#Random Xi moment
clownsuu · 1 year
What does a clown do when someone steals his identity?
…The ‘clownsuu’s.
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LMAOO HEHEH this gave a big ol giggle, thank u my guy, take some random ass doodles I was able to scrub up—
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Not a new character (a old one in fact- some of y’all may actually remember xem) but I had a undying (pun not intended) urge to draw my lil vampire goober as a muppet (and xem xemselves-)
for newer gamers, this is Xi! Xey go by xe/xem/xeir (xey don’t mind they/them, but prefers xe/xem)
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
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You’ve never been inside the famous club, The 141.
i. it's a new day, it's a new life
This isn’t where you expected to end up—stuck in some rundown motel with nothing but the clothes on your back.
ii. a collection of strangers (a series of secrets)
You can only describe them the same way you can the rest of the club’s workers—stunning.
iii. no proof except my silver tongue
You’ve never been to this side of town at night.
iv. the night was young (and so were we)
Surveying the competition turns out to be code for going on a club crawl and getting obscenely drunk.
v. she works hard for the money (so you better treat her right)
You don’t know what to expect from shopping with Valeria.
vi. would you give the devil this dance
You can’t let yourself be haunted by your past forever, and, unsure as you are, you know one thing to be true: You’ve never felt safer than you do around him.
vii. wise men say, only fools rush in
In the following weeks, you learn one very important thing: John Price is a relentless flirt.
viii. but i can't help failing in love with you
You don’t know how you feel as you kiss him. It’s a combination of emotions you haven’t felt in so long: relief, desire, comfort, joy. They all swirl together into the one emotion you’ve been chasing since your wedding. Safe.
ix. the rumor burned straight through the town (and as it grew, so did her vow)
Kyle doesn’t think much of you the day you first walk into the club.
x. everybody thought the truth had been caught (her reputation began to drown)
You haven’t looked at your wedding photo in years.
xi. screaming birds sound an awful lot like singing
Everything you’ve experienced in the past four months pales in comparison to how your heart shatters at this moment.
xii. it won't cost you much (just a single drop of blood)
Who knew rock bottom looked like standing before a wall of mirrors in a bespoke wedding gown?
xiii. little girl gone
You’re shocked into consciousness, startling awake in a pile of plush blankets and cloud-soft pillows.
xiv. nothing makes me weak now (you better run for your life)
The news of Price’s arrest—of your alleged murder—sends you into a state of shock.
xv. won't forgive what you did (i've never hurt anyone, now it's time)
They float somewhere between too compliant and too afraid, like they’re scared you may snap at any given moment. Whether they worry it’ll be in anger or anguish, you don’t know. Price is the worst of them all.
xvi. what you'll see is the worst me (I will ask you for mercy)
The nights are the hardest.
xvii. for if i'm going down i guess i'll take you with me
By the end of the week, the plan is set.
xviii. i'm free darlin' (i revenge, i revenge)
Your world is engulfed in fire and blood.
epilogue. it's a new dawn, a new day, a new life (and i'm feeling good)
The beginning of the rest of your life starts with a single, admittedly awkward, therapy appointment. 
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karma is a cat purring on my lap
The cat is a wretched creature made of a vicious hatred that could rival only the Devil himself.
my personal hcs for canary
canary's dresses
canary's wedding dresses
canary and adler headcanons
how the 141 makes their money
how the gangs run their businesses
random designer dress headcanons
alternate ending ideas
songs used for chapter titles
soap hcs + canary and price children hcs
canary + 141 age headcanons
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pt XI good omens season 1 finale I'M SORRY THIS IS LATE, I WAS READING FANFIC.
How is this a title I'm now forced to write. Yes, I know it's been a week since I finished episode 6 with you maggots. And today is the day we start season 2. However, I, the Official Good Omens Mascot, procrastinated writing part XI, because I was reading too much good omens fanfiction. Yesterday I do believe I was reading till 3 in the morning. Thanks guys.
Season 1 finale, or whatever I can figure out with my records of the watch along chat, at least. WAHOO.
[EDIT: I'm back at the intro after finishing this post, and I realised this is a very long summary, because most of it is me yelling at you guys. As I typed it I started reliving my rage of last week. Read on if you dare, yes the post is long, and yes the second half is in all caps. THIS TOOK EMOTION. YOU GUYS BETTER REBLOG IT INSTEAD OF LIKING IT SILENTLY WHILE LAUGHING AT MY PAIN. I WANT MY RAGE EVERYWHERE ON TUMBLR.]
Someone puts a message about how Crowley can no longer sense Aziraphale's presence, and again for some reason covers it with black. My reaction is of course horrified, and then everyone tells me to STOP CLICKING THE SPOILERS, ASMI.
So that's what that was. I realise this out loud, and everyone is ready to cry with exasperation. I explain to them very reasonably that while I don't read every message on the watch-along chat, every time there is a black message I assume it's important and I click on all of them to reveal the text.
Realising the spoiler function has backfired, as most things do with me, the chat sighs and everyone goes for a break. Then someone puts another blacked out message about the bookshop, and I react to that, leading to another blacked out message which simply says STOP CLICKING THE BLACK.
Someone says I forgive you, Asmi. I reply with Don't bother, which leads to tears and threats to stab me. The chat maggots give up and we start episode 6.
There is a random flashforward. I don't understand what is happening, but then again, I never do.
Back at the airfield. Crowley walks in, recognises their hubby instantly, and takes charge sexily. Then the Bentley bursts into flames.
Crowley is heartbroken. No one comforts them. When I point this out (read, YELL IT AT THE CHAT IN DEVASTATION) someone tells me that this is how it always is.
Crowley needs all the therapy. Someone says kinder fanfic authors give it to him. LIES, I point out, FIRST THEY GIVE HIM EVEN MORE REASON FOR THERAPY. THEN GIVE HIM THERAPY.
Everyone is yelling about a fanfic called demonology while Adam the Antichrist feels so weird at Aziraphale being inside someone that's not Crowley that he separates them in the First Bigeneration style. Doctor Who is inspired.
Aziraphale like the babygirl he is, tries to girlboss his way through the situation by making Crowley murder the kid.
Crowley and Aziraphale give a half-assed attempt at a father-son (gn) talk with the Antichrist as the world is ending. It is a terrible contribution to saving the world. The Antichrist thankfully has inherent common sense, because he wasn't raised by them.
Aziraphale tries to overshare his and Crowley's meetcute and has to be shushed by an embarrassed Crowley who is trying to keep them alive.
Satan is supposed to arrive. I mistakenly assume Gabriel is actually Satan. Which pleases a lot of people.
Gabriel and Beezlebub talk and blame Crowley and Aziraphale (who contributed exactly JACK SHIT to averting the apocalypse).
I kind of ship Gabriel and Beezlebub after seeing them interact for 30 seconds, which for some fucking reason leads to a lot of reactions and yelling. I want them to be together. Which leads to more yelling. PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS NOT ACTUALLY CANON?
Satan arrives. Antichrist disowns him. Through the power of Manifestation, Law of Attraction and Positive Thinking, Adam is now no longer the Antichrist, Satan leaves, none of this happened and the BENTLEY AND BOOKSHOP ARE SAVED.
There is the bus stop scene Crowley asks Aziraphale to move in with him and they hold hands I DON'T FUCKING KNOW BY NOW THE CHAT HAS DESCENDED INTO CHAOS I'VE LOST MY BRAINCELLS.
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rollingsins · 1 year
all hers, part xiii
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi | part vii | part viii | part ix | part x | part xi | part xii | part xiii | part xiv | part xv | part xvi | part xvii | part xviii | part xix | part xx | part xxi | part xxii | part xxiii | part xxiv | part xxv | part xxvi | epilogue
summary: You deserve everything Ghostface is giving you, you know it deep down. Why should you live while the others died?
warnings: (+18), Tara is Ghostface, mention of murder. Ghost face spoilers for Scream 1-4.
word count: 4.5k
a/n: 👀 smashed through my writers block, let me know your 🔪🔪 theories.
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You haven’t left the car - or Tara’s lap - by the time the police arrive. 
Sam greets them, watches as they make their way through the house, casing for strewn pieces of clothing, discarded weapons, footprints, handprints, anything. 
But there’s nothing to find. Ghostface is long gone. 
By the time they’re done, your anxiety is at an all time high, not even Tara’s arms around you enough to quell the fear inside you. Your chest thumps uncomfortably. Your palms are shaky, sweaty. Flashes of the mask, the knife raised against you. 
Is this how Tara’s victims felt in the end? Is this how Wes felt? 
The only difference between you and Wes is you’d survived. And he’d died innocent while you survived, guilty. It isn’t fair. You deserve everything Ghostface is giving you, you know it deep down. Your will to live is selfish, almost. 
Why should you live while the others died?
The answer is pressed to your side. She’s beautiful, as ever, squeezing your hand so tight the tips of your fingers turn white. Her knee bounces steadily, an indication of her nerves. Her dark eyes are wild, flitting from you to the house to the officers on the lawn. Scanning, as if Ghostface will jump out at any moment. God help him if he does, when she’s like this. White-faced, quietly stewing in her own anger and anxiety. You can almost hear the cogs turning in her brain as she runs wild with the possibilities of who it could be. 
The police have questions, what feels like millions of them. The most pressing is why. Why would Ghostface target you specifically? Of course, you know why. 
You don’t mention the other victims. You don’t mention Tara’s Ghostface mask hidden in a lockbox in her closet. You don’t mention the motive Ghostface had all but spit into your face. 
Someone who thinks you should pay. 
Tara, a little on edge, tires very quickly of their incessant questions. 
“There’s never a why, do you even live in this town?” Tara barks, voice hot with annoyance, “They’re random. They’ve always been random.” 
“That’s not exactly true.” It’s Sheriff Hicks. She climbs out of her squad car, slips her gun into her holster as she stands. 
Your chest tightens. She makes you so nervous. You’re so scared one of these days you’ll slip, blurt out the truth before it’s too late.  
“Billy Loomis blamed Sidney for his mother abandoning him. Nancy Loomis blamed her for killing her son. Roman Bridger and Jill Roberts wanted infamy.” She surveys you, hand resting gently on her holstered pistol, “The question is: what does this Ghostface want?” 
The back of your neck prickles uncomfortably under her gaze. You sink deeper into Tara, wear her almost like a shield. 
“Forget his motive, what are you going to do about catching him?” Tara says, arm tight around your waist, “I want a squad car here 24/7. I want officers escorting YN to school. I want a walkie talkie and a phone number so we can have direct contact with them whenever we need-”
The thought of stepping foot into that house sends shockwaves of panic through your body. You grip her waist, tight, trying to draw her attention. 
“I can’t go back in there.” You say, voice tight, “Tara, I can’t stay here tonight. I can’t sleep here.” 
If Tara’s surprised by this, she doesn’t show it. Instead, she wraps her arms tight around your shoulder and presses a long kiss to your forehead.  
“Okay baby.” She says, “We’ll stay with your parents, how about that?”
“I can post a squad car.” Sheriff Hicks interjects, “Two officers. I’ll give you their cell numbers. I’m afraid we’re all out of walkie-talkies.”
She looks at you, for the first time in a long time there’s sympathy in her eyes, “You’re going to be okay.” She promises, “My officers are the very best. But you call me if you remember anything. Anything at all that could help.” 
The moment is interrupted by the sheen of blinding headlights. You avert your gaze, blink away the stars in your eyes at the sudden intrusion. 
It’s a familiar truck, the heavy slam of the door signals the driver has exited the vehicle. You squint, make out Richie’s figure as he rushes towards you. 
“Hey. I came here as fast as I could. Where’s Sam, is she okay?” He’s out of breath, a little panicked as he scans the driveway for his girlfriend. 
“Sam’s fine.” Tara says, her shoulders tight, “YN was attacked.” 
Richie blinks. 
“By Ghostface? Are you alright?” 
“Of course she’s not alright.” Snaps Tara, “Some psycho just attacked her at knifepoint.”
She pauses, as if something has just occurred to her. Suspicion brews in her eyes. 
“Where have you been?” 
Richie draws his attention back to her. The lights of the police sirens flash across his face. 
“I was meeting some friends at a bar,” Richie says, “Is Sam in the house?” 
“What friends? You got an alibi?” Tara asks, her eyebrows drawn tight. 
“You’re not serious?” Richie stares back at her. 
The Sheriff tilts her head, suddenly interested. 
“Do you?” She reiterates, “Tara and Sam are accounted for. We’ll need to corroborate with any potential witnesses who can place you at the bar.” 
Richie opens his mouth in disbelief. He looks between the three of you, waiting for the punchline. 
“I didn’t make it there. Sam called-”
The Sheriff hums, scribbles something down on her notepad. 
“So no alibi.” Tara scoffs, “You’ve been here two weeks and the one night you go out, YN gets attacked.” 
“This is ridiculous.” Richie splutters, mouth opening and closing like a goldfish, “Tara. Why would I attack YN? I have no motive.” 
But Tara’s mind is made up, she crosses her arms, glares at the Sheriff. 
“Are you going to arrest him or what?”
“Tara. I can’t just arrest people.” The Sheriff says, closing her notebook. She looks at Richie, “I suggest you outline to one of my officers the exact route you took to and from the bar. If we can place you on CCTV we can rule you out as a suspect.” 
“You can’t arrest people?” Tara challenges. There’s that fire, the one that’s been brewing for the last hour, finally emerging, “What kind of a Sheriff are you?”
“Tara.” You hiss. You turn back to the Sheriff, eyes wide, “I am so sorry, Sheriff, she’s just scared-”
“Scared?” Tara says, sounding outraged. Her dark eyes burn, “I’m furious. I have a prime suspect for you and you won’t arrest him-”
“Just because you don’t like me doesn’t mean I put on a Ghostface mask and tried to kill your girlfriend.” Richie argues, loudly. 
“What’s going on?” It’s Sam, finally emerging from the house. Richie and Tara both turn to face her, matching expressions of outrage on their faces. 
“What’s going on? Your creep of a boyfriend just tried to murder my girlfriend.” Tara snarls. 
Richie throws his hands up. 
“Why? Why would I want to kill her?”
“I don’t know.” Tara says, “You tell me. Because you’re twisted?”
“You know what,” Richie says, his nostrils flaring. He points his finger at her, “It definitely wasn’t me, because if I was going to murder anyone, it would be you-”
“Stop it!” Sam yells, “Both of you. God. You’re like fucking children.” 
They both fall silent. Glare at each other. Sam storms off, presumably back into the house. With a final dirty look at Tara, Richie turns and follows her inside. 
You take Tara’s hand, rub your fingers over the back of her hand reassuringly. Richie is a little strange, granted, but you seriously doubt he’d try and kill you. You’ll talk her down later tonight, you figure. Right now; you want out of here. 
“Do you have any more questions, Sheriff?” You ask, quietly hoping the answer is no, “I need to call my Dad.”
She surveys you for a moment. 
“I think we’re all good here.” She says, finally, “Call me if you remember anything.” 
Your Dad is freaked, rightfully so. 
In a panic, he demands you come home. He seems to be so frightened he doesn’t even protest when you tell him Tara’s coming too. 
She’s still glaring at Richie as she pulls out of the driveway, leaving the slew of officers and sirens behind as she makes her way to your parents home. One hand on the wheel, the other gripping your thigh, tight. 
“It’s him, I know it’s him.” She stews, hands tightening on the wheel, “How fucking suspicious can he be. Meeting with some friends, my ass.” 
“We don’t know that, babe.” You say, squeezing her hand, “He’s kind of right - what’s his motive? As far as I know we haven’t done anything to offend him.” 
“I’ve been on his ass since he got here.” Tara says, “Maybe he’s sick of me. Of us.” 
“Or maybe it’s someone else.” You say, staring out the window, “Someone related to the others. Sadie has a brother, I think. One of Aaron’s friends? One of Chase’s?”
There’s a long list of people who would want vengeance on the two of you. It hurts your head to think about. 
“Cool it on Richie, please babe. If he is Ghostface, the last thing we need is him getting spooked.”
“I need to get him away from Sam,” She says, chewing her bottom lip, “If he hurts her-”
“We don’t know it’s him, babe.” You say, pressing your hand over Tara’s, rub the back of her knuckles, “Besides, if he is Ghostface, he’s not going to kill her. His beef is with us.”
It doesn’t calm her down. Her knee is still bouncing when she pulls into your parents driveway, grip around thigh so tight it’s starting to hurt. She shuts off the car and presses a kiss to the back of your hand. 
“I’ll figure it out, don’t worry baby.” She says, voice heavy. Despite the comfort she’s trying to give you, her eyes betray her. Brown, wide, swimming with worry, “No one’s going to hurt you, I promise. I’m not taking my eyes off you. You’re not going anywhere alone, I mean it. You’ll have to get used to me watching you pee.” 
You half think she’s kidding, until she follows you upstairs and into the bathroom. 
“Absolutely not.” You say, pressing your hand to her chest and pressing a kiss to her lips, “Wait here.”
“Ghostface isn’t hiding in the bathtub, babe.” You tell her, and close the door behind you. 
You pause. Check the bathtub just in case. 
Your parents make a fuss, like you knew they would. Your mom rushes off to comfort cook, something she does best, and your Dad gets his power tools out, triple checks all the windows and doors for any shaky locks. 
If he minds Tara staying the night, he doesn’t say it. Instead, he hovers at the bedroom door, eyeing her up as he reiterates his safety mechanisms. 
“Keep the door locked,” He says, voice gruff as you climb onto the bed, next to Tara, “At all times. Front and back. I have a security specialist coming in tomorrow to install some cameras and alarms.” 
“Thanks Dad.” You say. It takes the weight of your chest, just a little. 
“I’ve got my shotgun loaded and ready to go,” He continues, “If you hear anything- anything at all - just call out and I’ll be here in a moment.” 
“Do you have a spare?” Tara asks suddenly, “Gun, that is? I’ll be a little closer, is all.” 
He watches her for a moment. That expression is on his face - the one he always wears when he sees Tara. Mild distaste, like he’s just taken a bite of something that’s gone bad. Briefly, you worry he’s going to try to kick her out. 
“I can’t give a gun to a kid.” He says, voice curt. Her brows furrow. 
“This kid might be the only person who’s able to protect her in time.” Tara challenges, “You’re all the way across the hall. What if he covers her mouth so she can’t cry out?”
“Babe.” You warn, “It’s fine. We’ll be fine.” 
Your Dad shifts his weight, staring Tara down. You know he doesn’t like her, it’s written all over his face. But if she goes, so do you. And he understands that, you know he does. 
“I have a handgun.” He says, finally. He looks at you, “I’ll give it to YN. Remember those lessons down at the cabin? You’re confident you know how to use it?” 
You nod. 
When you were younger, your Dad had taken you shooting, taught you how to fire a gun, how to load it - and most importantly, how not to hurt yourself doing it. The thought of drawing out a gun to protect Tara from Ghostface’s knife makes you feel only the slightest bit better. 
He looks back to Tara. The distaste is back in his expression. 
“It’s for her. You’re not to touch it. Understand?”
You can feel Tara fizzling next to you. Her fingers curl, and before she can give your Dad the dressing down you know she so desperately wants to give, you jump in. 
“She understands.” You say quickly, “Thanks Dad.”
“I don’t know what his problem is,” Tara complains, stormy-eyed, when he finally leaves, “I’m just trying to protect you.” 
“He’s just being a Dad,” You say, pulling her into your arms and quelling her mood with a kiss, “Don’t take it personally.”
Dinner’s awkward. 
Your head is a mess, heart pounding out of your chest every time you think of the looming threat. Tara grips your thigh under the table protectively, as if she’s afraid Ghostface might launch in any second and send the roast laid out on the table flying. 
Your Dad glares at Tara. Tara glares back at him. Your mom stares at you, worry in her eyes. 
You stare down at your plate, your appetite somewhat dissipated. 
“I just don’t understand.” Your mom says for what seems like the hundredth time this evening, “What does he want with you?”
“What does he want with any of them?” You mumble, “He’s a psycho, that’s all.” 
You push a rogue potato around your plate, starting to regret the choice to come home. At least Sam’s questions were easily combatted by one of Tara’s swiftly timed jabs. You could hardly expect Tara to snap at your Mom. 
“Let’s not talk about it.” Your Dad says, to your relief, “You’re freaking her out.” 
“I’m just saying,” Says your Mom, chewing her lip, “Are we sure he was there… for you?”
She lets it hang. The scrape of cutlery against plates stops momentarily, as the entire table takes in the implication. You frown, look up at your Mom. 
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Nothing.” She says, hurriedly. You don’t miss the glance she sneaks at Tara. 
“Seriously?” You say, “You’re blaming Tara?”
“I’m not blaming anyone.” She says quickly, “I’m just saying-”
“Well, don’t.” You snap, standing up, “God. Tell me now if you don’t want us here and we’ll go.” 
“Of course we want you here.” Your Mom says, “YN, sit down, please sweetheart-”
“I’m not hungry.” You say, scooting yourself away from the table, “Thanks anyway. Come on, babe, let’s go to bed.” 
They don’t protest as you lead Tara upstairs and into your bedroom. You slip your pants off, curl up into bed, take Tara in your arms. 
“Your Mom’s right, you know.” She says, after a quiet moment, “None of this would be happening if it weren’t for me.” 
“Don’t say that.” You murmur. You press a kiss to her head, wrap your arms a little tighter around her. 
“It’s true.” 
It is true. But she doesn’t need to think that, not right now. You curl your fingers through her dark hair, scratch her scalp affectionately. 
“You-” You hesitate, picking your words carefully, “You’ve made some mistakes. But that’s in the past now. You turned over a new leaf, remember?”
You remember it vividly. The night after Amber’s death, making her swear black and blue she’d never kill again. Promising her she’d never have a reason. She shifts in your arms and looks up at you. There’s something in her eyes. Fear. Hesitance. 
“Baby,” She says, biting her lip, “Whoever this person is. I have to kill him. You know that, right?”
Your stomach flips. 
“No.” You say immediately, “No, Tara.”
“If he’s alive, he’ll hurt you. You know I can’t let that happen. We can’t turn him in, he knows too much. It’s the only way.” 
That sinking feeling is back. The one that had been there when Chase died. The one after Amber and the one after Wes. Like everything is crumbling around you. You squeeze her a little tighter. 
“I’ll do it.” You say. The thought makes you sick. The thought of her doing it makes you sicker. 
“No, baby.” Tara says. She presses a kiss to your shoulder, “Not after last time. Look at what Wes did to you.”
“I don’t care.” You say, shaking your head, “I don't want you doing it. You can’t-” 
Be trusted, is what you want to say. The Rage is terrifying, violent, and you don’t want to reawaken it. You hold it back, pull her closer to you. 
“I don’t want that part of you back. I don’t like that part of you.” 
Tara’s quiet a moment. 
“It’s already back, babe.” She says, pulls your hand to her chest. Her heartbeat is wild, out of control, “Don’t you see? It isn’t killing that prompts it. It’s anybody trying to get to you.”
You’re too tired to fight. Too tired to admit she might be right. At the end of the day if it’s her or him, you know what you’d rather her do. 
You lean down, press your lips to hers, try to redirect the conversation. 
“You will sleep tonight, right?” 
“Not likely.” She admits, her grip on your hips tightening. 
“Let’s take it in shifts.” You suggest, pressing a kiss to the side of her head, “Half and half so we both get some sleep.” 
She nuzzles her nose into the side of your neck. 
“Okay. I’ll take first watch.”
She looks towards the handgun your Dad left for you on the bedside table, tugs it carefully over to her side of the bed. 
“You know how to use that?” You ask, a little skeptical, “You know to turn the safety off?” 
“Yes babe, I know how to use a gun.” She assures, a little irritated you asked. 
“Alright, alright. Just checking. The last thing I need is you shooting yourself in the foot.” 
“Give me some credit,” She grumbles, “That’s something Chad would do.” 
You kiss her, softly, then snuggle down into her chest. Listen to the rise and fall of her breathing, her rampant, crazed heartbeat as it pumps in her chest. 
“Remember to wake me.” 
She doesn’t wake you, as you should have predicated. When you open your eyes it’s the next morning, and she’s pressing a warm kiss to your lips. 
You scrunch your eyes, blink her into view. 
“Babe? Did you stay up the whole night?” She kisses your forehead, nudges a warm cup of coffee into your hands. 
“I wouldn’t have been able to sleep anyway. There was no point in me waking you.” 
“Baby.” You groan. Her eyes are red, tired. You press your hands to her cheeks, lean up to kiss her. 
“You’re exhausted.” 
“I’ll nap in science.” She promises, “Mrs. Fletcher is enough to put anyone to sleep. Besides. I needed to make sure you were safe.” 
She kisses you again.
“Speaking of: I asked Chad and Liv to stop by with a few supplies.” 
She reaches for a paper bag, empties out the contents onto your mattress. You sit up, interest piqued. 
It’s nothing less of an armory. You blink, hold up a small metal device. 
“A rape whistle and a taser?” You say, “Babe, how am I supposed to take this into school?”
“Keep them in your purse.” Tara says, as if it’s a perfectly reasonable request, “It’s not like they check our bags. It’s for emergencies.”
She presses a long kiss to your forehead, “But you won’t need them. I’m not leaving your side. Not for a minute.” 
“I have Chem today,” You say, heavily, “And you have English. We can’t be together all the time, Tara.” 
“We’re skipping.” Tara says, “I’m taking you home early.” 
“Tara, if the school calls my Dad and he finds out I’m skipping classes-”
“He’ll do nothing.” Tara says, fire behind her eyes, “You’re eighteen, he can’t force you home with him. And if he tries then I’ll-”
“You’re not killing my Dad.” You say, firmly. She pouts a little. 
“That isn’t what I was going to say,” She says, a little put out, “I’d give him a piece of my mind, is all.” 
You sit up, pull her into you. 
“Sorry, babe.” You apologize, soothe her with a kiss, “I’m just a little on edge.” 
“It’s fine,” She reassures, “Just please keep these on you. Please.” 
You agree for her sake. 
Word gets out quick. 
People stare in the hallways, everyone trying to get a glimpse of Ghostface’s latest victim. It’s unsettling, this much attention. You grip Tara’s hand tight in yours and try to ignore the leering of the other students as she walks you to your locker. 
When you reach it, Mindy, Chad and Liv are waiting for you. 
“Is it true you saw him?” Chad asks, wide-eyed. 
“Is it true he stabbed you?” Liv asks. 
You shoot her a look, open your locker and grab your books for first period. 
“Does it look like he stabbed me, Liv?” You ask, witheringly. 
“Give her some space guys,” Tara says, pushing Liv back slightly, “She’s not a zoo animal.” 
“Still.” Mindy says, “You survived a brush with Ghostface. Not many people can say that.” 
You ignore the hot flash of dread that zaps through you at the mention of him. He could be anyone. Maybe he’s even here now, watching you. Waiting to get you alone. It must flash through your face because suddenly Tara’s hands are on your waist, rubbing your back reassuringly.
“She doesn’t want to talk about it.” Tara says, a little protectively, “Why don’t we meet you guys in Math.” 
“Come on.” Mindy says, “Not talking about him gives him power. You don’t know who it is, right? Maybe we can help you figure it out.” 
“Maybe it’s you, Mindy.” Liv says, voice sweet, “After all, you’re obsessed with horror movies.” 
Mindy looks over, sharply. 
“What kind of motive is that?” She says, annoyed, “Besides, I’m not the only one who likes horror movies. Tara does too. Maybe even more than me.” 
“So Tara attacked her own girlfriend, that’s your theory?” Chad says, incredulous. 
Mindy shrugs, “It’s happened before.” 
She turns to you. 
“YN, ever get the feeling like Tara wants to kill you?”
“I’m going to kill you in a minute,” Tara growls. 
“Yeah.” Mindy nods, like her theory is confirmed, “Major Ghostface vibes.” 
“Stop it,” You say, reaching for your Math textbook, “Tara didn’t attack me, she was with Sam. And I’d really rather not talk about it.”
Mindy’s shoulders deflate a little. 
“Wes likes horror movies too.” Liv pipes up, “Maybe that’s why he ran away. He wanted us all to think he was dead so he could live his true life as Ghostface.” 
You roll your eyes. Let them bicker. As you grab your final textbook your finger catches on something soft. Something you didn’t put there. 
It’s a t-shirt, worn, gray, ACDC logo on the front. Your fingers curl around it, brows furrowing. Something hard is within the fabric. You fish it out, turn the cool plastic in your hand. It’s a DVD. Stab 2. Your stomach flips.
You slam your locker shut, white as a sheet. It draws the attention of the entire group. You feel a little dizzy, like you might pass out. Someone had been in your locker. It feels more of a violation than it should. Tara straightens, grips your hand. 
“What’s wrong, babe?” She asks immediately. 
“Bathroom.” You mumble. 
You don’t say goodbye to Tara’s friends. You tug her behind you hard and fast, not sure how much longer you’ll be able to stand upright. 
When you reach the bathroom, you slam the door closed, fish out the t-shirt and thrust it towards Tara. 
“What’s this?” She looks confused. Flips the t-shirt in her hands. 
“It’s Wes’,” You say. You take a heavy breath, try to quell the blood rushing to your ears. 
Tara swallows. Her fingers brush the DVD. 
“Stab 2.” She says, furrowing her brows, “What is this supposed to mean?” 
“I don’t know.’ You say, biting your lip, “Nothing good. How did he get into my locker?” 
“The school has cameras.” Tara says, thinking fast, “If I can get into the security feed I might be able to see who it was.” 
“How are you going to do that?” You ask,  
She bites her lip. 
“I don’t know.” 
“Please don’t get yourself in trouble,” You say, reaching for her hand. You entwine your fingers, “The last thing I need is you getting kicked out of school.” 
“I’ll be careful.” She promises. Dips down to kiss you. 
Then, she retracts, tosses the t-shirt and DVD in the trash. 
“Tara. What are you doing? What if we need that?” 
“We don’t need it, babe.” Tara assures, “Ghostface is trying to fuck with us, that’s all. Besides, the last thing we need is for the Sheriff to catch us with Wes’ old t-shirt and one of his movies.”
She pulls you in again, holds you tight. 
“Are you going to be okay in class?”
You nod, drop your forehead to her neck. Wrap your arms around her waist. Your hand catches on something in the back pocket of her jeans. You furrow your brow, then tug it out. 
“Tara!” You hiss,  mouth dropping, “You brought a knife to school?”
Tara blinks back at you. 
“Of course I did.” She says, “There’s some lunatic running around. You really thought I wouldn’t come prepared?” 
“Baby, if one of the teachers catches you with this-”
“I have it hidden.” She assures, “They’ll never see it. How am I supposed to protect you if I don’t have a weapon?”
You're more concerned with protecting her. There’s a horrible niggling feeling in the pit of your stomach. Like Ghostface has been a little too easy on her so far. The knife in her hand gives you only the slightest reprieve. 
“Let’s go to class.” She says, with a kiss to your cheek, “Do you have your rape whistle?”
You shoot her a look, tug at the string around your neck. She’d insisted you wear it at all times. 
“Right here, babe.” 
“Good girl.” She kisses you once more. 
Your fingers curl around the taser in your back pocket. Slip your phone into your backpack and head to class, Tara’s fingers entwined with your own. 
You take a deep breath. You're in school. In the middle of the day. Hundreds of students around.
Whoever Ghostface is, he wouldn't be so stupid to attack you in broad daylight.
next part
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baiwu-jinji · 7 months
Still nowhere near finishing Yuwu but just some random thoughts - I said in a post a while ago that I find the dynamic between Yuwu's main couple (Mo Xi & Gu Mang) similar to Wangxian's, but more and more I'm thinking about them in relation to Hua Cheng & Xie Lian, and how their relationship appears flawed and marred compared to Hualian's highly idealized one.
Hua Cheng was there for Xie Lian every step of the way as far as he's able and was right beside Xie Lian during all his most harrowing moments; Mo Xi couldn't be there for Gu Mang at his lowest, didn't fully comprehend Gu Mang's suffering, and hoped Gu Mang would pull through on his own. Hua Cheng is completely non-judgemental towards Xie Lian's actions and their moral implications and accept whatever choices Xie Lian makes; Mo Xi judged Gu Mang bitterly for his supposed treason and saw it not only as a betrayal of their country, but as Gu Mang's self-betrayal. Hua Cheng's commitment to Xie Lian is unwavering since day one regardless of the outcome of such commitment or any personal price he has to pay; Gu Mang is afraid to commit and keeps pushing Mo Xi away because he sees no future in his relationship with Mo Xi due to the disparity in their social status, and is also afraid of the emotional devestation and loss he'd have to suffer should Mo Xi decide to move on from him and their romance come to nothing.
The list could probably go on and it sounds like I'm trying to put Mo Xi and Gu Mang in a negative light - but the point is, their love for each other isn't rendered lesser or shallower than Hualian's due to their failings, and their deep empathy and care for each other is just as poignantly moving despite their negligence and misgivings towards each other. Love could be profound and undying though the actions aren't perfect and the results wretched - Mo Xi and Gu Mang's relationship feels tragically realistic in this sense. Although I'm only half way through the novel, I find Yuwu's view on romance grimmer, more sober and more realistic even compared to Meatbun's previous novel 2ha.
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Safe Haven
Series Part Listing Found Here
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Neteyam x Original Na'vi Female Character
Summery: Seeking refuge, Xilä and her father venture to the lands of the Omatikaya clan, in the hopes that the Toruk Makto would be generous in allowing them to stay. This is her story about not only finding her strength, but finding love. 
Image by the amazing @cinetrix
Warning: This story contains smut, violence & abuse (please don't read if these topics will affect you)
Some characters have been aged up. Neteyam in particular is 23.
Xilä is my own creation.
Part 6 - More
“Sweetheart you’re going to get us caught if you don’t quit it,” Neteyam hissed, biting the tip of Xi’s ear in rebuke.
“Sor-mmm!” she yelped loudly when he sucked her short lobe into his mouth.
“Xilä,” he warned again.
“I can’t help it, okay? You keep doing things that make me- !” he cut her off and she purred happily when he moved to continue his assault on her lips.
Neteyam swallowed another one of her moans with an eager kiss, fingers tightening their grip on her outer thighs before trailing higher under her skirt to smooth over the flesh there.
Her hips rolled, trying to worm their way closer to his, but he kept a firm hold, preventing her from feeling just how badly she was affecting him.
“Why do you taste so fucking good?” he growled, licking and biting his way down her neck.
“Wait wait wait,” she panted, trying and failing to push him away. “You can’t leave a mark like last time. Kiri wouldn’t let it go if she saw another one and you know I’m a terrible liar.”
“Mmm, fine,” he mumbled against the skin he had sucked into his mouth a few seconds ago. “No promises,” he said, nipping her collar bone, causing her to arch with a hiss.
In the few weeks since their first make out session, Xilä and Neteyam’s friendship had completely blurred the lines from platonic to increasingly sensual.
At first, the day after it happened, Neteyam had put his foot down and said they couldn’t ever do it again……the kissing that was, and she, although disheartened by the news, had agreed.
But Neteyam was weak.
By the end of that very same day, he was wound tight and ready to snap. During their entire lesson he was a ball of frustration and irritability. Being in close contact with Xilä was too much temptation for him to handle apparently.
And before she knew it, he was ripping her practice dagger from her hand, caging her in and bending at the waist to claim her lips.
Pretty much since then, they both made terrible terrible excuses to find some way or the other to kiss or make out. Xilä also had a sneaky suspicion he was using those said kisses to bribe or reward her during her Iknimaya preparedness lessons- which he of course, down right denied.
Neteyam’s favourite thing as of late however, was jumping out at random to drag her into whatever hiding spot he was in.
Like now for example. They were currently in a small storage tent, hidden by a wall of chopped wood used for the cook’s fires.
He sat with his back leaned on said wall while Xi straddled his lap, trying to inch her body closer and closer to his. But Neteyam, being the only somewhat level headed one of the two, always kept their lower halves as distant as possible. He knew he’d be goner the moment she touched him.
When a third breathy moan escaped her he pulled away, face stretched as if in pain. He was aching- badly.
“What’s wrong?” she frowned, smoothing her hands up to grip his thick biceps.
“Nothing,” he said, pecking her lips. “We should probably head back now,” he suggested, getting to his feet easily with her in high his arms. “I have to finish some arrangements for later tonight and you have a healer lesson soon, remember?”
“But I don’t want to get back yet,” she whined, tightening her arms and thighs around his neck and sides when he tried to put her down.
He smirked and gave her butt a playful smack. “And neither do I sweetheart, but I have quickly learned that you clearly have no self control for stopping, which means I unfortunately always have to. We’d never get anything done if it weren’t for me.”
“That’s rude. I have self control!”
He raised an eyebrow, glancing down at their current position- her still tightly clinging to him, while her tail was locked around one of his arms.
“Fine,” she said offended, leaning in to give him a final parting kiss.
She unhooked her legs and slid down his front with a scowl, but her offence was momentarily diminished when she felt something poke her upper stomach.
Xi turned a vibrant shade of purple when she saw the obvious bulge poking her but the look she gave him when she glanced back up had him twitching in his loincloth.
It was fucking sinful.
Stepping back, he clenched his jaw and shook his head profusely at her. “Nuh-uh. Nope. No, Xilä,” he said sternly, pushing her away with a palm to her stomach, trying to create as much distance as possible.
She frowned. “But I haven’t even-”
“Your face is telling me everything I need to know sweetheart. And I’m telling you no. So march your sweet little ass outside right now or I swear to Eywa-”
She lit up. “You think my butt is sweet?”
Neteyam groaned out loud in frustration, wiping his palms down his face. “For fucks sake Xilä, I swear you are literally going to be the death of me! One of these days they're going to find my body sprawled out somewhere and not know how I died.”
She was too good he thought, too innocent and sweet for him sometimes. Although a small dark secret side of him relished in it- most days he felt as if he were corrupting her. Which was why he tried his hardest to keep things as controlled as possible.
Nothing but kissing, he told her- from day one. That was the rule- although it was slowly losing its hold. Everyday she kept pushing him and tempting him. It was only a matter of time before one or the other had enough of holding back.
“Alright alright, sheesh. I’m going.” She shot him a pouty disgruntled look then turned to leave, tail swinging low.
Before she could cross the threshold however, his fingers circled her wrist to tug her back, while his other hand cupped her jaw turning it to face him.
She smiled against his soft apologetic kiss, savouring the taste of him as their tongues fused.
Going onto the balls of her feet, she deepened the kiss, hooking an arm around his neck, not yet ready to let him go.
Reluctantly breaking off, he kissed the tip of her nose then finally released her. “Okay, now you can go,” he said with a playful grin which made her weak.
In the last few weeks of their sneaking around, Neteyam seemed to have awoken something inside of Xilä- a maddening neediness, a constant want, a fire. His kisses were addicting and made her feel as if she would burst into flames.
They always left her wanting more.
Xi had never known she could feel like this. She had despised touch for most of her life. Yet from the start since she arrived at the clan, Neteyam had always been quite tactile with her.
It made her realize just how touch starved she truly was. He taught her how to feel and be cared for- he was the reason she wasn't a flinching, terrified mess anymore.
Sure she still had her moments where she’d revert to that broken girl she once was, but the people surrounding her would quickly bring her back- make her feel safe.
Neteyam especially, just had a way of getting her out of her head.
Xilä hoped she didn’t look as flushed as she felt as she made her way to the healer tents.
She stopped and spoke with a few clan members on the way- some extra chatty elderly folks, a girl from Lo’ak’s not so secret “fangirl club” as Kiri liked to call them and a couple kids from Tuk’s class.
After that she popped in quickly and quietly to check in on a Na’vi and her new born baby who she assisted Mo’at in delivering last week.
The baby boy was the cutest, tiniest creature she had ever seen and Xi felt a pang of longing when she saw the little family all cuddled together.
Realizing that she was running late now, she bid the new parents goodbye with a promise that she would visit again soon and then she was off, darting around the busyness surrounding her.
The clan was all hustle and bustle today. Apparently a war party was returning tonight after a four month long mission to lend aid to the Anurai clan.
Salveen and the other cooks already had an early start that morning- beginning to prepare a grand feast in celebration of the returning warriors.
“Hey Kiri,” she greeted when she walked into the Tsahìk’s tent. Xi sent a smile and wave to Mo’at who was currently tending to a poorly looking female on the other side of the room.
“Hey, oh great. Come help me with this.” Kiri was frowning over a little pot on the fire. “I’m trying to get this sleeping tonic to stabilise but it’s not cooperating, what did you do last time grandmother asked you to make it?”
Xi crouched beside her and sniffed the bubbling concoction, stirring it a few times. “It’s good actually, it only needs a bit more skillyweed,” she said, turning to pilfer through the table of cluttered ingredients to find some.
“Skillyweed! Right,” Kiri said, sounding upset that she hadn’t thought of it first. “Ugh, I cannot wait for tonight to be done and over with,” she muttered when she spotted the bustling commotion through the open tent flap.
“Why?” Xi asked amused, as she began to neatly dice the skillyweed.
“Because, it’s going to be a pain in the ass with all the ceremony brouhaha, which reminds me I can’t sit with you and Spider tonight. Mom and dad are making all us Sullys sit together- a united front and all of that,” she said with an eye roll, scooting forward to mix the brew again.
“It’s only one night though, right? It can’t be that bad.”
Turning to the sound of Mo’at’s voice, the Tsahìk jerked her head to the tent’s entrance where a worried looking father held his quiet sobbing toddler.
Xilä got to her feet and ushered the pair to an empty station, immediately asking the man to explain the situation.
“He got into my fishing gear,” the father said panicky, shifting his son into the cradle of his legs when he sat on the bedroll. “I didn’t even notice until I heard him cry out.”
“Oh no,” she murmured. “Well let’s see what’s happened, shall we?” She smiled reassuringly at the teary eyed boy. “Hi there, have you gotten hurt?” she asked gently. “Can I see please?”
Xi managed to coax him from his curled up position to check the small bleeding gash on his palm. She praised him for being brave as she cleaned the wound then treated it with a yalna bark paste before wrapping up his pudgy little hand.
All the while and unbeknown, the Tsahìk and Neytiri who had entered not too long ago, were staring at her interaction with great interest.
“Are you certain of what Eywa has shown you, mother?” Neytiri whispered, her gaze fixed on the young girl as she tickled the toddler’s stomach, gaining a happy squeal in response.
“Yes. I am certain. It is Eywa’s will, ‘Tiri….You do not approve?” the elder asked amused, watching her daughter’s expression carefully.
Neytiri pursed her lips. “I admit…she is not who I envisioned.”
“And did you think your JakeSully was who I envisioned for you, daughter?” the Tsahìk enquired.
Neytiri frowned. “You know it is not the same thing, mother.”
With twinkling eyes Mo’at said, “Is it not? How is it any different? Have you truly seen your son, Neytiri? Have you seen him with her?”
Contemplating, the Olo’eykte nodded because in truth she had seen. It was hard not to notice how her son would light up whenever he spoke about the Li’ona girl.
Neteyam had always worried, her. He was her eldest baby and as such, most of the pressure and responsibility fell on him. He was the future of the clan. She and her husband tried their best to protect him when and where they could, but there had always been high expectations of him- there would always be high expectations.
When Xilä entered their lives however, Neytiri began to notice a change in her son. His shoulders weren’t always as tense, he smiled and joked more. He seemed relaxed and happy overall- something she hadn’t seen in him in a long time.
“Do you approve of her mother?” Neytiri questioned, glancing at the elder.
“If you were to ask me that three months ago, I’d have said no…but now, now I see it. She is strong, that one and the people have accepted her as Omatikaya…. You should be proud of your son ‘Tiri….he has transformed that girl entirely. She is no longer the meek thing he dragged in almost seven moons ago.”
“No. She is not,” Neytiri agreed, her stare once more locked on her now future daughter in law.
Xilä flitted around, tidying and sweeping the confines of the small tent with a little hum as she went.
“I don’t know who’s worse now, you or mother,” D’avi said exasperatedly from her seated position on the floor. “Did I tell you she banned me from helping out with the preparations for tonight’s celebrations? She practically shooed me away! See this is why I hid my pregnancy for as long as possible!”
“You know she means well,” Xi grinned, packing away a set of crumpled clean loincloths. “She will be finally getting grandchildren, she’s terribly excited.”
“Just you wait Xi, she will be the same way with you when it’s your turn and then you will understand my pain.”
Xilä paused at that. “What do you mean?”
“Exactly what I just said. Now come sit with me will you? Tell me anything. I’ve been bored out of my mind lately. My husband insists on keeping me locked up,” she said with an eye roll as she rubbed her protruding stomach with a little wince.
Chuckling, Xilä sat beside the woman who she secretly considered an older sister, reaching out to feel the kicking babies. “Are they giving you terror today?”
“You have no idea. I think Eywa has an odd sense of humour since she decided to bless me with twins.”
“D’avi, are you really surprised? Your mate is a twin,” Xi pointed out.
“Ugh, don’t remind me. Okay okay, enough about me. Tell me about you.”
“Alright.…ahhh let’s see. Oh, Spider taught me a new knife trick yesterday.”
“Always weapons or something dangerous with that one. Lo’ak too,” she said with a fond eye roll. “What else?”
“Umm, oh! My healer lessons have advanced. Mo’at says it will take me a few years but she thinks I can be a brilliant healer. She’s already allowing me to brew simple tonics or treat minor injuries. I love it.”
“That’s amazing Xi. I’m honestly impressed. I’m sure mother is incredibly proud of you as well and I bet she can’t contain herself and is off boasting and singing your praises to anyone who would listen, especially since you’re training directly under the Tsahìk herself.”
Xilä smiled bashfully. “Sometimes I feel as if I have taken your mother, D’avi.”
“Don’t!” D’avi insisted. “There is more than enough of Salveen Te Eyla Nouayate'ite for us to share. And in any case...I know she’s always wanted another child- she loves doting on you.” She squeezed Xi’s hand with a watery smile. “And I get my wish of finally having a little sister.”
“D’avi…” she whispered. “That means a lot, you…you have no idea.” Xi felt a bit choked up by her words.
“Okay, no. Enough of this sappiness. I have cried six times already for the day and if we continue I know I’ll make it seven. Tell me something else, something juicy and dramatic, come on Xi. I need some excitement! I have been stuck in this tent for days!” she explained dramatically.
Xilä laughed at the older woman’s theatrics, she was so very much like her mother.
Hesitating, she seemed to make up her mind about something. “....D’avi, can I ask you something…secret?”
The pregnant woman’s eyes lit up and she leaned in excitedly. “Of course Xi.”
“Can you tell me everything you know about- ,” she cleared her throat nervously, “about, you know...intimate acts?”
“Okay you’ve lost me.”
Xilä turned a deep shade of purple and as if finally understanding D’avi’s eyebrows rose high.
“Ohhhhhh,” she breathed out. “Xilä, are you asking me about, sex?”
“Ugh!” she hid her face behind her palms with a groan. “It’s humiliating, I know.”
“Why?” D’avi laughed. “There's nothing to be ashamed of. It is a beautiful act. What do you want to know?”
Xilä peaked out, surprised by her willingness to share. Feeling less embarrassed she faced her adoptive sister head on.
“I want to know everything about it. The mating, the bonding ceremony, how everything…fits? Other…things. Just everything. I have an idea of how it all works, but no one has ever really explained it all to me.”
“Well alright then. We can do that,” D’avi smiled, as if it were no big deal. “Wait, if you’re asking me this, then there’s a someone…right? Is it who I think it is?” she asked, turning giddy.
“D’avi,” Xi whined as she blushed. “I’m not ready to share that yet.”
“Oh fine, fine. Keep your secret for now then.” She settled into a more comfortable position then said, “Okay, where to begin…”
Before she could start however, her mate walked in, a grin stretched wide across his face at the sight of his wife.
“Hello my love,” D’avi greeted, accepting the kiss he bent to offer her. “I am terribly sorry but I’m afraid I’m going to have to kick you out now. Xi and I are about to have a sisterly discussion that requires the utmost privacy.”
When Xi finally made it to the grand gathering later that night, the celebrations were already in full swing. Music, chatter, laughter and the sounds of merriment filled the forest air.
It always amazed her whenever the clan held a celebration or some sort of gathering. She could feel the spirit of Eywa heavily and the love and bond the people shared.
It was a stark difference to the lonely days she’d spent huddled in her shack of a home back in Li’ona.
Xilä spotted Spider amongst his and Lo’ak’s other friends and decided to go sit with him.
It was not hard to locate Neteyam. He and the other Sully’s were seated on a lavish tapestry in the center of the gathering, all dressed in their best garb as they ate.
As if sensing her gaze on him he turned and paused, eyebrows raising high, jaw gone loose. His shock turned into a heated, hungry expression which made her heart speed up and her cheeks flush.
D’avi had done her hair in a series of loose twists and curls, littered with pearled beads. The top and skirt she wore tonight, while still modest to any other Na’vi, showed much more skin than her usual sets and the glass-stoned jewellery she worked hard on all week to create, glittered around her neck, arms and wrists.
Images of what D’avi had described to her that evening during their extremely educating talk, flashed through her mind as she too, openly stared.
Her mouth went dry at the sight of him in his royal blue and golden embroidered loincloth. His skin glistened from where she stood, and all she wanted to do was run her hands all over it.
Jerking out from her stare off with the Na’vi she was falling for, she turned and saw Spider smirking up at her with an “I knew it” grin. She quickly sat down and prayed to Eywa that she and Neteyam weren’t too obvious.
“You two done eye fucking each other?” her friend taunted.
She spluttered pathetically. “W-what? We- no, we weren’t- Spider!”
He let out a bark of laughter. “Don’t worry Xi, your secret is safe with me,” he winked. “Though let’s really try and keep it on the down low for a little while longer, yeah? Lo’ak called it first and I really don’t feel like giving up my favourite dagger just yet.”
Xilä choked in shock. “Wait what? You betted on us?!” she shrieked- eyes widening in the realization she was being too loud. She hissed quieter, “Spider, tell me you two did not bet on Neteyam and I.”
“Mmm, alright yeah, us two didn’t bet on you guys. It was more like ten of us,” he whispered back seriously.
She stared at him incredulously but all he did was give her a mischievous wink.
Halfway through the night Jake stood to give his praises to the war party as Neteyam and Neytiri flanked him. The clan broke out into a round of howls and applause when they’d heard the good works of the team of warriors.
The group was called out to be thanked and given tokens of honour by the Toruk Makto. They stood out, all mighty and fierce looking.
Once the ceremony ended, they all broke off to head back to their respective seats. One warrior however stopped and made her way straight into the arms of a mildly shocked Neteyam.
Spider was busy chatting to his friends so he had not noticed, but Xi sure did. She stared at the way the gorgeous female smiled and peered up at Neteyam through her lashes, slapping her palm jokingly on his chest over whatever he’d said.
She was flirting with him, and openly so, as if she’d done so all the time. The female did not leave his side after that, instead she sat beside him as if she intended to stay there until the feast was over.
Neteyam didn’t pull away when she leaned over his arm to get food, clearly and intentionally brushing her chest against him- she wasn't sure he even noticed honestly. And even though when he smiled at her as they spoke, it didn’t reach his eyes, Xilä still felt a hot flash of unfamiliar jealousy.
“Spider,” she murmured, catching his attention. “Who is that?” she asked, trying to sound indifferent.
“Oh. Uh….Umm, that’s Li…? No Lea…Leati!” He said, finally remembering. “She’s the warrior who led the mission trip.”
“She seems close with Neteyam, are they good friends?” Catching the look on Spider’s face she rushed out, “It’s just well, I was only wondering.”
Spider looked uncomfortable, like he was hiding something. “I wouldn’t say friends no, but maybe you should ask him instead. I don’t really know anything about her.”
She nodded with a forced smile.
Neteyam was already staring at her when she glanced his way again. He mouthed something to her she didn’t catch. Tilting her head, she watched as he glanced around inconspicuously before mouthing the four words again.
“Ten minutes. Your tent.”
‘Your tent?’ she wondered. ‘Oh…OHHHH. My tent.’
She bit her lip as excitement flooded her and nodded at him- looking away quickly when the Leati girl caught her eye and raised a suspicious brow.
Sure enough ten minutes later, Neteyam was eagerly backing her into Salveen and Jxo’s tent and scoping her up into his arms as he made his way to her little closed off corner.
“You really are trying to kill me aren’t you, sweetheart,” he teased, easily holding her one handily so he could secure the tie on her privacy curtain.
“How am I trying to kill you?” she grinned, staring at his handsome face as she clung to him.
How could one person make her so insanely happy all the time? How was that even possible?
“Have you seen yourself tonight Xilä?” his palm slid from her thigh, curving around her knee to smooth down her bare calf. “And no boots, baby?”
“Surprise,” she whispered breathlessly, loving the sound of her new nickname coming from his shocked voice. “I’ve been practising to go without them.”
“Well you look fucking edible,” he growled, gently laying her onto her nest of a bed, caging her in and capturing her mouth with his own.
Her arms reached up, fingers tangling with his braids as she arched her spine- hardened buds brushing against his smooth skin.
His kisses were breath taking and relentless.
Hands roaming, his palm trailed down her side and over the flat of her tummy before edging higher to the underside of her breast. Just when she thought he’d finally make contact with her breast, his fingers changed their route and moved downwards instead.
Xilä felt dizzy in her haze of lust. She moaned when his tongue lapped and tangled with hers- kisses, turning eager and desperate. His fingers reached the edge of her skirt, dipping under to continue their journey up the skin of her thigh- bunching up the material as it went.
She whined unhappily when his hand suddenly withdrew. She was needy and frustrated and he was giving her absolutely nothing!
“Neteyam,” she breathed, breaking their locked lips. “You’re driving me insane. I need more.”
He gave her a naughty grin. “Kissing only, remember? It’s the rules.”
Her eyebrows narrowed in fury. “I don’t want to do that any more! I- ” she scowled, annoyed by his amused expression and tried to push him away, but he did not budge. “Get off Neteyam….please.” She looked away when he wouldn’t let her go.
“What do you want Xilä?” he asked gently, keeping her in place.
She peered up, tempted by his words. “I want more than just kissing. I- why do you keep stopping us from that?” she asked, genuinely confused.
They’d been at this for weeks now and every time he stopped them, he could never give her a straight answer whenever she questioned him.
Neteyam rolled off of her with a heavy sigh, wiping his palms down his face in mild frustration. She sat up with a frown, feeling slightly hurt by his actions.
Biting the inside of her cheek, she braced herself for rejection. D’avi had warned her these things could happen.
“It’s not that simple, Xi. We shouldn’t even be doing any of this.”
Xi kept her eyes averted from his tented lower half and stared at his face dejectedly. “Then why did we even start it in the first place?”
“No Neteyam!” she said, jumping to her feet to avoid his touch, straightening out her skirt. “You clearly don’t want more and I need to respect that. So we should probably stop while we're at it. Like you said we shouldn’t be doing it in the first place, right?”
Neteyam sat up alert, staring at her as she got ready to flee. “Xi, wait-”
“I think I should get back to the feast.”
He snatched her wrist before she could escape and pulled her into his lap, ignoring her flaying and words of protest.
With a shocked gasp, she instantly went quiet when he tugged her closer, sitting her directly on top of his twitching bulge, rolling his hips against hers.
“Does that feel like I don’t want more Xilä?” he asked sternly.
Xi went mute. Screwing her eyes closed, she dug her fingernails into his forearms when he did it again, mewling at the sensation of her soaked core rubbing against his.
“Eyes, Xilä,” he ordered in a strained voice.
She blinked up at him, panting slightly. His pupils were full blown as he fixed her with a dangerous glower.
“Tell me what you want sweetheart,” he whispered huskily against her lips- their breaths mingling.
She licked her lips and blinked again, trying to focus but it was difficult because all of a sudden he had her rocking against him at a sinfully slow and torturous pace.
“What?” she asked, confused.
He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, releasing it with a soft pop. “Tell me what you want and I will give it to you.”
Overwhelmed, her head fell forward, clashing with a hard pectoral. She inhaled deeply, whimpering from the sensations uprooting inside of her- the swooping flutters in her stomach, the pulsing need between her thighs, the aching peaks of her nipples.
Then there was the feeling of him between her thighs. It was incredible. He felt big……very very big.
Xilä was burning up from inside out and desperate for any kind of release.
Neteyam wasn’t doing so well either, he was hanging by a thread and the mess she was making on his loincloth was not helping one bit.
He could smell her arousal and the only thing stopping him from flipping her over and burying his face between her thighs was the fact that he did not want to scare her off.
“Xilä,” he called again, soothing a palm down her spine which caused her to shiver. “Baby you need to talk to me. Tell me what you want.”
Tilting her head back, he stifled a groan at the sight of her glazed over expression. If she looked like this already and he had barely touched her, how the fuck would she be when he actually did?
“Anything. Everything. Just touch me, I don’t care! Neteyam please-”
As if her words were a command, Neteyam flipped- he suddenly turned them over with a growl and she was on her back before she could even blink.
He licked a hungry path down her throat, fingers reaching up to yank down her top, exposing her breasts to the cooled air.
Without pause he bent to suck a pebbled nipple into his mouth making her cry out- back bowing.
He parted her thighs easily, sailing a large palm down her stomach and under her skirt to cup her through her thin covering- she was completely drenched.
With the flick of a wrist the material was gone- baring her completely.
She gasped. “You ripped it.”
He released her nipple and gave her a boyish grin. “Sorry,” he said, not sounding sorry at all before swallowing her other breast entirely.
Thick fingers traced the outline of her, circling and gathering slick as they went.
“Neteyam,” she whined, squirming and shifting to try and get him to make proper contact. He was back with that damn teasing thing again.
He gave her one last lap of her nipple, then raised up so he could see her face.
Her mouth made a little O and her eyes shut when he began to stretch her with a thick digit.
“Eyes, Xilä,” he whispered with a groan, feeling her warm and wet and tight around his finger. “I want to see those gorgeous eyes.”
She peered up at him and a dreamy smile etched across her face when he sank deeper, still keeping his leisurely pace. He smirked. “You alright there sweetheart? You’ve gone all quiet on me.”
“I- ” Xi’s words were cut short with a pleasurable moan when his long finger sank all the way in, moving a minuscule amount faster.
“More,” she babbled, and he complied, adding a second digit. Her hips rolled in time with his thrusts and warmth turned to heat which began to slowly consume her.
The moment his thumb met her hidden nub her spine bowed deeper and her thighs clamped together, trapping his working hand.
“Breathe Xi. Just relax okay?” he cooed while his tail wrapped around her thigh to spread her wide again.
“‘Teyam, I feel so good,” she whimpered, biting on her lip when he began to curl deep inside of her.
“Yeah?” he grinned, speeding up a little- hitting a particularly spongy spot that made her mewl.
The music in the distance from the clan’s festivities was dying down which meant people would start to make their way back home anytime soon.
Neteyam kissed Xilä, licking her lips as he pulled away. “Xi, sweetheart, I really hate to rush your first orgasm but you’re going to need to come soon if you don’t want us to get caught.”
She tugged him down for a kiss again, arms hooked behind his neck as her hips jerked and grinded against his hand, walls clenching around his fingers.
“Neteyam!” she moaned out loud, panting and shaking as she began to near her high.
“Come on Xi. Come for me sweetheart.”
Xilä’s thighs trembled and her toes curled as she shattered, shockwaves of overwhelming pleasure rippling throughout her body.
Neteyam swallowed her cry with a biting kiss and instead of stopping he sped up his finger work faster than before, his thumb pressing down on her clit.
Babbling incoherently Xilä thrashed in his hold as he quickly led her into another orgasm. A hoarse shout fell from her lips. Body tensing and gone taut, she gushed all over his hand for the second time.
Little tremors of aftershocks shook her as she came down from her high. Neteyam pressed soothing kisses all over her face and slowly extracted his fingers to rub soft circles around her swollen, dripping flesh as her hips twitched from the overstimulation.
Locking eyes, he smiled lovingly at her. She was so pretty he thought. Even in her post orgasmic haze, the fucked out look she had endured him.
“How do you feel?” he asked, brushing his nose along hers.
She blushed as she came back to reality, unhooking her arms from his neck to trail down his chest, with only one thing in mind.
“Incredible,” she whispered, hooking her fingers into his loincloth, with much determination.
He didn’t stop her, if anything as she tugged him free from his ties he gathered as much of her slick as possible on his fingers.
He did however stop her when she tried to touch him directly. He gave her an apologetic kiss and murmured, “I’m sorry Xi, but it sounds like the feast is over and I need to be quick.”
“I can be quick,” she pouted, causing him to chuckle.
“Next time baby.”
“Fine,” she agreed, leaning up on her forearms and spreading her thighs further to properly see him grip his length- slathering it up with her juices. “Oh my Eywa,” she whispered, goggling at the sheer size of him.
That thing was supposed to fit inside of her? No. No way. D’avi must have gotten it wrong. Right?
“Xilä, you’re going to make my ego grow too large if you continue to stare at me like that,” he smirked, starting to pump himself.
She licked her lips. “Sorry, it’s just so- so…”
“So, what baby?”
She blinked at him incredulously. “Big Neteyam!” she hissed, as if it were obvious.
His lips rolled over his teeth to hide his need to laugh- how the hell should he respond to that?
He grunted when he tightened his grip on himself and began a rapid jerking pace.
Xilä bit her lip and stared, completely entranced by the sight before her. She didn’t even care that she could now hear the sounds of chatter and footsteps as people started to return to Camp.
Her eyes darted between the wild, dark look upon his face to the hypnotising view of his hand working himself over- beads of liquid seeping from his tip.
“Oh fuck,” he gasped out, staring down at her- concentrating on her brilliant eyes and pouty lips.
An image of those lips sucking him dry as her eyes stared up at him flooded his mind. “Fuck fuck fuck. SHIT.”
Mimicking his habit, she gripped his neck and pulled him down, crashing their mouths together. He was getting too loud so she tried to smother his grunts with her tongue instead.
A strangled noise escaped him as his body seized. Xilä couldn’t see, but she felt spurts of warm liquid hit her- coating her inner thighs.
With one final pump, he slumped onto her with a breathy laugh. “Holy shit.”
She grinned too, hugging his broad shoulders as he nuzzled her neck- sticky palm gripping the bunched up fabric on her hip.
“Holy shit,” she echoed, making him shake with more laughter.
The voices of returning people grew louder. Neteyam quickly stretched an arm out to flick off the switch of her lamp, bathing them in darkness.
Xilä held her breath as Salveen’s boisterous voice rang through the air, clucking on about the festivities with complete excitement.
“Xi? Xilä? Are you there? Xilä? Did you see when she returned tonight Jxo?”
Neteyam slipped his palm over Xi’s mouth, just in case she was silly enough to actually respond.
“She’s probably sleeping Sal, let the kid rest,” came Jxo’s low voice.
“Oh fine, I am a bit pooped myself, today was my busiest day in such a long...” Salveen’s voice grew distant and muffled, meaning she and Jxo had retired to their private corner of the room.
Both Xilä and Neteyam released hushed laughs again.
“Will you stay with me tonight?” she whispered, brushing her thumbs across his cheeks.
Neteyam smiled at her sweetness, taking one of her hands to kiss her fingers. “Yeah baby. I’ll stay.”
It's here!! And longggg over due.
Let me know what you think lovelies! Was it too much touchy touch? Lol. And hey, we get a glimpse of Leati. Who is she???
Okay so I'll try my best to get Part 7 out by this weekend, we'll see how it goes, but it will definitely not be as long a wait.
FYI & PS for those of you who want to know: this is a no cheating fic mkay :)
@jakesullyfatjuicypeen @granddearduck @riatesullironalite @strawberri-blonde @earthling55 @innercreationflower @duckworthbean @gyuventure
If you'd like to be tagged or I forgot you by accident, please let me know.
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osamusriceballs · 10 months
The Accident - Part XI
Atsumu x fem reader
Warnings: None
Words: ~ 3,1 k
About: A date with Atsumu Miya~
Part I II -> Next Part
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The silence is almost intimidating, and you find yourself looking around in silent awe.
Atsumu looks exceptionally good. The red uniform suits him well, and he looks even better and more professional than in the videos you've seen. "I can't believe we're actually here. I didn't want to ask Hinata for tickets because he's been busy lately, but I can't believe Atsumu-san managed to get two tickets for this- in the front row even!"
You nod and gaze at the court thinking back at the sudden message that you had received a few days ago.
Atsumu: "Are you free this weekend, Mrs. Miya?"
You stare at the message blankly, trying to figure out what to say. You had just started your nightly routine, not really expecting Atsumu to send you a message tonight. But here it is, white and blue. With a nickname that makes your heart skip a beat.
You: "Yes! :)"
Atsumu: "Great. Wanna come and watch me play? We can hang out at Samu's or my place after that, if you're up for it?"
You: "Sounds good!"
Atsumu: "I'll save ya two spots if you want to. You can bring your friend; Shoyo-kun will be there too. I'm sure she's interested too."
You: "I'll ask her. Thank you for being so considerate <;3"
You close your eyes for a few seconds, fearing his reaction to the heart emoji.
When you open them, you see his instant reply.
Atsumu: "Of course <3 I can't meet ya before probably, but we'll keep in touch, 'kay?"
You: "See you then &lt;3"
Atsumu: "See ya <;3"
It's a special event, a pre-match before the Olympics fully start in a few weeks. The stadium is only half-full, but the people watch excitedly how the members of the Japanese Olympic team participate in a promotional match against each other. Apparently, a very exclusive event that has not been opened to the public, yet, here you are. Sitting in the first row next to Yachi with a drink in your hands—one that she got for you, despite your protests.
"Look, he is going to serve. That's why they are all quiet. It probably won't be like that during the Olympics; there will be a different audience. Today is a very special event. Randomized teams and starting positions, but look how well they all adapt. True professionals." Yachi whispers into your ear, her cheeks flushed already from her drink. You're just glad that Tsukishima has offered to pick her up after the game, you would have been worried about her otherwise.
"It's so quiet; it's almost intimidating." You whisper back and watch Atsumu. He seems really focused on his set, his expression cold and blank, unlike you've ever seen him before. He's truly intimidating on the court.
He seems very focused when he's taking a few steps back and concentrates on a point in the opposite field. It just takes a few seconds, and then you see him jump, the ball flying towards the field in the fraction of a moment. The loud impact makes you shiver, while you watch the field in stunned silence. When you glance back at Atsumu, you could have sworn that he looked at you before he high-fives one of his teammates. The crowd yells and cheers, and you find yourself clapping and calling his name too.
"Did you see that? That's what the boys had to endure back in high school. And it was just as scary back then." Yachi groans and rubs her bare arms; the goosebumps visible in the brightly lit hall. "He's amazing." You know that you're probably watching him with hearts in your eyes, but you can't help yourself when your heart skips a beat at the way he got even more attractive to you now that you've seen him actually play. You definitely get the fangirls now.
As he prepares to set again, you hold your breath nervously, and this time the other team manages to receive it. You watch with wide eyes how the ball is suddenly on the other side of the court again, a quick attack from someone you recognize as Bokuto, and then it's Atsumu who sets the ball flawlessly, a dark-haired spiker scoring a point. The crowd goes wild, chanting a name that you don't know yet, and Yachi is quick to lean over to you again while you watch Atsumu and the dark-haired player exchange a wordless fist bump.
"That's Sakusa Kiyoomi; him and Atsumu-san make a deadly combo on the court." You nod, your eyes not moving from Atsumu, who suddenly turns to you and grins widely. You shyly wave back and give him a thumbs up and a smile; he winks, holding up another finger and pointing to you and then to the ball. You're not sure you completely understand what he's trying to tell you, but you still nod and smile, hoping it was an appropriate reaction.
You finally get that he probably meant to tell you that he'll do another service ace for you when he nails the serve effortlessly, and you stare at him with wide eyes when he turns to you and playfully winks with a thumbs up. You cheer loudly for him, and Yachi also cheers alongside you, not noticing the silent exchange that had just happened right next to her.
The teams bow when they finish the game and wave to the crowd, probably well-aware that some of their greatest sponsors sit alongside there. "That was amazing!" You smile at Yachi, and you both clink your glasses and drink the rest of the drinks.
"Kei will pick me up at the back entrance; is it okay if I leave you here?" She looks at you with worry etched in her features, and you nod reassuringly. "He'll pick me up right here. Don't worry; I'm sure he'll be here soon."
You hug her, and after you promise to text her, you sit back in your place. You watch all the people leave until the hall is almost empty, and then finally, after you played with your phone for a while, the athletes start to stroll in the hall, now dressed normally and all of them looking fresh. You look for Atsumu and quickly spot his blonde bright hair. He is now sporting a pair of dark jeans and a black shirt that tightly fits on his torso, his blonde hair still slightly wet from the shower—he looks really good. He strides energetically towards you, a delighted expression on his face, and he doesn't even hesitate before he pulls you into a tight hug.
"Hey, Atsumu. You were great; congratulations." You mumble against his shoulder, and he squeezes you a bit tighter before he lets you go. "Thanks. I hope you had fun."
"I did! I loved every second; it was really cool."
He wraps an arm around your shoulders while you speak and gently directs you towards the exit. "Just wait till ya see the Olympics, that will be even better. Let's go to my place, huh?" You nod and follow him to his car.
Atsumu has a really nice apartment. It's rather high up, but the elevator is so modern and smooth that you barely realize how high you drive up. Everything is clean and cozy, and you find several pictures of Atsumu and his family on the wall and a lot of trophies. The TV on the wall is ridiculously big, but the couch is far away from it, far enough for it not to strain your eyes. Atsumu gestures for you to take a seat on the couch in the living room, and you sit down comfortably.
"I felt a bit out of place, though. Everyone was wearing fan shirts. I should probably get one too for the next game." You stare down at your plain shirt while Atsumu takes a seat next to you, still making sure to keep enough distance not to make you uncomfortable.
"You wanna wear a shirt with my number?" He grins at you, his eyes sparkling while he musters you, and you embarrassedly laugh. "I still need to decide about my favorite player. I might favor Sakusa Kiyoomi, he seemed quite impressive too. And Kageyama's sets were amazing as well." He pouts at your words, pressing his hand to his chest as if you just wounded him. You quickly raise your hands and laugh.
"I was just kidding. Of course, I'd only wear your number. I want to support your big dream of becoming a famous volleyball player someday."
He nods approvingly and reaches into his bag. "In that case, I think I have the perfect shirt for you." He offers you a crumpled piece of cloth that you quickly recognize as the shirt he's been wearing during the game. You stare at him blankly, your eyes wandering from the shirt in his hand to his face. "That's your shirt."
"Yes." He nods, still holding the shirt up.
"You will need it for the Olympics."
"Won't you get in trouble for this?"
"It's not like they can fire me at this point." He just shrugs his shoulder, and you finally reach out for it. "Thank you."
"Of course, can't have ya walking around with Omi's number. He is the worst, have ya seen his ugly face and his glare? I dunno why he has so many fans." He fakes a gagging sound, and you giggle while you place the shirt on the couch next to you. You're quite sure that his shirt would sell online for a fortune—especially his worn shirt. Not that you would do that.
"You seemed to get along pretty well with him on the court." You say with a teasing smile, and he rolls his eyes playfully. "He's still an ass sometimes. He's just lucky that he's good at playing. Would have ditched him otherwise. But we normally get along well, I just love complainin' about him."
"He seems... quite intense." You both exchange a glance and nod in silent agreement, and then he clears his throat.
"Uhm.. do ya wanna drink something?"
"Water is good, thanks." You smile, and he is quick to go into the kitchen and return with two glasses and a carafe of water.
"Thanks." you smile and take a sip of the glass he offers you. You both sit there for a few seconds in silence, and you mentally debate if you should suggest for him to turn on a movie or something- or to start a new topic, but he always makes your brain go blank. You wonder if he regrets his choice of inviting you over. He might have been curious about you in the beginning, like you were curious about him, but what does he actually think about you? He's so hard to read, especially since you're having a hard time figuring out if he just has a natural flirty personality or if he just does it with you. You try to stay calm while you keep on overthinking next to him, your hand tightening almost uncomfortably hard around the glass, but then he suddenly interrupts your thoughts.
"Ya wanna play a game? I got this truth or dare on mobile thing. I bought the full lifetime version when I was drunk a few years ago, and I plan to use it to the fullest." His brown eyes are warm when you meet them and you find yourself forgetting about your worries.
"Oh? I think that is a story that I'd love to hear."
"Ya might if ya use a dare for that." He winks, and you feel your cheeks heat up. He fishes for his phone and starts typing your names in the bright and cartoonish-styled app. "Is random mode fine with ya?"
"Sure." You smile and wait for him to set things up, and he places the phone between the both of you an you both look curiously at the screen.
dare for Atsumu:
Show your latest pic in your camera roll.
He pales visibly after reading it and stares at his phone blankly while you eye him curiously. "Can I pass?" Your eyes widen at his sudden static state, and you simply nod. "Uhm... you don't have to do it if you're not comfortable."
He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. "I just don't want to make ya uncomfortable."
Now he has really piqued your interest. "I won't be. Promise."
He doesn't seem convinced but opens the gallery in front of your eyes and clicks on the last picture—a shirtless picture of him, probably taken right after the game. He's still wearing the red shorts and very seductively grinning into the camera, his bare abs on full display for the camera. You quickly avert your gaze and clear your throat, feeling like a teenager looking at their crush. You now rub your throat to hide how flustered you feel from just seeing a goddamn picture of him. "I didn't expect that, to be honest. It's - uh- a nice picture, though."
"I didn't plan on posting it; I just like the after-game pump." He is quick to explain, and you just nod with warm cheeks. It's definitely getting hotter in here. The game successfully managed to create tension in the room- something that you didn't expect from a game that looks like a dorky party game. You take another sip and clear your throat. "Uhm... next?"
"Yeah." He is quick to open the app and tap on the screen.
truth for Y/N:
Who is the hottest person in the room?
You laugh and point at Atsumu. "That is quite self-explanatory."
"Ya got an easy one here since it's just the two of us." He complains and looks at you accusingly while you just laugh about his cute pout.
"Make it a bit more demanding then?"
"How about you tell me who's the hottest person in the Olympic team? You've seen all of us play today. Who's your favorite?"
"I haven't seen them all close up," you try to be neutral, but he just groans.
"There was a poll once about hot volleyball players worldwide, and someone from the Argentinean team won. He's close to Tobio-kun, apparently."
"You didn't win?" You look at him surprised. Atsumu is definitely on the hotter side of the team members from what you've seen so far- at least in your eyes. You haven't really paid attention to the other players though, your eyes always coming back to Atsumu.
"Ya seem genuinely surprised; I take that as a compliment. Nah, I didn't win, but I was in the Top Ten." He proudly puffs his chest, and you give him a playful thumbs up. "Congrats. I would have put you on number one, though." You try your best to calm your heartbeat when you see how intensely he looks at you at your words.
He grins and nods before he simply turns on his phone again without saying more about it.
dare for Atsumu:
Take a picture with a person in the room and set it as your profile pic.
"I can't set it as my Instagram pic or somethin' like that, but maybe just my screensaver?" He says as he contemplates his options.
You nod and move closer to him on the couch, until your shoulders are touching and your knees almost bumping together. He lifts the phone for a selfie and tilts his head in your direction while you tilt yours in his direction and you both try to smile brightly.
You look awkward.
That's easy to tell, and he seems to notice too because he's not taking a picture. "Uhm- maybe. We should do it like this."
He wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you closer to his chest, and you hear the click of the camera while you look surprisedly at him- shocked at this bold actin. "Now, look at the camera." His hand comes up to pinch your cheek gently, and you find yourself smiling at his actions. He's probably in a good mood since he won the game today, so you just let him proceed, trying not to think that this had a deeper meaning- because it probably doesn't. He grins too and takes another picture, and you remain in that position for a few more seconds, his pleasant smell invading your senses now that you're so close to him, and you subtly try to inhale deeply again. He feels good against you. Warm and solid, your body almost naturally fitting against his. Even though you'd love to stay, you slowly move back to your place and create some distance between the two of you. His muscles seem even more prominent when you look at his still raised arm and he slowly lets it sink down to his side.
He goes into his gallery again, and you both look at the two pictures. You look like a real couple. With the way you look up at him, pressed against his chest, your expression clearly flustered while he looks down at you with a grin- it's almost too intimate for you to bear. The other one in which you both smile brightly while he pinches your cheek is a rather cute picture, and he hums while he taps the picture.
"I'll take the second one then?" You nod and watch him set it as a background. "It looks nice." You nod again, definitely not trusting your voice. He is perfect boyfriend material.
"Next one then?" He sets up his phone, and you hold your breath for a second when the words show up.
dare for Y/N:
Kiss the hottest person in the room.
You awkwardly laugh and look down at your glass of water, waiting for him to laugh with you. But he doesn't. It's just silent between you now. Atsumu has not shown any reaction, just staying still as he is, still looking at the screen. You look at him with furrowed brows and then again at the screen. Should you-
No. What are you thinking?
You notice that Atsumu's knee has started bouncing, something that you think is his reaction when he's feeling nervous, and you experimentally lean just a bit closer after taking a deep breath and his eyes move from the screen to you.
His gaze flickers from your eyes to your lips when you lean forward just a bit more, and then he is slowly leaning into you too, much to your surprise. Your gaze shifts to his lips, parted just the slightest bit, so kissable-
He is waiting for you to make your move, giving up all control of the situation to let you do as you're comfortable with- and then you realize one thing when your breath meets his lips and your eyes fall shut.
You're about to kiss Atsumu Miya.
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grassbreads · 11 days
Waugh the new extra in the Tai Sui print volume was written for me personally I swear. It's all about random people in their world, both on other peaks at Xuanyin and back home around brothels in Jinping, gossipping about Xi Ping and what they know of him right after he gets brought into the inner sect.
As the gal who wrote 8k words of outsider pov fic about Xi Ping the moment I finished the series, I couldn't have asked for something that caters to my taste in bonus content more perfectly.
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silviakundera · 2 months
aug objective: actually finish Meng Xi Shi's Fourteenth Year of Chenghua
I've started and stopped it twice before, but that was due to the english translation not being complete at the time.
Starting over from the beginning and I forgot how much I enjoyed him adopting the lil 8 year old to be his sister and them actually becoming like real siblings ❤❤ and then badass Brocade Guard boss basically moves him in and wifes him up without him noticing. I love how clear it is that the 3 of them have a richer, happier life together as a family. It's not dramatic & angsty, it's just subtle undertones cushioning the plot - just them becoming a warm & safe home for each other.
I also enjoy all the ancient china crime solving. A classic mystery fan, I grew up on Agatha Christie. After reading half-way the last time, I went looking a translation of The Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee (and then got sucked into late Qing/Republican true crime Murders of Old China by Paul French).
Random highlighted passages so far...
[Tang Fan finds himself in possession of an 8 year old]
“Can you take me in, Sir Tang? I’ll be really hardworking, and not give you any trouble. I don’t want to go to Nanjing, I don’t know the Young Lord that well!”
Tang Fan didn’t know how to react. “You being willing to come cook is fine by me, but the question is: will Young Lord Li be willing to let you go?”
Hearing that his tone had relaxed, she suddenly got excited. “He will, he will! I heard the steward say that the house has too many people in it right now, and they won’t need so many later on. Isn’t that them being eager to lose a few? I eat a lot and don’t work that much, so they would definitely be willing to let me go and wreck someone else’s house!”
“…” Is it really good for you to be that frank?
Ah-Dong stuck out her tongue. “I misspoke, I misspoke! Me being too happy is all to blame. Don’t take it to heart at all, I’m actually great! Just pretend that you didn’t hear what I said right then!”
[Tang Fan finds himself on a date (without knowing he's on a date) and then moved into his date's house. Sui Zhao is efficient like that.]
He took a long detour, and when he leisurely got back home, he discovered that someone was already standing at his gate — wasn’t that Centarch Sui?
“If I had known before that you would be here so early, I would have come back first thing so that you wouldn’t be standing in wait at the entrance!” Tang Fan promptly sped up towards him, an apologetic smile on his face. “It’s no problem,” Sui Zhou answered.
Tang Fan found that he was also carrying some food.
“My home is far from yours, so I’ll just stay with you for tonight. Do you mind?”
“Ah? I don’t mind, I don’t mind! My break is tomorrow, so we can talk through the night by candlelight!”
Mister Tang lived the legendary bachelor life to its entirety. ... “Where did you buy this crispy tofu? And why is it so delicious?” he wondered. “I had some ingredients at home,” Sui Zhou answered concisely. “You can cook?” Mister Tang was wholly shocked. Sui Zhou gave a rare hook of the lips, saying nothing. A few breaths later, Tang Fan was still soaking in his shocked emotions. “Brother Guangchuan, you can actually cook? That’s really, really, really…” He ‘really’ed for half the day, but didn’t get out what the ‘really’ was about. Then, a rapid knock echoed in from outside the door. “That’s really too amazing!” Tang Fan took in a deep breath. ...
“Since you’re in such contradiction with the Li’s, what are you going to do about housing?”
Tang Fan hadn’t told him the thing about him currently looking for board everywhere, but he still took note of it. His meticulous mind was apparent.
“The capital is big, and there’s a lot of rooms. I’ll likely be able to find some.”
Sui Zhou thought about this for a moment. “If you want, you can come live with me.”
Tang Fan was taken aback. “Is… that alright? Wouldn’t your wife be upset?”
“I haven’t yet taken a wife,” Sui Zhou replied coldly.
“There has to be someone like a wife, right…?”
Sui Zhou was not pleased. “I haven’t accepted any concubines, nor slipshod maidservants.
Before Tang Fan could ask anything else, he proceeded to say, “My parents live with my eldest brother. I moved out on my own. Don’t worry about that.”
With all that said, since the other was inviting him there in good faith, it would be poor of Tang Fan to decline again. He ended up clasping his hands together, saying with sincerity, “I’ll bother you for now, then, Brother Guangchuan!”
[Sui Zhao continues marrying in Tang Fan]
" Furthermore,” he paused to look at Tang Fan, icy expression finally suffused with a trace of helplessness, “you’re a Dynasty-ordained official that’s run off to write an anonymous book like that. If that gets out, your reputation likely won’t be kept.”
Tang Fan chuckled. “What’s wrong with doing it? It’s not just me, but a lot of people in Court that do this, too. No one can tell who’s who with pen names, anyways. How could somebody support their family otherwise? Relying on salary alone? If they don’t want to be corrupt, they can only take a different approach..."
“I have a salary.”
Tang Fan just kept going. “Wouldn’t you say so, Guangchuan… eh? What’d you say?”
“I have a salary. No need to worry.”
...Hearing what he said, Tang Fan was stunned for a while, after which he started to laugh wildly. He ended up having to support himself on Sui Zhou’s shoulder in order to keep steady, rubbing his own stomach in pain. “Ouch… well, then, us siblings will depend on you from now on, Centarch Sui. Once I use up all my salary, you’ll have to help me out!” “Mn.” Tang Fan still couldn’t resist wanting to laugh, but he was a bit touched, as well. He knew that not everyone was capable of making the man say stuff like this. //
“Today is a family banquet, second brother. The Old Madam said not to bring outsiders, so why did you bring someone we don’t know? There’s women here, too! He’s not even someone close enough to be considered family! You’re really being too careless!”
The speaker was the wife of Sui Zhou’s older brother, Lady Jiao.
... As soon as she was done, [Sui Zhou] gave her an indifferent answer: “From now on, he’s to be considered family.”
Those words were so authoritarian, no one could say anything for a moment. They all stared at Sui Zhou.
// “How would Ah-Dong be able to hold you back?” he asked. “From now on, after you get your salary of grains and cash from your paper money, hand half of it over to me. I’ll safeguard it for you. If you ever need to spend more after using up what you have on hand, you’ll need to justify that to me first. You can use it only after I agree to it.”
Sui Zhou had never been fond of meddling in others’ business. Almost all of said business that he had cared about in this lifetime had come from Tang Fan’s head.
It was fortunate that they had the kind of relationship they had. If someone else had been ordered to do this, they would feel it difficult to understand, and might even turn hostile. Someone like Mister Tang, who was different from the average person, just nodded with delight. “That’s great! With you stopping me, I won’t spend so recklessly!”
From that point on, Millarch Sui not only had a heap of things to look after in the Northern Bastion Office, but also had to help Mister Tang manage his money when he returned home. He truly did wield total power, both foreignly and domestically — how very envy-inducing!
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twoidiotwriters1 · 12 days
Almighty (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I love Apollo therefore Ara is throttling the living hell out of him -Danny Words: 2,563 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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XI: With All Due Respect, Which Is None
"Nemo, trying to lose them is pointless—"
"Do not unbuckle your seatbelt!" He gives a sharp turn to the left.
Apollo yelps. "Is your plan to avoid a fight by dying in a traffic accident?"
"Ha-ha." Percy says through gritted teeth. "I'm getting us to the beach. Ara could get this done anywhere but I fight better near water, and I'd like to better our chances."
"Because Poseidon?" Meg asks in the backseat behind Ara's.
"Yep. That pretty much describes my entire life: Because Poseidon."
Ara hears the younger girl excitedly shuffling in the backseat. "You're gonna be like Aquaman? Get the fish to fight for you?"
Ara laughs. Percy grumbles. "Thanks, I haven't heard enough Aquaman jokes for one lifetime."
"I wasn't joking!"
"He's just cranky," Ara gives him a look. 
 "Ah, I know these spirits!" Apollo exclaims. "They are... um..."
"What?" Percy urges him anxiously. "They are what?"
"I've forgotten!" The boy huffs. "I hate being mortal! Four thousand years of knowledge, the secrets of the universe, a sea of wisdom—lost, because I can't contain it all in this teacup of a head!"
"Hold on!" Percy gives another violent turn making Meg hit the ceiling with her head. The girl bursts into a fit of giggles while Ara scolds her brother. "Just another mile or so to the beach... Plus we're almost to the western edge of camp. We can do it. We can do it."
The moment he says it, a blob flies directly to their windshield, making Percy give an abrupt turn and causing the car to spin. Ara lets out such a strong curse word that Apollo covers Meg's ears and blushes. Paul's blue Prius swerves off the road and breaks through the limits of an orchard, crashing right in between two trees.
Percy unbuckles his seatbelt. "You guys okay?"
"Oh gods, this will take ages to fix..." Ara places a hand on the dashboard and glows orange, assessing all the damage the Prius took in the collision.
Meg fights with the handle. "Won't open. Get me out of here!"
"Back here," Apollo tells them. "Climb over!"
They leave the car with shaky legs and stunned brains, Ara spots the three blobs no longer looking like blobs. She curses and draws out Almighty. "The heck are those?"
"STOP!" Apollo tries to sound powerful, but his voice quivers. "I am the god Apollo!"
He gives a step forward and Ara tenses. "Are you sure...?"
The boy silences her and Ara obeys out of habit, he may not look like a god but she's still aware of who he is. "Leave us or be destroyed! BLOFIS!"
Ara frowns. "Did you just scream my dad's last name as a ward against evil?"
It does nothing to destroy the creatures, if anything, they look more ready to kill. "Oh, dear." Apollo says shakily. "I remember now..." 
"What are they?" Ara asks out of obligation, because she certainly doesn't want to know.
"Nosoi. Plague spirits," he winces. "And they can't be killed." 
"Nosoi?" Percy helps Meg out of the car. "You know, I keep thinking, I have now killed every single thing in Greek mythology. But the list never seems to end."
"You haven't killed me yet," Apollo points out.
"Don't tempt me," he retorts at the same time Ara says Don't tempt him.
"These creatures are not myths," Apollo continues. "Of course, most things in those old myths are not myths. Except for that story about how I flayed the satyr Marsyas alive. That was a total lie."
"You did what?"
"Guys, could we talk about that later?" Meg grabs a random tree branch as her weapon of choice.
"Apollooooo..." speaks one of the creatures. "We have coooome to—"
"Let me stop you right there." Apollo crosses his arms. "You've come to take your revenge on me, eh?" He looks back at the demigods. "You see, nosoi are the spirits of disease. Once I was born, spreading illnesses became part of my job. I use plague arrows to strike down naughty populations with smallpox, athlete's foot, that sort of thing."
"That was actually going to be my next question," Ara says.
"Oh, really?"
"No, you self-centered doofus!" She exclaims. "Why would you antagonize the living hospital waste?"
"Somebody's got to get the job done in a respectful manner! Better a god, regulated by the Council of Olympus and with the proper health permits, than a horde of uncontrolled spirits like these."
Another spirit speaks up. "We're trying to have a moooment here. Stop interrupting! We wish to be free, uncontroooolled—"
"Yes, I know. You'll destroy me. Then you'll spread every known malady across the world. You've been wanting to do that ever since Pandora let you out of that jar. But you can't. I will strike you down!"
"What will you strike us down with? Where is your booow?"
"It appears to be missing. But is it really? What if it's cleverly hidden under this Led Zeppelin T-shirt, and I am about to whip it out and shoot you all?"
The nosoi hesitate a bit. "Yooou lie."
"Why do you speak like that?" Ara blurts out.
"Like what?"
"Elongating the o's," she tilts her head. "Is that supposed to be threatening or...?"
"Are you trying to antagonize the hospital waste too?" Percy mutters. "Listen, Apollo..."
"I know what you're going to say. You, your sister, and Meg have come up with a clever plan to hold off these spirits while I run away to camp. I hate to see you sacrifice yourselves, but—"
"That's not what I was going to say. I was going to ask what happens if I just slice and dice these mouth-breathers with Celestial bronze."
One of the spirits makes a noise that kind of sounds like a laugh. "A sword is such a small weapon. It does not have the pooooetry of a good epidemic."
"Let me give you a real nuclear farewell, then," Ara mumbles, ready to change her sword into a bazooka.
"Stop right there!" Apollo steps in. "You can't claim both my plagues and my poetry!"
"You are right. Enough wooooords."
Apollo lifts his arms with his palms facing the creatures as if to blast them, but nothing happens when he does that. "This is insufferable! How do demigods do it without an auto-win power?" 
Ara turns her sword into a shotgun. "Let's survey after I put these uglies to bed."
Meg stabs one of them with her branch and the wood sizzles like it's sinking in acid. "Let go!" Apollo squeals. "Don't let the nosoi touch you!"
Ara steps back, but Percy charges without a second thought. He rarely gets those anyway, and one of the spirits tries to seize his wrist. Meg throws a frozen peach at the head of the creature, and Ara loads her shotgun, ready to finish him off. She shoots, but the creature's body dissolves and forms again without any damage.
"We gotta run," Meg concludes.
"Yeah." Percy stumbles back. "I like that idea."
Ara grabs Apollo's wrist and drags him through the orchard easily even though he's almost the same height as Percy. "That's the western border of camp!" Her brother points further ahead. "If we can just get there..." 
He explodes a tank near them and with Ara's help, wills the water to swirl around the bodies of the nosoi, the girl glows teal as they run through the field. "That's cool!" Meg runs happily. "We're going to make it!" 
"Can y'all stop saying that!" Ara exclaims irritatedly. The nosoi burst out of the ground ahead and Percy doesn't have time to stop before he runs through one of them. "Nemo!" She gasps.
"Don't breathe!" Apollo squeaks.
Percy presses his lips together and clutches his shirt over his nose, he holds the little breath he can gather. Ara loads her shotgun again while Meg picks up another bruised peach from the ground. Ara runs through a few plans in her mind. "Can I use water?"
"If I use water is my brother going to be okay?"
"I don't know! There is no seawater here!" Apollo screeches when another spirit charges at him and makes him crash into a tree.
"I'll take my chances," Ara summons the skies the moment the last spirit charges at her, and even if he's good at dissolving, there's nothing he can do against the speed and power of lightning. She looks between her brother and the helpless god, not knowing which one to focus on.
"Which fatal illness shall I use to kill the great Apolloooo?" The third spirit hums approvingly as it stalks the god. "Anthrax? Perhaps eboooola..."
"Hangnails," Apollo coughs out. "I live in fear of hangnails." 
Ara reaches for her octopus, fishes out a water bomb, and tosses it at Percy's feet. He closes his eyes tightly when the bomb explodes and Ara contains the detonation, making the water swirl as fast as possible, imagining whatever virus, germ, or bug is in there getting washed away. The girl glows brighter and closes her fist, dragging the water away from her brother's body, and into the plague spirit hovering over Apollo, lifting the being in a seawater ball.
"Percy, help!"
He helps her hold the ball up. Apollo is curled up in the mud, Ara glares at him feeling dizzy. "What now, Lester? We can't keep that thing trapped forever."
Just as she says this, the spirit Percy had previously run through reforms and pounces at them. Meg screams, taking them by surprise. "GET DOWN!" Everyone obeys, watching in shock as a thousand frozen peaches fly up and straight through the spirit, intercepting the one in the water bubble too. It's such an impressive display of strength and skill that they stay down even after the spirits fade.
Percy speaks weakly. "What just happened?"
Apollo clears his throat. "Meg, is it safe?"
"I—I'm not sure."
"How'd you do that?" Percy rubs his nose like he's got an itch that reaches all the way to his brain.
Meg shakes her head. "I didn't! I just knew it would happen."
A plague spirit sits up with difficulty. "But you did doooo it. Yooou are strong, child."
"Not strong enough," said the other. "We will finish you now."
"Are you kidding me?" Ara growls. "What does a girl gotta do for her murders to stick?"
One of the spirits does something that sort of looks like a smile. "Arae Jackson, soooo feisty. The girl's guardian is sooooo disappointed that he didn't find yoooou first." 
Meg kicks the ground, squealing in panic. "NO!" Another large group of peaches flies up and gets together, mixing and molding into a chubby plant-baby that reminds her of a nymph in the worst kind of way.
Ara frowns. "Is that...?"
Percy makes a face. "I hate these things."
"Wh-what is it?" Meg asks.
"It's a grain spirit," Apollo explains, visibly shaking. "I've never seen a peach karpos before, but if it's as vicious as other types..."
Ara lowers her weapon. "Let's not look threatening then... and step back veeery slowly... Meg, command your little friend to attack the nosoi."
"But I don't—"
"Do it," Ara says kindly yet curtly. "It'll listen."
With a shaky finger, she points at the plague spirits. "Eat them."
The next few seconds are a display of peach feral violence, enough to make Ara swear to never eat said fruit for the rest of her life. The baby chomps, munches, rips, inhales, and obliterates every single speck of nosoi in sight. Just as quickly, the grain spirit sits obediently at Meg's feet and burps, his green eyes attentive as he hits his chest proudly in an archaic gesture. "Peaches!"
Percy leans closer to Ara. "Do we kill it?"
"No!" Meg turns to them urgently. "Don't hurt him."
"Not planning to," Ara says. "Thank Peaches for us."
Meg pats the creature's head. "You saved us—Thank you." The creature wraps his chubby hands around Meg's leg, hugging her with such a gentle grip it melts Ara's heart, although she can't forget the way he consumed the plagues as if they were nothing but smoke.
"Peaches," he purrs.
"He likes you," Percy points out the obvious. "Um... Why?"
"I don't know," Meg blinks. "Honestly, I didn't summon him!"
"Meg," Ara starts patiently. "Your godly parent..." Something is not adding up. Ara heard the nosoi mention some guardian being disappointed over the fact that they didn't get Ara first... did they mean Meg's?
"Well, whatever the case," Apollo says dismissively, "we owe the karpos our lives. This brings to mind an expression I coined ages ago: A peach a day keeps the plague spirits away!"
Percy wrinkles his nose. "I thought it was apples and doctors." The creature shows its fangs at him. "Or peaches. Peaches work too."
"Peaches," the grain spirit nods solemnly.
Percy sneezes, perhaps the plague left him with some kind of seasonal allergy. "Not criticizing, but why is he grooting?"
"Grooting?" Meg frowns.
"Yeah, like that character in the movie... only saying one thing over and over. You know the one, Ara, you love the Raccoon."
Ara looks back at Meg. "He's asking why he's communicating using a single word."
Apollo shrugs. "I don't think a karpos tends to have a... targeted vocabulary."
"Maybe Peaches is his name." Meg pats the creature's head amicably. "That's what I'll call him."
"Good idea," Ara nods. "At least he seems to listen to you, so—"
"Whoa, she's not adopting that—" Percy sneezes again, shaking his head. "Ugh. The nosoi did something to me, my nose is all itchy."
"You're lucky," Apollo points out. "Ara's trick with the water diluted the spirit's power. Instead of getting a deadly illness, you got an allergy."
"Let me see," Ara presses a hand between his eyes. She reaches for the watering system of the orchard, willing the water out. "This will be quick, so don't breathe for the next five seconds."
In a swift motion, Ara glows teal and shoots a bit of water into Percy's right nostril and out through the left, giving him an instant nasal wash. He doubles over cursing and coughing. "A little heads up would be nice!"
"I told you not to breathe," she pats his cheek lovingly. "How's it feeling?"
Percy inhales deeply. "Good as new. You're the best, Birdy."
"No problem," Ara kisses his cheek.
"Excuse me?" Apollo speaks in annoyance. "We still need to move!"
Ara's eyes turn cold in an instant. She reaches the boy fast, making him yelp and stumble. "Listen here, you Less-tier god—you took plague spirits to where my pregnant mother lives, you almost got my brother and a twelve-year-old girl—that I still don't know if you kidnapped—killed, and you still don't understand that you're in no position to boss me around. Thank Percy for driving us here."
Apollo cowers a bit, looking back at Percy while blushing. "Thank you."
Her brother doesn't move an inch to pull Ara away from the former god, he seems to enjoy the scene. "No problem."
"Can we go now?" Meg asks like she's getting bored.
"An excellent idea," Apollo says promptly. "Though I'm afraid your father's car is in no condition—"
"I can drive you the rest of the way, if we can get it out from between those trees... Aw, Hades no...." Percy groans. Ara spots the police car stopping near the collision. "Ara, if they tow the Prius, we're dead. Our parents need the car."
"I got this," Ara eases him. "Bit of charmspeak and they'll help you tow the car back to our parking lot. You can explain what happened, and I'll be back before dinner, I'll get the car running by the end of the weekend, it'll be fine."
Percy nods at Apollo and Meg. "So you're seeing them to camp?"
Ara looks briefly over her shoulder. "Wait there, I'll be right back." She looks at Peaches. "You're in charge, bub."
"Peaches," the creature puffs out his chest.
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Next Chapter –>
@siriuslysirius1107 @ask-giggles1303 @im-planning-something-look @bandshirts-andbooks @coolninjapaper @thewaterlily @whenisthefall @1randomcomic @you-bloody-shank @sunflowergraves @owlalex44 @taylordaughter @typicalsolangelolover @writingmia @espressopatronum454 @slytherinnqueen @orbitingpolaris @obxstiles @ellipsisspelled @thepixiechicksh @ebony-reine-vibes
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moondal514 · 5 months
I’m so entertained by how much of Yuwu Seven Seas Vol 2 is dedicated to making sure the reader understands exactly how smoking hot Mo Xi is. Like we get several pages of random people explicitly thirsting after him, many many instances of straight guys looking at him and having a “well maybe” moment, and a whole ass scene where it literally says on page that half-naked Mo Xi is prettier than the flowers surrounding the hot springs he’s bathing in. Hilarious
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Edit: This may have been a Selfship event story, but it is also a major part of the Sapphire Heartverse: Sugar Crash Void Bash canon!
Day 1: Share your very first romantic kiss
Well, it's already known how Vanilla and Tippy had their first kiss! (here!) But here's a short story on how Vanilla and Tippy had their first kiss with Bel!
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It's a crisp, calm, delightful autumn evening. The three gentlemen are walking down the sidewalk, taking in the scenery, breathing in that nice fall air, watching the leaves twirl off the branches of trees, and… they're trying to find a way to break the silence! Bel glances up at Vanilla, who's in the middle of the other two. Xe locks eyes for a brief moment with the tall man and averts xis gaze to the trees beside xem. Vanilla, who has been the unfortunate victim of having to wear pants this season, puts his hands in his pockets and looks down at Tippy,
"It's quiet. Pretty peaceful out this evening, hm?"
"Oh yeah." Tippy smiles. Bel wants to chime in and say something. They're a little nervous because of everything that happened about a year ago… they used to be influenced by an evil gemstone…and yet these two not only wanted to be their friend but also take them out on a date. Tippy looks over at Bel, noticing xe's a little shy at the moment. He pipes up and smiles at Bel,
"So, what are you gonna get at the cafe, Bel? Are you more of a sweets kind of person or savory?"
"Me? Oh, huh… I mean, like, I do enjoy a nice treat here and there. But, like, I guess I could just go with anything, you know? I mean, I can be pretty picky, not going to lie about that," Bel chuckles and touches his own chest, gesturing to himself, "Okay, honestly, I am a more than just a little picky… but, I'm willing to try almost anything once honestly. Ahahahaha!" Vanilla tries to add to the conversation, but Bel continues, "Sometimes I even think about trying random foods from all around the world, like, I'll probably try to do a little country to country taste testing, you know? Maybe, like, get one thing from each country-" Bel puts their hand up, "WAIT. Maybe I could get one of the same thing from each country I go to. Or wait, maybe I should get something different-? I don't know, it's all so confusing, like-" Bel laughs and looks over at Vanilla and Tippy. 
He instantly feels self conscious. Shit, I'm talking too much about myself again. Why do I keep doing this? Bel thinks to himself. He clears his throat,
"Uh hum…yeah…"
"I think that would be fun, heheh!" Tippy grins at xem. Vanilla nods,
"Hey, we're here." He opens the cafe door for the other two fellas. 
"Thank you so much, Vans! Oh you're such a sweetie pie." Tippy touches Vanilla's arm as he walks inside. Bel checks xis nails as xe walks in, but catches xemself,
"O-oh! Thank you, Nilla. You always were the better servant boy." Bel attempts to make a little joke, but as that sentence came out of their mouth, they instantly felt like a jerk saying it, "Wait, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that in a bad way."
"You're fine." Vanilla tells them. 
As the three get to their table next to the window, they all admire the autumn view. The leaves blow in the slight breeze. Tippy takes a sip of his pumpkin spiced hot chocolate, then squeaks.
"Sweetie, are you okay?" Vanilla looks concerned.
"Yeah, I just got my tongue burned!" Tippy says. "At least I can just lick the whipped cream until it cools off though, heheh."
"OMG, that reminds me of this one time back when I was working at that crusty old mansion, one of the guys that used to work there found a scorpion? And he like, grabbed it? I was like, 'what are you doing put that thing down right now' and he was like, 'watch this' and I was like 'okay' and he freaking… puts this creature in his mouth and it like, bites his tongue- well, it didn't bite his tongue, it stung it," Bel interjects. As xe continues xis story, Vanilla daintily puts a spoonful of sugary whipped cream covered in caramel and chocolate sauce in his mouth. The other two listen to Bel talk and tell stories. Not only about his time working at the mansion, but also about what happened while he was under the jewel's influence. 
Bel suddenly realizes, after about 20 minutes of talking nonstop, that they didn't let either of the two say a single word. They feel self conscious once again and try to wrap up their story. They end up stumbling over their words and embarrassing themself. They sip their equally as sugary coffee and stare down at their drink.
Tippy's brows frown, understanding what Bel might be feeling right now. He just has a lot to say… maybe the reason he talks so much is because he just needs somebody to listen… Tippy thinks to himself. Vanilla isn't very talkative and he's introverted, where Bel is extroverted, and Tippy is ambiverted. Unbeknownst to Bel, Tippy has empathy for xem while Vanilla is happy to listen to other people talk. It's true that Bel has some problems involving selfishness, carelessness, and the need for popularity…but all of that stems from poor self esteem yet at the same time, his inflated self image. 
Tippy reads them like a book,
"Yuh huh?" Xe looks at Tippy curiously.
"You're not bothering us, you know. You can talk as much as you'd like." Tippy gives xem a gentle and knowing smile. Vanilla nods,
"It's true. I know back when we disliked each other, I would say pretty nasty things. We were both at each other's throats… I want you to know that I take it all back. I don't hate you anymore, and I genuinely enjoy your company, Beleza."
Bel looks back and forth between the two fellas. He smiles and politely nods his head, then takes a drink from his coffee. Tippy softly touches the back of their hand,
"We mean it. You fit right in with us, you know? You're always welcome at our house."
"He's right. We're misfits. Look at us, we were all outcasts and outsiders. We didn't work at Lord D- I mean, Dio's mansion for no reason. If you ask me, I would call that fate." Vanilla tells them, "Bel, it's true. Anyone who has ever worked at Dio's mansion is an outcast in some way or another. But we found security in each other. We found comfort and safety in one another. To hell with the ones who shunned us for who we are." 
"Well said, Vans!" Tippy lightly claps, then he jokes at Bel, "You can tell he's a little passionate about this kind of stuff, haha!"
"I guess you guys are right… ugh, it just… I dunno." Bel sighs and looks at his coffee. Vanilla reaches for Bel's hand and caresses the back of it softly,
"You're always welcome in our home, Beleza. We mean that."
As the three of them walk out of the cafe, all smiles and laughs, Tippy lightly bonks his head on Bel’s shoulder. Bel giggles and playfully bonks xis head on top of Tippy’s. Vanilla smiles at the other two and teasingly bumps his shoulder into Bel. They look up at him, give a shy chuckle and touch his bicep,
“You guys are, like… really affectionate. I kind of figured since I’ve seen you two nuzzling and kissing all over each other all the time, ahahahaha!” 
“Yeah.” Vanilla rubs his neck with a slight smile, “It’s funny. I’ve always been a hopeless romantic. I never thought I would find a kindred spirit such as Tippy… and hm, now you.”
“Nilla! You should have known I can never get enough attention.” Bel teases. 
They all walk back to Vanilla’s black SUV. Bel feels a great sadness wash over him, he really enjoyed spending more time with his potential partners. Vanilla opens the passenger’s side for Tippy, then the middle door for Bel.
“I guess it’s time for you to take me back to the hotel, huh?” Bel gives them both a bittersweet smile. Vanilla and Tippy look at xem forlornly, then at each other. Vanilla speaks,
“That is correct… but it doesn’t mean we can’t still hang out for a while after that.” Bel looks up into Vanilla’s eyes, his smile still a little sad,
“I would really like that.” 
The three sing along to songs and make jokes the entire way back to the hotel where Bel is staying for a while. Xe takes them both up to his room, where Tippy proceeds to leap face first on xis bed and lays there for a while.
Bel and Vanilla both look at each other with an amused face, then burst out laughing. Bel jumps on the bed next to him, and Vanilla just sits down daintily on the bed. Tippy sits up and giggles with Bel. They both end up playfully wrestling with each other while Vanilla watches. He covers his mouth and chuckles at the two goofing around. Bel holds onto Tippy and watches him try to wriggle free,
“Hey! No fair, you’re stronger than me!” Tippy laughs. Bel smirks,
“Well, maybe you should hit the gym, little man!”
Vanilla chuckles at the two of them then crawls over,
“Don’t make me come over there. I’ll sit on you both!”
“Sounds good to me.” Tippy teases. Bel playfully tugs on Vanilla’s sweater, 
“Why don’t you join us, big guy?”
Vanilla leans over and lays next to them both. After a lull in the conversation, Bel speaks up,
“So… um…” They lean up and look over at the other two, “Ugh, this is so awkward…”
“What’s up, Bel?” Tippy asks.
“Well, like… you guys are so cute.” Bel covers his face, “I want to ask… for… like… a kiss… or something.”
Vanilla leans up and gently takes Bel’s hands away from their face. The two of them stare deeply into each other’s eyes. Vanilla lightly touches Bel’s chin and tilts his head,
“I’ve been thinking the same thing… Beleza…”
Tippy covers his mouth and watches the other two share a tender moment. Bel feels his cheeks get hotter as Vanilla leans in with his eyes closed. Their lips meet finally. Bel feels Vanilla’s warm, glossed lips, the taste of vanilla sugar flavored lip gloss glides over his mouth. Bel holds onto Vanilla’s shoulders and kisses him back. Vanilla slowly pulls away and gazes down at Bel with hooded eyelids. Bel is in a daze from kissing this man who he finds to be very very handsome. Vanilla smirks and gives a low chuckle,
“You look pleased…”
“O-oh! Yeah, I… oh my god, I just… that was uh… yeah.” Bel covers xis mouth, still tasting Vanilla’s lip gloss. Xe glances over at Tippy, wanting to kiss him as well. Silently, the two of them make their way to each other. Tippy leans up and Bel leans in. Their lips lock, even more gloss gets mixed in. The taste of Tippy’s raspberry flavored gloss glides over Bel’s lips, making xem lightly lick Tippy’s bottom lip. Tippy gets surprised but welcomes it, kissing xem deeper. Bel melts into Tippy’s kiss and softly touches his arm. The two of them pull away for breath, looking each other in the eyes. Bel averts his gaze, catching his breath a bit,
“Wow… you both really know how to kiss a guy, huh?”
Tippy smiles and wraps Bel up in a hug, which Bel enthusiastically returns, falling backwards and having Tippy lie on top of him. Vanilla jokingly lies on top of the other two, not putting his full weight on them though.
“Waugh! Vans, you’re crushing us!” Tippy teases him.
“I’m crushing you both with my love.” Vanilla kisses Tippy’s cheek and leans down to kiss Bel’s forehead. Tippy and Vanilla end up peppering Bel’s face with kisses on either side of his face, making him giggle.
“Oh yeah, I could get used to this!” Bel squeaks with delight.
The End
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pertinax--loculos · 8 months
OC in Fifteen
I was tagged by the always-lovely @winterandwords for this tag game!
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
Tagging back @winterandwords because I can never get enough, plus soft tags for @dontjudgemeimawriter @frostedlemonwriter, @artdecosupernova-writing, @sunset-a-story and @kd-holloman
In the spirit of keeping with my goals for this year (and also because I need fifteen pieces of dialogue and a lot of my brainrot-WIPs at the moment don't necessarily have that) I'm going to do this for Latrell, of Absent That Night fame (noting these are mostly random lines, not really character-revealing):
I "So here's a fun question," he said, leaning back in his chair.
II "I know." Nox grinned now, flashing startlingly white teeth. "You're gonna help me catch the guy that did." "No I am fucking well not."
III "If you have a problem," Latrell said, breaking the silence, breaking his rule, like he always ended up doing here, in this situation, with Ronan, "Feel free to elucidate any time."
IV "Well, fuck that," Latrell snarled. "I'm done. I'm not working with a fucking criminal, especially one who has yet to provide any assistance. I'm gonna find whoever killed Carrie, but I'm not fucking looping you in on anything else. We're done."
V “You’ve claimed it wasn’t you, and then blackmailed me into helping you prove it, and then assaulted me with the Orn when I protested. Far as I’m concerned, we’ve established fuck all.”
VI “Yeah,” Latrell snapped, swiping up the mug and inspecting it, mostly so he didn’t have to look at Nox’s smug face. “That’s totally what it is, not that I’ve got a fucking felon on my doorstep.”
VII “What,” he gasped out through his protesting lungs, “The fuck?”
VIII “Fair? What the hell would you know about fair? Half the words that come out of your mouth are fucking lies, apparently you spent half of last night fucking following me around, and—” “I wasn’t—” “—and you act like you’re not even doing these things!”
IX “I’m loathe to agree with anything you say.”
X “I do not give a single fuck about your best interests. I just don’t wanna mess up my hands.”
XI "What sort of maniac builds an aquarium underground?"
XII “It’s… complicated, alright? And I’ll go into more detail when we get there. Just figured I shouldn’t spring it on you right after you’ve just met our favourite felon.”
XIII “And because you can’t be lying to me.” Wretched. Pleading. Begging. “You can’t.”
XIV Latrell said, “I’d kill a man for some caffeine.”
XV "Say I believe you." He didn't. He didn't. "Why would you tell me this? Now?"
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cafeinthemoon · 2 years
Ruins - Part XI
Chapter 11
Wordcount 3k
Title Part XI
Fandom Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Record of Ragnarok
Pairing Hades X reader
Previous chapters
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10
Symbols ⭕ . ➕ . 💛
Warnings: none
Tagging: @darling-imobsessed @holdyourwine (if you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just leave a comment on this chapter or send an ask or a message)
N.A.: So... This chapter has been in my drafts for weeks and I've been just avoiding it bc I was somehow convinced that it would never be good enough, but it was an essential part of this story so I couldn't skip it 😭 I didn't know what to do, so I forced myself to work on it and after a few days I finally finished it!
Anyways, here we have Hades showing off another talent of his, Hermes being the best babysitter in the world and I also decided to include some humour in it! I hope you don't mind XD
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You were resting your head on Hades’ shoulder, your eyes closed as if you were going to take a nap while his hand stroked your hair. From time to time, he would place a kiss on your temple or whisper some random, sweet words just to make sure you stood awake; you, on your part, would threat him with another tickling session, something that he would receive with laughter or some teasing. 
The water was still murmuring in the fountain; the animals were crossing the grass around you or flying over the flowery arc above the bench, as if coming back to their lives after giving you the space you needed to fix yours; a lukewarm breeze started blowing, whistling between the trees and caressing your skin, but not as gently as Hades’ hands. 
Finally, the riddles were solved, the issues were put aside and everything found their right place. 
I never felt this safeness before... I never felt so in peace.  
If you had any worries at that moment, it was only regarding how the people at the party – the gods, in particular – were going to receive you once you stepped into the room for the second time. Because, obviously, you would have to return and complete the protocols as one of the human visitors. 
You decided to speak about it. 
– I’m a bit afraid of what’s going to happen when we go back to the party. 
Though he had a reputation to repair – after all, the last thing the guests saw was the moment you rejected his gift and left without giving him a chance to respond – Hades didn’t seem as worried about this as you supposed he would be. Instead, he just focused in convincing you that you didn’t have to think too much about it.  
– If you’re afraid that people are going to look down on you or be shocked by your audacity, let me tell you that none of this is going to happen. Instead, the least you can expect is to see them in awe with your presence. 
You frowned. 
– How so, Hades-sama? 
His response came in the form of a mysterious smile. 
– Let’s go back inside the building – he tightened his grip around you and stood up with you in his arms; you smiled while passing your arm around his neck – And give them a reason to be. 
You returned to the building with your arms entwined with Hades’. You took a shortcut to reach the corridor where your room was, confirming your supposition that he entered the garden using one of them. 
First, you went to your room to do a new makeup and, in your words, “to restore the decency of my face and not fall in Poseidon-sama's disfavor”. Hades laughed and sat on your bed’s edge, observing as you did your work in front of the vanity, the same where the girls were arguing about their preparations and when your thoughts were directed to the water. You thought of telling him about this episode, but declined: the moment to tell the whole story was yet to come. 
When everything was done, you looked around the vanity’s surface and frowned: your hair was untied and you couldn’t find anything to wear on it... 
Until you felt a hand on our shoulder and noticed Hades standing behind you. You looked up to him, who had a gentle smile to you. 
– Can I help you? 
Your response was a shy whisper. 
– Of course. 
You doubted that he could help you in this, despite the natural manner with which he took the brush over the vanity and started dividing your hair in sections, but you weren’t going to be the one to question he if he knew what he was doing. 
And, to your surprise, he knew it. 
He took a thin section from the back of your head and started untangling it with his fingers before using the brush; after that, he would curl the section with his finger, as to make sure that there was no damage. He patiently repeated the process with all your hair on the back as you observed it through the mirror, but it was only when he started working on the side sections that you were able to see his hands in action – and you were marveled. 
The attention his hands gave to the task, the delicacy of his fingers while they slipped through your locks, how he knew when and where to use the brush on them, respecting their curvature – all of this, you thought, made your hair more beautiful than it actually was. 
You didn’t know how long you stood there observing, but seeing the moment when he put the brush back on the vanity was like waking up from a daydream. And, honestly, you wanted to be wide awake to see what was coming next. 
His hands were now working on uniting all your locks to create a hairstyle, and you were curious to know what he was about to do: you remembered that even Hermes-sama, used to observe the girls and their mutable beauty standards, avoided any extravagance in this sense when he put the hairpin on your hair; what would Hades do, then? 
For the second time, he divided your hair in sections – three, one at your back and the others on your sides –, and those ones were divided in another three, thinner locks that he united in loosen braids. When he braided the sides, he untied one thin curl on each side, above your ears, then the rest was all pulled together and twisted to form a bun on the back of your head. 
As he held your hair with his right hand, you observed his reflection when he took the hairpin out of his coat and finished the work. 
You spent a moment smiling at your own reflection: he really did good job there. 
– Well – you touched the bun as you spoke – Impressive. I could never imagine you had such talent, my Lord. 
Hades laughed. 
– I just did the basics. The true beauty was already in you. 
Your cheeks got warm at the compliment. When you turned to him, you saw his hand stretched to you. 
– Shall we? 
You nodded and accepted the invitation, leaving the room behind. 
If you knew what happened right after you left the party, you wouldn’t be surprised with the respectful, stunned reception you had when you returned. 
The silence that spread across the place when you disappeared behind the door was heavy and uncomfortable. The human girls that witnessed your interaction with the King of Hellheim were shocked by your attitude, not knowing if they should consider it an act of courage or stupidity. The gods, on the other hand, were more than outraged: how dare a mortal refuse the gift from a god and just flee, not giving him the time to respond? In a matter of seconds, whispers of indignation and surprise started growing among the crowd. 
Though they weren’t less affected by what they saw, the three Greek brothers remained in silence, waiting to see what Hades was going to do. From his part – and to the surprise of most of the guests, who didn’t know him as they did – there was little to no sign of wrath on his face. No, not even the slightest irritation. He was just there, quiet, putting the hairpin inside his coat as if nothing happened. 
One of the gods that had a hard time processing the events was the god of Destruction, Shiva. Beside his wives, he had the company of his students, who were as astonished as the other apprentices, but didn’t dare move a finger without the consent of their master: his anger, almost tangible, was something new to them, and though they didn’t know how to react, doing nothing seemed better than doing the wrong thing and ending up increasing his bad mood. 
– I don’t understand this! What happened to humanity? They seem to have no regard for hierarchy and respect nowadays! – he growled to himself while the eye on his forehead opened; then, turning to Hades, – I suppose you’re thinking of giving her the appropriate discipline! 
Apparently, during that moment of wrath, the head of the Indian pantheon forgot that there were human girls listening to every word he said, only thinking of this when they started shivering and whining around him. 
– This sounds too terrifying, Shiva-sama! – one of them cried out. 
A second one corroborated her, with her hands united in a plead: 
– Are you telling us that you would do something terrible to one of us too, my Lord? 
A third one followed, holding one of his arms: 
– Please, Shiva-sama, don’t say such things! We swear we will never act like this! 
A fourth one, younger than her partners and unable to formulate words, started to cry. 
Following their example and guided by the same fear of divine punishment, other girls started doing the same to their masters, creating a wave of pleading, lamentation and tears that kept the gods occupied in desperate attempts to calm them down. 
Shiva, on his part, was facing incredible difficulty trying to tame his own students even with the help of his wives. 
– Hey, hey, there’s no need to overreact – he patted the head of the weeping, younger girl while trying to pay attention to the others with his three remaining arms; his forehead eye closed slowly as his anger disappeared – Heavens, I forgot how sensitive you are… 
Among Hades’ brothers, Adamas, whose short temper was well known among his pairs, was the first to manifest his discontentment with your behavior.
– I can’t believe you brought us here to witness this, elder brother – he crossed his arms – I don’t understand what happened with this human, but I agree with Shiva. You cannot just let her get away with this! 
Zeus, with his hands behind his back, had his gaze on the entry’s door, through which you just fled. 
– Indeed, that was an odd attitude – he spoke in a distracted manner – Showing some embarrassment is understandable, but running away like that? Yes, it’s very odd… 
Poseidon was the only one who kept his thoughts to himself, but anyone who looked into his eyes would guess that, whatever the response he’d give to someone who dared do this to him, it would be anything but pleasing. 
Since Hades didn’t give any verbal response, Adamas insisted: 
– So? – he took a step toward his brother – Have you decided what to do? 
Hades raised his eyes to him, but had no time to reply, for another deity interceded: Heracles, who was near his Greek pairs, in the company of his students, and was one of the few gods who didn’t speak in favor of a punishment. 
– Forgive me, but I believe there must be a better way to solve this – and, when everyone turned to him, – There must be a reason behind her actions. Deciding what to do without knowing such reason is everything but fair. 
Adamas gave the god of Justice a furious glare, making his students hide behind him. 
– You’re always trying to justify your ex-pairs' petulance, boy. No wonder they only do what they want! But, for at least this time, we need you to see things as they are and stop with this indulgence! 
Heracles reciprocated the glare, closing his fists. 
– What you call indulgence is what as I see as justice. You should try and learn the difference. 
Adamas took a step ahead and a heated argument was about to start between the two men. There were a few gods with a more peaceful inclination who took the demigod’s side, while many of them saw in the god of Conquest’s anger a support for their own sensitive pride, and the room was soon divided in two, the tense expectations shared between each present... 
– All of you, quiet! 
Though Hades just raised his voice a bit above the usual tone, it silenced the entire room once it spread across it. Adamas immediately gave up on the argument, stepping back to his previous spot; Heracles swallowed, but stood his ground. Shiva, who was watching all their interaction in silence, turned to Hades with a raised eyebrow, wondering why a human would provoke such reaction from the King of the Underworld; his younger student stopped sobbing and hugged him. 
Hades sighed, putting his hands on his pockets, and passed his eyes over the faces of the humans and the immortals. However, he made it clear that his words were directed to his divine pairs. 
– Look around you. Look at these girls – and, while doing precisely this, – Are you really going to look into their eyes and tell them that you are the right people to guide them in whatever paths they choose to follow when this cycle of redemption and punishment is all you can think about? Do you really believe this is all education means? 
Hades’ questions were received with an embarrassed silence from the gods and a stunned quietness from the humans. None of this didn’t seem to bother him, though: with a tired smile, he raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. 
– Well, if your answer is yes, I suggest you to send these children back to their families and let them do a better work. 
Since no one dared reply, he turned the door and was going to leave the room, when Adamas called him. 
– Where are you going, elder brother? 
Hades turned back to him with the same smile, but a glimmer of confidence was sensed in it that time. 
– What do you mean, little brother? – he tapped his chest, upon the spot where he kept the hairpin – I’m going after y/n and bring her back. 
All the three brothers gasped in surprise, but Adamas was the only one to reply: 
– And how do you intend to do that? What makes you think she will be compliant after what we saw...? 
The King of Hellheim gave Adamas a clever blink, provoking a confused “Ahn?” from him, a harsh laugh from Zeus and a frown on Poseidon’s face. 
– Can you trust me a little bit, brother? – and, looking at the other guests, – Listen. I will be back with the human y/n in a moment. And, when she enters that door again, I hope she gets the deserved reception, you understand? 
None of the gods had the need to verbalize their compliance. The entire room fell in silence again as each deity nodded and stepped back to open the way to the god of the Dead as he took unworried steps toward the exit. 
Hermes was walking the corridor, still processing the unexpected encounter with you when a second person appeared in his way, making him startle. 
– Hades-sama?! What happened? Y/n just passed by me on this corridor. She was desperate… 
The sentence died on his mouth when the Greek spokesman saw the calmness on his uncle’s expression. Did he hear what he just said? Did he understand it? 
Well, not only this, but he also had a plan already. 
– I know. Apparently, y/n had a problem with her reception at the party before I could reach her. I just spoke to my brothers and the other presents about this. Now, I'm going to talk to her and bring her back. Did you send her to the gardens? 
– Yes, my Lord. 
– Did you give her the official permit to leave? 
– I didn’t – Hermes lowered his tone – Under the current circumstances, it would be precipitated and unsafe. 
Hades nodded. 
– Good. Thank you, Hermes. 
He passed by his nephew and was going to follow his way outside, when the other’s voice was heard. 
– Uncle.  
Hades turned back to him, not hiding his surprise. It’s been a long time since he heard Hermes calling him like this. 
– What is it? 
– Don’t you think this is going too far? – a wrinkle of preoccupation appeared on Hermes’ forehead – Because I think it is. 
– What do you mean? 
– Just a moment ago, that girl was happy and excited about this party, but now she passed by me in tears, begging to leave this place. I do not approve what I saw – the younger god stepped ahead, more wrinkles appearing on his face as the preoccupation turned into a barely disguised anger – Despite the obvious connection between you, y/n is still under my guardianship, Hades-sama. Seeing her or any other girl in such state is something I will not tolerate, whatever the reason. 
Hades stared at him in silence for a while, but there was no sign that he was offended or irritated by this statement. Instead, when he spoke, it was to show he was ready to agree.  
– And, during all these years, you’ve been taking care of your responsibility in the best way possible, nephew. However, that woman was chosen, not only to be the Queen of the Underworld, but to be my wife. It is my duty to show her that she’s safe by my side – and, turning entirely toward his pair as he spoke, – Showing her that she can trust me is all I want, Hermes. So, now, I ask you to leave her to me.  
Hermes bit his lips, not entirely convinced that this was a wise plan. But if that was the will of Fate, there wasn’t really much he could do about it, so he finally gave up.  
– Do what you believe to be the best for her, my Lord, but be careful. A human girl’s heart is something delicate. Don’t let it break. 
Hades nodded and left the building. He took a short, unknown path to reach the gardens and, following your energetic signature – and the fragrance you wore, which you gained alongside the ball gown and left a trace through the places you passed – he soon found you. 
He kept his word, then. And you went back to the party with him, with both your heart and your hopes restored.
Part XII
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exoticalmonde · 9 months
Part II. Hortus de Escapismo Dr. Evealia's Reaction
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Well, first of all, my snake sandwich gets his skin before anything else happens.
Second, SPOILERS up ahead about the entire Hortus de Escapismo event, including the story, art and the full blow of my tears.
I think this is covering HE-1 through HE-4.
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God in the basement has spoken and it says that something is wrong. A totally normal day in Laterano where your robotic diety is getting haywired from the inside. Surely this isn't going to be another cliffhanger where we never learn about whatever the hell this is since I may or may have not... skipped... Guiding Ahead story-wise.
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Transcribed: [Raise your head and stand by my side, Saint Federico Giallo, the first Chosen of Laterano who does not come from the ranks of the popes.]
The reason for that is that Pope Yvangelista XI got the threat responce from the MachineTM, but how does he plan to stop that, whatever it is, from happening if he just... baptises everybody? I agree with that other knight a moment ago, this sounds like a bad idea if that's the procedure for every account. Of course, we know Executor is the perfect personification of clean-cut justice, so how could it go wrong?
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Transcribed: [Eating]
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Transcribed: [ Delfina: You always have that gun with you. You got it from your dad, right? I thought it doesn't work anymore.
Fortuna: It doesn't. Maybe it's a parts problem. And I don't know how to use a gun myself...]
Can we just very shortly mention the meaning of their names? Delfina is Dolphin and Fortuna is Good Fate; Luck, but Delfina keeps calling Fortuna just Tuna. So they're Dolphin and Tuna.
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I absolutely need everybody to keep in mind that this is a fragment of a city that drifted away from the main city 60 or so years ago and got stranded. This is a city on wheels in the middle of ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY NOWHERE. And it's winter. These guys here are going to perish.
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... Great. Wonderful. Bleed me to death why don't you?
Where are they even come from? Are those Iberian beasts that are prowling the streets? Is it just a random angry wolf that's evolved in some bizzare way from the wastes and stalks people? Do they have any way to defend themselves against those canonically?
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Can i insert a spoiler from the me that played this on my own for the second time? These are useless. It says that they can help relax the panicking residents but it left me with the impression it was meant to do it somewhat passively.
Not even a smitherine. If anybody tells you they do, they're lying. 20 DP for a resident whose bar raises faster than DP regenerates on 70% of the maps is a terrible introduction into the overall gameplay.
Maybe I was bad, but it's so... Not meant to force me to replay the tutorial twice, you know? Not this one at least.
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It does remain a funny act though. They run from statue to statue looking for something to pray to. How... futile. At least I don't have to defend them from enemies.
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The maps are gorgeous though... I love what they're doing for everything after spending way too long in chapters 4-8 looking at literally nothing. I enjoy this a LOT.
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Raimund huh?
I'm not a nun but I'd be on my knees for you in a second. Lord have mercy on you or whatever.
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I love them so much... I hope the children are not doomed by the narrative.
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Oh I like Gerald as well... Him and Reimund are such father figure/son figure I hope to see more interaction between them. He seems pretty trustworthy though. Like, seriously just cares about his people and considering so far we saw a peace between Sarkaz and Sankta that has never been in the outside world... you know he has authority that matters.
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Me: "Don't you love it when people in the story talk about plans they have previously made in such a way that doesnt tell me anything just so they can agree upon actions and or warn each other of consequences to actions without ever mentioning what they are and then I end up not understanding a single thing when the story ends, like… Isn't it fun?" Pinkie: "Ok, Fiametta." Me: "No, I'm being serious this is all over Arknights, I hate it." Pinkie: "I really can't tell if you're sarcastic right now, but this is really why Fiametta is so pissed." Me: "Well, call me spicy chicken." Pinkie: "Call me a Fat Duck then, because I'm about to go off."
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HA! Throwback to Guiding Ahead. Very nice.
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Transcribed: [The average conversation between the two of you is about as entertaining as 'What did you eat last night?' 'Dinner.']
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Transcribed: [
Spuria: Federico, how much do I have to pay you for a few extra words? You name the price, and I'll send the bill to His Holiness.
Federico: I have never considered this question.]
They have the funniest banters and Federico probably doesn't even understand that it's happening, this is simultaniously the funniest and saddest outcome to any conversation ever.
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Transcribed: [The dim light finally illuminates the girl's face, revealing spotty traces of blood, as well as the black horns protruding from her forehead.
Sankta blood drips onto the chapel's floorboards, giving off a dull sound. It is a deafening sound, one that opens all eyes wide.
The patron firearm used for prayer finally slips from the hands that were clutching it tightly.]
Oh... My... Fortuna...
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Transcribed: [
Twisted Monster: (Indescipherable howling)
Lemuen: Nuh-uh, just because I'm physically handicapped doesn't mean you can pick on me, visitor!]
I love Lemuen, she is the best bright pink-haired girl ever.
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Oya, welcome to Rhodes Island, uh-- *nervously looking around as there is not a single Sankta on my ship* -- feel... feel uh-- at home... Not Laterano home uh--- Sarkaz are not allowed there haha, but uh-- Just take... I mean your room is down the hall, di- mm dinner is at seven o'clock.
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enobullphotography · 21 days
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"I LOVE NY" is more than just a slogan, It's a legitimate feeling!! At least to me it is. I love the randomness of it all. Around the corner from your apartment there's a seemingly abandoned RV just fifteen feet away from a homeless fiend. By work, there's a colorful motorcycle and an expensive Benz passing by just fifteen feet away from a homeless fiend! Lmao.
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You can see a homeless man in Yeezy slides and designer shirt around the corner from a guy in a 3 piece suit walking a Golden Lab! It's a town full of juxtaposition, and I love it.
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On my commute between the Bronx and Manhattan, there's never a dull moment. I shot this roll of Fuji 400 back in early June with my main girl, Penelope (AE-1 Program)
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One of the highlights of this roll, aside from the Dr. Seuss tree, which will soon be replaced with a 15 foot pigeon statue (that's not a joke look it up lol) was this guy who turned the sidewalk into his own personal runway! I was walking around with my sis Tola on my lunch break. Through the ocean of people there was this tall dude in what appeared to be a silk black suit, no shirt and long relaxed hair that looked like he just got out the chair at a Dominican salon! I had to ask him for a shot.
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Early June was also the week that 'House of the Dragon' promoted it's new season with a huge inflatable dragon on the antenna of the Empire State Building! Would have been dope to get a much closer picture but it is what it is. Lol
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Really not much else to say. Not until I saw the prints did I realize my brother Rudy had on an Aaron Judge shirt right next to an Aaron Judge promo poster. I also got one of the very few pictures of my own feet on film, wearing my all time favorite Jordan XI's!
Hope ya Enjoy!
🎞️: Fuji 400 📷: Canon AE-1 Program Eno Bull Photography
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