goodbye, my darling | osamu dazai x fem!reader
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word count: 2.8k
content: beast!au spoilers, angst, you take oda’s place (but aren’t exactly like him)
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you were never too keen on the idea of meeting someone whose face you’d never seen. as a cautious woman, who also worked as a detective for a living, you’d normally deny a meeting with someone unfamiliar. however, to deny a gathering in your current situation could cost the life of a boy you took in as a subordinate.
the lives of those younger than you were of the utmost importance.
ryunosuke akutagawa was your subordinate, who, blindly, stormed into the headquarters of the most dangerous organization in yokohama. in order to save his little sister, akutagawa broke into the port mafia’s building by himself to get her back.
since he was a member of the agency, it was part of your mission to rescue him. as you walked towards a lone bar in ginza, you never forgot that. a cigarette burned away in your dominant hand as you walked towards bar lupin.
your aim was to aid akutagawa in what would happen after his escape from the port mafia. the reason you were meeting with the person in charge of monetary security for the mafia was to gain information. with a threat dangerous to the port mafia, a bargain can be made. the akutagawas can be safe from the port mafia, and the port mafia can be safe from the government.
the cigarette in your hand was put out when you rubbed it against the brick wall. you threw the unfinished product into the trashcan nearby before you took quiet steps down the stairs toward the bar. you were sure it was the location based on the sign outside.
the moment you opened the door, the mellow, low tune of jazz reached your ears. your (e/c) eyes scanned the almost empty bar in front of you. at the actual bar itself sat one lone man. from his stature, he was definitely not the old man you were expecting.
his hair, dark as coffee beans, covered his face before he turned around. a smile adorned the unfamiliar man’s face as he looked at you with a shine in his rich, brown eye. the other one seemed to be wrapped in bandages, just like the ends of his arms. he was handsome if you had to say. but for someone dressed like a port mafia hitman, he greeted you like you knew each other well.
“(n/n), it’s been a while,” he spoke, voice soft. “were you smoking again? i can smell the stench from a mile away, you know.”
“i suppose it’s not unusual for you to smell it,” you responded. “but you say it’s been a while... have we met before?”
the man closed his eye, an almost silent sigh escaping his mouth. once you could see his uncovered eye again, the shine that was once there seemed to dull. it was still there, but harder for you to see in the dimly lit bar. he pushed down the sphere of ice in his drink.
“no, we haven’t met yet. this is the first time. the first time i’ve entered this bar, first time i drank here, first time we’ve met here, in this crazy world. a whole lotta firsts, wouldn’t you say, (n/n)?”
“yeah, it’s a lot.”
you found yourself sitting one stool away from the man. a bittersweet silence was draped between the two of you and for some reason, you felt the urge to change it as soon as possible. you wanted to fall into a light conversation you’d normally have with someone close to you. it was odd, really. you were here for a purpose, yet you sat by idly.
“hey, i’ve got a question.” if the man wasn’t going to speak first, you would. you asked, “if we’re going to sit here, what should i call you? i doubt you’d want me to call you mister bandages.”
“well, calling me yours would be just fine,” he playfully smirked at you. “darling wouldn’t be bad either.”
“so it’s going to be like that?”
“of course it is. i have a nickname for you, and you have one for me. it’s only fair, isn’t it? but, i have a question for you. if we’re going to be here, what would you like to drink? pick your poison, belladonna.”
you let your chin rest on your hand, “well, i usually only drink with my coworkers and when i’m tired. i always have a lime margarita, if you can make that for me, darling.”
he smiled as he went behind the bar, “hm, i suppose i can make it. but since you’re here with me for the first time, how about we drink something else for the first time too? i can make a mean french martini, surprisingly. i’ve watched it get made plenty of times.”
“if you insist, go ahead. if it tastes bad, don’t be surprised when i give you 0 stars.”
“ouch, how low.”
dazai, to your surprise, began to create the drink as if he knew the bar like the back of his hand. he grabbed the right drinks from their respective places without even looking at the labels to create the cocktail. it was as if the bar was his.
while he was at it, you asked him something that had been bothering you from the moment he first talked. “you called me (n/n) when i entered the bar, so it’s safe to say that it refers to me. why call me that?”
“why?” he hummed. “i should ask you that. do you not like it?”
“it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. it’s just… no one has ever called me that before. everyone just calls me (y/n), but not you, clearly.”
he lowered his gaze and the corners of his lips turned up. that smile of his, you could read it clear as day. you were able to tell that this man wasn’t smiling from what you've said, not even genuinely smiling. he smiled for the sake of himself. you didn’t know what he was thinking or feeling, but you were sure it had to do with yourself. there was no way it didn’t.
“and no one’s ever called me their darling until you have, (n/n). it’s another first for the both of us, and we did it together. but hey, i have some stories i’ve been living to tell you. can i?”
after giving him the go-ahead, he excitedly talked about dealing with a bomb and giving his underlings firm tofu. the way he told his stories was like a little child coming home from the first day of school and telling their parents about their new friends.
once he was done, he slid the drink right in front of you and took a seat. however, it was not the seat he was originally at when you walked into the bar. getting closer than he was, he sat on the stool to your left. he held up his drink and, as if it were engraved into your body, you clinked your glass against his without a thought.
“well go ahead, taste it! let’s see if it really is worth 0 stars,” he urged you.
the way he stared into your eyes with anticipation, it was another strange thing you’ve noticed. he was genuinely happy. he was probably the strangest person you’ve ever met, and you’ve met some odd people. hell, you worked with them.
after having a thought, you picked up the glass. you pressed it against your lips and took a sip, aware of the eye on you. once you swallowed and set the drink down, you could see a satisfied smile in your peripheral vision.
“good, huh?” the brunette asked.
“it really is,” you confirmed. “it's not worth 0 stars.”
“see? what did i tell you, belladonna? a french martini suits you, though. you can always ask me to make you some if you want.”
“maybe. i’d ask if you can cook as well, but your firm tofu says otherwise.”
he chuckled, “yeah, i’m not much of a cook. i always had someone else cook for me. it was edible too. she was much better than i was at cooking. at a lot of things, actually.”
“she seems like a woman of talent.”
“that’s right, she was. i’ve missed her… i’ve missed her a lot these past years.”
“a mother?”
“nope, my mom had been long gone from my life. this woman… she was much more than that.”
you couldn’t find anything else to say, so you remained quiet. that was, until the bandage-wearing man brought up why you two even decided to meet in the first place. he asked for more details.
“a subordinate of mine is in danger, and i want to cut a deal. it’d be a miracle if he came out in one piece, let alone with the person he’s been searching for. if he makes it out, i have no doubt that the port mafia will hunt him down. i want to cut a deal that’ll benefit us both.”
after contemplating, he murmured, “akutagawa’s lucky to have come across a good teacher like you.”
“excuse me?”
“you don’t need to worry about akutagawa. after today, the mafia will never lay another finger on him. there’s no catch; he’ll be able to live the rest of his life in peace... besides, this is what i’ve had planned since the beginning... if he makes it out of the mafia headquarters alive, that is.”
what he told you had confirmed your suspicions. taking another sip of the martini, you looked him straight in the eye. you’ve let yourself come off as laid back, but now your expression was stern. he was caught off-guard.
“tell me, why did you lure him? why did you lure akutagawa into your headquarters, osamu dazai?”
it went silent, so much so that the music didn’t reach either of your ears.
“guess you’ve figured it out. i can’t fool you, can i?” he quipped. “you’ve always been quite intelligent.”
“you’re the one who gave out the hints. when talking about the tofu, you talked about underlings. you spoke like you had a lot of them. then, you talked about akutagawa without me even saying his name. not to mention how you’ve had plans from the beginning. only the port mafia’s boss would know, and be able to plan much. you’re the reason akutagawa is searching for his sister in the first place. this is over.”
“no, wait-!”
dazai reached out his arm, but he halted at the familiar click of a gun. his eye widened and he could only look at you with a horrified expression. he didn’t even have to look down to know your trusty pistol was in your hand.
“please put the gun away,” dazai begged, his face contorting to an expression of sorrow.
“i’m sorry, but i’m afraid i can’t do that. if i do, who knows what’ll happen to me? but then again, i’m already screwed if this is a trap. the port mafia’s boss is cunning, so i’m done acting like we’re close.”
“i didn’t want to become the boss! i… and i didn’t think of it as an act, not at all. it’s the truth, i swear.”
he looked at you so sincerely that you almost dropped the gun from your side. raw emotion was behind his words, or so you thought. maybe he could still be lying to you? maybe lying to himself. after all, there are liars so good that they’ve deceived themselves.
you looked down at your lap, “i guess that i’ve got to come up with another plan for saving akutagawa. well, if i can leave this establishment alive, that is.”
dazai insisted, “this isn’t a trap. i would never even dream of doing something like that to you, (n/n).”
“my name is (l/n) (y/n), not (n/n).”
your words were another shot to his chest.
“right, (y/n). you asked me why i lured akutagawa to the mafia headquarters, right? well, i did it to protect this world.”
you raised a brow, “this world?”
“this is but one of countless worlds. and in another world, the original world, you and i were… we were—“
“i love you,” he recalls the light touch of your fingers burning up his skin, “and there’s nothing in any universe that would change that.”
“—we were friends. you and i were friends in the original world. we drank at this bar and spent time together talking about the most insignificant things. it lasted for a while.”
dazai can also remember your last moments. you were laying in your own pool of blood when he finally caught up to you. when you spoke to him, you spoke in that same calm voice you’ve always had. and then, the smoke of the cigarette in your hand had dissipated into nothing, just like the light in your eyes.
“even if that were true, that doesn’t change what you did to akutagawa and his sister. you separated them, and now here we are,” you reminded dazai. “we may have been close in the original world, as you call it, but we are enemies now.”
“i love you—“
dazai’s eyes searched for something in the air that wasn’t there. his eye darted around, and his lips would slightly part and shut after a few seconds. his face twisted as he continued to remember everything.
“—and there’s nothing in any universe that would change that.”
“it was hard... it was really hard fighting mimic without you in the organization. i had no choice but to take over for mori and make enemies of everyone around me to expand the business,” dazai finally looked back at you. slowly, his hands reached for your cheeks. “everything i did was for this world’s- for you. i needed a world where you can sit here, happy with the people around you again.”
for a reason you couldn’t decipher, the hand that held your gun began to tremble. well, maybe it had been trembling for a long time and you were only now just recognizing it. dazai’s hands, cold and soft at the touch, held your face as if you were the most delicate thing in the world.
it was a touch of a lover.
coming down to that conclusion, everything made sense to you. dazai always looked at you like you were closest thing to him, a lifeline if you may. his nicknames, the flirting, talking about this unnamed important woman in his life. it was all because...
“we were in a relationship, weren’t we?”
dazai would’ve missed your words if the proximity between the two of you wasn’t this close. the way he froze in his spot had answered enough, and you could only sigh. slowly, you put your gun back into your jacket and rested your hands on dazai’s.
you gently pried his hands off of your face and held them between your own. you felt no specific feelings from the action, but you were sure dazai did based off of how his face softened.
“i’m sorry, but you have to leave your feelings out of this. i don’t know how you know what happened in the original world, and i won’t ask. i just have to tell you that i don’t feel what you do. like i said, you and i are enemies here. as long as you control the port mafia and i’m part of the armed detective agency, it’ll remain this way.”
“there’s nothing in any universe that would change that.”
“i see,” dazai took his hands back and rested them on his lap. “well, the reason i invited you here in the first place was to say goodbye.”
“you really don’t plan on ever seeing me again?”
“you said it, didn’t you? we’re enemies as long as we’re associated with the organizations we’re in. so after today, i won’t see you again. it’ll only hurt more if i do.”
“then this makes this a goodbye,” you watched as he stood up from his stool, hands in the pockets of his black overcoat.
“yes, it does. a life with someone you can say goodbye to is a good life, especially when it hurts so much to say it to them. am i wrong?”
“i guess you wouldn’t be... i haven’t said goodbye to anyone and have it pain me,” you replied, feeling bad for the port mafia’s boss.
“i hope you don’t for a long time. but one day, that time will come. you won’t be prepared for it, but all i can tell you is to let it in. feel everything, and see where it takes you.” dazai faintly smiled before he turned his back to you and began to walk away, “goodbye, (n/n).”
“goodbye, my darling.”
painfully, dazai grit his teeth and resisted the urge to look back. in goodbyes, that’s what they always do. they turn around and crash into the person they’re supposed to be leaving. he didn’t want to do that. this was his goodbye to you, even if it didn’t mean much. if he was going to keep this world functioning, he won’t leave it with you in any pain.
‘be happy, okay? even if it’s without me, be happy. as long as you’re alive, somewhere, i’ll be happy too’
it was a final thought he kept to himself.
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note: this pained me sm to write, but i had to for the sake of my imagination </3
please reblog for more!
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allquiet · 1 year
1. Nightmare.
This is the first in a series of short writing exercises based around my OC warboys during the First World War. I'm using this list and this list for prompts. It's not much, but I'm just easing back into writing. If you like it, stay tuned - there will be more, including more info on my actual characters.
Prompts: breathing in the dark; unable to breathe.
When Nat wakes tangled in soft cotton sheets, he fights them. It doesn’t feel right, it doesn’t feel real. In his dream, he sat at the bottom of a deep, flooded shellhole, soaked and shivering. Clutching his rifle tight and ready to spring into action, he stared upward at a sky that glowed green. He was waiting for something, muscles taut, teeth gritted, but he can’t remember what. It doesn’t matter. The sodden, clammy weight of his soaked uniform felt more real than the bedding he drags with him as he tumbles to the floor now. His nails scrape against wooden boards sanded smooth, carefully polished, not slick and rough, half-rotted. It doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t feel real.
Nat kicks the last of the sheets away as they cling to his ankles, try to wrap around his calves, and he gets to his feet. The room tilts, unfamiliar shadows looming at the edges of his vision. He knows where he is. He’s not mad, he knows where he is: Nat knows that he is at home, in Aberffraw, that this is bedroom, that these looming shadows are the books and toys and collected treasures of his childhood, but it doesn’t feel right, it doesn’t feel real.
Breathing short and sharp against the barbed wire wrapped unseen around his ribcage, Nat clings to the bannister as he lurches down the stairs. The house is silent all around him, sleeping or dead. His feet creak on the stairs, his breath saws through the tepid night air. The gloom changes colours and warps shapes and — this could be the dream, if it didn’t hurt so much. If his head wasn’t pounding and his lungs weren’t collapsing, this could be the dream, the nightmare.
Reaching the door, Nat stumbles outside, his arms wrapped tight around his chest to stop it ripping apart, bare feet numb to the small stones underfoot, the dewy grass. It’s quiet. The lazy summer breeze whispers through the dark trees, rustles gently in the bushes. A cricket sings. The earliest birds flit silent and black across the lesser dark of the deep blue sky. In the distance, the river gurgles. No artillery, no gunfire, no hissing flares, no whispers in the dark. The ground is lifeless, limp beneath his feet without the ravenous growl of war humming deep in the belly of the earth.
It doesn’t feel right.
It doesn’t feel real.
Nat shuts his eyes and screams.
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aqconfessions · 7 years
Honestly I'm kind of over these aq-related blogs. Why don't we have aqwriting too, and aqreaders.
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being extremely flirty headcanons
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featuring…! tetcho suehiro
content: no manga spoilers, just mentions of the 5th hunting dog without their name, fluff
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constantly flirting with tetcho… i hate to say it, but you’d probably regret it. this man will usually not take the hint and misunderstands what you’re trying to say, or takes it too seriously 😭
“you scraped your knees because you fell for me?” tetcho repeated. he gently grabbed your wrist, “let’s get that cleaned up, then.”
cue you both being annoyed, but also in awe of how kind he was. then it hits you that he’s truly an idiot because you were in uniform, and your pants weren’t messed up at all.
he sincerely wants to understand what you say most of the time, so he’ll go to someone else that’s around. a personal hc, but he often goes to jouno
jouno, being who he is, tells tetcho to figure it out himself. it’s for his entertainment, really. he gets to watch tetcho try to figure it out and you agonize over the fact that he can’t understand that you’re hitting on him
the fact that he does this amuses teruko greatly, as well as fukuchi but not as much. our final hunting dog? well, they sort of pity you because how tetcho doesn’t understand
if you’re the type to flirt more physically, tetcho literally lets you because he just thinks you’re like that… and it also doesn’t really bother him
if you let your fingers linger on his arms longer or sit closer to him than anyone else would, he’d assume that you liked physical touch with anyone more than anything
“so,” you gripped tetcho’s arm with your hands, fingers trailing down his well-defined biceps, “want to go out for lunch? i know a place you’d love.”
you guys had just finished training, the smell of sweat lingering inside of the room. you wanted to grab the opportunity to ask tetcho before you guys headed for the showers.
“i don’t mind,” he replied. he patted your head, “i’ll be sure to ask the others too for you.”
he was about to walk away when you grabbed his arm. you told tetcho that you wanted it to just be the two of you, but he thought that if you knew a place with good food, you might as well just bring everyone along to try.
“just- yeah, whatever,” you exhaled to prevent yourself from getting even more frustrated. “tell me if they’re coming when you finish.”
you knew it was coming, but all the frustration finally came to light one day. even if it was for a day, you laid off in trying to flirt with tetcho. he took notice and immediately knew something was wrong
he’d ask anyone nearby if they noticed that you were off today, but they would say they didn’t. after all, you were only acting differently around tetcho
you should hope that tetcho doesn’t go ask teruko for help in this situation. i can imagine her taking advantage of it and setting him up to turn things around between the two of you. it’s fun for her to mess with people, so don’t be surprised
you’re walking the halls of military headquarters when you suddenly sense an incoming presence. before you could even grip the handle of your blade, a hand holds your wrist back. long, slim fingers slide down slightly, loosening its grip against you.
turning around, you are met with tetcho. his hat was off, so his hair appeared a bit more scattered than it usually did. you liked it like that, nothing resting on top of his head.
“tetcho?” you asked. “what’s wro-“
you’re taken aback by his sudden movement. tetcho let your wrist go before he caged you between his body and the wall. you could only look between his arms in shock.
‘a-am i dreaming?’
“if you want to confess your love for me, just say it normally. there’s no shame in that,” you joke. although you’ve definitely thought of this scenario before, you weren’t expecting it now.
his head, which was facing down, goes up to face you. he looks at you with eyes so serious that your heart skips a beat. you didn’t know what he would say, and a small part of you feared that it wouldn’t be good.
“what’s wrong with you?” tetcho asked.
you could only look at him confused, “what’s wrong with me? what’s wrong with you? grabbing my wrist like that- then there’s this… you’re the one acting odder than usual.”
“i’m acting odd? i’m just asking you,” he retorted, equally confused. you could tell by the innocent tilt of his head.
“then why did you have to ask in such a dramatic way…?”
“oh, teruko-san told me to do this. she said it was the best way to get you to answer. i won’t let you go until you do, y/n-san.”
“and what will you do if i don’t answer?” you gave him attitude. “what, you’ll kiss me?”
he inched closer to you, “if that’s what it takes, yes.”
in the end, both of you happen to get what you want 🤭
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note: i’m not sure what format you wanted this in, so i decided to do headcanons and drabbles 🙏🏻 but thank you sm for requesting! i love tetcho and think we need more work about him. request is here
reblogs are appreciated <3
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relationship headcanons
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featuring…! tetcho suehiro
content: tetcho is a manga spoiler (hehe not anymore as of episode 7), fluff, him being the loml
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tetcho always gives you loving kisses. forehead kisses, to be exact. when you first wake up, before he leaves for work, when he first sees you in the afternoon, right before bed. he also gently holds the back of your head every time (UGH I NEED HIM)
there are times when he just silently walks up to you and gently cups your cheeks. he does this so he can admire you
and when you place your own hand(s) on his cheek(s), he leans into it immediately
when it comes to pda, specifically around the hunting dogs, tetcho doesn’t show it as much. he may give you the occasional kiss and hug, or rest his head on your shoulder or lap when the time is right, but he usually keeps things professional. he is serious about his work and dealing with justice. it’s a trait you admire about him
tetcho definitely urges you to be his workout buddy when it’s possible. but it’s fine with him if you’re just there to sit on his back as he does pushups
he definitely wakes up early to work out. if you happen to wake up later than you usually do, tetcho will take breakfast into his own hands… you don’t want that, so wake up on time (for both of your sakes)
he'll offer you his food sometimes, and it'll always be a weird color-coordinated combination. you should deny it politely for the sake of your taste buds
tetcho will literally do anything you ask, specifically when it comes to house chores and errands
can’t carry something? he’ll carry it for you. something isn't within your reach? don't worry, he'll get it without you even having to ask. tetcho tends to notice anything you’re struggling with, unless he's already immersed in a task
although, you should definitely be careful when it comes to him opening tightly-shut jars. don’t forget that he is STRONG
he kind of holds you protectively as you guys sleep. his arms would always be wrapped around you. sometimes, you’d both fall asleep with one of his arms gently cradling your head, and the other laid across your shoulders
the downside to sleeping like that is when you wake up and have to use the bathroom, you either can’t escape his arms, or you get out and wake him up in the process
relationships and dating will absolutely be a field that tetcho is unfamiliar with, hence why he’ll ask some of the others for advice. it’s usually jouno he asks for help because they often work together as a pair
it’s hopeless because jouno has no clue about relationships either
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note: i’m so incredibly, utterly in love with this man. i can’t wait for him to be animated &lt;3
please reblog for more!
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moment 12 · ͟͟͞͞➳❥ osamu dazai x gn!reader
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word count: 0.5k
content: no manga spoilers, fluff, sorta comfort, mentions of violence and killing at the start because it’s dazai
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osamu dazai believed that someone like him didn’t deserve blessings. willingly, he’s manipulated, tortured, and killed his enemies. his blood was as black as the crimes he had committed in the past. it stained his soul, never able to go away. there was no one more tainted than him.
however, you walked into his life and for a brief moment, he forgot about his polluted mind.
as fairytale as it seemed, you didn’t see him how he was used to being seen— cold-blooded, ruthless, and or mysterious. though, you didn’t know of his past as a port mafia executive. in your eyes, he was just another man the same age as you. but for some reason, you let him stick around after figuring out his past.
on a day when love is celebrated, valentine’s day, dazai wondered why you loved him. why fall in love with a man that sits on top of a mountain of sins? he decided to ask you while you were both still laying in bed.
“why do i love you even though you did those horrible things?” you repeated, leaning further into your pillow. “hm, i won’t ever forget what you told me you did, just like the people who survived it won’t. just because you now work to help others also doesn’t erase what you’ve done. if i think about it, i still love you because of how the world works.”
dazai raised a brow, “how the world works?”
“mhm, you heard me. no one in the world is just born to be evil, their environment changes them to be. this applies to you, a human in this world. the people that controlled you back then made you this way, so i’m glad you got away from them. just like how an environment can push you to do bad things, it can push you to do good. i’m glad you found the agency because they’re all great people trying to do good in this world. some people can be surrounded by good and ignore it if they wanted, but you welcomed it into your life. just like your friend said, helping others is more beautiful, isn’t it?”
you lovingly pressed your forehead against dazai’s, your nose almost brushing his. your left hand snaked up from his arm to his cheek, caressing it softly.
“i don’t deserve you, love. hell, you don’t deserve to be with someone like me,” dazai said in a negative tone
when you first met dazai, you thought that he’d be cold, physically cold. so when you held his face in your hands and felt the warmth radiating off of him, it was safe to say you were a little surprised. you don’t know why, but the warmth he emitted made him even more human to you.
“why? you’re as every bit human as i am, are you not? no one can tell us what we do and do not deserve. don’t say you don’t deserve me just because of who you once were. just think about it now, osamu. i love you because you’re willing to change for the better.”
after you spoke those words, you finally pressed your lips against his. like a mantra, you repeated “i love you” as you gave him small kisses. after a while, he slid his hand behind your head and pulled you into his chest.
dazai held you close to him, his blessing in disguise.
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note: I HAD SUCH A GOOD START TO THIS DRABBLE BUT THEN I ADDED THE READ MORE BUTTON AND IT GOT DELETED… tumblr on mobile has been annoying sometimes ever since they messed with the format of the app a week or two ago </3
please reblog for more!
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moment 11 · ͟͟͞͞➳❥ toge inumaki x gn!reader
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word count: 0.4k
content: no manga spoilers, fluff
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when you joined jujutsu tech to become a sorcerer, you weren’t ready for some of the missions that’d last about a week long. since valentine’s day was arriving, there had been a spike in cursed spirits showing up. you guessed that it had to do with the fear and or aftermath of rejection, or jealousy.
after finishing up your final job, you found yourself laying in your dorm. worn out, you couldn’t even find the energy to text your friends. you might’ve exerted yourself a bit too much.
you felt yourself on the verge of sleep when a couple of knocks came from your door. you cursed the person’s timing before deciding that it would be okay to ignore it. 30 seconds passed before they knocked again.
“i’m coming!” you called in defeat.
you forced your body up before reaching for the cold doorknob. you unlocked the door before swinging it open. your body jumped back slightly at the teddy bear that was pushed near your face.
taking the soft stuffed animal into your hands, you saw toge inumaki’s figure standing in front of you. although his collar covered the bottom half of his face, you could tell he was smiling by the way his cheeks went up.
“toge!” you smiled. “thank you, i think i’ll definitely need something to hug when you aren’t around.”
the platinum-haired boy tilted his head before he went to take the teddy bear back. you were giving him a strange look when he pointed between himself and the bear. he pointed at the teddy bear and waved his finger in disapproval, but he gave himself a thumbs up.
“are you telling me to cuddle only you?” you smirked in amusement. he nodded. “toge, i definitely would but you aren’t always around…”
you didn’t expect it, but inumaki threw the teddy onto your bed before he ran into your arms. off-guard, you caught him. you held him tight so that neither of you would fall.
“here now,” he whispered into your ear.
“even when i sleep? because, just so you know, i am pretty tired.”
inumaki nodded against the crook of your neck. with your heart fluttering, you shut the door to your bedroom and flopped onto your bed with inumaki. the teddy bear was long forgotten, and the two of you fell asleep in each other’s arms.
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note: i sometimes wonder what it’s like to be a manga reader and have inumaki as your favorite character… how long has it been since we’ve seen him 💀
please reblog for more!
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hello! If i may ask for a prombt,can you mabey do sigma with the comfort prombt 13 and 14?
home | sigma x gn!reader
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word count: 0.7k
content: manga spoilers, comfort, my first time writing sigma so probably not the best thing in the world
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pawns are disposable pieces once they’ve been played. there was no need to keep them around once they’d completed their role, so it was always best to sacrifice them and continue on.
sigma was the pawn in this case.
a pawn of one person handed to another, he continued to be used. it was when he fell into the hands of the demon fyodor that he knew that this would be his last run.
he was new to the world and what it had to offer, and that’s what made it easy to manipulate sigma. after he completes what he has to do, fyodor would have him killed. knowing that fact instilled fear into the casino man.
also knowing what fate awaited him made sigma lose his mind. constantly running in circles over it, he began to feel sick.
you didn’t know sigma for long, but he was easy for you to read. he came off as confident and composed, but you saw past that exterior once you used your ability.
your special ability allowed you to read the emotions of people you looked in the eye. although it could be awkward or unnerving to other people, you often used it.
you harbored no ill intent, but it always felt easier to communicate with someone you understood. with your ability, it became possible.
it was because you could read emotions that you managed to gain the trust of the man who ran the sky casino. you’ve always been a good talker, so the words you’ve said to sigma have always provided him some sort of comfort.
but with his association with the decay of the angel and the fact that you were just a civilian, there was almost no hope. sigma would be taken out and you’d have to move on with your life. that was the harsh truth.
you were done playing another game at the casino when you noticed sigma hadn’t visited you yet. you never asked him to, but the dual-haired man visited at least one of your games every day you were in the casino. but as the day wrapped up, you still haven’t seen him around.
you decided to visit him in his office, which he’s welcome you into before. the two armed guards standing outside recognized you but were reluctant to let you inside. with a couple of believable lies spilling from your lips, you were allowed in.
you opened the door silently, looking inside to see if anyone was inside. sigma, the only one there, sat at his desk. his hands gripped at his hair tightly, his shoulders slumped and head down. with the door clicking shut behind you, he jumped in his spot.
his head whipped up to you, and you could see the faint tears on his cheeks.
“sigma…” you murmured as you started to walk towards him.
he immediately swerved his chair around and attempted to fix his appearance, “you shouldn’t be in here, y/n.”
“i know that, but i couldn’t help myself after not being able to see you all day. i wanted to see if you were alright-“
once you arrived at his desk, you attempted to grab his shoulder. the manager flinched at your touch and you immediately took your hand back.
“you don’t have to be afraid,” you told him, “it’s just me. i’m not here to hurt you…”
sigma’s lips parted at your words. with your comforting hand on his shoulder, he found some courage to look at you. he’s been judged by many before, so it didn’t matter to add another.
but instead of saying anything harsh, you merely wiped the corners of his eyes, “it’s okay to cry, you know. i know i shouldn’t be here in the first place, but you don’t have to hide it from me.”
after you wiped his tears away, you took his cheeks and cupped them with your hands. new to this sort of affection, sigma stiffened. you were just a customer… so why? why must he feel this way?
he’s never had a home, and maybe he thought the casino could be it. but he was wrong, the casino was part of him. his home? well, sigma has found it in you.
he leaned into your hands, “thank you, y/n. thank you…”
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note: thank you for requesting!! hopefully i’ve done sigma justice ;)
reblogs are appreciated!
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Taking care of tecchou after a very hard day please
after a hard day at work headcanons
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featuring…! tetcho suehiro
content: no manga spoilers, comfort
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if i’m being real, it would take a lot for this man to be tired out after a day of work. i do not doubt that he has plenty of stamina and patience to deal with anything
but, of course, there’ll always be a day that burns out everyone. this day happened to hit tetcho hard. a group of criminals was hiding amongst the crowd of civilians— plenty of innocents got caught in the crossfire, and the hunting dogs were the ones that had to deal with the clean up
yes, he and the others were able to save most the civilians and complete the mission, but it doesn’t change the fact that the men, women, and children he fought to save were either left terrified or dead
tetcho comes back home (you) in the early morning. he found you laying on the couch asleep. it was safe to assume that you were waiting for him
he’ll drape a blanket over your body before he goes to change out of his uniform. so when he comes back to lay next to you on the couch, he’ll be surprised to see you not there
instead, he can find you in the kitchen taking out a cold bottle of water. with one glance at him, you could tell that today’s events truly hit hard
“you’re up,” the hunting dog looked at you with relief flooding through his eyes. “did i wake you?”
with quiet steps, tetcho joined you in the kitchen. his hands gently find their way to your face, and you can only look at him softly as he stares into your eyes. eye contact— it was his way of checking if you were okay or not.
“don’t mind me, love. how about you? i heard about what happened on the news,” you frowned.
with such an incident, it was impossible for it not to be covered on the news and multiple papers. even on social media, you saw that there were some people blaming the hunting dogs for being unable to protect everyone. yes, their bodies and abilities were amazing, but they were still human too.
and as humans, they won’t always be able to save everyone all the time.
“here,” you handed him the water bottle, “drink some and then you can tell me about it from your point of view.”
tetcho explains how the day went in the comfort of your shared bedroom. you’re sitting across from each other, your hands soothingly holding his, as he talks
once he finishes and you’ve heard the complete story, you’re lovingly holding each other. his right hand held the back of your head and the other was wrapped around your waist as both of your arms were simply wrapped around his torso
your proximity from each other was his reassurance that you weren’t one of the people in a body bag
tetcho doesn’t find himself hungry when you ask if he is, so he’s prepared to just lay in bed with you for the night (or morning)
his arms hold you close to his body as he tries to sleep. you make sure to gently play with his hair so he can fall asleep first :)
“goodnight,” you kiss him on his forehead like he always does to you, “my love.”
you make sure that you can spend the day together as soon as possible, and that’s hopefully the next day
tetcho appreciates anything you do in order to ease his body. setting up a bath for him to cooking a meal— he appreciates it all
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note: while i was writing i forgot what i originally was supposed to write 😭😭 came up with this, so i hope it’s good 🙏🏻 thank you for the request bestie, love you!! <3
reblogs are heavily appreciated! (especially since this post isn’t showing up on tags)
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Congrats you got to 300 followers but now you shall have 301 thanks to me 😉
Can i plz get nagi seishiro with fluff prompts 6 and 10!
the things he makes you not do | seishiro nagi x gn!reader
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word count: 0.3k
content: no manga spoilers, fluff
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“sei? are you awake?”
after you whispered, your pointer finger tapped the white-haired boy’s shoulder. the two of you have been laying in bed, the television quietly playing in the background. this was your way of resting before a double date you knew would be tiring.
reo mikage, the closest friend of your boyfriend, seishiro nagi, planned out an exciting double date with you guys and his own girlfriend. they’ve been talking about it for the past week, so it was hard to forget about.
unlike like the two of them, you and nagi preferred to chill indoors. but on this occasion, they were able to convince you to go out. maybe that’s what kept your bond as a group close. as individuals, you were complimentary opposites.
with the knowledge that you guys had to meet up in over an hour, you wanted nagi to be awake before you started to get ready. he usually thought that doing everything was a hassle, so you were prepared to drag him out of bed if necessary.
the white-haired boy stirred on top of you. he stopped moving after leaving his head facing the wall, the right side of his face visible.
"aw, you're so cute," you smiled. he nestled his head further down your chest. "nagi, getting more comfortable... there's no point because i'm getting up now. we can't be late. we promised reo to be on time."
from his position, nagi peeked at you with one eye, "no, you promised reo to try to get there on time. now stop moving, 'm sleepy, and getting up is such a pain..."
you retorted, "you'll be getting up later anyway, you know."
“that’s later.”
“yeah, but-“ you let out a sigh of defeat, knowing it was fruitless to even try to continue. so much for being prepared to drag him out of bed. nagi looked up at you with lidded eyes as you said, “ugh, fine… i’ll give you 30 minutes, sei. seriously. you’re lucky you’re adorable.”
contently, nagi fell asleep with his head laying back on your chest. you took your hand and twirled a piece of his hair with your finger. you didn’t realize it, but you also fell asleep. it was when reo, pouting, showed up at your house with his girlfriend that you cursed yourself.
the things he makes you not do.
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note: dear tumblr, i will cry if you delete things from this post too. i can’t take it anymore 😭 but if you’re reading this, remember that requests for the event are still open as of march 1st !!
please reblog, it’s appreciated <3
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hi!! could you do rin itoshi with angst prompts 13 & 14??
wasn’t meant to be | rin itoshi x gn!reader
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word count: 0.3k
content: no manga spoilers, angst
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dreams are beacons of hope for those who have them. a story that’s desired to be real, dreams are what motivate people to move on. dreams, as different as they are depending on the person, make everyone strive to be something.
for something so hopeful, dreams shattered your relationship with rin itoshi.
you guys were in your last year of high school, a year that would control the path of your future career. rin, like he always planned, was going to pursue soccer.
on the other hand, you wanted to pursue your own dream. but not only was the college you were going to halfway across the country, but the job you’re aiming for would require you to be constantly moving around. thinking about it, your schedules would never align.
as the last months of the school year approached, the two of you began to fight more often. neither of you would drop your dreams for the other, so things just started to not click.
trying to make things work was fruitless because things just wouldn’t work.
weeks of screaming, crying, and or ignoring each other brought you to now. you sat on rin’s bed as he sat by his desk. the two have you been talking about your situation for a while, and both of you felt what the conversation was leading up to. there was no avoiding it, you noticed.
“i’m just tired,” you rested your head against your knees, “tired of it all. we keep fighting rin, but it’s getting us nowhere.”
“what are you suggesting?” he questioned in a monotone voice.
despite asking you, he knew what you were trying to convey. he thought the same thing as you. everything between you and him would only be a burden, and neither of you needed that.
“i was able to hold on for so long, but i’m finally done. this isn’t going to work, rin. we both know that. a-all this arguing and disagreements we have… they’re only hurting us.”
after your words, neither of you had the guts to look up from your laps. two whole years of happily being together, and your hopes for the future are the reason why everything is changing.
you loved rin, and rin loved you. but even so, the stars just couldn’t align for the two of you. it wasn’t meant to be.
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note: angst?? here for it 100% i also couldn't think of a name so i rewatched like 2 eps of aot before thinking about it again 😭
please reblog! i’ll appreciate it <3
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moment 13 · ͟͟͞͞➳❥ yuta okkotsu x gn!reader
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word count: 0.8k
content: no manga spoilers, fluff
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promises are important to yuta okkotsu. before the two of you even started to date, he made it clear without even having to say it directly. it was after an important promise from his childhood couldn’t be fulfilled that he would find the significance that promises held.
okkotsu told himself that he’d never promise anything ever again unless he had to. you two were just classmates that barely spoke at the time, yet he couldn’t stop himself from promising you to always be there if you needed it.
that day was the first time he found you hugging your legs in such a vulnerable state. he was immediately reminded of himself when he saw you. although it was only that week you felt the way you did, okkotsu wanted to make sure it was the last.
he suffered with his own feelings for so long that they consumed him whole, and he hated to even think about that happening to someone else around him. trying his best, okkotsu helped you get through the issues you were having.
“if you need anything else, just text me, okay? i promise i won’t leave you hanging.”
the first promise that led to many more. day by day, you found yourself constantly in the company of okkotsu. there was a shine in his eyes when he saw you, and you were sure you had that shine in your own eyes too.
now, waiting outside as the february wind blew, you got to see the glimmer of his eyes once more. in the distance, okkotsu put down the arm that was blocking his face before he ran up to you.
“yuta! you had me worried for a bit. i’ve been waiting out here for 15 minutes, and you usually don’t run late without telling me,” you stood up from the bench.
today was valentine’s day and, unfortunately, okkotsu was assigned a mission in the early morning. he told you he’d meet you at a certain park when he was done, but showed up late.
you worried that he had gotten injured during the mission, but okkotsu standing in front of you without a sign of injury proved otherwise. you smiled at him in relief.
“i-i’m sorry for being late, (y/n). we should get you inside, you’re cold.”
okkotsu’s pale fingers touched your cheeks, making you realize how cold you were. for the brief moment they were there, you pressed your face further into his hands. he smiled softly at you before leading you to a nearby cafe.
“so, what took you so long?” you asked once you both settled at a table. the air inside was warm and smelled strongly of coffee.
the boy answered, “i would’ve been here on time, but i forgot to grab something and realized it a bit late. i was so worried but getting it that i forgot to warn you in advance, i’m sorry.”
you held his hand, “don’t worry about it. try to give a heads up next time?”
“of course, i promise!”
you smiled.
“so, what was so important that you had to go all the way back to get?” you questioned.
“oh! here, let me get it.”
okkotsu immediately grabbed his coat and fished for something inside his pockets. he looked relieved once he pulled out a small velvet bag. he could sense that you wondered what was inside.
“close your eyes,” he instructed. “i’ll tell you when to open them.”
you did as told and shut your eyes, aware that okkotsu slipped his hand out of yours. you were about to put it in your lap until he softly grabbed it, silently telling you to not do so.
you let okkotsu wrap something thin and cold around your wrist before he told you to open your eyes. you admired the bracelet you now had. although, what you thought was odd was the liquid drop charm.
“before you say anything, i want to make one more promise,” okkotsu interrupted you before you could even talk.
he showed his own wrist right next to yours, and you realized he had an identical bracelet. okkotsu took the small charm on his and connected it to yours, forming an infinity sign.
“i want to make you a promise, (y/n). even if we don’t end up together in a couple of years, i’ll forever try to fulfill this promise. i, okkotsu yuta, promise to fight to make you happy. you deserve it.”
you stared at him at a loss for words, “i… i deserve it? yuta, you couldn’t be any more wrong. you deserve it more than anyone, so i should be the one promising that. actually, i will. i’ll fight for you, fight for us. i love you, okkotsu yuta. as long as i do, i won’t break that promise.”
okkotsu smiled, knowing that no matter what, he’d continue to fulfill his.
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note: I MISS YUTA !! he’s my fav rn, sorry megs </3 oh, and what if i wrote an angsty part two to this? 🫢
please reblog for more!
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moment 14 · ͟͟͞͞➳❥ meguru bachira x gn!reader
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word count: 0.4k
content: no manga spoilers, fluff
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“hm, i can’t find it… oh, found it!”
“meguru, can you please put the candy down and study like we’re supposed to?”
although the day of love has rolled around and you have someone to celebrate it with, you had to study for a big history exam tomorrow. you went over to bachira’s, your boyfriend and classmate, house to both study and tutor him.
there was one problem: meguru bachira cannot sit still and study for the life of him.
you knew it would come down to this, bachira getting distracted and you attempting to get him back on track. this time, the soccer (yes i say soccer) player was going through some boxes of candy hearts.
“let’s just study later, (n/n)! please?” he smiled, hoping for you to shut the textbook you’ve been trying to study for the past two hours.
you only shook your head, “i know you wanted to go out, but we seriously have to study. my parents won’t let me come over anymore if i fail.”
“you always get the highest grades, so just take a break,” bachira slid over and hugged your shoulders.
“i study for those grades, you know,” you gripped his arm, resting your chin on his bicep.
“if you take a break, i’ll give you a kiss,” he bargained.
you smirked, “you’d do that anyway.”
bachira giggled before sealing your lips with his. after that, you managed to get him to at least listen to what you were reading. when you finished a page of your textbook, he congratulated you.
you deadpanned at him, “we have a lot more to go.”
“this first,” he placed three different colored candy hearts on your textbook after he shut it.
i love you
qt pie
“now will you take a break?” bachira gleamed.
oh he was just too cute for you. you flickered your eyes between the candy hearts and your boyfriend, annoyed at how he always found a way to peel you away from your schoolwork.
“maybe,” you turned your whole body around, “if you tell me you love me in words.”
bachira jumped on top of you, hugging your waist and smiling as he looked down at you, “i love my super smart (n/n). now say it back~”
“i love you, meguru,” you laughed, not hesitating to say it back. “now, please get off me before i suffocate because i know too well you’re putting all your weight on top of me.”
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note: out of all of the drabbles in this event, this is the one i wanted to get to the most because i thought it was cute <3 it’s feels a bit off, but this is my first time writing for him so…
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moment 7 · ͟͟͞͞➳❥ kyo sohma x gn!reader
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word count: 0.4k
content: no manga spoilers, fluff, the curse is broken already
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kyo sohma wondered why you loved him.
before the curse had even broken, before he came to terms with himself, you loved him. without a doubt, you only saw him as kyo sohma, the tsundere ginger you dearly loved.
but why? why love him when he was shunned and cursed out by most of his family for being a monster? kyo thought that maybe there was just something you weren’t seeing, but he realized that he was wrong. you saw everything, and it was everyone else that fell short of doing so.
you were never sohma in the first place, hence your unbiased opinion. the zodiac tale was merely a story passed on from one generation to another in your eyes. its words held no meaning.
despite that, you knew it held its weight to those it concerned. the moment that kyo was free of the curse, it was as if pounds of burden had been lifted off of his shoulders.
he was able to do something that he had held back on for so long. with a swift movement from his arm, he pulled you into a loving embrace.
“i’m yours,” he told you. “i’m all yours.”
it’s been quite some time since the zodiac curse broke, and he was happier than he ever was. with no restraints, he was free to live a life with the choices he could make. freedom had never been so beautiful, especially with you at his side.
you sat right at the small dining table while kyo cooked your guys’ lunch. as if you were a pro, you folded paper roses with red and green tissue paper. multiple completed roses were in a pile at the end of the table.
you had finished your task the moment kyo placed a covered bowl and chopsticks in front of you. on a day like today, he decided to make your favorite ramen.
after setting aside the roses, you excitedly took the bowl’s lid off. the steam cleared and you found yourself staring at the food with a small smile.
“hm, is this what i think it is?” you mused.
on top of the ramen and other toppings was a sunny-side-up egg. however, it was cooked in a soft heart shape.
you gushed, “aww, how cute of you, kyo!”
“don’t mention it,” he shyly looked to the side.
“here,” something red came into his vision. “a super special flower for my love.”
kyo stared at the homemade rose for a moment before gently taking it with his hand. crafted with your hands during your own time, you handed him something he would hold on to for as long as he could.
“super special is right. as long as it’s from you, it’s the most precious thing to me,” he met your eyes, smiling.
as his first love, he hopes you’ll be his last.
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note: kyo, my first love ❤️ we need more work for him and the other fruits basket characters (i say that but this is my first fruits basket work out of many 🙈)
please reblog for more!
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moment 4 · ͟͟͞͞➳❥ aki hayakawa x gn!reader
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word count: 0.2k
content: no manga spoilers, fluff
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your lashes flutter as the morning sun beats down on you. entwined in your sheets, you flip your body over. when your exposed limbs leave the warmth of the thick blanket, goosebumps arise.
sitting up from your position, your oversized shirt slips down your left shoulder. you gently rubbed your eyes before searching the left side of the bed; his side of the bed. no wonder it was cold, aki hayakawa was not laying next to you.
you untangled yourself from your blankets and were about to stand on the cold, wooden floor when the door opened. you looked up at your lover, who had quite a large tray in his hand.
“you’re awake,” he stated, setting the tray at your bedside table.
“that i am,” you replied in your morning voice.
smoothly, you reached out to the black-haired man and pulled him close by the arm. your lips met his, and he did not fail to reciprocate the kiss he was receiving. he gently held your right cheek as he did so.
“despite how much i’d love to continue with you, you have something to eat.”
aki pulled away from you with one last peck on your lips. you followed his eyes to the tray that carried your favorite breakfast. next to your food was also a single rose in a tall, thin glass.
he picked it out of the glass, letting the water drip, before handing it to you, “happy valentine’s day, my love.”
you smiled at him, “happy valentine’s day.”
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note: now i’ll work on my aki fic on wattpad 🏃🏻‍♀️💨
please reblog for more!
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moment 1 · ͟͟͞͞➳❥ yuji itadori x gn!reader
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word count: 0.6k
content: no manga spoilers, fluff
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yuji itadori is a sweet boy.
no matter how rough he can get while he fights curses, he’s incredibly gentle when it comes to you, the most important person he has left. itadori spends his moments with you like they’re the best in the world.
you’ve been together with him for over a year, knowing him since you’ve been in middle school. it was funny how over all these years, he remains the same at his core. he’s awkwardly sweet, yet not afraid to talk to anyone around him. he cares about his friends and family, and he takes time out of his day to check up on them. it was no surprise why you fell for him.
it was also amazing how itadori wasn’t fawned over by plenty of people at your old school. as nice as he was to everyone, and good-looking too, nobody ever really approached him with romantic interest.
that was until you came along.
your family came from a long line of jujutsu sorcerers, so you were bound to become one. with your crush on your middle school friend and having nothing to lose, you confessed your feelings. that confession led to today— valentine’s day.
with your fingers intertwined with itadori’s, you roamed around the arcade. it was a spot the two of you frequented when you weren’t on the job or with your friends.
you don’t know how long it had been until you found yourselves sitting in front of a certain claw machine. inside of it were various anime plushies, and itadori seemed determined to get one in particular.
he hunched over the controls and had what you called his “extreme face”. it was what you called the expression he makes when he’s extremely focused on games.
when he failed for the 4th consecutive time, you laughed it off, “i don’t see why you’re still at it. we could just buy it from the counter, you know.”
itadori only pouted at you, “it has to be my hard work that gets it. i uh- it just has to be me!”
without saying anything more, itadori turned back around and inserted another coin into the claw machine. you only tilted your head, watching as he failed again. in turn, he grabbed his head in frustration.
“agh! this thing sucks!”
multiple people turned your way, but the pinkette quickly regained his composure and apologized. after he was sure they had stopped looking, he sulked. you were sure he muttered some thing sunder his breath, but you couldn’t hear it.
“here,” you stood in front of the machine in his place, “let me have a go.”
you inserted a coin into the claw machine before you gently gripped the controller. itadori watched as you were able to directly move the claw on top of the plushie. once you clicked the button for the machine to grab what was beneath, you ended up with it in your hands.
“that’s how it’s done,” you joked, holding it out in front of itadori.
he gently hand it in his hands, “eh… don’t really want it though.”
“hm? then why were you trying so hard to get it?”
you asked, but you already knew.
the plushie itadori was trying to get was from this anime the both of you watched. however, it wasn’t just any anime— it was your favorite of all time. you were sure that he was only trying to get it in the first place to give it to you.
embarrassment tinted his cheeks pink, “no reason… in particular.”
“right,” you ruffled his hair. “look, if you want to get me something, make sure i can’t see you fail to get it five times.”
he stood straight, “you knew!?”
“just figured it out, heh. but seriously, keep it, okay? just treat me to some (f/f) soon! i’m seriously hungry.”
“i’ll get you (f/f), but i’m also getting you something else. just wait for it,” he took your hand in his.
yuji itadori is a sweet boy, but he seriously sucks at claw machines.
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note: i feel like i relapsed into my old kind of writing… it wasn’t bad or anything, just less details than i would’ve liked
please reblog for more!
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