#Self Insert
sooouth · 2 days
more texts with.... ur boyfriend... ryomen sukuna p1  //  p2 // p3 (here!)
cw: usual sukuna shenanigans. uhh... i think thats it?
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note: more... more.... MORE!!!... sukuna discovering emojis is my favourite thing ever LMAO dividers by @saradika-graphics ˊᵕˋ
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ellecdc · 2 days
hello!! its me again😜, I've had this hyperfixation on poly!maraudersx reader x lily trope . I was wondering you can make an ff of like the reader is in another house and is a quidditch player, and theres a match between gryffindor and her perspective house and she feels really anxious because if her house won she would let them down and if gryffindor won she would feel guilty ro celebrate with them. 🩷🩷
this was a very cute idea!! thank you for the prompt <3
poly!marauders + Lily x fem!reader who plays for Hufflepuff [1.2k words]
CW: reader is in Hufflepuff, no house rivalry between our lovers
This game had been causing you more anxiety than you cared to admit.
Somehow, this far into your relationship with the Gryffindor’s, you haven’t had to play against the Gryffindor house since the season started, which seemed very odd considering they were one of only three teams that you could play.
But alas, you had managed to avoid the awkwardness of not only cheering against your partners’ team, but actually playing against two of them for a blissful stretch of time. 
Your luck had run out, however, and you could avoid it no longer as the Hufflepuff keeper. 
You found yourself in a tough position; if Hufflepuff lost, you’d feel horribly traitorous to be celebrating the Gryffindor team, but you couldn’t not celebrate when two of your boyfriend’s played for the team. However, if Hufflepuff won, you’d feel terribly guilty celebrating, feeling as though you were rubbing your victory in their faces. 
Either way, you were bound to lose.
So when Hufflepuff won, your feet had barely touched the ground before you were leaping from your broom and racing off the pitch, bypassing the showers at the quidditch pitch and fleeing to your dormitory, quickly showering and changing and making it to the kitchens before the no doubt raucous after-party could begin in the Hufflepuff common room.
This was better, you decided. This way you wouldn’t be rubbing your win in your partners’ faces; Remus and Lily wouldn’t have to worry about hurting Sirius and James’ feelings, and Sirius and James wouldn’t have to pretend to be happy for your sake. 
“Should Miss not be in her dormitory to celebrate?” Feenky asked as you watched her prepare a batch of pumpkin juice. 
“It’s just a party of one tonight, Feenky.” You reassured her. If she seemed unconvinced, she didn’t mention it.
“Well, Feenky thinks that Feenky has something for an athlete such as yourself around here somewhere.” She mumbled mostly to herself as she abandoned her task to search for something in some sort of storage closet. 
“There you are, angel!” You heard James shout, startling you so badly that you flinched almost violently and sent a mug of pumpkin juice toppling off of the kitchen island that you were leaning against.
With a lazy flick of her wand (and a haughty smirk), Lily quickly righted your cup and set it gently back down on the island before it could make contact with the ground. 
You grimaced as you turned to face your four partners, ready to be scolded for running off the pitch without saying hello to anyone, for winning the game, or for hiding, you weren’t sure. But you found your mouth falling open in shock as you turned to see your four Gryffindor’s completely decked out in Hufflepuff colours. 
“Wha-” You started, but quickly had the air knocked out of you when Sirius pulled you into him and spun you around.
“You were fucking fantastic!” He exclaimed as he put you back down onto your feet, hardly giving you a chance to catch your breath before he was pulling you in for a searing kiss.
It was only when you finally pulled away from Sirius (only to be pulled backwards into James’ front) did you notice that his hair was still wet from his own post-game shower.
“What are you guys doing down here?” You managed finally.
“We rushed after the game to come down for your after-party!” James responded for you, pressing a kiss to your jaw before relinquishing his hold on you when Lily came in for her own. 
“You really did look phenomenal out there, darling.” She murmured before pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “I wasn’t surprised, though. If anyone can give these two a well earned run for their money, it’s you.” 
“Thank Merlin.” Remus muttered with a fond eye roll, ignoring one indignant ‘oi!’ from James and one ‘we duel at dawn, Moony’ from Sirius as he leaned over to press a kiss to the crown of your head. “I’m so proud of you.” He continued earnestly.
“You guys aren’t upset?” You asked, hating how small you sounded. Hating even more the way the four of them nearly recoiled in surprise before sharing confused glances with one another.
“Upset?” Sirius repeated bemusedly. “Why on earth would we be upset?” 
You shrugged your shoulders in an attempt to appear nonchalant as your face heated up nearly painfully in embarrassment. “Well…I-”
“Angel,” James cooed as he placed a hand on each of your upper arms and forced you to look at him, “did you think we were going to be upset that you beat us?”
“Well-” You attempted to explain, but Lily interjected.
“Can you blame the poor girl? You two are not gracious losers in the slightest.” She taunted, squealing when Sirius jabbed his fingers into her sides and tickled her in punishment for ‘the absolute slander you ridiculous, beautiful witch’.
“Nah.” James offered casually. “I’m happy to lose to our girl any day. Everyone else better watch their backs, though.”
“You guys are insane.” You sighed not unhappily, leaning back into James’ embrace as he nestled his face into the juncture of your neck.
“Is that why you’re hiding in here, dove? You weren’t going to celebrate at all?” Remus asked you softly, and Lily and Sirius both paused in their banter in order to tune back into the conversation. 
“It felt sort of…rude…” You admitted shyly, and Remus’ fond ‘awe’ and Lily’s saccharine ‘our sweet girl’ did nothing to tame the fire now roaring beneath your cheeks as James tightened his embrace around your middle and spun you around.
“Well now we’re just going to celebrate you that much harder! Our sweet little puffle.” He nearly sang as he placed you back onto your feet, Sirius arching his brow and gesturing to himself. 
“You haven't commented on how good we look, dollface.”
You weren’t even sure where they all got Hufflepuff jumpers, cardigans, and scarves from, but you couldn’t bring yourself to ask when they looked so sodding cute.
“I think I look smashing in yellow.” Sirius continued simply, nodding at his own decree as he looked to the rest of you for agreement. 
“Honestly? I think it might be Rem’s new colour.” Lily stated earnestly, and the four of you got to watch Remus blush furiously as you all fussed over how well he wore the colour yellow. 
“Alright, alright. Enough chit chat.” Remus demanded; both an attempt to redirect the conversation from himself and an attempt to leave the kitchens. “We have a party to attend and a Hufflepuff to celebrate.” 
You accepted his extended hand and he pulled it up to his lips for a kiss before the five of you made your way out of the kitchens and followed the sounds of the thrumming bass pulsing from your common room.
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mindiemakes · 1 day
TFW you’re a stress crier so you need hugs from your blorbo
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mblue-art · 3 days
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<< 🎯 >>
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candyheartedchy · 24 hours
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This was rushed, but wanted to redesign my old WIR sona who is now apart of Sugar Rush that acts as the game’s race announcer.
She’s based on Angel Food Cake :3
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Ace Trappola: Trouble, that Trappola
Wow, different pjs??? I wonder if each student will truly have unique sleepwear or if it’ll be like “everyone in the same dorm has similar sleepwear, just recolored and with a different motif”. I’ve been laughing about how Ace is dressed and posed, it’s very… Justin Bieber-coded. His bedhead though, it reminds me of Sylvain from FE3H.
Fun fact, I have an irl friend that has the same birthday as Ace... Therefore, I am legally obligated to celebrate it with them/j This year, we're going to an Alice in Wonderland-themed afternoon tea, which I think is very appropriate for Ace! Aaaaaah, My Alice in Wonderland-loving heart can’t take it 😭
Rise and Shine!
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He was having a pleasant dream.
There was a path, and the longer he walked on that path, the more the scenery morphed into nonsense.
First was a forest full of twisting turns, colorful signs that pointed this way and that. There was mewing coming from the trees overhead, but every time he looked, he’d find no one there.
Next was a field of progressively bigger and bigger plants. The flowers had faces set in them, and they taunted Ace as he passed. He had plucked the underside of a mushroom cap and chomped down on it. A mistake—Ace had an out-of-body experience, ballooning to the size of a giant and then back to his regular size.
Then he washed away in a sea of tea, spilling from a gigantic glass bottle labelled Drink Me. He swam with the sugar cubes drifting in the fragrant rapids. He caught a current of milk and rode it past trees of chocolate. A dollop of grape jam had dropped down from a branch and landed on his nose.
When Ace, at last, fished himself out of the tea, he was left sticky, skin caked in sugar. As he made to wring his clothes of Darjeeling, he spotted an iced cookie by his feet. Eat Me, it said. There was a trail of them, confections dotting the road ahead in a neat trail. He had followed it—followed until the cookies became crumbs and he was left wandering in a white void, a blank canvas.
Wandering… wandering… where?
Just as that question cropped up like an unwanted weed in an otherwise flawless lawn, a soft sound tickled his ear.
Someone was calling his name.
Who is it…?
He picked up his pace. A casual stroll to a speed walk, then a speed walk into a jog, a job into a run, then a run into a full-on sprint.
"I'm coming! I'm coming already, darn it!!" Ace shouted into the blinding white. "I'm coming, so...!!"
Wait for me. I'll meet you there.
I'll definitely, definitely...!!
His eyes snapped open.
He was lying on his back, wrapped up in his comforter and staring up at the ceiling of his bedroom. Ace blinked several times, slowly adjusting to the sunlight that was spilling in through drawn curtains. A groan escaped him--it was too early for this.
“Mmm… What time is it?” He rolled over in a groggy daze, reaching for his phone. It was still connected to a charger, but it snapped right out of its socket when Ace jolted up. "WHAT?!"
The time, it couldn't be correct. But the line of text messages in his history confirmed the building dread in his stomach.
Gm, Ace! I'll be over soon. Cya then.
I'm here!
Hey, are you up? It's 10 minutes past.
Did you stay up late talking to your bro and sleep through your alarm again?
I'm gonna leave without you if you don't come out in 5 minutes.
"Crap, I'm running late!!"
Ace leapt out of bed and flew across his room. The comics and magazines littering his mattress scattered to the floor, but he didn't stop to pick them up.
He moved like lightning, hurriedly dressing and rushing into the communal washroom. While he brushed his teeth with one hand (lest he face the wrath of his vice dorm leader), he teased out his hair with the other. After splashing his face with water (who was going to clock him, Vil?), Ace scribbled on his signature heart, grabbed his backpack, and slipped into his sneakers.
He had his technique down pat thanks to years of practice.
Ace bolted down the hall, stuffing a protein bar into his mouth as he cleared the door. The day greeted him--and so did you, glancing up from your own phone.
"There you are! You kept me waiting, wise guy," you lectured him. It wasn't anything serious--not like his dorm leader's lengthy tirades--just paling around.
"Excuse you," Ace huffed, running a hand through his hair, "I'm fashionably late. There's a difference."
You laughed. Typical of him to always have a snappy comeback prepared.
"Well, c'mon then, fashionably late loser," you urged, playfully nudging his arm, "or we'll both be tardy."
"We'll be late, but at least we'll be late together," he grumbled, nudging you back. "That's fine by me. Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to be stuck in a room with ya for the afternoon."
"That's a weird way of describing detention with Crewel-sensei."
"What can I say? I'm a poet," he shrugged, letting his sarcasm drip like thick nectar. "Besides, I can't leave you hangin'."
"No?" Your eyebrows hitched. "Funny, cuz I clearly remember you ditching me for cleaning duty on the first day of classes. I almost thought you had left for class without me today too."
"Oi, that was then and this is now! Come on, do you really think I'd do that to you? Me? Really?"
"Absolutely," you said without missing a beat.
"Pfft. You're so wrong about that." He rolled his eyes. "If you were really that worried that I'd gone without you, you could've poked your head in to check on me."
You frowned. "That'd mean I'd have to go into your room."
"So? I've been over at your place and in your room before. What's the big deal? You'd just be returning the favor."
He leaned in, so close that your noses almost touched. Your heart stood still. The corners of Ace's mouth lifted into a smirk. It suited him well, loathe as you were to admit it.
"Or is it that you're being shy?" he asked in a singsong. "Prefect 🎵"
"I-I'm not!" you squeaked, stepping back to put distance between the two of you. "Quit assuming things, Ace! This is why you're so annoying."
"And who is it that's decided to hang out with my 'annoying' ass, huh?" he countered smoothly.
"Urgh...! Maybe I shouldn't have wasted my time waiting for you to get ready after all..." you muttered, turning away from him. "My morning would be way more peaceful without you."
"Way less interesting too," he quipped--getting in the last word.
You shook your head, but didn't bring yourself to argue. However meddlesome his tongue was, he had spoken the naked truth.
He's trouble, that Trappola.
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rexscanonwife · 1 day
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Took a screenshot of one of my favorite moments with Professor Utonium and his girlfriend ☺️💖💖 (my first try at a fake screenshot! It was super fun and easy so I'll definitely make more soon)
Taglist♡: @me-myself-and-my-fos @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @sunstar-of-the-north @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus
@changeling-selfship @crushes-georg @miutonium @cherry-bomb-ships @rosieaurora
@rejaytionships @sunflawyer @in-true-blue-love @tropicalgothships @little-miss-selfships @cupiidzbow @frozenhi-chews @limey-self-inserts @candyheartedchy
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frozenhi-chews · 3 days
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Have ya ever seen a more snug married couple? It is the best pillow in the world after all <3
Yeah Starlo loves to lay on top of Pancake and hear her heartbeat and feel her breathe. Touch starved + clingy = using your wife as a mattress often
Tagging: @sparkyscissorhands @sparklings-bf @prismatica-the-strange @pinkdinkydoon @simonlynch
@snowpuffclovers @ghost--girlfriend @gibles-lovely-selfships @jocelynships @catships777
@wuffverine @patchw0rk-quilt @mrscage @dudeshusband @aego-philautia
@mandrakebrew @jils-things @gideongrovel @tieflingships @carnival-of-love
@faerie-circle-ships @rexscanonwife
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zoropookie · 1 day
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FOR SOME REASON, your crush venti keeps trying to get you with your best friend. now usually, you'd be pretty suspicious of people's intentions when they do that, i mean, you're suspicious of anyone who questions your credibility as a real cowboy too. but you've already been through the "scarayn" allegations all throughout your life, even by kuni's own mom, and you would rather deepthroat a coconut than hold hands with him. things get a little complicated when you find out that your crush is your cupid for another guy in every universe...time to start shoving that coconut in, i guess.
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cupid!venti x gn!reader
genre: smau, forbidden lovers?, reader is so complicated it's kind of funny, comedy, romance, everyone is confused and so am i, some drama and angst
warnings: lots of swearing, crude jokes, kys/kms jokes, death threats, a lot of things that are spelled wrong, alcohol, some toxicity but it gets shut down immediately, reader is kind of embarrassing but not in a bad way just in a really cringe way, irl photos to visualize scenarios but there's none of reader
status: starts after sweet melody ends.
a/n: cricket sounds... um, heyyy!! this is really weird right? right. i had no idea i'd even live to see the third smau on this platform, but here i am once again! i don't expect this one to be quick at all. clearly i have a lot to explain from the last two. enjoy, if you're into this! bright side is, everyone lives in this one. written parts are marked with (💘).
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rivastraut · 2 days
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Where Rivastraut nation at
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ellecdc · 3 days
pleaseee can i request a potter!reader x barty where someone tries to hit on the reader and is pretty persistent when she’s with her friends (maybe remus, lily and reg because i feel like they’d all hang out) and then barty (and maybe james??) appears and acts as her scary dog privilege thank youu your writing is so amazing 💗💗
you sure can! thanks for the request (and your patience), I'm dusting off all my requests from the Spring hahaha <3
Barty Crouch Jr x Potter!reader who has a persistent admirer [731 words]
CW: slight harassment/not accepting no for an answer, quick defence by friends and brother and boyfriend, threats of violence
“This is getting embarrassing.” Lily muttered as she watched Gideon Prewett approach you the second you stepped into the library. 
You smiled politely enough at the sod, but clearly felt awkward as you spotted your friends waiting for you in the library, shooting them a look that clearly read “help”.
“- think we could go to Hogsmeade together this weekend.” The group heard the tail end of Gideon’s sentence as the two of you got closer; or, rather, you got closer and he trailed obsessively behind you.
“Erm, that’s really nice of you, Prewett, but I’m gonna have to say no thank you.”
“Come now, Potter,” he continued easily, “I know what you’re thinking; it doesn’t have to be-”
“I would quit whilst you’re ahead, Prewett.” Remus sing-songed with a smirk as Gideon pulled your chair out for you and attempted to sit on your other side.
“And just what is that supposed to mean, Lupin?” Gideon all but sneered in reply, though he did hesitate in taking the seat.
“Hasn’t she made it clear enough she’s not interested?” Lily hissed, causing Regulus to huff a laugh.
“I say leave him to it.” He drawled in a bored manner. “It’s his funeral.”
“Is that a threat, Black?” Gideon accused at the exact moment said threat walked in.
“Hey bug!” James called loudly; appearing friendly for all intents and purposes, but the well trained eye (like that of his partner’s, one of his best friend’s and roommates, and his twin sister) could easily see the tension simmering beneath his cool facade. “S’this tosser bothering you?” 
“No…” You offered carefully, clearly not convinced in your own answer as you offered Gideon an apologetic grimace. “No, I’m alright, I just-”
“What’s going on here?” Barty demanded, appearing behind you out of nowhere like some sort of deranged poltergeist as he placed a gentle hand on your shoulder and glared threateningly at your persistent admirer. 
“It’s a sodding library, Junior, what do you think is going on here?” Gideon spat.
“What I think is going on here,” Barty started severely, “is that you’re making my girl uncomfortable.” 
“Is that true, Prewett?” James queried; tone about an octave higher than normal as he threw a ‘friendly’ arm over his shoulder. “Are you making my sister uncomfortable?”
“Because I’d hate to see what kind of trouble Junior and I could get into together should we need to team up, yeah?” He asked sweetly, and Remus nearly snorted at the way the poor sods freckles stood out in stark contrast when the blood drained from his face as he looked over at Barty who was smiling at him maniacally. 
“Jeez, alright.” Gideon tried to joke, though his laugh came out rather pitchy as he shook James’ threatening hold from his shoulder. “Message received.”
But before he could take more than two steps away, Barty had him by the collar of his shirt as he brought his face inches from his own. “Next time a lady says no thank you, that’s when your message should be received. Got it?”
Gideon simply nodded quickly, and Barty offered him a smile that didn’t meet his eyes and a patronising pat on the cheek. “Good lad.”  
The group of you watched Gideon flee the library before turning back to your table. 
“Well, that was rather anticlimactic.” Regulus complained.
“What? Was baby Black hoping for more drama?” Remus taunted, earning himself a kick in the shin from his boyfriend’s younger brother. 
“If that bloke so much as sneezes anywhere near you there will be more than enough drama for baby Black.” Barty promised as he sat in the seat Gideon had tried to occupy on your other side.
“Can we maybe not call me that?” Regulus scowled; face contorted in displeasure until James pressed a kiss to his hair.
“Just name the time and place, Junior, I’ll be there.” James agreed, and you rolled your eyes at your brother and boyfriend. 
“You boys are ridiculous.” You chided, though the fact that you were leaning your head against Barty’s shoulder as he weaselled an arm around your middle severely undermined your point. 
“Mmm, maybe.” Barty allowed as he pressed his lips to the crown of your head. “But you love it.”
And Remus knew from the shy smile gracing your lips that you did, indeed, sort of love your more than slightly ridiculous boys.
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wildaboutchu2000 · 15 hours
what a geek lol
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ehrmantrautpup · 2 days
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Meet my Gravity Falls insert. let's all throw rocks at him
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candyheartedchy · 14 hours
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Silly little doodles of a silly little king (featuring my sona).
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kiokodoodles · 3 days
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Here's some angst and an old comic that I touched up a bit! There's a slight alternate below the cut:
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deerthorn · 3 days
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Some of the Voices in our head, completely forgot to post these!
I plan on drawing the rest of em, but figuring out the design motifs of the princesses is REALLY HARD
(I specifically designed these to look similar to the Princess they represent!)
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