#anyway im tired and i have school tomorrow. um goodnight
personishfive · 2 years
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in which fine. ok. sure. i guess.
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igottoomuchwriting · 5 years
For Forever Chapter 2
Series: First Part/Previous Chapter/Next Part
Connor Murphy: i stg if this mom doesnt chill tf out i will find where she lives and fight her
It has been a month since Connor and Evan started talking. At first, it was awkward, but slowly they broke the barrier through text messages and small conversations during English. Slowly they were learning more and more about each other.
Connor loved to read. Any book that they read as a class, Connor loved, even if it was an older one that everyone else thought was boring. One day in English, Connor had overheard a kid talking about how much they hated Pride and Prejudice and Connor started whispering to Evan about how the kid didn’t no good literature, how Lizzy was a feminist icon of the time, Darcy was the best boy and the romance was correctly written and “he was just pissy because he is a fucking white boy that doesn’t understand the hardships that women of those days have had to go through!”
He also loved TLC shows, especially Say Yes To The Dress. That was a shock to Evan, but Connor was talking about different dress one day and Evan was curious on how he knew. Connor was nervous to share, but he knew that he could trust Evan.
That’s what he was texting Evan about now. Hulu had put out new episodes and Connor was watching them while live texting Evan about everything that is going on.
Connor Murphy: thats it
Connor Murphy: im flying to georiga. Ill see you later evan
Evan Hansen: I know you have that ability so please dont
Connor Murphy: like my parents would let me
Evan Hansen: Find something nice in Georgia that your mom would love to see. I’m sure that will get her going
Connor Murphy: well which is it hansen
Connor Murphy: should i go punch this lady in the face or no
Evan Hansen: Definite no
Evan never really was interested in those shows, but he did watch one episode to see what he loved so much about it. It was a good show, and he really did love Randy and most of the brides that came through the shop. His mom had walked in when he had it on the TV, which sparked a conversation of how they were and who Evan liked.
“You know this is a safe place, honey!” Heidi had cooed.
“I know,” Evan mumbled, looking down at the ground awkwardly.
Since then, he’s been trying to pointedly show that he likes girls, and only girls.
Connor Murphy: oh good the bride won
Evan Hansen: With Randy on her side, how could she not
Connor Murphy: true
Connor Murphy: shit
Connor Murphy: my mom is home
Connor Murphy: i have to go to my bed and pretend to get some sleep
Connor Murphy: night
Evan Hansen: Goodnight
Evan decided that he should probably go to bed too. He had a test tomorrow, and he needed to sleep so he wouldn’t freak out as much when the time came.
He quickly turned off the TV and headed back up to his room.
Evan did not get any sleep. Right as he was about to fall asleep, his mom came home. Since he was still delirious, he thought it was a burglar. Suddenly he was awake and on alert, ready to do what he needed to.
Without getting out of bed and drawing attention to himself, of course.
He stumbled off of the bus, shoulders slouched over and tired look in his eyes. His classmates shoved past him in a hurry to get to the cafeteria for breakfast, but Evan just slowly made his way to his locker.
“Acorn!” he heard Jared call. Evan turned around to see Jared walking towards him, same amount of confidence in his walk as he always had. His backpack was slung over his shoulder, so Evan assumed that his first period teacher is either late or has a sub who is late.
“Please don’t call me that,” Evan mumbled.
“Aw, come on! It’s a term of endearment. All fun and games, ya know?” He threw his arm over Evan’s shoulder and they continued the walk to their locker. “It’s a playful jab at a silly mistake you made.”
Evan’s hand shot to his cast, holding onto it gently.
Yeah. A silly mistake.
“I’m gonna come over today after school. My mom’s been wondering why we haven’t been hanging out lately.”
“Oh. Uh, okay.”
“You still got Mario Kart, right?” Evan nodded his head. It was the last gift his dad had gotten him before he left, and even though Evan is not fond of his dad, he still tries to hang on to when life was good.
“Cool! Then we can play that today!” Evan just nodded his head again and opened up his locker. Jared continued to talk about a girl--or the same girl that he met over the summer, he doesn’t know anymore--and Evan turned his head to the side to see Connor at his locker. He was slouched over and seemed to be angrily putting stuff into his backpack.
“Sorry, uh,” Evan spoke, interrupting Jared’s sentence, “I’m gonna go talk to Connor.”
“Really?” Jared turned to look at Connor as threw a book into his locker. He flinched. “I don’t think you wanna talk to that dude right now. He seems like he is in a bad mood.”
“That’s why I wanna, um, talk to him.” He started playing with the bottom of his t-shirt. “I want to see if he’s okay.”
“Your funeral, man,” he said with a shrug. He gave Evan one last violent pat on his shoulder before walking away.
Evan closed his locker and took a deep breath. Connor hasn’t been in a super bad mood since they started talking, so Evan was worried if Connor would even want to talk to him or not.
“Hey Connor,” he mumbled. Connor whipped his head around and shot a glare at Evan.
“What?” he snapped. Evan took a step back and looked down at the ground.
“Well you seem like you’re in a bad mood so I wanted to come over and see if you’re okay but you barely know me so I don’t know why you would even want to talk to me about it. I’m sorry I should’ve have even come over, I’ll leave, I’m sorry,” Evan stuttered out. All his words started blending together and he was stumbling over his words.
Connor sighed and hit his head against the top of the locker.
“No, I didn’t mean to snap at you. You did nothing wrong.” Evan glanced up at him before looking back down.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me,” he mumbled. Connor was silent for a moment. Evan was just about to turn around and leave him alone when he started talking.
“My parents took my fucking phone last night because they didn’t believe that I was texting someone other than a fucking drug dealer. I told them that no goddamn drug dealer would be answering fucking calls at that hour because they were trying to act like normal fucking people but they took my phone anyway!” He slammed his locker closed and Evan jumped. “They don’t believe a fucking thing I say and it pisses me off because I was actually telling the truth this time!”
Evan looked around the hallway and saw people giving Connor both confused and dirty looks. He didn't know what to do. Jared never came to him for emotional things, and since Jared has been his only friend growing up, he never had anyone else come to him for anything. The closest that he has come to comforting someone was when he walked in on his mom having a breakdown, but even then she turned it around and made sure that he was okay.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “That’s--That, um, sucks.”
“Understatement of the fucking century,” Connor grumbled.
The first bell rang, signaling that students have five minutes to get to class. Connor turned towards the doors at the end of the hallway.
“Wait, where are you going?” Evan anxiously called.
“Anywhere but fucking here.” With that, he was gone.
Evan watched Connor’s dark figure disappear around the corner outside, wondering if he should tell someone. What was Connor going to do? Would he hurt someone?
Would he hurt himself?
“Get to class, Mr. Hansen!” Evan heard a teacher call. Evan looked behind him to see Ms. Asher--the English teacher that no one liked--raising an eyebrow at him. Saying nothing, Evan moved on to his first class.
Evan hasn’t seen Connor all day. It was lunch time now and the boy still wasn’t here. Since they started talking more, he and Connor started sitting together at lunch. Connor never ate anything, and Evan did try, but sometimes his anxiety became too much and he just couldn’t stomach what the school was giving him. During those days, Connor tried his best to calm Evan down enough to where he would get Evan to each at least some bland tater tots.
That wasn’t the case today. He sat alone in the corner of the cafeteria, untouched food in front of him.
It’s not like he wasn’t used to this. Jared would never sit by him, always opting to work on programming by himself and not be seen with Evan, and since he had no other friends, he was pushed to the corner of the room.
Evan was deep in thought when he heard a voice.
“Evan Hansen?” Evan snapped his head up, only to freeze when he saw Zoe Murphy standing there, kind smile on her face.
“Oh, uh, yeah. That’s me,” he stuttered out. How long has she been standing there? Was she just waiting for Evan to notice her?
“Sorry to bother you, but can I ask you a question?” Oh okay, straight to the point. Evan wiped his palms on his jeans.
“Yeah! Yeah, of course.”
“Are you and my brother friends?” That’s not what he was expecting.
Are they friends? He doesn’t know if Connor considers Evan a friend, but does Evan?
“Uh, yeah,” he drew out. “Yeah, I guess.”
Zoe raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. She looked around the lunch room before sitting down across from Evan.
Oh God.
“Do you guys text?”
“Yeah, why?” Did something happen? Why would she need to know if they texted?
“Were you guys texting last night?”
“Yes?” Evan was about to have an anxiety attack. Did Connor tell her? Did Connor spill everything that Evan told him? Is Zoe making sure that this is the Evan Hansen that he is talking to so that she can go around and tell everyone?
“Okay,” she mumbled. She sighed and looked up at the ceiling. “I’m sorry for asking these questions, but Connor got his phone taken away yesterday and my parents wanted to see if who he was texting went to our school.”
“Oh.” Great, so Connor’s parents read their text messages? There was private stuff in there. He hasn’t even met these people and they already know his fears? Did Connor delete the texts he sent when he was having a mental breakdown?
“I haven’t seen the messages!” she quickly added. “My parents only asked if I knew the name ‘Evan Hansen’ and so I wanted to make sure it was you.”
“Okay,” he mumbled. They sat in a silence for a moment, neither knowing what to say.
Zoe broke the silence.
“When did you two start talking?” The questions continue.
“About a month ago?”
“Why?” Well that’s not going to be shared. How would Evan even say that? Yeah, you’re brother stole something of mine and flipped out on me but I was able to calm him down and get it back and now we are basically becoming best buds!
“He, uh, wanted to apologize for getting mad at me in the hallway on the first day of school.” That was kind of the truth.
“And you guys kept talking because…?”
“He was nice.” Zoe immediately rolled her eyes. Oh no. Did he say something wrong?
“He’s not nice, Evan.”
“He’s a druggie who will turn on you when you make one little mistake.” Evan stared at Zoe in disbelief. Here is Connor’s sister, who is known for being happy and helping others, staring at Evan with an angry look in her eye. She’s spending her time, giving Evan a warning.
“He--I don’t think--would he really?”
“He’s done it to me countless times.” Before Evan could say anything else, she stood up. “I’m not telling you what you should do. I’m just warning you that my brother is a loose canon.” With that, she left.
Evan stared at the spot she had just occupied. Zoe has obviously been with Connor her whole life and she knows more than Evan. If she is giving him a warning, he should listen.
Shouldn’t he?
When it was sixth period, Evan didn’t know what to do. Surprisingly, he didn’t have any homework to do for that day. He didn’t want to write a letter to his therapist either, as the only thing that happened today was talking to Zoe.
He decided to walk home. It was the last period of the day, and no one was going to be waiting for him. He also wanted to make sure his house was clean before Jared came over.
Evan didn’t get far off of campus before a truck pulled up next to him. With his headphones in, he didn’t hear the driver call out to him. He did hear the car horn, however.
He whipped his head to see Connor sitting in the truck, looking at him threw the passenger window. He quickly pulled out his headphones.
“Connor?” he asked.
“Get in, Hansen.” Evan didn’t question, he just walked across the grass dividing the street and the sidewalk and into Connor’s car.
Connor pulled out into the road before Evan could buckle his seatbelt fully.
It was silent between the two. Evan wanted to know where Connor went in the beginning of the day, if he was doing better, if he was okay in general.
“I didn’t mean to flip out on you earlier,” Connor stated.
“I know,” Evan mumbled. It was silent again. You would think after talking for a month, they would be a little better at talking to each other.
Evan watched all the trees go by. The radio was playing in the background, and the sky was blue with only a few clouds. Always a little strange for October weather.
“Have you ever been to the orchard?” Connor asked. Evan shot him a confused look.
“What orchard?”
“So I’ll take that as a no.”
“Where is it?” Evan asked.
“Well, it’s closed now, but it was almost like a forest reserve for people to go to. You could have picnics, there was a creek, all that fun stuff.” Evan hummed.
The rest of the car ride was filled with small talk. At some point, they had gotten onto the topic of bands they liked, and it blew up from there.
“You’ve never heard of Hollywood Undead?” Connor laughed. “How the fuck have you not?”
“They’re not a very popular band, obviously,” Evan shot back. Connor turned to him with a look as if he had personally attacked Connor’s work himself.
“They are popular!”
“Sure, Connor.”
“You shut the fuck up, Mr. ‘Taylor Swift is a better country singer than pop’.”
“Well, she is--”
“You have no taste.”
It wasn’t long before they reached where Connor was taking them. Evan looked around as Connor turned off the car and saw trees everywhere, as well as a gate with a sign that said “NO TRESPASSING”.
“Uh, what are we, uh, doing here?” Evan asked.
“We’re gonna walk around.”
“W-Wait, what?”
“Come on, Hansen,” Connor called, ignoring the panic rising in the boy. He hopped out of the car and Evan quickly followed, leaving his backpack in the car.
“We can’t go in!” he called out. Connor rolled his eyes.
“Trust me, it’s fine.”
“What if someone finds us? What if they see your car and come searching and then we get in trouble? What if we get arrested? I can’t have my mom bail me out of jail, and your parents won’t--”
“Evan!” Connor yelled. Evan immediately stopped talking. “It’s fine. I come here all the time. I was just here earlier, and no one found me. No one even thinks about this place anymore.”
Evan nodded his head in understanding and looked down at the ground. He heard Connor take a deep breath.
“Just… Come on. You can trust me.”
Evan followed Connor to the fence. Right under the trespassing sign was a cut part of the fence that looked like it was able to be pushed back. Connor pushed the fence piece back and held it open, motioning for Evan to make his way through.
Evan made it on the other side, careful with his cast, and Connor followed suit. Evan looked around in amazement. How come this place was abandoned?
“This place got closed down after they opened up the park as a national park,” Connor answered his unasked question. “Apparently people feel like going to a national park would be more fun than an orchard, even though it’s the same fucking thing.”
Connor stared walking into the trees and Evan was quick to follow.
It was gorgeous. It was a surprise that he has never seen this place. His mom and dad would always love to take them out and show him the nature, the flowers, the birds. It was a big part of his life, and a big reason why he loved trees. Participating in the Junior Ranger program was a way for him to try and go back to those times.
Happier times.
“So homecoming’s coming up,” Connor stated. “You going?”
“Well, uh, probably not?” Those kind of things were never Evan’s thing.
“Even if a cute girl asked you out?” Connor laughed as Evan blushed. The only girl Evan would even want to ask him out is Zoe, but after their conversation, he has been questioning his relationship with her.
“If someone asked me out, that’d be a shock in itself.”
Connor laughed. “Fair enough.”
“What about you?” Evan asked. “You going?”
“No. No way.”
“Not even if a girl asks you?”
“There’s no girl that could make me go to any dance.” Evan hummed.
“What if your crush asked you? There is a girl you like, right?” Connor gave him a side look and coughed.
“Yeah. A girl…” He didn’t say anything after, and Evan didn’t want to push it, so they fell back into silence.
“We’re here.” Evan gave him a confused look.
“Wait, where?”
“Look.” Evan looked anxiously at the space past the trees Connor motioned to before walking forward.
Past the trees was a big open grass field, surrounded by trees. The wind was blowing the long grass gently and the sun was peeking out from behind the threes, just getting ready to set for the night.
Evan was in shock. This place was gorgeous.
“I assume you like it?” he heard Connor call.
Evan shook his head. “Connor, this--this is amazing! How did you find it?”
“I was just walking around one day and stumbled upon it.”
Evan stared at the whole place. Connor watched him with a smile.
“You said you like to climb trees, right?” Connor asked. Evan stiffened up.
“Um, yeah,” he stuttered out.
“Come on. There’s a tree with really low branches.” Connor started walking away towards a tree that Evan saw stuck out from the rest. It was slightly out of the circle of trees, and Evan understood why Connor chose that one. The branches are definitely lower than the others, and easier for the boys to reach.
“I--I don’t think I can climb right now,” Evan called towards him. Connor turned and gave him a confused look.
“Why not?” Evan just held up his cast. Connor looked at for a second before realization hit. “Fuck, that’s right. I’m a fucking moron.”
“Sorry,” Evan shrugged.
“Why are you sorry?”
“You wanted to climb the tree, and I can’t.” Connor sighed and shook his head.
“That’s not your fault, man.” Evan nodded his head and decided not to say anything else.
His phones started buzzing in his pocket. He quickly pulled it out to see who is was.
It was Jared.
“Shit,” he mumbled under his breath. Connor was next to him now, looking down at his phone.
“Kleinman? What does that fucker want?” Evan opted to not comment on Connor’s obvious hatred of Jared.
“I forgot I was supposed to hang out with him today.” He hit answer and turned away.
“Evan! Where are you?”
“I’m sorry, I was walking home but Connor wanted to hang out--”
“Connor? Connor Murphy? You’re with him right now?”
“Yes, I’m sorry, I am headed back right now--”
“Did he kidnap you or something, dude? You guys never hang out outside of school. I never even thought the guy was stable enough to do something.”
Evan anxiously shot a look at Connor, but he was picking at his nail polish, so Evan was sure he didn’t hear Jared.
“He can. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I’m heading back now. Just go inside, I’ll be home soon, ignore the mess.”
“Whatever you say dude. Bye.”
With that, Jared hung up. Evan turned back to Connor, fiddling with his phone.
“I’m sorry Connor, can we--”
“Yeah, we can go back.” Connor clipped. Evan flinched. He looked down at the ground anxiously.
“Sorry, this was fun, but--”
“I know,” Connor forced a smile across his face. “You and Jared had plans. Nothing wrong with that.”
Connor started walking away, and Evan couldn’t help but get the feeling that Connor was truly upset.
He quickly followed Connor back to his car and tired to calm down his anxiety.
“Thank you for taking me here,” Evan said when they got back into Connor’s truck.
“Yeah. We can come back.” Evan looked down to hide a smile.
Connor actually wanted to hang out with him again. Hang out, in public, for no reason other than to hang out with Evan.
Is this was real friendship is like?
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