#Jack Howl
jangmi-latte · 2 days
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we're a villain school, of course we got a pocket sized version of our family.
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Something I’ve noticed across collecting different cards is that Twisted Wonderland seems to have a bit of a skew in which characters get character x player ship bait. Between events and card lines, some characters look like they are getting neglected in the ship teasing category. Is there some kind of popularity bias behind this? Like maximizing profit or game popularity by targeting certain groups of fans among the fandom?
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Mmm… I haven’t noticed a skew, personally. If there is one at all, I’d wager it isn’t significant and it’ll probably depend a lot on what point in time you’re evaluating at. Since TWST is consistently releasing new content, the voice lines are sure to “even out” eventually if given enough of a waiting period. For example, you could say that the GloMasq boys have “more” bait lines… until Playful Land boys were released the year after, thus leveling the playing field.
All cards have character x player ship bait to some degree. Most of them will have at least 1-2 lines which involves complimenting you/your look (and if not in the card lines, then directly in the event, especially when Yuu has changed into a new outfit), Yuu touching them in some way (or being invited to), or asking Yuu to hang out or to do an activity with them. Everyone gets these lines because there are fans of every character that have spending power; it doesn't make sense to intentionally devote more lines to one while leaving the others starving for content when there are big spenders for all characters (which will vary widely anyway depending on the server too, so there are very few consistent "favorites"). Devoting time and energy to every character is what makes the most profit in the long run, as you risk losing the fans (and money) of "less popular" characters if they don't get new food too. It doesn’t matter that the high spenders for like… Azul stay because they’d still be losing the revenue coming in from Jack stans who dropped the game due to content drought.
I would say that what is and is not categorized as a "shipping bait" line depends a lot on other factors, the strongest of them all being individual perception. For example, if you ship yourself/your Yuusona with the character, you may be more likely to perceive any line spoken by your favorites as "more romantic" than other characters. This feeds into your preexisting expectations, and is therefore a form of confirmation bias. Meanwhile, if you ship two canon characters with one another, there are many more potential combinations so it's less likely that the particular ship you're into will get "bait". Additionally, some people are more liberal with what they perceive to be romantic or not. For example, Ace inviting you out to do something can be seen as both platonic or romantic, based on who is judging the line because there isn’t anything inherently romantic in spending time together. This is also the case in the main story or events; some players see Yuu giving Malleus the VDC/SDC ticket in book 5 as "a date" while others do not. This brings me to another point: character relationships within the main story and their personalities will also have a drastic impact on what is perceived as romantic or not. Rook, for example, speaks in a very flowery manner. Because of this, a majority of his lines could be seen as "bait". Characters that are gruffer (Jack) or "loner" types (Idia) would naturally have fewer inviting lines due to their characters. And again, with Ace, since he is presented as one of Yuu's closest friends in the main story, it's easy to perceive him as a platonic bestie when reading his lines since your friendship is already established.
Lastly, I think it's worthwhile to consider that there are also nuances that are lost in translation between JP and EN, which may alter which lines are seen as "bait" and which aren't. A really popular one I see floating around is Malleus's vignette level up line, which is translated in EN as "You aren’t afraid of me. But I’m starting to become afraid… of losing you.” Many fans perceive this as romantic and often joke that “Malleus missed the meeting about TWST not being a dating sim!” However, this line has a different context in JP which reads as more platonic.
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The original Japanese line is お前は僕を恐れない。そんなお前を失うことが僕は恐ろしくなり始めている。This roughly has the same meaning, but the wording Malleus uses seems to specify that he is afraid of losing the Yuu that is not afraid of him. EN omits the そんな (son na) part, which would refer to a type or kind of person (as in, “son na hito”). In this case, Malleus is afraid of losing “the kind of Yuu that is not afraid of him”. So really, the original meaning of the line is that he is expressing a fear of what would happen if his true identity comes to light (as Yuu is the one person who doesn’t know), not that he is afraid of losing Yuu as a whole.
To summarize: it’s up to individual perception and, given enough time, every boy will get their fair share of fanservice for the player.
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summary: just some small baking hcs because i couldn't help but think about these guys while doing some baking myself
pairings: all students x gn! reader (can be read as either romantic or platonic, except for ortho)
warnings: just fluff, there is no concrete trope here, just random brain worms; reader is not specified to be mc/yuu
a/n: peer reviewed by @daisystwistedgarden who woke up to me spamming our dms with these ♡
twisted wonderland masterlist
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Riddle would be the most attentive student ever, taking notes on the exact ratio and the time you spent mixing everything together. Please don’t give him measurements like “what feels right”, he wants to know the exact amount down to the gram. One day, he wants to bake something for you by himself, but for now he’s content with sharing what you made together over a cup of tea.
Normally, the delicious smell of pastries and cakes comes wafting out of Heartslabyul’s kitchen with Trey at the centre of it, so the first time he comes to your dorm to see you baking, he’s pleasantly surprised. Obviously, he’s liked you before but now he looks forward to swapping recipes and spending afternoons side by side in the kitchen.
Cater would be posting all over magicam how cute you are and would fill his stories with candids of you kneading dough, taking stuff out of the oven, etc. He’d try to hide how flustered he gets if you tell him you made something savoury because you remembered he’s not fond of sweets.
The Adeuce combo would loiter around your kitchen, snacking half your dough without contributing any help whatsoever (Deuce tries, Ace never had any intention to from the start). One thing’s for sure: if Ace or Deuce ever have to bake an apology tart for an unbirthday party again, they already know who they’re recruiting. It’s also a great reason to stop by your dorm more often than they already do.
He would never admit it, if you made something for him, Ace would feel his heart beat a little faster. Instead he’d poke your cheek and make a nonchalant comment about how you must be so in love with him that you couldn’t stop thinking about him but the way his delivery stutters a little and the fact he can’t quite meet your eyes gives him away. Don’t mention if his ears turn red either (or tease him about it~).
Contrary to his roommate, Deuce is adorably honest about his appreciation for your hard work. You made this for him? Just because? There are a few seconds where his brain buffers while deciding what to do, would hugging you be too forward? But wouldn’t bowing be too formal? It’s honestly very cute to watch how his face flushes a colour that’s a nice contrast to the blue mark next to his eye as he stammers out his gratitude, especially if you’re not (yet) dating or haven’t been for long. 
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Leona was probably lazing around your dorm already and you woke him up from a nap with the noise of kitchen equipment and the different scents filling the air. He’d slink over to watch you work, offering unhelpful comments while leaning his entire weight on you. Because of his upbringing his palette is obnoxiously refined but he’s the one helping himself to more of what you just took out of the oven, so he’s not sly.
Ruggie can smell that you’re baking something good before even entering your dorm. Sure, most beastmen have a keen sense of smell but when it comes to food, nobody zeroes in quite as fast as the hyena. He’ll join you in the kitchen under the guise of learning a new recipe from you- and he is! It’s just that he’s also sneaking a treat or two off your baking tray.
Jack would help carry and stir stuff for you but he’d mostly keep to the background and let you do your thing, afraid to accidentally ruin the pastries or what you’re making, his nose and tail do twitch at the pleasant scent though. Since he’s an athlete, Jack makes sure to watch his diet but he’d never refuse to try what you made.
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As the head of Mostro Lounge, Azul is always on the lookout for new items to add to the menu, so he takes quite the interest in your recipes. With a few tweaks here and there… For him to enjoy them in private though, he’ll study the recipe for different reasons. Of course he will try everything you make at least once, but the housewarden is still very conscious of his appearance, so he’ll enjoy your baking in measured amounts.
Jade, much like his childhood friend, is very intrigued by what you’re making but not out of business reasons. The eel is much more interested in how your recipes compare to his native ones and he’s already thinking of new things to try the next time around. As with everything, Jade loves to tease and fluster you, so of course he has to show you how to perfectly roll out the dough by caging you between himself and the counter. 
Perhaps you should think twice about letting Floyd into your kitchen. If he asks to let him help you, chances are he’s in a good mood, which is positive for his enthusiasm but detrimental to keeping your dorm clean. Sure, the eel is quite competent when it comes to preparing food but by the time your tray is in the oven, you, him and the floor are covered in flour.
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The first time you offered something homemade to Kalim, he had to refuse with a begging side glance to Jamil. Afterwards, he reasoned with Jamil that if he just joined you in baking, he could be sure of everything that went into the treats and so his vice housewarden relented. Against what people might think, Kalim is not actually half bad at baking, you just have to walk him through all the steps slowly. He might never have baked something himself before but he makes up for it with enthusiasm and the will to learn, plus he makes the whole thing super fun from beginning to end.
The first time Jamil sees you baking, it’s late in the evening and he just dragged himself over to your dorm for some much needed rest. But when he sees you working around the oven, there’s a split second where all the alarm bells in his head go off to thwart impending doom, until he remembers that you probably know what you’re doing and he relaxes. Old habits and all that. After that day, he’ll join you in the kitchen from time to time, if his schedule allows it. There’s no doubt about his capabilities, so Jamil’s always welcome to join you but he also appreciates that you don’t expect him to, which makes this a nice way to wind down for him. Also gets easily flustered if you make something for him and him only.
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Vil would also compliment your hard work. Sure, he might offer some constructive criticism (if he knows it won’t hurt your feelings) so you can improve even further the next time around, but he’s also not hesitating to point out everything that deserves praise. He might click his tongue if you get cream on your face but will gently wipe it away and dust the flour off your clothes with a fond smile.
Rook is just as excited and eccentric as always, raving about the beauty of baking and how lovely you are for creating something so delicious. It doesn’t matter if you’re making the simplest cookies known to man, to him it might as well be a three tier cake.
Epel would be so happy if you made something with the apples his family sent him, but he appreciates it either way. He’s also really talented when it comes to decorating -probably because of his years spent carving apples- and he feels really manly when you ask him to stir something, knead the dough or carry ingredients.
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Idia is probably running through every anime and dating sim with a baking arc he’s ever watched/ played and his hair tinges pink as you invite him over. You’re at the intimacy level already to unlock this super domestic route? He really wants to save state irl, so he can keep coming back to this, both in case he messes up and to relive this moment.
Ortho would be a sweetheart, setting timers and looking up recipes and techniques if you’re stuck. He compliments your work and laments lightheartedly that he can’t smell or taste anything, saying he’ll pester Idia into inventing olfactory and gustatory receptors, so he can get the full experience next time.
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Congrats, you now have a very curious fae prince on your hands. Not only is he studying your recipes and ingredients with great interest, Malleus is just as fascinated by baking utensils running on electricity. Do yourself a favour and invite him for tea afterwards where you can serve your treats, he will be puddy in your hands.
Watch your bowls carefully when Lilia is around while you’re baking. There is a good chance the fae will try adding a few ingredients of his own and it will not end well for anyone involved. He’ll playfully pout about you rejecting his help and deflecting from the topic but a second later he’s laughing about how cute you are for wanting to make something for him by yourself.
Silver would fall asleep when surrounded by the good smells, the warmth of the oven preheating, your lovely voice and the kitchen sounds. He can’t help it, it’s such a relaxing environment and it puts him at ease and therefore also to sleep. But, ever the charming knight, he would help you clean up afterwards and very genuinely compliment your hard work with a soft smile.
Sebek will yap up a storm on how ‘your human recipes can’t hold a candle to briar valley’s supreme cuisine’ but he’s oddly docile once he actually taste tests. If you tease him about his earlier statements, he will flush red, trying to save face but also not wanting to lie about liking your baking.
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© the-travelling-witch 2023 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit
if you like my content, reblogs, comments and asks are always much appreciated (also, yes, there will be second parts for the characters) ♡
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Twisted Wonderland: @savanaclaw1996 @honehbee42
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thelamentknight · 2 days
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My ranking of the Twst boys with the Jars of Love meme
Original prompt was made by allioaro on Twitter
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violenteconomics · 3 days
the first-years accidentally enter a Sage's Island singing competition, because yuu saw the words "participation money" on the poster and signed them up immediately because the vacation fund, you guys, THE VACATION FUND-- (different au from the restaurant, btw)
the contest is through video submissions, so yuu brings all the first-year together to pump out a semi-decent, story-driven music video (think "last friday night" by katy perry -- a mix of story cutscenes and actual dancing). they used to dabble in making original music back home, so they write up a quick, catchy song, and assign everyone their roles.
after the whole fairy gala thing, jack and ortho are very adept at making walking/flying look fabulous, and so they're the main stars for the acting segments. ortho is also in charge of the technical parts: providing equipment, editing, etc. jack is very embarrassed over the idea of being in a music video that a bunch of people will see, but after he sees leona eat a mouse off the floor because he was too lazy to pick up the plate of food ruggie left for him, he decides he really needs his vacation as soon as possible. same for ortho, except he had to watch idia heat up a cup of ramen, drop the whole thing on the ground, and then proceed to still eat it anyway.
since ace actually knows what people like, he's in charge of planning and directing the choreography and writing the story. he's a little bitchy about it, but he's good at what he does, and not nearly as bad as vil, so... little mercies.
being strong enough to carry the heavy equipment, sebek is the one in charge of actually recording the video itself. he's ALSO in charge of making the costumes, being the only one with enough determination to study for five nights straight on modern fashion trends and... y'know, being the only person out of the seven who knows how to sew, lol. being the emotional, sensitive guy he is, he's also in charge of the lighting and the overall aesthetic of the video, knowing exactly which elements will evoke what response in people (aka, he throws a bunch of things at the wall and sees which one makes him cry the hardest). don't worry-- yuu keeps him from plastering malleus's face all over it.
that leaves epel and deuce to be the dancers. luckily, the choreography isn't nearly as... bubblegum pop, i guess, as "absolutely beautiful", so it doesn't take a whole lot of convincing for them to do it. deuce, like jack and ortho, isn't entirely sure of being on camera, but then trey gets called back to the queendom by a family emergency, and the whole dorm goes to shit and somehow catches on fire, soooooo...
at the end, they submit their video, and grab their participation money. and they honestly think that's the end of it...
...until they get an email saying they won first place, the video blows up on TwistTube, articles start getting written analyzing the metaphors and complex story in the video, and now eric venue is coming to sage's island to see if they'd be willing to do a promotional music video for a movie he's producing.
uhhhhh... whoops?
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twst incorrect 7
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losergirlcrowley · 1 day
X: there's no way [insert character] is part of the LGBTQIA+ community-
Me: Wrong.
X: ???
Me: Aroace beam. Happy pride month.
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nickibxby · 2 days
🚨Twst event spoilers🚨
LOOOL😭 they’re so funny also Azul and Floyd calling each other shady
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rattlyglitch · 2 days
What Happens When the Sky Cries
Enjoy my open-ended angst about Grim and Yuu from twisted wonderland.
Everything felt dark and cold. It made it hard for him to think to breathe to understand what was happening. The only thing Grim knew was that he was scared and alone. He wanted to be back at the dorm with Yuu. Be back with the friends they both had. It didn't matter where he and Yuu were as long as he was with them.
Since the coldness was all Grim felt he wanted to do his best to ignore it by thinking of how Yuu would hold him in their arms. He had never admitted it but he enjoyed being in Yuu's arms. It was a safe place for Grim. A place where he knew that no matter what came at him from the world he would be safe.
Something he had always hoped for when younger. A weird warmness came over him. It felt comforting and nice but it wasn't a warmness he knew. It was a warmness that scared Grim. It made him feel like he was on fire.
Like something was trying to burn him. That was when a scream came over him. Grim screamed as loud as he could. His screams turned to a cry for help for some force that would keep the fire away. When the fire got to its worst point when it got to the point of suffocating him Grim opened his eyes.
He was on the ground for some reason in a puddle of black ink with a pounding headache. It took a long while to try to figure out what was happening. Someone seemed to be overbloting and fighting Leona, Malleus, and Azul. "Sealie are you with us?" Grim groaned and rolled over before coughing.
Two hands quickly pick him up and turn Grim over. Every cough hurt and it seemed black ink kept exiting his mouth. When they stopped Grim painfully wheezed. Why did his body feel like fire? "What hurts Grim?" The voice he couldn't see who it was but it sounded like Deuce and the one that had spoken first must have been Floyds. "Everything hurts."
That's when the tears started falling and Grim sobs. "I want Yuu. Take me to Yuu please." They would be able to help Grim he was sure of it. Yuu had the answers to everything it seemed like. They could make his pain go away. Make it feel better with some of that homemade tuna soup that was made when he was sick.
"Grim we can't do that. Yuu's overbloting and we don't even know how it started." Grim looked over to the area where the Ace sounded voice came from. "It's my fault." Ace looked at Grim confused. "What do you mean by that?" Grim meowed in discomfort.
"Yuu had a dream about going home. Then they started thinking about it and I made it worse by saying that if they left that meant Yuu wouldn't come back. Yuu started to panic after thinking about it." Grim hugged himself his sobs getting harder.
"I didn't mean to upset them I swear. I just don't want my only friend to leave. I-if they leave then I'll have to leave and no one's going to care." Broken sobs exited Grim along with coughs that came with them making his body shake uncontrollably. "You really think we would just abandon you after Yuu leaves?" Jack asked now next to Deuce.
Grim nodded. "Why would you stay? No one likes me." Grim was certain that no one would care if he had to leave the school. "You're obviously an idiot if you think you can get rid of us that easily then." Kalim was glaring at Grim.
The disappointing look would have been scary if it also didn't look worried. "We care about you Sealie. Kalim is right that you can't get rid of us that easily. Even if Yuu left we couldn't just leave you on your own. That would be disrespectful toward Yuu. You're their first companion. Their first friend." Grim nuzzled into Deuce's shirt when he started comfortingly rubbing his back.
"What we're going to do now though is take you to Professor Crewel. We need to make sure there's no more blot in you." Grim froze at Deuce's words. If he was taken to the professor then that meant he would be further from Yuu. Unable to help Yuu. If the others couldn't help Yuu then that meant they would die. Yuu wouldn't even have the option of returning home or staying.
They would have to live out whatever moments were left in pain and agony and sorrow. No one was there to help them in their final moments. No one to comfort them.
Grim reacted as fast as he possibly could then to get away. He managed to get out of Deuce's arms and ran as fast as possible towards Yuu. He didn't care if they were overbloting or accidentally hurting him. What Grim knew was that Yuu needed him more than anything. They needed to know that now even though they were so sad and worried that Grim would be there for them no matter what. That's why Grim knew he needed to get their attention.
Yuu turned to look over at Grim their overblot in full view. The ink monster was large and seemed to have a torn school uniform on. Yuu who had been wearing a school uniform now seemed to have on black suit with frilly cuffs and a cape running down the back the fit finished with a top hat adorned with a purple gem that seemed to be tied around it.
The way it looked made Grim grasp for the mage stone on his neck only bringing him to the realization that it wasn't there. The realization made Grim unsure of what would happen if his stone started to blot. "GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" Grim looked over and saw Riddle looking at him face red and angry. "WE DON'T NEED THIS SITUATION ANY WORSE."
Grim felt his heart drop at the thought that he may make it worse but if he didn't at least try to help then all would be lost for sure. Grim looked determinedly at the tree behind him and began to climb up it as quickly as he could. Once he thought he was at a good height Grim yelled at Yuu with all he could manage.
Yuu's overblot seemed to slow down in their attacks hesitating for only a moment before attacking again. That moment though was all Grim needed to know he was getting through to them.
The attacks stopped altogether and Yuu's looked over at Grim their overblot following their gaze before moving towards Grim. Students seemed to be panicked as the overblot seemed to move. Grim could see Ace, Deuce, and Jack rushing over and began trying to hit the overblot with spells.
Eventually, though it reached Grim and the overblot's hands picked him up before placing him in their palms. Grim smiled at the overbot tiredly exhaustion overcoming him. Grim managed though to whisper what he could to Yuu while he could.
"I know it's my fault you're like this but please come back for me. You can be as mad as you like at me. Be as mean as you want to me. But I still need my other half. I still need my best friend. So please fight this for me?"
After the words he spoke Grim fell down his body out of whatever adrenaline it had been running on and tired from its forced movement. Grim smiled though even if he was unsure what would happen it seemed that Yuu would be ok and was able to be saved.
///////////// Everything stopped when Grim collapsed in the hands of Yuu's overblot. Time seemed to stop running as the overblot and Yuu looked at the dire beast confused about what had happened.
The inky being gently moved a finger over Grim in a petting motion when Yuu moved their hand as if trying to see what was wrong. When his breathing seemed to slow though was when the overblot started to panic. It let out a pained cry before looking around and kneeling holding its hand out to the closest person in reach.
"HeLp HiM" Yuu spoke in a broken voice. "HeLp My BaBy."
Malleus was the closest to the hand and carefully walked onto it before kneeling down and picking Grim up. "I don't know if any magic can help him. He's dying-" A scream pierced the air again.
Malleus looked over and walked to Lilia who stood next to Professor Trein and Professor Crewel. He held out Grim to Lilia and looked at him. "You have to know how to fix this right? Even if you don't someone else can?"
Lilia looked down at Grim and then up at Yuu and their overblot. "I don't know if there is anything I can do." Yuu looked at Lilia terrified before their eyes started to fill with inky black tears that turned into open sobs their overblot slowly sinking away.
"There has to be something you can do I'm begging you." Yuu reached their hand out towards Lilia ink starting to drip off their arms and the suit they wore slowly turning to their school uniform. "I'll do anything just don't say he'll die." Slowly the inky tears turned to clear ones washing away the trails of ink on Yuu's face.
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zayray030 · 2 days
You know how Ace had one of the most normal childhoods in the game? I'm lowkey curious how he's dealing with the absolute culture shock in NRC lmal
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wriospersonalworm · 2 months
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twst charas side profile hcs 🤞🤞🤞🤞
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officialdaydreamer00 · 3 months
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ryllen · 2 months
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violenteconomics · 2 days
always thinking about deuce's dorm uniform vignette.
on a COMPLETELY unrelated note-- freshmen that get aggressively protective over their upperclassmen, only to deny it tsundere-style whenever their confronted about this fact.
but whenever THEY get hurt, they're literally willing to take it the grave with them, fuck the consequences or the fact that their upperclassmen could probably do something about it, given that they, y'know, basically run the school.
jack thinks he should be able to deal with it by himself.
epel thinks he can deal with it by himself, proven by the fact that he gave the performance of his life after nearly losing it.
sebek doesn't want lilia or malleus (or seven forbid, silver) to be disappointed in him.
ace doesn't want to get in trouble. deuce doesn't want to think about how he might be regressing in his character development.
ortho genuinely doesn't think it's a big deal (always thinking about his ignihyde gear vignette lol).
and it's not like yuu has anybody else to tell in the first place, other than grim, maybe, and well... what is he going to do about it?
it all culminates when ace, deuce, and yuu tell ortho about the phantom in the dwarf's mine, and being the STYX kid he is, he decides to capture it for study. the other first-years tag along, because a) ace, deuce, and yuu barely survived last time, and b) they want to subconsciously prove that they could've faced an overblot by themselves and NOT died, to make up for the fact that they almost have multiple times.
anyway, they do manage to wrangle the thing, and they only almost die in the process! that-- that's progress, right?
they go back to school the next day like nothing happened, hiding the bruises under an ungodly amount of makeup (that epel swiped from vil's room, but shhhh), but the second they hear that vil's getting trashed on the internet, epel and ortho are all up in that magicam accounts they barely use to doxx all the haters.
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hatsu2 · 2 months
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Some twst characters i drew for a local cupsleeve event last year
I wasn't able to go ;; but I'm glad my friends who did had a lot of fun :33
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reinbouxsworld · 3 months
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savanaclaw boys studies! 🏜
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