he couldn’t let his virgin attitude fuck it up, “but I’d need to come over to y-your place and get it checked out m-myself… ifyoudontmind.”
“Sure,” he can see the way his words lighten up your smile, Idia can’t help the swell of pride that bubbles in his chest when he sees the positive effect he’s just had on you, “would tomorrow be okay?”
“Yeah, sure.” He’s hoping the curt, blunt responses are working - he needs to seem like a cooler, more leveled up version of himself lest he speaks too much and ends up babbling on about how he’s got a drawer filled with your items he regularly talks to.
“Ah, thank you so much!“ You smile widely, already feeling a weight lift off your shoulders at the prospect of finally getting rid of those cameras, “See you tomorrow, Idia!”
“Yeah… see you.” The flamed-hair boy couldn’t help the wicked smile that overtook his features, sharp teeth basically shining he saw your figure disappear into the crowd. So sweet and trusting, you truly were too good to be in such a school, this place was filled to the brim with predators, didn’t you know? And you had basically invited one of them into your home. Maybe you wanted this, Idia thought to himself as he hurriedly made his way to his dorm – he’d just skip the remaining classes and work on his new equipment for you, he still can’t believe it, he’s giddy just thinking about it, you inviting him over to your place, that’s basically flirting with him, you know?
He’d just have to make sure the next batch would be more discreet so neither you or that pest would find them.
He easily spends the next couple of hours planning where to hide the newer, smaller cameras - which he’d personally designed to make as high quality and discreet as possible -, he already had a few spots planned out, mainly new locations in your room and bathroom alongside the halls, kitchen, and some other rooms he’s seen you frequent. As he tinkered the hours away, awaiting for the time to finally head over to your place, he was left alone with his thoughts.
At first, he couldn’t deny being scared and highly irritated that his cameras had been found out, who wouldn’t be? Those cameras were not only incredibly expensive and high-tech but those were practically Idia’s only way to experience you comfortably. Not just that, but the fact it was Grim of all things to reveal their existence just adds insult to injury - that furball ended up ruining months worth of you-time and hours upon hours of effort. But the more he thought about it, the more blessed the situation seemed to become; this was a perfect opportunity to change systems, go for even higher quality video and cameras and even include a recording system, and to finally change his status from nameless NPC to primary love interest. Yes, that’d be nice, just thinking about it has the tips of his hair flaring pink and a blush forming upon his deadly-pale skin; he’d make sure to change the whole script, just for you, he wouldn’t tolerate any rival love interests anymore and he wasn’t going to let himself remain a side character.
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flokali · 2 years
— Love Letter | Tartaglia
Warnings: Gn! Reader, yandere, obsessive behavior, slight repetition, mentions of violence and kidnapping, delusional behavior, cussing, manipulative behavior, if I forgot anything ask to tag!
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You received a love letter, it had been slipped through the door of your bedroom and caught your eye just as you were preparing to go to bed. You make your way to the door and open it, taking the letter on your way; you look around the empty hallway in hopes of perhaps catching the sender but there’s not a soul in sight.
You close the door, slight uneasiness blooming in your chest as you make sure to lock it - you even think of barricading it but chose otherwise, you doubt it’d stop him if he was determined to find you. With a heavy sigh, you sit on the bed, you look over the simple envelope and hesitate. It was white with his name scribbled on it, you hated to admit it but you always did envy his handwriting, it was deceivingly innocent looking but you knew better; nothing could be innocent if he was involved.
Whatever, you think to yourself, you might as well read what he’s written.
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To the sole owner of my heart and soul,
How are you? I know that, by the time this letter reaches you, we probably have only been away for a couple of minutes or at most an hour but I feel inclined to know anyway.
It’s funny, I tend to write quite often - mostly to my family - but I realized I never wrote to you. Mainly because I have never quite let you leave my side but it still felt wrong to not have ever sent you something, my dear.
I hope that, perhaps, this way I can better articulate how I feel, maybe then you’ll be more interested in hearing. I mean, if you’ve read this far without tearing my humble letter apart it must mean I’ve caught your interest, wouldn’t you say? Ah, normally it’s here where you would scold me and tell me to get to the point, I like the way you sound so annoyed — is my voice that unpleasant to you? To me, your voice is easily the most alluring sound I have ever heard. If I could, I would like to have it replace the voice that narrates my thoughts; it’d be romantic, no? It'd feel like you could never leave my side… but then it’d only be fair if your thoughts were narrated by me; in that case, I would never leave your thoughts either~ I like the way it sounds…
You know, I think we’ve come quite far, wouldn’t you say? I remember the first night you spent home with me, you tried suffocating me with that pillow while you said all those cruel things, how long has it been since you’ve gotten angry like that at me? Four or so months by now? You’ve begun falling for me, haven’t you? Ah…
Just the thought makes me want to rip my heart out and give it to you! You falling in love with me, I’m getting excited at the idea – you’d be such a lovely spouse for me. I’m sure that if we keep working together you’ll love me just as much as I love you! You’ll want to die without me, you’ll want to breathe only the air I breathe, you’ll need to feel my skin against yours to feel alive, you’ll want to be one with each other until we can’t live apart, I’ll be the only thought in your mind! We’ll be such a lovely couple, in love and together and happy with a cute little family too.
Fuck… I miss you so much; I really do love you.
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you so much and I need you to understand that and that everything I do is for you. I know you’re angry at me for stealing you away from that horrible life you had (because it was horrible, don’t try to deny it) but you need to understand I had to take you away, I can’t live without you. Not anymore. You’ll understand it someday and when you do, you’ll thank me, I’m sure.
I just couldn’t stand the thought of you being without me, the thought of other people touching you, talking to you, looking at you, thinking about you. It pissed me off. It makes me want to tear their eyes out, carve their hearts and make sure they can’t even think about you ever again, I simply can’t let them live. I can’t let them do that to you, I can’t allow you to be soiled by another who isn’t me.
I know right now you may struggle understanding that, but I know you’ll eventually come to see things my way. Be honest, sweetheart, were you truly happy? I can provide for you, I can love you, I can give you everything you want and deserve; I’m the only person who can love you the way you deserve to be loved. You need me as I need you, it’s that simple. Our love is the purest love there can be and there will come a day you’ll see, I’ll make sure of that.
It’s getting late and I want you to receive this letter before you go to sleep, I heard that when you read a letter from someone before bed you’ll dream about them, so I’ll wrap things up for now. Make sure to have plenty of dreams about me, okay? If you don’t, I’ll know~
Rest well, my darling.
With love,
Your ever loving Ajax.
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flokali · 2 years
I am down tremendously bad for ayato. I just want to give him a kith... and just make him cry because I feel like he'd be so pretty with tears running down his face <3
NSF_T (17+)
This ask didn’t just get me out of writer’s block but it also watered my plants, cooked me dinner, helped me take a warm bath, tucked me into bed and gave me a warm kiss goodnight.
TW: sub! ayato/dom! gn reader, obsessive thoughts, yandere, implied shibari (idk if i implied it but it works in my head okay?), handjob, overstimulation, dumbification, objectification, degradation (slightly; used words: stupid, dumb, cumslut, fucktoy), implied masochist ayato, ask to tag anything else >_<
Under the read more (17+)!
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Ayato has a reputation, you know? He’s a nobleman and leader of the Kamisato Clan, not to mention he’s incredibly attractive and has received hundreds upon hundreds of marriage proposals from all across Teyvat.
Rumors are constantly spread around about him, how he’s broken the hearts of every single person who has approached him, some knew him as a handsome man who gets pleasure from turning down and stealing the hearts of the prettiest faces in Narukami Island.
If only they knew the domineering attitude he donned in the gossip was so far from the truth, how would they react to knowing you made him into a sobbing, moaning mess every night? Would the imagine of the Kamisato Clan fall as the knowledge the head of their clan enjoyed getting fucked stupid every night by his lover spread far and wide?
He would be worried if he wasn’t so head over heels for you, however there’s a part of him that longs for the word to get out, so he can finally wear with pride the marks you left on his body. Ayato hated how often people would try to confess to him, the amount of letters that were sent solely to try and rope him into a diplomatic marriage had him fuming; if only they knew his heart and body already belonged to you.
It was almost a nightly occurrence to find him sobbing into a spare pillow as you played with his body for your own enjoyment - it was on these nights where he was able to let himself be the silly whore he always knew he was meant to be for you that he felt the happiest. Soft, violet eyes glazed from the overbearing amounts of pleasure his body felt, his mouth agape as drool escaped his soft lips, trailing down into his neck for you to kiss away. His pale smooth skin dawned the bruises and scratches of your rough lovemaking and he adored it, having you paint his body with your love was one of his greatest pleasures after all.
“You look so pretty, Ayato,” You coo, running your free hand through his soft, silky hair, as the other one continues pumping his erect cock, he feels giddy as he hears your praises, “so pretty and all mine, right?”
You knew he probably wouldn’t be able to make sense, the silly grin present in his face as tears stream down his blushed face indicating he was too far gone in the borderline addicting feeling of your hands wrapped apround him; “Hmm, is our Lord feeling too dumb to answer?”
“Ha-ahh, y-yesh!” He choked on his own tongue, desperately trying to further fuck himself into your fist, his hips humped the air frantically; a truly pathetic sight for what was meant to be a powerful man such as himself, oh how he adored how you had him wrapped around your finger, “I-I’m yours and stupid… your s-stupid… mhmghk!”
“My stupid what?” You tease, tightening your grip on his cock, you feel him tense up and know he’s getting closer to release once more — you’d long lost count but the sticky white substance that clung onto the humble futon you two were messing around on definitely indicated he had long since passed the five mark, but not once had the Kamisato leader asked you to stop; no, he wanted you to ruin to the point of no return, have his body become as soiled with you as his heart and mind had.
“C-cumslut! I’m y-your stupi-idd - hah, hah! - fuckt-toy!”
And he loved being yours as much as he hoped you loved being his.
“That’s my good boy,” you lean into to kiss his lips and he immediately finds himself chasing your face, he’s sloppy as he pants into the kiss, letting his tongue roll out as he lets you kiss him breathless, “my good little fucktoy~ You know what good boy’s get? No? They get to cum all over their lover’s hand, doesn’t that sound nice?”
He nods desperately as he picks up the pace, he’s getting louder while his movements become hasty and unruly; he’d come, he’d come and be your good boy, the only man - no, the only person you’d ever need even if it meant letting himself be fucked stupid every night for the rest of eternity.
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flokali · 2 years
— NSF/T Xiao Thoughts
A/N: Hot girls didn’t get Xiao and can now only five through their love of short emo boys through fanfics and low quality game play from their sibling 😣 Anyway, this isn’t like a proper fic or hcs but just rambling since I haven’t posted in 2 weeks :(
Warnings: Degenerate/Otaku Xiao, vulgar xiao (possibly ooc), vulgar language, cum talk, both top/bottom dynamics are present for both xiao and reader, gn! reader, otaku is used as an insult, ask to tag anything else!
18+ only, catch these hands otherwise - thankz.
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… It’s all under the cut this time btw </3
But degenerate & otaku Xiao who’s only knowledge of dirty talk (and sex) comes from hentai so he ends up a spewing the most foul, dirty shit ever even during soft sex. Like, I love little freaky nobodies who only know what dirty talk is due to their dumb little hentai filled brains like no!! You can’t fuck a womb or a cervix but it’s okay you’re cute…!!!
General moans: “I — hghk! — think I’m a-addicted to having s-sex you!”, “Please, mghk… f-fuck me until I pass out!”,
Top Reader/Bottom Xiao: “Wanna be y-your cocksle-eeve, mmmh!”, “Don’t sta-stop, please! Y-You’re fucking my stomach, sososogood!”, or “You’ll make m-my ass dick shaped!”
Bottom Reader/Top Xiao: “W-wear me, hah… out until my d-dick feels like - hngh… - falling off!”, “Gonna… shit! Hah — f-fuck your organs and r-rearrange your t-gahh-tummy”, “Wanna… wanna-gh mold your ha-hole to my cock-ghk!”
All while his cheeks are the cutest shades of pink and his cock red, it only gets worse the closer he is to cumming as he starts talking about painting your hole white with his cum or you painting his hole white with your sticky cum… maybe you’ll even find him rambling about how loose his ass is getting or how tight you still feel around his dick as if you two didn’t fuck all the time because he’s a horny otaku who only gets his dick wet by pure luck and chance because you found his little pathetic emo face cute ♡ He’s also the type to get addicted to your body really quick so he’s now masturbating daily to the thought of you like he’s a teen who just found out you can google “dicks and boobs” :( Xiao even asks to record (video or just audio it doesn’t matter) so he can hear you two fuck like dogs in heat whenever he’s hornee or in class and bored </3
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flokali · 3 years
Take your time with your exams and assignments! For the request, I'd just like to hear your thoughts about the cult reacting to you being narcoleptic (or just a generally very sleepy person if you don't feel comfortable writing this)? Like, I'd imagine them fearing that you be slipping off to a few more centuries of sleep and they couldn’t do anything about it ^^ have a great day!
I… I’m so sorry this took so long? I genuinely thought I had answered this but I checked and I hadn’t? And ah; thank you! I’m on a week long break for now with no work/studying but after that it’s basically just grinding until the last few days of November… pain.
I ended up going with a narcoleptic! reader, their reaction wouldn’t be too different with a sleepy reader (since they’re all pretty dramatic considering you’re literally their God).
As always, more under the read more!
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They’d be terrified since your original incarnation had been described to have gone into “endless slumber”, and some people took it literally, to the point whenever you pass out it’s often you’ll have someone by your side obsessively checking your pulse and breathing.
It’s gotten to the point Baizhu is always within your vicinity alongside Barbara and Albedo to make sure you aren’t dying, even if you explain to them you have a condition and that it’s not equivalent to death — they won’t budge.
Don’t you know how long they’ve waited for you? How much they’ve been aching to be by your side? They know there’s nothing you can do but give them the peace of mind of letting them fuss over and check your body to make sure you're alright.
Even showing the slightest hint of drowsiness is met with concerned looks and worried whispers, Jean will (ironically) insist you rest as she has Amber take care of things you might need, the stronger acolytes will carry you — mainly Childe, Kaeya, Diluc, and Zhongli — around to make sure you don’t tire yourself further, even if you explain it’s not really necessary they’ll take every and all possibilities to get close to you. The younger kids will try their best to not tire you out even though none of what they’re doing is necessarily going to prevent your condition.
Lisa will encourage daily teatime with her, while others such as Ningguang and Baal intrude in her alone time with you, to try and introduce stimuli so you don’t get too drowsy and so that she can keep an eye on you just in case.
Even Venti and Kazuha, two of the more free spirited followers, hesitate to take you outside your temple and teapot in fear you’ll pass out and that help won’t be near. Razor is constantly on high alert, he’s probably also memorized your scent to the point he’s able to tell when you’re about to faint or if your drowsiness is too much. He becomes your shadow following you around and always ready to call for help in case things get complicated.
In the case your narcolepsy gets to the point you start having hallucinations, prepare to have someone by your side 24/7 – literally, not even the bathroom is safe as they excuse their behavior with fear and worry.
This task will mostly be filled by Zhongli – since he’s the acolyte with the most free time – but if you want, Lumine and Aether are always willing to stay by your side.
The more adventurous ones will pity you, but then again it’s not like they would have taken God on their journeys – not when your mortal body was significantly unprepared for the harshness of Teyvat — but that won’t stop them from telling you tales of the outside world, talking as if your condition stopped you from being able to even just leave the house.
In their eyes though, it’s kind of cute — they’d never tell you that, but seeing you sleepy and in need of help always awakens… something in a few of your devotees. Not that they’d tell you, of course.
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flokali · 3 years
♢ Favorite | Childe
Alternative Title: Yours
Includes: Yandere, Slightly suggestive, Cult, D//rugging, K//idnapping, S/A, N-C kissing SAGAU
Warnings: Slight perv Childe, Yandere, talks of bruises/scares, allusions to past mistreatment (verbal and physical), Childe climbs on top of you and kisses you while ur dr/ugged… so yeah idk what to tag that?
Word count: 3.2k
A/N: closeted pervs, pervs… pervs who’re obsessed with you? mhm… yes, i like that. yes. anyway, i’m working of D.V pt 2 and other stuff but yeah take this for now </3 hopefully this isn’t too messy </3
Intended for mature audiences (17+)
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You wondered why you thought you had a chance in the first place – not once since you’d arrived had things gone your way, from the cruel words thrown at you in Mondstatd to the harsh blades that sliced you in Inazuma, ever since you’d arrived at Teyvat things had gone horribly wrong for you.
Now here you were, being chased by the 11th Fatui Harbinger, Tartaglia, for sins unknown to you.
You’d stumbled upon the rough edges of Dragonspine and naively ran straight into the harsh temperament of never-ending winter, hoping the ginger would simply let you be but alas, fate had different plans, and he followed you into the freezing temperatures, bow and arrow in hand.
It had been almost an hour of being lost in the hellish winter lands, but considering he’d been chasing you for days – his patience shouldn’t be surprising.
“Stop making this harder than it needs to be, pal,” Childe mocked, his voice was rough as if he was scolding a child, “you got caught, now give up… this is starting to get really annoying.”
“I normally enjoy this sort of stuff,” he sighs, his voice muffled by the softened snow and fair amount of distance you’d managed to gain, “chasing and hunting, but you… God, you… you really messed up. Showing up looking like that, acting as if you had no idea what you were doing was… disrespectful, matter of fact, that’s what you are; disrespectful and ungrateful, acting like a little kid, and that’s coming from me.”
You wanted to ask what he was talking about, scream and beg him for answers – he spoke as if he understood why you were being targeted, almost as if he wasn’t the one with a finger on a trigger waiting for your next wrong move.
Your body felt weak, you hadn’t eaten in so long — you’d been rejected food and water — your body was fatigued, you were hurting and the freezing temperatures nibbling at your exposed flesh didn’t help. For reasons unknown, as most things were around here to you, you didn’t have to sleep nor eat as often as others — being able to spend the equivalent of days without basic needs, but that doesn’t mean you weren’t growing starved and tired.
The Fatui doesn’t stop talking, he had nothing to worry about — his clothes were warm and his basic human rights had been served, not only was he ridiculously strong but he had every and all advantages over you, from a fed stomach to a good night’s rest and a weapon, you were mere child’s pray to an experienced hunter.
His words were insulting, criticizing your character – which he’d never taken the time to know, you note – to your appearance, the way you moved and acted, nothing was off the table as he tore you apart with words as he waited to rip you apart later.
Is this how you die? — you muse, you decide to tune out his sing-song voice, his words hurt and why focus on more pain when death was basically inviting you over for a cup of tea?
The thought brings tears to your eyes, tears that had been piling up since the day you’d arrive to this hell-hole, you had been home one day – playing games and enjoying life, your life, as pathetic and miserable as it may seem to some, and now you were here; being prosecuted and sentenced for a crime you didn’t even know about.
The people you’d helped, stupid, brainless string of code and characters in your stupid, time-consuming game that didn’t offer any real life consequences (that shouldn’t offer real life consequences) turned their backs on you and left you to die a slow and painful death. How pathetic.
This is how you die — you think, certain of your impending doom.
You were crying, all of your strength now concentrated in your shaking form, tears now streamed down your face – you didn’t notice too busy in your worn self pity to realize, but the harsh temperatures further dropped with the evidence of your sorrows running down your face, with every tear the mountains seemed to weep alongside you; snow now fell at a more frequent pace echoing the water dripping down your face.
“What did I do wrong…” You ask the skies, no longer caring to hide — it was inevitable that he’d find you. Your sobs grow louder the closer he gets and the quieter he becomes, soon – you couldn’t make out whatever cruel remarks he was spouting, probably busy focusing on the meek sounds escaping your weakened body trying to get this over with, he was enjoying your suffering, wasn’t he?
He stops walking (something you vaguely note, too tired to try and escape now), in mere seconds he’s standing behind the rock he’s certain you’re hiding against – all he needs to do is ambush you, strike your chest with an arrow and things would be over with, he’d be back on track to Liyue and off to his next destination. And yet, his hands trembled slightly as he gripped the wooden handle of his bow – he couldn’t bring himself to aim.
But isn’t this what he wanted? He’d asked The Tsaritsa for a longer stay in Liyue for this exact moment, he’d even followed you through Liyue and up until this damned mountain. He would have finally gotten rid of the fake God, the pest that had been making its way around Teyvat making a fool of themselves and everyone around them. He wouldn’t have been so bothered if it hadn’t been someone impersonating you, but that wasn’t the case — the idiot, the absolute bastard, had the balls to make a divine comedy of you and it made Childe sick.
And yet, as he stood above you, only a few steps away, a lift of a finger from ending your life, he couldn’t.
Something deep inside him made him stall, he didn’t understand why until you finally spoke to him for the first time in the almost three days he’d been hunting you like sport.
“At least tell me what I did to deserve this, Ajax.”
Ajax, Ajax, Ajax, Ajax, Ajax, Ajax ,Ajax, Ajax, Ajax, Ajax… you called him by his name.
No one knew his name – more like, no one should know his name, so why did you – some outlander, some weird, demented freak making a mockery of his God know his name?
He let the thoughts simmer in his head; an outlander that knew his name, that knew where they were without even looking at a map, one that navigated the hills and their surroundings like an expert, that had the soil and skies of Teyvat answer their cries, who managed to affect Dragonspine’s weather… you weren’t a freak, he realizes as horror sinks in, and he was the bastard.
He was the bastard that was about to kill God.
The realization comes to him and he almost drops to his knees, as if someone had punched the air out of his lungs, things suddenly made more sense – the reason he was so compelled to follow you, how you seemed to never run out of energy, how things always turned out in your favor even if they shouldn’t, you were God. His God. Of course he’d be moved the way he was, even if his mind didn’t know it, his spirit, his soul did, his body did.
He was about to kill God.
The only thing that had kept him going during his time inside the Abyss, the very thing that gave him hope for a better future, he had chased away and threatened.
You hear the odd sound he lets out – something between a scream and cry, a muddled laugh of pain and confusion – and you’re tempted to look around to see what had happened, you knew Childe was close, so why didn’t he just go and get it over with? Was he… was he mocking you? This had to be an attempt to make this more fun, have you crawl out of your hiding spot so he could pounce on you and kill you in the open so he’d have more space to be creative.
You still want to turn around, after all no matter what you did your fate was sealed — you obviously weren’t leaving the mountains alive, so would it really matter if he killed you against a stiff rock or soft snow? But he beats you to it and bright blue eyes meet yours much to your shock. You feel heart stop.
He doesn’t say anything, whatever episode that had previously consumed him gone, as his hand reaches out and you flinch, instinctively throwing your body back in fear, in hopes he’d leave you alone — his eyes widen and soon fill with sadness but he doesn’t take his hand back, rather, he reaches forward to pull you closer to him, his weapons are nowhere in his person as shaky hands explore you, almost as if looking for something.
He’s hugging you, and unbeknownst to you, while trying to get a feel for your body to see if the familiar warmth he’d feel whenever he acted as your vessel was there; it was, overflowing from your shaking body, further confirming that you were indeed who he thought, who he feared, you were.
“What are you…?” You want to question, your voice comes out barely a whisper above the sounds of wind pounding against the trees.
“Say it again,” he whispers, pulling you impossibly close to his body – effectively shutting you up, “say my name again, please.”
“…” You can’t move, afraid you’d upset him and cause him to shove a knife down your throat or whatever he planned to do.
“Please,” he squeezed you tighter, you choke at the sudden roughness, “I need to know if I heard you well.”
It was a lie, of course, he knew you’d said his name loud and clear, – Ajax, Ajax, Ajax… he could repeat the memory in his head forever and not get tired – with the most adorable pronunciation he’d heard, it was making him feel dirty for the thoughts that flooded his mind in regards to you. You had called him by his name in such a familiar way, a way he’d only heard in his dreams.
“Ajax?” You let out, your body was cold and you just wanted to get everything over with, “I… I called you Ajax.”
“So it is you,” he lets out, a dry laugh coming from his lips, gloved hands grip at your clothed body like a starved man, “hah… you should’ve said something sooner, it would’ve saved us so much time… your highness.”
Completely confused you try to push him off, what was he saying? Your highness? One second he was trying to kill you, then he was asking you to say his name, and now here he was – addressing you as some sort of divine figure? If this was part of his plan to torture you, it must be very effective because you’re soon growing exhausted at the way he’s acting, your time here had been pure and utter misery, and dealing with a two faced man who didnt know if he wanted you dead or close only aggravated you more.
No matter how much you tried to push him off and get him to answer your questions – mote like demands for answers, the Harbinger wouldn’t budge, instead opting to lift you off the ground and carry you. He lifted you without a warning, leaving you speechless for a good while as you try and reason what’s going on, still so caught off guard you don’t even realize you’ve asked him where you’re going until he’s giggling like a high schooler.
Your face might have been hidden under the fur jacket he was wearing, your vision being rendered useless, but you could still hear the smile, the fondness in his voice as he stated what to him must have been the most obvious matter in the world; “I’m taking you home.”
He says it like it’s some sort of joke you’re supposed to get, but you’re left to wonder what it meant as he provided no further context.
He doesn’t let you down, literally, for even a second – making the treacherous journey from your hiding spot to where he’d set up camp with little to no complaints, seemingly deep in thought at what had just transpired in the last hour, you don’t try to make conversations either as your own thoughts consume you.
“I just can’t believe it,” he mumbles, carrying you to what you presume to be his tent, “they had it all so, so wrong… hurting and attacking you, poor little thing. It’s okay, my love, I’ll make it up to you,” he doesn’t seem to expect any answers as he drones on, “so I’m going to heal you and keep you to myself while I figure out what to do with you. Doesn’t that sound nice? Your Ajax will make it all better.”
Oh how lucky he was, meeting and recognizing you before any other man or woman in Teyvat. So what if his original intentions hadn’t been as savory as he wished they had been, the past is the past and you’re safe with him now.
You’re carried inside the tent and immediately handed a bottle of warm liquid you don’t hesitate to down — you hadn’t had a drink or food in days, and even if Childe intended to dispose of you afterwards, who were you to deny yourself of being taken care of, even if it was for one last time.
There was no one around other than you two, you realize – no Treasure Hunters nor Fatui, nor guild members seemed to be nearby. But you didn’t mind, too preoccupied trying to figure out what the blue eyed man could want to do next — you’d accepted your fate but it didn’t mean it didn’t scare you.
It’s not even a few minutes later that you realize you can’t bring yourself to ask anything, your body slowly succumbing to a paralyzed state where you could only feel warmth – while there had been no previous attempts from either of you to talk, Tartaglia too busy buried in his own thoughts to speak to you now and you too scared of setting him off, you realize too late there’s a lot you want to say.
Realizing your now relaxed state (due to the concoction he had you drink earlier on - he knew you didn’t trust him enough to willingly realz around him), Ajax begins to look at your otherwise frozen body, you’re not able to resist as he slowly strips you off your clothes in favor of his spares; ones that left you exposed as he looked over and tended to your wounds, by the time he’s got to use the alcohol to disinfect the cuts on your body you’re inches away from being knocked out.
He was uncharacteristically quiet while assessing your figure, only letting out huffs and grunts when he caught sight of a particularly deep scar or bruised patch of skin he wished he didn’t have to see. He took the moment of silence to think, you must have suffered greatly in the last few months you’d been stranded here – alone, hated, feared, it must have been hellish. The severity of his actions slowly dawned on him, he’d been brash – he hadn’t taken the chance to properly asses you, out of everyone, he should have been the one to quickly notice who you were; he’d been surrounded by imagery and depictions of you for so long, he’d dedicated so much of himself to you and yet, when he stood in front of you for the first time, he acted harshly and like a savage.
His heart aches and he hoped you were as benevolent as he remembered you being, he would work himself to his bones if it meant earning your forgiveness and favor once more.
“I can’t believe they would’ve done this to you, my love,” he finally breaks the silence, caressing your exposed collarbone, a fire now burned in the tent granting his face a gentle orange glow as the sun began to set, “I’ll take you to Liyue where I can heal you better, maybe find a doctor who can do a better job than me, but we’ll be leaving for Snezhnaya soon after you’re better so you can meet… my boss, I’m sure she’ll be ecstatic to finally meet you.”
His voice holds no strong emotion, he can’t bring himself to forgive his actions — he’d been so childish, you probably hated him.
The thought struck his heart cold, you hated him. How was he supposed to live if you hated him?
“I am sorry,” he whispers, finally making eye contact with you, his fingers caressed your skin as if you were made of fine glass, afraid you’d break further if he applied too much pressure, “I acted out, I was stupid, and I hurt you.”
Your eyes were glazed, your head felt like it was floating – but you could still register his words, and maybe it was because he was the first person who’d treated you well, like you were a human, or maybe it was because you were too high off whatever substances was now flowing through your body but you spoke (even though it was too much effort for you to try and say anything too long).
“I… forgive you.” You let out a broken smile, muscles too tired to try anything that looked, well, good but your words were enough for him.
“You’re too kind to me,” he mumbles, slowly intertwining his fingers with your own – ecstasy slowly pumping through his veins as your words settle in, “I’m so lucky to have such a kind God,” he whispers into the crook of your neck, “so let me make it up to you, my providence.”
“Before that though, I…” He pauses, if he took you to Snezhnaya you’d be able to be protected by the Fatui and Her Excellency, you’d help bring their plan to life faster than ever — you’d be able to enact your just revenge with the Fatui by your side, with him as your second in command, however he could always… “I need to make sure I’m your favorite, don’t you think? I still need to make up for what I’ve done.”
God, was he a selfish bastard — but you’d forgive him, wouldn’t you? You’d already forgiven him for being so cruel to you, you’d forgive him for being selfish too, right?
His cheeks earn a sudden pink tint, your favorite; you’d love him, you’d adore him – you’d rule over the land with him by your side, he’d be everything you’d ever need in a partner, in a man.
Once you’d regained your strength, you’d shower him in love, you’d ravage him with gifts, you’d dedicate yourself to him, you might even allow him a chance to worship your body — give him the privilege to explore and devote himself to you like no other had done before. He’d become your most loyal follower, your most treasured creations, he’d become yours. Sure, he would still have The Tsaritsa to serve but when even she worshiped you, she’d understand. He could become a bargaining chip, he’d become yours – your knight in shining armor, in exchange for your help.
There were so many ways he could become yours, he felt a perverted shiver run down his spine.
Hah… he really wanted to be your favorite, to be yours.
They’d all treated you so badly up until he came, he was the first to realize who you were and your worth so surely that allowed him some leeway to cement himself as yours, only yours and only for you.
He slowly climbed above your dizzied body, leaning down to press a soft trail of kisses down your cheeks, his hands still entangled with yours. A soft moan leaves your mouth, earning you a groan from the man, if only you knew how much he had waited for this moment.
“Mmh, ah,” a trail of saliva connects the flushed skin of your neck to his tongue as he speaks, “let me be yours, I’ll…,” a lick is planted near your ear and Childe can’t help but groan at the taste – you were so addicting, “I’ll make it up to you… I’ll become your favorite.”
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