hellsitegenetics · 2 days
Dear Hellsites Genetics,
I love all the hard work you do and I really appreciate it. I'm currently learning biology and I'm starting to get really into it. I hope that you are well all the time, and that you have all the luck and happiness in your future. You inspired me to study biology, and I'm really grateful for it. Thank you once again!
With love and respect,
An anonymous amino acid creature
String identified: a t Gtc,
a t a a a acat t. ' ct ag g a ' tatg t gt a t t. tat a a t t, a tat a a t c a a t. t t g, a ' a gat t. Ta c aga!
t a ct,
A a a ac cat
Closest match: Plasmodium sp. DRC-Itaito genome assembly, chromosome: 10 Common name: Unclassified Malaria-Causing Parasite
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(image source) Note: this image is not of the same organism, but of P. falciparum, which is of the same genus.
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bovineblogger · 2 days
im sad and dissapointed that you endorse eating cows, fuck u
hi! i can tell that you care about animals. you want to help them. thats awesome! thats so good!
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this is the wrong way to do it, okay? animal agriculture is a cornerstone of human society. it existed long, long before us and it will exist long, long after. shaming people for eating cows will not end it. in fact, animal agriculture is the reason we have cows at all! and thats super special!
so, how can you help?
if you want cows to live long healthy lives, the easiest way to help is to support smaller local farmers! shaming anyone that eats meat not only does nothing to help animals, it keeps the power n money with all the big wealthy farming conglomerates that do actually mistreat animals!
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cussing at people that advocate for animal welfare and humane farming practice helps no one. by behaving like this, you are harming your image, you are harming your cause, and you are harming cows. donate to the spca or something if you want to help, okay?
images (x) (x) (x)
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comicaurora · 2 days
great to see you're one of the men who talk over women when they say JoCat gives them the ick 🙄 men will continue to be lonely as long as they respond to women who want them to change with "um TECHNICALLY I'm not doing anything wrong" like ok yeah he shouldn't be cancelled but women are allowed to say he makes them uncomfortable
hilarious. hi, I'm a woman, and also that's a very uncreative way to rephrase "I like leaving my Cringe Instinct unexamined and making my snap judgment of strangers everybody else's problem"
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charlott2n · 8 hours
I'm so glad you're back. I've missed your wisdom so much.
there are creatures called "animals" and you can be friends with each and every one of tgem.
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punkitt-is-here · 1 day
your marine biology drawing makes you look like the worlds funnest pokemon professor i would play your pokemon game
play my pokemon games boy...........
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soup-mother · 1 day
You were posting about games targeted towards women the other day, and today, nintendo released a trailer about the new TLoZ game with Zelda as the playable character, and they fucking took everything cool from the game away because it wasn't girly. You can't even fight enemies. You have to either throw stuff at them or summon minions to fight for you. The more I think about it, the more upset I get.
wow holy shit. i looked it up and like..i won't say i was right but WOW was that accidental foreshadowing. not sure if you saw my addition but i straight up talked about zelda
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literally having a female protagonist made them go "well we need to change how the game works". i feel vindicated here and also grumpy. hurrayyy "first playable zelda protagonist but sure hope you weren't expecting her to have the same level of skill or agency as link!"
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amtrak-official · 2 days
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If I got a Mr. Honk-Honk could I somehow get you to sign it?
We aren't selling them anymore ):
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blueskittlesart · 1 day
do you think when eos zelda misses link she wraps his cloak around herself and imagines he's holding her. do you think she wears it so much it starts getting worn and she painstakingly repairs every tear and washes out every stain. do you think when she reunites with link she wraps it around him and he sees all the love she put into keeping it safe and understands that she loves him?? blue do you think???
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babygirl i could draw ship fanart of characters that dont even exist yet
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runtwithwolves · 2 days
drawing request lol maybe kyle and tolkein being bros?
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Hey guys! have you seen our latest tiktok?
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frownyalfred · 2 days
hahahaha cue bruce making out with every JL member to improve his gut biota (Hal Jordan — space microbes, Arthur - atlantean microbes, Diana - she’s hot)
You’re joking but if it really was safe and advantageous for him to do so….you KNOW he’d figure out a way to heavily make out with a wide variety of folks just to build up immunity to space bugs.
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hellsitegenetics · 1 day
sometimes i worry that we will run out of moths. i fear we are moving through them at an alarming rate. i scroll through this blog and i see the amount of posts that have already been identified as moths and i think, how many more moths are left? many i hope. i love moths.
good news chief. 160,000 moth species
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bovineblogger · 3 days
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dungeon meshi understands the Beauty of cow interaction...
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comicaurora · 15 hours
wait, so what's goin on with JoCat? why are they the victim of the week?
This was a thing back in late 2023. JoCat received enough harassment for - and I cannot stress this enough - literally no reason that he left the internet entirely for several months with no promises to return. Some people called him weak for this, and those people are very lucky that I don't know where they live.
Everyone with a modicum of decency or empathy thought this was a huge tragedy and a failure of human goodness, and his absence was mourned across a staggering number of platforms even by people who only knew him by distant reputation. Of course, the people who think men shouldn't wear skirts or hairbows or express feelings thought this was a huge victory, and for reasons inexplicable to me, many self-declared online leftists seemed happy to side with those charming people in the triumph that they had successfully bullied and harassed a kind, sincere, GNC man so badly that he might have vanished from the internet forever. Apparently when it comes to punishing "cringe", no ally is too toxic to rally alongside.
With months to reflect and public opinion gradually catching up to the obvious conclusion that this was bullshit and should never have been allowed to happen, the handful of people who continue to act like their harassment campaign was in any way justified have mostly doubled down on "well I never said I WASN'T a huge dickhead" so they can pretty safely be ignored until they decide to start participating in the basic courtesy required for the human social contract again.
Thankfully Jo has held up pretty well with support from friends and loved ones, and has recently started being active online again. Putting himself back in the fray is an act of bravery I don't think I could match if I were in his shoes, but I'm glad he's feeling comfortable sharing the work he loves again, even if, in my opinion, the vast majority of the internet doesn't deserve that second chance.
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charlott2n · 2 days
so you're the occultist with a quiz show right??
yes indeed! do ytou want to hear about the time a priest got so religious that he died or something
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punkitt-is-here · 2 days
Hey, dunno if this is anything, but I wanted to say, seeing you transition brings me joy in an odd way.
I’m a cis-girl, and I’ve run through many of the experiences your beginning to have. But, to me there’s something very special about the happiness you experience in having them. A lot of these (like make-up for ex) were things I just “had” to do because I was a woman and i had to fit inside the standards of one to some degree. It made me isolated from them because I couldn’t separate femininity from the social pain.
But then seeing trans-woman like you go through them with a great euphoria to be feminine or to be a woman, it healed me in a way I can’t describe. I started wearing long skirts again, I put on makeup for myself, I started wearing face paint designs and flowers and braiding my hair because I found joy in being feminine again. Seeing someone love turning into a woman- BEING a woman, it overwhelmed me with a love so big I kind of wanted to cry. The love of being a woman in any way, not just trying to fit the perception of someone else’s ideal of “woman”, is something so important to me but I didn’t even realize it until seeing trans woman just enjoy it. We are woman and people can’t take that away from us.
so everytime you feel a win from feeling pretty in an outfit or something like that, I hope you know I’m rooting for you. And I hope you know it’s small bursts of love that trans-woman have that make me want to be a woman again. Thank you.
THIS IS SO SWEET????!??!?!?? THANK YOU!??!?!?!? IM GONNA CRY THIS MEANS SO MUCH TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
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etdanger · 3 days
hear me out.
red flag bf cheol manipulating you into loosing your virginity to him
we both know this is the basic, a whole plan forms in his hand after the third time you tell him you’re not ready yet. because the first time he can endure it, even if he really wanted to fuck you that soon into the relationship it’s actually good to keep with his fake good boyfriend persona, the second is okay-ish, it’s a you thing… but the third? it’s been months without anything! in the end of the day he’s just a man, y’know? he needs it. can’t hide his frustration as you push him away again and once he looks at you and sees you feel bad and hears the shakiness in your voice saying “but… but i could help you” the gears start to turn on his mind, quick to deny it but you insist, so it’s not bad, right? it’s not on him, you are insisting on that, he didn’t do shit. has a blast watching you take his cock in hand, even if you’re all gentle and not really knowing what to do, he comes fast just because of the sight.
starts thinking about other ways to use you then until getting the chance to fuck you, the perfect reasons to make you feel guilty, and jerking him off soon becomes him fucking your thigh, it makes you feel so dirty, his cum all over your skin, which soon leads to blowjobs and him making you swallow every drop because he insists on coming in your mouth but again, it’s you, didn’t you complain about finding it gross? it wouldn’t be a problem if you simply let him fuck you but since you don’t want that there’s only one other way to fix it! he is just a pro in making the most absurd things seem like logic and you just sit there feeling bad because well, he is right :(
when it happens, he doesn’t warn you or ask you, he simply takes and plays dumb after. it’s making out that turns into you on his lap, his hands roaming over your body and once you whimper his name, to say it’s too much, he just shushes you, telling you to trust him, he won’t do anything you don’t want. it’s only a matter of time before you’re basically riding him, one hand guiding your hips back and forth while the other keeps your sleep shorts out of the way, your pussy covered only by your underwear which doesn’t do much as you are wet and his pre cum is all over it. he obviously knows what he is doing, purposefully getting you closer to the edge, getting you distracted enough to also pull your underwear to the side and nestle his cock between your lips, satisfied smile on his face at how wet you are, how warm you feel, switch turning inside him as the head of his cock nudges at your entrance and you jump, wide eyed, so cute trying to move away from him but he is much stronger, keeping your hips in place and groaning so loud as he slides inside you. he anticipated this moment so much that he basically doesn’t need to fuck you, bounces you up and down a few times but hearing you cry and call his name, your walls adjusting to his size and squeezing him, it’s enough to make him cum deep inside. wipes your tears and plays with your clit, encouraging you to be good, to come for him because “daddy needs to feel you, come on, just give me that”.
manipulative bitch, soooo good at pretending it was an accident, he couldn’t help it, couldn’t resist you, that he is so sorry for doing that, understands you not trusting him anymore, all the things he knows will make you feel bad it, as if it’s your fault because look at him now he feels so guilty, that never would happen if you just… had sex with him.
had to add some daddy kink and now can’t stop thinking about dadbf!seungcheol oooh save me deranged man who gets off by being called dad and calling his gf daughter.
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