sophfandoms53 · 9 months
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Here's a sad Sonamy AU: Years later, Amy has move on from Sonic and only sees him as a close friend. While he just does his own thing, he ends up falling for her, but nobody knows this and he fakes his way through. He helps Amy and she ends up marrying, He's sad but still can pull off a smile. She asks him to dance but he despises slow dances, she offers to teach him and he gives up. Some blushy moments later and he accidently confesses his love for her. What's next is up to you. ;) (Not Boom)
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(x) Thank you to @mangaanonymous for her amazing preview image! :D You are amazing! And a great friend :’)
AU Prompt:
It all started when she turned 18…
I was off doing my own thing, you know, fighting Eggman’s old butt-tastic schemes again, only to notice her face on billboards and signs a lot.
That was the first time I found out she was the ‘logo girl’ for some candy brand.
I wasn’t much into sweets, but I found myself buying some anyway. I don’t know, support her maybe?
Then she wrote a book. A pretty decent book too, I might add. I don’t really know where it started, but while reading the book, I tended to find myself buying more candy.
Amy wanted to see me a lot, but I never knew how to make time for her. I wasn’t that I couldn’t, I just didn’t know if I should…
She started seeing him around a year later…
I felt awkward being around her after that. We had one smoothie and admired an old favorite spot of ours together- One where we first hung out so many years ago.
But then… her smile started to change. She was less girly and more womanly. I didn’t like that, the change anyway. But Amy was Amy, and as long as she was happy with whatever his face was, then so be-
Then I heard he proposed.
I think that’s when I started seeing her more. I couldn’t help it. I got… jumpy? I followed her to work, talked with her down the avenue of the rich places she was staying at for some signing deals. You know, the fancy gigs where people come and want your autograph? I wasn’t sure why. How big was Amy at that point?
Then she called. I kinda was thrilled, to be honest… Tails said this was my last chance, whatever that means. She had told the guy to wait on her, that she needed to think about it… I wasn’t gonna let her think long.
She wanted to write a biography of my life. What?
I thought you were gonna confess you’re undying devotion to me… I didn’t want to sound arrogant, but I guess I did. I was expecting her to want me back or something.
That whole interview, I was… well… salty.
I crossed my arms, my legs, even my teeth crossed the other in agitation at her strictly focusing on the details of my life.
Then it hit me.
“..Um.. this is where I come into your life… isn’t it?”
It was almost sweet the way she paused.
My eyes widened, and I straightened up, looking up as I began to think it through. “Oh, yeah..” I had no idea where we were in the conversation, too fixated on the picture of her and this new guy she’d been seeing. “I guess it was.”
“Ehem.” she fidgeted, moving her tight pencil skirt to the side along with her long legs over like a professional. What happened to her acting like a princess?
“I.. I would understand if you don’t want to answer this.”
“I’ll answer it.” I really wanted too.
“Do.. excuse me, but-”
“Not so formal, Amy. Geez.” I slightly mocked her, starting to relax more.
This was my last chance.
Tails’s words never rang so profoundly deep in me before, but I was trying to relax back in the chair, play it off that I wasn’t nervous.
“Well,… could you recount that time? What impact my friendship had on your life?”
That night I was tossing and turning, hitting barks of trees and scaring little critters from their homes. I couldn’t help it. I knew I blew it. I acted cool. I tried to be smooth- but the second I tried to go deeper… tell her how I was feeling about then to now… I just choked.
I… I let her go.
She was married the following May. What’s with May? Spring is always a good time for anything, but she had constantly- no, BEGGED me for a June wedding. Something about June making you a bride forever or something.
Did she not want to be a bride forever now?
Now I can’t help but smile at her picture on streets or postboards. Can’t help but grin at seeing her in her first movie. Can’t but let the sweet sorrow sink in when I see a robot wielding a hammer and know that Eggman misses her a bit too, in his own way.
Knuckles constantly says he misses her energy, that it’s too quiet now that she never visits him or the chao with picnics. I remember spontaneous picnics… Amy would try to hand feed me, and it always made me uncomfortable. But for some reason, I wouldn’t mind her hand lifting up with her mouth slightly dropping in hopes I would let her do something for me. That makes a sad smile too.
Or when Tails mentions Amy hasn’t spoken to him for a while, but he still gets a new book edition free from her agency. He told me the romantic scenes made him laugh, cause he knew she still pined for me. I didn’t know if he said that to trigger me out of my fake persona or was trying to make me feel better, knowing I would fake-it-till-I-made-it everytime someone mentioned her name.
What really bites is that I can’t seem to help but want to run out and still fight for her.
But what’s left to fight for? That rich dude’s got spontaneous picnics, hugs, affection 24/7. He’s living a life with what most would suggest is the perfect wife. But the second a news channel mentioned a possible baby I smashed Tails’s t.v… I never really knew why I spin-dashed so hard into it.
Tails says it could be that I don’t want it to be permanent. And a baby would mean Amy isn’t coming back to me. To me?
I just wanted Amy back. Whether this was love or not, I wondered if I should have bought that first candy. I wonder if it would have made a difference to tear down all the billboards, all the posters, smack any man that looked at her funny from the signs, but that really would be crazy.
I wondered if I was going crazy…
Missing Amy Rose…
I missed her so much.
It’s like that feeling when something in your life goes off course, makes you stumble, almost unable to fully remain calm anymore. A nagging in the back of your mind that things could be better if you had that one thing…
Tails says If there is a baby, I needed to really step away.
Tails says a lot of things.
Can you really miss someone so much that your dreams start replaying the past?
But I acted differently in my dreams. I held her back. I put my arm around her more. I was confident when alone, and strode with a proud look of certainty when she came running for me… and I went to her.
I hated sleeping.
That wasn’t normal.
Hehe, who knew, eh?
The one girl that was always a no-brainer, a dead give away, would end up falling out of orbit and running off to do her own thing… and leave me behind.
Destiny, she called it.
Was that what this was? I felt guilty for some reason. And… strangely upset.
I tried to not go into town anymore, Eggman said I needed to chin-up, whatever that means. But it worried me that he could tell something was off with me too…
Maybe it was the lack of sleep.
Then I get a call from Vanilla, telling me Amy has invited everyone to a big ball event for some red carpet treat.
How big was Amy again?
Her husba-…ugh.
Her dude friend was paying all expenses, and apparently, leaving for some hotshot gig somewhere fancy.
Amy wanted me to come.
I came.
With the most itchiest and tight suit that Tails could find for me. Rented. Of course, it was rented. I wasn’t gonna take any money from Mr. Fancypants, that’s for sure.
Then I saw her.
Beneath the sweat from my new clothes, and the warmth of the lights, the intoxicating aroma of high-society, Amy walked in with a bright pink dress, sparkly and addicting.
I couldn’t take my eyes off her and mentally cursed for myself for not being able to.
Amy was a woman now, years had gone by and she had transformed herself into something jaw-dropping. But my mouth remained shut as Fort Knox.
I gazed at her while I strode aimlessly through the crowd of dancers.
She would float along the crowd, a beautiful smile, but not her true smile, I knew better. She was wearing her ‘enjoying but mellow about it’ smile… not my favorite, but a pleasant one at most.
Her eyes were bright with the glasses of drinks all toasting up around her, teeth as white as snow, and her dress flaring up at the ends as she pranced up to her friends and would gently touch their arms in welcome.
Then she turned to see me, and the world shut us out.
Sounds were cut from their strings.
Time halted and stepped back to let her through.
I even saw light pause to admire her before trailing on in its course.
My dreams were flooding the gates of my emerald eyes, and memories of a small, pretty young girl jumping into my arms flinched an impulse to catch her before she fell.
But she wasn’t running to embrace me.
Not this time…
Her voice!
Good heaven! Did she swallow an angel’s music box!?
What happened to squeaky and high-pitched?
Chaos, help me. I thought the movies exaggerated it.
It was deeper, fully matured, and rolled with a tumble that caught the ears of men into an endless loop as it repeated slower and slower in their minds…
“I’m so happy you finally made it!” she grinned, there it was… a smile I’d missed so much. But it faded when I didn’t reply fast enough.
Did she take my silence the wrong way?
“I-um…” to be honest, I didn’t know what to say.
I dream of you! I don’t buy your candy anymore! Or your books!
That wasn’t really what you should say in moments like these…
I already lost my last chance.
I looked away then, I hadn’t fully realized till she was standing right in front of me but…
I had lost everything.
Even my fame was fleeting.
She looked longingly sorrowful to me, as if worried before she turned to the music and instinctively smiled, getting a crazy idea.
That was the face anyway… for crazy ideas…
“Come dance with me!” she giggled, though, with a voice like that, it sounded flirtatious.
She wouldn’t be flirting with me anymore...
She swayed her body back and forth, before extending her arm out, pressuring me on.
I stared… wanting too.
“I don’t do slow dances.” but I only folded my arms when another thought came to mind. “And besides… You’re a married woman now.”
“He knows I’m asking you to dance right now,” she stated, her head held high. “I told him specifically that at the stroke of midnight, the second slow dance, I was going to the dance with you.”
I didn’t know how to take this.
But my eyes shot down to her hands and my arms immediately unfolded.
“Just one?” I couldn’t believe what was happening…
“Em-hmm.” She nodded, pursing her lips in.
I took her hand,… and she led me to the dancing peacocks all in their colorful and silly arrays.
I felt awkward, but this meant I could…
I could hold her again.
We did dance, although with great difficulty as I knew nothing of dancing this waltz nonsense. But it was fun to twirl her, fun to hear her laughter again, and even better when she got dizzy and had to sit down once I picked up the dance move better.
“Haha! I figured I had to lead for a while but you pick up fast! haha!” We escaped to the balcony for fresh air.
I was enthralled. Not only was the fresh, cool air of the night now loosening my constricted muscles and lungs, but I had my old self back.
Amy just made me feel younger, I guess. More myself. My real heroic self again.
I wanted to do something crazy and stupid, tell her to come away with me, fly off into the night while I stole Knuckles’s emeralds, one more adventure.. just one more...
But I realized that wasn’t enough, I wanted more, and I wanted her to know what I was feeling.
Then, as I pivoted to say something stupid in the moment, I saw her grip her head.. and then her stomach.
My entire flighty being was silently resolved. My foolish, youthful smile faded. The red in my cheeks from the heat of the party was now cooled with the air of reality.
I looked away, “Sorry... I didn’t realize… I should have been more careful.”
“Huh?” She looked up, as if unsure of what I was referring too.
“…I mean, it’s been a while..” I kicked the sleek balcony floor beneath me, not wanting to talk about this further. “Congratulations… Amy.” I looked out spitefully into the darkness.
That’s when her smile faded and she stood up. “I’m not pregnant,” she concluded.
My head bounced on my shoulders, eyebrows rising.
“…We… we tried but…” she looked away, “I don’t think he can medically… I would have to use other means and… And I’m scared of that.” Amy held her sides with her arms, and I suddenly scolded myself for letting newscasters get the better of me.
“You’re not..?” I turned around, it was more tender than I wanted it to be, but she seemed thankful of that.
She shook her head to me, “No. I’m not.”
“…Ever?” I moved a little closer… something sparked. My face burned again, my arms twitched for her, and I couldn’t help but breath and think fast.
She seemed a little uncertain by my response and looked down and away. “Not by natural means… I don’t think so. He can’t. Anyway…”
I got excited! I couldn’t tell why!
“Amy!” my body moved on its own, right up next to her, my hands only seconds away from being able to hold her again… this time… maybe for longer.
“I… The answer! The real answer is-!”
“I-!!! That first time… you entered my life, I-!”
I … I had too.
“I was conflicted!” I gripped my chest, my heart was out of control. Something about this all seemed plausible, like Destiny was still on our side, although… I wasn’t sure if Amy saw it that way anymore or not.
“Becuase I didn’t know what it meant. I liked you, but I didn’t feel anything for you. Then I met you again and again. You caught me in your killer-hugs and chased me no matter where I went! I… I fell for that… Amy… and I felt betrayed when you left me for him.”
I ducked my head, eyes turning to coal, and mouth being locked in my swallow.
Her eyes shook, and I knew what I did was wrong.
“…Left you?” she gasped out.
I turned away, “Sorry. Forgive me. I didn’t mean to-”
She grabbed my hand, “You left first! You never were around anymore! I got so popular, thinking you would like someone who had the same fame as you. Someone who was a woman, not a child! I thought that I could all these things, make you notice me, forced to see me everywhere you went! You still never came… you still didn’t seem to care… so I … I found someone. I wanted you to tell me to stay, not to get married, not to be famous anymore! But you were happy... you said you were happy for me!”
I stopped her, gripping her arm and pulling myself towards her. “I never… said that.” My eyes showed the serious sincerity of that.
She started to tear up, dropping a little as her knees seemed to be giving out.
“You… You never said anything against it!”
“I never said anything at all!”
“Because I thought you wanted to live this way! You wanted to be rid of me! Of the way I lived my life!”
We both were a mess, falling to the ground and holding one another. Amy sobbed while I scanned the skies.
How could a miscommunication get this bad?
“…Do you love him?”
She gripped my shoulder and nodded as she squinted her eyes as shut as she could manage.
“…Do you still love me?”
She wept loudly.
The divorce never happened.
Because Amy’s husband never came back.
There was an accident and Amy was left with no explanation to why the limo driver pulled him off at a drug dealer’s mafia site.
Amy remarried though.
She had a couple of kids.
Never seemed to complain.
And honestly?
Neither did I.
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