kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
#3 am and talking with a friend about the last con I attended and thinking about all the girls cosplaying Chuuya and Dazai I saw...#How as re they doing. Do they know I would die for them#random rambles#Looking at that photo were I'm in the middle of them all awkward and happy and like.#I caught them with beer cups in their hands AND YET THEY WERE SO FABULOUS ABOUT IT. THERE'S THIS DARK ERA DAZAI STANDING SO MAJESTICALLY#WITH A FREAKING PLASTIC CUP IN ONE HAND AND A BRIGHT YELLOW PLASTIC BAG IN THE OTHER AND THEY'RE SO IMPOSSIBLY COOL ABOUT IT.#And Chuuya has this little crouched down pose that is so in character akdvdbakdvjebsks I don't know what those two people are doing now–#but I hope they're sleeping well and no worries will ever hit them#That other skk couple I caught with cotton candy in their hands!!!! I now feel so stupid for offering to old it for them off camera while–#my sister took the photo because it was literally the most adorable skk date scene ever.#But it's okay cause I'll keep it ingrained in my memory forever <3#Anyways if you're a cosplayer of any kind I love you#also shout-out to skk cosplayers for making me ship skk on instant without hesitation or second thoughts#Literally my only regret from that comicon is catching a glimpse of Servant Of Evil Rin#(like. Victorian costume and everything)#from the bus and not urging the driver to stop the bust and go to them#Ghost Evil Kingdom Rin a saw for half second from my bus sit you'll always be in my heart#*Daughter of Evil I don't know why I said servant (actually I know why it's because it's 3am... )#** Also the style of the dress is clearly Baroque-inspired not Victorian that's a whole different thing. Girl go to sleep
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valkyriesryde · 5 years
Beautiful Soul
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: The team decides to let loose after a rough few months with some singing and some alcohol, what could possibly happen ;)
Warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, bit of fluff and pining
A/N: it took me so long to decide if I wanted this to be emotional or fun and light but every karaoke au i read the songs are slow and sad and I wanted a bit of a change and my friends and I decided Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney. ENJOY
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It’d been an emotionally and physically draining few months for the Avengers. Everyone had missions up to their eyeballs and if they weren’t out in the field they were stuck under piles of research or surveillance work. Finally, after the long sleepless nights the overall objective was complete, and the team could relax. Everyone was exhausted, one more week and they would have been down each other’s throats.
There had already been several examples of members lashing out. The most recent was when Natasha threw a cup of yogurt at Tony because he happened to walk in and start talking to her while she was in the kitchen. Was it too much to ask for some time to yourself for once in this godforsaken place?!?
It was safe to say that the Avengers needed some sort of release. Ideas had been bouncing about on how they should celebrate the end of the gruesome missions however nothing stuck.
The most common came from people like Sam, Thor and Tony…get absolutely sloshed and have a party. They were always shot down, the rest of the team not wanting to deal with the clean up or other people for that matter.
Another common suggestion came from Wanda and Bruce, they suggested a horror movie marathon with snacks and drinks (alcoholic optional). Bruce’s reasoning was that horror movies had been proven to provide a cathartic release most efficiently compared to other genres of movies. Wanda also made sure to mention that everyone would be too busy belittling the characters to think about how exhausted they were. It was a good idea, but there were too many PTSD ridden people in the building to create a safe enough list for them watch so it was quickly pushed aside.
It wasn’t until the day after their target had been eliminated that a decision had finally been made and Tony was quick to get everything in order so the team could celebrate as soon as possible.
It had just been a passing comment, in fact, Tony couldn’t actually remember who had said it and no one would confess. Someone had mentioned to him in the midst of everything that they just needed to pick something fun. That’s when the spark went off in Tony’s mind and as soon as he had settled back at the compound, he was booking out an entire bar for the following week. He refused to tell anyone what his plan was, only Rhodey knew and that was only because they had a deal that Tony would keep no secrets from him.
The team had specific instructions before they set off. They were to dress nicely, but comfortably. They had to attend. They had to take part.
Tony’s plans were the talk of the week as everyone took the chance to relax and get back some time to themselves that had previously been lost. Soon enough though the night came around and the team were piling into the three separate cars and making their way into town.
As they pulled up to the bar in the city no one thought much of it. There had been a couple comments here and there amongst the group, Thor suggested maybe Tony had decided to go with their original idea, Natasha warned him that surely there was something more going on, they weren’t just here to get drunk and party.
Her warning was proved somewhat wrong when they all filed into the bar one after another, it was a small bar, worn out booths with a few tables scattered around the place. They noted the lack of staff around almost as soon as they walked in, seemingly looking over what Tony and told Rhodey was his masterpiece.
“We’ve got the place to ourselves!” he exclaimed jumping onto the small stage and gesturing his arms out towards the room, “you’re all also looking over our entertainment for the evening.” There was a sparkle in his eye and a smirk on his face as he caught everyone’s attention.
“It’s not you is it?” Steve yelled out as he followed Sam behind the bar to start handing out drinks.
“No, it’s no - that’s not very nice you know Captain,” Steve just shook his head in response. “Our entertainment is this!” Tony pointed towards the machine that stood to his side on the stage, the large machine, from the back, looked like nothing special, a metal box really, the noteworthy feature of this metal box was the two microphones that sat on each side of it.
“Karaoke?” Clint raised his brow, “I’m gonna need a stronger drink than this,” he shoved the beer back to Sam who quickly replaced it with a line of tequila shots along the bar.
“Mate we all are.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The party was in full swing, it took a few rounds of shots and pestering for the karaoke to begin but soon enough the music was turned off and the machine was started up. Sam and Clint belted out Bohemian Rhapsody together, Wanda, Clint and Natasha decided that they couldn’t NOT sing We Are the Champions. After about four rounds of Asgardian alcohol Steve was pushed onto the stage to sing his heart out to Party in the USA.
Everybody was singing and dancing and having a fabulously buzzed time. Then there was Bucky. Bucky was not a party man, with or without the mounds of strangers Tony would bring to his parties he just couldn’t find himself enjoying them. Bucky would much rather be at home drinking and chatting with his friends than dancing and singing in this sticky bar. That’s why he was sat in the booth at the back of the bar facing the stage, watching his friends sing along to whoever was on stage off key and out of sync.
He slumped back into the booth, sipping on his drink as he watched Tony serenade Pepper with some song he didn’t know. His peace was interrupted when Sam and Y/N came crashing into the booth on either side of him.
“Hey Bucko,” beamed Sam.
“Buckaroo” laughed Y/N. Bucky rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t hold back a smile or the laugh that escaped him as his drunk friends doubled over in laughter at the nickname.
“I’m glad you two are having so much fun,” he shook his head as Sam took a swig of his drink and Y/N leaned closer to him.
“We’re playing a game Buck,” Sam smiled at Y/N as she shot up from her spot on Bucky’s shoulder, as soon as she moved he felt a chill sweep through him.
“It is not we, it is you,” she turned her attention to Bucky and threw an accusing finger at Sam, “he’s trying to get me drunk Bucky!”
“Doll, I’m afraid you’re already drunk,” Bucky looked at the girl who sat next to him with a shocked expression on her face, her body turned completely towards him.
“I can’t believe you would say that,” she turned back to Sam, “it’s your fault isn’t it!”
“Hey! I merely offered the drink, you’re the one that took it!” Sam slurred out matter-of-factly. Y/N nodded and hummed in reluctant agreement, she relaxed back down into the booth and leaned her head back on Bucky’s shoulder.
Bucky looked down at the girl on her shoulder who was softly singing along to whoever was on stage now, a small smile found its way onto his face until he thought about what they were actually talking about and his eyebrows furrowed slightly.
“Was the whole game to get her drunk? Dude,” Bucky looked at Sam with a disappointed face, you don’t just go around getting girls drunk for the fun of it.
“No,” Sam’s eyes darted to Bucky and back to the stage, “well maybe but she challenged me to it!”
“Please do tell me more.”
“I asked what drunk Y/N was like because none of us have ever met her and Y/N said, and I quote, ‘if you can get me drunk I’ll gladly introduce you’” he put on his best impression of Y/N and shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal. Bucky couldn’t help but laugh, it was kinda funny okay, he had to admit that.
“And what did you find out you idiot?”
“Yea Sam, what’d you find,” Y/N slurred out softly, sitting up again and raising her eyebrows at Sam who stuck his tongue out towards her.
“You’re you, but like, times ten and giggly,” this caused an eruption of giggles from Y/N in her drunken state and a laugh from both the men, he wasn’t wrong. “Now if you excuse me, I have a song to sing” Sam jumped up from his seat and ran towards the stage.
“You don’t want to go join him?” Bucky asked twirling the glass in his hands as he avoided her eye.
“Nah, I’m good here,” Y/N smiled sweetly at him before leaning her elbows in the desk and watching Sam get the dance floor’s attention.
“I would like to dedicate this song to my main man!” Sam pointed towards Steve, “this ones for you spangled man with a plan!” The whole room started cheering and laughing, even Steve laughed as they all started singing along with Sam.
“Why are mopping back here Bucky?” The pair turned their attention away from Sam dragging Steve onto stage to finish the song and to each other, Y/N leaned forward on her elbows towards Bucky, he tried not to lean further towards her, he tried to push the feeling of wanted to be as close to her as possible deep down.
“Not a fan of parties,” he shrugged. She thought for a minute, eyeing him skeptically before humming.
“Not a fan of karaoke?” She smiled at him with the playful look in her eyes that he couldn’t resist, and Bucky could only swallow down a mouthful of his drink and nod. “Is it because you haven’t had a song dedicated to you yet Buck? There’s no need to be moping because of that,” Bucky rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to talk but the sudden applause interrupted him, and they looked over to see Sam and Steve bowing and leaping off the stage.
“I call next!” Y/N called out as she stood up but quickly leaned down to Bucky, “don’t worry Buck, I’ll dedicate my song to ya,” she winked and skipped off towards the stage. Bucky watched her jump on and select the song, she didn’t even have to think about what she was picking she already knew the perfect song to sing.
Bucky didn’t have enough time to process what she was on about. He wasn’t quite sure why it was such a bad thing that he hadn’t had a song dedicated to him. He didn’t mind it. He was more focused on the fact that she’d run away just as fast as she’d arrived at his booth and he hadn’t wanted her to leave. He knew though, as was with all of his friends, there’s no way to control them when there’s alcohol in their systems. As long as their safe, and happy, which they were.
Y/N wasn’t quite thinking as clearly as she would have liked when she ran up to the stage and selected the song she wanted. Her one thought process, the conclusion she had come to all by herself, was that Bucky was moping because no one had sung for him and he wasn’t enjoying himself. So she was determined to make a change of that. Y/N looked out to the other end of the room and meet Bucky’s eye. He had a wide smile on his face as he watched her, and he raised an eyebrow as the music began. All she could do was give him a smirk and bring the microphone up towards her.
“This is for my favourite super soldier with the long hair and the bright blue eyes!” she winked at him.  
As soon as the music started everyone in the room began whooping and cheering. Y/N stepped to the edge of the stage and held her hand up towards the crowd.
“I don’t want another pretty face,” she screwed her eyes shut and brought her fist towards her stomach dramatically, “I don’t want just anyone to hold,” she opened her eyes and scanned the room, Sam and Clint were wrapped in each other’s arms serenading one another, Tony was pulling Pepper towards the dance floor and giving her a spin. “I don’t want my love to go to waste,” she looked towards Bucky, her movements and her voice getting more and more dramatic with every movement, but her eyes were locked with his as she sang the next line, pointing a finger directly at him.
“I JUST WANT YOU AND YOUR BEAUTIFUL SOUL!!!” the room all shouted in unison.
The song continued and everybody got louder and louder as it went. Y/N felt like she was back in her childhood bedroom, jumping on her bed with a hairbrush microphone with her friends all singing along with over dramatic gestures and their entire soul going into the performance. This really was just the adult version of that.
Bucky watched Y/N dance around the stage singing the song he’d never heard before but deciding it was his new favourite. He laughed every time she pointed towards him, singing just for him. He listened to the lyrics, oh he wanted so badly for there to be truth behind those lyrics she sung to him. He watched her movements slow as she pushed her tangled her back from her face and then held the microphone with both her hands, her eyes not once leaving him as she beamed.
“Am I crazy for wanting you? Baby do you think you could want me too?” he wanted so badly for her to mean those words, he wanted so badly to run up to her on that stage and kiss her like his life depended on it because he did want her too.
Y/N’s eyes darted away from Bucky when she started the chorus again, she tried to push back the butterflies in her stomach from having his eyes glued so tightly to her. She tried to ignore what the song actually meant, this was just fun, it was a throwback song that was just a little bit of fun at a karaoke party. Right? Right?!?
As she came to the end of the song Y/N tried to immerse herself in it, she felt the music flow through her, she felt the alcohol running through her veins, she pushed back any feelings for Bucky that sat in her mind and focused completely on the song and her friends dancing and singing with her.
The song came to an end everybody burst into cheers and applause. Bucky stood up from his seat in the booth and moved to stand in front of it, joining in on the applause smiling at the girl he was so head over heels for. He watched her jump off the stage and stumble before catching herself and being enveloped by Natasha and Rhodey, he watched her high five Wanda and Clint as she made her way through the crowd and he watched her as she stepped up to him giggling.
“Did you enjoy your song Bucky?” Y/N mirrored his stance, arms crossed, shoulders back, smile sitting ear to ear.
“You put on quite a show Y/N” Bucky dropped his arms and stepped closer towards her, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“Well,” she placed her hands on her hips and looked up at Bucky who flicked his tongue along his bottom lip, “I do aim to please.”
Bucky let out a deep chuckle, he pulled her by the wrist back to the booth before walking towards the bar and getting them both another drink.
“You gonna get out there before the nights over?” Y/N bumped her shoulder against Bucky’s after a few minutes of comfortable silence between the two.
“No way in hell,” he laughed looking back at her.
“Damn, was hoping you’d dedicate one to me,” she gave Bucky a smirk over the brim of her glass, “it’s the least you could do.”
“I can thank you in other ways,” Bucky mustered up whatever confidence he had in him, Y/N put her glass down and turned her body so she faced him fully.
“And how are you going to do that?” she leaned on her head on the booth, waiting for Bucky to make a move, any move.
He didn’t give her an answer, not a vocal one and not at first. Bucky chuckled softly and reached up to place his hand on her cheek, moving it across her skin to the back of her neck. He leaned in closer to her as she stayed in place biting her lip. Bucky brushed his nose against the side of Y/N’s, he had a small smile on his face when he noticed her cheeks turn pink at such a small action.
“I’ve got a few things up my sleeve,” he whispered before closing the gap between them. Their kiss was gentle and quick. She could taste the mixture of Asgardian liquor and the bitterness of beer on his lips but it wasn’t long enough or deep enough for her to remember the taste or feel it on her tongue. When he pulled back he didn’t move far and opted to rest his head on the booth next to hers.
“If that’s how I’m thanked after one song I wonder what another will get me,” she whispered, they kept their voices quiet, no one else needed to hear them.
“Guess you’ll have to sing me another one to find out,” he smiled, he kept his hand at the back of her neck, his fingers tangling themselves in her hair.
“I’ll need to finish my drink before you get another song out of me Buckaroo,” Y/N laughed and sat up, Bucky’s hand fell from her hair and he picked up his own drink, his other hand moved to wrap around her waist lightly.
“I think I’m starting to enjoy this whole karaoke thing,” he smiled at her from behind his drink. He’d let her sing every song under the sun for him up on that godforsaken stage if it meant getting to kiss her again.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it and requests are open!
209 notes · View notes
movedvalkyriesryde · 5 years
Beautiful Soul
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: The team decides to let loose after a rough few months with some singing and some alcohol, what could possibly happen ;)
Warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, bit of fluff and pining
Requested by @turquoisekokiri
A/N: it took me so long to decide if I wanted this to be emotional or fun and light but every karaoke au i read the songs are slow and sad and I wanted a bit of a change and my friends and I decided Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney. ENJOY
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It’d been an emotionally and physically draining few months for the Avengers. Everyone had missions up to their eyeballs and if they weren’t out in the field they were stuck under piles of research or surveillance work. Finally, after the long sleepless nights the overall objective was complete, and the team could relax. Everyone was exhausted, one more week and they would have been down each other’s throats. 
There had already been several examples of members lashing out. The most recent was when Natasha threw a cup of yogurt at Tony because he happened to walk in and start talking to her while she was in the kitchen. Was it too much to ask for some time to yourself for once in this godforsaken place?!?
It was safe to say that the Avengers needed some sort of release. Ideas had been bouncing about on how they should celebrate the end of the gruesome missions however nothing stuck.
The most common came from people like Sam, Thor and Tony...get absolutely sloshed and have a party. They were always shot down, the rest of the team not wanting to deal with the clean up or other people for that matter.
Another common suggestion came from Wanda and Bruce, they suggested a horror movie marathon with snacks and drinks (alcoholic optional). Bruce’s reasoning was that horror movies had been proven to provide a cathartic release most efficiently compared to other genres of movies. Wanda also made sure to mention that everyone would be too busy belittling the characters to think about how exhausted they were. It was a good idea, but there were too many PTSD ridden people in the building to create a safe enough list for them watch so it was quickly pushed aside. 
It wasn’t until the day after their target had been eliminated that a decision had finally been made and Tony was quick to get everything in order so the team could celebrate as soon as possible. 
It had just been a passing comment, in fact, Tony couldn’t actually remember who had said it and no one would confess. Someone had mentioned to him in the midst of everything that they just needed to pick something fun. That’s when the spark went off in Tony’s mind and as soon as he had settled back at the compound, he was booking out an entire bar for the following week. He refused to tell anyone what his plan was, only Rhodey knew and that was only because they had a deal that Tony would keep no secrets from him. 
The team had specific instructions before they set off. They were to dress nicely, but comfortably. They had to attend. They had to take part.
Tony’s plans were the talk of the week as everyone took the chance to relax and get back some time to themselves that had previously been lost. Soon enough though the night came around and the team were piling into the three separate cars and making their way into town.
As they pulled up to the bar in the city no one thought much of it. There had been a couple comments here and there amongst the group, Thor suggested maybe Tony had decided to go with their original idea, Natasha warned him that surely there was something more going on, they weren’t just here to get drunk and party. 
Her warning was proved somewhat wrong when they all filed into the bar one after another, it was a small bar, worn out booths with a few tables scattered around the place. They noted the lack of staff around almost as soon as they walked in, seemingly looking over what Tony and told Rhodey was his masterpiece.
“We’ve got the place to ourselves!” he exclaimed jumping onto the small stage and gesturing his arms out towards the room, “you’re all also looking over our entertainment for the evening.” There was a sparkle in his eye and a smirk on his face as he caught everyone’s attention. 
“It’s not you is it?” Steve yelled out as he followed Sam behind the bar to start handing out drinks.
“No, it’s no - that’s not very nice you know Captain,” Steve just shook his head in response. “Our entertainment is this!” Tony pointed towards the machine that stood to his side on the stage, the large machine, from the back, looked like nothing special, a metal box really, the noteworthy feature of this metal box was the two microphones that sat on each side of it. 
“Karaoke?” Clint raised his brow, “I’m gonna need a stronger drink than this,” he shoved the beer back to Sam who quickly replaced it with a line of tequila shots along the bar.
“Mate we all are.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The party was in full swing, it took a few rounds of shots and pestering for the karaoke to begin but soon enough the music was turned off and the machine was started up. Sam and Clint belted out Bohemian Rhapsody together, Wanda, Clint and Natasha decided that they couldn’t NOT sing We Are the Champions. After about four rounds of Asgardian alcohol Steve was pushed onto the stage to sing his heart out to Party in the USA. 
Everybody was singing and dancing and having a fabulously buzzed time. Then there was Bucky. Bucky was not a party man, with or without the mounds of strangers Tony would bring to his parties he just couldn’t find himself enjoying them. Bucky would much rather be at home drinking and chatting with his friends than dancing and singing in this sticky bar. That’s why he was sat in the booth at the back of the bar facing the stage, watching his friends sing along to whoever was on stage off key and out of sync. 
He slumped back into the booth, sipping on his drink as he watched Tony serenade Pepper with some song he didn’t know. His peace was interrupted when Sam and Y/N came crashing into the booth on either side of him.
“Hey Bucko,” beamed Sam.
“Buckaroo” laughed Y/N. Bucky rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t hold back a smile or the laugh that escaped him as his drunk friends doubled over in laughter at the nickname. 
“I’m glad you two are having so much fun,” he shook his head as Sam took a swig of his drink and Y/N leaned closer to him. 
“We’re playing a game Buck,” Sam smiled at Y/N as she shot up from her spot on Bucky’s shoulder, as soon as she moved he felt a chill sweep through him.
“It is not we, it is you,” she turned her attention to Bucky and threw an accusing finger at Sam, “he’s trying to get me drunk Bucky!” 
“Doll, I’m afraid you’re already drunk,” Bucky looked at the girl who sat next to him with a shocked expression on her face, her body turned completely towards him.
“I can’t believe you would say that,” she turned back to Sam, “it’s your fault isn’t it!”
“Hey! I merely offered the drink, you’re the one that took it!” Sam slurred out matter-of-factly. Y/N nodded and hummed in reluctant agreement, she relaxed back down into the booth and leaned her head back on Bucky’s shoulder. 
Bucky looked down at the girl on her shoulder who was softly singing along to whoever was on stage now, a small smile found its way onto his face until he thought about what they were actually talking about and his eyebrows furrowed slightly.
“Was the whole game to get her drunk? Dude,” Bucky looked at Sam with a disappointed face, you don’t just go around getting girls drunk for the fun of it.
“No,” Sam’s eyes darted to Bucky and back to the stage, “well maybe but she challenged me to it!”
“Please do tell me more.”
“I asked what drunk Y/N was like because none of us have ever met her and Y/N said, and I quote, ‘if you can get me drunk I’ll gladly introduce you’” he put on his best impression of Y/N and shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal. Bucky couldn’t help but laugh, it was kinda funny okay, he had to admit that. 
“And what did you find out you idiot?”
“Yea Sam, what’d you find,” Y/N slurred out softly, sitting up again and raising her eyebrows at Sam who stuck his tongue out towards her.
“You’re you, but like, times ten and giggly,” this caused an eruption of giggles from Y/N in her drunken state and a laugh from both the men, he wasn’t wrong. “Now if you excuse me, I have a song to sing” Sam jumped up from his seat and ran towards the stage. 
“You don’t want to go join him?” Bucky asked twirling the glass in his hands as he avoided her eye.
“Nah, I’m good here,” Y/N smiled sweetly at him before leaning her elbows in the desk and watching Sam get the dance floor’s attention.
“I would like to dedicate this song to my main man!” Sam pointed towards Steve, “this ones for you spangled man with a plan!” The whole room started cheering and laughing, even Steve laughed as they all started singing along with Sam.
 “Why are mopping back here Bucky?” The pair turned their attention away from Sam dragging Steve onto stage to finish the song and to each other, Y/N leaned forward on her elbows towards Bucky, he tried not to lean further towards her, he tried to push the feeling of wanted to be as close to her as possible deep down.
“Not a fan of parties,” he shrugged. She thought for a minute, eyeing him skeptically before humming. 
“Not a fan of karaoke?” She smiled at him with the playful look in her eyes that he couldn’t resist, and Bucky could only swallow down a mouthful of his drink and nod. “Is it because you haven’t had a song dedicated to you yet Buck? There’s no need to be moping because of that,” Bucky rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to talk but the sudden applause interrupted him, and they looked over to see Sam and Steve bowing and leaping off the stage.
“I call next!” Y/N called out as she stood up but quickly leaned down to Bucky, “don’t worry Buck, I’ll dedicate my song to ya,” she winked and skipped off towards the stage. Bucky watched her jump on and select the song, she didn’t even have to think about what she was picking she already knew the perfect song to sing. 
Bucky didn’t have enough time to process what she was on about. He wasn’t quite sure why it was such a bad thing that he hadn’t had a song dedicated to him. He didn’t mind it. He was more focused on the fact that she’d run away just as fast as she’d arrived at his booth and he hadn’t wanted her to leave. He knew though, as was with all of his friends, there’s no way to control them when there’s alcohol in their systems. As long as their safe, and happy, which they were. 
Y/N wasn’t quite thinking as clearly as she would have liked when she ran up to the stage and selected the song she wanted. Her one thought process, the conclusion she had come to all by herself, was that Bucky was moping because no one had sung for him and he wasn’t enjoying himself. So she was determined to make a change of that. Y/N looked out to the other end of the room and meet Bucky’s eye. He had a wide smile on his face as he watched her, and he raised an eyebrow as the music began. All she could do was give him a smirk and bring the microphone up towards her.
“This is for my favourite super soldier with the long hair and the bright blue eyes!” she winked at him.  
As soon as the music started everyone in the room began whooping and cheering. Y/N stepped to the edge of the stage and held her hand up towards the crowd.
“I don’t want another pretty face,” she screwed her eyes shut and brought her fist towards her stomach dramatically, “I don’t want just anyone to hold,” she opened her eyes and scanned the room, Sam and Clint were wrapped in each other’s arms serenading one another, Tony was pulling Pepper towards the dance floor and giving her a spin. “I don’t want my love to go to waste,” she looked towards Bucky, her movements and her voice getting more and more dramatic with every movement, but her eyes were locked with his as she sang the next line, pointing a finger directly at him.
“I JUST WANT YOU AND YOUR BEAUTIFUL SOUL!!!” the room all shouted in unison.
The song continued and everybody got louder and louder as it went. Y/N felt like she was back in her childhood bedroom, jumping on her bed with a hairbrush microphone with her friends all singing along with over dramatic gestures and their entire soul going into the performance. This really was just the adult version of that.
Bucky watched Y/N dance around the stage singing the song he’d never heard before but deciding it was his new favourite. He laughed every time she pointed towards him, singing just for him. He listened to the lyrics, oh he wanted so badly for there to be truth behind those lyrics she sung to him. He watched her movements slow as she pushed her tangled her back from her face and then held the microphone with both her hands, her eyes not once leaving him as she beamed.
“Am I crazy for wanting you? Baby do you think you could want me too?” he wanted so badly for her to mean those words, he wanted so badly to run up to her on that stage and kiss her like his life depended on it because he did want her too.
Y/N’s eyes darted away from Bucky when she started the chorus again, she tried to push back the butterflies in her stomach from having his eyes glued so tightly to her. She tried to ignore what the song actually meant, this was just fun, it was a throwback song that was just a little bit of fun at a karaoke party. Right? Right?!?
As she came to the end of the song Y/N tried to immerse herself in it, she felt the music flow through her, she felt the alcohol running through her veins, she pushed back any feelings for Bucky that sat in her mind and focused completely on the song and her friends dancing and singing with her.
The song came to an end everybody burst into cheers and applause. Bucky stood up from his seat in the booth and moved to stand in front of it, joining in on the applause smiling at the girl he was so head over heels for. He watched her jump off the stage and stumble before catching herself and being enveloped by Natasha and Rhodey, he watched her high five Wanda and Clint as she made her way through the crowd and he watched her as she stepped up to him giggling.
“Did you enjoy your song Bucky?” Y/N mirrored his stance, arms crossed, shoulders back, smile sitting ear to ear.
“You put on quite a show Y/N” Bucky dropped his arms and stepped closer towards her, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“Well,” she placed her hands on her hips and looked up at Bucky who flicked his tongue along his bottom lip, “I do aim to please.”
Bucky let out a deep chuckle, he pulled her by the wrist back to the booth before walking towards the bar and getting them both another drink.
 “You gonna get out there before the nights over?” Y/N bumped her shoulder against Bucky’s after a few minutes of comfortable silence between the two.
“No way in hell,” he laughed looking back at her.
“Damn, was hoping you’d dedicate one to me,” she gave Bucky a smirk over the brim of her glass, “it’s the least you could do.”
“I can thank you in other ways,” Bucky mustered up whatever confidence he had in him, Y/N put her glass down and turned her body so she faced him fully.
“And how are you going to do that?” she leaned on her head on the booth, waiting for Bucky to make a move, any move.
He didn’t give her an answer, not a vocal one and not at first. Bucky chuckled softly and reached up to place his hand on her cheek, moving it across her skin to the back of her neck. He leaned in closer to her as she stayed in place biting her lip. Bucky brushed his nose against the side of Y/N’s, he had a small smile on his face when he noticed her cheeks turn pink at such a small action.
“I’ve got a few things up my sleeve,” he whispered before closing the gap between them. Their kiss was gentle and quick. She could taste the mixture of Asgardian liquor and the bitterness of beer on his lips but it wasn’t long enough or deep enough for her to remember the taste or feel it on her tongue. When he pulled back he didn’t move far and opted to rest his head on the booth next to hers.
“If that’s how I’m thanked after one song I wonder what another will get me,” she whispered, they kept their voices quiet, no one else needed to hear them.
“Guess you’ll have to sing me another one to find out,” he smiled, he kept his hand at the back of her neck, his fingers tangling themselves in her hair.
“I’ll need to finish my drink before you get another song out of me Buckaroo,” Y/N laughed and sat up, Bucky’s hand fell from her hair and he picked up his own drink, his other hand moved to wrap around her waist lightly.
“I think I’m starting to enjoy this whole karaoke thing,” he smiled at her from behind his drink. He’d let her sing every song under the sun for him up on that godforsaken stage if it meant getting to kiss her again.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it and requests are open!
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