actress-playground · 2 minutes
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Amy Smart (24) Road Trip (2000)
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poetriarchy · 3 minutes
can every european fanbase stop using seven nation army as their goal song. not only is it getting boring but also you will never be detroit
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monokkuro · 13 minutes
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abigail · 27 minutes
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please lower your voice they are trying to slumber
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anonaverse · 47 minutes
its fine-weird to be a furry but god it pisses me off so bad whdn someones fursona is just a normalass human with a snout shaped face and some sorta ears. No fur no paws no hooves no animal pupils no scales no eye stalks PUT A LITTLE EFFORT IN YOURE EMBARAZSING YOURSELF
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womansfilm · 2 hours
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lubbottomy · 2 hours
u guys should give me all ur money so i can buy cute outfits and post them on here for u all :3 !!
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sppppicy · 3 hours
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actress-playground · 11 minutes
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Angelina Jolie (29) Taking Lives (2004)
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bthump · 3 hours
hey there!! just wanted to kinda ask more about your take on the haters of griffith's entire reasoning is because of what he did to casca. do you think that is really a valid reason to completely fucking hate him lol? i personally love griffith and i do understand why he did it (i'm NOT justifying SA) due to his complete hatred of guts post defeat & capture. i do also definitely think he is evil as well but would love to hear your take on it a little more.
To be perfectly honest I think just about any reason to hate a fictional character is valid lol so yeah. If people hated him for, idk, wearing a colour they don't like in an official promo I'd consider that valid. And yeah I think raping another character is a fair enough reason for someone to hate a fictional dude.
What I think is less valid is the way a lot of fans express that hate (eg homophobic remarks, harassment towards other fans who don't hate Griffith), or try to justify it further through bad "analysis" of the story, such as asserting that Griffith was always evil and never loved anyone and only wanted to control Guts and Casca etc etc. Like it's okay to hate a fictional character but I wish people could be chill about it lol, and like, recognize that it's fiction and they're getting mad at a drawing.
Anyway, that said, my take on Griffith probably differs a little from yours. eg I don't think he completely hated Guts after Guts defeated him and he was tortured for a year, and in fact I think Griffith sacrificed Guts because he didn't hate him, because even after all that he still loved him and that love had fucked up his life and his dream and ruined everything. So he felt he had to cut Griffith out of him, essentially.
Though as Femto it seems that the negative feelings were given power and by far outweighed the positive feelings. That seems to be part of what makes apostles and godhands monsters in this story. So yeah I definitely think that's at least part of the motivation for the rape scene.
I've been asked a lot about why Griffith/Femto raped Casca so I'll link you to this collection of posts I've written about it, if you're interested!
As for Griffith being evil, you can definitely make a case for Femto, since he's a demon, and NeoGriffith is a wildcard right now, but human Griffith is, imo, probably the most "moral" person in the story, which is a big part of what makes his arc and the sacrifice climax so effective imo. I have a few posts about that if you're interested, here's a link to one that has links to a couple others as well. To me it's vital to the themes of the story that Griffith is not evil as a human, and that his goals and motivations are sympathetic and even admirable. He's a perfect example of the duality of humanity that Berserk loves to delve into, and it's a great "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" style narrative imo.
Thanks for the ask!
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monokkuro · 3 hours
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prongsfish · 3 hours
every time U like a post
I am reminded that you are once again alive on Tumblr
thank you
now gossip: how's your adorable sweater thing doing? U found a way to use it a lot?
AWW THAT’S SO SWEET WHHHHH thank YOU!! i love seeing your posts i like keeping up with what you and everyone else are doing even if i’m only looking in from a distance. as for the sweater, i haven’t been out much lately and i want to wear it go somewhere interesting because it feels special but i have been busy and sick so i’m only ever at home or in class lmaoo. i will wear it soon though, as soon as i have a good excuse…
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blondiiebaby · 4 hours
I don’t understand how anyone could reject you! You’re fucking gorgeous
there’s always someone prettier and skinnier 🫶
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kipedaliofobia · 4 hours
hoy me puse casi el mismo outfit de los días que pasamos juntos, el clima aquí es muy parecido al de esos dias, recuerdo haber ido a desayunar contigo, haber caminado de tu mano y habernos dado besos, el perfume es el mismo y las ganas de quedarme contigo también, la diferencia es que tu ya no estás
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Sat, Jun 22
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actress-playground · 12 minutes
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Angelina Jolie (26) Original Sin (2001)
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