sweetnsour1 · 5 months
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marvelsgirl616 · 4 months
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— rafe cameron icons || season 2
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wejustvibing · 2 months
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[©Marcos Florentino + Kelvin Yule]
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dannyboy1920 · 4 months
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Ella Purnell
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suspendingtime · 1 year
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She's such a SUPERMODEL: 🎥
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pearl-blue-musings · 2 years
My beautiful Elle 🖤🖤🖤
For your post:
Favorite Character: you know I’m gonna stick with my favorite guy Osamu 🖤
Favorite drink and snack: I’m gonna go with any sweet white wine and a variation of fruit.
What brings me comfort: cooking which also works great with him.
Do I want it suggestive? Always. That’s my husband and I can’t keep my hands off him.
Hi Belle!!! 💜💜 and thank you for joining aaahhhhh
Here you go my love!
“Did ya put it all in the oven?”
You smile at him over the phone as you set the timer on the oven for the allotted time. “Yeah babe,” you say into the speaker, “I followed your instructions. Samu you didn’t have to do this for me.”
You hear him chuckle on the other side and put something down. Presumably, a cooking utensil. You walk to the refrigerator and pull out a bottle of white moscato and get yourself a glass as well as a handful of berries to tide you over until dinner. You take a yummy bite and hum in content.
“Are ya spoilin’ yer dinner?”
You put the fruit down and quickly swallow. “N-no,” you stutter and try to hide a giggle. Osamu sighs on the other line and you can tell he switched off his speaker phone.
“I miss ya, sweetheart.”
The deep sadness and longing can be felt in how he called you sweetheart. Your heartaches to be near him again and you lean against the counter. “I miss you too, Samu.” A soft hum and some ruffling is heard in the background as you take a sip of wine. “You’re only there for three more months right?”
“Mhmm, then I’ll be back home with ya. As happy as I am ta be at this cookin’ school fer a year, I sure as hell miss ya.” There’s a slight pant and deep breath in his words making you stand up from the counter. Yet he two of you always had a knack for knowing each others needs obscenely well. And you could tell just what he’s feeling.
You bite your lip and lower your voice, “how much do you miss me?”
He growls into the phone and you hear him shuffle his pants. “So much so I’m makin’ dinner with ya at 1 in the mornin,” he breathes again before rumbling out. “And yer voice got me so hard darlin’.” Hearing him say that does something to you as you tighten your thighs together, breathing sharply into your nose. “Are ya gettin’ horny too? I need ta hear it.”
You swallow a lump in your throat as you nod. “Y-yes, I wanna touch myself, Samu.” He hisses a fuck before looking at the timer and sees there’s 20 minutes left.
“Plenty of time, how’s that wine you’re drinkin’? Tell me what it tastes like.”
You do as he says and take another sip, opening your mouth after you swallow. “It’s so sweet, tastes of peaches and mixed berries.”
“Fuck, ya know I love to lick that wine off of ya.” Osamu unzips his pants and takes out his hard cock, carefully wrapping his fingers around it. “Especially when I lay ya down and pour it on yer body, sippin’ and kissin’ all the way down to yer pussy. Makes it taste sweeter.”
You feel your cunt throb in want as you play with your folds, waiting for his next command. “Please, can I finger myself now?”
“Nah, ya gotta save it for after dinner. Don’t want our food tastin’ of yer insides.
“That’s only fer me.”
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vanimeiy · 2 years
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leadendeath · 4 months
Pardon me, Lead (may I call you Lead?)
I'm curious what drew you to Doom originally! Hearing what got folks into their favorite media is always interesting to me
Yes you can!! -several people have called me that :]
what got me into Doom? well i wish i could remember re: the game... rather than re: the entire Thing as a whole... *major infodump incoming*
so there's NuDoom, 2016-2020, with a lot more lore than the original lore which the original 90s games involved (there was not all that much to begin with, but there was Some story, ya feel? Doomguy gets sent to hell for reasons, he doesn't just wind up there for no reason, etc etc)
and i am thinking back as we speak, and unlocking my own lore which i've almost forgotten about! hehe
i remember now. so a prologue: i'm limited by what games i can actually play due to unfortunate eyesight/neurological/brainproblems, and NuDoom is one of those sadly (lots of bright colours when u kill a demon, complex lotsa-polygon shapes- as apposed to Just Pixels From 30yrs Ago- the modern-day latter of which very sadly do not compute with me noggin', so it's obvious what iteration of Doom i leaned towards (THAT AND THE REPLAYABILITY OF CUSTOM .WADS BASED OFF THE 90S GAMES WHICH THE COMMUNITY HAS MADE... OMFG THE *CREATIVITY* OF THIS COMMUNITY!!! WOOOOOOOOOOW SO GOOD /genuine)
i found (2016) doom through a mashup. here is said song. the very one.
i love mashups. the soundtrack of doom 2016 is by mick gordon. fucken stellar bloke. aussie. need i say more. but you may have heard already BFG Division. as previously alluded to.
i heard that, but mashed up with No Love.
death grips has been pretty much one of, if not Thee Number One Fav Band for me since 2016, coincidentally. i got recc'ed them by a friend irl at the time, back when i was still a Normal level of social and not reclusive. I listened to probably their most popular album, The Money Store, (and then branched out to their other stuff from there because i loved it) which i would recommend to anybody as a "pay it forward" kind of music rec. i think anybody has that kind of music saved in their metaphorical pocket. a must-listen album you'd rec to anyone. yeah, the money store is one of those albums for me.
but yeh. i was juuuuust getting into metal, tentatively, back in 2016. i love it and the many iterations of metal now, but i listened to the doom soundtrack a lot as an intro to the genre. it does help loving OSTs and mashups as music genres on youtube before that generally, but the 2016 soundtrack is definitively the thing what got me into Doom for sure.
i AM old enough to remember dial-up internet and floppy discs and what-have-ya, all that sexy paraphernlia, but my intro to Doom was as an old. i mean i'm not far off being as old as Doom itself! i was 25 when i decided to buy the original doom on steam to give it a try in late 2020, for 2020-related reasons. you know. bit old to get into gaming, but i'm glad i did :) it's opened the door for other games now.
Doom is a gateway drug, let it be known!
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28 de març 2024. crec que el dia no podria haver anat millor, uau🪹🖤
m'he despertat amb el missatge de la m que deia que es feia el cafè i venia. hem passat el matí fent feina de la uni (ella, un treball sobre Aristòtil, jo, un pla de restauració forestal post-incendi), esmorzant, xerrant al solete sobre literatura i fent molts mimitos al Quico. quan ha marxat ella, li he proposat a mun pare fer una volta amb la furgo fins els aiguamolls. ens hi hem estat dues horetes, mirant arbres i ocells; ha fet una tarda d'una paleta preciosa de llum groguenca sobre el bosc de ribera i el cel reflectit a l'aigua. a la mitja hora de tornar a casa, ha pujat en b, carregat amb la seva bossa plena de plantes per identificar i la premsa per muntar. hem trigat tres horetes en fer-ho tot. ha sigut divertit. tot el terre de la meva habitació plena de plantes per aquí i per allà. i bé, és veritat que he oblidat bastant respecte quan vaig acabar la carrera, però encara conservo un mínim domini de la flora local. quan hem acabat encara s'ha quedat una estoneta i hem estat parlant de música i de moltes altres coses. és un cuqui. ens entenem. riem. les nostres abraçades són casa, són niu, són un lloc on hi viuria. petons tan tendres, ais.
quin dia més xulo
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ellecdc · 3 months
elle, my love. my darling. could I be the biggest pest and request maybe something with our beloved barty jr? like maybe you know of him but don’t really know him but someone is bugging you at a party and you ask him to pretend to be your boyfriend and he plays the role just a little too well?
Ilysm darling 🖤
for you, sab? anything
Barty Crouch Junior x fem!reader who asks him to pretend to be her boyfriend
CW: harassment - a guy won't leave reader alone at a bar, drinking/bar culture, there is perhaps one sentence that is sort of explicit but the rest is PG and then fades to black
You had tried everything to shake this guy off of you; from polite no thank you’s, to hiding in the loo, to pretending not to notice when he was standing right beside you. You had even attempted the tried-and-true “I have a boyfriend”, to which he simply replied “I don’t see him anywhere”. 
You were soon going to resort to a well-timed uppercut, and though you did think the man deserved a good fist to the nose, you weren’t quite willing to resort to violence - yet. 
You were ducking behind raised arms and navigating around bodies in an attempt to rid yourself of your tormentor when salvation came in the form of an unlikely classmate.
“Junior!” You whisper shouted - a name you heard many of his friends refer to him as - as you slid in between him and the bar he was lazily sat at; if you could call what he was doing sitting. He was perched, possibly less than half of each arse cheek actually on the stool, with both of his legs splayed out in a way that would get anyone else punched in the teeth for daring to take up so much room at a bar, but he blended in like he was simply part of the decor. 
“Do I know you, sugar?” He drawled from the rim of his cup; green eyes scrutinizing you though he seemed no less pleased by your proximity due to his unfamiliarity with you. 
“I- sorry, we have statistics together?”
Barty simply swallowed his sip and continued staring at you.
“Mondays and Wednesdays? 1:30 to 3:00?” You clarified. 
He blinked slowly at that.
“With Professor Flitwick.”
“Yeah, yeah; third row from the back, prefers taking handwritten notes but insists on hauling your laptop ‘round with you too which acts as no more than a glorified paperweight. You have a fuzzy jumper that you wear almost everywhere.” 
“I- well…yeah?”
“Right, so how does that bring us here?” He continued as if you had been the one making this conversation particularly difficult. 
“I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend.” You blurted.
“Okay.” Barty agreed readily with a shrug as he placed his now empty cup on the bar. “Why?”
Stunned somewhat stupid by his willingness, you suddenly remembered that you had someone pursuing you. 
“There’s this bloke-”
“Which bloke?” He cut you off, sliding one of his legs between both of yours before pulling you towards him so you were just about straddling his thigh. 
In an attempt to hide your blush at Barty’s blaseness, and what you would later tell yourself was you simply trying to lean into the part of girlfriend, you nuzzled into Barty’s side to purvey the surrounding crowd. 
“That guy there, with the beanie.” You whispered into his ear as you gestured towards the guy; swallowing the surprised yelp that threatened to escape your lips when you felt Barty’s possessive protective arm tighten around your middle. 
“Well…” Barty murmured quietly, turning his chin back towards you; his lips hovering just over your collarbone. “That just won’t do, will it?”
You shook your head quickly, ignoring the racing of your heart, the way that the bass vibrated through your core, or the heat that was beginning to pool inside of you as he propped up his knee so that you were now officially straddling his thigh.
“Has he been bugging you, doll?” He asked lowly then, bringing his hand that wasn’t currently wrapped around your waist to push a lock of hair away from your face. 
“He won’t leave me alone.” You whispered; finding yourself embarrassingly close to tears for the first time all night, simply because some random guy who showed up to perhaps half of your shared statistics classes (though he somehow still had perfect scores) was offering you his protection.
A sympathetic dent in between Barty’s eyebrows formed at your words as he pouted at you. “My poor girl.” He all but purred as he brought his face mere millimeters away from yours before bumping his nose to your own. “How do you want this to go?” He whispered.
“Whichever way it needs to so that he’ll leave me alone.”
Apparently not needing any further directions, Barty slotted your lips together with an intensity that had your head ringing as he pulled you higher up onto his lap; body’s so close you were almost certain you could feel his heartbeat in your own chest. 
His hand that was wrapped around your waist started to slide up the back of your shirt where he rubbed the skin of your lower back, as the other rested just under your jaw, his touch far softer and more delicate than the way in which he kissed you.
You leaned further into him, whimpering at the sensation of your core sliding tantalizingly against his denim pants; the thin satiny material of your panties no match for the electricity of feeling so wholly consumed by Barty Crouch Junior.
You’d almost forgotten this was all a ruse when Barty abruptly pulled away from you.
“Oi! You got a fuckin’ problem?” He shouted at your stalker, garnering the attention of a few bar patrons around you.
You sunk impossibly further into Barty’s side at the attention, and relished in the gentle strokes he brushed at the skin of your hip in response. 
“Is there a problem?” One of the bartenders barked then; looking a certain brand of intense you supposed was likely part of the training to be a bartender at a club in a college town. 
“This tosser’s been bothering my girl all night.” Barty responded simply, weaseling his other arm around your middle as he returned his attention back to you. “You okay, sugar?” 
You nodded at him and rested your forehead against his as you let out a steadying breath. “Thank you.”
Barty snorted at that. “‘Course, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t look out for my girl, hm?” 
You chuckled breathlessly before smiling softly at him, noticing that he was doing the same as his emerald gaze darted between your eyes.
“Wanna get out of here?” He whispered as he dared to inch his hand further up your back.
God, did you ever.
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sweetnsour1 · 5 months
I think writing x reader is so fun because it’s like I’m tucking you into bed, giving you a lil smooch on the forehead, and telling you another story of how easy it would be for anyone to fall in love with you
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marvelsgirl616 · 4 months
╰•★★ OBX: RC/DS ★★•╯
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⤷ •• fics:
- possessed.
- NSFW 💭🔥: one.
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⤷ •• icons:
- season one: one. | two. | three.
- season two: one. | two | three | four. | five. | six. | seven. | rarry | eight. | nine. |
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⤷ •• prompts/visuals:
- stalker!rafe vis. | stalker!rafeu vis. 2 | rafe hanging out with the pogues. | giving rafe a bj | rafe & ward | shopping w/ rafe | rafe on his knees | motorcycle ride w/ rafe |
⤷ ••• biker!rafe masterlist: link.
⤷ ••• dark/obsessedrafe! vis. •••
-> if I can’t have you then no one can.
-> i’d let the world burn for you.
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••• drew/rafe smutty visuals:
- vid of drew saying “oh fuck”
- rafe/drews hands: num. 1 | num. 2
⤷ ••• rafe angsty visuals:
- one. |
( sarah & rafe meme ) incorrect rarry
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— bts pics: diff pics. bts. | drew & rudy | charles & drew.
— pics: happy/sad |
— videos: drew & chase dancing | drew 1. | tiktok of drew + nicholas |
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wejustvibing · 2 months
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[©Marcos Florentino + Kelvin Yule]
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dannyboy1920 · 4 months
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Ella Purnell
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pearl-blue-musings · 1 year
I’m glad you made it back safe hun 🖤🖤🖤
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IM SO HAPPY TO BE BACK!!!! 💜💜💜💜💜 no longer am I 8 hours ahead of you
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u3pxx · 1 year
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In a roughly parallel universe, Demon Aziraphale tempts Angel Crowley to a little vacation, and they find their way to a bookshop in a familiar place inhabited by familiar faces. Crowley (both of them) would like to stop this nonsense before it can start, but Aziraphale's curiosity wins out, and they spend a day together that ends up being loaded with little revelations (but not, thankfully, any Revelations).
anyway, thanks again to elle for writing this and to koi for giving some painful name lore to these nerds because i genuinely can't express how GRAGHARGGH this made me! i swear i've been rereading it for like a billion times already bc it's just that good and charming!
i'm gonna put some bonus messy doodles of the fic and other things below the cut! :^] i'm also thinking about putting this up on my inprnt shop too but i'm not sure, tell me if you want it there or smth pftt
like this art? it's a print, here! | like what i do? support me on ko-fi!
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i know i didn't go with the usual angel and demon color schemes show gomens has to offer bc i think these two are just disruptive like that pftt <3 but i was curious to know what they'd look like so here's a comparison gif i whipped up when i was in the flat colors stage of drawing this pftt
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AND THIS ONE. oh im insane im normal im [static noise]
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there are a lot more moments i wanna draw trust me but this one does make me laugh bc i want to leave angel crowley and angel aziraphale in a room and see what happens. their dynamic, i'm obsessed with it DFGHD
and here's the link to the fic again bc if you managed to get down here without reading it first, then what are you doing!
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