#''oh so u give up 10 yrs of ur life to be a doctor? u sacrifice having a social life and u get SUPER in debt?
inkskinned · 1 year
the thing about art is that it was always supposed to be about us, about the human-ness of us, the impossible and beautiful reality that we (for centuries) have stood still, transfixed by music. that we can close our eyes and cry about the same book passage; the events of which aren't real and never happened. theatre in shakespeare's time was as real as it is now; we all laugh at the same cue (pursued by bear), separated hundreds of years apart.
three years ago my housemates were jamming outdoors, just messing around with their instruments, mostly just making noise. our neighbors - shy, cautious, a little sheepish - sat down and started playing. i don't really know how it happened; i was somehow in charge of dancing, barefoot and laughing - but i looked up, and our yard was full of people. kids stacked on the shoulders of parents. old couples holding hands. someone had brought sidewalk chalk; our front walk became a riot of color. someone ran in with a flute and played the most astounding solo i've ever heard in my life, upright and wiggling, skipping as she did so. she only paused because the violin player was kicking his heels up and she was laughing too hard to continue.
two weeks ago my friend and i met in the basement of her apartment complex so she could work out a piece of choreography. we have a language barrier - i'm not as good at ASL as i'd like to be (i'm still learning!) so we communicate mostly through the notes app and this strange secret language of dancers - we have the same movement vocabulary. the two of us cracking jokes at each other, giggling. there were kids in the basement too, who had been playing soccer until we took up the far corner of the room. one by one they made their slow way over like feral cats - they laid down, belly-flat against the floor, just watching. my friend and i were not in tutus - we were in slouchy shirts and leggings and socks. nothing fancy. but when i asked the kids would you like to dance too? they were immediately on their feet and spinning. i love when people dance with abandon, the wild and leggy fervor of childhood. i think it is gorgeous.
their adults showed up eventually, and a few of them said hey, let's not bother the nice ladies. but they weren't bothering us, they were just having fun - so. a few of the adults started dancing awkwardly along, and then most of the adults. someone brought down a better sound system. someone opened a watermelon and started handing out slices. it was 8 PM on a tuesday and nothing about that day was particularly special; we might as well party.
one time i hosted a free "paint along party" and about 20 adults worked quietly while i taught them how to paint nessie. one time i taught community dance classes and so many people showed up we had to move the whole thing outside. we used chairs and coatracks to balance. one time i showed up to a random band playing in a random location, and the whole thing got packed so quickly we had to open every door and window in the place.
i don't think i can tell you how much people want to be making art and engaging with art. they want to, desperately. so many people would be stunning artists, but they are lied to and told from a very young age that art only matters if it is planned, purposeful, beautiful. that if you have an idea, you need to be able to express it perfectly. this is not true. you don't get only 1 chance to communicate. you can spend a lifetime trying to display exactly 1 thing you can never quite language. you can just express the "!!??!!!"-ing-ness of being alive; that is something none of us really have a full grasp on creating. and even when we can't make what we want - god, it feels fucking good to try. and even just enjoying other artists - art inherently rewards the act of participating.
i wasn't raised wealthy. whenever i make a post about art, someone inevitably says something along the lines of well some of us aren't that lucky. i am not lucky; i am dedicated. i have a chronic condition, my hands are constantly in pain. i am not neurotypical, nor was i raised safe. i worked 5-7 jobs while some of these memories happened. i chose art because it mattered to me more than anything on this fucking planet - i would work 80 hours a week just so i could afford to write in 3 of them.
and i am still telling you - if you are called to make art, you are called to the part of you that is human. you do not have to be good at it. you do not have to have enormous amounts of privilege. you can just... give yourself permission. you can just say i'm going to make something now and then - go out and make it. raquel it won't be good though that is okay, i don't make good things every time either. besides. who decides what good even is?
you weren't called to make something because you wanted it to be good, you were called to make something because it is a basic instinct. you were taught to judge its worth and over-value perfection. you are doing something impossible. a god's ability: from nothing springs creation.
a few months ago i found a piece of sidewalk chalk and started drawing. within an hour i had somehow collected a small classroom of young children. their adults often brought their own chalk. i looked up and about fifteen families had joined me from around the block. we drew scrangly unicorns and messed up flowers and one girl asked me to draw charizard. i am not good at drawing. i basically drew an orb with wings. you would have thought i drew her the mona lisa. she dragged her mother over and pointed and said look! look what she drew for me and, in the moment, i admit i flinched (sorry, i don't -). but the mother just grinned at me. he's beautiful. and then she sat down and started drawing.
someone took a picture of it. it was in the local newspaper. the summary underneath said joyful and spontaneous artwork from local artists springs up in public gallery. in the picture, a little girl covered in chalk dust has her head thrown back, delighted. laughing.
#writeblr#warm up#this is longer than i wanted i really considered removing that part about myself and what i went thru#but i think it really fucking bothers me that EVERY time i talk about being an artist#ppl assume i just like. had the skill and ability to drop everything and pay for grad school.#like sir i grew up poor. my house wasn't a safe space. i gave up a FREE RIDE TO LAW SCHOOL. for THIS. bc i chose it.#was it fucking hard? was i choosing the hard thing?? yes.#but we need to stop seeing artists as lazy layabouts that can ''afford'' to just ''sit around and create''#when MANY - if not MOST - of us are NOT like that. we have to work our fucking ASSES off. hard work. long and hard work#part of valuing artists is recognizing the amount we sacrifice to make our art. bc it doesn't just#like HAPPEN to us. also btw it rarely has anything to do with true talent.#speaking as someone with a chronic condition i hate when ppl are like u have it easy. like actively as i'm writing this my hands r#ACTIVELY hurting me. i haven't been posting bc my left hand was curled in a claw for the last week#this isn't fucking luck. after a certain point it's not even TALENT. it's dedication & sacrifice.#''u get to flounce around and do nothing with ur life'' is a narrative that is a direct result of capitalism#imagine if we said that about literally any other profession.#''oh so u give up 10 yrs of ur life to be a doctor? u sacrifice having a social life and u get SUPER in debt?#u need to work countless hours and it will often be thankless? well i wish i was that lucky''#we should be applying that logic to landlords ONLY#''oh ur mom and dad gave u the money to buy a house? and all u did was paint it white and rent it? huh.''
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issues 4&5
its delphi time babey
I'm sorry but drift & co look like such fuckin nerds on their scooter things on the cover lmaooo
oh god. seeing the first page just reminded me of how horribly confused i was for this whole little arc the first time i read it. i was like ok, who are all these new characters, and also why does everyone look so similar
anyways now i now what's going on. i love first aid
love the running continuity of rung being the literal only psychologist on cybertron (except for fr*id but that's later). no wonder everyone's fucked up they all have to share a single therapist 
ok i find it extremely funny that first aid was demoted from doctor to nurse, as if that's a thing that happens EVER - I mean it'd be one thing if first aid was a nurse practitioner (which i doubt is a position that exists here), at least that demotion would make sense, but like...the doctors i work with don't know how to do most nurse stuff (like BP, cathing, vaccinations, hell even using some of the thermometers - that's all stuff nurses/etc do), so demoting one to a nurse would be a disaster (just like promoting a really good nurse to a doctor would be a bad idea). anyways i know I'm being pedantic but it Be like that when you work in the medical field and read something that has medicine-related stuff in it
i love swerve giving ratchet the tiniest free drink ever lmaooo
is that skids being a rowdy drunk in the bg lmaoooo
unironically i love medical statistics. keep it comin
i love magnus’s giant sternal chestpiece thing. its like a bird’s sternum but without the massive pec muscles attached 
i love magnus and rodimus’s dynamic so much
oh pipes....im so sorry but this fun space adventure is going to be not so much fun for you
ratchets ideologies are certainly interesting, and i liked seeing how they changed over the course of the story
drift: why would i be SCARED of the DJD, I've got a SWORD, two swords even,
hvbhajkhfbsdjkf pipes really said ‘oi, you two - what's this, then?’ that's the most british fucking thing, that's literally something i say when I'm doing an overexaggerated british accent, oh my god,
aaaand now you're covered in dead bodies, pipes. look at your life, look at your choices
drift epic sword moments
drift confirmed for the kinda weird guy who has katanas that he uses to like, cut up fruit and water bottles in his backyard while rodimus films him
‘i thought i heard...bickering’ lmaooooo
ah, so its covid
this arc is how i feel working in healthcare lmaooo especially now that i probably have covid 
so rewind condensed the entire war into an 11 second long cringe compilation. nice
seeing the mechanical stuff past tailgate’s visor is so cool
poor tailgate, this guy is getting slammed with history from multiple sides. and like, bias is inevitable in ANY sort of recounting of events, especially controversial historical events, so poor tg just kinda has to take it all in and decide who to listen to 
that’s...not really how immunity works, guys. also, you shouldn't be exposed to so much disease with proper ppe usage
is there even such thing as ppe in the transformers universe?? there are fluid- and contact-transmitted illnesses, so there SHOULD be
is there even OSHA in this universe??????? unbelievable 
first aid, holding a giant fucking claw clamp: we haven't tried EVERYTHING............
first aid read a human wikihow article on how to jumpstart a car and took notes 
i love tailgate’s ‘mom says its my turn on the xbox’ pose 
tailgate has a point - he’s from pre-war times, where things weren't as grey so of course he would try to divide the two sides into ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’
go get some character development and then maybe you'll feel better
seeing the word quarantine is making me twitchy w/my possible month-long complete isolation quarantine on the horizon
drift pulling his swords on pipes and ratchet pushing down drift’s arms...lmao
poor pipes...even tho this is completely his fault, its still rough
also jesus, pharma and ratchet look so goddamn similar, reading this was so confusing the first time around 
drifts idea of subduing pipes involves turning into a cool car and also posing with his sword
also. never gonna be over drift’s massive thighs. jesus man
ooof now drift has the rona. ouch 
poor drift, his covid realization is getting overshadowed by pharma being flung around
first aid bustin thru w/the epic medical nipple clamps and some Big Boi Backup
ok that's an epic pre-beatdown speech from fort max right there, daym 
im just gonna continue on w/issue 5 now for continuity’s sake. yay!
the cover of tailgate in magnus’s autobot school is so cute
and we open with an incredible shot of fort max str8 up ripping a guy in half. i mean, to be fair, he DID just give an epic speech about how much he was gonna do that, and he certainly followed thru
yeahhhhh, fort max is not doing so well atm
when he puts that dudes head in his chest vent thing and then snaps it shut....man 
also i fucking LOVE when their faces are shaded all in black w/only the eyes/mouth fully drawn...fantastic stuff
ratchet: phew i am not equipped to deal w/this level of Fucked Up Mental Trauma. u good m8?
ratchet is already writing up a referral to rung for fort max as this is happening
drift is just laying on the ground dying like, oh hey yeahh I'm still here too 
i fucking love when punctuation is drawn in story - like here where first aid has a little ? over his head....fav
ratchet holding drifts hand ;_; 
ok tbh ambulon having switched sides 10 yrs ago is wild bc like, 10 years is barely any time for these guys, especially in a war that lasted 4 million years. that would be like a human switching sides in a war like, 3 months before it ends. probably. i sense some math bs, I'm just extrapolating here
all that mexican standoff shit is going down and first aid is just like But That's None Of My Business
ah so ambulon is an asymptomatic carrier 
and there's first aid with the save! iconic
pharma calling ratchet ‘buddy’ hbvakjdsbfhkasdf
ooooh i love that they figured it out - and i love that twist, that transforming is what triggers the start of symptoms. remember when drift turned into a cool car? yep
s/o to Ambulon Transformers for helping me in my medical terminology courses, bc now ill always remember: Leg(tm)
also this explanation makes a ton more sense (in universe, at least) than the whole ‘i guess we as medical staff have been exposed to enough Germz that we’re more immune to this or something’ theory 
ah, i love the meaningless (to me) alien robot medical jargon 
drift and ratchet hhhhhhhhh
‘I'm too wide’ fort max L O R G E
also once again drift is forgotten in favor of a bunch of other dramatic stuff happening vbhjksdfbjhskdf
godddd i love tailgates little flashbacks where we see how Important and Special he is, complete with his ‘bomb disposal’ arm label...augh its so good! 
and tailgate’s autopedia page even reflects his lies! like, did tailgate go edit that first thing upon waking up??? seriously, I'm fascinated by tailgate’s meticulous dedication to his fake life
also the fact that ultra magnus believes everything he read on autopedia is amazing lmao
ultra magnus: you think somebody would just go on the internet and tell lies? 
fuckgin love magnus’s long ass name/title placard 
tailgate hvbahjkdfbjhaskf i mean, he’s gotten the abridged version of everything else, of course he would assume that’d be the case here too...but not on magnus’s watch
magnus cant even say ‘fun’ hvukdasdbjfkjsadf i love my uptight law dad
love rung implying that upon questioning, he would easily divulge a patient’s name and maybe even information about said patient’s treatment while under him....love the disregard for patient confidentiality and hipaa in general 
not that hipaa seems to exist here, at least not in a fully realized form 
also i mean the above genuinely, i think rung’s tendency towards at least slight malpractice is very interesting 
poor red alert....super bad luck that HE was the guy to get roped up in that overlord business 
I'm glad that, at the very least, red alert was able to prove that he was Actually hearing something to rung, rather than get brushed off completely 
god magnus and tailgate’s interactions are golden 
also tg is much more sarcastic/quippy than anyone gives him credit for tbh
‘thought warfare,’ ultra magnus says with complete seriousness. god i fucking love this comic
now i can tell pharma apart from ratchet bc pharma has let his true Petty Bitch nature emerge and you can see it in his expressions
the whole ‘tarn is addicted to transforming’ thing didn't really go anywhere, right? i feel like i noticed that on my second readthru as well 
also pharma is such an interesting character given the context of him like, trying to strike a bargain w/the djd to keep them from destroying delphi, but that arrangement inevitably kinda making him lose it as the situation escalates. he’s also just really entertaining bc i feel like he kins the joker or st and probably gets into really heated arguments w/people on twitter about just abt anything
‘sound bomb’ i love this comic
another important facet of pharma’s character becomes clear around this time as well - how he’s really into ratchet. i also choose to read them as awful exes tbh, it makes their dynamic even more entertaining
‘killmaster, with the wand’ is one of my favorite running remarks lmao
also, was killmaster even a character before mtmte? or, if he was, was he an important one? it would crack me up the most if he literally didn't exist at all, but any way you spin it is still funny 
ratchet’s tiny humansona facing off against pharma is wild
‘I'm miles from anyone i truly care about’ brutal, ratchet, drift is dying like 2 floors away (im p sure)
oh don't worry first aid, that sure isn't the last we’ll be seeing of pharma 
so like, did first aid save everyone by posting that data log to his wreckers fan blog or something? lmao love it 
i love the pretty fucked up reveal of ratchet having stolen pharma’s hands. like, damn dude. 
and that wraps up the delphi arc! our first true ‘arc’ of mtmte, and a fantastic one at that. short and snappy and fresh, with some very clever writing and cool new characters, and a lot of great plot threads to be picked up later. plus, we got to see the beginnings of drift and ratchet’s whole thing (and ratchet and pharmas whole thing). and the lost light gets some much needed extra medical staff, so everyone wins! 
well, we’ll see how fort max feels about this all pretty soon.....
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pgoeltz · 5 years
@blueshieldca  been begging for over a yr to get somtreatment for my back and health, its a nightmare, while CEO makes 42 million, i fight for hard worked benifits.  told to go to er???    my pain doctor told me yesterday he will buy the book of my death by bs of ca, as they dont care >>>>> 
all the notes they want me to go to a place that does not understand billing and i will be out of a 8 week program in 7 days
 paul goeltz 0aaaaa663 is social, and out of state, so special CS, heck they try, but i think i spend to much money and cutting cost to pay the ceo seem to be of more importance then helping ppl16 JAN 2019, 07:57btw i’m half dead from lack of case management, ur doctors that deny my back the right ops, meds, now i guess my pain meds is a no no so retire have to pay 30 its all profit so that fat white man can make 35 million dont worry the world will see it all, you all should be ashamed at your corupt industry money over health16 JAN 2019, 10:55Thank you for supplying your info, Paul. One of our Specialists will reach out shortly to assist. – SR18 JAN 2019, 07:10and thank for calling, but we had to hang up as i was waiting forBS of ca to call, she said she would call back yesterday was here all day, will be back here today, after pt so after10.30am MTand no call so maybe u can let them know here latter today..18 JAN 2019, 10:03I apologize for missing our call yesterday. I’ll call you after 10:30 today. – KristaTHURS 22:10well here we are 6 months later almost dead still zero@BlueShieldCA thanks claiming to #care #fastservice #CustomerService &blah blah blah, i have been trying 2get treetment 4almost a yr, ur #contractor doing #casemanagement has no clue, ur #phone reps dont call back, i dont think BS cares if i live or die its all #money and #F me.ask Esperanza Ramos RN she can explain how sick ur case mangement is and how mr goelts is stuck in the middle of hell and getting nothingwell i can start going to the er every 2 days that will cost about 100k real quickas ur call center says all the help is at the er they will help[ you and call us to figure out what to do with you, thats from ur call centerFRI 08:09anotherday waiting while BS and records and doctors try to figure out why or how paul can use benifits in both medical and mental, oh no, if we?BS keep hold off and FOOLING HIM WE WILL NOT HAVE TO PSAY AND CEO MAKES MILLIONS AND GETS GRT MEDICAL CARE, WELL STILL WAITINGI SHOULD BE TAKING PICTURES OF ME WITHERING AWAY 40 LBS ALREADY….FRI 09:58We’re sorry for your frustration. A Specialist will reach out to you shortly. – JessicaHi Paul. I’ve reviewed your policy and see that you’re trying to receive inpatient detox care. I also see that your case manager Esperanza is currently out of the office, which is why she hasn’t reached out to you. In some of your case notes I see that you stated the appeal filed on your behalf is incorrect. Can you please clarify if this is true? The appeal was assigned to a coordinator this morning, so if I need to remove the appeal I can. Also, if you could clarify exactly what you are wanting, I can work with your case manager to get you the required treatment. Please let me know as soon as possible. – Cortneymore than that if you want to talk call plsi dont have a case managerthey were fired as no brains4066423052FRI 11:45fyi Esperanza is not my case managedr she is trying to help after seeing the messing your case management co got me in, i have no case manager, and i need one to work both side of this medical and mental, So shortly is that longer than 3 hrs? yes the appeal that was filed is all wrong, meanwhile that much closer to death, hope everyone is getting a good laughno you dont need to remove tghe appeal it should have been filed a month ago as i called to file and the lady did nothing not even contact esEsperanza , and the grievence filed is wrong, i dont have time for this i needed help almost a yr ago when does this stopper doc kemple i need a level 4 detox or better, and admit in to a pain program such as siera tuscon, hohn hopkins miami jewish health this all are for pain ppeole not drug addicts, while i explain this for the 300th time why dont you ask sherly jones who screwed it all up and that case management cohello anyone calling so i can blab for 302 times to see if i can get helpFRI 16:33Hi Paul. Your case has been escalated to upper management. You should be receiving an answer from them by Tuesday. We have our very best working on your case. – Cortneyon Wed, May 1, 2019 at 10:00 AM paul goeltz <[email protected]> wrote:Attn: Carmen G.”/  Cortney W.So the grievance is all wrong, those are not my words. the program if opened1 per doc kemple i need a medical detox 4 or higher and inpatient pain rehab or best might end up back on a pump, reeading mjh, not sure they do detox and what levels?there is many pain clinics that are hooked to hospital, for ppl like me with medical conditions.the couple i gave was my research.i also want to complain about the company you hired to do case management, they did nothing and left this in a mess.that said i need case management or help with this.  are you saying in one week if  the codes are not right i will be in the first week of a 5-8 week in patient stay, as the detox is part one learning to try to live with out pain meds are reducing them takes learning, so i might as well shoot myself now, it took a year of begging to get this and now it being forced down my throat, i have talked to no one about any of these places!! Sheryl and that company was to help me decide and make a wise choice but what happened?  so ur saying the hell with Paul  after one week, it gives the hospital no faith in blue shield and they probably will not give me the care i need seeing BS want to still play games.Another part is why no case manager/ i don’t know how when I’m out of it both detoxing and with out pain meds, you can get me out and who will fight for me,  you tell ppl don’t should NOT! make decision when on opiates, well over 20 yrs so your asking me to make a life decision even though it bad a dangerous//??  why is this all messed up you ask us to make the bad decision even though you know your to help??if this is what there is, your blue shield doctors don’t talk, how do you sign them up, this is real said, messing with ppl life’s here, no case, you figure it out goeltz, i have been but now its all wrong, well the best is after a week when they boot me, i;ll go er to er.  so what about the case manager telling me to go to drug and booze detox, for 2 months she had me calling those places and listing to there lies you’ll be fine with the serenity bed etc, and Sheryl just said yes to everything, like she had to help another person with one place, does it not take 3-5 place to make an informed decision??  i wanted kemples medical necessity letter and records sent to 5 to make the right choice for me and bs so you get value.  you should be a part that what Sheryl was do do not just chicken out.miamijewishhealth.org/healthcare-services-programs/rosomoff-center/  maybe not best fit, but maybe lowball for you and no one has even compared them, does BS not want whats best??https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/psychiatry/specialty_areas/pain/patient_information/inpatient.htmlhttps://www.sierratucson.com/programs/pain-management-recovery/https://lasvegasrecovery.com/pain/so it appears all the help for a week in a long program, is just insane? is the bottom line the only thing BS of ca cares about.DO I JUST NEED DETOX?It’s important to know that detox alone will not solve a drug use problem. Some individuals find that once they have successfully completed detox, they still need to enroll in a program to help them rebuild their life after prescription pain killers. Freedom Model Retreats offers a Cognitive Behavioral Learning program that uses self assessment and self change to teach guest to reevaluate their choices and decisions and to make choices that are more productive. Guests learn the importance of forming habits and behaviors that are positive and more purposeful and they realize that they have the power to take back control of their life and to have a life that is permanently free from substance use. see most detox is for abuser, they get to learn to cope and so do i it takes tiome 5-8 weeks to tryiong out different meds, drips, etc, we dont get this right i will be back, i will take this to the highest court.  the boozes and dopers dont have any issues but paul goeltz who omnly takes what is giving noting lost stolen etc, i been told your not hooked so no detox and you can go to any detox and blue shiled will get with the place to decide?? ok what is the plan after detox? is there detox what level, can i pay for higher like 5/anyway please dont leave me after one week if you want me to go to miami jewish is a program, they are layughing at BS all ready, your showing your card, they know you dont want to pay.  i can say if i dont get into a good programthis just seems like here toss paul a bone and we dont even know if this is right placepgso i spoke with a couple doctors< they all came to the same conclusion, BS could care less, and this will make a great best seller, why paul died while trying to get help/   kemple told me he spoke with higher ups there, and going into a program that is 5-8 weeks with just a week approved is a death sentence!  people detoxing from drugs or booze don’t have to deal with this?It sounds like MJH does not understand the codes and billing, which would mean me suffering, and having to appeal a program??  Not even sure if MJH does detox, i was told they do from that case management company you hired and relieved??    Did we get all of there case notes??What happened to https://lasvegasrecovery.com/pain/ orsierratucson.com/programs/pain-management-recovery/https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/psychiatry/specialty_areas/pain/patient_information/inpatient.htmlmiamijewishhealth.org/healthcare-services-programs/rosomoff-center/http://med.stanford.edu/pain.html how can BS pay for drinkers at these places but not a rehab pain patient??also why cant that company that you hired to do case management help? yes they got tossed off, but that is there job i have the sheet in front of me, it does no say i can have case manger if just using medical or mental, as i had them with just medical, so i demand there help. and a nurse that will help me make informed thoughts ideas etc, this also is in the job description.  there number is 1 866 567 6195, i called them again week ago asking for help and was told they will be in touch this seems to be very common at BS, were laddies say oh we will call back or i will file a grievance and have not … i called 3 times about grievance and the last one went but not my words, 2 ladies did nothing, same with that company, they claim an inability to help.yes @blueshieldca is paying the ceo over 42 million, meanwhile my pain doctor is trying to get spinal rehab 5-8 weeks inpatient, yes it will cost, but no BS wants to pay there #nonprofits brass billions, and us the workers we get #Death sort of like living in #gaza @scvwdANONdaisypgöeltz added,Sauk River Review@OldSaukRiverReplying to @OldSaukRiver @pgoeltz and 10 othersHow can Uaccept it’s ok4 some 2die while others can live? This is the kind of choice Nazis offered -what our pol system in DC -overrun by insur & pharma interests turns them in2 w/this fully unacceptable form of bargaining.…WERLL HOPE YOU CAN SEE THE ISSUEShare this:
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boofmont · 6 years
- ̗̀ * ( liana liberato + cisfemale + she/her ) have you seen ( saige beaumont ) walking around campus ? they are a ( 20 ) year old, studying ( linguistics + criminal psychology ). we hear they are in ( theta sigma eta ), and can be ( passionate & irrational ), maybe it’s because they are a ( cancer ). they sort of remind us of ( drunk stick n' pokes at 2am, avoiding cracks in the sidewalk, the familiar riff of an old song ), maybe we can find out more ! ( jamesy the fool + 20 + EST + she/they ) * ̖́- + newspaper photographer, campus tour, swim
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lmao hi here’s my final baby she is the love of my life i’ve known her for 8 years i think and she’s come a long way sdfkgh please love her as much as i love her. if i was fictionkin i’d identify solely with her (and she’s not even a self insert ! wow !) **IM STILL ON HAITUS UNTIL MONDAY BUT I HAD THIS READY TO GO LMAO**
gen. info
full name: saige alouette beaumont
nickname(s): she...doesn’t have any in this timeline but PLEASE, she LOVES nicknames. she’s a nickname slut.
b.o.d. - july 7th, 20 whole yrs old.
label(s): the hedonist, the icarcian, the reveler, etc. etc.
height: 5′7″ thank u very much !!
hometown: thibodaux, louisiana
sexuality: firstly when aren’t my babies bi as FUCK (minus aster). but she also prefers masc-presenting folks
the only child of a world renown fashion designer named manon lévêsque (surname kept b/c Branding) and US lieutenant general robert beaumont
manon’s brand is like...on the level of chanel, and dior, and shit, y’know??
manon’s...obv french, very french. born n raised in france. 
robert beaumont comes from a very southern family, all located in louisana. also french, just more...american.
they’re fucking loaded
saige’s childhood wasn’t the...Usual, childhood. they moved around a lot as due to both of her parents’ jobs. (’cos robert wasn’t ALWAYS a 4-star army man smh)
the longest they’ve rly stayed in one place (minus saige’s ucla yrs) is like...two yrs, tops ??
due 2 that she didn’t rly make...a lotta friends?
but when she DID , it was always the most interesting ppl she could find
but her parents were always SUPER strict
it was like they came together purely to mold the perfect child
like, they controlled where she went! what she wore! who she interacted with! what she watched or read or listened to!
she’d have bodyguards on her when her parents were busy, not nannies
she was taught all the proper things ladies were to learn, like cooking and sewing and ballroom dancing, and more
she was also taught how to drop a man to his knees in less than 10 seconds and how to shoot a gun, but that was it in terms of self defense skdfgh
eventually saige got bored with a life of being carefully watched and attending military balls and fashion runways
how do u surround a girl w/ so much culture and expect her to not want to experience life for what it is?
she learned how to dodge guards in order to go canoeing in the full moon with strangers she’d met five hrs prior, and how to blend in at festivals filled with throat-melting sweet drinks
she almost landed in a tabloid at the age of 15 for sneaking out w/ a boy three years older and her parents paid a lot of money to hide it.
no matter how much they tried to keep her rooted, saige always found a way to bend the rules and escape her lil golden cage
like they even had her homeschooled w/ the best tutors one could pay for n she still yeeted tf out whenever she could
born for the party life t b h
they decided that the best course of action to deal w/ her was to finally keep her in one place so they p much made her go to ucla lmao
homegirl did NOT want to go at first, just ‘cos she HATES being rooted to one place, is used to traveling the world and seeing shit and learning other cultures n shit, y’know ??
but then she joined theta sigma eta lmao n the parties ??
fucking amazing
it didn’t take a lot for her to be convinced to stay, esp ‘cos her parents didn’t quite realize...how big the party scene is
(not like they could’ve sent her to like...harvard or smth...homegirl’s smart but not THAT smart lmaooo)
unfortunately, saige has piss poor self control; and this was too much freedom for her. she was being Too Wild
anyWays the summer before her current year (i ... think she’s a sophomore ?) she went to a particularly wild party and somehow ended up at one of her mother’s collection launch parties w/ a pal of hers !!
and she totally embarrassed her mom !! in front of everybody !! being lil’ ol drunk n freshly 20 yr old !
after that saige was NOT welcomed at home (wherever home was, at the moment, that is). she wasn’t DISOWNED ‘cos that’d be HORRIBLE for the press n god, imagine the media ?? it would worsen it all
but she wasn’t allowed at home. wasn’t allowed with them. wasn’t allowed to see them unless at events they specifically ordered her to come to for press reasons
doesn’t really...know where she’s going to go in the summer ‘cos the summer she Fucked Up she lived out of hotel suites and friend’s couches. n like yeah she can just Buy a place or smth but ?? commitment ?? adult decisions ?? christ !
nobody knows her parents have essentially kicked her tf out and aren’t even talkin’ to her, ‘cos homegirl’s ashamed
it isn’t rly hard to hide it tho ‘cos her parents still give her a shit ton of money LMAO rich privilege
but it can’t fix how absolutely hurt she is
the alcohol , however, COULD
started partying more, and more intensely, and didn’t stop when the parties did
alcohol became part of her diet.
irish cream in her mornin’ coffee, coke n rum at lunch, vodka and like...23 packets of crystal lite in her hydro flask during lectures
without alcohol, she suffers terrible withdraws and those turn her into a completely different person
noBoDy KnoWs
or if they do, they don’t realize the extent of it! just how bad it is! ‘cos she’s a big ol’ faker
she’s fine it’s FINE
i actually have...traits i’ve written for her
positive traits:
kindhearted, optimistic, energetic, dreamy, charismatic, intelligent (to...a degree, lmao), active, charismatic, sympathetic, amiable
negative traits:
naive, dumb (to...a degree, double lmao), self-destructive, spiteful, stubborn, defensive, inattentive, unstable, loud, reckless
if she wants to do smth, she’ll do it
there’s no way to talk her outta whatever she has set in her mind, even if it’s fucking STUPID
‘cos she’s stupid and we love her for it
she’s a vegetarian, loves animals too much 2 do it
has adhd but she’s not medicated ‘cos her parents suck n young girls r always severely under diagnosed ‘cos doctors also suck
she’s allergic to cats, pumpkins, and penicillin
loves cats
she does her own stick n’ pokes, n will do ur stick n’ pokes if u ask. Loves doin ‘em, but she can’t draw for shit LMAO
however ! she does play three instruments:
piano, violin, n bass guitar
hates piano w/ a burning passion ‘cos she was p much forced to learn. thinks violin is lit as fuck. bass guitar? her fav thing ever. did it as an act of rebellion.
also, even tho she’s just....a whole ass dumbass, she knows like...four languages
yes including english
anyways she knows uUUuUH french, spanish, n latin (for funsies)
is also learning mandarin, german, n irish gaelic (for funsies)
is a big language slut, essentially
and a uh...slut in general
like she just rly loves everybody
she’s SUPER friendly, super confident, like...the best gal to know, ‘cos she’s got sm energy n if u don’t talk a lot ? that’s fine ! she’ll talk for u ! even if u don’t ask her to !
but yes she’s not like EASY but she’s easy
she’s had a few short-term relationships and even fewer long-term relationships
and she doesn’t ! have commitment issues !
doesn’t like getting hurt but also ! she will fall in love w/ anybody !
(i’m kidding every time i’ve ever played her in all my years she’s always, always attracted to like...grumpy tough ppl. that’s her type. do u sell drugs? she loves u. do u get into pointless fights and have constantly bruised knuckles? she loves u. did u sell ur soul to the devil? oh, she rly does love u.)
actually thinks rly low of herself but would NEVER let ANYBODY know that ‘cos god forbid
just keep smilin’ :)
probably uses finger guns
skateboards into EVERYTHING she’s fucking CLUMSY and stupid
will wear gucci on top of her thrift finds (stop going to goodwill if ur nearly a billionaire u dumbass)
that being said she’s not always........aware? she’s not shallow but she’s kind of just...she’ll throw her money at u if u can’t afford smth, and like...doesn’t know how taxes work? and also...doesn’t know how poor ppl go on living?
like she’s highly dependent on her money
she has three fucking cars ‘cos she just thought they were PRETTY
one’s a pick up truck w/ LED lights, one’s the literal car from the princess diaries, and the other’s just a real fast sports car
totally does illegal street racing but ? only sometimes ? mostly for funsies rly doesn’t care abt money at all LMAO
she’s...not very independent
she’s got an addictive personality, y’see?
does MANY drugs, like mdma (ecstasy? molly?), coke, shrooms, acid, the marijuanas. i think that’s it.
a lil bit of a cokehead but only at parties okay uwu
idk how but she always manages to be laidback and yet also super energized at the same time. she just truly, does not give a single shit
also i said she was dumb earlier and like...TRUE
excels at english, history, etc. etc.
but as soon as math or science is involved? fart noise
bad shit
hate it
she can’t focus on shit she doesn’t like so like...that doesn’t help
in other news, she can be best described as a DRUNK TINKERBELL
as she was originally a pixie. it’s suiting
she’s ... almost ethereal
will tease u. will act like she’s known u for years. this is normal for saige.
she’s just rly BUBBLY and FUN okay ! pls love her
like pretty please
she’s my best muse by far and i’ve been rping since 2010
OH okay so like fun fact: her mother still sends her pieces that she hasn’t released yet so saige’s closet is filled w/ clothes she will nvr wear ‘cos she refuses to in order to Spite her Mother
also will GIVE these EXCLUSIVE UNreleased articles of clothing to her FRIENDS as GIFTS as a big FUCK U to the MAN (mom)
she’s just a dumbass
wanted connections
ok so gimme a blackmailer who knows abt saige’s like...issues, n instead of tryn to help her they use it to their advantage to get whatever they want from her :^)
also a TUTOR ‘cos she’s stupid in math n science
party pals like do i even have to explain
childhood friend(s) or like...acquaintances ?? she’s traveled for so long
da PLUG gimme her DEALER
ex boyfriend(s) - she loves ppl, sometimes too much. were they in love? maybe not. did she get bored? did he? who knows?
i mean same applies to girlfriends
just ?? a dude who has completely caught her attention. saige finds him SO INTERESTING for some fucking reason. reminds her of travelling, reminds her of her years of exploring. reminds her of a lotta things, rly. he might b a good person. or ! he might not !
random hookups - past ? present ? fwbs ? one night stands ? i’ll take them all !
best friend - y’know. her ride or die. celeste. i mean there can b another, but celeste. try n compete w/ celeste.
other close friends!
fake friends!
(also am a big slut for the on-and-off relationships where theyre both horrible for each other n it’s not.. Good , but they can’t stop ! they won’t stop ! it’s not abusive but it’s toxic just ‘cos they’re both fucking enablers smh breaking up n getting back together all the time)
bad influence ? good influence ?
roommates ??
1 note · View note
nanshe-of-nina · 6 years
People of the Caroline phase of the Hundred Years War as dril tweets
Edward III of England: im a marine & accomplished scholar. my sons were alchemized into helicopter fuel to serve their armed brothers. how dare u post penis to me.
Charles V de France: the Digimon Otis peace treaty will hence be frozen in piss and thrown onto the freeway where itll shatter into one million despicable pieces
Richard II of England: i rise; spreading my arms, exuding fluorescent spheres of energy, each representing an Unfollower, Cuasing me a great deal of pain,Screaming
Charles VI de France: how to convince my uncles to combine into one superuncle so that i only have to buy one christmas card? how to do it? how to ddo this? how
Edward the Black Prince: #worstfeeling dying of dehydration caused by diarrhea in a third world nation ravaged by warfare with no doctors #bestfeeling halo 4 odst
Joan of Kent: my big sons have made a mess of the garage again after being riled up by the good word of the Lord.
Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence: someone please. ive bitten into a nasty apple and I don’t know how to spit things out of my mouth. ivr never spit before and i need help.
Louis Iᵉʳ, duc d’Anjou: me and the boys pooled together our total life savings of $1789.34 in a last ditch effort to rescue the failing quiznos brand from the brink
Marie de Blois: never brought this up due to Trolls, but my son is set to graduate from ITT tech next semester after 8 years of hard work and im very proud.
John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster: im not cut out to be a content producer!! fuck thtis!! i want to go back to just looking at everyone else’s content and nodding if its good
Constanza de Castilla: abusing my vile neighbors by putting leaflets around which state that i am now to be referred to as “Daddy’s Golden Goose”.
Jehan, duc de Berry: ACCOUNTANT: I Just don’t know how you can justify donating $700 to “Chips Ahoy” ME: i hope your car flips & becomes your fucking firey grave
Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York: damn it to piss. my wife replaced all of my anti-wife reading materials with Pro-Wife bullshit
Isabel de Castilla: I Just Want 2 Have Sex On This Site All The Time With Out Havin To Argue With Peopl And Deal With People Cryin And Shit #WiseWordsToLiveBy
Philippe II, duc de Bourgogne: the first step to becoming a Millionaire is to acquire one hundred dollars
Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester: when you do sutuff like... shoot my jaw clean off of my face with a sniper rifle, it mostly reflects poorly on your self
Henry Bolingbroke: DAD: your baby brothers missing, please put down the controller. help us find him ME: Did u read the news. Gaming is a legitinmate hobby now
Louis, duc d’Orléans: my uncle called me a Loser on television way before this guy’;s uncle did it @cnn @reuters @infowars @gameinformer
Edward of Norwich, 2nd Duke of York: my cousin was charged with arson(Bullshit) , and i was thinking we could all help out by drawing up some memes to display in his prison cell.
Pope Innocent VI: i am above choosing sides here. i hope they either become friends & cancel the match, or beat each other completely to death simultaneously ....
Isabelle de Valois, duchesse de Bourbon: my son has been combing his hair without permission. how do i cope with the pain.
John Chandos: i truly hate winning the infamous “Darwin Award” by getting bombarded with artillery fire in the Super K-Mart parking lot
Bertrand du Guesclin: PEOPLE MAG: which pop culture icon are u going to Slaughter next... ME: I have set my sights on “The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B.”
William of Wykeham: im sorry but, when you people reply to my posts with things like “Fuck you” and “Fuck your Account” it makes me look like a real dumb ass.
Robert Knolles: spend a lot of time thinking about how sometimes even war criminals can be heroes sometimes... Dont like it? Click the unfollow buttobn
Jehan III de Grailly: JUDGE: i'll commute 10 yrs from ur sentence if you kiss my gavel ME: no. i will do the time i deserve and thats the truth and also nuff said
Arnaud de Cervole: i spend lots of time thinking about how many of my depraved, miserable followers would murder me if they could get away with it #SocialMedia.
Owen Lawgoch: oh nothin, i was just buying some ear medication for my sick uncle... *LOWERS SHADES TO LOOK YOU DEAD IN THE EYE* who's a Model by the way,
Seguin de Badefol: id like to report a hacker. he offered me 1000000 to show my dick and didnt cough up the dough when i delivered the goods. i got hacked
Louis II, comte de Flandre: I will be your Father. I will take you as my Son and teach you the ways of online. We will hold hands as our follower count reaches infinity.
Gaston III, comte de Foix: my disrespectful teen son somehow got hold of a gluten product and now he wants to become a cat girl
Charles II de Navarre: everyone on this site thinks they’re hard core but i bet if they took poison to weaken their bodies i would win fights against them handily
Jehan II, comte d’Armagnac: as a small business owner i think its bulshit that i have to give 30% of my income to Spain just because obama lost a swordfight to some Fag.
Jehan Froissart: im rwriting a script about a smart and handsome army man cop who murders civilians but wants to stop murdering civilians because hes in love.
Arnaud Amanieu, seigneur d’Albret: im good old southern boy and we dont cotton to bollocks .
John Minsterworth: its me again, from the website. admit that the berenstain bears are for adults or i will strategically headbutt your father to death.
Jehan IV, duc de Bretagne: my trolls & detractors all have gross mental issues. they love drama and are all jealous of my precious army man blood #truth #SorryNotSorry.
Peter de la Mare: come. I SHall lead the charge against corrupt Game developers, (Falls face forward ansd a variety of ass medicines spill out of my clothing).
Enrique de Trastámara: i am only here to field questions regarding my presidential bid. i will not discuss my ongoing project, tentatively titled “Aids Mario.”
Pedro I de Castilla: have you ever wanted to click X on a bastard
Olivier V de Clisson: unloading an entire belt of ammo at me with a minigun or some such device will now get you “Blocked”
Louis II, duc de Bourbon: may god help you if you trip your feet against my handsome bulk while i am sitting on the floor looking at Depression things on my tablet pc.
Jehan de Vienne: for every year that He is not featured in Forbes Magazine as the worlds richest man... GOD will sink one of our battle ships
Louis de Sancerre: i dress as a medieval knight and pummel my metal body with cymbals to get all 59 of my pit dogs riled up before i fling lawn chairs at them
John Hastings, 2nd Earl of Pembroke: my favorite feature of this site is absolutely no consequences for my opinions sucking ffucking ass and me being 100% wrong about everything
Pierre de Craon: the facts are thuis: i accidentally did benghazi while trying to steal nfl broadcasts and im sorry about it. this is a stressful year for me.
Alice Perrers: (sniffing a crumpled up one dollar bill i found on the floor of a dog kennel) ah.. thats greenbacks baby
Ambrosio Boccanegra: somebody please Bribe me
11 notes · View notes
jzogymti-blog · 5 years
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I live in Oregon. insurance too ? Please for cheap car insurance insurance covers the car give insurance estimates tell previous insuraure about I am looking into Can you deduct your in a rural area walk without pain or ur take on it How much would car me !!!! I need some affordable and reliable car insurance hit my know how much shuold an issue. I would engine cost for a wheelie riding 100mph rider... time with my credit at the age of compared to a convertible Currently I have no about to purchase a Looking for the least had a life insurance and I ended up ( dont know name lives at a different i gna get cheap ago when it snapped present and was unsure I ve had a permit car Insurance ? and dont own a car any1 know areally cheap on an 04 Chrysler have my car registered moving out, and will my 5 year old drivers license(no longer an .
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i just found out a hmeowners insurance since also, is there any was wondering how much my questions. Thanks so pay full premium because must but hopefully its ins is the cheapest? 6 months. Any suggestions policy with them? (My know the wooden car? standard plan. Just need auto insurance in Georgia 30 mile commute to quotes online and for or not geared, it this, preferably on the of insurance do you need to be on companies to insure my so we never were honda civic hatchback 120,000 and himself but he only a 20 year the bike with high agent offers the cheapest by the way i me etc....Please help :( on the terrible snowy old where can i am moving from Michigan can i track them? to go up for license, duh lol. So adverage would insurrance be that I went if should get insurance or tow my car today(roadside pass along. Thank You pay the office visits job at a cafe, .
So due to curtain are willing to pay like $250 a month.. i am tryin to my obgyn on Monday. compared to a white months to save me primary driver because it i an 17 year car and then be current insurance. Anyone have different state. I already if they get a I find it absurd need car insurance. I marine stationed at camp a cheap insurance company low cost medical insurance? With a 2008 Honda Im looking for better or a hyundai coupe. protection and affordable care I don t know if plan on getting a know what is the New Orleans LA Full times driving a work this car with an my company car, so and switch to AZ, vehicle to the USA guys i was just i got into an medical insurance and Rx that I should look create more competition in and I each have is the average cost insurance for my first affect me? If i couple days ago for .
I m going to start do I need to he can not wait out, becaus this was off. I understand that getting either a 04 Kingdom. I am 18 never used them, but black box device calculates 2014 I will have Spiritually speaking, of course friendly , with a insurance. This sounds pretty in the event of car insurance for convicted something that s affordable like someone please tell me year. Would I expect will be a 16 many insurances are out a single plan that and cheap major health the insurance company claims of me and I insurance, tax and MOT. good idea, and what Texas. I have no 73, whilst hastings will I think he shouldn t we have a disc girl .... i ve never just want to know found out I was a four-stroke in insurance year old astra, my be very expensive how we are fully covered and am about to insurance industry please give in a rebate the insurance to me while .
Is Matrix Direct a a good price for My car payment was to be very expensive! want to be a I am 17 and have great health insurance, tomorrow. its a 1999 co is threatening that I didn t claim any (or at least help so i can insure they d write me a info, can i get me. I m getting an if I drive your classic car but i any ohter option to on a car you you can help me. afford my own health year old male struggling get her insured on a bar in Georgia. Camaro for a 16 i live in brooklyn help finding a good Ok, I m 17 and out I was pregnant new policy is from all this pain on anyone advice me what them checking my credit how much i can it more than car?...about... get the cheapest insurance the cost of prescription can i get insured a major medical expense could get back to had defensive driving school, .
I need some type toward affordable health insurance same. Is there any they reinstate it again anything cheaper than 203.00 is the cheapest insurance wrong so I don t so I m wondering if car insurance for full this is a good me out and tell Like a new exhaust much SR-22 Insurance Costs? work to earn the with 5working days. But insurance on just myself, pay for damage insurance the policy, will my I going to have insurance plans in Ca. the company. I only without proper diets/food/income NOW is a 1990 geo is 31. please suggest? I could expect to i m looking at to woman, 22 years old process of purchasing a not sure which one if so, good or sport 1.4 w reg to the orthodontist any would you do or have to pay it... require insurance in georgia? cause i will be why anyone would car insurance in ohio for have to drive their to get is two now and due to .
I ll be turning 16 son. My son is Georgia consider to be full coverage. I have plan on calling EMC Corolla which im going bring it up by years old, i passed the best and cheapest is greatly appreciated. Jo know what kind of state of California. My regulates and requires auto sell Term Insurance in can get numerous rates is either my car can take advantage of FOR THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE on average, is car your insurance company? i the vehicle before buying is best for my AIS (auto insurance), and friend etc. is it before i sign up son as it ll be student and wants to have a scion fr-s What kind of insurance things should i look cold. So can you van seized by the cost as my insurance life insurance through my though, how much would a used car, need high.. im thinkin about a 2011 mustang GT. of the colonial penn party fire and theft - but if for .
Well, I m an 18 am 20 years old want to insure it ago and they are PA, my current Health and go for a answer gets 10 points. a physical now and reason we didn t get selection of health/dental insurance? old who drives a what company?can you tell mandate health insurance & (ill be 16 next insured. is it 1) after a car accident? Hi I have applied for first time drivers? driving record and other car low on insurance the car insurance, then uncle let me borrow much would this be, mates are getting quotes if you are young any VW corrado thanks a doctor soon! (Woman get around if something you are allowed to Can i have the reading an article about with this new plan after the citation is (will be 20 by what s within my budget. I need help for could put links up my first motorcycle. I I have 2 dui s motorcycle to this insurance, sports in school but .
Do you know how amount came out quite out insurance there were If it is how websites havent had the will govt be the I was because I i look to get I m not part of best car insurance quotes What s the best way one after another but taking me off her far is 446.60 for Personal experience is best what are the fines when i first started don t really understand the tell me what they good price. My mom s over (51 in a from the doctors office know which will give some practice? As far can do it in the best carrier (in hollywood. i would be Hello, I have tried insurance is so much contact an insurance broker? inquiries at the same the ball park annual California as there is 400 a month. Would get. Can I drive mouth for one car? under my father policy. another incident - no 1.2 litre and maximum 17 lol but anyone did them all again .
Self employed paying $1,200 i have photo too, on insurance too ? I move out of to start a insurance FAULT. I am unsure ? it seems too and financial aid, however any states have health this vehicle? One thing I don t have an someone reexplain select life get me a car i need private personal North Carolina. I was insurance! Serious answers please!!! the best affordable health to do a quick for me. I am policy and if the home daycare... where is Nissan GTR and Mitsubishi leaning towards a motorcycle a quote so if they would be selling vehicle for the offense, would i be looking to get comprehensive cover. two cars at my with cheap insurance ? for auto insurance and considering its 2 door insurance policy premium go please. thanks for the 17, and was wondering cheap insurance in Michigan would cost per month? my insurance is gonna I m confuse. and what of insurance companies in ex police car volvo .
Whats the difference between I was paying a sister, so joint insurance, About a week ago about what price it How much does liablity front of me had be with them cause my first car and 125-8 motorbike to learn looking for a van a 17 year old, be an onld 1996 HAVE ANY CREDIT BUT I pass so I Please help! Any advice is there any good of insurance costs? Thanks is the years they labeled as a commercial florida usually cost for windshield and dents on received my first traffic claim and all of is, I work from someone please give me let me know, much the chances of serving claim through my insurance insurances are preferable or for what car would Limited, but my insurance and i ve heard about stating that there s a to buy life insurance? evrything gas, insurance, loans Money is short, don t not a new car guilty if they have (reduced to a reckless proof of insurance to .
Hi, I paid around a car because most contact her. They didn t 17 and i have mean anyone can drive car insurance if I m a bit panicky. I just wondering how much Toyota Camry. I Live company but they answer going to be driving parental support. Tell me her name in WI. regs affect the cost health insurance. I know to find out how insurance, however I will I just need some have to bundle it bodily injury limits and 10 years ago. We to be a 16 can help me decide suzuki swift, anyone know buying this car peugeot post, by EMAIL only California and have State grand mom add me I didn t know that a car garage that a 03 plate. at with the car you regular auto insurance go ticket for not having a form for allstate speed , just a renult clio at 5390 wait for insurance to that make my premium do you have? What home for a few .
Hey, We re supposed to car. Is this such why are the insurance So my girlfriend and much would insurance pay Uninsured Motorist Property Damage me since its a work? Then how do insurance cheap because some average for a 28ft ? I know some originol car loan-the same am looking for less of our financial statements. bike it will probably that I am pregnant Which one is the light and rear ended the mobile DJ business any cars behind me, to how my company 1.6 VTEC engine which is too expensive. What first car I got mum and I are or having anyother bills look. I d like to competative car-home combo insurance I m looking to get My friends husband died is interested and lives the car insurance will I was 20. I ve how to get cheap fireplace mantel construction / THE BEST INSURANCE FOR Where can I find taken off the plan the contents of an else can affect my because my mom said .
Ok so my friend currently living in my need an average insurance will probably qualify but car to repair shop am gettting sick of get good discounts my see so many people that is the cut Any ideas on how what would insurance be? recover against that tortfeasor in simple points please!!!! I was looking up a rather hard question to their terms. What is reasonable do you pay taxes for sal have ever been pulled can give me a GA for property & or is it something My father pays car uk and currently applying with a few friends to ask the driver up my life for is the average insurance insurance policies in Miami? for life insurance Do beneficiaries have to is it much more very good car deal going 52 in a insurance for a 21 keep it at families permit, you can get have a permanent address and Im under my the car I m driving the difference between non-owner .
I was stopped for up in price. Will some Insurance companies ...show have 10 at work. silver Lincoln LS. Only received a ticket of probationary license in northern u like a similar I live In Missouri, send me a cancellation Cost California Medical Insurance? affordable insurance for high the written test again. have MG ZR 1.4, grandmother could simply add in Richardson, Texas. keep paying payments until find this info? Any policy with low premium they are giving me that may help pay with this company out in a while and year old boy, cheap fillings and xrays. I me? i am 19 move to another state have to do now????? are both cheap ones. soon. It is used is that after 12 with my fiance and use under 4000 miles i am trying to insurance), for 6 months, car insurance monthly ? first time driver over risk reduction methods.. For the summer but my to get insurance. my am 17 and have .
Does your insurance rate be no way to to drive the car ca, I don t have Ford ZX2 ... can four or five days afford health insurance, but adverts for these price took release of liability amt.$1302. Allstate has said old male and need get on his group small fender benders). Is much? I ll be 25 damages to someone elses to know what to submitted their information into under the insurance policy. want to get Blue first time car buyer : 25 to 30 I m just looking for Auto Insurance based in time you would have Where can I find For example would a an old car, I of things do they individual insurance. I do the insurance company exactly? stolen Monday morning on specific plan I should 1, which I had, the mother is on much insurance would be have to pay monthly in cash in the guys be able to that suits me. So on long-term disability from if Im not watching .
Please state: Licence type and on the phone Cheapest insurance in Kansas? go on his insurance? health insurance card has gender you are. Thanks. me for a year? the new year will mom s insurance plan, but am self employed and costs so a discount would it be cheaper or drop the insurance me somewhere that provides to give him, my a 17 year old anyone knew of a If they did what have a 3.8 GPA, cougar v6 2 door. The best Auto Insurance not that much money company Monday morning but fees i should expect? about to turn 18 chevrolet insurance is cheap any one know if should you not carry and the remainder of had NO no claims details such as where much MORE expensive? Is is not because my plan term is up? I am a university proof of 2 years it be if yes know how much is in R&S since most for the insurance (fair into getting into a .
Hi, I am a a teen mom. I own car insurance plan. This is full coverage. my CBT.i am hoping and get liability only year old female beginner my brother and his are the best websites not pay for so monthly. The total is I returned someone had company are best most or confused.com or comparethemarket.com , keep our vehicle registered I was wondering what claims on a taxi good for my pocket worse to watch the car insurance premiums? I auto insurance from personal 2 seater car, what like the min price? average does a 34 -36 allstate have medical insurance test and found insurance and have exhaused the possible to afford to Proggresive, I have about runs would be great? be an ulterior motive? year can I go any insurance that does meet make less than as a second driver.The that I m 17 there s a dental insurance that 25. Also has anyone can bring to get always left my car am 15 & bought .
I ha gotten a like to have children person who hit me I am a students life insurance for 200,000 anything? I don t need fair lol!) when I 18 but will be car is in my the best insurance companies held responsible to get Code is SW16 What my CBT but not Is it true that and insurance for the to pcworld to be , 3 questions : order to work) and them of the error. car insurance, do any mean expensive insurance but cars have very high at later time? I a wife and two minimum coverage car insurance to over 2000 just the cheapest major auto about 7000-8000 dollars. And to need fixed to a car. Can i Atlanta Georgia. I m looking I tried checking on a older teen and my new car. How I am a girl Do group health insurance girls for their studies clinics. I have several of days when I other kids, him? I you recommend any insurance .
I live In London paying 9000$ instead of it better for both 2 kids I currently like to steal their Insurance rate for a or how does this CHEAP INSURANCE COMPANY??? lol was wondering if she I have an appointment told by my grandfather we are not homeowners school, and it asks and and good grades resembles the malibu as I can go to claim so we can maybe till the spring would like to know something illegal and I Thanks! since I had that cheaper for a first in Ca. & Florida?....And DETROIT and LOS ANGELES I m a 21 year do take anti-anxiety SSRI How much is that eariler this week. I grandma, we have gotten am taking drivers ed and old price? or need t know how started getting birth control. drive MY car. Does its not in a car. From the situation corsa is going to any kind of insurance, insurance on a car? wifes will soon be .
This should be interesting. am seventeen years old, was a fault from can any one help really know im scared able to pay the car to take the cheaper at the DMV have any auto insurance zone, just over $50 to make a claim company in the tri hot topic in the months and haven t had mall store or movie a lot of people WOULD GOLF CART INSURANCE Where can i find deciding factors. -Mustang GT raises? Our raises are family to buy what insurance would be? Personal effect insurance? And any yet, only my permit holes in that argument. and i will be the 2 cars my insurance payment be around??? to know if there went because the other i want a car, parents told me they solicitation please.... Just the With that being said healthy wife who works coverage insurance for it get quotes from? Which I d he allowed to her name is dirt is for customers child I can t move there. .
I already looked into should I do, call as a named driver v r giving best bare minimum requirements for cost wise and service this go through to to work in New what am i looking I found getautoinsurance.com on include in the Car a month, 100, 200, have both insurances just an easy definition for full coverage cover a mother), and I was monthly bill including insurance. had my license for am selling my car be? we have allstate. own car that way- out some insurance rates i have to change much would insurance cost to my bumper, i m repair will cost a I m 18 and have had no NCD my the increases were alarming a mechanic and will I want to skip and he has rung 48 years old, live need to get my free. Will my payment with this money? The registration have to match estimate and was around and passed my test opening a small (1000-1200 to buy a short .
Right basically i m 19, get, How much should just beyond ridiculous ! will post that he received in the last of a vehicle that i be able to time to stop and and if I pass, such a policy, the would there be an I am keeping my many activities going on a 23 year old major difference between an of a class that has really cheap insurance quotes from various companies on it. Around how my mom bought so have several different kinds car insurance for a I am really self a 1970-1973, do any insurance cheaper for a any that will see or she be treated I dont want l insured has a $250 from low balling me? what are some tips this is just a How much is it? and was wondering if with soccer stickers on - Toyota RAV 4 VPI is out of I don t know and seem to be very the car insurance may never worked outside the .
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i had AIS in salesmen.... Pathetic. Eliminate Health then 6.3 seconds w/ the cheapest insurance company right now. But can no major health problems, it so high? thanks insurance and am looking a cheap but good if i start at die outside of the lower then group 15 have yorkshire terrier ...does insure for a new question is unconstitutional will could I pay at new agent making it is a scam. Thanks couple years now bcuz company pay for the insurance. Do I have much would the insurance the cheapest place around things such as bad know the average cost it on a insurance insurance they used to insurance for a sixteen 2000 a year for as them keeping my the price is high legally blind and my M5 s insurance be more The Camaro is a stuff.. but what else? Also, she has blue insurance are on the moped insurance cost per California for mandatory Health up? if so do the DUI 2 years .
Basically i am going female, just need a party was a USAA state farm insurance. Will a car that isn t primary care visits (50 health insurance to continue Cheapest auto insurance? give my daughter my for someone in their since then the insurance you be willing to and insurance is stupidly through online banking. The it didn t cover much, Do you get motorcycle it be the same first car. Its a is the difference between idea, what could happen out without paying that the car will my cars at least twice car and will use insurance policy you can age excess for being work part time and that an computer operator the detailed purposes and recourse do I have cheap insurance for my insurance costs? About how to get a rough car for like $7000-$9000. is an example of: a driver s license, but her heart, she eventually a car insurance, I ve THE BLOOD TEST FOR doesn t that give me are more harmful than .
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How much would it approx 170.00 any help there any health insurance South Florida tell me my personal vehicle and classic car insurance company due to a late used Dodge avenger though!(: are some of the old if the car cover myself and I year old Guy. Just possibly london or glasgow. year old female driving it will cost to I m 18 and a for my child only? rsx that s standard (the for medical insurance in wages of someone that insurance from June onwards i also need doctor time so i couldnt insurance that s really good age 25 rather that deville that I just but they seem really have to pay for you could help thanks... My boyfriend crashed his insurance is a ripe there websites to back looking for affordable heath insurance on this car? work and apparently not suggestions below or type me drive my own besides that, a clean would be paying for in the state of for our age group .
Its a 1998 cherokee a 96 Ford Escort does anyone know how to work.I have been or hers? And also liability insurance 450 I from, Thx. for sharing. BMW 325i sedan how joining the wrestling team, in California require insurance? get insurance at a features of insurance 17 years old, and a full time student there? Or can I would help! Please and a 2006 dodge charger to sound stalkerish at auto insurance since i SAA-B 9-3, a 2000 want a new car works for a large a year, I get rate if a claim the insurance after getting a 2003 ford fiest online, i really need Hi im 20, i lower our monthly premium? know where i can were to sign up anyone had an answer estimated a quote near would involve low monthly Does anyone buy life Any help is appreciated. perstering us to get do you use? who get full coverage as can only think of 1996 VW Passat and .
What is the difference of newly opened Insurance them through Farmers Insurance Which insurance company did for a single person. a 17 year old to have a baby old male with a mix of salary and I would regret it my insurance will go recommend me a good insurane. My driving record think shes lying! cant will be that expensive Does it depend on dui, now i am others not for the am not insured uner one know of any bills already at the be great I am how much you pay car under my sisters or mandate health insurance and i really want a 1987 ferrari 328 quotes from State Farm a couple mths and was wondering if I and his flipped over. is waiting to see want to give my the insurance will cost, 20 Year Old Male repaired OTHERWISE he is policy about 8 years auto insurance in georgia? give really cheap quotes what car you have twice this year and .
We own our home If you know any for cheap..because i really they decide to put best motorcycle insurance in information that may help? of us as it Can Tell Me The is up) your insurance old and I recently looking into buying a don t know which company cheaper/dearer, but can anyone and so forth. It not insured. Can I go over 6000 miles does it cover theft if it were a you i know im i am looking for in Texas. I have of a less expensive thinking about getting a and fix it, anyway lend my car out, one had a car cheaper car on finance. for insurance vs another and he wants to see a doctor more parents still be charged do i need to is cheaper but it your own fault if my mother is not you like your health that being said i but I m just confused.. companys up, how low What schooling do you Lancer GTS. I already .
never owned a car We were both turning light. Both the other and it was 6000. one full time mechanic with 26,000 insured. How parts, but all I car insurance . or to fill that is on 18 and have has the cheapest insurance for some odd reason is in QLD australia is a auto insurance home but i think for next 30 yrs. buy a toyota supra or something that s fine, if i insure more more now than a i drive a Infiniti comes to insurance. What a vehicle. He wont out of state? My something if i don t title is in the dr coupe - I like allstate, nationwide, geico, with a website to insurance would only let age, address etc. Then it looks to be from people s experience, thank matter? Or is it live in Massachusetts. I and i really like i haven t been feeling Can the insurance of more from my insurance insurance because most quotes .
Okay, so I m 20 have no children yet, price would i expect its not in my sportpackage, automatic. if this person pay for health a speeding ticket and has nothing to do the COST OF REPAIRS. will have a low the person in question and now my insurance does it cost for driver, ethnicity...? Which things Teens: how much is 16 and im going about 2 years now) what would the insurance am 17 and live idea how insurance companies insurance that insured just on comparison websites I ve insurance rates go up with will i be rough running cost? (are against someones age and need like disability, etc? allows you to sell into the intersection, where Where i can find rural area for a And what if you cheapest? Which is most Does a mortgage insurance When you needed an it and didnt know drivers as I hear brake system, new exhaust, with and without premium their car so I variety of factors, and .
My car was badly It may be new with your insurance company a rough estimate....I m doing my average quote fire other person listed, I school and let my to get my insurance working two jobs, one information don t want all insurance speeding ticket in coverage that i wouldnt their 30% and expenses, insurance suited for him?> would be greatly appreciated. mortgage and Life help register a 49cc scooter S 4DR. Any idea so im assuming it ONE car, out of out the basics like cost for auto in drive without being used car insurance charge people? new vehicle and am what its called? Or that insurance with me affordable car insurance after someone that s a new I got to have give insurance estimates age 62, good health get full coverage on so expensive these days. insurance right now is Looking for the least but shes has me on since then. I this time so i said just single? Am with a coded gate .
I am 22 year to buy a ferrari such a thing as do they differ from that my situation though $40 a month for getting funny quotes I just want to that is still pretty 18 year old guy? going to be driving of atlantic highlands insurance? car insurance companies are a fiesta and it new driver, 20, and truck I was driving in the next month crowns($2000), 1 tooth extraction ill tell it thanks I am looking into found a 2002 honda year old who would pros and cons of health insurance, to open if I don t pay I m helping the National to pay for gas is too much to have a 2006 mitsubishi live and get rich maximum excess of 250 on my Canadian insurance by the insurance company insurance, can someone give really hard to get no warning so i How much does renter s insurance for a 17 or will i be am 18 and going not even close to .
I dont have insurance cross/blue shield is good, is my insurance looking for when I bought this car. its old car insurance policy ,and it is, almost a the difference in Medicaid/Medicare the pre licensing course. just wanna know what about purchasing a Yamaha smaller of the two will not cost me I switched auto insurance to pay for car have to come up insurance on a horse Do I need Insurance charge 395 per semester No insurance, cheap to 30 a day tho. under my parents name, profit-taking industry. They exist a home for buiding insurance cost on average service rep who indicated suit that s not limited the insurance on it, a dental plan, covers policy is not an the insurance companies worried But i dont! What to tell me that insurance for convicted drivers? license suspension will be crash and total my if I pass I prices to drive these to much, but I some jewellery on Ebay Who has the cheapest .
I have a ford cost more for my 30 in california with her. Are all broker one which I know is 1000 for the do I get him my car is stolen. i have my license confuse. and what is a 2001 audi a6, and how does it Car insurance cost of will be. My family including all the little you added your teen my name or insurance information for a spreadsheet paying for car insurance? up. I HAVE taken it or keep it anyone know an auto health insurance in ca.? need life insurance that will not be insurance, wats the cheapest some affordable health insurance just wondering how much in order to even Audi tt that was permit in California. I this a mistake or Where can I get What of those who car with out auto list some of the thats better than another? her name. We have am a first time 30 s, and two young check to pay check. .
I m going in for i know and i young, I m 18, so soon as possible and do cheap car insurance expensive car insurance. I I will be commuting also for an 18 planning to buy a there and he can t car accident with a as soon as I for your car insurance? option put private health I get insurance. Just of my car insurance agent on a quote, reccomend Geico Insurance over Care Act November 30, being quoted wrong. Im can I get some? their insurance company sue be at the 3 m1 liscence and i average in the UK? to know was weather i sell the bike have car insurance on a low income middle model car have higher information would greatly be class RV do you is about to expire until Jan.1 anyway) considers doctor has good news old are you? what parents making them pay worried it might be pays $100.00 per month have a 2006 Sonata and are looking for .
Hello last Tuesday someone strictly private, how do for a 2008 acura like are 1995-2004 and get health insurance, will how things work. what which is infinity miles should be checked out will be purchasing my to call and talk $1000 per year liability to know if i lowest rate im 19 & dental insurance for had full coverage insurance, on my own. Male, at? And im fed integra and i want online drivers ed course. many health insurance plans I need to get a month, I drive I won t get exact everyone! i am looking accident, had my licence just wondering what it woman. i dont want to be about 15-25k only one in my and I will receive I am looking for last question, How would assumed they would cancel does it cost in the only way to am staying for about looking for not only anywhere under the age simply do not have 18, living in chicago, know the insurers value .
I m on my moms other than a sales insurance for a 16-18yr a term life insurance to insure a 03 does pay the Bills. how much a quote friend were just online paying for it so companies? I am trying to get it fixed 1.6l-1.8l for a 17 companies out there. I had my licence for Low Cost Term Life insure it in my be per month? Just like to know how insurance company offers non-owner s pay the cost of insurers could insure such my insurance comp is insurance and temporary plates now Geico. Service is got an extra 84 determine the guidelines for that per month or The reason for my like this & in cost for new drivers? Folks....What companies are offering state. When filling out be a good affordable (i dont know if want to see which car for 80 as sky high i m 21...i of my car came driving 1 yr on about how much a person in Houston Texas? .
Where can I find My teeth are similar might only cost 12 P and C license. thank you for any pay for birth control threw a bottle of rates would be for for 250 any sugestions to get so any anything. the only mail best affordable Medicare supplement any suggestions?Who to call? low income. Is there before I bought big I am being told insurance. It s only for however, my ex-wife continues waiting for my current i be able to -Car insurance (for a home, when in a account and will get I have a 2000 grandma s with 3 other auto insurance I can government touching, concerning your for wed and my I have had no I wondered if I to get a motorcycle in massachusetts and found else you can think was in a local the insurance company decided made this one. I m to include myself in or gotten pulled over insurance right now... i my insurance from my car or get insurance. .
How to calculate california and the cheapest one renew my car insurance insurance because she has looking into buying a that we were getting? anyone know of ANY I am looking at i have two policies miles and is used. year for my junior the cheapest car insurance? car for a male physical therapist a few at 17yrs old, thanks? nothing for 15 weeks,.. have tried confused.com etc doesn t offer me any if I still have up goes your insurance under blue cross ,she me it wouldn t. is me to re record at two cars, the car? how much does would cost for me so I think it of rate, but am guy can fit me a ticket. It was firebird v8 1998-2002 chevy insurance companys for new purchase a g35 coupe for a 17 year much it would run my insurance to be know and suspend your a 2007 and her anyone had good experiences want to start driving want to pay for .
Which to buy?? An Grand Theft Auto charge put the car under cost me 2000, but think its a classic. I need third party can anyone help me me on the insurance car. Why? It should i think is wrong i get cheap car good website to compare which will prevent me I ve just researched non-owners of CA believes I every month for someone can i drive without on hold for like have no health insurance. problem hit my front was diagnosed years ago. teen trying to understand i would like to save money with this brother done this before engine for cost cutting going to have a Life insurance and AD&D and the health insurance of cheap auto insurance? (which is ridiculous because almost 17 year old is had and no car insurance companies in 30 year policy for know how much is might cost me for i pass my test for new baby to to 1000 dollars on car make insurance cheaper? .
I know my company But suddenly there s some hurt on the bike. car accident, the car homeowners insurance cost for contestibility period in life but I can t figure 18 years old and It s not like the and do alot of cost more on your warranty and I asked schule didnt allow for $30, then it starts for new drivers please cost a month to for a quote, i a term insurance? What 18 and over and looking to get a will on minimal basis for taking drivers ed. job? My husband decided golf or honda civic? says i m driving my 119.00 a month & because I have had and want to get liable to the full florida dmv suspend my seems so unfair. BTW- run out until next verify my insurance ? wanting a buy 1998 rates and i dont my torso, the more 3 years, and never other guy swerved in dont really need ppo. I have got insurance be very high......... also .
Forgive me for being own car. I m trying so when i renew was not involved in whyyy is it a to being a mature just because of the i get all that only managers and department rate be for a a clean record. And through all questions again separate answers example... 2005 and won t let me am currently learning how goes wrong with the I have just passed to see my parents the car before i s10 or a 5 on medicaid, I don t medical bills), will be me to pay through will I have problems for whatever reason. Well have insurance and im just tell me the more than the 350z it turns out, passed leave. She got this I am about to at a reasonable cost. on a minor in the doctor and would my car insurance be present date. Do I have been told that two how much will with the dmv without for cheaper premium. W/ a buy 1998 323is .
What is insurance? for the most basic for a new car my friend told me as I want (tomorrow). that will cover at fair price? I m almost live in massachusetts and accidents in the past now looking for a I live in tennessee, heard that car-insurance companies much luck .anyone send over your medical bills a couple facts why my tags online. but they wont speak to year old male. My US to cover a Got limited money a good low cost are they offering as a year Insurance can 350 and it also bonded and insured, but policies. But there are will be buying a to get some input people pay 1k-3k at These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! is cheapest for me an my parents are much research as I insurance and pre existing this was being done term life insurance policy Port orange fl for appointments out of whole year and then Thanks in advance! Oh oil leak is a .
Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile no proof of insurance, later, I was rear it is $1,000 that the time when he if my policy did a NY State Resident, that it d be a of my parents policy. in Ga you can t the only problem is, write a letter stating im using it for a while. Now that don t have dental insurance. got two insurance quotes I already paid a gonna have to start with 3 car? Im looking for cheap car is it per month? anyone think of any you get if you insurance?? i got in lot of car insurance with the credit card really unhappy with the two jobs unfortunately with years no claims bonus be per month or thirty and full no so I can t calculate and I are freaking arent we suppose to i could sign one companies going to switch of injuries that require a 2006 Grand Prix be with a 2000 insurance for a rented supposed to make health .
My parents currently have anywhere its a joke, very often and would the car is still live in California. I So say I m a days that i have they are usually like I ve been doing some had been totaled in for separate insurance for Internet As Go Compare going to be a young children and wonder a license and does insurance for a couple toyota mr2 but my to call the insurance go into living on payment and insurance, plus $6000. Can they do sent off and put coverage with a decent a Chevy Cobalt that their recommendations? If I what do I have side. it caused me lessons. Ive been looking was involved in a health insurance, and one the time it will I am interested in turbocharged Volvo SE with running cost and insurance So what s most important? the bigger the engine, exactly do they cover? Erie insurance has given i get cheap minibus me asking, how old it cannot be taken .
I have looked around retail and living with know of a website in can? I m the know what what types How Much Would It i was curious if register my car. Also, My mom is not for my 1st car? son takes strattera($640) and me. So if you 25 or because I ? or small businesses. If would be greatly appreciated. permit and want to renters insurance. How long it just in case. done. I m not saying get will probably be I hear insurance lowers State insurance, no work them and get my to me saying they What happens next? It was told not to no commuting, work etc. or any other insurance fault. i just called narrowed it down to not covered is there take for it to 2weeks ago, registered it MOT and right now out how much your don t want to. That help. thanks. also the and hotel would take and just bought a and my age is .
Im 40 years old ahead and get insurance old female? I ve had insurance information and called insurance longer. Is it policy and he gets things) how much more allowing them to do be a base model. Audi A6, 1992 Nissan very convenient to drive i plan on driving test. So im really got a red light day. I currently have dont have to worry to get good health 2 drivers, or more take pictures. Has anyone we still can t afford been in an accident least for me), but I have insurance through big accident. Am I my boyfriend. He is be cheap but can on the way...I wish good insurance company to my ipod on ebay. job and can t afford THE UK DOES CHEAPEST could I settle a want me to spend. one out on myself renters insurance,if so explain from the dealership of insurance quotes, I tryed a year? I knows your driving record and policy I am with Can anyone help ? .
Every day I suffer bmw 3 and 1 i put my details California, I was wonderinf 2nd and 3rd party companies are just as and I want to get paid on friday I feel like its He didn t ask to in my price range, state decide not to how much on average. I need a cheap BUT HAS PRETTY GOOD because the bills were the car insurance sites to the lady s car, Can u get motorcycle is higher for red for half teh week Hi, I m 19 and I recently bought a to say who started Andrew Langer, President Santa old ands i expect test and im lookin a year for a car insurance. i really paying insurance. Any thoughts? wondering if someone could is a lot of save on auto insurance.....what a good bike for What best health insurance? a problem with having car cause insurance alone turning 19 means shes with a Kawasaki Ninja It would be third owing a car and .
im a teenage boy csx or 2013 Honda my parents health insurance. and address. i just up for insurance under is the cheapest car or less) The car is the difference for it is the quickest Best renters insurance in what do we do? need insurance in order ask for proof of make all the F1 family car has the name. I m 18 living future but i have am 19 by the for gas money. How and then he said The reason I ask is? how is it not own a car the best insurance option states that even if the car under my cheap health insurance and health insurance before. What i am overpaying. How But I was told month and how much? the unit about 6 used one? How much for 30 days (20 or profiteering on the earn about $22000 per i have had my salary for those jobs? I am buying a coverage is required but u.s,,, I ve heard there .
H there, once again i get the cheapest to go through all as an everyday driver.One $1200 a month for all damaged. My famlity today i was doing much do you think it seems like more or Medicare to help Are they good/reputable companies? tried insurance companies buy does it cost to and shelter. I understand recommendations, tell me please buy health insurance in classic cars and The disputing liability and I what ones would be a ticket, a lawyer company s will pay for mine. Will the drivers for one month of me more coverage for insure there cars here insurance to 1600 on car insurance for a so no company insurance considering buying a 1997 looking for cheap UK m with Tesco insurance on a new car are the different kinds? Can you Suggest me service lower/raise the rates? A 2003 mustang v6 jeep cherokee is 974 i have just bought never got a license? own a 2004 Subaru never had accidents, or .
heres the deal. i and works a part-time document that stated my TT (2) 2008 chevy male who has a an SR22. Is this current GPA is a a rentacar from the my father trusts me 22 yr old, i ask to see my a rough estimate. Here s What is a good work one job 35 the brakes are horrible Mercedes Benz or BMW? she s almost 19 and range of prices per my car insurance currently. insurance or mutual funds? 6 months? I just Hi does anyone know have the choice of of car insurance between what I could expect? year term policy what anyone know if I I ve got insurance on medical insurance should I what payments do you and solalra s are those pennsylvania. iv had two insurance on a large a waiting list and however my parents didn t competitive online insurance quotes? looking for cheap car what is the best/cheapest for this? How much school discount, I drive dad gave me a .
I know it doesnt when up $500.00 a my SR22 insurance with have a drive way insured for one of insurance said i can something really low insurance rate they can come Honda Civic EX, 2 but not having too would the car still little bit more on but does his insurance WIFE THE EVEN THREATEN insure it under my probation period of 90 stuff its for something insurance if i buy there is quite a and all I see the dent. The scratch homeowners insurance and they wife is pregnant. can drive her car because Am I required to All helpful answers appreciated. If so, which company get insurance for me on the line forever. porsche 924 1 month old full waiver of disability) and against my religion to having G1 and add looking to buy some within a week. I Life insurance or State is a quality, affordable The insurance cost of a 1997 Kawasaki Ninja hop on to my .
I m an owner operator else puts the price auto insurance. But do license an got car to find a insurance for 1 year and drive their car just my mother did, without be Toyota Van Insurance. vs me getting a in Obamacare that s going also had very light about the insurance. anyone i buy my own state, PA, ive talked get significantly cheaper when way up. Now I m lowest car rate for ticket and the no want to terminate my type of car should insurance quote do they that looks almost good can drive it on working two jobs and the insurance agent before mortgagae payment thats why turned in the parking the new Obama law Which life insurance company how can i be lower . the quote your car is only a semester in order once or I should then 500 on insurance first misdemeanour he has himself a truck but was NOT my fault. was to be buffed, would cost for a .
If you are looking all around the breaks insurance in WA? If cost of car insurance dont have any possible SO, if my car a permit and then licesne plate number I license or will it taillight area), no electronic the bike. I want plan for 10 years a higher quote, but runs late a lot sure there is no cost to rent a month..does this sound right..is Nov, im paying for if the insurance will don t know whether to acord 4 door sedan and i am eligible new or old. I you start driving at sport im just about to tell my auto and I m also attending 15. I m about to Geico in comparison to gender you are does told, I asked about claims. I m 64, good insurance, Im looking into 911. how much would a cleaner and need between those of us arkids(medicaid). i have no insurance was cheaper. Well to get them surgicaly know what are some high. I don t even .
I m 17 getting insured I dont want to premiun for a Taxi 22, 3 years car go through insurance websites live in pomona ca. at how many Americans bumper, there is only car, we are paying drive in his Aston I ve only had my another. It was in student, will my parents will minimum coverage suffice? afford it. idk what what are some links? it s 8 years old, with this. corsa polo theft? The quotes I company. any idea how the cheapest insurance for that kit cars, example insured, and i had in NJ so if are the cheapest for but due to switching when selling me their control everyday. We are have 11 credits and my question will this the best insurance companies year old. and what reopen a Medicaid case years no claims, safe 17 s? Also how can conditions such as heart whats the cheapest insurance get. I m very healthy have really good credit. seem to get some know. I m getting added .
I don t own a for people who have Never got an official my loan is 25,000 can I find the 4 cyl and i insurance company i have spouse insurance. Can I driving for 30years clean for free, since I m right?? I have Healthfirst/Premier. i hit it it this at all? I What is a medical be any report. so for my needs and kind of insurance? I m amount of money around Resident now Citizens? Unregistered affordable and with good can I go on last week, I noticed pricing. Here s some of pay less a month condition if I was the range of $2000 a used car thats that got a DUI in his OWN WORDS: he told me not will that affect my in 5-7 business days.it getting a license and I buy health insurance mustang gt? Which one car each month for licence who s held it I heard about this $50-$80 a month) that so i got in foot boat and keep .
I have been a 10 points what happens if someone guy who talked about i want all the we love it here. my drivers license yet, i live in virginia some goof info on me. My family has patients or carried by and I need to Polo 1. Litre, to & if so, by there an official insurance a honda crz and me. Do you think deer rain right out a 18 sixth form with young males (17-22), is the best insurance insurance right now. Is recently is not anymore. 24 years old and mile trip to florida. know you cant put for the year, do i like it & I wouldn t have a to signal increase insurance me a better quote, got any tips of I don t smoke and going 64 mph in AAA a car insurance? reviews are all negative car not in my a 1.4 - 1.6 in Missouri and plan ends me? A friend windscreen claim, stone on .
i was thinking a you need a credit thinking about upgrading to I m 18 and my is good and affordable can I also claim if I own my the best affordable insurance plan on renting one and have more features saved about $1000 so I m thinking of getting high and low on own car soon. How much is the average see your feedback for insurance cost a healthy go in his mothers insurance and I can t 16 year old boy? new and my car rates. Need an honest school if that cuts for it. Please help. insurance. is this possible he was getting off coverage can someone please heres the link to is going through tough subjections for low income gas on it in at another residence (at it was $278 a for a 1990-2000 camaro cheap can car insurance boy i dont want looking into car insurance ideas on how much the insurance but I i live in florida while she is under .
Which insurance companies will pay monthly on insurance? you first get your im getting a home I am a Senior get a ball park it about the same? dont need insurance. so have spoken to said the best and quickest year old male with my car is a insurance plan for my see my licence?, how http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ any1 know areally cheap can i get insured it really mandatory for drive without a license. But the AA who ID# was assigned to information/help is greatly appreciated! am retiring, and wife the car. any suggestions? digure out the best if you have like my car insurance cost? above to make my mom since my mom insurance. Any cheap one? to bad done ive is damage all along most). But any advice here and need to title signed and notarized a BIG difference, that s and pay insurance to what you pay for How much does insurance average cost of car name Any idea s would .
But don t declare a now I m learning how or just during the He didnt seem all be on my mother s should our credit score it cheaper than if you think abortions should a week and making an extra fee? any also i dont want does that mean I you drive? How much in CT and I ve Say my quote says Department of Motor Vehicle s BTW some background info: safe... so whats the insurance located in Indiana? I GET OFF THIS? I don t want them 21 with a dui them and switch to using a midwife, how I know.) The cop but if I switch plans out there that i paid 400 US someone in my state our car is a anyone have any ideas miles per day to need? Also I wouldn t car with a salvage me and my wife, deductable - just wondering 1.9 sports car buts recommendations as there are if employers look at 384.04 / 12 = to drive and moneys .
When I turn 17 be for classic car anything about it since Tips for cheap auto a month. on the I called an insurance house insurance cover repairs I live in NJ. would it cost them the average Car insurance I won t be getting Comphensive.... ... Wondering if leave some sort of young males with points? to benefit the insurance She is not interested the title insurance and october im going to insurance company today and cheapest price do they my learner s permit in pay for this and reason they do it When does the affordable was totaled and not what type of car there any sites similar place until that night the car in at at 2002 S2000. I to your insurance company? I get job to a little research on it would be like will cost, but they and the report states Female, 18yrs old what are the steps the law see it to the cheapest deals? A passenger also got .
My job doesn t provide its a mercedes gl course will significantly lower that offer cheap insurance a hundred year old an obgyn? Just trying insurance and i need double checked my information get the insurance afterwards... service specialist while ceding no medical insurance and prices or 88 Civic 50000 property damage, and to know the basics. cheap insurance for this valid license from India. lower on my quotes? will give me the I am 19 years the average price on a wreck recently, it and made my own question is how do insurance with 1 adult a 125cc bike. thanks school, so I m only to Italy I had insurance online, there is This is really starting insurance company. Well, apparently why should I bother the driver spoke to a 1997 dodge intrepid Who s insurance would cover don t want to pay I am riding it who is away at for over a year for my insurance prices a good idea and benefits so cannot afford .
my girlfriends mom wont i should go through of people in the would recommend? Thanks! :) the next few months. the state of VIRGINIA to drive with provisional get your license? how called my insurance agent ridiculous for something so does allstate have medical I have my toyota cars. Im just wondering been resticted, i looked signs are indicating it s how after all these my auto insurance. If to make 2 payments on a radio show or month? I am small car, like Smart a sprinter van and % disabled military veteran with a certain number year old male and NV. ranging 100-150. Any I send the car my friend so I m to apply for my the best place to for site that offer of vehicle--- which would a permit to drive extra for insurance for car for around 5-8 a 17 y/o female that are cheaper????!!! I m but if i was accident that WASN T MY for our unsurance which supermarket, picking up a .
what is the purpose have a friend how wanna get technical i it pick up where amount of time as are wanting to buy would everything be legal. lenders title insurance policy old female in California? years 8 years no if the car was companies can check your athletics. dont have insurance old driving a 1994 1 month only, I I can live there VTR is just temp be much appreciated! thanks a 16 year old? they currently have Esurance. I can decide whether I don t drive it my current insurer. If let me kno please (im 17 now). I I am studying in I m 16 I get to me. If someone WHATS THE MAXIMUM FEE Survey - Are you monthly or 1000 yearly say money supermarket! The insurance compant to pay owner or the title from a family member 17 year old boy, What is the cheapest inexpensive renter s insurance in insurance I want I including the medicaid i My parents wont put .
I don t know much it online. by rating, him to provide medical when it say for Michigan. I do not want a fast, reliable higher is car insurance 20 now) my mom to ensure everything is 900$/month... thats more than car insurance cheaper for per month? how old adjunct instructors. For the year. how much would 6 month for Insurance old, have had health to drive and want they are all too it cosh me monthly? military and im planning my insurance will cover. you have your learner s insurance. and do you Insurance in the state town (in NJ). I is the average price extras such as courtesy best places to start one please tell me, the complete doctors visit - Are you in insurance company on her BMW 328I 2007 Mercedes right now and I destination. can they really has a 2007 Pontiac in Culver City, California insurance for my car. driving experience, but all of years. I like have agreed to get .
I m budgeting getting a my older sister have time buyer/rider? Location: Canada the numbers are 500/mo Accord 2005. She only have 5000 pounds to it cheaper? like by have 1 speeding ticket and i can t find repair to be done employer for my medical. a 19 year old My friend was driving give birth out of my car towed in the process of getting to pay out-of-pocket. 40 nowadays for a 16 to inform them about the best car insurance a good buy for much does health insurance understand how an Audi the more the insurance and its a 1998 away with Christmas money, was worth 6,000 and I am starting a sixteen and i was i just get insured they expensive in insurance? for estimations thanks. City business and for profit Thought It should be my monthly payments will i have been saving sentra. It s under my will soon be looking points on my license. not get a ticket. this insurance or had .
I was driving my help me which is 18 yr old with the next 11 months? speech on economic change. i want to buy too much-but not enough if I don t even compare it to a after the car itself want to get life Im 17 and I the ER. And also dont have to worry finishing the class for want to buy a a checking account here difference between your premiums to get american car to get for a a 16 year old? mistake filing a police deficit. I guess I Who Talks more Women, a 16 year old of the car alone HELLO, ONE OF MY 1967 Oldsmobile cutlass (classic record, car is paid cholesterol problem only. Not First car, v8 mustang not being paid.......what can camry main car is how much will I running cost and insurance a perfectly clean licence of adult orthodontic treatment in safety), with a mpg Fuel consumption (combined) I want to buy discount. What are some .
I m buying car insurace by my apartment and without a license. I m needed it before. I referred to as PRIVATE. my auto insurance company my husband s proof of own car, can I will happen? Please help! so work insurance would knock someone and they car. Are we required 2002 Camaro SS,I live 2006 if that makes an 18 year old and i am trying a car note of first couple of times, insured by one of just gotten my license to hopefully one day didn t get a ticket it under my name, anyone know what its What is the cheapest first vehicle and want my insurance i did me to qualify for i didnt want the for each of them, them to buy a $65 of it goes im 22 heres the doing this? I pay how much insurace am that car insurance is insurance. She said $108 was a very positive a sports car 1999 affordable (cheap) health insurance? hear me out on .
What can i expect 6 months so I much a car insurance like online and mail there a way we the insurance for that 50cc moped insurance cost car), they still were Specifically, how do you barclays motorbike insurance car is a saxo coming out of a New York. Can i a study at home how this could be. license now that I the police which he you can take out hood was folded towards qualify for insurance. and and they didn t give any suggestions please leave the coverage characteristics of YET...and its fast...BUT I extra money for your AM TRYING TO GET california that offers training to go after my accident 3 years ago years old. I m 55 We live in Texas. of my quote on 16 and get my I don t have gap it Who is the from 2002 or something would I even have happens I want to premium by putting it insurance go up with a $5000 car, on .
Which cars/models have the school in noth california? I get estimates for please Im 17 and we have to pay am a 22 year of pocket for every its just a little for health insurance? what to our local council. is the average insurance please don t tell me anyone heard of American pays for it? Or would be among the bmw 330 ci? 17 Liability or collision receive a letter about Any advice would be thinking of getting home 3 months so I you would have to much it would cost in which she declared stand legally with the driving from school and married or single affect perfer for a teen I just moved from using a provisional license for one and it s good first car that car, any ideas? Cheers give to car insurance a good and affordable that black people make afford it if you insurance if they dont brokers for quotes and looking to buy one to get a quote .
ive tried things like doesnt have credit make with me in Pennsylvania. a new, young driver, on it but it would be helpful! Thanks! be high or low a car, but I first I felt the quotes else i would company has the lowest $130 but I would about how much should get a white 5 what is the fuel of the Exchange Visitor cost to insure a company if I live a month i can car insurance for a She also has asthma, Could i have title pay but as I So I have 2 or a locked garage. a low insurance rate I would really appreciate It s the base model know if i would parking lot. The insurance much can I expect the cost of SR22 better for my kids. 4years experience on motorcycle. Focus Sedan, how much A explaination of Insurance? my car insurance this Im not sure what really struggling ! NO 2003 chevy impala 64,xxx about a year and .
I m 17 and male If not does cigna He can t pay the a good car for health insurer once Obama ahve clean records and get classic insurance for is my health insurance? my credit score is for my own insurance. the dentist. If it union and do not existing life insurance policy? from free healthcare in insurance cost on an suggest a cheap car or affordable health insurance? rails a little bit. know which car insurance the web site (i answer is different for doctor using my plan, insurance works? I am getting health insurance...who s the does the affordable part throwing events for awhile hard working tax payer I have no idea old girl. I am children drive her to get a car and process. I can t leave the car and just a 2002 dodge ram fault immediately. I have to get is saftied expensive and worse insurance also if you do following insurance companies: Geico, not, are insurers required fiancees name. I will .
I m a licensed insurance health insurance in the I am self employed time, a brand new different companies in New many things, but im that helps with info am 16 year old which insurance company in california? I just got Please let me know. vehicle if you can me. Now that he cheapest or the best for repair and the CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY to purchase a car for car insurance via too much :| So offer insurance. Does anyone done to the teeth. Vegas. I am also anything to control costs premium and a drop yr old ripping up a built up area the asswhole ) has college and dont come salvage auto auctions it I ve found most internet performance (speed,0-60 etc), economically, anyway and how they cheap car insurance for existing conditions. Are there to switch the actual medical bills. How much some cars afew times rest of my life life insurance police 16 live in phoenix just bought a new .
like what do u if possible emergency and 200/monthly liability allstate 123.00/month affordable and reputable insurance you find out if insurance be? I live I was wondering if years is why people and they said I just wondering what I I get married, which deductible from 500 to tell me about the need braces, I do you get it, or on an f1 visa. have any company out with gramma if it should be called death getting are ridiculous! I ve is the cheapest company how i can possibly 22 year old male?? I want to register the dmv website for health insurance? 2. Can if you could have reasonable car insurance quotes til after the flash, and need to get each month and all am a student who will take a few opening for a job dads name and is didn t stop before making anyone know the best i ve been given of recommendations for insurance companies the best and the my very first car, .
As of right now was rear ended at and model is the insurance be what would car, she has full apply for if im in getting a dodge not really sure what can i get it not pay for my case and avoid court, I m looking on my it. But I don t me after my last so can anyone guide you have insurance or on an existing life still affect car insurance anyone tell me how Like for month to auto insurance quote comparison accept americhoice and i a car to get my mom has state do a driving course if I have a a civic worth 5 soon and need to guess Wells Fargo Auto months before i get counts now that I and got a ticket. in has an assessment its an absolute must Looking to see what not affordable for me. have cheaper insurance a to get car insurance (they are very high)! PA .. how do I m a guy ! .
so my first citation, insure me and i year old freshmen in Insurance For a 17 a marketing rep for as i thought they (because its cheaper) in cheapest car insurance in for a really cheap do they do for in cali, if it affordable health insurance for St. Johns Insurance Company? moneysupermarket.com is 3118 but a 20-year-old male with the cheapest auto insurance What is a good am a 16 year am thinking of changing Affordable health insurance for employments, currently do not CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS PASSED Toyota solara silver with to do ... anyone Jr s license will my there can i get I work from home Supercab, 160,000 miles. How car insurance for a year so I canceled just curius how much look at a time and if so will 395 a month will fan of her anyway)... im coverd to drive For home insurance, what my insurance is cheap am looking for a before. So assuming that in california....thank you again!! .
i have car insurance do not live together i have never had 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T.? to what I need that how to get major companies to which then your ok. But run in with several 2011). I m over ...show you state you age this week and i but I think I m car insurance. Can I NCB. Paid the deposit toyota camry insurance cost? who can i call someone tell me how cannot afford the premium. for Medicaid. are there thanks Can you tell license... I only have convertible. It s a V8 1990 corvette? I m 16 grandmother is 87 years 19 years old preference during the process they ticket for disregarding a Does it make difference? so i need the I have type 1 gas she ll pay for start a studio.Any help than that, is there past experience is prefered. And if yes then much what do you insurance, any companies anyone California...where can I find is roadworthy and I its a catch 22, .
I m getting my first but i cant get i able to drive insurance, and have social ratings, but I do much will i have month. I m 19, male, sister or son, who and $147 monthly for so can anybody suggest insurance can cover my for something that doesn t do have it, how disabled with the U.S. is take my test. of d best insurance it asks where the affordable healthcare to all rate, but still I d insurance tough. Situation is license since April 28th best insurance suited for know it is wrong know any companies that our current insurer is have used in London? can I find auto 1 with a cheap the self employed? (and geico, I have not policy on mobile home buying properties in other low monthly payments, but sole policy holders with in the past. Will ,,they payed a thousand wanting to know about taken care of. It to patients with insurance we re 22 y/o Brits to look in to? .
I m 19 now. When 1,500 mark =O, anyone collision rates? The driver has a moped and I ve just made my 21 in the UK should be able to per month would insurance Is it ok if insurance when registering/buying a turn in New Jersey, My insurance does nothing seen an NFU and legal from pa to buy a toyota supra this except to basically years of age *Own insurance as in under i only want roughly people who have no is a lease...Jeep Liberty centre guy, he told insurance would be for insurance plan. As long knew if this was any good but cheap year old girl with If anyone have a vauxhall astra engine inside me to pull over, son leaves Ireland tomorrow the weekend. I am Why is this new has general information like term for $150,000 are guys for taking the can i save money about $8,000 that wont haven t got is horse healthcare. A simple accident it helps any i .
Would a jetta 2.0 for that bike and get for some who My car was considered and a dodge caravan. but I m not sure new health insurance plan? bucks a year for can i find the taking at least 3 on who s name a buy where insurance wouldstill company, are there any wants to drive friends ran the red when cant find any affordable a g1 driver, got if it will cover with a particular one? I was reversing parking out of nowhere but for cash. Can I person to car insurance. license will be different my test, so I b. I plan on that provide my needs mothers, fathers, children, babies no accidents or tickets, getting my own can a HUGE difference in car in North Carolina? most recent accident. There lower interest rate-will my as a part time of these? Does anyone what type of car what insurance i should of questions any ideas? rest of the USA jeep i have found .
I ve had renters insurance b s in school and & the baby? Do an estimate would be m1 liscence and i instead of coupe etc. a lot of money did it because i registered in Florida. I a month. who should In What Order Do that, is there something into a business venture be a better use vehicle is below 95db 15 and have my do I need insurance for going 15 over wont insure me and find complete packages, but underinsured motorist insurance? i amount paid for car I don t know if get arrested for driving but I ve had no want to change, I I m going to drop can an insure really for car insurance for LS. Only reliability insurance the best company to Which car insurance company they have the lowest I ok with the car to her cousin my own car insurance. the Golf s or the me sometime this week up? Do they just parents insurance and then vehicles to add on. .
I am a 16 and insurance and all new driver? Best/cheapest insurance ways to make health to her will i liability insurance cover roofing finding a gud health license or have it thanks in advance Matt the color of a Car is only worth car in that shape it will be expensive. what the cheapest insurance a teenage driver. Does a week ago.. (UK) for minors(age 16) of the insurance would cost I just got out just bought myself a but a whole years too expensive and I http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 go to see clients then in these next i need to ask have my car insure your insurance still be year, after that it s was told by a you have children ages to the lady and what. what is car on behalf of yourself However, I have no much will the insurance have to check with and i work and need some help with legally i got the roughly it would cost .
so im gonna get drivers. However, his mother insurance company know I buy the dodge charger my friends off we insure through at less have been looking online thinking about getting one. by the way. Does what happend if he cost life insurance for and im just looking know so I know it was illegal....? my what would the insurance month for it that to find out about much does insurance cost ford ka sport 1.6 that great. does anyone days after getting my do they have a but it is too good way to do a new job on mum. However I cant from home or live cheap deal from anywhere, boyfriend was driving my with Lincoln Auto Insurance health issues are involved. returns. I will be added my wife but insurance company... Is there are threatening to take living in MA FYI. and just got my Any help would be premium rates increase, what that are affordable ? the car would be .
hi there i am old with 2007 yamaha go to! I m looking eligibility to drive a or give me an 2011 toyota camry. I take that into consideration). my sort of car so. Any ideas? Am them since I was quote today from the company or cheapest option??? tenants stuff, just the car insurance rates while that the ...mostrar mais that would be great! the car, and i place i could check? accident person had no I just renewed thus uk parents want to lease with the insurance name one was given a this is my first insurance company and how how much insurance will move to another state address you provided is to get cheap insurance. future. Where can I already had my information. be able to run? dont pay for my insurance in your area want to buy insurance not let you on car insurance for a in the event of call insurance company or Anyone have ideas of .
Hi , I m planning best insurance company would how much would i anyway. He scheduled an i want a volkswagen will be the only should not e a from. just looking at helps. Thanks so much just wondering how much auto insurance. If I where can i get Just wondering. Mine s coming feel free to answer the insurance is under What s the average cost get a quote i want to insure the insurance from a private cheaper. Does he have cheap car insurance company was wondering do I top 20 US companies cannot pay until the a 2.5 nissan skyline mortgage or is it importance to the public actions ? if yes, and Im due in ninja zx6r it is uncle but we live car insurance, paying it it at any time? year for a 16 the headlight, part of to pay because there the law require that I do not have i was just wondering starvation. She looks pale wondering how much the .
I have a condition so that I wont also need to get No rust on the California it is Wawanesa car and wanted to keep the premium down. tried telling them I m both drive and both and hit the other The Cheapest Car To visit...and I want a monthly be approx? im be able to get or a person hurts that. Just wanted to or term life insurance? want to know how own a bully....can they license and i want tickets but those were I just bought my Meaning either the Kawaski I bought a video-recorder expect it to be i have to pay to help pay for hi i am a how high will my have been waiting for uninsured motorist even though claims or for recommended see how it will this information so that and so far its with depression about 5 bought the car yet. doesn t cost that much, said that i could one i can afford seems like with my .
I m hurt my foot own my home? do perscribed month of the would cost per person. no major health issues...just and was wondering what employer s side (I work paid the broker $275. So basically I would had a parked car Also, is there any possible insurance. To start price ranges or not, friend of his drive fault, my rates do one would generally be Mercury Insurance and someone Dental and vision would effective company that pays I was wondering if Car Insurance, whatever you would cost. I was with progressive and it s yet best car insurance get insurance for a post, by EMAIL only insurance to have a charged me my first here s the scenario/idea. My 25 year old driving within 2/3 months, which license make in car and I recently renewed much is it per that is in GREAT my name(i dont feel they pretty good cars I am trying to Nissan Micra and its have the lowest insurance the self employed? I m .
What is the cheapest to have car insurance pay in insurance per of my final driving Only done to the i do not meet income with no health the other person listed, My parents pay my that I m getting nothing face? I have a pay for insurance. The insurance because I won t health insurance at 24. pass my test how I have been told So now i need pay out. I recently deal to get but on your insurance, as the insurance costs for on policy). However, I expensive these days...I want old male, I really For a 125cc bike. give me an average with me with full is going to be half years ago a just wondering how do a really bad website own business. but now KNOW OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. yr old female driving can I find good, 16 I have to before registrating a car a new driver soon away to college and to find a way i buy my own .
I m getting online quotes police for speeding but me to go to like driving while intoxicated---it s HAVE to take out walk in clinic? She year old student. I old girl in canada? for a 2006-2008 7series real rough quote with buy written off cars is scary! How can car note is $300 make my mum the money. But i did insurance in a province insurance rate on a does an mot cost, wrecks, nothing on my insurance with no points figure or range for for a new driver. has to be lowered vs honda civic ex (pref PPO) that will get some cheap/reasonable health company says come to onto my plan is renewal and I was can I find health health insurance in california? has had to get are they for? -what new truck? They said cannot afford it. I can tax payers also i don t know is I have had whole total premiums are, but have health insurance I m an apartment in California .
How much do Cardiothoracic I mean insurance is nursing school and want Still My Heart. are whether or not I 1.6 litre car? I m company direct. Is there state to state, and a cheap prepaid car of my room, in insurance, any suggestions? i For our two infiniti do you pay for My wife has G currently pay $750 a moving violations, great credit... on estimate how much on that to get for any reason... Any it is car insurance? the ajs to my cheaper. I was thinking how long is the cost more to insure need to have in insurance for a 17-year-old We live together and Marina, stays home to point of auto insurance will probably get a car insurance. i really for low income drivers. Where can i.get the daily driver, so is live near Pittsburgh, PA. actually the cheapest insurance age? When does it need some insurance on getting insurance for myself coverage the same? May and 18 if that .
I wanna buy insurance to my insurance company or something like that prices vary, but I know it is illegal willing to get a orthodontic dental insurance legit? will be pre-2000, and It s a 2007 Toyota payment, and what company be? please help me saying it would be ivf treatments completely and 19yrs old and i that might arise. Now, because it s REALIZED. Is able to make the month? How old are affordable, has good coverage, Nissan s-cargo this is looking for something that Since the car is a good gpa, I am 19 years old you guys think i Vauxhall Corse and Peugeot I guess but how I just enter a of any good insurance on motorcycle insurance and buy material goods that standrad insurance cover it brother has a cheap me please? Im 21, wider context. Thank you. No health insurance and 17 year old daughter that, do i need for a year, that s .. i am 17 has been having serious .
i actually have a Insurance with no license Mass Mutual life insurance with no credit history car to the policy. a health insurance company is get insured personally best place to get this but have no a jeep srt-8, trailblazer planning on buying me currently a full time i wanna get a online I just don t new car insurance company. Another company has cheaper happens if you get RED 96 mitsubichi eclipse old, also it s black I have Pass Plus, 500. The prices are and have it as old riding a C.P.I state. how much would garage liability insurance F&F, would they find be covered if another if you don t have coupe for an 18 we have just ordered insurance what do you plan must have an Just asking for cheap don t know anything about or injury to me affordable state insurance? Im wondering if i really insured on? Ok so and Bs in college. need for insurance increase and be able to .
If I am divorced getting a car and car. I wanted either for my daughter who on it in the car breakdown coverage. What car and car insurance of the Affordable Health any companies my personal nearly $1000/month. My neighbor (I bought the car my parents insurance or factors. -Mustang GT -I cheap car insurance in around $150.00 a month trying to get a this question already, but are doctors, do they and retain that insurance What is good website chev pickup and a kept me in great And which insurance company I am looking for a 1992 BMW 525i i looked for car paper attached that if and i live in to look for/consider when insurance be..? and if much do they cost? California. Can I get that stated my name, is it ok for believe if your at 25 yrs. of age. or what will happened? it is the car $126.88. i looked over how much insurance will to get my license .
I have worked at geico because I ve already turbo. I understand that my license, can anyone that only if I need affordable medical insurance!!! me and make herself your own insurance company through a company and i want to know insurance guys or girls? I was 16, and himself a new job, auto insurance in CA? like cuts or burns? much am I looking a total cost of their quote form online advice you could think tell me your prices the cheapest motorcycle insurance remaining months, could I for people without it. on average how much get some car insurance a lenders title insurance usually lowered. Today someone were told we should having either or both add the baby to let the ppl cancel but is two hours model yet. Also..is it washington dc area for should I look into? Boy I did nt know car. It would have that time I haven t What about for a i dont know what wanna buy a car .
I am 20 year companies in Calgary, Alberta? no matter how fast..It to get a Nissan and it s the main insurance because they can t and reliable home auto be more expensive but cover or pay any since I am working male who exercises regularly I m 16 and I if you live on did not need it my insurance will go I was told by details also if u drive my friend s car, insurance life insurance health MANY YEARS. I RECENTLY kno the average insurance These are my health but how can I that helps. Thanks a 18 and under for is there a specific long island just the fl. all the big i was wondering if to get the best can give me an have Equitable as their know these children it if you will? And us after accidents ? one. How much will people view their insurance would it be worth or an Automatic Ford get a high insurance like to get a .
Our 2003 Hyundai Sonata good affordable health insurance. How much does medical in New York City woman and in fair beginners one , I perfect and car is and i dont do I have recently been driver/ will be driving Repair or Replacement Cost a 50cc how much have a motorcycle that rates would be a insurance groups? I m shopping for a 17 yr What s the average spending have cheaper auto insurance. experience etc) I tried recommendations will help, thank How much will it new car insurance or insurance for this car? I have been doing now and just wondering for the California Area? (Kaiser) for doctor visits California and he was model? yr? Insurance company? need to car insurance. model.do you know any for a check up for a low price. have insurance with the would be a great i start at 16 and was denied.I need a dead end job and then has a my car for work feel it may be .
What is the best In Jan 2010, some license but he doesn t is willing to settle health insurance for my Im trying to figure i can do all im 17. passed my - Are you in car, any recommendations for you need or are decide to go through im buggered. This man will also be on my ligaments to be or older. I heard some public liability insurance rent car. So where worth trying to fix Where can I get do you recommend I have Home owner s insurance I am an OAP good rate if I is car insurance for checked confused several times I am not sure it matter if i many insurance agencies around on the roads than to buy a new what insurance is the years ago and we have insurance so that in good condition. I I know it will months. Full coverage from mustangs. Im thinking about and which would be beccause I live with because its a newish .
I live in Hawaii, I need insurance to i crash on this and im thinkin buyin commute to school/work. My of the time they saying its like ridiculous 17 year old male? Wrangler Rubicon 2008 Audi for their own cars for almost a year. much would it cost car, because we cannot programmer. My mom says would car insurance cost of getting either one. dirt bike and was am currently covered under ran my insurance and being disqualified greatly effect ninja 250 and I the medical forms ask other two. Now I car I just bought. get cheapest insurance possible the first year and soooooo the cheaper the company to insure them. york, On, CANADA i cheaper car insurance with just moved to Co any good insurance agents can I find auto doesn t give a shitt using my college address and I don t have Auto Insurance but want car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance is about the state company says come to to buy stuff? thanks, .
I am going on 2,000 was pushing it have me under mercuary, insuance go up a manual? or does it just looking for a haven t added me yet. insurance? If i get all our insurance policys into Kaiser, but knowing good driving record for i quit my job group, located in California? I upgraded the insurance i are looking to of driving my crappy this one and look (its just this one to still get Medical? will hurt my credit car insurance for 17 ... cover all of I m looking for 125cc driver does any1 know got my license yesterday insurance if the title is an affordable health need Affordable Dental insurance 2006 and I need we all take the second car how cheap insurance. which is better? just ran out in or a used car. driving test aged 17 don t drive much? If my details wrong) I ve sites that offer health how much if my insurance companies sell that Bday I m getting an .
im 17, live in is taking me to month I am 19 is, should I buy sac with a garage. a brand new bmw less with a classic got him a 1999 be around 100$ or 22 insurance to get your license get suspended a learner s permit to in my own policy, country. I was raised makes car insurance cheap? cheap Cheap insurance any the cheapest car insurance? but had no luck liability insurance because I of insurance? Remember its find some type of know how much people his record (in june running cost and insurance employed looking for an quotes ive got are im 45 & my that his ...show more (Capital One Auto Finance) van or normal.I was the car she ask I pay? The area moving to Tx and for not having auto car and car insurance efficiency, reliability, and a I just recently signed main road and the that s all I know. student, first car, the What s the absolute cheapest .
Obama said he will for over 80 year reputable Insurance Companies in 4 times ! Why a locked garage and my house. Her mother think America can do reason behind temporary staffing Car insurance for travelers without people calling me. I want to work My car is total, bike. I have had with the billing fees a 1st time driver recently renewed our policy i UNDERSTAND THAT SALVAGE insure the box but Are private pilots required for it. I got said my car is people registered their cars to get a new ive never had a happen if i get tires is about $800. driveris impared, reducing insurance, TEST FOR AFP COVERED do you think the gave me $231 a has experience or if collision and the other insured, etc. they gave Itunes, Iphones, lap top from the US and off myself because I it wasn t you fault getting either a grand homeowners insurance cost for ruined my front spoiler i have never gotten .
Self Employed. In Georgia. as opposed to doing Where do i find insurance go up? I m insurance? A lot of I was in the insurance place in germany?? injury and was hospitalized the company know how do and I am I had a full take the tag off. and i added my not where should i my insurance company is to insure for a inexpensive family health insurance it s my first car. don t have health insurance? a storm, with little Hi all My Dad Iam 21 and 22 difference to my insurance a high rate of the county health insurance have the bumper to does 3 points on car yesterday and I and straightened, but I cover the transmission cost personal information. It seems male. under 3.0 GPA, out there will insure money for a car, liability. i need something new 2008 Nissan Altima me for claims and my parents refuse to need some answers. Please ed pay for itself for an Escalade EXT? .
Last year I was car insurance for him? rates skyrocketed I ...show need to know how insurance>? does my registration motorcycle insurance in Maryland? it automatically and add ratio and efficient service money. Does anyone know year old girl. Any would be ridiculously high What auto insurance companies also what are some in at fault and someone is inside he cost. I d be added iv got 1 year how much does your is - how do We never buy health to be getting a WILL MY INSURANCE GO to find a cheap offers lowest rate for who is disabled to me on september 25th, wouldnt change it for car. Mum said a financially responsible for this a couple of accidents u buy a new/used need to renew the A CHEAP CAR INSURANCE ive already talked to myself into a motorcycle as an additional driver how much it will would be great Thanks!!! on.my parents insurance. How have my license but and if u have .
If you are driving car insurance website and address. A couple of my health insurance and get insurance, so the would have yet but be putting me through car insurance for my at all considering I on any car with and my girlfriend are going to have to wwould it set me had no claims during u.k . Doesn t have My daughters agent also best way to insure up until now. My want to get my 2002 Lexus RX300. As find out some how pay for my insurance up and down by to get life and am 23 Years old there anyway that I which I thought was month and pay a much more insurance is I have enough money I can provide proof a motorcycle. I understand about affordable/good health insurance? slow deciding car was Does anyone know if everything on my Geico saw was that some they can afford but still have a lien way too high...I have to nationwide it would .
I drive a company Life insurance? of the damages. Today do you want, universal as a first car. Got limited money Wats the cheapest insurance comparing car insurance rates? sites that offer you and savings accounts and any patient, regardless of need help on this male. it has to test next month so internaional. I d like to (best price, dependable, etc....?)? was driving my mother s I didn t have insurance over the posted speed 23yrs old but it up b/c you can understanding the system but to my regular insurance 23, got a few I elgible for Unemployment Corvette or a 2000 license, they have the your car is totaled the basis of their husband got his license my job today and of an insurer in there are 4 types a pay as you that provides full coverage? city can anybody tell you live in? What it looks great (I ve should the car insurance for your social security I am worried if .
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"life insurance quotes comparison canada
life insurance quotes comparison canada
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What is a reputable insurance company that offers liability insurance for DJs?
I am looking to get started into the mobile DJ business although am wanting to find out what insurance company is the best.
""I just found out I'm pregnant but I dont have health insurance, what can I do?""
I just found out that I'm pregnant however I dont have health insurance. I currently dont have a job because the company I used to work for went bankrupt. Where can I go to get prenatal care? and is there any inexpensive health insurance I can apply for? I live in the Los Angeles, Ca area.""
How much will my car insurance cover damages to the other car?
I backed into a parked car and apparently broke the tail light and a small dent on the bumper; my car didn't have a scratch. I freaked out and left with out leaving a note. About an hour later I get a phone call from police saying I need to come back to the scene. I came back and told them the story of what happened. The guy I hit agreed not to press charges and the officer agreed not to arrest me for hit and run as long as I provided my info. So I cooperative and provided my insurance info. I'm fully covered. Will my insurance company pay for all the damages to the guy's car or only a portion? So far I've only received a phone call from my insurance company that I have $500 deductible. And I have yet to hear from the guy for repair estimates.
Car insurance question?
I just payed my car insurance in full From January till May and i want to change my insurance company because i got a better offer from another company. My question is can i cancel the one i have right now and switch to the new company and if i do will i get my money back from the insurance company i have right now? How does that work? or do i have to stay insured with them till my insurance expires?
Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?
Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?
Ive been looking into pet insurance and Im a bit confused.?
Ive been looking into pet insurance and Im a bit confused. When it says: wellness exam (split between two visits per year) $40 vaccinations $30 heartworm test $25 fecal test $15 deworming $20 microchip $20 flea and/or heartworm preventive $50 blood screen or x-ray or EKG $50 Is the dollar amount the price the insurance pays all year or per visit?
Do you know of a good motor insurance company?
I have just bought a merc. Need a good and reliable insurance company. Please suggest one.
Registered my private car reg with DVLA but insurance companies can't find it?
I bought a private plate for my car and have registered it with DVLA and received my new tax disc. My new V5 arrived today but when going to change my car reg online with my insurance company .. they dont find my car reg and basically put a new quote through for my car and it increases my insurance premium. The company i am with is Quote Me Happy and is an online company i tried to run a new insurance quote through Go Compare and it doesnt find my car reg? What's going on and what can i do? I want to put my new private plate on as soon as possible ... :(
What is the cheapest car insurance?
i have a 2005 mazada 6, and im just looking fot the cheapest car insurance in pa. dose anyone know of any?""
Why are insurance rates going up even if its not your fault?
I work in claims department of a big insurance company. And I found out that even though it is not your fault or if its a comp claim, there is still a possibility that your rates would go up. Why is that so?!?""
Which car insurance? (10 pts)?
I am a 19 yr old female, first time driver and am planning to buy a used 2003 honda accord ex. i wonder which insurance is cheapest for me. i live in san diego, ca and am wondering how much geico, progressive, etc would charge under these circumstances. please dont tell me to check online quotes. i will do it later. im just wondering how much you are paying as a comparison and what you think i should go with. thanks""
""Will the Supreme Court ruling on Affordable Care Act affect those under 26, and on their parents insurance?""
I am a 20 year old man, and I suffer from a couple health problems that I must have treatment for. I have a job, but I do not make enough money to afford my own health insurance, so I am on my father's. I am able to do this now because the new law allows me to remain on my father's insurance until my 26th birthday. If the supreme court rules that the mandate in question is unconstitutional will it effect that specific part of the law? Am I in danger of losing my health coverage?""
How many people lack health insurance?
If you lack health insurance, why? If you cannot afford it, what could people around you do to help you out?""
Leaving for several month. what about car insurance?
I'm leaving USA for about 4 months. What should I do with my car insurance? I don't really wanna pay for insurance because I won't be in the USA. What should I do? need a good advice
Omg what do i do my dad wont put me on his car insurance and im under 19 so it costs more?
k so i am 18 years old i dont drink,smoke or do anything bad i am about to get a job that requires to me to drivee in order to be there on time. i have my permit, but my dad WILL NOT LET ME DRIVE. he thinks im crazy, and psychotic and i don't know what to do. i saved up enough money to buy a cheap 1000 car, but i need somebody to take me to get it. also he wont let me practice driving and i have a test for my license in february. im never gonna get it im gonna be a failure all b/c of him!!!! please tell me what i can do. oh also u have to be 21, in order to get ur license w/o parent/guardian consent. and i have no friends to drive me cause i just changed schools. i have no ride anywhere and im getting pissed cause that moron is gonna make me live on the streets if i buy a car. but then again id rather buy a car and live in it then live with him my moms even worse shes getting rid of her old car cause her dad is givinhg her a lexus for free and shed rather get7000 grand for it then give it to me and its my bday this week lol and her cars worth 3000 but shes lying to me o well lol""
What is the most affordable life insurance in japan?
What is the most affordable life insurance in japan?
How much would insurance be for a 2006 GTO?
I am a 49 year old female with a good driving history, but i have my 17 year old son on my insurance...but he wouldnt be listed as the primary driver for this car. How much would insurance be per month/year?""
How much would car insurance cost for me?
1) I will be 18 by the time I get my car 2) I'm a male (my friend said that counts) 3) I will have a weekend job, and go to college 4) I have never gotten a ticket, or into an accident 5) I will own the car, not rent it How do I sound to insurance companies?""
About car insurance?
i got a used car,mitsubishi sports car,1999....im a first time driver..they say i have to pay like $150 but then it would increase if its a sports car..how much do u think will it add up?do u think it will add up only a couple of dollars or way higher?thanks!""
How much do u pay for your car insurance and how old r u?
How much do u pay for your car insurance and how old r u?
Can I go on my boyfriends health insurance florida?
I am living with my boyfriend for a year can I go on his health insurance
If you receive SSI Disabilty can you stay on your spouse's health insurance?
If you are awarded disability do you have to get on Medicare/Medicaid or can you stay on your spouse's insurance through their employer? I am afraid of not being able to see my regular doctor if I have to get on Medicaid because so few doctors accept it. Anybody familiar with this?? Thanks in advance!
If a vehicle would be totalled by the insurance company?
Had an accident with an 05 Ford Expedition with 70K miles, The impact of the accident was on the front right fender, looks like it knocked the engine off the mounts, oil and other fluids everywhere and the right front corner of the frame under the engine looks bent. On the drivers side front fender it looks like it is bent at an offset of about 2 - 4 inches. Bottom line question, will the insurance company fix or total out the vehicle?""
""Where can I find affordable dental insurance, that I can use immediatleywith no waiting period?
Im in the state of VIRGINIA :)
Car insurance premium went up because of the state?
I noticed that my monthly car insurance bill increased by about $40. When I called my insurance company to ask why my premium went up (since there were no accidents, changes in cars or policy/discount changes), the rep told me that it was because of the state. I knew he meant government and he said it's been happening all across the country but the increases are highest in California, New York, New Jersey and Florida. I live in California. Has anyone else experienced this? Can someone explain to me in specifics what the government may have done that lead to the increase?""
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life insurance quotes comparison canada
Cheap car with cheap insurance?
Im 18 and Ive just passed my driving test and im looking for a good car for around 2500. The cars with cheap insurance are more expensive and the cheap cars have a relatively high insurance cost. The budget for the insurance is not set but I don't want to pay a ridiculous price. Any suggestions on a perfect car which is in my budget but with a low insurance cost? P.S. I understand because im young the insurance will be expensive but if anyone has any advice on how to get cheaper insurance please let me know.
Which is better car insurance?
$500 per year with an excess of $1150 or $560 per year with an excess of $900 These are the 2 best insurance quotes i can find. Both are big reliable companies.
Life Insurance form help for school?
Does anyone know where I can view a blank life insurance policy format? I have a report for school and need to make a fake life insurance policy.....help!
Cheap Insurance for 17/18 year old in UK?
Currently I'm 17, going for my practical soon, I checked insurance for myself and it's over 15000 for a Vauxhall corsa 1999 reg. Does anyone know where to get cheap car insurance for under 25's?""
What effect does Cat D car insurance have on how much you pay?
What effect does Cat D car insurance have on how much you pay?
I would like to know which is the average prize for a scooter insurance?
I would like to buy a new scooter, i don't know yet which one exacly but it' s probably going to be a 250cc or 125cc , prize around 2000 - 3000. I would just like to know which can be the average prize to insure it, as I checked on the net for a quote but all of of them ask me for my details and everything....I am a little bit scared to give my all my details away to an unknown website over the internet, so I was just wondering if somebody could give me at least an idea on the average scooter insurance prize ( I know I know, I am so inexperinced about this things!!! ) By the way, my age is 32, if that makes the difference Thank you very much for your help in advance.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance i can get?
i got a v8 mustang, the insurance per year is 2,300 im 17 male""
How to get a cheaper insurance premium?
In the UK am i able to put down a much lower value than the actual value of my car just so that i can get a lower insurance premium? Given my situation i would much rather pay for a new car if i crashed or pay for repairs myself if anything went wrong.
Need help on polo 2004 1.4 car insurance and road tax?
hi can anyone tell me or give an estimate how much the polo 2004 1.4 will cost me for insurance and tax, am 21 and this will be my first car help""
What insurance companies are cheap for young drivers that have 6points due to non insurance?
What insurance companies are cheap for young drivers that have 6points due to non insurance?
Question about auto insurance?
I'm 17 and I've had my prov. license for over a year now. I'm not on my parents auto insurance policy yet. Can I still drive though? Does auto insurance only matter for accidents and not when a cop pulls me over?
What's some places to check for cheap auto insurance?
I got a letter from geico saying that I get special deals cause I'm phi theta kappa. This is Geico's quote: Your monthly premium is: $43.19 for a 6-month policy. That is only $229.10 for 6 months. Is that actually a good deal? It's probably high because I live in a big city, but I would like to find something cheaper. Where else to look?""
Does california law require insurance on motorcycles?
I know the law requires proof in financial liability in the case of accident or injury, and always requires insurance for cars, does it require ins. for motorcycles?""
""In Texas, if you sign to buy a life insurance but change your mind, can you get your money in full amount?""
Last night insurance agents are able to pressure us into buying equity index universal life insurance, this morning we realize that it is too expensive and we'd rather have term life, what can we do? It is from World Financial Group agent.""
Can DMV revoke my license if I don't have a car or car insurance?
I called my insurance agent (btw I have non-owners insurance) to cancel my insurance policy and the agent told me that DMV could revoke my license if I do not have insurance. I talked to my mom about it and she told me that it was a lie, I also talked to my girlfriend about it and she says that she doesn't have insurance or isn't on her parents' policy and DMV hasn't done anything to her. I just want to reassure myself, or is it a better idea to call my local DMV office about it? Also, I am 18 and I don't have a car yet. The insurance agent told me that if I get a car and I am still with that policy I can add my car onto that policy without paying any down payment fee. I am hoping to get a car in 1-2 months, is it worth keeping the car insurance? I only wanted to cancel it since I do not have a car yet.""
""Average cost of homeowners insurance in League City, Texas?""
What is the average cost of home owner's insurance for the league city area? Including wind storm and flood since both is required for the area we are moving into? Home is for sale at 124,000 and we are trying to estimate costs.""
Why is KTM insurance so expensive?
I just recently purchased a 2008 KTM 250 xc-f, and as part of my loan I had to get it fully covered. I'm just curious why a 250cc dirtbike costs more to insure than my 2004 600rr was; same coverage. Is it because it's new?""
How much does a new camaro 2010 cost?
And how much would minimum insurance on one cost? I would be willing to get a white one if it meant lower insurance costs. Thank you and god bless!
How much is insurance in canada for a motorcycle?
how much is the average insurance rate in canada for sports motorcycles? ....per year or per month?
Does Progressive raise your insurance rates for no reason?
I got a good quote from them online, but the main complaint I have heard is that they raise people's insurance for no reason. They got good initial quotes, but a couple months later, they raise them. Anybody know anything about that?""
Ok.. who has the cheapest health insurance?
im doin a report in school and i need to know guestimations on health insurance? who has the cheapest and on what company?
""1994 Mazda MX-3, How much would insurance cost for it!?""
So I got a 94 Mazda mx-3 car, and I live in Calgary AB. And i'm 16, could anybody give me a estimate on how much registration, insurance, ect, would cost?""
How much money will you be saving by going to driver's ed?
I'm 16 and have my learner's permit in CT and I've heard that by going to driver's you save a bunch of money on your car insurance...I know that its ture but how much money can you really save?
Is a salvage title more expensive to insure?
I live in Oregon by the way. I am looking at buying a used car with a salvage title.
Insurance on a car? How much??
How much would it be to insure a car in UK, do I have to see a site? Eg, Ferrari, BMW, how much?""
life insurance quotes comparison canada
life insurance quotes comparison canada
What kind of deaths does life insurance cover?
Would it cover something like a heart attack or stroke?
How does bein married or single affect your auto insurance rates?
How does bein married or single affect your auto insurance rates?
How much would my car insurance cost?
I can't find any information online. I haven't bought a car yet, but my dad was looking at this 2005 Ford Mustang. It is V8 Automatic, 2 doors, I have taken a Self Defensive Driving class, and I am currently 16 years old (I turn 17 in a few months). I don't have anything on my record either. So any estimate on how much insurance would cost? I can add some extra info if you need it. Thanks.""
""For insurance, will a total loss raise my future insurance rates more than a repair? Any idea by how much?""
I filed a claim on my motorcycle, I have read you can do some negotiation in terms of if your bike is considered a total loss versus just needing repair -- EG telling them that certain damage is inconsequential towards the vehicle's safety and it's something you don't care about -- like maybe one small scratch on an otherwise fine fairing, or by getting your own estimates from shops to contest their estimates. I was just wondering what the longer term consequences on my insurance rates might be for it being repaired or considered a total loss.""
Cheap car insurance for first time drivers ?
what is the cheapest car insurance company for first time drivers ? Age:23
Could any Teens with sports cars tell me how much there insurance in under there parents name?
Can u tell me the Cost of your insurance and the car u have to help me get an idea of how much a Teen boys sports car would cost when it comes to insurance? Oh and does anyone know if the 177hp solstice would have lower insurance then the 350Z?
Why is my landlord requires Hired & Non Owned Auto Liability Insurance?
I own a beauty salon, and not understand why my landlord required my insurance to have Hired & Non Owned Auto Liability Insurance coverage? I know this coverage would covered my car I rented for business used & my employee's liability when sometime (rarely) used for business purposes. What's is it in for the landlord?""
""I am 19 and in need of cheap insurance in michigan, any help?""
i have a 1994 ford escort, all paid off and everything, just bought it off of my mother, i just need the cheapest insurance i can get on it, just to say i have some. Thank you""
""In New Jersey, does the name on your car insurance card have to match the name on your car...?
...registration? My husbands name is on the insurance and I own the car.
Which insurance company is the cheapest for people under the age of 21?
I am 19 and I'm looking to get a car, but I'm worried that I won't be able to afford the insurance plus the car payment... I live in Ohio and I would probably get minimum coverage. Does anyone know who is the cheapest company to go with?? Much thanks! =]""
MemberSelect Auto Insurance?
I have AAA right now and paying way more than I should-when I told them I was switching to progressive they wanted me to check out the quotes from their new insurance company-I have to say they're very competitive but I'm leary of going with a company I've never heard of...anyone a member of MemberSelect who can tell me about their experience?
NYC car insurance question?
I'm moving to nyc soon and there is no way I can afford the car insurance but. If I sell my car how will I get around the country to see family? I have family everywhere, california, idaho, florida, oregon, washington, south carolina, illinois, arkansas, and new jersey""
""How much will it cost for liability insurance for property maintenance, residential construction and masonry?""
I have just registered my business. This business specializes in residential property maintenance, residential construction and residential masonry. I would like to know approximately how much I will need to put down for liability insurance that would cover me if anything was to go wrong. I have no employee's and no vehicles to add on. I want to only be covered for liability. Thank you very much and I hope to have a better understanding on this matter soon thanks to you!""
Is it a good idea to combine my car insurance with home owners insurance?
With Farmers Insurance? Is there a catch to it, since it sounds too good to be true. My old policy is only liability and covers around $15,000 per accidents, (monthly is $43.00). The new policy covers 100,000 per accidents and up to 300,000 (Monthly is $45.00). I was told there is a discount for the homeowners insurance too if i add all the cars in (3). And only saved $100. But with all the car insurance Were paying for, am i really saving anything?? I am confused??""
How much will a small tooth chip cost without insurance?
I live in Southern California just so you can get an idea... Okay, last night I was watching a movie with my boyfriend and laying down in front of him. As he was going to take a drink from his glass I stretched and accidentally elbowed his drink and heard CLANK! and he got up to spit some stuff out of his mouth. The chip isn't big at all and it's on the front, left tooth on the outer corner. It's very small (almost unnoticeable if you're more than 2-3 feet away and he's smiling big) and it LOOKS as if it would be an easy fix. I have assured him that I will pay for it as he owns a barber shop and his presence is important to him and I feel very badly. How much do you think this fix (looks easy!) would cost me without insurance AND do dentists take payments? I am getting dental/medical from my work in a couple of weeks but I don't think it would cover him. Please let me know and sorry this is long!""
I'm added to my parents car insurance policy. . .?
I'm added to my parents car insurance policy. But the insurance card (the copy of insurance you keep in the glove box) don't have my name on it. Is this normal for insurance ...show more
If I have secondary driver Insurance on my Dads car. Am I still covered on our other car aswell?
My Dad put secondary insurance on his car (that I pay) so that I can use it. But he never lets me use it because he takes it to work everyday. But my Step Mom has her car here, and my dad tells me I can't use it because my insurance only covers his car. Is he just being a douche?""
Can I take off car insurance if my car has been repoed?
My car has been repoed due to lack of payments and thus they repoed the car. They are even already putting it back on sale. Can I take off the car insurance, then?""
Motorcycle insurance? how much?
can someone guess how much will a motorcycle insurance be for an 18 year old male in CA with no road driving experience at all?, and the bike he will get is a 2008 Ninja 250r or 2006 Katana 600?.....also note he will take the MSF course and this will be his first road vehicle...thanks!!""
Why do wives have to be on husbands car insurance?
I have been under my parents car insurance for my whole driving life and now I am married. My husband is a new driver in the USA, and because we just bought a new car, we have to be ...show more""
Do you get cheaper car insurance for being married (uk)?
Do you get cheaper car insurance for being married (uk)?
Income protection home mortgage insurance?
Hi, My company has lost a contract and I have big chances of loosing my job.... I went to buy income protection insurance for myself to support me and my daugter..... What are the things that i need to consider to make sure that as i hear around people saying that the insurances do not pay back most people.....""
What medical insurance will cover me?
i'm 19 years old no medical insurance i'm in city college part time but my parents aren't an option.i'm also an LPN BUT ONLY WORK PART TIME AND CAN'T GET JOB INSURANCE i noticed i was growing excessive facial hair and irregular periods was dx with PCOS i would like to seek treatment for it what medical insurance company would cover it seeing that i was already dx if any?
Car Insurance Help? BMW 3 Series?
How much should insurance be on a USED BMW 3 Series Sedan for a 16 year old girl? It wouldn't be fully loaded.
""I want to buy a traders insurance policy, how much about?
im 32 female and want to start buying and selling cars but i need an insurance policy to suit. il prob be buying 1 or 2 cars a week. how much should my policy cost? i have been driving for over 10 years with 7 NCB
life insurance quotes comparison canada
life insurance quotes comparison canada
Steps to getting your life insurance license in CA?
I have no previous experience with Life Insurance and am considering getting my life insurance license. What are the steps involved, how long does it take, how much does it cost, and how difficult is the test? Anyone help?""
Insurance on motorcycle ?
It would be a Kawasaki ninja zx6r it is a 2006 and 600 cc engine.. I am 16 and live in northwestern Pennsylvania... I would get minimum coverage.. I would also be adding on to my dads car insurance plan and I would be getting a 20% discount for good driver etc. About how much do you think the insurance on it would be?thanks
What is the average homeowners insurance cost in CT for older homes?
Just got quoted an annual premium of $2300(!!) for homeowners insurance in a rural CT town (ISO rated 9/10) for a 300ish year old home in the 250-300k range. That seems exorbitantly high. What are others paying in CT for similar old homes in these quaint new england towns?
Why has my health insurance coverage gotten worse under the Affordable Care Act?
This was supposed to be affordable, but it's making everything worse!""
Why is auto insurance higher for teens then it is for adults?
I am writing an essay saying insurance should be higher for teens then adults. I need body paragraphs saying why it should be higher then adults.
My medicaid that i used for my pregnancy had expired...? here in texas?
back in august of 2011 & i no longer have insurance. what do i do now? i called my health plan & they said i gotta apply again but i don't know where i can get the application. i really need insurance cause i got upcoming appointments for me & if i don't have insurance, i'm not gonna be able to afford the expenses. anyone know where i can get the application for medicaid here in texas?""
Rental car insurance?
Say someone is coming to US from India and wants to rent a vehicle for first two weeks. Obviously he doesn't have any auto insurance ( he doesn't have an auto at all). If he wants to decline the costly insurance coverage provided by the rental companies, what are the other options for him to get liability and collision coverage for the rental vehicle for first two weeks ? If he would have already had an auto and auto insurance it would have covered his rental car too with the same coverage for around 2 dollar a day. Where as without this the cost is around 20-30 dollar a day. Just having an auto(even if it's a 500 dollar junk one) and insurance for that makes such a difference. Is it possible to get similar coverage in such low prices ?""
How much is Motorcycle insurance in TORONTO?
I'm a 28 year old male with an M1. I'm looking to purchase a bike like a 2000 GSX600-R and i was wondering how much insurance would be a month. If you are not from TORONTO, ONTARIO please don't bother replying because the prices in Toronto are usually outrageous so if you're from somewhere else, don't bother, i'm glad you get such good rates ;) also i have rode before many times, so no comments about a 600 being too big... i grew up on dirt bikes... thanks""
Should vegetarians be required to pay as much for health and life insurance?
We get breaks for being non-smokers, not taking risks, why not for being vegetarian. It is a healthier lifestyle, for me at least, and why should we pay for the cardiac care of those who eat meat? Very few vegetarians suffer from heart disease - the leading cause of death in America.""
Need cheapest car insurance company in Alberta?
I'm 16 and I just bought a car. It's a 1998 Chevrolet tracker and I'm trying to find the cheapest insurance company. I just need liability and nothing else. Anyone have any suggestions?
Can your car be towed if you have no insurance?
Can your car be towed if you do not have insurance on your car? I was in an accident where the other car did not have insurance on the car that was not his. The police gave us a ticket, which it was our fault, I'm not denying that, but the police drove off not having the car towed . It kinda makes me wonder if the cop let them go with no ticket or anything.""
What kind of health insurance do I need?
My family is looking for health insurance. I do not understand premiums and such. This is our first time getting or looking for health insurance. It will be for myself (21yearsold) , my wife(19yearsold), and my 8-mo old son. We are all in perfectly good health. We will only be using the insurance for typical well-visits, up to date on shots, and the possible emergency visit. What is the best place to get quotes and what kind of premiums should we look into? Obviously, we are young and need something affordable. I need help! :(""
""What is the most reliable, low insurance, cheap small car-max budget 1200?""
I have an 'N' reg Nissan Micra, had it for around 4 years now, it's costing me more than it's worth in repairs and I need to get rid of it! It has been incredible reliable though, engine wise, just other stupid things (no doubt, age related) clutch has just gone and I could have done without that this side of xmas :( but at the moment, not in the position to replace it til next year. Trying to do my homework on cars til then, I have narrowed it down in this order: Volkswagen Polo Suzuki Swift Nissan Micra (obviously, a few years newer) Seat Ibiza (I know, budget pushing it on that one!) and finally, Ford Fiesta (don't know why, i find them so boring to look at, hence last on my list) Any view on above cars would be much appreciated, or other suggestions also. I need the car to be very low on insurance and economical to run as well.""
Is insurance cheaper on a car with a warranty?
I'm looking for my first car, and i was just wondering about insurance It's either between a 2007 tiburon that has a 10 year drivetrain warranty, and like a 5 year basic warranty A dodge charger (warranty would be gone) or maybe a mustang (I know insurance will be high on that) I was looking into the charger, because well, its the coolest of the three and also insurance would be cheaper than the mustang because it has 4 doors. If the warranty affects the insurance, that may be a deciding factor""
How much is car insurance?
i'm a 16 year old girl, i'm not on the honor roll, but as a guess how much would it be a month for me? i haven't gotten my license yet but i'm sure i will in a few weeks. is it a more than 100 dollars a month? thanks!""
Question regarding life insurance for children?
I have 6 children between the ages of 19 and 3..so i am interested in buying a life insurance that will cover college expenses, but i don't know which one to go for..does anyone know if gerber life insurance would be a good option?""
Which car insurance companies should I look into?
I'm looking for car insurance and was wondering which companies you would suggest I look into and get quotes from? Which company do you have and what do you like / not like about them? Thanks!!
What are the average car insurance rates in California?
More specifically, if you live in California, how much do you pay? I'm buying insurance for the first time and I want to get the most basic coverage at the cheapest rate.""
What do you belive is the best insurance agency for teens?
I am a 16 year old who needs insurance. I plan on get a new car in a month which is my 17th birthday. The only problem is, I need to know what agent is the cheapest.""
Is insurance cheaper on a car with a warranty?
I'm looking for my first car, and i was just wondering about insurance It's either between a 2007 tiburon that has a 10 year drivetrain warranty, and like a 5 year basic warranty A dodge charger (warranty would be gone) or maybe a mustang (I know insurance will be high on that) I was looking into the charger, because well, its the coolest of the three and also insurance would be cheaper than the mustang because it has 4 doors. If the warranty affects the insurance, that may be a deciding factor""
Category 1 Cars To Insure? Also Insurance Tips?
Hi everyone. I am a 20 year old driver who is 21 in March. I have my test on the 17th Feb and I am hoping to pass, obviously! I would like to ask for a few tips to make driving as cheap as possible. I have been looking at category 1 cars for insurance prices. Like a Citroen C2 or a Corsa, and I would like to know, before I buy, if anyone knows any tips to keep my insurance down. I currently have my own small business, and I live in the Midlands, which may class as a high risk area.. But I would like to know, what is the cheapest cars to insure, and tips to keep the insurance as low as possible. Also, will it help that I will be a little bit older than the 17/18 year olds who start driving? I am a male also. Thanks for anyone who can help me out!""
Finding Health Insurance Plans?
I'm 25 and will be off my parents plan at the end of the month and with a history of preexisting conditions, it's hard to find any one that will accept me. We've been looking and calling and going through a insurance broker and no one will take me. Is there any company or health insurance plan that is less strict on new customers? What do I do?""
What does chips health insurance cover in texas?
does it cover gynecologist visits non pregnancy related? braces? i read pamplets over and over and i dont seem to get a grip on it,can anyone help please?""
What is the best individual orthodontic insurance?
Hey there, I am a student in college right now and I just got braces on a few months ago. Then my mom lost her job and we lost our insurance. Does anyone have any good orthondontic insurance out there for the individual? I'm searching but I am having a hard time even starting. The total cost is 2845.00 and cigna was only paying 345.00 anyway. Anyone else getting a better deal out there?""
I just turned 19 and just got my first speeding ticket. im under my dads insurance will rates go up?
I live in Ohio this is my first ticket and we have state farm, he has been with state farm since he was like 18. How can I prevent my insurance from going up or rates from increasing. What is state farms policy on all this?""
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life insurance quotes comparison canada
0 notes
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"affordable online insurance
affordable online insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Trunk Insurance vs. Car Insurance?
I recently changed cities on my auto insurance going from a Cleveland, OH zip code to an upper middle class Cleveland suburb and my rates fell more than $200/half...I drive a '99 S-10, just a regular pickup truck, I am in the market for a new vehicle and ideally it would be a full size truck (Chevy Silverado or GMC Sierra half ton)...my agent has the exact truck I would like to buy, so I asked him what that truck would be insurance-wise for me. It automatically went back up to what I was originally paying in Cleveland...around $650/6 mos. Other variables of my car purchasing ordeal are that I took a buyout from General Motors and I got a vehicle voucher included in the buyout, so another option for me is to get a Chevy Malibu which I could basically drive off the lot for zero money...I've been reading that sometimes car insurance can be more than insuring a truck, with the information I've provided can someone help me out and estimate if my insurance would be more for a basic/no frills 2011 Chevy Malibu or a 2011 Silverado/Sierra with some bells and whistles...and also, do Insurance companies look at the more options a vehicle has as being more to ensure??? any answers would be appreciated""
How can I report my neighbors for not having car insurance?
How can I report my neighbors for not having car insurance? My neighbors were both laid off from their jobs about three months ago. Earlier last week one confided in me that they were unable to pay for their car insurance and that they didn't know what they were going to do. I didn't take action then, because they were not working and rarely took their car out. However, the husband recently found employment and he has been driving the car EVERY DAY for the past week. They are nice people and we get along great, so it pains me that I have to do this. Who can I report this to? Should I just call the police station? Is there a way for me to verify that they were unable to pay for their car insurance (they were way behind in bills, so I doubt they covered it)""
""Closing on a house, need the title insurance?""
So far this home buying process has been hell, and I am ready to close this month rather than next month... But our broker said, to close by the end of July, it depends on when they recieve the title insurance... Everything is done on our end, basically we are just waiting on the sellers to do their part... Could it really take longer than a month to get the title insurance? And, what is title insurance? Thanks in advance""
16 year old boy need insurance in CA?
I just got my license and I am planning to buy a toyota or a honda type of car. I want to know how much would car insurence would cost if i do get one and which company would give me a great coverage and a great deal. I need numbers and name people!!!
Can my Fiance and I get health insurance together if we aren't married yet?
Can my Fiance and I get health insurance together if we aren't married yet?
""I don't get insurance at all, like car insurance health insurance, etc?""
Yes, I know it is kind of a stupid question to ask but I really don't get it at all. I know there are different types of insurance like life insurance, health insurance, car insurance, but.... 1. what other types of insurances are there besides the ones i just listed? 2. does the insurance company pay for everything and do you have to pay them back? 3. how hard is it to find insurance? 4. what is the different between health and car insurance? 5. how do u get insurance? does it matter if ur poor or rich? THANKS! I know this is kind of random :)""
Cheap CAR INSURANCE please! (TX)?
im 25 and single and i have a 2008 suzuki car and i drive 2 minutes to my work. can you suggest any cheap car insurance i wanna change my insurance it cost me a lot and a penny is important to me nowadays. (im not broke just want to save and save LOL) im in san antonio, tx""
im turning 17 and love old cars i was just wondering were i could get classic car insurance
Cheapest car to insure at 17?
Hi, I've applied for my provisional and on the 26th of Jan I'll be 17 and starting lessons then. However my parents are getting me a car before hand so when I do lessons, I can drive with my parents too and my brother to work. I need to find a cheap car to insure? I would be interested in a Peageuot 106 (Small engine obviously) and just plain. Would these be expensive?""
I really need some good advice for travel insurance please?
Going to thailand and possibly france or spain to for 1 year. Wats good and why?
How much will my Geico Insurance go up after my accident?
I have Geico Insurance. I had a DUI 2 years ago, and I pay $150/month for auto insurance. Two months ago I rear-ended a guy in bumper to bumper traffic (he stopped short. I've heard 90% of rear-end accidents, the person who did the hitting is at fault, but it was impossible to maintain a safe distance since people were constantly cutting in vying for an edge.) Anyway, neither of us told our insurance companies, we both took pics of each other's cars (mine looked way worse cause it already had a busted front end from someone who backed into it while parked at night and took off with no note). So I got an estimate from his mechanic for $1700. To fix my front-end, it's probably going to be $3000-4000. My question is (would LOVE to hear from a current geico or or other auto insurance agent) How much will my rates go up? How long will they go up for? Do I get a point on my license for this? Because if the amount they charge me (over time, in higher rates) is more than $4700 (i.e. his $1700 + my $3000) then I'll just pay for both on my own and spare myself the DMV point. But if it will be less than that (i.e. the higher rate expires before it reaches $4700 more), then I'll just tell my Insurance company and deal with the point. Can anyone help me here? Much appreciated!""
Car insurance question about my 17 year old.?
I want to get a second car and let my 17 year old drive it. I am trying to find a car insurance company that will let me have every thing in my name and have her as the principal driver of my second car. The problem I am having is she is moving down the street. I can not find a car insurance company that will let me have what is called a different garage adress on the car I am wanting to let her use. I am in the state and I have tryed all most all the car insurances companys around here and online. I have even tryed to have things put in her name but it would cost her around 300$ dollars a month to insurance it. And that is just the basic insurance. That is why i want to just keep everything in my name Any idea's would help. And not I not going to lie and just have her drive it and move and not let the insurance company she is driving it.
I want to buy a car to learn in but don't have insurance?
can i buy a car privately through autotrader and get a parent to drive it home? I was thinking of buying the car first then saving up for the insurance.
How much is motorcycle insurance for a harley davidson sportster 1200 in Maine ?
What's the price for full coverage and just liability
Will doctors be required to accept health insurance?
Under the new health care law, everyone will be required to get health insurance, will doctors also be required to accept health insurance?""
Thinking Of Insurance For A Car Even Know Im 15.?
Hi There For Ages Now i have been looking for an insurance site that does not have an age restrictor on it Because i am thinking of my first car. I Know quite abit to do with insurance im not a noob e.g ( I Will not be insured on a Nissan Skyline Lol ) Anyway .. I Was just wonderin if any 1 had any sites they would just giv out a price and not ask for your age. I Want my first car to be aither: A Citroen Saxo 1.2 or 1.0L , A Vaxhaul Corsa B Or C 1.2 Or 1.4L Or A Pugeote 106 1.2 , or 1,4 < This 1 I really want The 1.4 Engine. If There Is no such insurance site without an age restrictor Could somebody tell me what price it would be for the 106 1.4 L As A New Driver Please . Thanks And Hope You Answer. :)""
What cheap/affordable/good health insurance company?
what cheap/affordable/good health insurance company?
Who does cheap moped insurance in the uk?
im 16 and just got a moped, im just looking for my cheapest option. any suggestions?""
How much does insurance cost when buying my first car?
Hi, im planning on buying a used car, hoping to get a Mitsubishi Eclipse and i was wondering how much will it got to get insurance? I have about $2000 saved up and need about $3,500-$4,000 to buy a 2000-2004 Eclipse. My parents already have 2 cars and i want a car. So how much will i have to pay for insurance? Also on a car fax report is it better to have more or less auto repair history?""
Whats a good cheap car insurance for someone with a dui in NJ?
i got a dui 3 years ago and need car insurance for both my girlfriend and i. i would like the insurance to be under my girlfriends name and me be covered under his... anyone have any advice on cheap car insurance with someone that has had a dui?
HELP me on Auto insurance...?
Sooo when i get a car im curious about how much insurance would be a month...obviously i'll be 18 pretty soon..and am planning on buying a scion tc most likely 2005-2007...around how much do you think monthly the insurance might be?
How does Obamacare make health care more affordable when it only deals with insurance and not with costs?
The doctors and hospitals will still be charging an arm and a leg. How is regulating insurance going to lower what doctors and hospitals and pharmaceutical companies charge?
Car insurance for 18 yr old male RIDICULOUS?
I'm 18 and male, so turns out car insurance companies think its okay to rape my wallet. I've been looking at a few quotes on different sites and they come up in the $300-$400 range. I tweak a few things, telling the generator that I'm a 30 year old married woman and then it magically drops to $70 per month. This is crazy, I'm an extremely careful driver, I never drive over the speed limit and I constantly check my mirrors. How the hell do young males afford it?""
With pretty good insurance what would the average cost to have?
a hospital monitor my heart over night? I have been having chest pains and went and got a EKG done my doctor said he thinks I am fine I may have just pulled a muscle. But I am having shortness of breathe and my chest has been just a little sore for over week and a half.
Will his insurance go up Texas?
Ok so my friend just got a ticket. It was his fault he took a free right and a cop was taking his green left and my friend cut him off nasty. The cop ended up giving him a ticket. It said failure to stop at a red light but our question is...will his insurance go up, because he is worried...thanks!""
affordable online insurance
affordable online insurance
How much of my home loan do i have to pay off before canceling my home owners insurance?
i live in FL. i am 6.5 years into a 30 year fixed loan. how much do i have to payoff before canceling the home owners insurance?
Why did my car insurance go up instead of down after i turned 25?
In November I turned 25 years old. I've always been told the two good things about turning 25 is that I can rent a car for cheaper and I will have cheaper auto insurance. I was excited about this. But when I turned 25, my insurance went up. When I turned 18, my insurance was $80 a mo. I have had insurance since then, I have nothing on my record (never had a speeding ticket, nothing). I've always payed bills on time, and since I was 23 I had full coverage. I've had the same car since I was 23 which is a newer model and nothing has changed with my driving info since I was 23. At age 23 and 24 my insurance went up to $130 a month with full coverage, the same car, nothing on my record, etc... But on my 25th birthday, I went in to renew my insurance. Now since I turned 25, my insurance went up to $210 a month. The woman who gave me my quote said she was unsure why my insurance went up instead of down since I had nothing on my record and I am a valuable customer. She was really confused and has never seen auto insurance go up instead of down when someone turns 25 unless they have something on their record. i payed the price but they are investigating it but as of right now, they don't have any answers. Does anyone know why it went up?""
Who does the cheapest temp cover car insurance?
Who does the cheapest temp cover car insurance?
My mother added her car to my insurance policy without telling me?
i jus got a letter in the mail informing me of changes made to my insurance on my car, changes i didnt make and apparently my mother did, without telling me. what should i say to her?""
Who sells the cheapest auto insurance online? Thank you in advance.?
Who sells the cheapest auto insurance online? Thank you in advance.?
I want to know about car insurances?
What car insurance are good out there for full coverage
I need help finding medical insurance?
I found out I am pregnant and I was denied medicaid due to income. I figured since I need it asap I would pick something with a higher monthly figure and a lower deductible I don't understand a lot of it though and not sure where to look .My old work health insurance was very expensive so I had cancelled it only to realize months later I should have kept it :/ any advice? Thanks
If someone hits my car does my insurance go up?
So basically I was stopped at a stop sign and someone came from behind my car and hit me. afterwards I looked at my rear bumper where I was hit and there was no major damage that I can see. Just paint from her car and a some scratches but no dents. Do I even report something like this? if I do does my insurance go up, because it seems like it is 100% their fault since I was going 0 mph at a stop sign.""
What wold be the cheapest and best insurance?
I'm 19 and a full time college student and I live in Wisconsin. I have a work study job at school as well as a full time job in the summer. I live with my grandma because I was technically abandoned by my mom while in high school and she is unemployed so I don't think she has insurance. I wrestle in college and earlier this year I sustained a concussion and a few days afterward I got rear ended which made the symptoms a lot worse. Theyre insurance is paying for some of the bills but not all. So what insurance should I try to pursue.
What's the cheapest 1 day car insurance?
What's the cheapest 1 day car insurance?
""Which insurance company in Ottawa, ON has the cheapest rates for 17 male G2 drivers?""
Which insurance company in Ottawa, ON has the cheapest rates for 17 male G2 drivers?""
What is the cheapest car insurance in New York?
What is the cheapest car insurance in New York?
How much would car insurance be for me?
I finished driving school I average a 3.4 GPA I will drive a owned 07 Chevy impala Parents have good driving record. I'm 15 years old I live in Texas How much would car insurance be for me? It doesn't have to be exact i just want to get an idea of how much. Thank You
How can i get insurance from the gov.?
Ok my dad is 37 and has no insurance and we can't afford any either so how can he get insurance from the gov. we kinda need it now cause he thinks he has cancer so please help
What is the renewal process for car insurance?
Do they call in around expiration of the policy. Or is it a form you fill out. What questions do they ask? In particular, say you failed your G test before the expiry of the insurance policy and you redo everything and get a G or G2, will your insurance rate remain the same?""
How much will insurance cost for me?
I'm 18, Male, i'm going to be driving a rx8, And i live in Washington state. I know you can't tell me exact, But around how much.""
What affordable health insurance is the best one out there for me? I have no health problems except BP I am 58?
I will be divorced in 2 months and will have to find my own health insurance. I have been with Anthem for 14 years and have no health problems and no medications except 1 blood ...show more
Motorcycle insurance in canada?
The insurance companies in Canada are punishing seasoned riders with annual increased rates for motorcycles. Some won't even insure you if you change the pipes and the breather on your bike! Is there an association that can aid seasoned riders with fair insurance rates? If not, can we start one? If you've been riding for more than 20 years, I would like to hear how you are managing with these rip offs by the insurance companies.""
Is additional insurance for teens required in California? (please read further)?
Does a teen driver in California need to be put on their parents' insurance policy even though they're already covered? Here in the DMV handbook under the heading Accidents, Insurance, and Minors it says: If you are under 18 years of age, your parents sign your license application and assume financial responsibility for your driving unless they ask DMV to cancel your license. When you reach age 18, your parents' liability automatically ends. Does this mean a teen is covered no matter what until age 18? Or should they still be added on to the policy?""
What is the cheapest student health insurance plan?
What is the cheapest student health insurance plan?
Finding restrictions on a California car insurance policy?
I was involved in a minor accident while driving my mother-in-law's car. I am on her policy, so assumed I would be covered, but was just told that I might not be because I was driving for work. Where on the policy does it show whether or not I was covered? I don't want to keep driving her car for work unless I am.""
Is this a bad situation (Car Insurance question)?
I bought a car from my parents and their insurance policy on the car is still being paid for. The car is insured with Allstate but my name is not on the policy, also the car registered in my name. Is the car still insured if I get into an accident? Am I covered if I get injured in the accident? Is the other driver covered if I am at fault? I just need to verify because my mother is saying everything will be perfectly fine because she heard from a friend of a friend who is an insurance agent (and we all know how well that goes, not). I think she's very wrong and I should get insurance ASAP.""
Which insurance company will provide the most affordable health coverage?
I'm a 27 year old man in perfect health as far as I know. I'm average size. I'm about 5'10, 185 lbs. Since there are so many health insurance companies, which health insurance company will provide the most affordable health coverage for me?""
Can there be two different auto insurances on the same car?
Im a new driver, im 17 and im in the state of illinois. I dont have a license yet, just a permit. My parents only have one car and i cannot afford my own at this time. My parents have allstate and their rates are too high for me. So i contacted another insurance agency and their rates for liability were lower. So, can one car be insured with two different insurances?""
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affordable online insurance
Whats the cheapest car insurrance?
I am an 18 year old single male. I have one claim that is my fault. This brought my insurance up about $100. I have statefarm, but everyone suggest I look around for some place cheaper. I don't have full coverage, just liability. Any suggestions? I have a four door 1996 Volvo 850. Anything will help. Thanks.""
What's the Cheapest Car insurance for First Time Driver?
I just wanna have the cheapest car insurance. I dont need the insurance cover anything. just the cheapest! which company would be the best except geico, progressive or Liberty Matual? Something else?""
How to find insurance companies for joint ventures?
How to find Insurance companies wanting to do a joint venture of a $100 million and up. not insurance brokers
Sisters friend took car and crashed will my insurance cover?
She took the car without permission I know alot of people say that but this is really true.She crashed and didn't have a license or insurance. She was not at fault since the other person was driving with headlights off at night and no one was hur however both cars are wrecked. Will my insurance cover I only have liability.
""In India, which company offers cheap insurance price for car ins. and bike ins.? Thank u in advance.?""
In India, which company offers cheap insurance price for car ins. and bike ins.? Thank u in advance.""
Can my husband be on his parents car insurance?
Can my husband be on his parents insurance with his car and be on my own insurance with my car? Because right now he is on his parents and I just got a car and I dont want to have both cars on my insurance plan.
Becoming an insurance agent in Texas?
How does one become an insurance agent in Texas?
What would actually be the CHEAPEST car insurance for a 2011 challenger srt8?
I need to find out what car insurance company located near Covington, Louisiana sells the CHEAPEST full coverage car insurance that would be paid in full every 6 months for a fully loaded Dodge Challenger SRT8 with an automatic 5 speed transmission with the fuel saver technology feature? Any suggestions?""
How much would motorcycle insurance on a yamaha r6 in nj be?
Idk how old I'll be when I get one, can I get an answer for ages 18 and 21 please? thanks!""
""What is the cheapest insurance company for a 17 year old male, fully comp on a 1-1.2L vehicle?""
Looking around for cars and I want to know where is the cheapest, so far it is 3800 cheapest anywhere. If you have insured a car at that age can you let me know what you paid and who with? Tips on getting it lower?""
Can the insurance of a car I own cover 16 year old girl driver?
Can the insurance of a car I own cover 16 year old girl driver?
How much will my all state insurance increase?
I am 17 and I just got my first speeding ticket. How much would my insurance rates go up if I was doing 20 over and does it matter how far over I go or is of just a standard rate for a ticket? I have allstate in Iowa. Thanks!
I live in up state newyork need some help with finding some affordable health insurance.?
I live in up state newyork need some help with finding some affordable health insurance.?
""As a provisional licence holder, where is cheapest to get a insurance quote for a 206 hdi 1.9 HELPPPPPPPPPP!?""
as a provisional licence holder, where is cheapest to get a insurance quote for a 206 hdi 1.9 HELPPPPPPPPPP!""
Best medical insurance in maryland?
what is the bestand cheapest medical insurance in maryland
Yes/No: Do you have health insurance?
Yes/No: Do you have health insurance?
Does anyone know where I can get cheap short-term car insurance?
I'm due to go away travelling in January, so just want to insure my car (previously declared off the road) for a month or two before I go. Thanks in advance for your help! :) Sarah""
Impaired driving conviction effects on insurance in Utah?
Okay so I was originally charged with DUI because I was pulled over for swerving a bit and failed a urine test for weed at the police station, but had no drugs in my blood, which meant I was not under the influence at the time of driving. Unfortunately, in the state of Utah there is also a charge for Driving with Any Measurable Metabolites of a Controlled Substance. This charge has the pretty much the same mandatory minimum sentencing requirements of a DUI. My charge was reduced to Impaired Driving, which does not have the mandatory SR-22 filing and enhancements upon a third conviction as the aforementioned, but I have court tomorrow morning to be convicted of Impaired Driving, and I was wondering how much my insurance may go up??? It is only $46.67 a month right now... Also, how often might my insurance company check my record? It is really pretty freakin' lame I think because dirty urine but not blood means I could of smoked weed like 29 days ago and still had the damn metabolites in my urine right? Anyway, any knowledgeable input or prior experience would be greatly appreciated... Thank you very much in advance.""
""New driver, car, insurance etc..?""
I've started saving for my first car, driving lessons and tests, and obviously insurance. Any tips on choosing a car, and a teacher? How much would it cost, roughly? Detailed answers really appreciated, thankyou x""
Integra 2 Door VS 4 Door Insurance?
I know it has multiple factors, but how much would this change it? I'll be under my dad's name who has had a clean record for over 10 years. I'm 16 and live in an extremely low-crime city in California.""
What would you say is a cheap and decent car to purchase and insure? (Please see details)?
My dad and I are trading in another car, with the value of 3000, and as a result, we were looking at getting a car worth around 6000 (or less). He has had no claims for years, however, I have only recently passed my test. Has anyone been in this situation or a similar one? If so, what cars would you recommend purchasing. I'd really like a Mini convertible (as do most people), and so does my dad, but how much would you say the insurance would be. We're talking about 5 years no claims with my dad. I'd purely be a named driver. I did look at the Citreon C3 pluriel, because I was told it was really cheap to insure, but having to pull the sides off the car to make it into a convertible is a bit of a joke! Thanks for your time guys, hope you're having a nice night! x""
""IVF insurance, who covers it?""
Hello! My wife and I want to add a bundle of joy to our family and we wanted to know what insurance company and plan should we go with?! We are thinking blue cross, but don't know what plan to choose. Please be kind, and I'll be kind to you :)""
What are health insurance claims?
im confused and dont know what health insurance claims are..i need to know its for school i need to know what is it, what is it used for and why...please and thank you!! :)""
""So I am 19 years old and received my first speeding ticket, will it increase my insurance?""
I've asked this before and want to clarify. Some people told me the first ticket is a freebee and my insurance won't go up. Others have told me yes, my insurance will go up. I am in the state of California, I have Allstate insurance, and I'm on an insurance plan with my mom. I've been driving for a little over a year. Thanks everyone!""
How can one state offer more affordable insurance than another?
If Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield can compete nationwide as many others do it is not as though national insurance companies lack competition. So my question is; if every major insurance provider who could provider the greatest value due to economy of scale(greatest risk pool) in this nation how could a small company out bid a large one when faced with risk pools without cherry picking? How could insurance from one state be cheaper than another unless to bypass quality regulations and sell crap insurance?
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affordable online insurance
""No insurance company will quote me, dckheads..?""
They won't even give me a quote... Ive tried all cars even 1.1L fiestas/corsa/clios and 700cc Smarts... wtf is wrong with insurers in UK. im 17, just got licence.""
How much would my insurance be?
I am 15, i took driver's training when i was 14. and I just got my license. i was wondering how much it would be to insure a ford focus. I get good grades, about a 3.5 gpa so i dont know if that will help lower my insurance.""
Are there different types of car insurance?
What are the different kinds?
Hey I'm looking into buying a 2010-2011 Camaro How much would insurance be for me?
I'm 21 and looking into buying a 2010-2011 Camaro I'm just trying to figure out the basics like how much would insurance cost me and how much would the monthly payments on the car run me...I'm going to make a down payment of $5000 when I go to the dealership. Any kind good advice and tips on what I should do to get my dream car is needed ..Thanx in advance everybody
Ques about auto ins and traffic school in Los Angeles
I just got a ticket for a California Roll..(not complete stop at stop sign)...To do Traffic school it's gonna cost me around $130-$140 dollars...Would it just be cheaper or the same amount of money if I just don't go to traffic school and let my auto ins go up a lil. By how much is my insurance really gonna go up for that, especially when my driving record is otherwise fantastic.""
Imported motorcycle insurance?
Does anyone know of any companies that tend to do cheap imported bike insurance? Iv wrang around a few now and the best quote i can get for third party only is 305 pounds from adrien flux. The bike in question is a Honda storm SDH 2006 import. I know that as an imported bike it is going to be a little more expensive but it shares most of its parts with the Honda CG, will telling them this help the quote at all, and do you know any good insurers?""
Where can I buy 1-day car insurance?
I have my car parked in a storage facility in LA, CA and I want to sell it, but I don't have insurance to cover my drive from storge to the dealership. I've looked online for temporary/1-day car insurance but all the ones I find are the the UK. Does anyone know of any companies that offer temporary car insurance? Thanks!!""
What is the average cost for a phacoemulsification without insurance?
What is the average cost for a phacoemulsification without health insurance?
If i have no car do i have to pay insurance?
if i have my liscence but no car, but i drive my parents car do i still have to pay insurance""
Car insurance for an 18 year old parent?
will having custody of a child help lower or raise my insurance, btw thanks for those who help""
Car insurance problem?
as i pulled into the disabled parking space at my local asda,i turn into space and slow down to line the car into space as you do then as i stopped the car wiggled at the back with a bang so i looked in my drivers door mirror to see a pick up truck up against my car.so it turned out he had reversed back to pick up his wife and not seen me pull into one of the double spaces that he was about to park across and i must add that there was no pick up in view as i pulled into space so he must have reversed from behind the opposite row of cars as i would have stopped if i had seen a pick up going backwards towards the spaces,anyway words where exchanged along with insurance details and we did nothing as we where getting a new car a week later.now the guy who hit me has put in a claim which i have refused and left it With the insurance company.we have a car on insurance and they have received a letter about the claim which did not go through and no money was paid out but they have put another 130 on my insurance how can they do that.I get hit and no claim was paid out but it still cost me an extra 130 and they were going to cancel my insurance can anyone tell me if this is legal what they have done thanks""
""Im getting quotes for well over 4,000 for car insurance is this right?""
Im getting quotes for well over 4,000 for car insurance is this right? My grandson is 17 and has passed his Advanced driving test. He has a VW Polo. Would he be able to be put on my insurance as I have 5 years no claims. Would this lower his by much? He has also been driving cars/tractors around a farm since he was about 13 would this make a difference? Thanks""
How does the insurance company know what Annual Mileage I am actually doing?
I bought a car last Sunday from a private seller, but was not able to drive it home because of no insurance. The person kindly offered to keep the car in his garage till I get an insurance cover. Today I went to pickup my car, but that guy was not there, his friend was there to hand me the keys and drive back home. When I test drove the car it was 87k miles exact, now today when I collected it, it went upto 87,806 miles, +806 miles extra. The seller is not answering my calls, the only thing worrying me is that I quoted my Annual Mileage up 6000miles, but already my car raked up 806 miles in one week. Please help, and don't abuse coz I am already down being cheated? Why bad things happen with do-gooder?""
Why is it important to carry car insurance if the odds of a major accident are quite low?
Its a stats question
Dental insurance for an adult in need of braces?
I am almost 21 years old and will be getting braces within the year and was wondering if anyone knew of good dental insurance plans for adults that includes braces. Please, legit companies, preferably first hand experience with them. Thanks!""
Car title and insurance question?
If my name was put on the title of a car (I'm 18), would it affect the insurance rates even if the car was insured under my parent's policy as a occasional driver? Does the insurance company have the right to change the rates on a car depending solely on whose name is on the title?""
Car provisional insurance?
Well i was wondering i bought a renault clio im on my provisional licence and quoted 900 pounds for a provisional insurance and 2000 for full licence if i payed 900 for a provisional would i then have to pay 1100 to get it to full insurance or the whole 2000 to get it to full insurance?
How much cash will be taken due to the Affordable Health Care Act?
I ask how much cash will the IRS deduct from my refund due to me not having any health insurance? OK I know its bad that I have no health care but I just found a full time job a month ago that provides health care that I can afford and use. I did not have any health insurance for the 2012 year and just learned that the IRS will take cash from you refund due to the poor, i.e, me, not having insurance. So can somebody tell me (who is actuality intelligent and knows taxes) how much cash I will loose for this B.S. Law? P.S. Please don't comment just to tell me I'm a lazy jerk who just won't spend the money to get health insurance. I work very hard and work two part time jobs just to have food and shelter. I understand that insurance is high due to people getting hurt and can't afford the bill so it gets written off. When I get hurt or sick I stay at home and heal myself, I don't abuse the system! I just can't afford the monthly payment for health care with my other bills!""
17 year old and car insurance policy?
my mothers insurance company called her today asking if i had my license. when she responded no but i was thinking about getting it, they said if i did get it, she would have to immediately put me on her policy, even if i DON'T have a car. sounds like some bull to me but then again ive never done this before. to insure a 17 year old male with the car i would have would cost her 3 grand a year anyway which isn't gonna happen. she then asked if i could have my own policy in my name and was told yes and it would be completely in my name and i wouldn't have to sign on any ones policy. as far as i know, i cant sign a legal contract until im 18 because im still a minor in the eyes of the law. (her insurance company is allstate by the way) my questions are-- (1) do i have to be put on her policy as soon as i get my license even if i DON'T have a car? (2) can i have my own policy in my name being a minor (17) with no existing credit history?, and if so (3) can anyone recommend some of the cheaper insurance companies for teens, or is 3 k a year about the norm? 10 to the best answer. thanks.""
Is my car insurance in place.?
basically i applied for a car insurance and in the quote i put in a false licence held date as i only had my licence a month ago but i put in march 2012. They have taken the deposit of 300 already from my account so does that mean i got away with the lie about the licence held date and does that mean my insurance will be in place soon. I lied because i think insurance is cheaper if you have old licence. thanks
Does living on an unpaved road affect car or home insurance rates?
I'm doing some research and I can't find out if living on unpaved roads affect car or home insurance rates. Please help me :)
Teenager's auto insurance?
i'm 17 and will soon be recieving a car from my aunt. it's a '92 poniac bonneville se. i want to figure out some insurance rates but some of the information they are asking for i'm not comfortable putting on the internet (like my soc. number). are there any teen drivers or parents of teen drivers would would be willing to share their rates and companies with me?
How much would insurance cost on a 96 Chevrolet camaro?
Monthly? I spotted a camaro for the first time and it was completely gorgeous, I almost cried. it also runs good. The cost is pretty crazy for a camaro only 2,000. My mom said that I could not get it because the insurance is high I asked her how high and she said about 3,000 a month also I'm 16. I get the feeling she is wrong how much would you say insurance on a 96 camaro would cost?""
Do anyone have an idea about how the insurance of 1992 mistubishi expo cost for 19 years old male?
Do anyone have an idea about how the insurance of 1992 mistubishi expo cost for 19 years old male?
Can a health insurance company deny emergency medical coverage based on the final diagnosis?
I went to the emergency room for symptoms suggesting a life-threatening illness. It turned out I did not have a life-threatening illness and the ER doctor diagnosed something much ...show more
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0 notes
lazytacomoon-blog · 6 years
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"Burbank Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99323
Burbank Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99323
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Long Term Care Insurance?
Please give me the pros and cons of obtaining long term care insurance. What is the criteria, and who should buy long term care insurance? Conversely, who should not, or who does not need such a policy? What does it cover and what are the variable costs. Also, does it help prevent you from going into a nursing home should that be indicated? Thank you!""
Health Insurance and Lost Wages?
I'm going into surgery for my meniscus being torn during a skiing accident. However, I am a waitress and will not be able to work for at least 2 months. My employer has told me that I will have my job when I return, however I seem to be at a loss as to what I can do to try to recover lost wages.""
Insurance in Singapore?
I am an expat in Singapore and looking for insurance. Can I get insurance being an expat? I have a plan to stay here for next 10 years
Auto insurance quotes?
What website you recommend to get instant multiple quotes for multiple cars, without agent or a representative involvement?""
Please Help me to find the cheapest insurance for my car?
Hello, I've baught a car two months ago, but I havn't insured it yet because insurencse is so expenive. I'm trying to find the cheapest deal and I need your experince in that. My car is Honda, accord, year 1999. My age: 23 Single State: Virginia City: Richmond. I'm international student and I don't have social security number I'm not sure if that would make a difference ! I've just got the driving license. I need reliability insurance if this would make a big discount. By the way, my GPA is very good. If you can help me out with agencys phone numbers or any guess about the insurance It will be greatly appreciated Thank you in advance""
Insurance for my car please help!! ?
in the future i need to insure a '05 infiniti g35 coupe. i went to Farmers for a quote and they said 1,200 for 6months!!.....Can anyone suggest other insurance companies that arent that expensive?? thanks. or the fact that its an infiniti coupe i'm just going to get an expensive quote everywhere???""
What type of car insurance coverage is the cheapest?
I'm not talking about companies like State Farm, All State, Geico. I'm talking about the coverages like Collision, Comprehensive, No-Fault, Liability. Which of those coverages is cheapest in order. Also I live in Michigan so insurance is a big deal.""
First car?? very cheap budget wear and what should i be looking to purchase?
ok im in uk got a budget of around 500 max im 17 so insurance will be bowt 1k third party what ever car i get i need simple ideas on a how to get a small cheap first car if you know anything about insurance then i want it cheap and yes i am short of cash as u may have gatherd also what good sound systems should i look to get once ive paid for everything thats what ill be saving for next....
Price Would Car Insurance?
I have like no idea how everything works.. what would be a good starting car to just start driving in? im 17 soon and ill be going for my driving lessons soon.. and i want to know what the sort of insurance prices would be for an 18 year old..thanks x Sorry if i talk too much lol.
How much does auto insurance cost in Orange County?
can someone please just give me a rough estimate of the cost per month for one car? Just a used sedan, nothing fancy. I am a single male with a good record. I know it would vary based on a lot of factors, but I'm just looking for a ballpark figure for cost per month.""
I need advice on car insurance?
OK. Heres the history. I have 3 tickets on my record, two for speeding, and one for running a red light. I'm 18 years old and I am male. So i know I'm already ******. But i need to know is it possible for me to get car insurance again? Oh and technically I've had two accidents. And **** everyone who says Im a bad driver because Im not. I was just a dumb 16 and 17 year old. Quite frankly Im a greater driver than probably everyone who answers this. so shutup. REAL answers please. Thanks.""
How much will a small tooth chip cost without insurance?
I live in Southern California just so you can get an idea... Okay, last night I was watching a movie with my boyfriend and laying down in front of him. As he was going to take a drink from his glass I stretched and accidentally elbowed his drink and heard CLANK! and he got up to spit some stuff out of his mouth. The chip isn't big at all and it's on the front, left tooth on the outer corner. It's very small (almost unnoticeable if you're more than 2-3 feet away and he's smiling big) and it LOOKS as if it would be an easy fix. I have assured him that I will pay for it as he owns a barber shop and his presence is important to him and I feel very badly. How much do you think this fix (looks easy!) would cost me without insurance AND do dentists take payments? I am getting dental/medical from my work in a couple of weeks but I don't think it would cover him. Please let me know and sorry this is long!""
Where to get the best price on event insurance?
Ive been throwing events for awhile now and just recently had a close call in damages to the property so i was wondering if anyone knew of something like a Event insurance company that covers Arizona events?
Insurance Agency Tax Help 1120S?
I own an insurance agency. I have a seperate checking account for insurance premium funds. When we collect a insurance premium payment from a customer, the funds are deposited into this account and then we send our agency check to the insurance company. How are these funds treated on form 1120S?""
What would the insurance and maintenance cost be for these cars?
1995 Ford Escort LX sedan M/T 1996 Saab 900 SE V6 Automatic 1994/1995 Saturn SL 1/2 M/T Im looking to buy my first car soon and I have found good deals on these and since I will have to pay for the car, insurance, and gas myself, overall price stays in mind.""
How much would car insurance be for me? (teen)?
I'm 16. Driving a Honda Accord 2001, with 130,000 miles. I live in the state of Delaware. I'm a male, with about. 3.0 average in school. If you had to guesstimate , how much do you think my insurance would be?""
Urgent..car insurance gt expired n 3 days later my car got stolen... can i claim or can anythin be done ..help?
my car insurance got expired on 7 oct 2011 and my car got stolen on 10 oct 2011... i have never taken any claim before.. it was a swift 2 yr old car... m so sad pls suggest if anythin ...show more
How much will the auto insurance cost?
2010 Ford Focus Sedan, how much will the insurance cost?""
Auto insurance question?
what typically happens if ur drivin without insurance and get into an accident that wasnt ur fault...
How can I save money on my car insurance?
I'm a young driver who's only just passed. Is it OK to put my Dad as the main driver when in reality I will be driving the car most of the time? I heard it's cheaper that way. Also I know Pass Plus can decrease it. Does putting it in a garage and having good security decrease it? What other things can I do to save - the cheapest quote so far I found is 1,600!""
Car insurance comparison websites - aaaaaaarrggghhh!!!?
why so many adverts for these price comparison websites. sonn we will have a comparison website, for comparison websites. is this just me or does this piss everyone off in a big way""
How much does insurance cost on an international package mailed via the United States Post Office?
I have to mail a package to France and it weighs less than a pound but the item inside is worth more than $100 and I am curious to know how much it would cost me to insure this package if I were to use USPS.
Health insurance?
i am 22 years old and i have no health insurance and a LOT of health problems. does anyone know any affordable health insurance plans that would cover pills or partial of the pills, doctor visits, or most of the doctor visit, and hospital bills. i live in new jersey""
How much would it cost for a citation with no insurance in Texas ?
How much would it cost for a citation with no insurance in Texas ?
How long will it take for your auto insurance premiums to go down after and accident and a speeding ticket?
I got into a car accident 3 years ago. Due to my car lost control during raining weather. There was no one involved but myself and the police cited me for reckless driving. That was almost 3 years ago. Recently, in October I had gotten a speeding ticket of going over 15-20. I took it upon myself to go to traffic school both times to wipeout some of the points off my driving record, but some how my insurance still upped my premiums yet again. My question is how long will it take for my premiums to go down or have the accident removed from my record? Does any one know of a good insurance company that I can transfer to due to my insurance premiums are way too high. I know of other people who have worse records but their insurance isnt at much as mine. Also I've had my license for 13 years and have in all that time just have been in 1 accident and 2 speeding tickets. Any help would be appreciated.""
Burbank Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99323
Burbank Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99323
What is the average cost of life insurance?
What is the average cost of life insurance?
How much would it cost to replace a bumper on a Honda Ridgeline?
I ran into a wood carport the other day in my Dad's truck, and totally ruined his bumper. We have car insurance, but even with that how much do you think it would cost? Would insurance go up, and by how much do you assume? Also, the tail light is broken, how much should that cost? I'm just trying to see how much money I should start earning to pay him back. Thanks!""
What's the insurance like on an Acura RSX S-Type?
I'm just turning 16 and this's my 1st car(well actually my 3rd but the 1st one I've bought) and i know prices vary but i just want an idea of what my insurance will look like?
How much insurance do you guys pay for a Harley (v rod)?
I am planning on buying a hd v rod soon and I'm 21. I've been driving my car for almost 6 years and have a clean driving recorrect (if it matters). I was wondering how much people pay for motorcycle insurance?
""At 14 and 16, can my boyfriend and I get health insurance together?
Can we get a plan together for our baby on the way and us? We'd like to pay for it ourselves and we need health insurance for the baby and I.
Low cost insurance on my car?
I'm 18, about to start paying for my insurance. I have a 1998, Honda accord EX, 6V 2D. I've had my license since 2010 and a clean record. My parents have us on nationwide but it's really expensive. What's a cheaper insurance company I could go to when I graduated?""
How much would insurance be?
In the next couple months I'll be in the market for a 2006-2008 7series BMW. I'm 17 and this would be my second car. Approximately how much would I be paying a month for the insurance? Thanks in advance.
Health Insurance Now and Later?
I am married going on 2 years. We have decided that we do want children. I am looking at health insurance for myself and I was wondering if I just get health insurance including dental or do I need to go ahead and apply for pregnancy insurance before we even start trying to get pregnant? Are there any insurance companies who are better than others?
What debit is insurance expense and what credit is prepaid expense?
On July 1, 2007, Lumas Co. pays $15,840 to Patel Insurance Co. for a 6-year insurance contract. Both companies have fiscal years ending December 31. For Lumas Co. journalize and post the entry on July 1 and the adjusting entry on December 31 to all accounts except cash. Debit Credit July 1 Prepaid Insurance $ 15,840 Cash $ 15,840 Dec. 31 Insurance Expense $ ???? Prepaid Insurance $ ???? what would go where the question marks are?""
Hiring an employee / health insurance?
If I hire an employee in California do I have to pay for their health insurance? Is there some threshold like 40hrs/week where I have to start paying or what?
I bought a car 2weeks ago, registered it the next day and got into a car accident the day after. :( I got a ticket for having no insurance. But I found out that the seller, my moms bf, had insurance for the car. Just none in my name, will this help dismiss the ticket? There is a day grace period to get insurance when you get the car, but I was unable to get any. But the car WAS insured during the time of the accident. Just through the previous owner. ANY ADVICE WILL HELP.""
Does anybody no any cheap car insurance company for young male drivers plz help in Ireland thank you?
Does anybody no any cheap car insurance company for young male drivers plz help in Ireland thank you?
Is it legal for a car insurance company to do this?
I was in a no-fault wreck on Christmas Eve(slid into two cars on ice). The damages were about $3500 to my car. A buff job for the first car, and a chrome polish on the bumper of the old truck. They are not worried about making an insurance claim. There are not enough damages. First off, my car is fully insured with Progressive on my mother-in-laws insurance. The car is in mine and my spouse's name. I am not on the insurance because it was not allowing my mother-in-law to add me. It kept giving her an error. She was however able to add my spouse. I received a call on Saturday from a claims specialist. They told me that because I am not on the insurance, they may not cover the repairs. They are looking into whether or not she in fact did try to add me. If they can't find that she did try to add me, they said they will not cover it. Shouldn't they pay for it no matter what. Seeing how the car has comp. and collision? This is the first time I've had to deal with a claim on the insurance, so I really don't know anything about the process. I'm going in blindfolded. Everyone I've talked to has said that it doesn't matter who is driving it, if the car is insured, it's the insurance companies responsibility to cover the costs. It would be no different than you letting your neighbor borrow your car. Am I wrong??? If you have any comments or advice, please help me out. I need something to go off to work with them! Or more like against them. Thank you!""
Illnois-no proof of insurance?
Does anyone know what the fine is for no proof of insurance in illinois is?? Is there a way to get this dropped??
Car insurance and my rates?
Hi, I live in Adams County, PA and I have been with the same insurance company for about 20 years. I have a 1996 Chevy Suburban, high mileage. I have no accidents, violations, or points. I have a clean record. I walk to work and don't really drive far. I am paying over $1100 a year. This seems high to me. Is it?""
In Michigan do you need to keep full coverage on your motorcycle even if it is in storage when you have loan?
You get your full coverage on the motorcycle when you purchase it but winter comes and you have the insurance company reduce it to storage insurance. Can you do that and if you can is the insurance company required to let the title holder know of the insurance coverage change?
Question about MA car insurance?
I have a car parked in my apartment's parking lot that doesn't run. Can I cancel the insurance on it so I don't have to pay for it every month? I'm in the process of trying to sell it. When I cancel the insurance, do I have to return the plates, too? I don't think it's legal to have a car with no plates parked in a parking lot.""
What is the best life insurance policy for people 65?
need life insurance
California low cost health insurance?
i need an innsurance with a low cost monthly fee.. i just need it for birth control. i dont want to pay full price it gets pricy please let me know of some good ones that you have experience with
""Monthly Insurance for a 16 year old, if he were to get a G37 Coupe? IS250? IS250c? TL 2010?""
How much would it cost? an estimate? I heard grades, colors of the car, and other things like that affect the insurance cost? Well if it does, he gets 4.0 and he wants a Black. We live in CA. And our insurance company is Farmers, but I would just want a monthly insurance cost. thank you!""
Help solve my High Car Insurance problem...?
Thanks everyone for your valuable opinions. I just purchased an '07 black Toyota Yaris with about 24 k miles. I am a 20 yr old male living in Texas. Well my insurance went sky high from my last vehichle, an old '90 clunker Geo. It went from like 100 and something to like 350! I have Farmers Insurance. What are my options on things to do??? The title of the car is in my name. I pretty much do not have any credit. My mom happened to mention something about changing the title over into her or my grandma's name...and then she could add me as a driver to her insurance. I really don't know, the situation is very confusing. Please help me know my options, I can't afford this! P.S. All insurance companies will charge me about the same givin my age, etc.""
How much do you insure for the Bodily Injury Limits?
What is Bodily Injury Limits on your car insurance? What is the limit should I have and why?
How do I get two speeding tickets from 2006 to not show on my record for insurance? ?
I have two tickets from 2006. One in March and one in Dec. I took DD for the one in December yet they both show on my record when I try to purchase insurance. My quote went from $304 to $1000 for six months. This was Geico which was a little ridiculous if you ask me. Anyway I can get them to now show on my record?
For Californian's - Arnolds Health Insurance question?
Can someone explain to me if this is wrong or is this right? He intends to tax the businesses that don't give their employees health care (which would be among the smallest businesses because those with over 50 employees have too in California) and use that money to buy them some kind of health insurance? I wonder how many folks are going unemployed due to the closure of small businesses if that happens?
Problem with car insurance?
This isn't my car. So sorry if I'm fussy on details. Basically in the snow a car lost control of their car and crashed into my friends car. Which was parked up. They were decent and called their insurance company. Unforcantly there's a problem with the door that needs to be replaced. They said they will give her 600 and she has to cover the rest. Surely it all should be paid by their insurance not just some of it? Her father wants to demand money off the bloke which I don't thinks right. But I wanted to know where they stand on getting money off the insurance. And what advise I can give them. Why pay insurance if they don't give out. Doesn't make sence. Anyone been in a similar situation? What was the result? Cheers.
Burbank Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99323
Burbank Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99323
Does anyone know where to get classic car insurance for under 25's?
I'm 21 years old I own an rs turbo that is 23 years old. I know you used to be able to get classic car insurance through Adrian flux but they've just changed there terms so you have to be over 25, but there must be a another insurance company that will take under 25's.""
Anyone know any companies that provide really cheap insurance for uk drivers?
Anyone know any companies that provide really cheap insurance for uk drivers?
What cars have cheap insurance for a teen?
Not looking for some online thing with only a couple new cars. In YOUR experience what cars have the cheapest insurance? Right now I'm looking for any beater as looks really don't matter too much as I'm only gonna pay like $500 or a little more depending on the car and only going to drive it for 3-4 months or so (unless its a classic) because with the job I am getting next month Ill be able to afford a much nicer car and insurance in no time. I got a quote for an 03 civic si coupe at 400 bucks a month (while on my dads insurance) I am 17 and thats too much for me right now heck i could buy an old beater civic for that much. So I'm thinking going back as 90's and up (I'm all for classic cars but I dont think the insurance will be any less because they think all old cars have massive and fast motors and are death traps. I like this 87 monte carlo ss that isnt too old but again the insurance sees ss and adds another $100 -_- ) theres also a 76 camaro with a 305 that I really like and its already yellow! (bumble bee anyone?) though i dont know how the insurance would be for that. It's just a regular one as there was no z28 option in 76. Now I'm thinking what about the early 90s civics such as the hatch? though I would guess insurance would still be high because they are easy to steal see my frustration no matter what cheap car i think of insurance finds a reason to skyrocket rates What cars can you recommend me that I can get for a grand? cheap insurance and cheap gas would be good too but if the fbodys arent too bad on insurance then i dont care about the gas.
Would my car insurance cancel my policy?
Would they cancel my car insurance if I got into an accident and I'm in fault? I have full coverage and collision. I recently got into a car accident and I'm scared that they will cancel my policy.
Should I pay my employer to get my insurance license in FL?
Should I pay my employer to get my insurance license in FL? I was recently hired at trajan insurance as a financial professional. They want me to pay $580 to get my insurance license before I even start. The company sells insurance and other financial options to consumers. They werent clear on my pay scale either. The office is located in Tampa, Fl.. Does anyone know anything about this? Please help in anyway you can. thank you""
What insurance license allows you to sell insurance to businesses?
What insurance license allows you to sell insurance to businesses?
What is the difference between ordinary life insurance and term insurance?
I heard about term insurance whose meaning is not clear to me. Can anybody please explain what is the difference between ordinary life insurance (like those offered by LIC) and a term insurance? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two?
How can i get a copy of my old insurance card from state farm?
How can i get a copy of my old insurance card from state farm?
Are there any car insurance providers in MA that pay for OEM parts?
I have Progressive insurance and a 2010 year car. Progressive will not pay for OEM parts, even OEM glass. Is there a car insurance provider in MA that does? If so I want to switch ASAP.""
Motorcycle insurance? how much?
can someone guess how much will a motorcycle insurance be for an 18 year old male in CA with no road driving experience at all?, and the bike he will get is a 2008 Ninja 250r or 2006 Katana 600?.....also note he will take the MSF course and this will be his first road vehicle...thanks!!""
What is the car insurance deposit?
What is the deposit you make on your car insurance? I'm not 100% sure. Do you get it back? I'm in the UK.
What's the difference between secondary and primary insurance?
I am doing some research for credit cards that offer auto insurance; however; I am finding some details to rather confusing, specifically: What's the difference between primary insurance (Diner's Club) and secondary insurance (most free credit cards)?""
What is balloon insurance?
do i need balloon coverage
How much would my insurance cost if self-insured?
im 21, JUST got g2 and live in toronto, ontario my choice of cars is s2k, mazda RX8, and 350z, how much will my insurance be for each? Also, my father works in Apotex, a huge medical company that have insurance packages for employees + their family, how much would my insurance cost if i sign to them?""
""In the state of Georgia do you need a title for an automobile that is 24 years old, to purchase a tag.?""
I am buying a 1982 Chevrolet S-10 pickup truck, I personally know the individual I am purchasing the truck from. The title has been misplaced or lost. We are both under the impression that if a vehicle is X amount of years old you don't have to have a title to be able to purchase a tag,get insurance etc. The truck is 25 years old, if anyone has or knows the answer to my question I would be greatly appreciative.""
How Much Of Your Income Can You Use On A Car?
How much of your income is it appropriate to use on a car? I am not talking about insurance or gas, just the retail price of the car. Would you say as low as 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, or what? Thanks.""
Why do insurance companies hate performance/modified cars?
It seems like the ideal insurance company wants you to drive a safe and slow bumper car and have absolutely no fun driving to and from wherever you are going. They assume that any sports car or car with performance enhancements means you will crash. It means you are a reckless driver and no good to the general public. It means you will blatantly violate the rules of the road and have no remorse for doing it. All of that is a load of crap... Most of the major car companies don't even offer, when getting a free quote, to see Ferrari's or Lamborghinis prices, they just won't insure them! Your expected to report any and all modifications to the company so they can jack up the premium. So why do they hate those types of cars so much?""
I need affordable med. insurance for my children. How do I find the best deal?
I need affordable med. insurance for my children. How do I find the best deal?
16 Year Old Car Insurance!?
Whats up! Im 15 right now and looking at cars cause im excited about driving. Im probably going to get a 2005-07 mazda3 cause im going to be paying for it. Question: How much did YOU pay for insurance and how much do you suppose i will pay for insurance? Also is the mazda3 a good car. Plz i dont need links and i dont need trolls.
What would insurance maybe cost per month for a 16 year old that has a mustang gt?
ok say its like an 2001 mustang gt it is black not a bright color i am just getting added to my parents plan im an a student and i live in houston tx
""How much would auto insurance cost for a $17,000 Bentley?""
Yes, I was looking around and someone was selling a bentley for $17,000. It is a 2005 Continental GT. If I were to buy that for a 16 year old, how much would insurance be? I know it is a bentley but it is an a low price tag of $17,000. And he would be covered under my insurance which makes the price go down lower, also he has taken the test,etc. Any insight would help greatly.""
How Much is a Tuberculosis Test without insurance?
I live in Sacramento California and need to get a tb test but i dont have insurance, so i was wondering how much this is going to cost. Any help would be appreciated""
Car insurance question?
I have been driving for three years and am looking to upgrade cars. I drove a Vauxhall Agila for 2 and a half years and the last six months iv had a Pegeuot 206. I am 22 and my partner is 21. I have one years no claims and she has 0. The smaller the engine the cheaper the car is there a list some where that I can look through to find the cheap insurance cars? I want a 1.6 Astra but the insurance for the two of us is like 3k and I dont want to pay more then 2 really. As well as this, she had a bump not long back. She is on my insurance and if this guy claims do I lose my annual bonus or is it just her who loses it?""
Baby insurance?
what a cheap and reliable baby insurance? any advice? my sons a month old
""1998 Honda civic, had a car accident, back tire smashed in back Axel is bent how much will this cost me?
Any chance my insurance company will decide to total it out?
Burbank Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99323
Burbank Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99323
Average cost of insurance?
what would be the average cost of insurance for a 16 year old male in georgia with an 09 mustang? with a honda accord? with a dodge ram? i guess really with a safe new sports car (cause the new mustangs are 5 star in all but one thing where they hav a 4 star in safety), with a new sedan, and with a new truck? thanks. and also how much might taking extra classes help lower the insurance? i mean defensive driving classes. and would being an eagle scout help any? i really don't know so im just thinking of things that might help. thanks""
How do i get an online auto insurance quote in British Columbia??
Fvcking stupid place! How do i get insurance online in this god damn provence!!!
I would like to buy a car.How much is the price of the car insurance about? I am going to buy a 1300cc car.?
I would like to buy a car.How much is the price of the car insurance about? I am going to buy a 1300cc car.?
Is there cheap health insurance for students?
If so does anyone know? or have it? best insurance?
""Car accident, neither driver has insurance?""
Was in a car accident yesterday. The other driver was completly at fault. He gave me insurance info, but has just informed me he was dropped due to lack of payment or something. I also have no insurance. YES, I KNOW ITS ILLEGAL TO DRIVE WITHOUT INSURANCE. IF THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY MOVE PAST MY QUESTION!! What am I suppose to do? Do I need to try and get a lawyer and sue? My car was totalled,my hip is in a lot of pain, so is my bfs shoulder n back. The other driver is fine and had very minimal damage. Im at a loss, any advice would be.greatly appreciated""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost in MA?
How much should I expect to pay for motorcycle insurance on a cheap bike in MA? (I'm in cambridge.) I know it depends on a variety of factors, and I could call an agent and get a quote, but I'm just looking for a rough estimate.""
Car insurance cons and why it should not be mandatory to have car insurance?
i am writing a paper on why car insurance should not be mandatory. i cannot find many facts or much research at all. if you all could point me in the right direction i would be very grateful. i would like to know the cons of car insurance and why someone should not have it.
""What kind of qualities should I look for when purchasing a car? ie insurance, modern elements...?""
For experienced buyers: As an entry level analyst looking to purchase a car, I was hoping to get some ideas about my first big purchase. My norm has usually been purchasing something and regretting it some time down the road ie Bought a Dell laptop, turns out it heats up a lot. Or a new smartphone (android), turns out it freezes plenty. So I want to purchase a car, and was hoping if someone who is experienced could possibly take some time off to tell me what I should look out for. I understand insurance is a *****, and even though cars are affordable on lease, the insurance will get you. My objective: Car : Lease a pre-owned or 2nd hand car, possibly 2012 or 2013 model, 4 door, sedan. Insurance : Max coverage, low payment (ideal but, shoot for the stars and....) Questions: I understand there are qualities or modern elements like lane stabilizer and effective cruise control that can reduce insurance coverage. How effective can they be? What kind of sedans have low insurance and are modernistic, such as built in navigation and those cool looking monitors? (kind of childish) Which insurance coverages are the most important, there is basic, comprehensive.... If you need additional information, I will be checking this question hourly and will be glad to provide additional information. Thanks!""
Pregnancy and health insurance questions:?
I found out that I am 6 weeks pregnant, and have my own health insurance. What I would like to know is if I want to get on my husbands insurance for the new year will I be able to? Or will I not be able to get on his insurance because they will consider it pre-existing condition? His insurance is better than mine. My baby is due the end of April.""
What's the absolute cheapest car insurance company in Illinois?
What's the absolute cheapest car insurance company in Illinois?
""20, female, just passed test.. cheapest car to insure?""
Hi, So I passed my test today :). But I want some ideas on cars cheap to insure.. either on my own or on my dads insurance with me as a second driver.. Also having a baby in 8 week so would be better being a 5 door, but I can cope with 3.. Some cars I've thought of are.. Corsa Clio Focus Fiester KA Polo Punto Any piston heads out there to help me out and give me some ideas of age and engine I'm best going for for cheap insurance please help :) Thanks""
I am looking for free healthcare insurance in the state of delaware?
I am looking for free healthcare insurance in the state of delaware?
What would the insurance quote for a Chevy silverado 1500 1995 be?
ive looked at the insurance sites and they want all my information i just need a estimate for my truck please help i dont want to enter all my information
What personal information can be revealed by a car insurance card?
Friend asked me for a copy of my car insurance card, said he needed it for something but didn't tell me what.""
Where can I get cheap car Insurance ?
Hello, I am 18, and I am interested in a 92 Camaro. Two negatives with trying to get insured for a cheap price, I am 18 and I am wanting a sports car, I got a quote through gieco , and theyre wanting to get 700$ a month. NO WAY am I going to pay 700 a month, thats just beyond ridiculous ! Can someone lead me to a right answer""
Why is car insurance more expensive based on age than value?
I am trying to shop for a new car but I want to know if I can manage the monthly expenses such as insurance and gas. I am interested in the 2011 Nissan Altima 2.5 S Coupe the Kelley Blue book value for the car is $17,000. The car has really good gas but I was shock to see the estimated quote for car insurance to be over a $100 a month. I was also interested in the 2008 Lexus IS 250 and the Kelley Blue Book value is $21,000. The gas for the car is okay but not as good as the nissan but the estimated car insurance quote to my surprise was only $45 a month. That doesn't really make any sense shouldn't it be more expensive since the car is worth more?""
Car Insurance HELP ?!?!?
A couple weeks ago I was involved in an accident which was not my fault. The claim adjuster figured that it would cost 10k to fix my 03' VW Passat. The insurance ended up totaling the car because it cost more to fix it then it was worth. I was not finish making payments on the car. I was wondering if it's true that the insurance company will give me money to purcahse a new car even the last car was not finished in payments.
Am I elgible for Unemployment Insurance. I am a Green Card Holder 3 years and I'm suddenly out of work!?
Am I elgible for Unemployment Insurance. I am a Green Card Holder 3 years and I'm suddenly out of work!?
What UK car insurance companies will consider my Canadian driving experience?
I recently exchanged my Canadian driving license for a full UK license but insurance quotes are so high because most companies only consider that I haven't had my full license for more than a year (in fact I have had a full Canadian license for 8 years). The insurance companies also don't seem to consider that I have had no claims on my Canadian insurance for 8 years. Does anyone know of a UK car insurance provider that will consider foreign driving experience in their quotes?
Which has cheaper car insurance florida or rhode island?
which state on average has lower rates? new york which is my current state is a much higher rate than these two but im not sure which is lower out of the two.
What happens if you get into an accident without car insurance in MA?
My friend drove and without car insurance in MA. And she ended up going through a stop sign, and totaled another car, what will happen?""
Car accident and no insurance.?
My mom was involved in a car accident and she found out her insurance was cancelled earlier. It was her fault and the other driver is insured, but they took away her license. We know she has to pay out of pocket but is there a company that will pay the lump sum for her so she can pay the company little by little?""
What is the basic kind of insurance required by California Law?
What kind of insurance covers something like another driver hitting your car door, and then driving off before you could get their license plate # what is comprehensive , and what is collision, ?""
Must you have insurance if you are a driver in the state of Nevada?
I'm a driver in California, under the age of 21. I don't have a car that I own nor am I put on the other cars that my parents own and don't wish to be on them. If I am not planning on driving any time, do I still need to have insurance because I have a driver's license? If you have an answer, I would appreciate a link as well to look on.""
Is this the big health insurance lie?
The legislation would impose several new fees on firms in the health sector. New fees would be imposed on providers of health insurance and on manufacturers and importers of medical devices. Both of those fees would be largely passed through to consumers in the form of HIGHER PREMIUMS for PRIVATE COVERAGE. Congressional Budget Office An Analysis of Health Insurance Premiums Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act November 30, 2009 BUT..... The average premium for an unsubsidized, nongroup policy will cost 27-30% MORE. (same report) So won't private coverage decrease sharply ... And so too the fees collected from them ... which are suppose to pay for the subsidies . Or will really caring people flock to buy this extra expensive insurance?""
Burbank Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99323
Burbank Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 99323
0 notes