#ℳ ➙ Player One | OOC |
red-man-of-mustache · 3 months
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🌟 ― i love how you portray your muse(s)
🌺 ― simply admiring you from afar
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♬ - Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music? ✒ - Do you have a preference when it comes to gender regarding your muses? ⨌ - If you ever had the opportunity to clone yourself, would you? ᚖ - Do you wear makeup? ༺ - Do you have any siblings? What’s your relationship with them like? ❤ - Are you and/or your muse currently in love with someone? ℳ - Do you think you have a good handwriting? ☢ - When was the last time you went to the cinema? What movie did you watch? ⨕ - Are you a jealous role player? 
Yet Another Munday Meme - Send me a symbol and I’ll answer ooc 
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♬ - Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music? 
I do like to listen to music while I write. I usually just select a daily mix that is suggested to me on Spotify, or I click somewhere in my likes and go from there. I will skip around if I don't feel like listening to a song that is on either list. It just depends on the day and the mood I'm in with what I want to listen to or not.
✒ - Do you have a preference when it comes to gender regarding your muses? 
No. I will play a muse that speaks to me and that I feel that I can get the voice and mannerisms down accurately. Gender doesn't matter.
⨌ - If you ever had the opportunity to clone yourself, would you? 
Absolutely not.
ᚖ - Do you wear makeup?
Sometimes but absolutely not very often.
༺ - Do you have any siblings? What’s your relationship with them like? 
I have two brothers and two sisters. One of my brothers passed away back in 2023. So that's been different to navigate in life without one of my siblings in the world with me. I have a good relationship with my oldest sister and my other brother, but we're not super close because we don't live close and don't see one another often. My other sister who is seven years older than me is the one that I'm the closest with. She's one of my best friends. I can talk to her about anything. We're more alike than the other two. If those two lived closer to us, we would probably butt heads politically and about other things too.
❤ - Are you and/or your muse currently in love with someone? 
With all of my muses, it depends on the thread/verse/plot. In regards to myself, yes, I am happily in love with my husband. I couldn't make it without him.
ℳ - Do you think you have a good handwriting? 
I do if I take my time, but I soon get tired of taking too long and just sloppily put my pen or pencil to paper.
☢ - When was the last time you went to the cinema? What movie did you watch?
This past Friday afternoon. We went to see Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice.
⨕ - Are you a jealous role player? 
I very much used to be, but I had to let that go as it was taking the joy right of writing with others. It's a lot of the reason I do things the way I do when it comes to posting my replies.
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down-in-dixie · 5 years
all the munday memes!!!!! LAURENNNn!!
Send me a symbol and I’ll answer ooc
ѩ - Are there any characters that you love, but simply cannot role play? - All of my favorite characters (except Alex Danvers) from my favorite fandoms.
I prefer to stick with OC’s because I feel like I wouldn’t do an already established / canon character any justice with my writing. That they would end up being completely out of character, which would defeat the purpose and I wouldn’t want it to be that way. It would just be too much pressure to try to write them the way they should be written and would most likely stress me out. So I stay away from them and just make up my own. It’s easier that way.
Җ - What’s your greatest source of inspiration when it comes to role playing?
- Just life in general, I guess? A boring answer I know. 
ℛ - Are you religious?
- Not so much. I suppose you could say that I’m on the fence. I believe that it’s possible that God exists but that it’s also possible that “He” doesn’t. 
♬ - Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music? - No I don’t. I need complete silence when I write, otherwise I get distracted and can’t get my thoughts in order. If there’s any noise present while I’m writing, I’ll actually put on a pair of safety earmuffs (like you wear at a shooting range) so that it’ll be quiet enough for me to think. lol 
But I will listen to some before I start writing. The type of music varies and really just depends on what kind of mood I’m in at the time. 
ᚡ - Random fact about the mun? I think that deep / husky voices are sexy.
✒ - Do you have a preference when it comes to gender regarding your muses? 
- Female, obviously. I have five muses now and they’re all women. It’s all about the girl power on this blog. I tried having a male muse once when I first started out but I wasn’t really feeling it for some reason, so I got rid of him. I’ve stuck with women ever since.
ಹ - Share a story from your childhood! - I was born. The end.
෴ - Tell us about your day.
- It’s 3:20 AM right now so it hasn’t really started yet. But it is my dad’s birthday so I’ll be spending part of it with him to celebrate.
㉘ - How do you usually spend your birthdays?
- I’ll have dinner with my parents and brother, either at home or out at a restaurant. And sometimes we’ll go shopping afterwards so that I can spend the money that they gave me. Other than that, I’m here at home on the internet. I don’t really care about my birthday anymore so I prefer not to make a big deal out of it.
⨌ - If you ever had the opportunity to clone yourself, would you?
- No, one of me is enough thank you. Besides, I’ve gotten use to only seeing myself in the mirror. Seeing another person with my face walking around would be too weird and would probably freak me out. 
ᚖ - Do you wear makeup?
- Yes, but not a lot and not all the time.
༺ - Do you have any siblings? What’s your relationship with them like?
- I have a younger brother named Brendon. I think we have a pretty good relationship. We’re not as close as we use to be, we’ve kind of gone our own separate ways as adults, so we don’t spend a huge amount of time together anymore. But when we do decide to get together we usually have a good time and get along. 
๛ - Share an embarrassing story about yourself!
- I won’t go into details but I was in middle school at the time and had an accident with my period. You can probably figure out what happened. 
❤ - Are you and/or your muse currently in love with someone?- I’m in love with the single life. :P But some of my muses are actually in love with someone- Simone with Wyatt, Krista with her friend / colleague Alexis..The rest (as well as Simone and Krista nothing is set in stone here) can be in love if you want them to be.. *hint* *hint* *wink* *wink*
ℳ - Do you think you have a good handwriting?
- Yes. 
☢ - When was the last time you went to the cinema? What movie did you watch?
- This past Saturday with my mom. We went and saw Aladdin, and I have to say that I was disappointed. I really did try to like it but it just didn’t do anything for me. 
⨕ - Are you a jealous role player?
- Jealous of how good other role players are at writing and how quickly they’re able to get it done. I can sit here for hours and come up with literally nothing. Or I’ll come up with something but it’ll end up being total crap. And that happens a lot and it drives me crazy. So, a lot of the time I wish I had other people’s writing skills. 
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ruginite · 7 years
Җ - What’s your greatest source of inspiration when it comes to role playing?  ⨌ - If you ever had the opportunity to clone yourself, would you?  ℳ - Do you think you have a good handwriting?  ⨕ - Are you a jealous role player? 
Yet Another Munday Meme Send me a symbol and I’ll answer ooc Status: Acceptin’
Җ - What’s your greatest source of inspiration when it comes to role playing?
Good music and great RP partners honestly.
⨌ - If you ever had the opportunity to clone yourself, would you?  
oh odinsholycrows probably not no. The world doesn’t need another Chicken. It really doesn’t.
ℳ - Do you think you have a good handwriting?  
I dunno. I mean my mom always said it was too bubbly and too big so I don’t guess it’s that great but at least it’s legible? What do you think? click here
⨕ - Are you a jealous role player?
Nah. That’s why there’s au’s and multi-shipping and all those sorts of things. I love seeing my rp partner’s interact with one another. And my rp partner’s interact with people i’ve never spoken too. We’re a community and we really shouldn’t be fighting among each other. Us writers need to stick together man. Because only we understand our particular flavor of insanity :)
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red-man-of-mustache · 6 months
Officially accepting into my headcanon that Mario frequently treats and splurges Jr and the Koopalings during the 'off seasons'. Because of that taco ask.
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red-man-of-mustache · 4 months
Hey everyone! We're gonna take a little detour today/tonight to talk about something that's happened between me and someone you might know at @askwendyokoopa. I labored with this because in all my time being on/off tumblr I've never had to make such a post as this. Usually, if I block someone or someone blocks me we both move on like normal people. In this case though, I was appraised of the habits of this person along with my own experience with them and I proceeded with a block only to be met with them hopping on another account to blatantly get around said block then, when I refused to engage further they name-dropped me. Here's the post in question I'll be addressing throughout.
But, let's begin shall we? I'll start by talking about me. This'll be a long read and I know I'm asking a lot but please read it in full if you interact with his person.
I hope I've tagged this appropriately, if I haven't let me know. I'll also be reblogging this for the day crowd.
My blog is a safe place. I rp Mario as very campy, bright, and happy-go-lucky so I extend that to my general post pattern. I take my name and reputation quite seriously and as stated just a second ago I wrestled with making this post but I cannot let what they've said go uncontested. If you're reading this and you interact with them then this isn't me damning you or claiming I won't interact with you because of it but this is simply a cautionary tale. With that being said, for the more sensitive bits of proof, shoot me a DM or hit me up on discord(available upon request) and I can furnish you with even deeper details than I plan on going into in this post.
I have always avoided airing out my dirty laundry so to speak when it comes to any aspect of my life on this blog. Although it is "my" blog and I can post whatever I want, again, this is a place of uplifting and an escape. Rare is it when I'll post about how I struggle with certain things or if I feel dejected from a certain community and so on. I made a post a few months ago talking about my substance abuse and how I overcame it. In that same post I spoke about my mom, her alcoholism, and how she injured me in an altercation we had. I did that to be open because these same struggles have impacted my time on here. I was heavily self-medicating during my last run on tumblr and although I was present it was because I literally wished I didn't exist at the time. It all culminated into last year, spilling into this year. You can read that post for that information. I won't entirely retread that ground here.
It's a heavy subject and it's a dark contrast to what I usually post but I did so in case anyone could take strength from knowing I made it through a major struggle such as that.
Now this is a post about @askwendyokoopa,whom we'll refer to as Wendy for the rest of this post, why am I talking about me first? Well, once again, I've never blocked someone and seen them 1. try to circumvent the block with another account(one that perpetrates what I've come to have an issue with on them, more on that later) and 2. have that same person namedrop me for that block as if I need to convince them I don't wish to speak with them anymore.
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Yes, I did.
Truly this song & dance is new to me. Again, I take my name(url) very seriously so to call me out as if I've done something wrong to you for not wanting to speak to you?? That's my right, you can't play victim just because I didn't give you a college thesis. This is the internet, if I don't wanna communicate with you I just won't.
I don't make vague posts about people I don't like, nor do I vaguely allude to me going through a tough time(at least I try not to, if I have those incidents are few and far between) I'll outright say I'm not feeling it or something along those lines but even then I have to be going through hell to make such a post. I also refuse to put it on my moots and followers when I feel inadequate because I'm here to lift you up not the other way around. If you choose to drop a compliment on my writing or personality, great! I deeply appreciate it and it motivates me to keep going but I'm here to give a boost to everyone around me through Mario. He's been with me since I was a kid and always a figure of inspiration in how he faces down trouble. I could use a bit of that in my adult life. I just wanna share that with everyone else.
I've actually been sort of a monolith my whole time on Tumblr and you know what? It's gotten me into a lot of trouble I can't lie. I'm doing my best to break that pattern by being upfront with how I feel, speaking to people more even if it's just to say "Hey I like your blog" or something simple along those lines. How can I claim to wanna provide a morale boost to people if I'm as reclusive as I (still) am? Doesn't make sense which is why I've been moving to change it.
This is not to name me a victim by the way. All this person did was namedrop me and mildly annoy me/make me uncomfortable but I've spoken with actual victims of their harassment and that was actually the last straw. So if anything I'm getting off light, I'm only doing this to clear my side of things and provide clarity for why this is happening.
I met Wendy way back in the infancy of my old @red-man-of-archive blog which I'm sure is obvious that it was the same URL you see me using now when it was active. Things were casual but consistent. IC Wendy had a crush on Mario but he usually never reciprocated and just moved on. Was it harassment back then? No. We didn't talk OOC and kept things "business" as I'll call it. They were amicable and their portrayal was pretty accurate in my opinion of course. Nothing funny going on to my knowledge.
Fast forward to me going through the various issues I did, being unable to even keep up with basic blog activity, and then going on extended hiatus. I tried coming back but had lost my phone number by then due to financial reasons and I decided this was the chance I needed to start over. So I did! I remade the blog September of 2018, archived the old one since I was still somehow logged in on my phone at the time and moved on. I don't think Wendy was around when I started over but they did come around. And to clarify: it still wasn't harassment. Things were casual, when threads ended they didn't have a foul word to say.
I end up dropping out again from tumblr, still in the storm that is my life. Not even a full month later either. I'd pop in for spurts of activity but it never lasted. Didn't see hide or hair of Wendy during this period.
Then we arrive at this year. Nearly three years after my last posting. I had quit smoking(THC) completely, I'm on the uptick in my job/finances, and I'm seeing a therapist. Took a look back and I've been reclusive, posting from my little cave this whole time and I came to the realization that if I want any staying power I need to put more of me out there alongside Mario. So, I start approaching people OOC more and trying to be forthcoming in where our threads are going or if I'm liking/disliking something.
Coming back to Wendy. When I got back so-to-speak I went through my followers to see if anyone was still active. Three years is a long time after all. I came across her again: Wendy. I looked at the timestamps, saw how far back they'd posted but they were among the people I felt comfortable enough to message despite the inactivity. Ironic.
Now, I can't show chat messages between us because when I blocked them the messages were nuked. I don't feel like attempting an unblocking to revive it but I'm about 90% sure they can see my posts anyway. Bear with me a little longer on this narration.
They get back to me after a bit and we start chopping it up. We catch up and I'll be 100% transparent in saying yes I did go along with everything being suggested. We started an entire thread based off innuendo but it was quite ham-fisted and when I stopped replying they began to pester me "Did I do something wrong? Can you not find another acronym?" even going so far as to start interacting with me through a different post and asking in character why I didn't reply.
That thread and the in character incident are gone unfortunately as I deleted them. But, I've got more than that to share. Innuendo isn't inherently bad nor does it go outside of what I do here as Mario.
By this point my patience has been tested and I realize this isn't the same amicable person I used to deal with. I can't speak for others OOC but I will say they hijack posts very often to ramble in character with this self-referential tone that makes it quite obvious this isn't Wendy(the character) speaking but the mun or simply turn things inappropriate. A few examples, we got
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Just bizarre, plus it's AI
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Again, weird, but not a blockable offense. They've at least put the bare minimum of effort in to tag it, I guess right? Well, around the time the gears were turning regarding this person's odd and pushy behavior there was someone within a server I've joined who made an announcement about them given they've had experience with this person. Unfortunate experience it seems.
They detailed a lot of things as did a few other moots of mine but one thing in particular stuck out to me. They claimed that this particular person used a whole host of other blogs to stalk/harass them. Then I remember this post.
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Wait a second... going to their profile proper we see
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Then if we hover over Pom Pom we see
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So, not only do they have a laundry list of accounts at their disposal but they use them to circumvent blocks, and then will talk to themselves using these same accounts.
I don't wanna associate with someone like this. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, if I haven't convinced you yet, contact me through tumblr DM's or discord and I can let you know what else I know because their rap sheet is longer than their muse list.
They mass follow people within communities they're active in and even if you block this main blog, they could be on your follower list and you don't even know it. Thusly, I am going to suggest you block this person and their list of alternative blogs, and move on. If I still haven't convinced you, once again hit me up privately because I've got more personal stuff to share that doesn't belong here per se.
I don't wanna see this person victimize other people and that's why I took the time to put out this warning. All that talk earlier from me about "uplifting people" but I'm making a callout post right? Well, once again, I didn't want to originally because I thought I could just move on. But, this is a chronic pattern of behavior exhibited by this person and I don't wanna see them victimize someone else. If me blocking them didn't get them up in arms enough to namedrop me and play the victim themselves we wouldn't be here. Plus, I wasn't the only person addressed in their little callout post.
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So, that's the scoop on why I blocked askwendyokoopa and why I believe you should too. They are not worth your time or energy.
The rabbit hole goes deeper but I've rambled long enough.
My discord is available upon request if you'd like to discuss things further. This will be my first and last time addressing them/this situation publicly. I don't do drama and in a month it'll be ten years since I started posting on tumblr. This has never happened to me before and I'd like to keep it that way.
Thank you.
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red-man-of-mustache · 6 months
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All right, round two. Starter Call! Like this post for a starter of varying length. I'll start 'em after 6pm CST. If you got a multi-muse blog tell me who's it'll be. And don't be afraid if we haven't interacted before.
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red-man-of-mustache · 19 days
🌺 Send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful. 🌺
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red-man-of-mustache · 21 days
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. . .
Hello! Impromptu Hiatus over, I got the rest I needed from work. I went to see my amazing girlfriend(ILU) and that vacation from work was awesome. I got to see the upper peninsula of Michigan!
Still working on that elongated drabble I mentioned eons ago. I put a time constraint on myself in an attempt to direct this creative energy. But that obviously didn't work out because I keep adding things to it. It won't be unnecessary I promise pls.
I'm still here and am gathering my various threads so that they may be answered. I apologize for just vanishing.
Anyway, back to adventure!
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red-man-of-mustache · 3 months
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Starter Call limited time offer like this for half off your next starter.(not really, it'll be whatever length the gods necessitate)
If you're multimuse tell me who you wanna target
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red-man-of-mustache · 2 months
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So I missed Munday. Again. I was busy this time in my defense and umm--
Well, here's a few late Munday facts for you!
I'm really into Final Fantasy 14 and am not sorry. Picked it up a few times before everything finally clicked actually. I used to have an Au Ra but switched over to Miqo'te master race about a year ago. That old Au Ra got all the way to Endwalker(Before Dawntrail released of course) and unfortunately has been rotting on Diabolos ever since. Malboro is my home now and I'm in the early stages of Dawntrail. Just got the lali-ho emote a few days ago actually because I made the SAME mistake I did on my previous character: completing the Nier raids thinking that was how you got it when you actually need to...not do that. Why didn't I use Google? Iwasconfidentinmyguessokay
When I was a kid I would often replay video games and pretend not to know what to do to squeeze out extra play time. Intentionally messing things up and piecemealing legitimate progress out.
Another kid fact: when I was in elementary school and my mom was still human she'd often buy me blue pens. Unfortunately for her wallet however I liked to chew the caps.
When I was six my older cousin barged into my room to bully me and saw me sleeping underneath the blankets. So instead of messing with me physically they decided psychological warfare was better and told me that I would suffocate if I kept sleeping that way. I didn't know what that word "suffocate" meant but they made it sound bad and to this day I can't sleep with my face covered.
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red-man-of-mustache · 2 months
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We're doing something a little different(but not entirely original)
Inbox Call !! Like this for Mario to invade your inbox. I am not responsible for the things that happen afterwards.
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red-man-of-mustache · 2 months
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I've been less-a present than usual. I should just declare low activity already huh? Reason being is because I've been working on something. Keep an eye out! Extremely long post coming in the next few days.
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red-man-of-mustache · 3 months
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//Welcome to Why do I have this on my computer?
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red-man-of-mustache · 18 hours
Breaking one of my rules
Here's my Discord
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Tell me your tumblr url or you're getting blockaroni
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red-man-of-mustache · 4 months
I'm in a mood, so, not tonight on replies it seems. Least I got Paper Mario. :)
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