#I'm censoring certain words because I'm shy LOL
daisynik7 ยท 1 year
attention fellow horny bitches, bros, and non-binary hoes:
there is a nsfw VA that I am deeply, DEEPLY obsessed with at the moment: DeepChoiceVA on r/gonewildaudio.
I just listened to this today: [M4F] Creampies and Donuts (reddit link, +18). I kid you not, it's a little over 15 minutes and I swear I [redacted] at least three times.
He's got a deep voice, but not too deep; it's slow, lazy, and just plain sexy. His dirty talk is so so good, he's out here saying things like, "your [redacted] looks so good split open around my [redacted]" like SHEESH I'm sweating, I'm taking notes for future use because my god it's so good. Credit to the script writer u/qmalice because they are a genius writing this god-tier script.
honorable mentions: [MMM4F] A Pool Party Turns Into a Fucking Competition (reddit link, 18+) - this is how I first discovered him, and honestly, I couldn't get my mind off of his voice specifically. also, threesome, of course it's good.
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liannelara-dracula ยท 2 years
Anon Asked: ๐Ÿ˜ณhow do the TG Boys make their gf blush?
P.S. I'm going to start using their first names instead unless I feel like it's weird to call them by their first name. :)
Requests are open
*certain words have been censored for Tumblr guidelines.
Its usually the other way around but I would say this is mostly if he does something special.
And you feel giddy inside or whatever
But even then I don't think he makes his gf blush, at least not purposely.
And he doesn't care if his gf is the type to blush or not.
He doesn't always tea$e, but if you blush easily compared to him he totally will tea$e.
Just a little.
โ€œYouโ€™re blushing.โ€ Heโ€™d point out.
โ€œShut up!โ€
Tea$es you a lot.
Especially if you are the type of blush a lot.
Once he gets you to blush he wants to make it happen over, and over.
He'll do anything to see it happen.
He thinks its adorable and pinches your cheeks.
"You're so cute, Y/n. . . . . Don't tell me this makes you even redder? Aww, you're so cute!" He'd say ruffling your hair.
If she's shy about things or whatever he knows where the limit is and makes sure not to make her feel embarrassed all the time.
Overall he loves you and thinks youโ€™re cute.
Likes to tea$e you sometimes.
I think it'd mostly be s*xual.
Kinda like if you won't admit that his touch feels good or whatever.
Maybe when he walks in shirtless?
He doesn't do it a lot.
But if alone in an intimate moment, he will whisper very dirty things in your ear.
Usually, when he's in the mood.
I feel like you make him blush.
He doesn't tease, at least not regularly, so when he does it it's kind of special.
Like he'll go and say something smart.
And you'll hit his arm playfully and be like, "Shut up, Ren."
And he just laughs.
Like I said, it's a rare f*cking site to see.
OMG Run!
No, like fr.
B*tch does not go easy on you, not even for a minute.
If you're shy or blush easily, you are in deep trouble.
Even the tiniest bit of blush on your face amuses him, all the more for him to make it worse and have you turn red.
He'd be especially fixated on it if he noticed that your usually not phased by much kinda like him in that sense, except that when certain things happen or are said and you blush. He's just all for it.
He likes it, especially if his partner is the one to show many emotions instead of him.
It's interesting to him.
Plus, he likes seeing an embarrassed girl he can further tea$e to like no end.
And he always points it out if you're blushing.
And I'd say that he usually makes you blush because he's saying something dirty or s*xual to you.
โ€œTaste is the most important thing in a relationship.โ€
โ€œUta, what are you saying?โ€
โ€œKnowing the way you taste tells me how much you like me . . . And want me.โ€
Or even when he tells you that you're cute or something.
And the sm*rk he gives.
Like Uta has no mercy honestly.
Like Uta, there is almost no difference.
The only difference is that this man's way of making you blush is only through s*xual-related things.
He never beats around the bush about how he feels, how he wants to make you feel, and what he wants to do.
Like he doesn't care if you find it to be embarrassing.
He will whisper this in your ear and loves how red you become.
Even saying it to your face makes him sm!rk because you don't have an answer for him.
"What's the matter, princess, cat caught your tongue?"
And other things like: "Do you know how cute you sound in bed with me?"
Takizawa (Ghoul):
I would shorten his name to Sei, but only when it's in dialogue not for the top part, since I'm sure we all go by the last name. Idk my brain never does it differently, even if English is my mother tongue. lol.
He doesn't tea$e that often but its like here and there.
So you will sometimes blush, although I think neither one of you are the blushing type?
Maybe you just don't get in those instances often.
And most times, even if you're blushing, he doesn't say anything.
He keeps it to himself and finds it cute.
Only some s*xual remarks of his can make you blush from time to time.
Or possibly seeing him n@ked from time to time might definitely have you blushing.
But he doesnโ€™t always say things to you but he sometimes does.
Like sometimes when he compliments you on your curves.
โ€œI canโ€™t complain when everythingโ€™s all in the right place.โ€
โ€œAnd what if it wasnโ€™t?โ€
โ€œIt always will be. Why would I ever give this up?โ€ Heโ€™d say pulling the back of your body further into him only to clutch your @ss.
ห—หห‹ ๐‘Ž๐‘™๐‘™ ๐‘š๐‘ฆ ๐‘ค๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘ก๐‘–๐‘›๐‘” ๐‘–๐‘  ๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘”๐‘–๐‘›๐‘Ž๐‘™ ๐‘๐‘ข๐‘ก ๐ผ ๐‘‘๐‘œ ๐‘›๐‘œ๐‘ก ๐‘œ๐‘ค๐‘› ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘ก๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘  หŽหŠห— ยฉ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ”~Present
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writingwithcolor ยท 3 years
I'm Chinese American and I was wondering what your east asian mods (and followers) think about non east asian writers using slurs when depicting racism against east asian characters.
I don't like it, but idk. When I come across slurs it's kinda uncomfortable and jarring. But I also get wanting accuracy. I've looked through your other posts on slurs, most regarding the n word, and the consensus seems to be "you don't need to, and it's triggering for your readers" but I'm wondering if there are any scenarios where it would be necessary for a writer to do, and how to tell.
It's one thing if the author is making money off of the work - but what about fanfiction? If they're writing it just for fun, and not profiting off of it, does that make it any different?
Also, I'm wondering if an AO3 tag like "period typical racism" feels sufficient for warning readers about slurs (I'm relatively new to ao3 so I'm not sure if it's my fault for reading fic with that tag that contains slurs lol). Especially when it comes to worlds that aren't our own, that might be based on a certain time or place but aren't exactly that time/place.
I understand that most people come to this blog for questions pertaining stories they're writing, and my question is more of something that I've just been debating in my head lately. So no pressure to answer if you don't want to. Either way, thank you for your time!
Using/Depicting Slurs Against East Asians in Writingย 
TW: Uncensored slur in third paragraph
Slurs should not be used for the sake of using them, or shock value. Iโ€™d strongly suggest censoring it, especially if you arenโ€™t a member of that group. Readers will know what the word is. Content warnings should also be present.
However, censorship is not a substitute for critical analysis on why you want to include a slur and if itโ€™s truly necessary.ย 
Additionally, depending on the time period, terms we would consider โ€œslursโ€ - or offensive - were commonly used or colloquial terms at the time. For example, during the 1900โ€™s in the PNW and California, the colloquial term for Sikhs was โ€œragheadโ€ - something I now reclaim. Thereโ€™s a news article from the 1920โ€™s where the author interviews a Sikh family and thatโ€™s what she calls them in the title. Today, most people consider it a slur, or at the very least offensive and bigoted. In a historical context, I personally would not care if it was uncensored. If youโ€™re attempting to demonstrate racism in a modern context, I think censorship is, at the very least, worth considering.
Regardless, power dynamics, privilege, and even personal experiences will affect the reactions. I tend to shy away from uncensored slurs, and if I do include them thereโ€™s a specific purpose, because my first experiences with racism involved hearing them used towards me. Others will see it differently and I think all perspectives are important to consider when writing.
- SK
Agreed. Huge emphasis on the appropriate content warnings.
With period typical racism, I do understand how going for historically accurate language will include slurs. However, I wouldnโ€™t use slurs that are directed to groups that Iโ€™m not a part of, at all, coming from my own background as an East Asian. Nor would I feel comfortable about non-Asian authors using anti-East Asian slurs.
~ Mod Em
My opinions below are for the consideration of East Asian writers and how I view the issue as a person of E. Asian descent. I think non-East Asian writers may benefit from the information below, but I think this topic is still an intra-community issue and thus donโ€™t yet have a personal stance for our user-base as a whole.
This is an interesting question and I think it depends on how one feels about safety and media. While I understand the utility of trigger warnings and censorship for some, I was not raised in an environment that prioritized either concept. I was also exposed to a lot of upsetting media on bigotry, injustice and genocide from a very young age. I donโ€™t think I would understand everything that I do about racism, sexism, colonization, imperialism, oppression etc. or how to empathize with people from a wide variety of backgrounds if it werenโ€™t for these experiences. It is hard to learn much about the things that repulse us, including slurs/ hate speech, from a distance. Which slur, and how a slur is used towards someone (and being Ambiguous Ethnic, I have had many slurs directed towards me) tell me a lot about the person using the slur, and that can be important information for a writer.ย 
I am not in favor of gratuitous usage of slurs for shock value. This is lazy writing and only jarrs the reader from their immersion within the story. However, consider a story set in 1946 America with an East Asian protagonist. It would be odd if no slurs are employed against this character. With that in mind, here are 4 points to consider on using slurs when writing:ย 
1. To Censor or Not to Censor
For modern sensibilities, perhaps we might opt to censor, but as SK says, censorship doesnโ€™t make the audience less aware that a terrible thing was said. Personally, I think censorship also further sensationalizes words with powerful holds over us. I think the duration of these holds is overlong. Iโ€™d rather not live in fear of slurs, and I donโ€™t want to encourage my readers to do so, either. So, I likely wouldnโ€™t censor, but I would include trigger warnings at the start of the story (โ€œThis work contains period accurate usage of uncensored slursโ€) .ย 
2. Slur Usage in Contextย 
Who and under what circumstance a slur is made, in my view, is a more important point of consideration than the slur itself; they reflect the userโ€™s intrinsic bias or how the user wants the recipient to feel. Because itโ€™s not just the slur: itโ€™s what the slur represents. Lynchings, internments, racism, police brutality, exclusion, hate crimes, xenophobia, shame, all of it. Thus, I think the author should consider how to use slurs sparingly in ways that effectively communicate their point. Consider the following scenarios; which of them are better usages of slurs in the story?
Our protagonist is attacked by a hostile individual who uses a slur as a form of aggression
Our protagonist is yelled at by a normally quiet coworker/ classmate in a moment of anger
Our protagonist hears a friend or loved one use the slur in casual conversation when describing other individuals of the protagonistsโ€™ racial/ ethnic background.ย 
This is a trick question. All are effective usage of slurs, but likely less so if they all happen within quick succession in the same story. However, each of them, on their own, tell us something about the characters around our protagonist, and the world they live in, and can be particularly enlightening to non-East Asian readers who trivialize slurs against East Asians. Consider a reader who reads scenario 1 and thinks โ€œWhat an asshole!โ€ Will this reader adequately recognize the harm in scenarios 2 or 3?ย 
3. How does your character react?ย 
Your ability as an author to show how the slur makes the protagonist feel will play a large role in how your reader will feel about the biases and prejudices communicated by that slurโ€™s usage. It makes sense for our protagonist to be shocked/ scared in scenario 1. This helps the audience understand โ€œThat was not ok.โ€ However, to make individuals who havenโ€™t experienced a particular kind of prejudice (like slurs) understand why prejudice is insidious, your characterโ€™s reaction to scenarios like 2 and 3 must signal that they, too, are not ok. Doing so will bring even more obtuse readers to the โ€œwhat an asshole!โ€ reaction in scenarios 2 and 3. The slur users just happen to be assholes in different ways.
4. How do you show your protagonist coping?
This is key, and where I think authors who havenโ€™t experienced hate speech on a regular basis often fail. Being on the receiving end of slurs necessitates the formation of coping skills, preferably healthy ones. Otherwise, readers from the background you are portraying are just going to feel stressed and drained, no matter how poignant your portrayal of dealing with discrimination is.
Personal anecdote:ย 
I remember my sibling once came home from nursery school crying. My mother asked them what was wrong, and they said someone called them a pig.ย 
My mother asked, โ€œAre you a pig?โ€ They stopped crying abruptly and forcefully replied, โ€œNo!โ€ย 
โ€œThen you arenโ€™t a pigโ€, my mother remarked, and went on preparing dinner.ย 
My sibling credits that interaction with helping them deal with slurs and insults even into adulthood. By understanding that slurs are symbols meant to convey the idea of being โ€œlessโ€, they were able to cope by reminding themselves that they were not โ€œlessโ€.ย 
Giving your character helpful, empowering coping skills helps strike the balance between the injustice of disrimination and hope.ย 
In Summary
I think the issue of when and how to use slurs runs deeper than content warnings and use/ donโ€™t use. Showing how slurs affect characters in the moment can quickly communicate the fact that slurs are bad and should not be used in everyday life. At the same time, depicting coping skills can remind readers affected by slurs that their day doesnโ€™t have to be ruined by assholes. I have neglected talking about slurs and intersectionality, because I think the feel of a slur changes immensely depending on whether the user is white versus non-white as well as the level of privilege they enjoy due to gender, class, etc. but that might be a discussion for another time.
Ask published Oct 2021
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nightswithkookmin ยท 4 years
Hi I just want to ask something. Do you think Jungkook has been always like/love Jimin the way he is before or just when he started to glow up. I'm just asking this bc you know Jungkook has been always rank Jimin last on looks or said he look different without makeup before. I know he didn't meant harm to Jimin but do you think Jimin has been trying to look good and go on extreme diet to be loved by Jungkook or Jungkook has been always trying to hide his feelings for him but act tough
What an interesting question....
For a moment there I thought I had already discussed this in my blog posts? Chileee.
Now you'd have to specify which period in time you consider a glow up point for Jimin. Do you mean the period of 2014/15 when he was starving himself, passing out on stage and bleeding through his nose to stay anorexic? *Side eyeing you.
To me, Jimin's 'glow up' coincided with their debut in 2013. Those fine abs, sculpted muscles yet soft toned feminized features- sorry Jimin, you weren't fooling no one.
This was also the period I noticed JK showing overt signs of sexual and emotional attraction towards Jimin. Jimin just seemed oblivious to it. And he would begin his own whipped journey around 2015/16 in my opinion.
Personally, I believe JK fell first for Jimin and 'turned' him- turned for lack of a better word. I don't buy into this whole Jimin fell first JK fell harder rhetoric.
But I think JK's interest in Jimin began long before this period. I don't think Jk had fully grasped the concept of his own sexuality much less to have come to terms with it in any time before 2012- before Jimin arrived in Bangtan- ok maybe he had a vague idea of it, but I do believe Jimin was his sexual and romantic awakening.
Jk and Jimin have two very distinct and opposite idol personas. I keep saying this.
Since we don't know them in person, I think it's safe to assume every aspect of them we experience on screen is a persona.
That persona is a facade, a curated wall on which they project bits and pieces of their true self and often put up a performance of this identity for our consumption.
In Jk's persona, he likes to retract and conceal aspects of his true personality and censor himself a lot while JM likes to amplify and exaggerate his true personality and put up a performance of it.
As I've said, it's mainly due to their backgrounds. JK was given a lot of leeway in his upbringing which he feels puts him at a disadvantage because he ends up exposing himself too much. Thus he likes to retract and hold himself back.
Jimin coming from a conservative background with many rules and what not revels in the new found freedom Idol life gives him so often he doesn't hold back as much as JK does. But that doesn't mean that who they really are in real life.
So often you'd hear people say Jimin looks more serious in person than he does on camera while JK is said to be more expressive than he usually is on camera.
But here is the thing, concealing his feelings is not JK's nature it's his choice. And this is very important to note. He chooses not to do certain things on camera while Jimin chooses to do certain things on camera.
So when JK is not showing his feelings for Jimin it's not because he can't show those feelings, it's more like he doesn't want to show those feelings.
Thus when people say he wasn't showing his feelings for Jimin because he was shy I raise my brows- Shy my ass. Lol
Was he acting tough then? Hmmmm. He likes to act tough no two ways about that. I've said he has a good poker face between him and Jimin. If you are not careful you might think he doesn't like Jimin. But trust me, that man is whipped on god.
But I don't think that's what he was doing in those early dynamics.
I think he was hesitant in pursuing Jimin openly at the time because he wasn't sure about Jimin's sexual orientation much less whether or not Jimin reciprocated the feelings he had for him.
And you could tell not knowing these about Jimin terrified JK a lot, hence his hesitation.
But later when he was certain of both he became more confident in the way he expressed himself and his feelings for Jimin.
Prior to this you could see him fishing and testing the waters with Jimin, slowly pushing Jimin's boundaries- a gentle touch here, a lingering stare there.
He would often pay attention to the things Jimin would say but especially about his romantic and sexual preferences. Like when Tae said he felt Jimin liked men and when Jimin was asked about why he liked JK and JK seemed like he wanted to know.
Then he went through that phase where he seemed obsessed with Jimin's reaction to when other guys sexualised him and expressed interest in him. He seemed very attentive to these little details in a way that seemed to me as if he was fishing for confirmation that Jimin actually liked men and liked him- in a nonplatonic manner.
I feel Jimin noticed these things too in JK but was mostly fascinated by it. So often he would go out of his way to express his sexuality, exaggerate it and perform it as if to let JK know he was ok with JK liking him in that kind of way. Often, you'd see him egging JK on to touch him where JK seemed hesitant, reassuring JK- I think y'all know the bit I'm talking about. I feel JM wanted JK to feel comfortable expressing his interest in him- he ain't slick.
I've said Jimin's persona is a performance. I can see how to JK that could be very confusing. Hell, half of the fandom still read Jimin wrong to this day. Is he gay, bi, straight, a woman, a man, bigender- it's a lot of questions. Legitimate questions.
And I think for JK, seeing Jimin behave like the rest of BTS with the skinship towards him was equally confusing. So often he would shy away from it. Jk was going through puberty, everything was heightened for him.
It's also important to consider the possibility that, if JK was LGBTQ plus that he was going to hide it and not come out to his bandmates for as long as he worked with them- because it's none of their business first and foremost but also because it would have affected their attitudes towards him.
I mean look at the fear and panic with which they greet Jikook when Jikook breath anywhere near eachother in public spaces- not to call them out or anything but I don't think if they were straight that they were going to treat them same. I mean Taejin is as wild as Jikook but.... sigh.
So then going on to catch feelings for one of such said band mates who gives off queer vibes, he had better be sure about him before coming out to him and confessing to him lest he risked his career and friendship with him.
If Jimin wasn't LGBTQ plus it would have been cruel of him to act the way he does with JK honestly. For instance Joking about marriage knowing full well the fight LGBTG plus couple have to put up to have this basic human right- of course JK would yeet himself out of that conversation. I'm talking about that Jikook Vlive and all the time JK has squeezed his face disgruntledly when Jimin has asked him to have his kids- like why Jimin!
Jimin I feel because he is Bi whatever doesn't take this gay business seriously at all. If you've ever dated a bisexual you'd know the feeling. He is my bias and I love him but God he frustrates me for Jk honestly.
What annoys me most is I know how deep he is into JK. Like I've never seen a man so in love with another man in my entire queer life! Like shut up whippidy whipped ass we saw your face at Manila. You like that man. You like him.
Let JK put up a front and you'll see this tactless homegirl descending into that space we all hate so much and embarrassing himself left right left clinging on to JK seeking validation and reassurance- like can you be serious in your life for once Park Jimin. ๐Ÿ˜’
Anywho, I went off on a tangent there. Sorry.
But yes, this is another aspect of their dynamic I feel most people get twisted. Jimin enjoys JK's expressions of interest in him- however way he does it. Jk enjoys it too when Jimin shows him he wants him. Remember magic shop? Show me, I'll show you? And that line JK sang to Jimin that made Jimin nervous on Live with VMin? Yea...
They love each other and they love when the other is showing and expressing their love. Hell, isn't that why they are constantly trying to find creative ways to communicate their love? 5/8, love letters punctuated with sorries? Chileee.
Could Jimin's look be a contributing factor to JK liking him? Let me put it this way. People are attracted to people for a plethora of reasons, physical appearance being one of them.
Looks attract people, emotional connection binds them and make them stay. I have said this time and again JK is attracted to all of Jimin-looks, everything. When asked which part of of Jimin he liked most he put all of Jimin as the answer.
With regards to JM's weight, I think the tears he shed on stage during the performance of I Need You says it all. Jimin was killing himself and it was killing JK. Jimin wasn't doing all that out of self love much less for the love of JK.
He was doing all that because he wanted to be an Idol in every sense of the word. He was killing himself for his career. A career JK was once willing to walk away from and JM advised him to stay.
Jk defies the dictates of his career with the piercings and tattoos and gay pubs- the emphasis is mine. Y'all think he is about to be demanding of his life partner to look like what now? Chileee.
And when JK was starving himself and losing weight who was it that brought him down that ledge? Jimin. If it was a positive thing I thing he would have encouraged him.
Jk allegedly called Jimin his Mochi in that infamous graduation night track video. Did you see his reaction to when James Corden called Jimin Mochi? Baby fat cheeked Jimin was cute not ugly. And even if you think he was, JK still found that attractive. Jimin could be looking like my Aunt Becky and Jk would still fuck him.
Have you seen JK freeze frame to take snapshot photos of Jimin? It's almost always pictures of Jimin looking like the wicked witch of the west. He loves him some park Jimin memes. Loves that man to death.
How many times have he said Jimin looks beautiful without makeup? Remember the Vlive Jimin didn't want to be on camera because he didn't have makeup on? What did JK say?
Jk isn't a shallow person you know. He really isn't. He doesn't strike me as the kind at all. Questions like these presupposes that JK is a vain shallow person who only likes people for their looks. Don't get me wrong, it's a valid question, one that I'm happy to discuss but it also exposes the biases against JK and indirectly, Jimin.
Do you feel JK is shallow? I find a lot of people do and it breaks my heart.
Have you heard any of his songs? His GCFs?
He barely idolizes his subject matter's looks and appearances. You gave me the best of you, so I'll give you the best of me. What I found in you is real. That's doesn't sound shallow to me.
They work in a highly competitive and highly vainglorious environment. I think they know more than anything the dangers of vanity- it's fleeting. They put themselves through so much to appease the vanity matrics, to subject people they love through the same.
I've talked about how because JM comes from a demanding home and work environment that acceptance is one key aspect of his love language. He wants a person who loves him for who he is and accepts him without placing expectations on him.
If JK was this shallow JM wouldn't honestly have found him attractive much less love him to begin with. He wouldn't have found fulfillment and nourishment from JK. He loves JK because JK's values and upbringing makes him the perfect person for him to trust himself fully to.
Besides, for JK to be only attracted to JM because he glowed up, he himself must have been a ten from the onset which he wasn't let's be honest- no shade to him but he wasn't exactly packing now was he?
BTS are pretty but they've all undergone hefty transformations throughout the years, magic foreheads and all. So if you wonder if Jimin's glow up contributes to JK liking him, then you'd have to wonder if Jk glowing up also contributed to Jimin finding him attractive- it's a vicious cycle.
As for JK ranking Jimin last... did he ever rank himself first? No. He ranked Jimin last and himself second to last consistently. If he found Jimin unattractive he certainly found himself as equally unattractive only one step above Jimin.
I honestly think he was just teasing Jimin. He loves teasing Jimin because it's how he flirts with him. It's just the masculine energy in him I guess. V does this too when he flirts with Jimin. He teases him about his pinky, his Mochi cheeks and his glow up- Iland anyone?
Why y'all think JK looked away sharp when JM dropped to the floor?? He recognized what V was doing- don't mind me. I'm trolling. Lol. But deadass.
Jimin teases JK too by acting like he is available most times. It's the feminine energy in him. Girls like to tease their crush by amplifying their sex appeal. What better way to amp up your sex appeal than by having other people show interest in you? Jimin is a tease. Bless him.
Besides, when JK ranked Jimin first in looks he ranked himself last. I hope y'all don't think it's because he has low self esteem?
He ranked himself and Jimin last because he wanted to humble himself and by extension Jimin because he sees himself as Jimin's equal and as such recognizes their place as the youngest within the group. As he has explained, as the youngest, he places everyone else above him.
I honestly don't think Jungkook had always been interested in Jimin. But somewhere along the line while he came to terms with his own sexuality he began developing feelings for Jimin. His glow up had nothing to do with it. In my opinion.
I think Jimin caught him off guard? It's that red string serendipity destiny voodoo working its magic that orchestrating their love. In my opinion.
I don't think either of Jikook went searching for this love thingy either as I keep saying. It wasn't planned, it wasn't foreseen, it just happened to both of them but at a different pace.
I hope this helps?
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liannelara-dracula ยท 2 years
Anon asked: So to make tg alive again, can I request hcs for all boys to their s/o fl!rting with them?๐Ÿ˜
Hi Love,
Sorry, this has taken forever but here it is.
Requests are open
*certain words have been censored for Tumblr guidelines.
He likes it, I mean deep down we know that Shiro Kaneki is a per.v and sensual guy so he's all for it.
Ken likes it when you call him by his first name and loves it most if you whisper in his ear.
It's also what he does to you.
Might blush tho if it's at the beginning of the relationship but after that, this man has no shame.
"Why don't you wear that bodysuit that I bought you?" He'd whisper in your ear.
"Who says I'm not wearing it?" You'd grin before k!ssing him on the l!ps.
He's a big-time fl!rt so he thinks that your approach is cute.
Like Hide is not even phased by it tbh.
He'd honestly make you regret that you bothered fl!rting with him bc he just tops it.
Literally like you'll say something a little fl!rty and he'll answer with something that is just out of bounds, lol.
"You look good today." You'd giggle seeing him dressed up.
"Thanks, you look like a whole damn snack tho."
You almost choked "Hide!"
He is a per.v but does blush sometimes.
No joke tho if you fl!rt tho he's not letting you live it down.
That's just facts.
He won't be shy about it tho when you say things to him.
He likes it and is interested in where it will lead.
"You don't have any shame."
"Well, you're my audience, it's only natural for you to watch." You'd sm*rk.
He's blushing all the way.
He doesn't fl!rt, but he is a per.v when he wants to be.
Might be confused as to why you're acting the way you are.
But if you provoke him enough he'll act on it.
"You wanna have some fun, Ren? I know a few ways."
"Hmm, what'd you have in mind?"
Fl!rts right back.
Like no questions asked.
His fl!rting is much worse.
He makes sure it is.
And honestly even tho he's your bf he's always fl!rting with you bc he's playful like that.
"Uta, you're my boyfriend there's no point in asking me out on a date."
"You could always change your mind one day, Y/n . . . Unless you just want to skip to s*x, cheeky girl."
Big-time fl!rt and creep tbh, so you fl!rting with him is nothing.
That's probably how your dating started you were at a bar and so was he and you looked mysterious to him and so he kinda just wanted to see what you were like.
You were probably a bit of a brat to him which made him even more interested. He approached you and you fl!rted with him bc you figured he was just a fling.
Seeing this, he really wanted to freak you. And on top of it, he was being the biggest fl!rt ever and trying to swindle you.
And it worked.
Like don't get me wrong he likes when a girl has a bit of a dirty mind but his favorite thing is going beyond that and surprising her with his k!nks.
You also like to tea$e which he responds back with something to make you blush and feel hot and bothered.
"You have fun with your co-workers but not with me."
"Aww, princess, does that upset you?" He'd sm!rk coming up behind you, sneaking his hand up your skirt to feel your cr*tch.
"Does this make up for it?" He'd chuckle feeling your wetness.
Takizawa (ghoul):
He doesn't fl!rt a lot tbh, he does tea$e and joke with you though.
really likes it when you're a brat about it too.
And he gets really playful with you.
As for you tho I don't think you directly fl!rt, you do it more with tone and your eyes.
He loves it most when you talk sweetly but want something.
"Then could you do it for me, please baby?" You'd smile before k!ssing him on the Iips.
"Only because you're asking so nicely." He'd grin before k!ssing you.
You are usually the more playful one and he's kinda dull with his affection not that he doesn't do it or he's shy, he just a little cold.
So you're usually making the jokes or whatever and then he gets in it.
If you tea$e him by sitting on his lap tho, you're going to pay for that.
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