#I like baking so I've been meaning to try making shortbread and sugar cookies just to see what they taste like
canisalbus · 10 months
Vasco seems like a honeycomb (candy) type of guy tbh
Never heard of it before, but it looks nice. Apparently it's really easy to make at home as well? Is it good?? The texture seems interesting.
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bygone-age · 5 years
Holby City Bake Off (Week 2)
I think people liked my first Bake Off fic and I had lots of fun writing it, so I'm going to try and keep them up! I need to catch up with the show, so let's see how it goes!
"Yes sweetheart, I made sure I picked up the smartie cookies and yes, I'll tell Sacha you miss him. Now put your dad on and you behave. I love you too. Johnny? It's fine if she watches Bake Off, but tell her to get ready for bed half way through and she'll go straight there when it's finished. Of course I'm serious! She loves it, she's had me making biscuits all week. She's not at school tomorrow because of that training thing so she'll be fine. Yes, eleven o'clock is fine, I'm not in tomorrow so it'll be me picking her up. OK, I'll see you then, bye. "
Jac sighed and sat back in her car for a moment. Johnny was a good guy, but he could try her patience sometimes. Still, at least they got on reasonably well. Grabbing her bag and the two containers she got up and headed into Sacha's building.
While waiting for the lift, Nicky bounded up to her as cheerful as Tigger on half a pound of sugar.
"Hello! I thought that was you! I thought I might be late, but obviously not seeing as you're -"
Jac smiled and let the younger woman chatter on. She would never admit it to her, but she'd become fond of Nicky and when she wasn't talking too much, she was very good company - they'd ended up having a pretty decent time last week and she was actually looking forward to tonight, so she let the younger woman go on as the lift rose.
Nicky's chattering about what tea Ric Griffin might drink (the old man was a Bake Off fan, who knew?) stopped when they got out of the lift and saw Sacha waiting for them.
"Hi! Ric's already here and if you can stop his "loose tea is better than bags" lecture, I will let you have all of the florentines."
Jac laughed, but Nicky just smiled and waved her shopping bag a bit.
"Well I bought both, but he's right - you do get a better cuppa with loose tea. It is a bit fiddly though if you're not sure what you're doing. Can I put this in the kitchen?"
With a surprised look, Sacha directed her to the kitchen while he and Jac followed behind.
"Bit of a surprise that, but so was the two boxes of homemade shortbread."
"Ric made shortbread!?! I had him pegged as a savoury snack man."
"Apparently, it's the perfect thing for a good cup of tea - which is when the lecture started!" he noticed the boxes under Jac's arm. "Are those gingersnaps?"
"Yes and these -" she passed him the smaller box "-are from Emma, so you get the first ones. Chocolate and Smarties. She misses you."
"Tell her I miss her too and thank you for these. Now, let's get in before my kitchen is turned in to a tea shop!"
They laughed, shared a quick hug and headed inside.
"Why don't they just pour the chocolate over the top? Those moulds are rubbish."
Jac picked up a shortbread and a florentine before replying to Nicky.
"Because they're morons. But also it's probably a rule. They've all got them. Shortbread's good by the way Ric."
"Thank you. Your tea making is... at least average."
Sacha snorted his tea into Jac's lap, Nicky nearly choked on her cookie and Ric almost kept a straight face. Even Jac was Laughing. A little.
"Careful! Her cupcake aim is deadly, she can probably throw these florentines like Frisbees!"
"Shut up both of you or I'm taking the gingersnaps home!"
"Noooooo! Not the gingersnaps!"
"What? It was funny!"
"Urgh! Hopeless the lot of you! And I'm borrowing a shirt during the break, my t-shirt is sticking to me!"
Jac pretended to sulk during the remainder of the first task and during the break while Nicky made "a proper pot of Earl Grey. I've even got lemons*", she borrowed a t-shirt from Sacha and traded her last two gingersnaps to Ric for a shortbread square, a florentine and half a smartie cookie. The programme had been on a minute when Nicky came in with a loaded tray.
"Here we are. Proper tea. Totally worth taking the time over. What have I missed?"
"Noel proposed to Prue. Sandi's going to officiate."
Unlike Ric, Jac managed to keep a straight face. Everyone else was a different matter.
"Jac! You nearly made her drop the pot!"
Sacha helped Nicky steady herself and pass out the tea.
"Spoilsport. Alright then, the technical is fig rolls."
Nicky sat back down next to Ric and grinned.
"I once ate three packets of those in less than three minutes. A bet during fresher's week. I won half a bottle of Bushmills and three cocktails."
Everyone was so surprised, she got to eat the last florentine.
NEXT WEEK: BREAD WEEK. Emma has a school trip, so Jac promises her a Bake Off Watch Party when she comes back. This means everyone who's invited has to avoid the results for a few days. There are death threats. And Bernie reveals a talent for naan bread.
There we are! Hope you enjoyed this!
*Earl Grey is often served with a slice of lemon. Nicky wanted to make an effort.
These 👇 👇 are florentines. These particular ones are a Mary Berry recipe.
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