#-more likely than not it was some corporate moron who thinks they know what The Kids want meddling
angeltannis · 9 months
As I look deeper into Forspoken and its reception, I’m discovering more and more loud criticisms that, when pressed, the person making them admits that they’ve never actually even played the game. “I watched a trailer” does not make you an expert on something. How can you be sitting here going on about how Frey is a horrible and annoying protagonist, that she “acts like a Marvel character” when you HAVENT EVEN PLAYED THE GAME?? It makes me so damn mad. I was fully prepared for this game to be a “guilty pleasure” game that was objectively bad. But it ISN’T bad! It’s so unfair and such a disservice to all the love that very clearly went into this game
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itstheghostofmypast · 3 months
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Corporate worker Choi San x (F)Reader
Summary: Even Mr.Choi can be jealous. He is but a man after all, one who loves her just a bit more than his brew.
Genre: Fluff (slight angst)
Word Count: 1.5K
Est. Read Time: 7 min
Warnings: coffee pickup lines (they're cringe as hell)
Rating: PG-13
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels @illusionnet
Banner: @cafekitsune
Master List- Corporate Brew
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Bidding another customer goodbye, she smiled before placing the money in the cash register and closing the drawer with a sigh.
"Stop that."
"Hmm?" Turning to face the rude man, she raised a brow, "Stop what?" She asked, walking over to the glass cupboard, deciding to rearrange the pastries, knowing Yunho, her new assistant manager, already had a lot on his plate, ever since summer break began. The crowd was good, good traffic with youngsters and college students, it was nice that her overall presence in the market was reputable-
"Stop sighing like a love sick teen and call him."
With a huff she turned around to face him, controlling the urge to toss the brownie in at the man's face, he had no right to be taking sides, especially when he's known her longer then that; rude, arrogant, obnoxious, stupid, good-looking, sweet, caring- no! Moron! HE WAS A MORON!
"You don't know anything." Slamming the cupboard door a bit too hard, she jerked, gripping onto the vibrating glass, praying to God the compressed glassed doesn't shatter because of her temper tantrum.
"No, and I don't want to, but the two of you usually argue about nonsense things all the time, but it doesn't go on for more than an hour- it's been 2 days." Jongho sighed, taking off his apron as he noticed Yunho wiping a table, "Maybe just text him?"
She shook her head in return, though her heart ached at the realisation of Jongho being right, her stupid fiancé would never go to bed upset, he'd make sure she didn't either- but it had been two days. They'd be laying in bed, facing the opposite sides, she'd barely even feel him slip away in the morning, only to jerk awake when she'd feel the faint brush of his lips against her forehead, but by the time she'd open her eyes he'd be gone.
"Why? He can text me if he wants to-"
The chime of the doorbell caused the two to stop their argument. Yunho picked up the tray and turned to the door with a heart stopping smile, only for his smile to falter, the atmosphere turning thicker as the seconds ticked by, he turned to look at Wooyoung, only to find him frozen with a broom in hand, staring at the entrance.
Jongho eyed her, watching her stiffen as the footsteps of the suited man echoed in the almost empty cafe. Deciding to go to the cash counter, so he'd deal with him, in case the two were still too upset to think clearly - honestly, he wasn't even sure what the fight was about.
Adjusting his tie, the feline eyed man walked over to the counter, he could feel various many pairs of eyes on him, some of his friends, some strangers who were gawking at him, but he was too busy looking at the person who was staring elsewhere, trying her best to not even look in his general direction- that stung so bad, he felt his heart clench at the disappointed look on her face.
"Hey," Jongho began, "You want the usua-"
"We're out of everything." She cut him off, her tone sharp, as his eyes flickered from his friend's face to his fiance's face, a snarky reply at the tip of his tongue, ready to pounce at her, though the sombre look that she wore, still not looking at him, stopped him. She really was still mad at him, so upset that she was not even looking at him.
"Okay..." he whispered, turning to leave until he paused, and turned back around, slapping his hand on the counter causing everyone to flinch- Wooyoung almost dropping a mug- she looked up at him, frowning at him, sure he was the "man" of the relationship but he had no right to be rude- hell- this was her cafe, and no matter how much she loved him, she's not going to let him do and say whatever he wants, especially if that meant being an obnoxious prick, forcing her-
"If you were ground coffee, you'd be an Espresso, 'cause you're so fine!"
She blinked at the man, taking in his graceful sharp features, his broad, well-defined shoulders, his stupid Windsor knotted tie-
"No amount of coffee keeps me awake like you!"
Jongho had never felt the urge to smack himself, he turned to look at his bestfriend who looked back at him as bewildered and confused as he did, before turning back to the corporate worker who was practically shivering, twitching as he continued.
"Bean thinking about you latte!"
"I think I like you a latte."
"I love the way you espresso yourself!"
"If you were a coffee bean, I'd grind-" his voice cracked, head dipping down a momenent as he let out a shaky breath, both his palms flat on the counter as he hunched forward, clenching his eyes as he took a deep breath before and looking up at her with a flushed face and teary eyes, "I'd grind for you every-"
"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP HIM!" Wooyoung screeched, causing everyone to sprint into action, Yunho slapped his hand on Wooyoung's mouth to shut him up, Jongho turning to the woman who was the reason why the poor grown man in a suit was in tears, she ran out from behind the counter, grabbing San's hand in the process as she dragged him out, him stumbling after her, trying to ignore the curious gazes of the few customers that were present.
Letting go of his hand she whipped in his direction, ready to ask him what was that but was cut off when a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her flush against him, squeezing her as he began to mumble something, which she couldn't make out, considering was she was being smothered in his embrace and while she loves her big boy and his warm embraces- she'd like to live to see tomorrow.
Gently tapping his arm she sighed in relief when he loosed his grip, tilting her head back to look up at him, not surprised when she met his gaze, with him already looking down at her, his signature pout making an appearance.
"I'm sorry...for...feeling jealous" he mumbled, scanning her face for any form of anger or disappointment.
"Jealous- what?" She asked, slowly pulling back, blinking up at him as she tried to think of why and who he could be jealous of, her hands instinctively gripping onto the lapels of his blazer, thumbs stroking the cotton, "I- no, aren't you mad at me because Byeol likes me more?"
His eyebrows rose in surprise, eyes widening for a split second before he sighed, shaking his head, though this time he was too afraid (?) to look at her in the eye, mumbling a, "No...I was...jealous that you like Byeol more than you like me."
"Choi San."
"Byeol's... a cat."
"I know, okay!"
"You idiot!" Stomping her foot she gently shoved him away causing him to whine and latch onto her again, knowing very well what was about to come next when she slapped his hand away, causing him to whimper and pull his hand back.
With a huff she crossed her arms over her chest, glaring up at the man who looked like a guilty kitten, twiddling his thumbs, rocking back and forth at the ball of his feet, a complete contrast to the usual Mr.Choi. She was more confused if she should be mad at him for being jealous of his own cat, whom he had brought from Namhae so they could become 'friends' or find it cute how he- wait.
"The coffee pick up lines?"
"Yeosang said that'll melt your heart."
"Sannie, they almost gave me a stroke." She sighed, shaking her head in defeat. Sometimes, she really didn't know how she ended up with someone as dumb as her. Moving closer, she cupped his face, "I like Byeol, and I'm glad she liked me because she's an important part of your life."
His heart swooned at the sentiment, nuzzling into her palm before gently gripping her wrist, turning his head to press a small kiss against her palm, then pulling it away from his face, only to lace their fingers together as he smiled down at her like an idiot.
"You're so annoying Mr.Choi."
"What can I say? You're the caffeine to my addi-"
"I'll ban you from the cafe." She cut him off before dragging him back inside, to feed his lover, giving him the proper lunch that he rightfully deserved - that and she wanted to make up for the past two days they had spent giving each other the silent treatment.
He let out a sheepish chuckle, following his little lover back inside. The way his lips stretched into a smile hurt his cheek a bit, but what could he do? He had finally got her to pay attention to him, as much as he loved his feline little princess, he needed his queen to pay attention to him, which was why he had asked his sister to pick up Byeol from their place tonight, so he could help her come with a brew just for- okay San, no more coffee innuendos. Shaking his head in disbelief he watched her come back with a tray of his usual, sitting beside him as she pulled her seat closer to him, smiling up at him as he smiled down at her, ready to take a few shots of her espresso- perhaps for the rest of his life.
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Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @mlysalt @the-kpop-simp @spooo00oky
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a-big-apple · 8 months
Gideon, Harrow, and "Wedding Vows"
i frequently see the interpretation that this:
"The land that shall receive thee dying, in the same will I die: and there will I be buried. The Lord do so and so to me, and add more also, if aught but death part me and thee," said Gideon. (GtN 438)
plus this:
"If I forget you, let my right hand be forgotten," her mouth was saying. "Add more also, if aught but death part me and thee." And, unsteadily: "Griddle." (HtN 360)
plus this:
It didn't even matter when Kiriona said, "Sure, Cam. Marry a moron, then die. I get the urge." (NtN 372)
equals Gideon and Harrow are married! crying face emoji!
i'm not disparaging that interpretation, i think it's valid and has some basis in the text, and even if it wasn't/didn't, i think fans should have all the fun they want. but for me, it doesn't fully capture the complexity of what Gideon and Harrow are to each other, and i want to explore a slightly less straightforward reading.
Catholic weddings, vows, and Ruth under the cut ;)
Gideon and Ninth House traditions
let's start with Gideon quoting Ruth. i've seen folks repeating the idea that this is a wedding vow. it's more accurate to say that this is a verse often used as a wedding vow, in other denominations of Christianity, and secularly as well. but in a (traditional) Catholic wedding, the couple can't write or choose their own vows--the Celebration of Matrimony has specific text, with one or two variations, that is always used.
now, we haven't seen a Ninth House marriage ceremony. if we do see such a thing in AtN and discover that Ruth 1:17 is part of that tradition, i will cry a million happy queer tears about it. but i think it's somewhat likely that Gideon has never even seen a Ninth House wedding, given how small and trending elderly the population is, and that we know no couples in her lifetime have had kids other than the Reverend Parents.
what i'm getting at here is that this quotation from Ruth doesn't seem, to me, to represent something that's religiously or traditionally binding in Ninth House culture. it uses some similar language to Catholic marriage vows, "until death do us part" etc, but i don't think these are words that make them married in the eyes of the Ninth or the Houses at large, i think these are words Gideon has chosen as a specific expression of her devotion. and where does she get them from, if not some Ninth House ceremony or scripture?
well, this is a slightly longer stretch, but at the point in the story when Gideon says this, she's already dead. Harrow has begun to absorb her--and thanks to "The Unwanted Guest," we know that souls are porous, permeable, and rub off on each other when they're in contact. Gideon's soul is at this moment being integrated into Harrow's; Harrow has certainly read all kinds of books on the Ninth ranging from usual to totally heretical, some of them probably extremely old, and it's not unreasonable to think writings from before the Resurrection might have been copied and recopied into something Harrow could access. And speaking of soul permeability, Harrow's had Alecto's soul clinging onto hers for seven years, and Alecto's soul is in intimate contact with John's soul--there are so many ways for this bit of scripture to make its way into Gideon's non-corporeal mouth. the STI (Soulfully Transmitted Infection) of biblical knowledge.
Ruth in context
now let's talk a little about Ruth, the book of the Bible and also the character of the Bible, and Naomi, who she is swearing her devotion to. tl;dr, Naomi and her husband and two grown sons are Israelites who immigrate to Moab, a "pagan" nation, to escape famine. Naomi's two sons marry Moabite women; then the sons both die, as does Naomi's husband. Naomi, having lost everything, decides to return home where she'll be penniless and have a bad life but at least she'll be among her people; she tells her two daughters-in-law to go back to their families. One of them goes.
The other, Ruth, refuses, and swears beautiful devotion to Naomi, as we've heard Gideon quote: "She answered: Be not against me, to desire that I should leave thee and depart: for whithersoever thou shalt go, I will go: and where thou shalt dwell, I also will dwell. Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God. The land that shall receive thee dying, in the same will I die: and there will I be buried. The Lord do so and so to me, and add more also, if aught but death part me and thee."
in a biblical context, this has nothing to do with a wedding vow. Ruth is promising to leave the comfort of her own people, religion, and homeland to stay with her mother-in-law Naomi, even though the connection they had (Naomi's son, Ruth's husband) is gone, and all they have to look forward to is a terrible life of grief and bitterness. this is frequently interpreted as a parallel to Jesus, who (in the religious perspective) made the sacrifice of leaving his place with God and becoming human out of devotion to humanity, in order to live and suffer and redeem us. woof, this is giving me flashbacks to CCD.
of course, many Christians resist interpreting what passes between Ruth and Naomi as resembling a wedding vow for homophobic reasons too--making it about Jesus is a way to make it less queer--but i think the point still stands that this is a more complicated, and less marriage-related, expression of love than it seems taken on its own.
Harrow's lamentation
when Harrow later echoes it back, she conflates it with a different biblical quotation: "On the willows in the midst thereof we hung up our instruments. For there they that led us into captivity required of us the words of songs. And they that carried us away, said: Sing ye to us a hymn of the songs of Sion. How shall we sing the song of the Lord in a strange land? If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand be forgotten. Let my tongue cleave to my jaws, if I do not remember thee: If I make not Jerusalem the beginning of my joy."
it's a lament, an expression of mourning, a longing for home from someone who has been forcibly removed from it. when combined with the Ruth quotation, in which Ruth is giving up her home in her devotion, this really reads to me as both Harrow's grief, immediate and overpowering, and a realization that Gideon is her home, and failing to acknowledge that is as disabling as the loss of a hand or of the power of speech. Gideon is the beginning of her joy, and Harrow is, in this moment, putting Gideon above the Ninth House in her devotion. above Alecto. above everything.
and again, i'm not saying all of that can't be about marriage, but it's about a relationship much more complicated than marriage can encompass in the context House cultural norms.
Kiriona Gaia, saddest girl
this brings me to Kiriona, and "marry a moron, then die." consider the context of this, and the tone. Kiriona's deeply, deeply hurt. the saddest girl in the universe. she died for Harrow, avowed her devotion to Harrow, and then (from her perspective) was rejected; buried; excised from Harrow's brain and then from her body. Kiriona, as she did when she was Gideon, covers her emotions with humor and sarcasm. i suspect she's even less able to handle being vulnerable as Kiriona than she ever was before. she's making light of Canaan House and what happened there, and it's only in sarcastically downplaying what she's been through that she recounts her relationship to Harrow as a marriage--something she has almost no positive examples of, something that is in her experience frequently political and joyless. also notably, she frames it as a marriage that occurred before she died.
Their actual vow
what Gideon (and Kiriona) really wants--she tells us over and over again--is to be a true cavalier.
and what does Gideon's ghost repeat right before she devastates us with Ruth 1:17?
"One flesh, one end," said Gideon, and it was a murmur now, on the very edge of hearing. Harrow said, "Don't leave me." (GtN 438)
it's taken me a dozen paragraphs just to propose that this is their vow. "One flesh, one end" are the actual words that need to be spoken, in Gideon and Harrow's cultural context, to bring them into an official union with each other; a union that is arguably more fundamental in the Houses, and certainly more complicated, than a marriage. a union Gideon specifically wants, and has seen in action.
in the pool, they vow to each other as cavalier and necromancer. in the moments before Gideon's death, she forgives Harrow again, and exposes her heart: "'You know I only care about you,' she said in a brokenhearted rush" (GtN 430). then she repeats their oath again, acknowledges the pain she's about to cause for Harrow, and rededicates herself to the Ninth--a place she never really belonged, Harrow's home and people more than her own, as Ruth dedicated herself to Naomi's home and people. Gideon "married" her moron in the pool, and now she dies to fulfill that vow.
and as we saw above, after Gideon's death, she reminds Harrow again of their union--of its importance, of how she's fulfilling what she has interpreted to be her whole purpose as a cavalier--and it's in response to Harrow's "don't leave me" that Gideon offers a final reassurance of her devotion. in her mind, this sacrifice is its ultimate expression, the most inextricable and undeniable union two people can achieve.
Gideon believes she'll be part of Harrow forever.
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Asians are all the same, right? The racism of a company cock gurgling moron
Like herpes and unlike the Dobbear, I am back baby.
At this point, deepest apology for my long absence. Personal issues over the last two years prevented me from writing anything and also destroyed for the longest time any desire to really continue the blog.
However, I don’t want to let things unfinished and seeing how the hypocricyofandrewdobson still manages to get some rise out of old Dobson related stuff, I wanted to just return, in order to properly contribute a bit more critical thinking in regard to his old comics.
And while I will not immediately return to my retrospective of SYAC, here is at least (for a start) my opinion on one comic of his, that in my opinion just proved hilarious and controversial in hindsight, and rather racist even back then.
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I admit, I don’t know anymore what the title of the comic here is. All I know is, that it came out around 2018, shortly after the release of his “Black Panther” comic, another malignant piece of Dobtrash that has made the rounds online ever since. However, unlike the Black Panther comic, which became the center of a lot of discussion regarding Dobson’s racist assumptions about comic book fans while ironically trying to present himself as woke, this one was weirdly drifting off into obscurity. Which is kinda weird, cause in my opinion, it is way more racist and actually kinda insulting to the very craft Dobson supposedly “dedicated” his life to.
Let me explain.
First, over the course of three panels, Dobson comes essentially off like he is considering the medium of comics as inferior to the medium of movies. Making it look as if comics are unsuccessful because they cannot rail in the same amount of money than certain flics and calling them at best nothing more but a pitching ground for corporations to create new shallow mass product.
Now I am a bit of a realist and I know that, especially in the world of mainstream American superhero comics, this is kinda the case. Most comic book characters, stories and franchises are owned by multibillion dollar corporations, who either have a direct hand in the creation of the product (via corporate mandate for example) and/or use the likeness of the product to make profit in additional, more valuable revenues than the printed medium. Such as cartoons, merchandise and movies. One example I can think of, to show that it isn’t just an American issue: Yugioh. The card game wouldn’t have come to be if there hadn’t been a manga starring a little boy putting together an ancient Egyptian puzzle, but while the original manga ended way back in March of 2004, the card game makes millions globally still after 25 years and counting.
But that doesn’t change the fact, that comics as a medium still have value. Without the stories told within their pages, we wouldn’t have characters such as Captain America, Superman, the Mask, the Ninja Turtles and so on to begin with. Don’t get me even started on stories that aren’t falling into the American mainstream comic trend, but still succeeded in the printed comic medium partly because of genuine artistic and profound value such as Maus, Barefoot Gen, Watchmen, V for Vendetta, TinTin and a shitton of (other) stuff from Europe and Asia.
So when Dobson, who always acted like he is proud to be a cartoonist and that comics are a superior medium to others, suddenly reduces them to just being a “pitch ground for better stuff down the line” at best, I as a fan of the medium and just the art of creating stories in itself, get kinda pissed.
Additionally, the way how he compares movies to be better than comics, is severely flawed.
He brings up the fact, that “Captain America: Civil War” made over one billion dollars at the box office as an example, while pointing out the fact, that most single comic issues barely manage to sell 100.000 copies, while holding up a copypasted “Civil War” issue.
Already, Dobson essentially compares apples with bananas, while also giving both false and incomparable data, that also ignores many aspects to be considered.
For starters: He compares the earnings of both movies and comics with two different values. For movies, he goes by the monetary profit a superhero movie could possibly make, while for the comic issue, he goes by the total number of copies sold.
But here is the thing: Assuming the average selling price of a comic is at 4 dollars for a single 30 page issue, selling 100.000 copies would ring in like 400.000 dollars. And considering that producing one issue likely costs a company less than 20.000 dollars (obvious costs for mass production and distribution not withstanding) they can still make a decent profit this way from ONE issue alone. One issue. Not multiple issues of a long running, but sadly underperforming series. All of that by the way doesn’t even account for the fact, that most single issues at best tell only a quarter of a decent short story nowadays and ignores later “long term” factors, such as reprints of the issue, late term buying of the issue, tradepaperback sells of the issue, the longterm effect and cultural impact the issue may have on the actual series or plot continuity  (such as Amazing Spiderman 122, aka “The Night Gwen Stacy Died”). Don’t get me even started on the fact, that many of these issues get first sold in the US and only over the course of one year or longer may then additionally be sold in other parts of the world, therefore bringing in even more money for the publisher.
Example: The Duck comics by Don Rosa, which earn more than four times more in Europe, than they ever did in America, despite the guy being from California. Finally, a a little add addendum: that example Dobson gives indirectly via the “Civil War” issue? A quick google search revealed, that Civil War issue 1 sold over 300k copies in May of 2006 alone. Sure, not necessarily the best numbers ever for a single issue (as evident by the following list: https://bookriot.com/bestselling-comics-of-all-time/ )but still nothing to be ashamed of.
And yes, I know that we live currently in a time, where comic book sells have dropped significantly for a variety of reasons, one of them being an overall lack of decent stories. But as long as other stuff still manages to run freaking circles around American superheroes (*cough* One Piece *cough*) I wouldn’t say the medium itself is dead. Just a specific branch of it is suffering from a lack of quality and the customers are jumping ship.
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A superhere movie meanwhile is a completely different beast. Ever since “The Avengers” came out in 2012, most superhero movies are 150-250 million dollar behemoths, that get overhyped by advertisement campaigns that are almost equally as expensive and try to trick the audience into believing, that they all are somehow the next big mindblowing thing on the big screen. Plus there hasn’t really been a superhero movie in the last 10+ years, that didn’t release simultaneously worldwide, instead of only coming out in the USA, and then a few months later, in other parts of the world.
So is it any wonder then, if a superhero movie that got advertised like the second coming of a saint, makes 1 billion, when there are already billions of potential customers worldwide all at once when the product launches?
That number btw becomes actually less impressive, once you start to think about how it came to be. Something our blue bear obviously didn’t.
See, on average every movie theater demands like what, 12-14 dollars per movie nowdays?
If we divide the box office of Civil war (1.152 billion btw) with 12 dollars, that makes on average 100 million people worldwide who watched the movie. A bit more than one or two percent of the worlds population. Not to forget, that of the box office success we have to substract such things as production cost of the movie, advertisement, the earnings of the theaters… so suddenly the movie may at best have had only earned one quarter of its box office for Disney as actual profit.
Not to forget, Dobson made that comic in 2018, when superhero movies on average did ring in so much money, because of the hype machine. But now we have 2023 and within the last five years (and especially 2023 itself) we have seen how superhero movies can also utterly fail to make money or even earn just enough to make back the production cost. Birds of Prey, Eternals, Ant Man 3, that Secret Invasion streaming show that still cost over 200 million… Do I need to get on?
Bottom line, Dobson’s indirect jab at comics as the less profitable revenue doesn’t hold that much water really in the real world, where once the hype dies down, comics may actually prove themselves as the more valuable longterm medium. Even if it may just be for the fact, that they end up staying longer relevant in the popcultural subconscious than the current movies, which tend to lose relevance with each new hastily produced and released installment in the franchise.
But where this comic really shines and shows Dobson’s ignorance on a cultural level, is in the last panel. When all off sudden it turns “racial” by claiming that Asian people, unlike “traditional” comic readers (aka white, in Dobbear s eyes therefore instantly racist people), would eat a Marvel character like Amadeus Cho up.
Question Dobson: Why do you assume, they would eat him up? You give no real argument based on anything the character does storywise, that the “target audience” may find admirable. So I can only think, that your reasoning is, because he is ever so slightly east asian coded.
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Boy, do we have to unpack not just a can of worms, but a whole package of cans now.
First, the chosen language by saying “eat it up”. When being a writer, you should know that you need at times to choose your words wisely, because of the sheer implications they can carry. And the statement “eat it up” sounds way to close to a negative statement like “suck it up”. Making it come off as if Dobson considers Asian people to be mindless cattle that will consume the grub the House of Mouse will give them without question or any desire for actual quality to it.
Second, it recks of a certain mind set I hate within the American entertainment industry and some of its creators and consumers. That mind set being, that “non-traditional” American cultures supposedly don’t know better than Americans in what is okay for the sake of representation and entertainment or not. It’s a mindset that goes beyond the necessity of e.g. localizing a foreign product to the national market, by e.g. creating a sterilized, corporately mandated and rather unrealistic depiction of another culture within their product, that will fall apart as soon as the people who are supposed to be represented get a proper look at it and realize, how pandering and often times badly researched, if not outright offensive, it is.
Only recently did we see in the world of animation how that can backfire, when Disney released the trailer for “Primos” an upcoming animated show supposedly about a half Latina girl spending her summer vacation with her annoying cousins, people calling it based on the intro (and a leaked pilot) pandering towards a latino audience in a racist manner. And guess what: currently, Disney shelves it and tries to bury its existence like Dobson his old inflation art.
Dobson himself has actually indulged in that sort of shit kinda, back with his infamous Nintendo comic.
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Essentially calling the “true”, Nintendo corporation approved depiction of his childhood Nintendo heroes disgraceful, for not falling in line with the late 80s depictions he saw in localized, made in America products such as the DiC cartoons. That and minor homophobia mixed with misogyny by calling Link “girly” for having longer blond hair since Ocarina of Time and blaming fangirls for it.
Third, and that is kinda related to my prior point, the reality of things is, that “Asians” actually did not eat up that sort of thing in the last couple of years. Sure, there is always that thing about a Chinese market. the big movie companies try to pander to and may succeed with some dumb action flics featuring big robots.
But the reality is, that not even people living in a dictatorship will eat up every trash you give to them, just because it comes from Hollywood or is supported by their glorious leadership. Disney tried to create two pandering messes of movies for Chinese people to watch, called Mulan (the live action adaptation) and that Shang Chi movie. And how did they do there? Oh right! The government did not even allow Shang Chi to be released and Mulan was released but supposedly didn’t do so well, considering (COVID not withstanding) it only made 70 million globally!
Don’t get me even started on every human right controversy in relation to the later, starting with filming in China near a concentration camp and ending with the main actress being essentially a Chinese propaganda puppet.
So, if those movies flopped, why would Chinese people for example flock for an Asian Hulk? A hulk that is not even Chinese but Korean.
See, this is another issue that fails with the example: The actual choice of character Dobson name dropped is actually kinda terrible.
For those unaware: Amadeus Cho is a supporting character in the Marvel comics, created in 2005 by American writer Greg Pak and artist Takeshi Miyazawa. The later, despite the name being very east Asian, sounding, actually being from Canada. Now both do have east Asian roots so to speak (Pak  e.g. is the son of an Korean-american man with a Caucasian woman), but they also have grown up within a society that taught them both western social values more so than we would see in east Asian countries. So with the creators already not necessarily having the most real life experience with the average mindset of a Korean citizen, can we really say that their actual creation helps “represent” those people of a foreign, non-american culture?
And that is not even covering stuff like the actual story of the character itself.
See, in the comics, Cho is supposed to be an American-Korean genius (wish fullfillment much, Greg?) and one of the smartest people in the Marvel Universe. His parents named him after Amadeus Mozart (a pretty white motherfucker as far as I remember) and he grew up under Methodist beliefs. So basically the “Korean heritage” of the character has already been thrown out of the window. Now I don’t expect the character to act stereotypical Korean, listen to K-pop, declare bulgogi to be his favorite dish or any of that shit. But when you want to sell me the character as being in some way or another connected to his ancestral culture, shouldn’t he engage at least in some “Korean coded” things?
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I mean, the character of Anne Boonchuy in Amphibia is a Thai-American who acts more like a 13 year old girl that learns to be less selfish and impulsive over the course of the show and whose “heritage” isn’t thrown at us, the viewer, most of the time. In fact, Anne herself acknowledges that she e.g. can’t really speak thai, despite her own mother being fluent in it and a season 3 episode reveals, that Anne is “begrudgingly” a part of the L.A. thai community. And yet, in connection to the shows story and as part of Anne’s characterization, her heritage is acknowledged and plays a part of who she is. Even if it simply means she knows how to cook certain thai dishes, loves her parents and their customs, helps out in their restaurant, can speak a few words thai and knows the basics of Muay Thai, a form of martial arts (and fighting sport) from Thailand.
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Amadeus doesn’t even have Korean parents anymore, because they were killed as part of his tragic hero backstory. Nor has he ever visited an Asian country. Oppps.
To build further up on it, Amadeus becomes for the longest time simply a major supporting character in the Marvel universe for the likes of Hulk and Hercules, two white coded characters. Sure, he plays a major role in the defeat of some cosmic horror level villains (such as Mikaboshi in the Chaos God storyline most people forgot even existed) but it takes a long time for him to become a “A-lister” so to speak.
In fact, according to Wikipedia, it wasn’t till after “Secret Wars” in 2016 (eleven years after the character was created), that Amadeus thanks to a chain of events eventually got his chance to Hulk out. And then they still had to kill Bruce Banner to make Amadeus “stand out” initially (don’t worry, Bruce came back. I mean, characters actually staying dead in comics, so that heroes can learn there are consequences? Preposterous) In fact, Amadeus hasn’t really proven himself as a decent “solo” act. Instead he became a member of the Champions (among Miles Morales, Mrs. Marvel, Vision’s daughter Viv. Nova and Cyclops), essentially creating yet another superhero team for teenaged vigilantes. Despite the fact, Cho himself should be by now in his mid 20s.
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Now look, I do not want to shit talk the character. Partly because I haven’t read everything he was in myself and partly because in the few things I did see him in (both pre- and post Hulk) he was okay. He is a decent hero and person, who tries to do good, even if he screws up here and there. That is something I can admire in a character in general. But he is not a good “representation” of another culture, because his complexion and minor physical features aside, he is NOT embodying even minor values or traditions of that foreign culture. He is simply a Korean-American (or technically Canadian), who falls more on the American side of things.
So essentially, Dobson who virtue signaled on multiple occasions how bad it is when companies he didn’t like tried to speak on behalf of other cultures, would have no problem at all to ask for Asian people to swallow this obviously “Made in American” product. The “Made in America” line actually working both on a metaphorical and a storytelling level, cause trying to google what “east Asian coded” heroes in the Marvel Universe actually come from an Asian country instead of being simply born on American soil, is pretty damn small.
After 20 minutes I only found Shang Chi, as he was born in China, and that character was created as part of kung-fu exploitation in the 70s by white dudes.
However, none of that tops the next two points that really sell Dobson to me as an American centralistic racist. Or at least a twat who doesn’t understand how through bad wording he comes of as ignorant of other people’s cultures.
The way he generalizes Asian people in his statement, while also ignoring the actual accomplishments in the creation of entertainment in multiple Asian countries.
If you’ve read closely what I typed, you may have seen that I used the term Asian at times in tandem with the term “east Asian” to e.g. describe Amadeus Cho.
And that had a very deliberate reason. While I was not a fan of geography in school, even I know that Asia as a continent is not “nationally” as homogenous as let’s say Australia or North America. In fact, Asia is the biggest continent on the planet, hosts more than half of earth’s population and consists of at least 47 internationally acknowledged states.
States such as Turkey, Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, North- and South Korea, Egypt, Israel, Iraq, Iran and so on.
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Now what all these states have in common, is that they have their own unique historical, social and “racial” culture and background. Heck, religiously speaking, Asia is the cradle of the world.
As such, Dobson stating that a “Korean coded” character such as Amadeus Cho (who is only Korean on the most surface level and would technically just be a legacy character of yet another white person) would be an immediate hulk smash hit with all these different people of different backgrounds…. Yeah, it sounds like condescending, colonization inspired shit, a smooth brain would come up with.
To Dobson “Asia”, at least based on that comic, is only defined as the “yellow skinned” people from the far east, who like rice, noodles, spicy food and give us anime, Godzilla, fireworks, buddhism and communism. It does not include anyone from the middle east or of more European ancestry. And if you are even remotely familiar about history, you would also know that Japanese, Koreans and Chinese all around do not e.g. like to be thrown into a pot with the others for a variety of reasons. Many of them political.
Or to sum it up even shorter: Dobson insinuated that a very shallow, “east Asian” coded American comic character would be an immediate hit with more than 47 different countries, ignoring that not all of them share the same background despite being part of the “same” landmass. And in doing so, he simultaneously generalized and denounced entire groups of people based on their racial and cultural background, which in as far as I am aware of, is considered racist.
But the “racism” is supposedly justified, because “representation” matters, it would be giving the middle finger to “traditional” comic fans and those nations and their culture are underrepresented globally.
Which is baloney.
Don’t get me wrong, I myself think that representation does matter. But the world does not necessarily rely on the good old US-Ayy only to give it to us.
Cause a lot of the Asian nations I brought up here? They have their own entertainment industry and stories, which again, get ignored by Dobson to make a dumb and false point.
I mean, manga is currently dominating the international comic market, all while Japan has also a booming animation industry and some of the most iconic heroes in modern popculture with the likes of Son Goku, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai etc.
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China has a prominent -if propaganda driven- movie industry.
India has Bollywood and delivers some of the most ridiculous but awesome musical movies on the planet.
Russia had authors such as Tolstoy and movie directors, that redefined the “art” of filmmaking.
Korea had a few years ago one of the biggest streaming hits with Squid Game, while also earning an Oscar for a movie titled Dobs- I mean “Parasite”.
Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Turkey… even nations that have not entertainment living up to “western standards” still produce stuff in some way or form to entertain the masses and their people. Just google up the character Kara Murat aka the avenger of Anatolia.
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And don’t get me even started on the sheer ton of mythology, stories and history each of their cultures have provided the world with. Journey to the West? Baba Yaga, the entirety of the Gilgamesh epos...
And yet, there is this indirect assumption by Dobson, that all of them would be so deprived of “heroes” in their media and folklore, they would letch on second hand shop Hulk? Fuck off, Dobbear. I know you like to suck corporate cock as long as you think they are woke and you have childhood nostalgia for them, but this is pathetic. Take Amadeus before A Rama Raju comes around and roundhouse kicks him back to Canada. Then get the taste of mouse smegma of your Disney cock gobbling lips.
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quackquackcey · 1 year
Like Clockwork
Rated E, 6k words. Tags: A/B/O, animal hybrids (ears & tail), boss x employee, alpha!Derek x omega!Stiles, fluff & smut. Read on AO3.
In which Stiles meets a handsome higher-up in his company by chance one afternoon and falls for him, hard.~ 💘
Stiles had never believed in love at first sight.
He’d never believed in the “perfect” partner, and he sure as hell had never believed in soulmates.
But ever since he’d walked onto his company’s fourth floor balcony for a break and seen Derek standing there, leaning against the rail smoking a cigarette, his world had irrevocably flipped upside down.
He’d thought Derek was new at first, only to quickly find out that he was actually quite high on the corporate ladder, working as the CEO’s right hand man, and had only come down to the fourth floor for a break due to construction.
Derek came down to the fourth floor balcony for his break nearly everyday from then on.
And Stiles had fallen so hard.
Day after day, Derek would touch him in some way, a brief “you have an eyelash on your cheek” or a brush of his wolf tail against Stiles’ cat tail, or even thumbing sauce off Stiles’ lips, then licking said thumb—
After all of that, the way they got together was so…dumb.
It started and ended with Stiles’ big mouth, as always.
“Everyone’s always talking about how young and hot the CEO is, but no one actually knows what he looks like,” Stiles was saying around a mouthful of curry one day two weeks after they’d met. “Isn’t that weird? Maybe he spread those rumors himself.”
Derek blew out a breath of smoke—Stiles usually didn’t care for the smell of cigarette smoke, but the way it intertwined with Derek’s natural alpha scent of forests, bonfires, and dark vanilla black tea had Stiles addicted. “That he’s ‘young and hot’?” clarified Derek.
“I mean, is he?”
“Mm, I suppose.”
Stiles’ tabby cat ears flicked forward in surprise. “Really? You think he’s hot?”
“Hotter than me,” said Derek.
“That’s impossible,” blurted Stiles.
A pause.
Stiles’ face went up in flames.
Derek shifted his hand closer to Stiles’ so that their fingers touched. “Is that a confession?” he teased, his jet black wolf tail waving just a bit.
And Stiles had blurted, “No, of course not!” like the moron he was.
Derek leaned in and kissed him.
“What about now?”
This time, Stiles gave a very slow nod, dazed and short circuiting—even his tail froze straight up. “…Yes…,” he said, more reminiscent of a sloth than the tabby cat hybrid he was. “…Yes, it is.”
Not much changed after that, besides the fact that they now kissed and snuggled and wrapped their tails around the other’s.
Derek had a busy schedule, so they didn’t go anywhere in particular, instead just continuing their daily lunches.
They chatted about everything and nothing, though really it was Stiles who rambled and Derek who listened. He cooked lunch for the both of them, not just himself, after noticing that Derek seemed to only ever eat snacks or takeout, and shared the office gossip with Derek, who seemed greatly amused by it.
Things were going beyond well, or so Stiles thought, not to mention that the CEO apparently was opening a new position for a secretary, and Derek had told him he’d put in a recommendation for him.
For him.
To be honest, he didn’t care that much about the secretary position, (though he didn’t tell Derek that, of course.) He didn’t care much about promotions or getting higher up the corporate ladder, and the position intimidated him—the only reason he’d applied was because Derek had encouraged him, saying his efficiency and smarts were a good fit.
Even better, Derek’s schedule seemed to be clearing up for once.
So Stiles took a chance.
Or rather, it was more of a flailing leap over lava that he hadn’t meant to take in the first place, but he couldn’t take back the words he’d unintentionally blurted due to the simmering warmth in his lower abdomen that warned of an upcoming heat: “Would you want to spend my heat with me?”
He hadn’t meant to ask that. Really.
What he’d meant to ask was “Would you want to go on a date with me?”
But instead, he’d skipped, like, ten steps into ‘bold, promiscuous omega’ territory.
“On one condition,” said Derek without much reaction or hesitation aside from a twitch of his furry ears—Stiles loved him even more for it, because this was already plenty embarrassing enough without witnessing what a poor impression Derek must have of him now.
Although Derek’s response took a second to set in. “A condition?” asked Stiles, taken off guard.
“That you think about where you’d like to go on a date with me after your heat ends.”
And then Derek headed off back to work with a smirk and a wave as if he hadn’t just said something cataclysmic, leaving Stiles sitting there beet red and nonfunctioning.
He ended up leaving his lunch break twenty minutes late.
Continue on AO3!
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neonbrutalism · 1 year
Spider-Gabe write up...
Mostly for ref since I don't think I'll ever be writing a whole fic of this.
So the first year of Spider-Man is going great for Gabriel. He has a difficult relationship with his mother and his brother, Miguel, is weird and distant since he started working at Alchemax as the head of the bio-engineering genetics lab. However, after spending the last 12 months running circles around Alchemax and the Public Eye, somebody new is put in charge of catching Spider-Man - Dr. Miguel O'Hara, under the orders of Tyler Stone.
Miguel, being much smarter than most of the morons at Alchemax who were trying to catch Spider-Man gets a lot closer, but ultimately keeps getting foiled and occasionally humiliated by Spider-Man. His brother, Gabriel, keeps trying to talk him into leaving Alchemax and lecturing him about it, which doesn't really convince Miguel so much as annoy him and further drive a wedge between them.
And Spider-Man is even more annoying and all the quips and jokes from this Creamsicle-Suit Asshole are started to make Miguel kinda twitchy and lose sleep from the stress - After enough failures, the board gives Miguel an ultimatum to "motivate" him - either you catch Spider-Man or we're turning YOU over to the genetic experiments team as a test subject, because if you're not useful to us like this, you'll be useful in another way. So his options are "catch Spider-Man" or "Become a brainwashed mutate thrall to Alchemax" or "Get turned into a pile of goo if the mutation experiment fails".
And so, with his life on the line and having nothing else left because he's not talking to his brother and his fiancee left him over his increasing obsession with catching Spider-Man, Miguel becomes even more erratic and violent in his methods to catch Spider-Man finally culminating in some incident that leads to the destruction of somewhere downtown.
When he's dragged before the Alchemax board, even Tyler Stone can't talk them out of the punishment and they let Aaron Delgado and his goons drag Miguel away.
Then blah blah lab explosion, talons, fangs, red eyes, you know. Miguel jumps from the building and doesn't catch himself. He has lost everything, his family, his livelihood and his basic humanity.
Gabriel takes it hard. He blames himself for not being able to save his brother, for not being able to talk him into leaving Alchemax, for not telling him that he was Spider-Man and for taunting and humiliating Miguel for fun every step of the way, because it definitely didn't help his sanity.
Gabriel has no idea his brother survived.
Miguel awakens downtown, disgusted to have awaken as a monster. He stumbles around downtown and, finally being confronted with what Alchemax has done to the people here and the consequences of his own actions, he stays to wreak havoc on Alchemax and drive their presence out of Downtown entirely. They wanted a Corporate Raider? Well they fucking got one.
Gabriel never really recovers from losing his brother. He inherits Miguel's apartment and LYLA, since Miguel was in good enough standing as an employee at the time of his "death" to be able to will his living space to a non-Alchemax employee.
With LYLA, Gabriel builds a device to allow multiversal travel. At some point, he finds a universe where he CAN save Miguel - he finds that this universe's Gabriel died some time ago and so, (explaining the situation with some wild lie) stays with him and his daughter and it's all great. Until it isn't.
He couldn't save his brother.
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avissapiens · 1 year
How to be a Bro Ch.7: Work
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(ID: Marcel González)
Bro’s are fairly common to see in a work environment. Most jobs don’t actually take that much thought if you think about it for just a second. It’s usually just Good ol’ common sense or Rote tasks that any moron could do. And many morons usually excel in the world of business, right dude?. 
But a bro is more than just a dumbass. He’s a dumbass you wanna keep around, brah. The bro makes coming into work a joy, even if you know you’re gonna have to end up cleaning up his mess half the time. Dude is the office welcoming committee, making a dull dreary desk job into a party and a connection. 
Most people aren’t quite certain if he’s oblivious or if he knows how badly he’s doing but doesn’t admit it. But it doesn’t really matter, who could stay mad at that dumb slack-jawed look; at those well tanned arms. 
Insert Old-time Radio voice here
Marcel is a great example for this at the Avis Athletic Agency. Dude know’s all the intern’s names…and their mom’s names too. He remembers Rhonda in legal’s birthday every year and always manages to hook the office up with the best after work bash. 
Everyone fucking loves Marcel. It’s why the whole office thinks he is their work-husband. And to an extent that’s true. Gay, straight, bro or chick. He’s piped them all at least once. Just to see ya know.  He made 'em all feel special. All feel loved. It’s what he’s best at. It’s why the CEO keeps him around. He’s a vital element of maintaining employee morale, duder.
Internal studies showed that the love of an office bromance decreases sick days by up to half, and as long as Marcel is working at AAA, you can guarantee all his bros are gonna stick with him. No improved salary offer or corporate poacher would ever tear them away from him.
So really it doesn’t matter that he doesn’t know the difference between a budget and a bicep curl, just him being there has saved the company millions.
That’s why he gets all these bonuses and extra’s despite being a bit of a drone. He somehow always ends up on the CEO’s team when they go on overseas business trips to exotic locales. It’s won him the unofficial title of PA. “Party assistant”. Because as soon as the work day is over he’s ready with a drink in one hand and some blow in the other for a “team-building exercise”.
Best part of it is that he takes his paychecks in the form of Brewski’s, babes and beach-time, bro.
For resources to help you embrace your Bro-hood check out these files(1, 2, 3) or go and give my Bro Archetype guide a read over on patreon for free. If you’d like to support the creation of files like the one in this story, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me on Patreon, And go and follow me on Youtube for more files. Also be sure to Join me and my community on Discord. And check out my own Site (https://avissapiens.com/)
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Vent session. Principal mod, I’ll gladly go to timeout after this, but certain things need to be stated. The following doesn’t apply to those who’ve shared on this blog, but more so overall observations of other blogs within this fandom, not naming any of course, but if the shoe fits. 🤷🏻‍♀️ also….i hope timeout has snacks. 😂
TLDR: Stop allowing people on this website to play with your emotions.
It never ceases to amaze me how people in fandoms don’t understand how they’ve been brainwashed by media, marketing agencies, Hollywood, etc. These corporations feed off of the obsessed individuals. Even people claiming to hate Chris and this fandom have preyed off fans who are so concerned about Chris that they are blindly believing the same blogs who have called them morons and idiots for questioning anything they’ve said over the course of almost three years. People even word their questions to those blogs in a way to not piss off said blogs in fear of getting blocked. 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ The multiple breakup articles they promised still haven’t happened. Didn’t stop them from convincing many that two fake ones they made were a “sign” one is coming. Chris is publicly married, like it or not. Is it legit or fake, who knows. One thing I do know is that there are various individuals in this fandom who do not realize how deeply obsessed and invested they are regarding this man and this ‘shitshow’ to the point they are believing anything that aligns to their theories. I believe this is bs, but I understand I could be wrong. I understand I don’t know this man to be claiming or implying he’s signed a contract, has no control over his own team, he’s a pawn, etc. Some people in this fandom are the EXACT reason Hollywood and these marketing agencies prey upon people. They know people get emotionally invested in said celebrity and it’s to the point people don’t realize how bizarre their own behavior has become. Fandoms and the general population work for FREE to keep various celebrities relevant by talking about their messes everyday.
I see people posting things like they hope he’ll come across it and read it. I see people believing lies from multiple blogs and I’m just like……how are they not aware they are being lied to and people have been playing with their emotions for YEARS. Many people have personal issues and use fandoms to escape reality and others don’t realize how they project their own insecurities, fantasies, opinions and speculation into this situation but that doesn’t make whatever they believe, true.
Having discussions about things is completely fine, but Some people have done the absolute most and haven’t even taken more than a day or week off from logging in and checking on this mess. Obsessed fans are scary to witness and they don’t even realize how deep they are and how their actions, posts, etc are NOT normal. It’s sad to see many call out Chris Evans for PR while falling for other celeb pr stunts.
Hollywood is playing people left to right. Anons pop up with info and “sources” and if they say what someone wants to hear then people automatically believe them. Time for harsh truth, if Chris Evans came across many blogs here, he’d be passing out restraining orders left and right.
Chris Evans is a human from Boston. He’s not someone who owes anything to online strangers. People feel like he lied and took advantage of his fandom, well that’s precisely what he did. People supported someone they thought was *insert whatever* then he proved he’s not whatever made up fantasy people have of him in their minds. Fans could meet, hang out with him and realize he doesn’t live up to their “expectations”, well duh, none of us know him. It’s easy to project and watch interviews and think we know, but we must remember, he’s just doing a job. That’s how they get ya, you feel connected to said person and in due time you become a “fan”.
My hope is that certain people finally open their eyes to reality and see how foolish and gullible they’ve been to believe anyone on here claiming to know anything. If this ended next week the same ones who claimed pr marriages don’t exist, will claim they “knew” it was coming. Let me clue you in to what “those” blogs are doing…..when they feel there’s a possibility of this ending they get bold and begin IMPLYING something is about to happen, then time goes by nothing ends and rinse and repeat. If something occurs they twist and feed it into their own agenda. Didn’t they claim something would happen around his birthday even called him names for signing or agreeing to something pertaining to this shitshow for his birthday and what happened……nothing. They once again claim it’ll be over this month……….if it does end they’ll gloat claiming to have known the entire time while hoping you forgot all the past bullshit 💩 they’ve done, wake up, people, PLEASE! 😮‍💨 When people lie so much, it’s easy for them to forget the original 748299383 lies they’ve told.
*grabs a plate of food and gladly walks to timeout*
please get out of my brain, nonnie!
yes, i agree with what you shared. while you make many points i agree with, i feel like a few are very key.
first, celebrities are absolutely packaged and marketed for sale. and yes, they can fool us for years. sorry not sorry to the pr crew who think his image is all thanks to him. no. a good publicist will find an angle and play it up. single wholesome bachelor? ladies he is single! married dad of two? look how involved a father he is! a divorcee, well look how great he's doing! the pr 'team' and agent are there to package and market the celebrity for consumption (making more money). Please feel free to share this with the lollipop guild. they'll freak out, and spin in circles, but again, i don't think they have any knowledge or experience at all outside their intro class or one friend who writes just like them... they often speak from one point of view. if you truly knew pr, like they claim, you would know that we all engage in pr to portray an image we want.
anyways. if you feel this is pr. cool. if you think it's real. cool. no matter what happens, please keep your head on a swivel. many of these accounts who have 'sources' have been wrong time and time again. others have flip flopped so hard they should go see a chiropractor. they should all see a psychiatrist and consider medical intervention based on their aggressive behavior to defend a celeb they don't know. and gals. as much as you like to tell others, he's not going to fuck you. no matter how hard you simp for his wife. if he knows you exist, it's because you are an obsessed fan.
please be informed consumers of information. no actual professional is going to jeopardize their job to get clout on the internet. read carefully. discern the information you consume. and please, ask questions!
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kumamoto-division · 1 year
“Yo. Good afternoon, kiddo.”
Casually greeted by the familiar old man with a smugly smile on his face, a certain famed actor who doubles as the infamous information broker of Kumamoto squints his eyes.
“Didn’t expect to see you here of all people, Chishio-san.”
Honestly, if there has to be a representative from Nara division, Kunio is kind of expecting the redhead leader or that pink-haired boyo to pay a visit rather than this man in front of him.
It’s true that he has known this person before since they’ve crossed paths with each other sometimes during their ‘work’ underground. Yet still, this old man looks so out of place to him because as far as he has run some research; completely no data has been found on his background except that he has been allies to Shigure Fuyugami —the previous heir of Fuyugami family and father of the Nara Division’s third member, Saigo Fuyugami, for three decades ago. 
“The Nara kids have been busy with their own projects but they still asked me to relay their ‘Happy Birthday’ to you, so it’ll be rude of me if I ignore their good will.”
Not minding the over-analyzing gaze from the young man. Chishio carefully hands Kunio the presents he received from Miratabi members. It’s a beautiful tea set that appears to mysteriously glow despite touching the least bit of daylight. 
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“Ah, but the gift isn’t all the reason I came here today,” the tone in his voice suddenly changed into the more tensed one. 
“In regard to our previous corporation, the Minazuki has requested me to relay this thing to you.”
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Hearing the name ‘Minazuki’ rings a bell in his mind, Kunio then recalls that this name belongs to the strange yet influential artist family in Kyoto; however, very few know that they also run some information network in the shadows. From what he has inspected, the family seems to establish themselves on the neutral side and keep a close eye on the situation as of now. 
“It contains data we extracted from some morons attempting to infiltrate Nara not so long ago. What I have in mind is that there might be someone who is after stealing Hypnosis Microphones from the DRB competitors. We’ve yet to verify who is the mastermind so please take this intel with a grain of salt —Oh, and don’t you try opening the box by force. This security craft is made by the family head himself, what’s contained inside will be crushed by its own mechanism if not handled correctly.” 
The elder man shows the actor the trick to properly open the Karakuri himitsu-bako he gave. 
“Unfortunately, I still have some errands left to run for my master, so I’d like to take my leave for now. Best wishes, and what you’re going to do with that ‘gift’ from Minazuki is up to you.”
Having bid his farewell, Chishio give the young man a formal bow and walks away until he disappears from Kunio’s land of sight.
Kunio smiled to the himitsu-bako but after he saw the tea set,mading a mental note of thanks the nara division when he had the oportunity
Again with the himitsu-bako he smirk thinking on the contain
If inside was useful information could be useful for Kunio,or maybe could help him,his teammates and Ryukyu and Kururi with their plan
Besides,he always loved puzzles
"waah,I need to thank to the guys of Naha and Chishio San,mmh this will be fun"-said Kunio to himself and started his way to his house-"and if these data are useful Ryukyu was will be very happy...and Kururi too"-Kunio shakes when he thought on Aoba's younger sister,she could look joy and creative at first glance but she was a hidden manipulative mastermind
But Kunio only deny with the head and still walking
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lorz-ix · 11 months
Seeing how that Princess Peach game had its key art changed to be more expressive (as for myself, I do think the middle face looks somewhat off and closer to the proportions of the movie than the games' art style) and how apparently there's been some """drama""" and controversy around it.
Only to very quickly find out the person that controversy mainly originated from is one of those dipshit "loli" vtubers. Another one that I've never heard of before, but any time one of them pops up like weeds in a garden, they're always on some reactionary, 4chan type shit, saying it's because "she looks too masculine", parroting what some absolute morons on youtube said about the movie because Peach wears pants and isn't a helpless damsel to be rescued.
I think this vtuber space is rotten to the core. I hate how the biggest references in this industry are corporate puppets, anime mascots made only to exploit parasocial bonds and sell merchandise. How they appeal so directly to the absolute worst subsections of anime fandom. How so many good-willed indies end up making the problem worse because instead of being the alternative, they simply try to imitate the mainstream.
I said it before and I'll say it until my face turns blue. If you try to be an inoffensive "content creator" who doesn't take a stance when it matters, in fear of alienating part of the audience, you'll only be creating a safe space for the worst kind of people. The lie of "I just want my media to be a form of escapism" isn't something that you say because you don't want to depress people by discussing the Israel-Palestine conflict, it's a narrative cowardly pedalled by those whose day is ruined by seeing a gay person in their anime or pronouns in their sci-fi videogame.
You can "not all vtubers" me if you want, but as long as this is the influence and the reputation the label carries for people outside of the community, they might as well all be. I know what I mean when I say I hate them.
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"When I walk through the aisles at the supermarket, looking at all the products for sale around me, perhaps I can tell which ones are manufactured from the exploitation of animals, but I can’t tell which ones — if any — are manufactured without exploiting anyone or anything. That is one of the biggest drawbacks about our modern mass-production/distribution/consumption economy: by the time the product has reached you, it is virtually impossible to tell who made it, how it was made, what it was made from, or where it has been. Toilet paper, canned kidney beans, and athletic shoes all sit on the shelves next to each other, as if they appeared out of the air, and it would be a long hard struggle to track down any real, sound information about the origins of any of them. But there are some things I do know, though, even if I can’t research the life story of each individual packet of ramen noodles: there are migrant workers in this country who are underpaid and mistreated, there are corporations (like Pepsi) known for supporting totalitarian governments that mercilessly destroy human life, there are shoe manufacturers (like Nike) that underpay and mistreat foreign workers, there are companies (like Exxon) whose policies result in permanent damage to the environment. So the idea that you can be sure that your dollars are not financing anything inhumane or destructive just by examining the ingredients of a product and ascertaining that it includes no animal products strikes me as absurd. There are a thousand other kinds of oppression, just as outrageous as animal oppression, that keep the wheels of our economy turning, and there is no reason to be less concerned about any of them than about animal oppression. *** In the meantime, rather than practicing veganism, I practice “freeganism.” I know that as long as I participate in the mainstream economy, whether I am buying vegan or non-vegan products, I am supporting the corporations which represent world capitalism. So rather than just buying animal-friendly products, I try to purchase as few products as possible. I’ve written about this in earlier issues of Inside Front: it is possible, through thrifty living, creative “urban hunting and gathering,” and projects like Food Not Bombs, to survive without contributing more than a minimal amount of money or labor to the mainstream economy. Anything I can get for free at the expense of the exploiting, oppressing capitalist system is a strike against that system, while purchasing vegan food from Taco Bell (which is owned by Pepsi Co.) is still putting money into the hands of an oppressive, exploiting corporation. I live off of whatever resources I can scrounge or steal from our society, trying to avoid animal products when I can, but concentrating above all on keeping my money and labor out of of their hands. *** There are some great things about veganism, by the way. First of all, if you can’t bear to put anything into your body that was actually made from the corpse of another living being, veganism is a way to avoid that (although it DOES NOT magically confer the “innocence” of animal exploitation that hardline morons claim for themselves, as my discussion of capitalism and other forms of oppression should make clear). Also, it gives you a different relationship to the food you eat than most of us have: it makes you consider where it came from and what’s in it, rather than just taking it for granted, and it also will probably make you a better cook! And finally, it brings up the issue for everybody. When you won’t eat food unless you know what is in it, it forces the people around you to think for themselves about what is in the food and how it got there. In that way, veganism does more to change the world than writing lengthy political responses to letters ever could: it brings up important questions in everyday life and forces people think about questions that they wouldn’t otherwise encounter." -Veganism, Crimethinc
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camgoloud · 2 years
📓📜📚 (And Sixth House, if possible?)
(in reference to the following tag game: “Put "📓" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about.”)
oh ABSOLUTELY it's possible. i can ALWAYS talk sixth house let's go
i've always been really, really curious about exactly what palamedes was thinking immediately after harrow dropped in on his bubble in htn. like, he's been trapped for a while with absolutely jack shit to do except reread a trashy romance novel, he's got to be bored out of his mind—and then he has an absolutely WILD five minutes in which harrow shows up, says a bunch of shit that makes absolutely NO sense, and, immediately before she has to run away from whatever weird creature has stalked her soul into the bubble(?), inadvertently reveals that she must have done—um—something(?) to preserve gideon's soul within her? leaving her in WHAT kind of shape?? and what has she been up to for the past, apparently EIGHT months holy shit???? and what has CAMILLA been up to? etc. etc..... basically i just think that it would be really fun to put myself in the position of Palamedes, Boy Detective as he, with his Extremely limited dataset, attempts to cure his boredom by piecing together the. entire plot of htn oops lol. and also reflects on his relationship with harrow... like. is it the truest form of friendship that has ever existed if you spend a couple weeks sharing traumatic experiences and forming a tentative alliance with the one other person around who’s not a Total Moron to avoid Literally Dying and then against all odds you manage to reunite ages later after one of you has become clinically insane to the point where she’s forgotten you two ever even spoke to each other, and the other one of you has just done eight months in solitary slowly coming to romanticize and possibly question the mere existence of other conscious beings to the point of mental and emotional instability. is it touching and tragically beautiful if the two of you have a super awkward hug and then huddle up together while trying to hold a door closed to avoid Literally Dying Again and your non-corporeal ghost bodies are the realest thing either of you has held in over half a year. personally i think maybe the answer is yes actually
camilla hect assassin's creed au. okay so this one is pretty niche, but like... consider. shortly after the master warden palamedes sextus is (according to most people) killed in a strike by (according to most people) the templar order, sworn enemies of the assassins, camilla hect is being inducted into the assassin order. this roughly correlates with as yet unsent era of canon—the assassins are the boe equivalent, while the templars are the houses. corona has already enthusiastically joined up with the assassins, and she knows something is Up with camilla—namely, camilla's loyalties are a lot more divided than she lets on, because while she's not onboard with templar ideology she isn't REALLY convinced that it was actually them and not someone else (potentially even the assassins...) who ordered the strike that blew up the library in which pal was doing his research—research that would have been damaging for both sides if it ever went public... she's also not fully convinced that pal actually died in that explosion, due to some cryptic notes he'd left behind on the day the bomb went off. so, while she's working with the assassins, she starts doing some side investigations to see whether their story holds up. corona is NOT pleased about this and keeps telling her that what she's doing is dangerous and pointless and she needs to stop, but when has camilla ever listened to advice like that... i actually think it's kind of funny, this is an au i conceived of a couple months before as yet unsent even came out, but now that i'm looking back over my brainstorming doc most of it holds up with canon remarkably well actually. if i thought that more than two people in the world would have any interest in reading the end product i might even finish writing it sometime lol
my pride and joy... the pal vs. ianthe mind fight fic! this one i think i will be a bit more tight-lipped on because i have actually been writing it somewhat-actively and will theoretically be posting it sometime in the relatively near future, although at the moment it's taken a bit of a backseat because i've got holiday exchange things to think about, but... allow me to say one word that may pique your interest: timeloops. well, it's not quite a timeloop fic, actually—but it is in many ways a love letter to timeloop media, in which ianthe tridentarius has a bad time for a long time
thanks for asking! sorry i went on about those first two for SO long—it's just so much fun to talk about these concepts that i may not ever find the time to actually Write properly, but desperately want to show off anyway. hope you found it at least a little bit entertaining!
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fractaldunes · 2 days
desire, hate, and mistake?
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
Okay okay for this one I'll do my sweet girl Tulip. So after Tulip was dragged out of the dirt from her 600 year nap, she was rehabilitated by the woman who found her, Willow, and her father. Over the course of like a year or two (i cant decide on how long) the two of them grow closer and like. They aren't exactly like partners or anything. But Tulip feels this deep sense of loyalty and debt and also bits of love that she isn't able to identify. Being a robot that is either 5 or 650 years old and was "raised" in a lab doesn't give you good emotional intelligence. But yeah she feels very connected to Willow and Willow kinda feels that back. Buuuuuut then womp womp Willow gets kidnapped and their house gets burnt down and Willows dad is killed oh no.
So Tulip is quite unhappy about that. And SLATE is about her journey tracking Willow down and defeating the mysterious organization that orchestrated all of this. She wants Willow back more than anything, and she will do just about anything to reach that goal.
Shes pretty open about her desire to save Willow, albeit only to her party. She's mute and antisocial and even with her party shes very direct about it. Even then its only because them being in on what her goal is will make everything more efficient and, in theory, get her there faster. She's very impatient.
By the time she gets to her final destination, shes killed quite a few people in order to get to Willow.
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
Hmmmm I think I'll do Victoria for this one. She's from one of my other stories, Quick Shift. She's a recently turned vampire that was brought in by a secret subdivision of a US government agency. However, she used to be a corporate manager before she turned. She's ruthlessly efficient and bloodthirsty (in more ways than one).
She hates anyone and everyone that doesn't meet her very specific criteria. If they aren't maximally efficient, extremely competent, well composed, etc, then they are worthless to her. As soon as she is moved into the agency's base, she's greatly disappointed by the (perceived) incompetence going on. Even her assigned bodyguard/assistants Suit and Coat are morons (though she does have a soft spot for them + they're useful). So she immediately sets a mutiny in motion and gets it done by next week. She's a bit disgusted with her own methods (seducing random guards and office workers and turning them into ghouls. hey maybe shes a bad person) but she can't argue with results.
So with her new vampiric powers, ghouls, and a subdivision of a government agency under her control, she decides to go to the logical next step. Take over the world (starting with the country) and leave it a heap of smoldering ash and wailing souls. Because she can and because she's certainly better than everyone else. She is entirely convinced of her own superiority and others' inferiority. She hates almost everybody but herself and even then that is iffy at times. She sucks and I hate her.
mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
Ohohohoho I'm definitely doing Wolfram. Wolfram is another character from SLATE. He's the (former) king of the city of Paderbrück and (former) hero of the city during his youth. He was chosen by their god, Our Holy Protector (generic i know. thats on purpose dont worry), to protect the city against a pair of incursions by an army and some goo things. By the time of SLATE hes an old man still ruling over the city, but he's lost a lot of his respect since the glory days. He doesn't let it get to him though. And then BAM this random humanoid girl thing made of metal(??????) barges in and beats the shit out of him. Eventually he gets her to stop and they talk (Tulip just writes, really). He figures out what she's doing this for, is very moved by her story, and decides to join her party even though she didn't ask and doesn't want him at all. He seems to know some good places to go though.
So they journey together for a while and the important things happen a bit later here. So in this city called Ash Pillar they're fighting this roided up skinhead prick called The General and then he gets the big idea to drop some shit. He reveals that he knows Wolfram! And pretty well at that. You see, the organization The General is under, Slate, basically has a human trafficking highway going through a series of cities... including Paderbrück! Wolfram initially resisted, but he folded as soon as The General killed his fucking wife! A recent addition to the party, a teen girl named Bibigul who had her father very much killed by The General is shocked! They have something in common! Tulip, on the other hand, is fucking pissed. That trafficking highway is what Willow's kidnappers used.
But anyways The General turns into a horrible flesh monster and then they defeat him. Bibi is knocked out in the fight (she's a frail 16 year old with burns on like half her body to be fair. its a miracle she was even in any condition to fight and do her magic shit. oh yeah she can do magic sorta dont worry abt that right now) and The General is like half dead and shriveled up like a raisin. Allain (another party member) gives Wolfram the right to do whatever he wants. However, Wolfram decides to spare the man! He decries that he could never kill the man, since it's not at all what his late wife would want. How noble! He lets the man go and he wanders off into the plains.
And then Bibi wakes up and he explains what he did to her and she nearly kills him then and there. Wolfram had the man who killed her father and burned down almost all of the massive city she called home and killed so so so many people (oh yeah he also did that) under his foot and he let. him. go. So then Wolfram realizes that he's a fucking idiot and is immediately struck by guilt for what he's done. Bibi leaves the party and ventures out into the plains alone to find and kill The General.
So Wolfram has to live with that for a while. He's not even convinced that it was even something his wife wouldn't want. Maybe his act of mercy was kind of very stupid. He has no real way to make it up either. Even after Bibi rejoins the party, The General is still alive out there somewhere. It's not something he could ever fix.
I haven't quite decided on how this plotline ends yet. I'm thinking somewhere in the latter half of the story, maybe towards the tail end of Grand Sprawl or a quiet moment in Victrola him and Bibi make some sort of resolution. But for now idk. But i'd like to think he's able to move on from his mistake though.
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
Is getting some stuff done it's not easy and there's a lot to do we notice these buying stuff that makes sense and it thinks it might rain for awhile we do know it's not going to be for more than a couple days but still if you're stuck here you might need to use certain products one of them is water and he drinks a lot of water and uses it for a lot of things and it's good you can make milk with it from dry stuff and more. A lot of people are trying to get it though so we're hoping that there is some. And it looks like there is a shipping coming.
- Other stuff happening there is a hubbub out there in the second and third ring it is a disaster so far 30 households are going out they're not making it very well they're not and yeah they're still in that first segment the second segment will probably have the same effect and it will be to the north but more water will come down the river. This first segment should be done in a few days I guess it's taking them quite awhile. It's better this way so not rushing them but this can be water here for a couple of weeks. We have some other news.
- This kind of living situation is very uncomfortable these people are rude and they're mean and nasty and you can't get help from them and sometimes he must. We don't want him rooting everybody around who might feel to help him this is so insolent that you have to take it that way you must be insulted and I need you to listen to what they're saying to me and to him and to Freya and Hara it is very insulting and I need you to feel it like we do. So get out there and get rid of these two idiots please.
Thor Freya Oh okay someone wants to know what they're doing they say they do know so why you asking to put it out there 'cause he's angry too good we need to hear that this is hell we're spending all the time yelling at this freaking moron. It says he's not going out there to do anything and it's not true but he's right around saying it to everyone. People want him to shut the hell up it's half the forest and dumb **** doesn't know that people know it and they're being told back up just shut up doesn't make any easier it makes it harder and couldn't negotiate a way out of it and he doesn't want to do it at all he's a humongously selfish pig and n.... he's a humongously selfish pig and needs to be taught the hard way over and over and over and in to a ridiculous degree so many times that nobody believes in you if you're seeing this and you are a corporal or higher it's your legal duty and you're bound by duty to figure out if it's true or not we're going through a nightmare here with leadership we do need to pull them the hell off us right now.
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collymore · 1 year
The very obvious and disastrous effects when Corporate elitism morphs into toxic, Neo-feudalism!
By Stanley Collymore     Basically there isn't much fun,     while realistically there's an     irrefutably stark situation     immediately accompanied by the very   lingering death of Freedom! Honestly,     isn't being wealthy simply enough for   some people? And quite additionally     also, with this Cambridge University   charade going on, my simple guess     is, that normally it would be literally     quite laughable were it not actually     so, very pathetic. As toxically there     at Cambridge University, you really     have aptly, ivory tower, academics     who very appropriately have never     basically, actually done an honest     day's work, in their truly sheltered     and crucially very pampered lives     or ever significantly also, created     any great or superbly meaningful     wealth either quite vaingloriously     lecturing, and really pontificating     to those that know how it's done.
Obviously alright it seems, for the     elites to think they're above the     rest of us and therefore have     the undeniable right to not only tell us     but significantly also, actually decide     for us how we should very basically     go about living our very respective,   personal lives. No thanks! Literally     because quite honestly several of     us are now distinctly wide awake     to what you're so evidently doing     and quite naturally, shan't permit     our lives to be literally controlled     or quite recklessly be destroyed,     by people self-evidently like you,     who clearly, delusionally believe     that undoubtedly, your personal     views, opinions, and indubitably     personal interests really matter     appreciably more than our own.     Well they don't! As we naturally     now effectively have individual     voices and clearly aren't afraid,     jointly or singly to utilize them!     (C) Stanley V. Collymore     24 September 2023.     Author's Remarks:     Quite perfectly OK it seems for British and some other western universities to teach students from super privileged backgrounds to hold on much more aggressively to their inherited but personally unwarrantedly acquired wealth and power, both societally and politically, that goes with such wealth.     However, in marked contrast, if quite generally working class students or any, specifically from a distinctly non- white and evidently disadvantaged background, were to make it to university and while there are taught about the values and appropriateness of Meritocracy and likewise left wing politics, such an approach would be immediately attacked and dishonestly as well as lyingly trumpeted by the same supporters of the former concept relative to the privileged rich; their highly supportive and like-minded moronic trolls, the intellectually challenged gullible cretins and similarly the equally right wing media rags and malevolently pernicious, inequality organisations - we all know who this scum are - jumping profusely on the same rolled out bandwagon, claiming it  as quite unjustifiable political and societal indoctrination and an obvious unwarranted intrusion of individual rights all round. And moreover brand this target of theirs an abhorrent misuse of trust which the government should legally and immediately put a permanent stop to. What breath-taking hypocrisy, eh?
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sleepy-moron · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 335 times in 2022
That's 298 more posts than 2021!
202 posts created (60%)
133 posts reblogged (40%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 263 of my posts in 2022
Only 21% of my posts had no tags
#byler tumblr - 175 posts
#byler - 131 posts
#stranger things 4 - 120 posts
#stranger things - 114 posts
#gay mike wheeler - 56 posts
#mike wheeler is gay - 50 posts
#stranger things spoilers - 20 posts
#st4 spoilers - 20 posts
#mike wheeler i know what you are - 15 posts
#byler season 4 - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#and he’s repeatedly reminded of this by adults which just makes a kid with shit self esteem who feels like they can’t open up emotionally
My Top Posts in 2022:
Byler is endgame starter kit:
So since this tag has blown up since volume one dropped and a bunch of people are new to the madness or are trying to convince other people that this is the direction the show will go in I thought it might be nice to have a post that works as a jumping off point for getting immersed in our little corner of Tumblr
This edit is basically a 50 second thesis on Mike's behavior in volume one and everyone should watch it at least once....@sollody did an incredible job here and I think this is an excellent starting off point for understanding why people believe byler is endgame
2. @beepboop358 has the byler proof master slides available as a Google slides presentation on their account, it's probably one of the most comprehensive outlines of a lot of the really big byler proofs and is absolutely worth a read if you haven't checked it out before
3. Just read everything on the pinned posts for @kaypeace21 and @hawkinsschoolcounselor ..... seriously though, they both post some excellent analysis and their work gets discussed a lot here so it's a good place to read more in depth stuff about byler
By @queerxqueen.... Excellent breakdown of why byler absolutely tracks from a narrative perspective and why m*leven endgame would be character regression for both Mike and El.... another account where basically all of the analysis posts are great and absolutely worth checking out
5. @bluemeetyellow is a fantastic blog to go through if you aren't super fond of reading long blocks of text.....super unique style of pointing out parallels and connections between different scenes and dialogue, absolutely worth a follow
6. @cmollyo does some really helpful compilation posts and reblogs a bunch of excellent content on top of some very cool original content
See the full post
245 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
Friendly reminder that 8flix isn't a massive corporation, it's literally just the one dude maintaining the archive as an educational resource. So him engaging with a fanbase that has shown immense interest in his archive is a really good way to keep up the donations that fund it and to expose more people to the existence of this kind of resource. I am pretty firmly of the opinion that the tweets aren't trying to pull a fast one on you.
So thanks Nick, it's very cool of you to take an interest in this little corner of the fanbase!
265 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
I think one of the biggest signs that people do not understand why byler is as popular as it is is when they say "Will deserves a better boyfriend thought :/" ..... Like If I were to say "El deserves better than Mike......I think she should get with Lucas" the angry m*leven shippers would literally eat me alive because those two ships aren't even remotely close to being the same thing.
Do they think we literally just ship Mike and Will because they're both dudes?? Why did I add a question mark to that when I know that is exactly what people think. Y'know because despite not all straight relationships being basically the same thing because different characters have different relationships and dynamics with other characters.....any ship that is gay is basically interchangeable and the people involved don't matter at all -_-
Mike and Will are two characters with a lot of history and their friendship is a major motivating factor for both of them throughout the whole show. They're two insecure kids that trust each other enough to let their walls down, something which we routinely see them try to avoid with other people.... People ship Mike and Will because they're Mike and Will, and implying that replacing one half of the relationship with a minor character that serves basically no other role in the story should be viewed as an improvement is infuriating.
367 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
Season 3 on the surface: Mike being so in love with El that he acts like an asshole to everyone else and this is never really resolved.
Season 3 cinematography and subtext: Just the creators banging two pans together and yelling "Mike's gay and in love with Will" while progressively getting louder and louder as the season goes on.
398 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Think it’s really interesting how they took the time to both establish that Vickie is not straight and suggest she reciprocates Robin’s feelings while also making sure the audience knows she has a boyfriend and literally have Steve comment about how it doesn’t make sense.
The show literally goes out of it’s way to have the actual characters pick up on hints that Vickie is not straight and is constantly using film techniques to make sure we as an audience understand that. The show emphasizes that someone dating the opposite sex does not make them straight, and has multiple shots with Vickie and Robin parallel byler scenes this season…..
They literally spelled it out for us I don’t know what else to say
1,714 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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