#I drag it from boosty
cabbagege · 11 months
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wiihtigo · 4 months
🚬 🦤🛡️ for the case
oc ask meme
🚬 smoking/drinking habits? signature brand or drink?
she drinks a lot lol. she got it from her mama and started when she was likeeee 12-13 eek! she picks up smoking after nell dies and in ny ending maybe casually when she starts working again (im surprised she didnt earlier)
i dont drink a lot personally so i didnt have an answer for this but took a random quiz online and answered as casey so this is canon now LOL
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🦤 are they particularly smart in any way? how so, or not?
she is smartttt she was a very good student in school. shes good with numbers/math and planning and organizing things efficiently and like multitasking a million things without getting overwhelmed. shes good at writing too and likes reading but like.....she prefers non-fiction books to fiction. like i think she likes reading thick fckn rule books for like card games and stuff. guidebooks and owners manuals. biographies and stuff. she likes reading super boring dense stuff LOL she prefers movies to get her fiction fix. I think shes smart in the way she can teach herself things and grasp concepts quickly.
she struggles in areas of emotional intelligence and with some social stuff though. LOL. asked booster why he even cared when ted died if they hadnt even been talking that much prior. why cant you just get over it. shes fairly good at masking and reading strangers to let them hear what they want or whatll get her out of a conversation quicker but it tires her out and there are just some things she cant wrap her head around no matter how hard she tries.
i think her least enjoyed subject was science (didnt like doing labs) (scared of getting acid in her eyes and going blind)
🛡️how does this character protect themself and others?
observation mostly...if shes in a situation where shes with a stranger shes getting weird vibes from she'll try to end the conversation or interaction naturally and gtfo. becomes hyper aware of her surroundings and tries to just leave asap.. she knows shes not very physically capable so the best option is to just try to peacefully end the interaction..whatever it may be.. shes had a few encounters like this while working for boostie talking to a million ppl trying to get him tv spots and stuff. if the person were to pursue her she'd get cornered animal instinct and lash out in a panic (but, again, shes not very strong so...)
this changes when she starts living with nell cuz now its herrrr job to protect me :) (bitch.. says who) so she becomes a bit less....ahhh...on alert i guess. if i was about to walk into a pit of spikes its ladybugs job to stop me. (STOP DOING THAT) . shes taken care of herself for most of her life so shes pretty good at avoiding trouble. ladybug privileges just drives her a bit power mad i guess LOL
protect OTHERS? casey doesnt care enough about other people to even think about that. and nell is a superhero so why would she need the 5'2 secretary to defend HER??
ok maybe im not being entirely fair. its mostly true though. i guess in a scenario where ladybug was down for the count and some badguy was closing in she'd try slapping him awake and screaming in his ear and dragging him away. she doesnt like thinking about that though. it gives her the ick. maybe eventually it even starts to scare her
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new-pen-name · 2 years
The devil you know
You can support me and read new stories earlier on Boosty!
Mary struggles against the hands that held her, trying to do something, while she was dragged to the closed door in the corner of the warehouse. "What the fuck are you doing? I didn't do anything!" she said again, even knowing that it wouldn't change her captor's mind. "Shut up!" the man on her left said, his grip only getting stronger on her arm. Mary knew that there would be bruises. If she will live long enough for that to happen. "Where are you taking me?" she asked, trying to figure out what were her chances of getting out. "You'll see," the man laughed. They were at the door. One of them opened it and pushed Mary inside. It was empty, just gray concrete walls, a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling, and a chair under it. Mary looked around, trying to figure out if there was someone there, but the light falling on her face was too bright to let her see anything in the darkness. Her captors pushed her to sit on the chair, then pulled her arms behind her back and used zip ties to tie her wrists. She flexed her hands, hoping that she'll be able to get out. They used dark tape on her ankles, tying them to the chair. Now she couldn't move and panic started to slowly creep on her. The men left, and Mary stayed in the room, with her heart beating fast, waiting for something to happen. "It was stupid of you," she heard a voice that sounded somewhat familiar. It belonged to a woman. "To come here, trying to infiltrate. I knew that there was something wrong with you from the start, it wasn't hard to find out that you were a cop." Mary grind her teeth, struggling against the ties. She heard the sound of heels as the woman moved closer to her. Mary hoped to see her face, but she stood in the darkness. "I'm surprised," Maty said, trying to win more time. "I thought you'd just kill me, instead of making me suffer through the villain monolog." The woman laughed, the sound was prettier than Mary would've liked to admit. "Because I know more about you than you realize, Mary. Yes, I know your real name too." The woman moved around her. Now Mary knew that she wasn't just somebody, she was the gang's boss - the person she came here to find. In the next moment, Mary felt her hands squeezing her shoulders. When she looked to the side she saw the dark skin of the boss' hand, her golden rings, and her red nails. "What does it have to do with anything?" Mary asked with frustration. "I'm here, in your power. And I know you won't let me go. So what this is all about?" "It's about an opportunity. Opportunity for you," the woman laughed, walking away. Mary tried to see her face again, but it was impossible. "You were sent into the lion's den all on your own. And your department is as corrupted as it can be. They send you so they could destroy you by my hands. I have another option for you. Would you like to listen?" Mary just laughed. "And you think I'll trust you enough to consider your offer?" she smiled in the darkness. "I don't even know you." "Here you're wrong." The woman pushed the lightbulb. It started moving back and forth, letting Mary see more. Her face… Mary knew that face. "Lana?" she asked, her mouth turning dry. A woman she met a month ago, a woman she was on a few dates with, a woman she slept with… was the one she was sent to find. And she knew that Mary was after her all along. "It's nice to finally have a chance to introduce myself properly," Lana smiled, moving closer. "So, I'll repeat my question - do you want to work with me, Mary?"
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magic-bot · 8 months
Hello. First of all, I would like to say that your creations are stunning and I use a lot of them. They are so realistic and wonderful, every time i look at some of them I feel kinda satisfaction of how they improve the gameplay. But, I came across one issue, so I decided to ask you for help. Your default and non default alpha teeth, released on boosty on March 08th 2022 (i needed to be precise so you could know what teeth I'm talking about) are not showing in my game. I dragged them directly from zip folder, but didn't put the actual zip into the mods folder. Just the packages. My mods are enabled too. The game is updated as far as I know. I have already had some other teeth of your creations that work as default. I also have some other non- default teeth of yours. They all show in game. But these, that I practically need the most, unfortunately, not. I tried both as default and non-default, but both of them don't show. Could you please help me why is this happening or am I doing something wrong. All the best and thanks in advance!
Hello and thank you very much! I downloaded the archives from the posts on March 8th, I just checked and they appear in my game (version There are no teeth for infants and some versions of teeth for children, since I haven't updated this content or added new ones in a long time. Otherwise, all replacements and additional versions appear as expected. Make sure that you are using the latest version of the game and that there are no old versions or conflicts with these files in your folder. If you downloaded replacements from other authors, they will not work with my replacements.
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