fatescattered · 5 months
@apaise gets a thing immediately bc we have no chill
the minutes seem to drag on as she lies awake, desperately wishing for sleep that never comes. the grandfather clock can be heard across the manor, its ticking seeming to grow louder and louder. it's the damn clock and nothing else keeping her awake, is what george tells herself as she tosses and turns.
even the bed feels unfamiliar tonight. she wonders if she'd been gone longer this time, or if the staff made it differently – all to avoid the deafening thoughts threatening to split her head in two at any moment.
the clock strikes at the hour ( which one, george does not know ), and she pushes herself off the bed with a frustrated groan. " gods! ridiculous, " she curses under her breath at no one in particular. she tells herself a walk or perhaps a glass of water will help, but when she exits her room, it's not the front door or the kitchen she's walking towards.
her feet move on her own as she makes for kaya's room, muscle memory telling her which turns to make. there's no break in her stride, but when george reaches her door, she halts.
what if kaya doesn't want to see her?
she would never voice it, far too sweet to make george feel worse than she already does. she'd never blame george for dropping a child in her care and disappearing for weeks at a time, while doing nothing to prove her innocence. maybe kaya would actually get mad if george told her about how she's really spending her time. maybe she should tell her, and allow kaya to finally show her true emotions.
her closed fist hangs by the door, never connecting. what would she even say? george drops her arm with a sigh, ready to turn around – only for kaya to open the door suddenly.
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george almost jumps in place, eyes widened as if she's just been caught past her bedtime. " kaya. " she clears her throat, hands awkwardly at her sides. " sorry, i don't know why i... " george trails off, realizing she doesn't have an excuse ready on the go. whatever she can conjure up, she knows this is a lie she cannot sell her.
" did i wake you? " she asks instead, despite knowing full well she had not make a sound on her way over. " sorry, i just couldn't sleep. "
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feveredblurs · 7 months
@apaise​​​ | ( continued. )
elinor would be lying if she said there wasn’t a small part of her that enjoyed the terrified look on the soldiers’ faces. there was once a time where she resented the way people kept their distance, avoiding her eyes but keeping her name on their lips as they whispered behind her back. with years of practice, she’s learned to accept it as a sign of power.
yet, for all the times elinor has reveled in her solitude, she finds she’s come to enjoy having beth at her side. the princess, despite her timid air, did not shy away from her as others did. she was always graceful and sweet when addressing even the darkling – never fearing her dark armor or the blood on her hands.
elinor wishes she was half as brave and dared to show beth all of her. the idea of her toll of death and destruction proving too much for the princess makes her breath falter, weak when faced with the possibility of finally losing something she holds dear.
despite her resolve to steel her features around the crown’s army, they soften easily at beth’s quiet remark. she holds elinor in too high regard – it’s addictive and dangerous, the darkling realizes as she attempts to will the warmth in her chest to go away. never did she want to be seen so desperately, knowing it could cost her everything.
she almost points out beth is the only one to think it a loss, but deems it a disservice to the other’s kindness. elinor gives a smile and a grateful bow of her own head instead. what must the soldiers see when they watch them from afar? two dignitaries exchanging pleasantries? would they be able to spot elinor’s subtle fidgeting, suppressing the urge to take the princess’s hand in her own?
brows raise at the remark that follows, surprised beth mentioned the bluebirds. it had been an afternoon in equal parts lovely and terrifying, with elinor offering her a secret so close to her heart. no one knew of her birds, not even her father. it was something she had always believed she’d carry to her grave, a softness she was not allowed. yet beth didn’t even spare it a moment of judgment – and there’s nothing if not gentless in her features when elinor dares meet her eyes now.
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“ – i miss them dearly as well, ” she confesses, voice low and tentative. “ they’re quite independent, but i do regret not being able to ask one of the maids to look after them. ” despite being otkazat'sya, harys could command fear into the royal staff as well as any grisha general. they’d tell him of anything they saw out of place – including elinor’s own behavior. she’s lucky she can pass her meetings with the princess as mere courtesy.
“ i may stay a few more weeks, depending on how everything goes. ” as far as everyone knows, the general is here to oversee operations regarding the recent fjerdan attacks on the northern border. her letters to her father will detail whether the search for the sun summoner has proved fruitful after hearing hushed reports of a nearby sighting.
“ and yourself, your highness? ” elinor turns the question to beth. “ i’m sure your sisters will be happy to see you, but the soldier camps may grow quite dull after a day or two. ” she reckons the princesses are allowed to leave their post based on status alone... but elinor finds herself selfishly wishing for stricter rules, if it allows her to accompany beth during her stay instead.
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justarmor · 2 years
a very merry christmas to @apaise!!! 💖💖💖
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heartsechoed · 1 year
❛ i just wanted to make sure you’re okay. ❜ willa to steph
after a day as harrowing as this, the last thing stephanie wanted was to run into willa. though she was possibly the only person who could cheer her up right now... steph didn’t want her to see her like this – run-down and lifeless, so unlike her usual self.
when they cross paths at campus, stephanie does her best to conjure up a smile and as many jokes as she can. she excuses herself after a few minutes, claiming to have to study for an exam – but instead walks over to a more secluded part of campus and lets herself fall onto a bench. she’s deep in thought, reliving the events of that afternoon, when willa’s voice reaches her once more.
she finds steph so suddenly, there’s no time to put the mask back on. stephanie can only stare for a moment, hopelessly trying to come up with something to say in return. when willa continues, it becomes clear there’s no use. she can see right through her.
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“ it was the studying thing, right? i should’ve come up with a better excuse. ” her joke doesn’t land quite with the same playfulness, her smile small and tired. “ sorry if i sounded weird. just... long day. ” she couldn’t talk about her time as spoiler with anyone. and the other vigilantes she knew... didn’t seem like they’d understand. steph already felt like she couldn’t measure up to them as it was. they didn’t need to know how haunted she was by her line of work at times.
“ i got... caught up in a robbery today. ” she figures that wording is just vague enough to sound believable; willa didn’t need to do the details. “ i'm okay, ” she's quick to reassure. “ but someone got hurt – i couldn’t help them in time. they’re in the ICU now, and all i can do is wait. ” her lips curl up into a bitter smile. “ ironic for a nurse-to-be, huh? ”
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niyahealthcare · 3 months
Découvrez le mélange parfait de sécurité et de sensation avec les préservatifs Tadex. Regardez notre vidéo pour découvrir pourquoi Tadex est le premier choix en matière de fiabilité et de confort dans les moments intimes.
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vhscorp · 12 days
La tendresse, c’est un souffle léger, un regard qui apaise, une main effleurée, c’est l’amour qui se donne sans rien demander…
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grandboute · 5 months
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Éternelle Bretagne (by Ninie)
Un vent d'air frais et d'apaisement dans les esprits...
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abdlrimespotiques · 9 months
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les-portes-du-sud · 7 months
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Rose rouge rose, aux pétales de velours,
Toi la confidente de tous les amoureux,
Toi la messagère préférée de l’amour,
Tu sais les apaiser et les rendre heureux.
Rose rouge rose, n’est ce pas toi le présage,
De l’amour passionné, l’amour qui ravit.
Rose rouge rose, je te confie ce message,
Portes le à ma belle, l’amour de ma vie.
De par tes effluves, portes mes sentiments,
Racontes à ma belle l’amour qui m’étreint,
Dis lui ma passion, dis lui mes tourments,
Rien chez l’amoureux n’est factice ou feint...
Moh Zmit
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fatescattered · 5 months
@apaise sent: ❛ it's one thing to have a dream. it's another to go after it. ❜ (teen sydaisy T_T)
" what're ya talking about? " syd's brows raise at daisy's sudden remark. " isn't this the dream? " her smile is almost tentative, afraid of what she'll find in the other's expression. it's true that music had not been sydney's passion to begin with – but, over time, the band had become her entire life.
wasn't it the same for both of them?
" days. " she hurriedly reaches for daisy's hand, offering a gentle squeeze. " i love playing with you guys. i don't care if we do it in my garage or in some huge theater. " syd knew it wasn't entirely fair of her to be content with so little – lexi wanted their music to fill stadiums, to play among the greats. all syd cared about was having her friends at her side. she'd always assumed daisy felt the same way.
her grip on daisy's hand falters for a moment, as a cold sensation begins creeping up her spine. " you get it... right? "
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feveredblurs · 1 year
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEI!!! 💚💚💚💚 ( @apaise )
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gay-impressionist · 5 days
Je sais pas si tu voulais vraiment une réponse, mais re: pourquoi on veut mettre des caméras partout: au départ, c'est juste un délire sécuritaire. Les maires s'y connaissent pas trop, en même temps les entreprises de vidéo surveillance font du lobby de ouf, du coup ils se disent que bon, quelques caméras aux endroits un peu chauds, ça peut pas faire de mal. Ça montre aux petits délinquants qu'on va les choper, ça fait baisser la délinquance, c'est tout bénef. Sauf que rapidement on voit que ça marche pas. La délinquance se déplace juste ailleurs, et les caméras regardent juste les passants passer, et ça a coûté des sous qui auraient pu servir à autre chose, genre à créer des activités pour faire baisser la délinquance, à tout hasard.
Mais ça, c'est le meilleur cas.
Il y a beaucoup (difficile à chiffrer avec précision, mais plusieurs grandes villes sont dans ce cas et de plus de plus de petites) qui installent des caméras non pas pour prétendre résoudre les petites affaires de vol ou de harcèlement, mais pour de la surveillance. Quand ils parlent de "vidéo protection", rappelons qu'on est le seul pays à ne pas appeler ça "video surveillance". Le vrai but, c'est de filmer les espaces publics, d'analyser les comportements des gens, de leur montrer non pas qu'ils sont protégés, puisqu'une caméra ne peut protéger de rien, mais qu'ils sont surveillés. C'est un outil de dissuasion non seulement des délits mais aussi de tout comportement qui pourrait être mal interprété par l'algorithme ou les flics derrière l'écran. C'est évidemment extrêmement biaisé et ça cible surtout les personnes racisées, les jeunes, les sans abris, les manifestants, bref tous ceux qu'un maire sensible aux arguments du lobby des caméras ne veut pas voir traîner dans sa ville. Un algorithme n'est jamais moins biaisé que ses concepteurs.
Est-ce qu'on en est à faire de la reconnaissance faciale dans la rue, et pas juste aux portiques de lycées (ça a été fait, vraiment, à Nice et à Marseille) ? Non, pas encore, ou alors si on fait on ne s'en vante pas. Mais c'est possible, les technologies sont là et sont utilisées et les fichiers de police sont tous connectés. Mais pour l'instant, officiellement, on fait "juste" de la reconnaissance de "comportements suspects". C'est déjà beaucoup. C'est déjà trop. C'est de la surveillance biométrique, de masse, automatisée, illégale puisque les données biométriques sont des données personnelles, qui marginalise encore plus des populations déjà fragiles. On fait mine de protester contre le gouvernement chinois qui filme, contrôle et note sa population en permanence, et on en oublie qui leur vend ces technologies (nous. C'est nous. Idemia c'est français).
Enfin bref. La quadrature du net a de bons dossiers sur tout ça sur leur site, si tu veux plus d'infos. C'est eux qui portent souvent plainte, parfois contre les Gafam (notamment pour appliquer le RGPD) parfois contre la police (rapport aux drones équipés, justement, de caméras), et en ce moment ils ont justement beaucoup de choses sur les villes "intelligentes" et "sécuritaires".
J'avoue que ma question était surtout rhétorique mais très bonne analyse 👌👌
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heartsechoed · 1 year
“ it’s been a long day. why don’t you stay here tonight? i can take the sofa. " robin to viv
even with their relationship steadily progressing over the past few weeks ( robin isn’t out to arrest her at every turn, and actually laughs at her jokes now ), vivian wouldn’t dare call them friends. she’s not delusional enough to let herself believe robin actually sees her as anything more than a criminal.
if she hadn’t heard the news of tony stark’s passing, vivian would’ve been able to figure it out from the very first time she broke into stark mansion. there were reminders of him everywhere – as well as signs of robin’s grief. closed doors and blinds, old pictures and clothes scattered at every corner. there was so much in this place that vivian could never grasp in her hold.
robin never speaks of him, and vivian knows better than to ask. it’s much easier to bicker, to continue this game of cat and mouse in the parts they play so well. that’s why it shocks vivian, when robin so readily offers her a place to sleep. they had never spent the night together, despite being in each other’s company until late hours. it feels intimate in a way the thief is not used to, nothing like her casual dalliances with strangers she’ll never see again. robin is trusting her to stay in her home, a place that is clearly closed to many.
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“ – how do you know i won’t just steal some of your paintings or fancy gadgets? ” she hangs onto humor like a crutch, the smile on her lips not nearly as effortless as usual. she wonders if robin can see the hesitation in her demeanor – that, for all that vivian teases and flirts, she’s wary of stepping into robin’s personal space this way.
“ if you’re sure, ” she adds with raised hands, fingers wiggling for theatrics. “ i promise to keep my hands to myself – unless you’d like them elsewhere. ”
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plaidetchocolatchaud · 3 months
Puisse les chorégies d'Orange m'aider à préparer mon entretien téléphonique pour le DU
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uniqueivresse · 6 months
Après 48h, je suis sortie de ces murs.
Te voir à la sortie m'a fait le plus grand bien. J'avais l'impression de revivre, de retrouver ma vie.
Me blottir dans tes bras, me sentir enveloppée et protégée, laissant toutes ces tensions, ces peurs, ces traumas derrière moi. Me plonger dans tes yeux verts et voir ton sourire m'a apaisé, tu n'as même pas idées.
J'étais heureuse de simplement vivre tout en étant à tes cotés.
Nous avons bu à Bastille ce café, et sans artifices, j'ai pu laisser ces quelques larmes coulées sans jugement ni peur.
Sous ce temps ensoleillé, nous sommes tranquillement rentrés chez toi. Un cadeau m'attendait : une tasse avec gravée le dernier tatouage que j'ai réalisé. Pour toute la symbolique que cela implique, juste une chose, du plus profond de mon cœur, merci.
Merci pour le temps que tu m'accordes, ton soutien, ta gentillesse, ton sourire, ta générosité et ta sensibilité.
Sache que tu es et seras à jamais mon Helios. ☀️
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praline1968 · 1 year
Hello les amis 😘
Bel après-midi à vous tous 💐
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🎹 Frederic Delarue ~ Believe 🎧
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