🎃 Twst Halloween PSA 🎃
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*pulls up the Serious Talk Chair*
Alright, so.
In the wake of the new Halloween PV posted on the TWST JP social media accounts, there’s been an explosion of hype. However, something else you may have seen circulating is people saying, "I already knew about this weeks ago!" and/or claims of having knowledge of leaked characters and costumes. Some have even directly linked to videos or images of these leaks (including fully animated character sprites) in threads discussing the next Halloween event. I myself have been sent these videos and images multiple times, unprompted, over the last few days.
To make a long story short:
You should NOT be speaking about or sharing these leaks in a public setting.
By doing so, you are running the risk of spoiling people who may not want to know these things in advance. They never gave their consent to see that, and this consent shouldn’t be assumed. I’m extremely disappointed that my own experience has been this way. I wanted the chance to react live as the information was being released. Others may feel the same as me. Additionally, openly talking about leaks is may make things more difficult for us fans in the long run.
The only reason these leaks were let out so early is because TWST started uploading assets into the game much sooner than they would actually be implemented. This has allowed dataminers in the fandom to go in and look around to see what goodies might be in store for the future. However, if fans are going to just run around blurting out what all the secrets are, it may discourage the devs from continuing to do this in the future. It will make it that much more difficult for fans to extract high quality card images ASAP. It means assets may be kept under tighter lock and key to prevent this from happening again.
Don't believe me? Something similar happened with the Japanese TWST website. The team used to upload news about the next month's schedule early, but locked behind a random string of numbers. Fans brute-forced those numbers and always managed to find the schedule sooner than it was intended to be out. The number of posts made on the website has now dropped drastically and schedules are no longer released on there. While there's no proof that these events are related, there is a real concern among some dataminers that the very same could happen regarding in-game assets.
I realize that leaks are common nowadays, but please let us at least respect other fans' rights to experience the game in their own way while also minimizing the risk of consequences for the fandom. If you must discuss these leaks at all, do it in PRIVATE. You are allowed to be excited about what's coming, but please keep it to yourselves or to your own circles where it may be a more appropriate topic.
Do not ask or talk about the leaks in my inbox, DMs, or comments. Do not link me to or share any leaks. Wait until the information has been released on official TWST social media handles, THEN I would be more than happy to talk about the news with everyone. Those who disregard this request moving forward will have their message deleted and then be blocked.
Thank you—and with that, let’s return to our regularly scheduled show!
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People asking which one we get between Jack Skellington and Oogie Boogie, while I'm sitting here in a Comm class thinking "Why not both? Lmao". We all recognize them easily, so having it a twist(heh) of both, with Jack's being a hero character and Oogie being the main bad, could work out with how they actually are.
How Yana could go about it, idk, we'll have to wait and see. But honestly, am so fucking hyped for it. But what exactly do you think could be a possible plot idea or what do you think could happen in the event?
You can answer at your own leisure.
[Referencing this post!]
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I don’t think it’s strange at all that people are speculating which character will be the one twisted. Yes, Fellow and Gidel were introduced as a pair, meaning that there is no limit or precedent set for there only be one new character revealed. However, it’s very clear that Fellow was the star of the show, as he has the stronger presence (and ended up getting the SSR as well). Ultimately, it does mean they end up being treated like a single character rather than individuals anyway. So really, I think most fans are still running on the logic that only “one” can be twisted.
The problem with Jack and Oogie is that they are both strong presences, neither dominating the other when it comes to being attention grabbing. Fellow and Gidel go together, but Jack and Oogie are opposing forces, not teammates, in their own story. This makes it hard to predict which of them will be twisted and makes it less likely they’d be crammed into the same card.
(ncbsbsvwjwheisn NOT GONNA LIE, I’m really hyped for a twisted!Jack Skellington… but a part of me is also really attached to my OC that’s twisted from Jack 🤡 That’s not to say that I don’t want a canonized one; I think I’d actually ASCEND if we got a twisted!Jack Skellington for real!!! It’s just that I wouldn’t know what to do with my OC after the fact 🤷‍♂️ Something similar happened with my Snow White OC when Neige was introduced in book 5 www)
A popular idea I’ve seen in circulation is another isekai plot where either the students go to Halloween Town or the Nightmare Before Christmas characters come to Twisted Wonderland from Halloween Town. I’d wager that’s a pretty safe guess! Like… they’re doing their Halloween parade prep and there’s a new character disrupting things. Maybe they’ll have to pull off a heist or kidnapping of some kind?? 🤔 It would be funny if the NRC boys had to help play matchmaker for a Sally and Jack/j Personally (and this is a stretch), I really would like to see some kind of casino or gambling element because I love those design details for Oogie’s lair. Not sure if it would make sense being a large part of the event story, but it would be cool to consider.
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sept 2024 4koma update
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No updates for the usual manga adaptations! Only a 4koma update this month!
This time it features Cater (and his clones) playing basketball with the Basketball Club members. While playing, Cater also focuses on filming himself for Magicam.
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During the course of the comic, we learn that the teachers would never allow for Cater to use his UM for class. However, Cater brings out a clone if there is an odd number of students per class and they need to partner up. (Usually it’s Idia, lol) The problem with this is that Cater doesn’t have the endurance to keep his clone around for the entire class, so it usually poofs halfway through.
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Vargas cameos at the end to train them all even harder. Cater bails on Ace, Floyd, and Jamil, leaving them to their fates. Scummy of him, but very in-character 😂
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This particular update made me realize how much continuity there is in the 4koma. For example:
Cater states that he and Idia are the same class. This is true; they are both in Class 3-B.
Floyd expresses annoyance and anger when Ace comments that he and Jade are the same because they are twins. This is something that Floyd has historically disliked, demonstrated in the Beans Day event as well as his own School Uniform vignette.
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Cater is shown using his UM. When his clones vanish, he disappears in a cloud of playing cards. This was first depicted in the Episode of Heartslabyul manga and implies that this is how his UM works in all interpretations. One discrepancy, however, is that in the Episode of Heartslabyul manga, all the cards are diamond suits. In the 4koma, the suits are varied—you can see hearts, spades, and clubs in addition to diamonds. (A friend theorized that the Heartslabyul manga is pre-Riddle OB and the 4koma is post-Riddle OB; in that time, Cater has realized the value of friendship and so the suits represented on his cards changed. But that’s just a theory—a gaaaaame theory!)
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Cater has used his UM in other physical activities to get the upper hand or to get the task done faster. For example, to pain the roses or to get running his laps done sooner.
With all this continuity going on, maybe we can take some of the lore drops in the 4koma as basically canon? 🤔 (Like how certain characters are in certain courses together!)
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If there is a Nightmare before Christmas, then does Christmas exist in Twisted Wonderland?
Was there a Jesus???
[Referencing this post!]
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Well, we don’t know if “Christmas” will be an actual term used in-universe yet. We in the real world know this event will be Nightmare Before Christmas themed, but there is no guarantee this is how it will be depicted in the game itself. In fact, the actual names of the properties the event stories are based on are never mentioned, with the sole exception of Lost in the Book with Stitch (since Stitch is technically a character we meet).
I think they can name “Christmas” something different to avoid the religious implication. This would be similar to how irl languages exist in TWST but are never referred to as such. For example, French words are used (most notably by Rook) but French is never called “French”. Edit: Either that, or maybe the religious elements are kept there but are made questionably vague, like how Rollo is never outright stated to be Catholic yet everything at Noble Bell College is very Catholic in design.
The devs could given a new history or in-universe explanation for the holiday that doesn’t involve religion at all. (Edit: For example, as some commenters have suggested, “Christmas” could become a more generalized winter holiday.) This would be similar to the explanation for Halloween provided in the first Halloween event; irl, Halloween has its roots in a pagan celebration of the harvest season. In TWST, Lilia explains Halloween as being a celebration of the dead/ghosts temporarily returning to the world of the living.
It’s also possible that they don’t mention “Christmas” at all and/or just focus on or mostly focus on the Halloween aspect. Basically a shift of the focus.
123 notes · View notes
Tbh grim reminds me of spike from mlp, like both breathe fire, eat gemstones, and can turn into this big monster kind of, and both have like parent figure with them (yuu and twillight)
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And they’ll be brought back from their bigger beastly forms with the ✨ Power of Friendship ✨
I think Grim and Spike slot nicely into that archetype of right-hand man. Though they generally play supportive roles, I like that they are their own characters with their own thoughts, feelings, shortcomings, and insecurities. Beyond the superficial (as in, easy to spot/you can physically see it) similarities like them munching on rocks, breathing fire, having more monstrous forms, and having that partnership with Twilight/Yuu, I also think Spike and Grim are similar in terms of their desires.
At a glance, their personalities are notably different. Grim’s much more arrogant and rude, but doesn’t have the skill to back up his confidence. Spike is the more diligent, polite, and capable of the two. However, they’re both ultimately characters who want to prove themselves or to be taken seriously. As a result, may come off as being in a rush to grow up. It’s a charm point they share ^^
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So.... Stock image
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Yuuup, that’s pretty much the same thing as what we see in the PV… 😅 Same shapes, same pattern order, everything.
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Upon further research, it seems this isn’t even the first instance of this stock asset being used by Disney. It was also used for a limited edition Sally-inspired perfume called Rag Doll. I believe it was sold at Hot Topic back in 2013:
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It’s a little saddening seeing TWST use stock images instead of like… you know, new assets 💦 This is following a somewhat disappointing trend of TWST animated PVs going down in quality and budget, especially over the years. For example, for the anniversaries:
2021 - 2 minutes long; all students included in highly individualized limited event outfits and movement is dynamic.
2022 - 1 minute long; all students and even staff are included but in standard uniforms, noticeable drop in art and animation quality (for example, look at Kalim and Silver in the flight scene). Animation itself is framed like Yuu is taking pictures of everyone—but really, it’s a convenient excuse to hold on static shots of the photos instead of actually animating them.
2023 - 1 minute and ~40 seconds; only the third years in their school uniforms and Grim in ceremonial robes are featured. Animation appears slow and somewhat clunky. And dear god, that weird panning shot of Malleus and Lilia; that Lilia is practically traced from his live 2D model.
2024 - 1 minute and ~10 seconds; basically a glorified slideshow with fancy effects. Only the dorm leaders in their school uniforms are shown.
Then, looking at the Halloweens:
Terror is Trending - 30 seconds; All students included and dorm costumes showcased. Unique shots and framing. Even Ramshackle Ghosts (who are important in the event story) are shown.
Endless Halloween Night - 4 different versions of the same commercial (including different characters doing the voiceover work), each ~30 seconds each; all students featured. Nice lighting, fierce expressions, varied framing.
Glorious Masquerade - 1 minute and 30 seconds. Several static panning shots, but at least the colors are striking when most other things are monochrome or muted. ~20 seconds at the end dedicated to hyping up Rollo.
Stage in Playful Land - ~35 seconds. Only the 3 SSR boys are featured, with most of the animation being in their head tilts. Less than 10 seconds is dedicated to hyping up Fellow and Gidel.
This year’s event… 20 seconds using a stock image and panning up from it to the TWST logo, no new assets.
I DON’T KNOW, maybe I’m overthinking it 😭 I’m definitely not the first person to notice this though… It’s been a point of discussion in my fandom social circles.
But hey, let’s keep our heads high! It’s very possible that we’ll get a more formal animated PV in the weeks leading up to Halloween. In fact, I’m certain of it since this current PV doesn’t show new costumes or the new twisted character, as is tradition. What we see now might just be a bonus material they’re releasing to really get us excited. Plus, we’ll probably also have an ABEMA stream with more Halloween-related news ^^ Let’s look forward to that!
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If it is nightmare before Christmas, I wonder who is the guest character. Usually it's the twisted version of villains like with Rollo and Fellow and Gidel aren't twisted of main villains (Honest John and his companion are more minor) but still counts as villains. Given the movie, Jack is consider to be a bit villainous so likely chance there's a twisted version of him despite being the main character. There's also the fact of Oogie Boogie having a twisted version character which makes me of a possible SSR of someone who is afraid of bugs...you know who?
[Referencing this post!]
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I think the guest character will at least be someone “iconic” and not necessarily the “biggest bad”. We all know how much Disney LOVES its famous iconography and keeps recycling it in their properties. This in part explains why Honest John and Gideon got twisted instead of the coachman; when you think of Pinocchio, you more readily think of the fox and cat rather than the shadowy figure that is their boss. That makes Tumblr sexyman Jack Skellington as likely as a candidate for bishounen-ing as Oogie Boogie is. I personally love both, so no preference as to who gets to be yassified by Yana 😂 Watch it be twisted Santy Claws, the mayor, Dr. Finkelstein, or the shitty brat trio instead—
If I had to pick which character I like better, I think I’d probably go with Jack?? It’s the dapper suit— He’s just so effortlessly charismatic and cheery. However, I can’t deny the sick joy that I would feel in seeing a twisted Oogie and all of his creepy crawly innards interacting with our local bug hater Jamil 😈 So yeah, I really want a Jamil SSR for this year.
Leona is pretty much also slated for one since he’s the only dorm leader without a Halloween SSR so far meaning we’ll actually get to hear this bitch sing after he teased us about it in Endless Halloween Night BUT HEY, THIS POST AIN’T ABOUT HIM…
I’m so glad that Nightmare Before Christmas is FINALLY becoming a Halloween event… It’s like, perfect for the holiday. I was upset back when Endless Halloween Night happened and we were denied twisted!Jack or Oogie, and now TWST is making up for that missed opportunity all these years later/j
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Do you know how old gidel is? I tried to look it up but I couldn't find anything officially canonical.
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I don't believe we have a canon age for Gidel yet. When Fellow's SSR card was released, we only got Fellow's age in his official profile (26).
It's difficult to gauge how old Gidel is because of his smallish stature (which could be the result of being prepubescent or from lack of nutrition). Because he is also mute and lacks a formal education, it's hard to make an informed guess of his age by comparing him to the benchmarks of typically developing children and teenagers.
He looks to me about 10ish? I'm still not sure myself. Gidel definitely doesn’t look 5 (around Cheka’s age), he’s too big for that. At the same time, it doesn’t look like puberty has set in yet??? He still looks pretty young. So yeah, I’ll stick with around 10, maybe a little older or a little younger, as my best guess.
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the watchman of the underworld:
reject humanity, become sans undertale e e ee ee e e eee e e e
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The Idia Sans Undertale memes will never die 💀 even 4+ years later… They’re still going strong…
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TWST JP dropped this short trailer. It mat not be available in certain countries, but someone has uploaded it here.
It’s the PV for the next Halloween event 💀 Judging by the images on the… gravestones (?), it’s gotta be Nightmare Before Christmas themed.
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In honor of pajama Jamil, Fellow should drop his nighttime routine too.
So tell me, do you wanna go?
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“My nighttime routine?” Fellow repeated your words slowly. They made sense apart, but not together.
He was squashed on a thin, dusty mattress, shoved away into a corner of an attic. Fellow had shed his suit and top had for a sleeveless shirt, boxers (red and white vertical striped, like a classic carnival tent), and ratty socks, a big toe poking out from a hole. Next to him, Gidel laid on his side in an oversized shirt and pants, yawning.
Night had descended, leaving only the golden circle provided by a waning candle as a light source. You leaned closer, out of the darkness and into the illuminated safety of their corner, nodding.
“Hah. I was shocked when first saw those fancy schmancy ‘routines’. Thousands of thaumarks on skincare products, entire yoga sessions before bed, preparing a set of clothes for sleeping in, feasting and then passing out from a food coma… Who has the time or energy to commit to those?!
“Giddie and I, we do the basics. If we can find a source of water—a river or something—we’ll wash in there. Ah, and we’ve gotta have dinner beforehand, in case any of it spills on our clothes. Then we’d have to wash those off too. We tend to eat fast. Can’t let food sit around uneaten for too long, or it’ll go bad.
“I keep some things for our travels, but it’s not much. We’ve whittled down our last bar of soap to a few scraps, and I think we’ve just about squeezed all we can out of our last tube of toothpaste. Our toothbrushes are getting pretty ratty too, we’ll need new ones soon…”
The candlelight seemed to make Fellow appear older, especially when he spoke of his hardships. The darkness of his pupils more intense, almost pulsating, his weariness put on show.
“We’re lucky to even have a place to sleep tonight. Worst comes to worst, we sleep under the stars in the clothes we wore during the day. That’s all we have to really call ours: the clothes on our back and the freedom that comes with it.”
A weak thread of joy sounded in the mention of freedom. Lighter, breathier, like a bird in flight, unbound by the land.
“Some nights,” Fellow admitted with a bitter laugh, “it’s hard to sleep at all. If it rains or snows, if we haven’t had a decent fill of food from the day’s work… The cold, the hunger, the dread of an uncertain tomorrow, keeps us up.”
“That sounds rough,” you frowned. “How do you manage to fall asleep like that?”
“I have my ways. When reality is too hard to deal with, you’ve got your imagination to fall back on for a distraction. We’ll look at the stars, try to find shapes and meanings in them, talk until we’re tired.” Fellow prodded Gidel with a finger. “Right, Giddie? Remember that story I told you about a girl with the matchsticks? And the big bear in the sky?”
Gidel nodded sleepily. Another yawn—his lids were heavy.
Fellow’s own eyes fluttered. He, too, yawned, catching the dregs of sleep that had fallen over his companion.
“Haha, looks like you’ve talked yourself tired already,” you said, careful to keep your volume down. “I’ll let you guys catch up on your Zs then.”
“I’m not tired,” he insisted, but there was little fight in his voice.
“Shhhhh, shhhh. It’s okay. Go to sleep. Tomorrow will be a better day,” you gently coaxed.
His lids lowered, flickering in a futile effort to stay awake.
The dying candlelight compelled him. The steady and soft cadence of your words, a lullaby.
Fellow fell asleep, Gidel hugging him as though the fox were a massive stuffed animal. He slumped, nestled the boy protectively.
“… Good night,” you murmured.
You blew out the candle, sentencing the room to the realm of darkness and dreams.
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Kalim’s favorite food is coconuts because the coconut is the hardest food to poison. Meaning he likes it because he knows there is a very slim chance it would be poison for him. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Kalim’s favorite food is actually specified to be coconut juice! This is important because (as I’ve speculated about in this post):
Aside from being a refreshing beverage, coconut juice has historically been used to reverse the effects of poisons and drug overdoses in both India and Africa. We know that Kalim has had multiple attempts on his life, including intentional poisoning of his food, so this may be why Kalim has acquired a taste for coconut juice.
But yeah, overall similar reasoning to what you proposed! It’s a way to fend off any ingested poisons and/or go minimize the chances of being poisoned in the first place.
When you think of it like that, it paints Kalim’s golden life in a darker coat. There’s the sinister implication that his preference for coconut juice originated from the anxiety of knowing anything else he put to his lips could end him. Recall that Kalim is also hesitant to eat anything that Jamil didn’t personally prepare for him or hasn’t been taste tested in advance.
Typically when we think of Kalim, we think of extravagance and perhaps the ignorance his insane wealth affords him. Those are valid things to associate with him. However, considering the numerous assassination attempts he has lived through, it’s possible to look at his opulence another way too.
Kalim appears to be acutely aware that others want him dead, yet he sparingly mentions it out loud and instead parties hard and tries to make others have fun with him. He lives every day to its fullest, because it may very well be his last. If and when he goes out—which could literally be any day now—he doesn’t want to live with any regrets.
I cannot imagine it’s easy to live with the burden of knowing people are out for your head simply because your exist or because you were born into the wrong family. Sure, you may be able to have any luxury your heart desires, but money ultimately cannot cover up or treat the ever-looming threat of death (and again, I must stress: for no crime you have personally committed but just the circumstances you are in). Yet whenever we see Kalim, he’s usually smiling and offering a helping hand to his peers. He’s still actively choosing to give his trust to others rather than be suspicious or condemn them. That’s a special kind of courage that I think Kalim doesn’t get enough recognition for.
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grim but make him cerberus
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Why does this Cerberus have Grim’s colors… right down to the blue accents in its ears 😂
I guess Grim because Idia and Ortho’s new pet…? Or are we sharing custody of Grimmu now?
401 notes · View notes
idk why but whenever I see Jamil's hair down, I just get blasted with tangled music in my ears, do you think he'd be able to use his hair as some sort of hook or pulley, Madame Jade's wife?
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“Jamil-san, Jamil-san, let down your hair!”
“Do you know what time it is? Go back to Ramshackle and get to bed, Prefect. We have class tomorrow.”
dbjsgwiwkskssbk Well. Physics-wise, I don’t think that would realistically work…? I’m not sure if hair is strong enough (even if Jamil had the length) to support a grown-ass human being pulled up?? Let’s assume it is + Jamil is strong enough to perform this task though. The weight of a person alone might off his head Riddle approved/j or at the very least damage his neck muscles 💦 The hair itself might also get damaged (from the friction) and left dirty from someone standing on it or gripping it—both things I don’t think Jamil would appreciate.
I think a lot of people really went crazy for hair down Jamil. It’s not often that we see his hair loose and flowy like this; it looks great, especially with the strands tucked behind one ear (though I’ll admit I’m biased here, I also went crazy for Jade’s Club Wear hair-tucked-behind-the-ear look).
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… Anyway 😭 since when was I “Madame Jade’s wife”???? I-I’m just over here existing… I don’t recall a proposal or signing marriage documents…
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Does Azul just leave his contracts loose in his vault? Or is there any evidence that he keeps them in an organized binder or folder? Cuz Rip to ruggie carrying a bunch of loose papers without being noticed in the underwater Octavinelle.
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If chapter 9 of the Episode of Octavinelle manga is anything to go by, Azul does seem to sort the contracts (since there are several stacks inside his vault). However, we don’t know how they’re sorted (is it by last name, year, dormitory, etc.). The panels illustrating the inside of the vault show the contracts are all loose and not separated by tabs, folders, binders, or anything of the sort.
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I don’t think handling the contracts underwater is an issue though, regardless of how much or how little Azul organizes those papers. The manga indicates to us that Leona, Ruggie, and Azul are all clearly still indoors when Ruggie has successfully swiped the contracts and handed them to his dorm leader for sanding. They don’t have to fight water physics www
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(The game uses the outside underwater background rather than the Octavinelle hallway background for this scene, so that’s probably where your confusion comes from.)
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The Mostro Lounge is being swarmed by rowdy, demanding Savanaclaw students at the same time so that’s probably keeping the Octavinelle folks preoccupied. When you’re really focused on one task, you do not pay attention to your surroundings even if a very obvious detail passes you. Ruggie can also be very stealthy if he likes due to his years of pickpocketing expertise—so he’s likely sneaking around with his bounty with the grace of a cat.
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Hey there, hi there, ho there! It’s your friendly neighborhood tailor! Pleasure to meet you Fellow! I’m quite the seamstress, and I always love to have people to practice styles on! I have, here with me, an entire wardrobe for you and your little brother there! I’ve got winter coats, summer shorts, formal wear for any kind of stuffy event, and a line of loungewear for any kind of casual affair! Hehehehehe. These are a little more experimental outfits, but a charismatic, distinguished gentleman such as yourself would be able to pull it off seamlessly, I’m sure. *Pushes the enormous mountain of clothing to Fellow to try on* Don’t worry about any cost, I just want you to be ready for any occasion. Everyone deserves to look and feel their best. Clothes make the man and all that. I…sincerely hope you and Gidel find something out there worth doing. Take these around for a spin and see how they work. I’ll make any adjustments necessary.
So tell me, do you wanna go?
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The dressing room curtain wasn't red nor velvet, but pushing them aside felt like the opening night to a grand show anyway. Fellow and Gidel stepped out, dressed in brand new outfits--similar in construction to the originals, without the holes or the mismatched fabrics. They had been trying on various threads provided by the town's local tailor for the last few hours--and, at the end of the day, this was what felt most comfortable to the duo.
A full-length mirror had been propped up against the wall, allowing them to inspect their figures in full dress. Gidel twirled and twirled until he got dizzy and had to take a seat. Fellow adjusted his lapels many times over, admiring the look and feel of brand new fabrics and buttons.
"Hmph. Not bad. Not bad at all," he said to his smug reflection.
"You're both so handsome," the tailor gushed. "The clothes suit you well."
"You sure we can have all of this for free? No strings attached?" Fellow asked warily.
His eyes darted to wheeled rack that displayed many more items. He almost breathed a sigh of relief to see it still there. Not a figment of his imagination, not a reward to be yanked away at a moment's notice. Something tangible and real.
"Yes, really! I'd appreciate it if you took them off of my hands. They're some of the season's old fashions--they've been hard to move--and some experimental pieces I made in my off-time that don't have mass appeal. It'd be a waste to not let them be worn and shown off." They chuckled to themselves. "Besides, free advertising for the shop, am I right?"
His eyes lit up, mouth breaking out into a smile that showed all of his teeth. "Hot dog! Didja hear that, Giddie? We’re set!”
The two scrambled to gather their new things. Left uncollected for too long, and they feared the clothes would vanish.
The tailor peered into their changing stall and, upon spotting their old discarded outfits strewn on the floor, tutted. They bent, retrieving them.
“You forgot to pick up your…”
They stopped.
The dark green trousers they had picked up bore large diamond shapes along one pant leg, a design most unusual. Textiles with red, green, and golden patterns pilled in the diamond holes, sealed in place with neat, tight lines of stitching. Saddle, passing back and forth—the sign of hand, not machine, stitch.
There’s talent here, they realized. Untapped potential.
The tailor cleared their throat.
“Excuse me, but have you ever considered taking up the needle and thread for a career…? If so, I might just have the apprenticeship for you.”
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Wowie wow wow Jamil has a voice line about the mob student he rooms with. Roomie lore real? Except for housewardens I think because they have solo rooms. Excited to hear about more mob students and maybe how they feel about the main boys.
[Referencing these voice lines!]
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Yes, that’s correct! Dorm leaders and third years get rooms to themselves. First year students are four to a room. For example, Adeuce are implied to be roomies with two other mob students. For second years like Jamil, they have one another roommate. (Many fans theorize that the twins are each others’ roommates due to how their rooms are oriented.)
We finally getting mob student lore, fellas 😭 WE’RE WINNINGGGGGGG
dbhsvskwkw It must be crazy weird being the roomies to main cast boys… Imagine trying to fall asleep in the same room as JAMIL the night he came back after his OB that all of Scarabia witnessed/got mindcontrolled by💀 From the sounds of it, the roomie is pretty chill so things should be fine. If it were anyone else, it would for sure be hella awkward…
I’m with you, I hope we get even more tidbits in future Relaxing in Room cards!! I want mob insights…!!
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