#''πŸ’¦.../Humans/ can't do that normally either''
al-hekima-madara-blog Β· 2 years
Lord Indra, the natural hero who never was
or why Sasuke and Madara always shine despite the whole plot in their disadvantages.
Hero : a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability. b : an illustrious warrior. c : a person admired for achievements and noble qualities. d : one who shows great courage.
Going out of my MGA writing retreat cave for a sec and share with you some of my researches...I don't have great knowledges of vedic texts and Indian culture but to what I read so far (correct me if I'm wrong) Indra is the King of the devas and Heaven. In similar fashion, Zeus king of other gods in Greek mythology. Indra controls storm, rain, and uses thunderbolt as one of his most deadly weapon. He is both the archetype of the mighty warrior, the slayer of great evil (asuras) and also the life-giver. Because you know, rain fertilises earth (if you get the metaphor πŸ’¦... πŸ‘€). One of his most famous story is how he destroys Vritra the monstrous snake/dragon, also called an asura, who was responsible for holding back waters and created drought. And by doing this, Indra slain the archaic forces blocking the creation of new lives.
As a Naruto fan, I get now the inspiration for Otsutsuki Indra. Sasuke's preference for raiton and kirin, Madara as a god of war and user of storm release, the symbol behind Sasuke killing Oroshimaru in his white snake shape, susanoo although a japanese god is still god of storm killing an other massive snake...
It's kind of funny because Indra is, based on the Vedas tradition, the allegory of the perfect hero. He comes alone, strong-willed, powerful, and slays any obstacles to the natural cycle of life, and by doing so he saves humanity from chaos. And it's precisely what is despise in the Narutoverse about the characters assimilated to him, namely Uchiha clan and Indra Otsutsuki. Indra opposing his unfair father is bad. The Uchiha clan defending themselves against oppression is devilish, Sasuke seeking revenge is detestable, Madara looking for a world purged of evil is absolutely hideous.
There is as well many shinto inspirations but I'm mostly reading here the story in a Vedic perceptive and you'll notice something else about the asura's. It's not a single god but a group of demons always confronting the devas. They are seen in a negative light, the anti-gods, the power-seekers ect... And it kind of makes sense with Naruto who can't progress on his own. He needs to be constantly help and surrounded by people. He is also notoriously possessed by a powerful demon who manifest himself in the beginning of the story when Naruto is corned to anger. Notice also that the only way to control this demonic force is either the sharingan assimilated to shinto spiritual strength or Mokuton from the Senju being assimilated with Buddhism spiritual strength.
So now you get where I'm going... isn't weird that mostly Narutoverse is respecting mythologies and adapt them to its own storyline. For instance the sannin legend, Kaguyahime story. But for Indra and Asura it's a total reverse of values. Intentionally, the good is bad and the bad is good.
Yeah but the plot Al Hekima, don't forget the plot ! I know, I know... If your main character is a boy possessed by a demon, befriends with 9 others demons and it's apparently normal, it will end up this way.
Maybe I'm not objective after all but even before going deeper into analysing the Narutoverse, Indra and the Uchiha clan being seen as cursed and evil by nature, the people who went astray and needed to be beaten into submission, always left me unsettled. Literally, I couldn't comprehend what was wrong with them which justify so much hate. And in opposite Naruto being possessed by a demon is blatantly black magic. His father is never questioned about doing it to his son, neither Hiruzen to the young Kushina, or Hashirama to his wife (in this case they may have both agree). I know it's just fiction, but art doesn't come out of the blue. It's ingrained in the artist's set of value, cultures, emotion ect... And the author stressed in interviews that he wanted to bring positive value to his younger audience. I'm just questioning sometimes what are actually those values? For the Uchihas the idea was to forgive, to not fall into hate, and move on. But forgive without justice? Putting the pressure of moving on solely on the victim and never put the perpetuator in a difficult position? Never ask any apology or reform from the aggressor? The victim needs to forgive with no assurance that it won't happened again. Believe it, right? and eventually the victim needs to help the system who harmed him to keep going... Anyway I'm rambling at this point but that's always my major philosophical disagreement with Kishimoto.
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bitbybitwrites Β· 8 days
Writers Truth & Dare β™‘: πŸ›Ό, πŸ„ & πŸ”ͺ
πŸ›Ό β‡’ describe your latest wip with five emojis
The newest idea for one is Color Me Intrigued, which is a RWRB fic. 🎢 πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ»πŸͺ©πŸ’¦ And my current 2 WIP I'm working on simultaneously: Klaine/Glee WIP - If I Can Make Your Heart My Home:🎻πŸ₯πŸ«–πŸ’ΈπŸ’” FirstPrince/RWRB WIP - Puppy Love:πŸΆπŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¦β„οΈπŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘¨πŸ½ πŸ₯°
πŸ„ β‡’ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
I did answer this one here ( if you want to see another answer) But let me think of a couple more: Klaine: When Kurt's feeling sick he is not the best patient: tending to veer from being very cranky to demanding to whiny depending on the minute. Kurt usually pulls on either Blaine's old faded Dalton hoodie, or slips into one of Blaine's cardigans and buries himself under the blankets in bed, praying for the illness to pass as soon as he can. But this is when Blaine excels. He loves taking care of Kurt at these times, no matter how miserable Kurt gets. Blaine makes Kurt endless cups of tea and his mother's arroz caldo (a Filipino chicken, rice, ginger soup) which Kurt always inhales by the bowlful. He'll bake Kurt's favorite cookies if he wants and stocks the freezer with his favorite ice cream if a sore throat is involved. Blaine will even resort to being a human hot water bottle if needed and will provide hugs and snuggles with a sniffly Kurt if requested. FirstPrince: Alex absolutely adores David - and has ever since he first met him. And its totally reciprocal. I mean, it may be also due to the fact that Alex will happily slip David a dog biscuit whenever he gets a chance, or even discreetly slide a tidbit or two to the beagle while he's busy cooking dinner. But David's as attuned to Alex's moods and anxiety/ADHD spirals as much as he is to Henry's depression. So when those moments do occur, Alex will feel a wet nose nudge his hand as David tries to get Alex's attention re-directed for ear scritches and belly rubs instead of whatever appeared to be causing his human distress. Once, David even managed to wrestle his leash out of the basket by the browntone's front door and dropped it at Alex's feet, requesting a walk one of those times. So Alex soon found himself with another occasional running partner the days he felt he needed to just zone out, not think and move. Cash (whose joins Alex for his runs) doesn't mind at all. He's another favorite of David's too.
πŸ”ͺ β‡’ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I feel I've answered this, but can't find the answer . . so I'll try again. Weird is subjective though - so I'm going to lean into more of the "not a subject I'd normally look into on a day to day basis, as opposed to "weird"
Feudal Japanese Clan names
16th century Mexican poets
BDSM aftercare
Abstract bird tattoos
Thanks for the ask, @datshitrandom ! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
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do you think some of the students choose to just turn a blind eye about Lilia's actual age? i heard somewhere that Lilia's picture was in their history book, and we've seen multiple times in the story where the characters expressed that Lilia doesn't really seem like a teenager. it's pretty suspicios to me, if i see a classmates picture in our history book I don't think I'd stay quiet
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I actually think the main cast all think Lilia's just an odd high school boy, based on their reactions in the main story and in various personal stories.
There are definitely perceptive characters in the cast (like Vil), but the most they ever say is something along the lines of there being something "unusual" about Lilia, but not quite being able to put their finger on what that "unusual" quality is. There are times when Lilia blatantly talks about events he couldn't have possibly experienced if he was as young as he claimed to be, but these stories tend to get dismissed (see: Lilia's School Uniform personal story). You can say the other characters are pretending to be ignorant of Lilia's age, but there's no good reasoning for why they'd do such a thing (especially when you consider that most of NRC's students are assholes that either can't keep a secret to save their lives or would probably approach Lilia to blackmail him with that information). This leads me to believe that they're genuinely confused by his behavior, but don't suspect anything about his true age.
Also πŸ’¦ I don't think the pictures of Lilia in history books mean much to his classmates. (For more context, the information about Lilia being in the textbooks comes from Malleus, someone who already knows Lilia well and is aware of his real age, not from a random classmate; of course Malleus would stay quiet about this detail to their peers). I believe Lilia is able to change his form as he pleases, so the Lilia pictures in the history books may not match the form he currently has. Even if they did, it's never confirmed whether the text accompanying the pictures mention Lilia explicitly by name. Plenty of people have lookalikes that they aren't related to by blood, or relatives/ancestors who are spitting images of them. I think a normal reaction to finding a lookalike to someone you know in a history book is just making a passing comment and then moving on, not starting to theorize about that person secretly being super old.
I don't think it's ever indicated that the characters understand the difference in life span between a fairy and a non-fairy. It's very possible that no one even thought about (or can grasp) how fairies age, so, in turn, they never considered that Lilia is actually much older than he appears to be. Honestly, it's more likely that they waved Lilia's oddities off as differences in culture (humans vs fae, or non-Valley of the Thorns residents vs Valley of the Thorns residents) rather than as an age discrepancy. We, as the readers, may easily understand and acclimate ourselves with a youthful looking character that is actually hundreds of years old, but if we actually met someone claiming to be ancient despite looking like a kid in real life, we wouldn't believe that person. That's the same situation the TWST boys find themselves in, and we need to shift our perspective to understand what they are perceiving and thinking. What seems logical to us may not necessarily be logical for the characters in TWST, so we need to keep that in mind while evaluating what seems to be "obvious" to us.
Alternatively, I think the writers probably hit all of the main cast with "the dumb dumb stick" just for plot convenience's/entertainment's sake. It's similar reasoning to why the MC never learned Malleus's name until chapter 5, despite there supposedly being rumors about him amongst the student body and other characters (for some reason) not recognizing him when MC described Malleus to them. (Like, who else on campus has such noticeable horns?) No one knowing Lilia's real age might be more for dramatic effect and not for any realism within the game's lore itself. And I'm probably just overthinking all of this--
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